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Created February 11, 2016 19:23
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Shared via Rust Playground
use std::collections::VecDeque;
// The kind * -> *
trait TypeToType<Input> {
type Output;
struct Vec_;
struct VecDeque_;
impl<T> TypeToType<T> for Vec_ {
type Output = Vec<T>;
impl<T> TypeToType<T> for VecDeque_ {
type Output = VecDeque<T>;
// A collection that can be mapped over.
// So e.g. converting Vec<T> to an arbitary Vec<U>
trait Mappable
where Self: Sized,
type E;
type HKT: TypeToType<Self::E, Output=Self>;
fn map<F, O>(self, f: F) -> <Self::HKT as TypeToType<O>>::Output
where F: FnMut(Self::E) -> O,
Self::HKT: TypeToType<O>;
// FIXME: these are a hack to convince the compiler to do its damn job.
fn project_vec<O>(v: Vec<O>) -> <Vec_ as TypeToType<O>>::Output { v }
fn project_vec_deque<O>(v: VecDeque<O>) -> <VecDeque_ as TypeToType<O>>::Output { v }
impl<T> Mappable for Vec<T> {
type E = T;
type HKT = Vec_;
fn map<F, O>(self, mut f: F) -> <Self::HKT as TypeToType<O>>::Output
where F: FnMut(Self::E) -> O,
Self::HKT: TypeToType<O>
let r: Vec<O> = self.into_iter().map(&mut f).collect();
impl<T> Mappable for VecDeque<T> {
type E = T;
type HKT = VecDeque_;
fn map<F, O>(self, mut f: F) -> <Self::HKT as TypeToType<O>>::Output
where F: FnMut(Self::E) -> O,
Self::HKT: TypeToType<O>
let r: VecDeque<O> = self.into_iter().map(&mut f).collect();
fn main() {
let vals = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let bools = vals.clone().map(|x| x < 3);
let vals2: VecDeque<_> = vals.into_iter().collect();
let bools2 = vals2.clone().map(|x| x < 3);
println!("{:?} {:?}", bools, bools2);
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