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Created February 22, 2013 21:51
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# WOW! This is inception!!!
{KDView} = KD.classes
{KDSplitView} = KD.classes
{KDInputView} = KD.classes
{KDModalView} = KD.classes
{KDButtonView} = KD.classes
{KDHeaderView} = KD.classes
{KDOnOffSwitch} = KD.classes
{KDListItemView} = KD.classes
{KDNotificationView} = KD.classes
{KDListViewController} = KD.classes
{KDModalViewWithForms} = KD.classes
class SampleApp extends KDView
# Add Documentation Toggle Button
docToggleButton = new KDOnOffSwitch
defaultValue : on
title : "Show Documentation: "
size : "tiny"
cssClass : "test-switch"
callback : (state) ->
if state then else bottomSplitView.hide()
@addSubView docToggleButton
# Get User Information
{nickname} = KD.whoami().profile
# Add the Header
@addSubView @header = new KDHeaderView
type : "big"
title : "Welcome to your sample application <strong>#{nickname}</strong> made with KDFramework !"
informationView = new KDView
cssClass : "information-box"
partial : """
<p>This is a sample application that you can read the code and get started with. To see usage, go to <code></code>
just glance at it, you will know how this page is constructed, and you will be able to make cool stuff.</p><br/>
<p>We want to provide much better documentation about the capabilities of KDFramework very soon, it is what we made <strong>Koding</strong> with.
Basically every single frontend functionality you see on Koding, will be made available to you piece by piece.</p><br/>
<p>We will open source KDFramework and publish it to Github so that you can contribute to it, but at this stage
it's api is not to be relied upon, and everything can change.</p><br/>
<p>Please bear with us, and use its basic functionalities, soon enough you will be able to make amazing realtime applications with it. Enjoy! :)</p>
# Create Input Test
inputView = new KDInputView
cssClass : "test-input"
placeholder : "Write something to create a notification..."
validate :
event : "keyup"
rules :
required : yes
messages :
required : "That's a very required field..."
# Update button state based on Input validation
inputView.on "ValidationError", -> testButton.disable()
inputView.on "ValidationPassed", -> testButton.enable()
# Create Test Button
testButton = new KDButtonView
cssClass : "clean-gray test-input"
title : "Create a Notification"
callback : ->
new KDNotificationView
title : inputView.getValue()
# Disable the Button, we will enable it if validation passes on input
# Create a Split View for input and the button
inputExampleView = new KDSplitView
type : "vertical"
resizable : no
sizes : ["70%", "30%"]
views : [inputView, testButton]
buttonExampleView = new KDView
cssClass : "button-area"
# Create a Modal Test Button
modalButton = new KDButtonView
cssClass : "clean-gray test-input"
title : "Create a Modal"
callback : ->
modal = new KDModalView
title : "A Modal with a Title"
content : "<div class='modalformline'>Do you want to continue?</div>"
height : "auto"
overlay : yes
buttons :
Continue :
loader :
color : "#ffffff"
diameter : 16
style : "modal-clean-gray"
callback : ->
new KDNotificationView
title: "Lets Continue..."
buttonExampleView.addSubView modalButton
showError = ->
new KDNotificationView
title : "An error occured while running the command"
type : "mini"
cssClass : "error"
duration : 3000
kiteController = KD.getSingleton "kiteController"
kiteButton = new KDButtonView
cssClass : "clean-gray test-input"
title : "Run a command on Server"
callback : ->
modal = new KDModalViewWithForms
title : "Run a command on server-side"
content : "<div class='modalformline'>You can run any bash commands that you run from Terminal</div>"
overlay : yes
width : 600
height : "auto"
tabs :
navigable : yes
forms :
form :
buttons :
Run :
cssClass : "modal-clean-gray"
loader :
color : "#444444"
diameter : 12
callback : ->
command = modal.modalTabs.forms.form.inputs.Command.getValue()
setTimeout ->
, 8000 command, (err, res)->
showError() if err
modal.modalTabs.forms.form.inputs.Output.setValue err or res
Clear :
cssClass : "modal-clean-gray"
callback : ->
modal.modalTabs.forms.form.inputs.Output.setValue ''
fields :
Command :
label : "Command:"
name : "command"
defaultValue : "ls -la"
placeholder : "Command to run on Server-Side"
cssClass : "command-input"
Output :
label : "Output:"
type : "textarea"
name : "output"
placeholder : "The output of command will be here..."
cssClass : "output-screen"
buttonExampleView.addSubView kiteButton
# Open A Koding App
openActivityButton = new KDButtonView
cssClass : "clean-gray test-input"
title : "Open Activity Feed"
callback : ->
appManager.openApplication "Activity"
buttonExampleView.addSubView openActivityButton
# Create a Description View for Property List
descriptionView = new KDView
cssClass : "description-view"
# Add a Header for Property List
descriptionView.addSubView subHeader = new KDHeaderView
type : "medium"
title : "Select a Class from left to see its properties here"
# Create Class List Controller to control class data
classListController = new KDListViewController
viewOptions :
itemClass : ClassItemView
items : ({name: item} for item of KD.classes)
# Create Class List Controller to control property data
propertyListController = new KDListViewController
viewOptions :
itemClass : PropertyItemView
# Get their views
classList = classListController.getView()
descriptionView.addSubView propertyListController.getView()
# Create a custom KDView and add header and the list on it
classView = new KDView
classView.addSubView new KDHeaderView
type : "medium"
title : "List of Classes on KD Framework"
# Follow showClassDetails event from classList
classListView = classListController.getListView()
classListView.on "showClassDetails", (className)->
subHeader.updateTitle className
obj = KD.classes[className].prototype
propertyListController.replaceAllItems (item for item of obj)
classView.addSubView classList
# Add the Header
examplesHeader = new KDHeaderView
type : "medium"
title : "Examples"
# Add documentation view to bottomSplitView
bottomSplitView = new KDSplitView
type : "vertical"
cssClass : "class-model-panel"
resizable : yes
sizes : ["50%",null]
views : [ classView, descriptionView ]
topRightSplitView = new KDSplitView
type : "horizontal"
resizable : no
sizes : ["20%", null ,null]
views : [ examplesHeader, inputExampleView, buttonExampleView ]
topSplitView = new KDSplitView
type : "vertical"
resizable : no
sizes : ["50%",null]
views : [ informationView, topRightSplitView ]
# Add all of the views to a split
mainSplitView = new KDSplitView
type : "horizontal"
resizable : no
sizes : ["30%", null]
views : [ topSplitView, bottomSplitView ]
# And add that split to the mainView
@addSubView mainSplitView
class ClassItemView extends KDListItemView
constructor:(options, data)->
options.cssClass = "class-item"
partial:(data)-> "<a href=#> » #{}</a>"
listView = @getDelegate()
listView.emit "showClassDetails", @getData().name
class PropertyItemView extends ClassItemView
partial:(data)-> "<a href=#> ► #{data}</a>"
new KDNotificationView
title: "Documentation will be available soon"
# And let create our App
do ->
appInstance = new SampleApp
# appView is a constant that you can use as your app container
appView.addSubView appInstance
.class-model-panel {
border-top:1px solid #DDD;
.class-model-panel .kdsplitview-resizer {
width: 5px;
.class-item {
padding: 2px;
padding-left: 6px;
.class-item a {
.test-input {
margin: 6px;
width: 98%;
.test-switch {
position: absolute;
right: 4px;
top: 4px;
.test-button {
position: absolute;
right: 8px;
.test-input-view {
background-color: lightgray;
.command-input, .output-screen {
font-family: monospace;
.output-screen {
min-height: 200px;
.button-area {
text-align: center;
.information-box {
width: auto;
height: auto;
padding: 10px;
background-color: #EEE;
border: 1px solid #DDD;
border-radius: 4px;
margin: 4px;
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