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Created August 1, 2016 17:42
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Atom-Beautify debugging information

Atom Beautify - Debugging information

The following debugging information was generated by Atom Beautify on Mon Aug 01 2016 13:42:46 GMT-0400 (Est (heure d�été)).

Table Of Contents

Platform: win32


Atom Version: 1.9.0

Atom Beautify Version: 0.29.10

Original file to be beautified

Original File Path: C:\git\totalcoaching.vagrant\src\totalcoaching.www\frontend\app\xrayquire.js

Original File Grammar: JavaScript

Original File Language: JavaScript

Language namespace: js

Supported Beautifiers: JS Beautify, JSCS Fixer, Pretty Diff

Selected Beautifier: JS Beautify

Original File Contents

 * @license xrayquire 0.0.0 Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors.
 * Released under MIT license,
/*jslint nomen: true */
/*global requirejs, console, window */

 * Put a script tag in the HTML that references this script right after the
 * script tag for require.js.

var xrayquire;
(function () {
    'use strict';

    var contexts = {},
        config = typeof xrayquire === 'undefined' ? {} : xrayquire,
        s = requirejs.s,
        oldNewContext = s.newContext,
        tokenRegExp = /\{(\w+)\}/g,
        standardDeps = {
            require: true,
            exports: true,
            module: true

    function each(ary, func) {
        if (ary) {
            var i;
            for (i = 0; i < ary.length; i += 1) {
                if (ary[i] && func(ary[i], i, ary)) {

     * Cycles over properties in an object and calls a function for each
     * property value. If the function returns a truthy value, then the
     * iteration is stopped.
    function eachProp(obj, func) {
        var prop;
        for (prop in obj) {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                if (func(obj[prop], prop)) {

    function hasProp(obj, prop) {
        return obj.hasOwnProperty(prop);

     * Simple function to mix in properties from source into target,
     * but only if target does not already have a property of the same name.
     * This is not robust in IE for transferring methods that match
     * Object.prototype names, but the uses of mixin here seem unlikely to
     * trigger a problem related to that.
    function mixin(target, source, force, deepStringMixin) {
        if (source) {
            eachProp(source, function (value, prop) {
                if (force || !hasProp(target, prop)) {
                    if (deepStringMixin && typeof value !== 'string') {
                        if (!target[prop]) {
                            target[prop] = {};
                        mixin(target[prop], value, force, deepStringMixin);
                    } else {
                        target[prop] = value;
        return target;

    function isRequire(id) {
        return id.indexOf('_@r') !== -1;

    function formatId(id) {
        //If the ID is for a require call, make it prettier.
        return isRequire(id) ? 'require()' : id;

    function formatUrl(url) {
        return !url || isRequire(url) ? '' : url;

    function getX(context) {
        if (!context.xray) {
            context.xray = {
                traced: {},
                traceOrder: [],
                mixedCases: {}
        return context.xray;

    function modContext(context) {
        var oldLoad = context.load,
            modProto = context.Module.prototype,
            oldModuleEnable = modProto.enable,
            xray = getX(context),
            traced = xray.traced,
            mixedCases = xray.mixedCases;

        function trackModule(mod) {
            var id =,

            //If an intermediate module from a plugin, do not
            //track it
            if ( && id.indexOf('_unnormalized') !== -1) {

            //Cycle through the dependencies now, wire this up here
            //instead of context.load so that we get a recording of
            //modules as they are encountered, and not as they
            //are fetched/loaded, since things could fall over between
            //now and then.
            if (!traced[id] || !traced[id].deps || !traced[id].deps.length) {
                each(mod.depMaps, function (dep) {
                    var depId =,
                        lowerId = depId.toLowerCase();

                    if (mixedCases[lowerId] && depId !== mixedCases[lowerId].id) {
                        console.error('Mixed case modules may conflict: ' +
                                        formatId(mixedCases[lowerId].refId) +
                                        ' asked for: "' +
                                        mixedCases[lowerId].id +
                                        '" and ' +
                                        formatId(id) +
                                        ' asked for: "' +
                                        depId +
                    } else {
                        mixedCases[lowerId] = {
                            refId: id,
                            id: depId

                traceData = {
                    deps: mod.depMaps

                //Only add this to the order if not previously added.
                if (!traced[id]) {

                //Set the data again in case this enable has the
                //real dependencies. Some first calls of enable do
                //not have the dependencies known yet.
                traced[id] = traceData;

        modProto.enable = function () {
            var result = oldModuleEnable.apply(this, arguments);
            return result;

        //Collect any modules that are already in process
        eachProp(context.registry, function (mod) {
            if (mod.enabled) {

        return context;

    //Mod any existing contexts.
    eachProp(requirejs.s.contexts, function (context) {

    //Apply mods to any new context.
    s.newContext = function (name) {
        return modContext(oldNewContext);

    requirejs.onResourceLoad = function (context, map, deps) {
        var id =;

        if (typeof context.defined[id] === 'undefined') {
            //May be a problem with a circular dependency.
            //console.error(id + ' has undefined module value, may be part ' +
            //              'of a bad circular reference');

    function sortTraceOrder(traceOrder) {
        //Sort the traceOrder, but do it by lowercase comparisons,
        //to keep 'something' and 'Something' next to each other.
        traceOrder.sort(function (a, b) {
            return a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1;

    function htmlEscape(id) {
        return (id || '')
            .replace('<', '&lt;')
            .replace('>', '&gt;')
            .replace('&', '&amp;')
            .replace('"', '&quot;');

    function template(contents, data) {
        return contents.replace(tokenRegExp, function (match, token) {
            var result = data[token];

            //Just use empty string for null or undefined
            if (result === null || result === undefined) {
                result = '';

            return result;

    function findCycle(mod, traced, masterVisited, visited) {
        var id =,
            depArray = mod.deps,

        //Do not bother with require calls or standard deps,
        //or things that are already listed in a cycle
        if (isRequire(id) || masterVisited[id] || standardDeps[id]) {

        //Found the cycle.
        if (visited[id]) {
            return {
                mod: mod,
                visited: visited

        visited[id] = true;

        //Trace through the dependencies.
        each(depArray, function (depMap) {
            var depId =,
                depMod = traced[depId];

            if (!depMod) {

            //mixin visited to a new object for each dependency, so that
            //sibling dependencies in this object to not generate a
            //false positive match on a cycle. Ideally an Object.create
            //type of prototype delegation would be used here, but
            //optimizing for file size vs. execution speed since hopefully
            //the trees are small for circular dependency scans relative
            //to the full app perf.
            return (foundModule = findCycle(depMod, traced, masterVisited, mixin({}, visited)));

        return foundModule;

    function showHtml(html, asIframe) {
            var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
            // --
      = "absolute";
        = 99999;
    = "#888";
         = "100%";
        = "100%";
           = "0px";
          = "0px";
            // --
            var iframeDoc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
            iframeDoc.body.innerHTML = html;
            //Convert to URL encoded data
            html = encodeURIComponent(html);
            //Display the HTML
  'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' + html, '_blank');

     * Public API
    xrayquire = {
        treeHtml: '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>Module Dependencies</title>\n<style>\nbody {\n    font-family: \"Inconsolata\",Andale Mono,Monaco,Monospace;\n    color: green;\n}\n\na {\n    color: #2E87DD;\n    text-decoration: none;\n}\n\na:hover {\n    text-decoration: underline;\n}\n\n.mod {\n    background-color: #FAFAFA;\n    border: 1px solid #E6E6E6;\n    border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;\n    box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);\n    font-size: 13px;\n    line-height: 18px;\n    margin: 7px 0 21px;\n    overflow: auto;\n    padding: 5px 10px;\n}\n\n.url {\n    font-size: smaller;\n    color: grey;\n}\n\nli.standard {\n    color: grey;\n}\n\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n{content}\n</body>\n</html>\n',
        treeDepItemHtml: '<li><a href=\"#mod-{htmlId}\">{id}</a></li>',
        treeDepItemNoLinkHtml: '<li class=\"standard\">{id}</li>',
        treeItemHtml: '<div class=\"mod\" id=\"mod-{htmlId}\">\n    <span class=\"id\">{id}</span>\n    <span class=\"url\">{url}</span>\n    <ul class=\"deps\">\n        {depItems}\n    </ul>\n</div>\n',

        makeHtmlId: function (id) {
            return encodeURIComponent(id);

        makeTemplateData: function (mod) {
            return {
                htmlId: xrayquire.makeHtmlId(,
                id: htmlEscape(formatId(,
                url: htmlEscape(formatUrl(mod.url))

        showTree: function (contextName, asIframe) {
            var context = requirejs.s.contexts[contextName || '_'],
                xray = getX(context),
                traced = xray.traced,
                html = '';


            //Generate the HTML
            each(xray.traceOrder, function (id) {
                var mod = traced[id],
                    templateData = xrayquire.makeTemplateData(;

                //Do not bother if this is a require() call with no
                if (isRequire( && (!mod.deps || !mod.deps.length)) {

                templateData.depItems = '';

                each(mod.deps, function (dep) {
                    var depHtmlTemplate = standardDeps[] ?
                                          xrayquire.treeDepItemNoLinkHtml :

                    templateData.depItems += template(depHtmlTemplate,

                html += template(xrayquire.treeItemHtml, templateData);

            //Put the HTML in a full HTML document.
            html = template(xrayquire.treeHtml, {
                content: html

            showHtml(html, asIframe);

        getCycles: function (contextName) {
            var context = requirejs.s.contexts[contextName || '_'],
                cycles = {},
                xray = getX(context),
                traced = xray.traced,
                masterVisited = {},
                foundCycle = false;


            each(xray.traceOrder, function (id) {
                var mod = traced[id],
                    cycleInfo = findCycle(mod, traced, masterVisited, {});

                if (cycleInfo) {
                    foundCycle = true;
                    mod = cycleInfo.mod;
                    mixin(masterVisited, cycleInfo.visited);

                    cycles[] = {
                        visited: cycleInfo.visited

            return foundCycle ? cycles : null;

        cycleHtml: '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>Module Cycles</title>\n<style>\nbody {\n    font-family: \"Inconsolata\",Andale Mono,Monaco,Monospace;\n    color: green;\n}\n\na {\n    color: #2E87DD;\n    text-decoration: none;\n}\n\na:hover {\n    text-decoration: underline;\n}\n\n.mod {\n    background-color: #FAFAFA;\n    border: 1px solid #E6E6E6;\n    border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;\n    box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);\n    font-size: 13px;\n    line-height: 18px;\n    margin: 7px 0 21px;\n    overflow: auto;\n    padding: 5px 10px;\n}\n\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n{content}\n</body>\n</html>\n',
        cycleEntryHtml: '<div class=\"mod\">\n    <span class=\"id\">{id}</span>\n    <ul class=\"chain\">\n        {chain}\n    </ul>\n</div>\n',
        cycleChainEntryHtml: '<li>{id}</li>',

        showCycles: function (contextName, asIframe) {
            var cycles = xrayquire.getCycles(contextName),
                html = '';

            if (cycles) {
                eachProp(cycles, function (cycle, id) {
                    var chainHtml = '';
                    eachProp(cycle.visited, function (value, cycleId) {
                        if (cycleId !== id) {
                            chainHtml += template(xrayquire.cycleChainEntryHtml, {
                                id: cycleId

                    html += template(xrayquire.cycleEntryHtml, {
                        id: id,
                        chain: chainHtml
            } else {
                html = 'No cycles found';

            html = template(xrayquire.cycleHtml, {
                content: html

            showHtml(html, asIframe);

Package Settings

The raw package settings options

    "css": {
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        "muteAllErrors": false
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        "end_with_comma": false,
        "disabled": false,
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    "erlang": {
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    "gherkin": {
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        "beautify_on_save": false
    "fortran": {
        "emacs_path": "",
        "emacs_script_path": "",
        "disabled": false,
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        "beautify_on_save": false
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        "beautify_on_save": false
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        "gfm": true,
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        "indent_size": 4,
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        "wrap_line_length": 250,
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        "beautify_on_save": false
    "objectivec": {
        "configPath": "",
        "disabled": false,
        "default_beautifier": "Uncrustify",
        "beautify_on_save": false
    "ocaml": {
        "disabled": false,
        "default_beautifier": "ocp-indent",
        "beautify_on_save": false
    "pawn": {
        "configPath": "",
        "disabled": false,
        "default_beautifier": "Uncrustify",
        "beautify_on_save": false
    "perl": {
        "perltidy_profile": "",
        "disabled": false,
        "default_beautifier": "Perltidy",
        "beautify_on_save": false
    "php": {
        "cs_fixer_path": "",
        "fixers": "",
        "level": "",
        "phpcbf_path": "",
        "standard": "",
        "disabled": false,
        "default_beautifier": "PHP-CS-Fixer",
        "beautify_on_save": false
    "puppet": {
        "disabled": false,
        "default_beautifier": "puppet-lint",
        "beautify_on_save": false
    "python": {
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Beautification options

Editor Options: Options from Atom Editor settings

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Config Options: Options from Atom Beautify package settings

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Home Options: Options from C:\Users\emile.bergeron.CAMINO\.jsbeautifyrc

    "_default": {}

EditorConfig Options: Options from EditorConfig file

    "_default": {}

Project Options: Options from .jsbeautifyrc files starting from directory C:\git\totalcoaching.vagrant\src\totalcoaching.www\frontend\app and going up to root

        "_default": {}
        "_default": {}
        "_default": {}
        "_default": {}
        "_default": {}
        "_default": {}

Pre-Transformed Options: Combined options before transforming them given a beautifier's specifications

    "indent_size": 4,
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Final Options

Final combined and transformed options that are used

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    "space_in_paren": false,
    "jslint_happy": false,
    "space_after_anon_function": false,
    "break_chained_methods": false,
    "keep_array_indentation": false,
    "keep_function_indentation": false,
    "space_before_conditional": true,
    "eval_code": false,
    "unescape_strings": false,
    "wrap_line_length": 0,
    "end_with_newline": false,
    "end_with_comma": false,
    "disabled": false,
    "default_beautifier": "JS Beautify",
    "beautify_on_save": false


Beautified File Contents:

 * @license xrayquire 0.0.0 Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors.
 * Released under MIT license,
/*jslint nomen: true */
/*global requirejs, console, window */

 * Put a script tag in the HTML that references this script right after the
 * script tag for require.js.

var xrayquire;
(function() {
    'use strict';

    var contexts = {},
        config = typeof xrayquire === 'undefined' ? {} : xrayquire,
        s = requirejs.s,
        oldNewContext = s.newContext,
        tokenRegExp = /\{(\w+)\}/g,
        standardDeps = {
            require: true,
            exports: true,
            module: true

    function each(ary, func) {
        if (ary) {
            var i;
            for (i = 0; i < ary.length; i += 1) {
                if (ary[i] && func(ary[i], i, ary)) {

     * Cycles over properties in an object and calls a function for each
     * property value. If the function returns a truthy value, then the
     * iteration is stopped.
    function eachProp(obj, func) {
        var prop;
        for (prop in obj) {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                if (func(obj[prop], prop)) {

    function hasProp(obj, prop) {
        return obj.hasOwnProperty(prop);

     * Simple function to mix in properties from source into target,
     * but only if target does not already have a property of the same name.
     * This is not robust in IE for transferring methods that match
     * Object.prototype names, but the uses of mixin here seem unlikely to
     * trigger a problem related to that.
    function mixin(target, source, force, deepStringMixin) {
        if (source) {
            eachProp(source, function(value, prop) {
                if (force || !hasProp(target, prop)) {
                    if (deepStringMixin && typeof value !== 'string') {
                        if (!target[prop]) {
                            target[prop] = {};
                        mixin(target[prop], value, force, deepStringMixin);
                    } else {
                        target[prop] = value;
        return target;

    function isRequire(id) {
        return id.indexOf('_@r') !== -1;

    function formatId(id) {
        //If the ID is for a require call, make it prettier.
        return isRequire(id) ? 'require()' : id;

    function formatUrl(url) {
        return !url || isRequire(url) ? '' : url;

    function getX(context) {
        if (!context.xray) {
            context.xray = {
                traced: {},
                traceOrder: [],
                mixedCases: {}
        return context.xray;

    function modContext(context) {
        var oldLoad = context.load,
            modProto = context.Module.prototype,
            oldModuleEnable = modProto.enable,
            xray = getX(context),
            traced = xray.traced,
            mixedCases = xray.mixedCases;

        function trackModule(mod) {
            var id =,

            //If an intermediate module from a plugin, do not
            //track it
            if ( && id.indexOf('_unnormalized') !== -1) {

            //Cycle through the dependencies now, wire this up here
            //instead of context.load so that we get a recording of
            //modules as they are encountered, and not as they
            //are fetched/loaded, since things could fall over between
            //now and then.
            if (!traced[id] || !traced[id].deps || !traced[id].deps.length) {
                each(mod.depMaps, function(dep) {
                    var depId =,
                        lowerId = depId.toLowerCase();

                    if (mixedCases[lowerId] && depId !== mixedCases[lowerId].id) {
                        console.error('Mixed case modules may conflict: ' +
                            formatId(mixedCases[lowerId].refId) +
                            ' asked for: "' +
                            mixedCases[lowerId].id +
                            '" and ' +
                            formatId(id) +
                            ' asked for: "' +
                            depId +
                    } else {
                        mixedCases[lowerId] = {
                            refId: id,
                            id: depId

                traceData = {
                    deps: mod.depMaps

                //Only add this to the order if not previously added.
                if (!traced[id]) {

                //Set the data again in case this enable has the
                //real dependencies. Some first calls of enable do
                //not have the dependencies known yet.
                traced[id] = traceData;

        modProto.enable = function() {
            var result = oldModuleEnable.apply(this, arguments);
            return result;

        //Collect any modules that are already in process
        eachProp(context.registry, function(mod) {
            if (mod.enabled) {

        return context;

    //Mod any existing contexts.
    eachProp(requirejs.s.contexts, function(context) {

    //Apply mods to any new context.
    s.newContext = function(name) {
        return modContext(oldNewContext);

    requirejs.onResourceLoad = function(context, map, deps) {
        var id =;

        if (typeof context.defined[id] === 'undefined') {
            //May be a problem with a circular dependency.
            //console.error(id + ' has undefined module value, may be part ' +
            //              'of a bad circular reference');

    function sortTraceOrder(traceOrder) {
        //Sort the traceOrder, but do it by lowercase comparisons,
        //to keep 'something' and 'Something' next to each other.
        traceOrder.sort(function(a, b) {
            return a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1;

    function htmlEscape(id) {
        return (id || '')
            .replace('<', '&lt;')
            .replace('>', '&gt;')
            .replace('&', '&amp;')
            .replace('"', '&quot;');

    function template(contents, data) {
        return contents.replace(tokenRegExp, function(match, token) {
            var result = data[token];

            //Just use empty string for null or undefined
            if (result === null || result === undefined) {
                result = '';

            return result;

    function findCycle(mod, traced, masterVisited, visited) {
        var id =,
            depArray = mod.deps,

        //Do not bother with require calls or standard deps,
        //or things that are already listed in a cycle
        if (isRequire(id) || masterVisited[id] || standardDeps[id]) {

        //Found the cycle.
        if (visited[id]) {
            return {
                mod: mod,
                visited: visited

        visited[id] = true;

        //Trace through the dependencies.
        each(depArray, function(depMap) {
            var depId =,
                depMod = traced[depId];

            if (!depMod) {

            //mixin visited to a new object for each dependency, so that
            //sibling dependencies in this object to not generate a
            //false positive match on a cycle. Ideally an Object.create
            //type of prototype delegation would be used here, but
            //optimizing for file size vs. execution speed since hopefully
            //the trees are small for circular dependency scans relative
            //to the full app perf.
            return (foundModule = findCycle(depMod, traced, masterVisited, mixin({}, visited)));

        return foundModule;

    function showHtml(html, asIframe) {
        if (asIframe) {
            var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
            // --
   = "absolute";
   = 99999;
   = "#888";
   = "100%";
   = "100%";
   = "0px";
   = "0px";
            // --
            var iframeDoc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
            iframeDoc.body.innerHTML = html;
        } else {
            //Convert to URL encoded data
            html = encodeURIComponent(html);
            //Display the HTML
  'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' + html, '_blank');

     * Public API
    xrayquire = {
        treeHtml: '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>Module Dependencies</title>\n<style>\nbody {\n    font-family: \"Inconsolata\",Andale Mono,Monaco,Monospace;\n    color: green;\n}\n\na {\n    color: #2E87DD;\n    text-decoration: none;\n}\n\na:hover {\n    text-decoration: underline;\n}\n\n.mod {\n    background-color: #FAFAFA;\n    border: 1px solid #E6E6E6;\n    border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;\n    box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);\n    font-size: 13px;\n    line-height: 18px;\n    margin: 7px 0 21px;\n    overflow: auto;\n    padding: 5px 10px;\n}\n\n.url {\n    font-size: smaller;\n    color: grey;\n}\n\nli.standard {\n    color: grey;\n}\n\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n{content}\n</body>\n</html>\n',
        treeDepItemHtml: '<li><a href=\"#mod-{htmlId}\">{id}</a></li>',
        treeDepItemNoLinkHtml: '<li class=\"standard\">{id}</li>',
        treeItemHtml: '<div class=\"mod\" id=\"mod-{htmlId}\">\n    <span class=\"id\">{id}</span>\n    <span class=\"url\">{url}</span>\n    <ul class=\"deps\">\n        {depItems}\n    </ul>\n</div>\n',

        makeHtmlId: function(id) {
            return encodeURIComponent(id);

        makeTemplateData: function(mod) {
            return {
                htmlId: xrayquire.makeHtmlId(,
                id: htmlEscape(formatId(,
                url: htmlEscape(formatUrl(mod.url))

        showTree: function(contextName, asIframe) {
            var context = requirejs.s.contexts[contextName || '_'],
                xray = getX(context),
                traced = xray.traced,
                html = '';


            //Generate the HTML
            each(xray.traceOrder, function(id) {
                var mod = traced[id],
                    templateData = xrayquire.makeTemplateData(;

                //Do not bother if this is a require() call with no
                if (isRequire( && (!mod.deps || !mod.deps.length)) {

                templateData.depItems = '';

                each(mod.deps, function(dep) {
                    var depHtmlTemplate = standardDeps[] ?
                        xrayquire.treeDepItemNoLinkHtml :

                    templateData.depItems += template(depHtmlTemplate,

                html += template(xrayquire.treeItemHtml, templateData);

            //Put the HTML in a full HTML document.
            html = template(xrayquire.treeHtml, {
                content: html

            showHtml(html, asIframe);

        getCycles: function(contextName) {
            var context = requirejs.s.contexts[contextName || '_'],
                cycles = {},
                xray = getX(context),
                traced = xray.traced,
                masterVisited = {},
                foundCycle = false;


            each(xray.traceOrder, function(id) {
                var mod = traced[id],
                    cycleInfo = findCycle(mod, traced, masterVisited, {});

                if (cycleInfo) {
                    foundCycle = true;
                    mod = cycleInfo.mod;
                    mixin(masterVisited, cycleInfo.visited);

                    cycles[] = {
                        visited: cycleInfo.visited

            return foundCycle ? cycles : null;

        cycleHtml: '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>Module Cycles</title>\n<style>\nbody {\n    font-family: \"Inconsolata\",Andale Mono,Monaco,Monospace;\n    color: green;\n}\n\na {\n    color: #2E87DD;\n    text-decoration: none;\n}\n\na:hover {\n    text-decoration: underline;\n}\n\n.mod {\n    background-color: #FAFAFA;\n    border: 1px solid #E6E6E6;\n    border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;\n    box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);\n    font-size: 13px;\n    line-height: 18px;\n    margin: 7px 0 21px;\n    overflow: auto;\n    padding: 5px 10px;\n}\n\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n{content}\n</body>\n</html>\n',
        cycleEntryHtml: '<div class=\"mod\">\n    <span class=\"id\">{id}</span>\n    <ul class=\"chain\">\n        {chain}\n    </ul>\n</div>\n',
        cycleChainEntryHtml: '<li>{id}</li>',

        showCycles: function(contextName, asIframe) {
            var cycles = xrayquire.getCycles(contextName),
                html = '';

            if (cycles) {
                eachProp(cycles, function(cycle, id) {
                    var chainHtml = '';
                    eachProp(cycle.visited, function(value, cycleId) {
                        if (cycleId !== id) {
                            chainHtml += template(xrayquire.cycleChainEntryHtml, {
                                id: cycleId

                    html += template(xrayquire.cycleEntryHtml, {
                        id: id,
                        chain: chainHtml
            } else {
                html = 'No cycles found';

            html = template(xrayquire.cycleHtml, {
                content: html

            showHtml(html, asIframe);

Original vs. Beautified Diff:

Index: C:\git\totalcoaching.vagrant\src\totalcoaching.www\frontend\app\xrayquire.js
--- C:\git\totalcoaching.vagrant\src\totalcoaching.www\frontend\app\xrayquire.js	original
+++ C:\git\totalcoaching.vagrant\src\totalcoaching.www\frontend\app\xrayquire.js	beautified
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
  * script tag for require.js.
 var xrayquire;
-(function () {
+(function() {
     'use strict';
     var contexts = {},
         config = typeof xrayquire === 'undefined' ? {} : xrayquire,
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
      * trigger a problem related to that.
     function mixin(target, source, force, deepStringMixin) {
         if (source) {
-            eachProp(source, function (value, prop) {
+            eachProp(source, function(value, prop) {
                 if (force || !hasProp(target, prop)) {
                     if (deepStringMixin && typeof value !== 'string') {
                         if (!target[prop]) {
                             target[prop] = {};
@@ -129,22 +129,22 @@
             //modules as they are encountered, and not as they
             //are fetched/loaded, since things could fall over between
             //now and then.
             if (!traced[id] || !traced[id].deps || !traced[id].deps.length) {
-                each(mod.depMaps, function (dep) {
+                each(mod.depMaps, function(dep) {
                     var depId =,
                         lowerId = depId.toLowerCase();
                     if (mixedCases[lowerId] && depId !== mixedCases[lowerId].id) {
                         console.error('Mixed case modules may conflict: ' +
-                                        formatId(mixedCases[lowerId].refId) +
-                                        ' asked for: "' +
-                                        mixedCases[lowerId].id +
-                                        '" and ' +
-                                        formatId(id) +
-                                        ' asked for: "' +
-                                        depId +
-                                        '"');
+                            formatId(mixedCases[lowerId].refId) +
+                            ' asked for: "' +
+                            mixedCases[lowerId].id +
+                            '" and ' +
+                            formatId(id) +
+                            ' asked for: "' +
+                            depId +
+                            '"');
                     } else {
                         mixedCases[lowerId] = {
                             refId: id,
                             id: depId
@@ -168,16 +168,16 @@
                 traced[id] = traceData;
-        modProto.enable = function () {
+        modProto.enable = function() {
             var result = oldModuleEnable.apply(this, arguments);
             return result;
         //Collect any modules that are already in process
-        eachProp(context.registry, function (mod) {
+        eachProp(context.registry, function(mod) {
             if (mod.enabled) {
@@ -185,18 +185,18 @@
         return context;
     //Mod any existing contexts.
-    eachProp(requirejs.s.contexts, function (context) {
+    eachProp(requirejs.s.contexts, function(context) {
     //Apply mods to any new context.
-    s.newContext = function (name) {
+    s.newContext = function(name) {
         return modContext(oldNewContext);
-    requirejs.onResourceLoad = function (context, map, deps) {
+    requirejs.onResourceLoad = function(context, map, deps) {
         var id =;
         if (typeof context.defined[id] === 'undefined') {
             //May be a problem with a circular dependency.
@@ -208,9 +208,9 @@
     function sortTraceOrder(traceOrder) {
         //Sort the traceOrder, but do it by lowercase comparisons,
         //to keep 'something' and 'Something' next to each other.
-        traceOrder.sort(function (a, b) {
+        traceOrder.sort(function(a, b) {
             return a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1;
@@ -222,9 +222,9 @@
             .replace('"', '&quot;');
     function template(contents, data) {
-        return contents.replace(tokenRegExp, function (match, token) {
+        return contents.replace(tokenRegExp, function(match, token) {
             var result = data[token];
             //Just use empty string for null or undefined
             if (result === null || result === undefined) {
@@ -257,9 +257,9 @@
         visited[id] = true;
         //Trace through the dependencies.
-        each(depArray, function (depMap) {
+        each(depArray, function(depMap) {
             var depId =,
                 depMod = traced[depId];
             if (!depMod) {
@@ -279,23 +279,23 @@
         return foundModule;
     function showHtml(html, asIframe) {
-        if(asIframe){
+        if (asIframe) {
             var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
             // --
-      = "absolute";
-        = 99999;
-    = "#888";
-         = "100%";
-        = "100%";
-           = "0px";
-          = "0px";
+   = "absolute";
+   = 99999;
+   = "#888";
+   = "100%";
+   = "100%";
+   = "0px";
+   = "0px";
             // --
             var iframeDoc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
             iframeDoc.body.innerHTML = html;
-        }else{
+        } else {
             //Convert to URL encoded data
             html = encodeURIComponent(html);
             //Display the HTML
@@ -311,30 +311,30 @@
         treeDepItemHtml: '<li><a href=\"#mod-{htmlId}\">{id}</a></li>',
         treeDepItemNoLinkHtml: '<li class=\"standard\">{id}</li>',
         treeItemHtml: '<div class=\"mod\" id=\"mod-{htmlId}\">\n    <span class=\"id\">{id}</span>\n    <span class=\"url\">{url}</span>\n    <ul class=\"deps\">\n        {depItems}\n    </ul>\n</div>\n',
-        makeHtmlId: function (id) {
+        makeHtmlId: function(id) {
             return encodeURIComponent(id);
-        makeTemplateData: function (mod) {
+        makeTemplateData: function(mod) {
             return {
                 htmlId: xrayquire.makeHtmlId(,
                 id: htmlEscape(formatId(,
                 url: htmlEscape(formatUrl(mod.url))
-        showTree: function (contextName, asIframe) {
+        showTree: function(contextName, asIframe) {
             var context = requirejs.s.contexts[contextName || '_'],
                 xray = getX(context),
                 traced = xray.traced,
                 html = '';
             //Generate the HTML
-            each(xray.traceOrder, function (id) {
+            each(xray.traceOrder, function(id) {
                 var mod = traced[id],
                     templateData = xrayquire.makeTemplateData(;
                 //Do not bother if this is a require() call with no
@@ -344,15 +344,15 @@
                 templateData.depItems = '';
-                each(mod.deps, function (dep) {
+                each(mod.deps, function(dep) {
                     var depHtmlTemplate = standardDeps[] ?
-                                          xrayquire.treeDepItemNoLinkHtml :
-                                          xrayquire.treeDepItemHtml;
+                        xrayquire.treeDepItemNoLinkHtml :
+                        xrayquire.treeDepItemHtml;
                     templateData.depItems += template(depHtmlTemplate,
-                                             xrayquire.makeTemplateData(dep));
+                        xrayquire.makeTemplateData(dep));
                 html += template(xrayquire.treeItemHtml, templateData);
@@ -364,9 +364,9 @@
             showHtml(html, asIframe);
-        getCycles: function (contextName) {
+        getCycles: function(contextName) {
             var context = requirejs.s.contexts[contextName || '_'],
                 cycles = {},
                 xray = getX(context),
                 traced = xray.traced,
@@ -374,9 +374,9 @@
                 foundCycle = false;
-            each(xray.traceOrder, function (id) {
+            each(xray.traceOrder, function(id) {
                 var mod = traced[id],
                     cycleInfo = findCycle(mod, traced, masterVisited, {});
                 if (cycleInfo) {
@@ -396,16 +396,16 @@
         cycleHtml: '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>Module Cycles</title>\n<style>\nbody {\n    font-family: \"Inconsolata\",Andale Mono,Monaco,Monospace;\n    color: green;\n}\n\na {\n    color: #2E87DD;\n    text-decoration: none;\n}\n\na:hover {\n    text-decoration: underline;\n}\n\n.mod {\n    background-color: #FAFAFA;\n    border: 1px solid #E6E6E6;\n    border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;\n    box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);\n    font-size: 13px;\n    line-height: 18px;\n    margin: 7px 0 21px;\n    overflow: auto;\n    padding: 5px 10px;\n}\n\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n{content}\n</body>\n</html>\n',
         cycleEntryHtml: '<div class=\"mod\">\n    <span class=\"id\">{id}</span>\n    <ul class=\"chain\">\n        {chain}\n    </ul>\n</div>\n',
         cycleChainEntryHtml: '<li>{id}</li>',
-        showCycles: function (contextName, asIframe) {
+        showCycles: function(contextName, asIframe) {
             var cycles = xrayquire.getCycles(contextName),
                 html = '';
             if (cycles) {
-                eachProp(cycles, function (cycle, id) {
+                eachProp(cycles, function(cycle, id) {
                     var chainHtml = '';
-                    eachProp(cycle.visited, function (value, cycleId) {
+                    eachProp(cycle.visited, function(value, cycleId) {
                         if (cycleId !== id) {
                             chainHtml += template(xrayquire.cycleChainEntryHtml, {
                                 id: cycleId
@@ -427,5 +427,5 @@
             showHtml(html, asIframe);
\ No newline at end of file


2016-08-01T17:42:46.234Z - info: [beautifiers\] beautify /**
 * @license xrayquire 0.0.0 Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors.
 * Released under MIT license,
/*jslint nomen: true */
/*global requirejs, console, window */

 * Put a script tag in the HTML that references this script right after the
 * script tag for require.js.

var xrayquire;
(function () {
    'use strict';

    var contexts = {},
        config = typeof xrayquire === 'undefined' ? {} : xrayquire,
        s = requirejs.s,
        oldNewContext = s.newContext,
        tokenRegExp = /\{(\w+)\}/g,
        standardDeps = {
            require: true,
            exports: true,
            module: true

    function each(ary, func) {
        if (ary) {
            var i;
            for (i = 0; i < ary.length; i += 1) {
                if (ary[i] && func(ary[i], i, ary)) {

     * Cycles over properties in an object and calls a function for each
     * property value. If the function returns a truthy value, then the
     * iteration is stopped.
    function eachProp(obj, func) {
        var prop;
        for (prop in obj) {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
                if (func(obj[prop], prop)) {

    function hasProp(obj, prop) {
        return obj.hasOwnProperty(prop);

     * Simple function to mix in properties from source into target,
     * but only if target does not already have a property of the same name.
     * This is not robust in IE for transferring methods that match
     * Object.prototype names, but the uses of mixin here seem unlikely to
     * trigger a problem related to that.
    function mixin(target, source, force, deepStringMixin) {
        if (source) {
            eachProp(source, function (value, prop) {
                if (force || !hasProp(target, prop)) {
                    if (deepStringMixin && typeof value !== 'string') {
                        if (!target[prop]) {
                            target[prop] = {};
                        mixin(target[prop], value, force, deepStringMixin);
                    } else {
                        target[prop] = value;
        return target;

    function isRequire(id) {
        return id.indexOf('_@r') !== -1;

    function formatId(id) {
        //If the ID is for a require call, make it prettier.
        return isRequire(id) ? 'require()' : id;

    function formatUrl(url) {
        return !url || isRequire(url) ? '' : url;

    function getX(context) {
        if (!context.xray) {
            context.xray = {
                traced: {},
                traceOrder: [],
                mixedCases: {}
        return context.xray;

    function modContext(context) {
        var oldLoad = context.load,
            modProto = context.Module.prototype,
            oldModuleEnable = modProto.enable,
            xray = getX(context),
            traced = xray.traced,
            mixedCases = xray.mixedCases;

        function trackModule(mod) {
            var id =,

            //If an intermediate module from a plugin, do not
            //track it
            if ( && id.indexOf('_unnormalized') !== -1) {

            //Cycle through the dependencies now, wire this up here
            //instead of context.load so that we get a recording of
            //modules as they are encountered, and not as they
            //are fetched/loaded, since things could fall over between
            //now and then.
            if (!traced[id] || !traced[id].deps || !traced[id].deps.length) {
                each(mod.depMaps, function (dep) {
                    var depId =,
                        lowerId = depId.toLowerCase();

                    if (mixedCases[lowerId] && depId !== mixedCases[lowerId].id) {
                        console.error('Mixed case modules may conflict: ' +
                                        formatId(mixedCases[lowerId].refId) +
                                        ' asked for: "' +
                                        mixedCases[lowerId].id +
                                        '" and ' +
                                        formatId(id) +
                                        ' asked for: "' +
                                        depId +
                    } else {
                        mixedCases[lowerId] = {
                            refId: id,
                            id: depId

                traceData = {
                    deps: mod.depMaps

                //Only add this to the order if not previously added.
                if (!traced[id]) {

                //Set the data again in case this enable has the
                //real dependencies. Some first calls of enable do
                //not have the dependencies known yet.
                traced[id] = traceData;

        modProto.enable = function () {
            var result = oldModuleEnable.apply(this, arguments);
            return result;

        //Collect any modules that are already in process
        eachProp(context.registry, function (mod) {
            if (mod.enabled) {

        return context;

    //Mod any existing contexts.
    eachProp(requirejs.s.contexts, function (context) {

    //Apply mods to any new context.
    s.newContext = function (name) {
        return modContext(oldNewContext);

    requirejs.onResourceLoad = function (context, map, deps) {
        var id =;

        if (typeof context.defined[id] === 'undefined') {
            //May be a problem with a circular dependency.
            //console.error(id + ' has undefined module value, may be part ' +
            //              'of a bad circular reference');

    function sortTraceOrder(traceOrder) {
        //Sort the traceOrder, but do it by lowercase comparisons,
        //to keep 'something' and 'Something' next to each other.
        traceOrder.sort(function (a, b) {
            return a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase() ? 1 : -1;

    function htmlEscape(id) {
        return (id || '')
            .replace('<', '&lt;')
            .replace('>', '&gt;')
            .replace('&', '&amp;')
            .replace('"', '&quot;');

    function template(contents, data) {
        return contents.replace(tokenRegExp, function (match, token) {
            var result = data[token];

            //Just use empty string for null or undefined
            if (result === null || result === undefined) {
                result = '';

            return result;

    function findCycle(mod, traced, masterVisited, visited) {
        var id =,
            depArray = mod.deps,

        //Do not bother with require calls or standard deps,
        //or things that are already listed in a cycle
        if (isRequire(id) || masterVisited[id] || standardDeps[id]) {

        //Found the cycle.
        if (visited[id]) {
            return {
                mod: mod,
                visited: visited

        visited[id] = true;

        //Trace through the dependencies.
        each(depArray, function (depMap) {
            var depId =,
                depMod = traced[depId];

            if (!depMod) {

            //mixin visited to a new object for each dependency, so that
            //sibling dependencies in this object to not generate a
            //false positive match on a cycle. Ideally an Object.create
            //type of prototype delegation would be used here, but
            //optimizing for file size vs. execution speed since hopefully
            //the trees are small for circular dependency scans relative
            //to the full app perf.
            return (foundModule = findCycle(depMod, traced, masterVisited, mixin({}, visited)));

        return foundModule;

    function showHtml(html, asIframe) {
            var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
            // --
      = "absolute";
        = 99999;
    = "#888";
         = "100%";
        = "100%";
           = "0px";
          = "0px";
            // --
            var iframeDoc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
            iframeDoc.body.innerHTML = html;
            //Convert to URL encoded data
            html = encodeURIComponent(html);
            //Display the HTML
  'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' + html, '_blank');

     * Public API
    xrayquire = {
        treeHtml: '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>Module Dependencies</title>\n<style>\nbody {\n    font-family: \"Inconsolata\",Andale Mono,Monaco,Monospace;\n    color: green;\n}\n\na {\n    color: #2E87DD;\n    text-decoration: none;\n}\n\na:hover {\n    text-decoration: underline;\n}\n\n.mod {\n    background-color: #FAFAFA;\n    border: 1px solid #E6E6E6;\n    border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;\n    box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);\n    font-size: 13px;\n    line-height: 18px;\n    margin: 7px 0 21px;\n    overflow: auto;\n    padding: 5px 10px;\n}\n\n.url {\n    font-size: smaller;\n    color: grey;\n}\n\nli.standard {\n    color: grey;\n}\n\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n{content}\n</body>\n</html>\n',
        treeDepItemHtml: '<li><a href=\"#mod-{htmlId}\">{id}</a></li>',
        treeDepItemNoLinkHtml: '<li class=\"standard\">{id}</li>',
        treeItemHtml: '<div class=\"mod\" id=\"mod-{htmlId}\">\n    <span class=\"id\">{id}</span>\n    <span class=\"url\">{url}</span>\n    <ul class=\"deps\">\n        {depItems}\n    </ul>\n</div>\n',

        makeHtmlId: function (id) {
            return encodeURIComponent(id);

        makeTemplateData: function (mod) {
            return {
                htmlId: xrayquire.makeHtmlId(,
                id: htmlEscape(formatId(,
                url: htmlEscape(formatUrl(mod.url))

        showTree: function (contextName, asIframe) {
            var context = requirejs.s.contexts[contextName || '_'],
                xray = getX(context),
                traced = xray.traced,
                html = '';


            //Generate the HTML
            each(xray.traceOrder, function (id) {
                var mod = traced[id],
                    templateData = xrayquire.makeTemplateData(;

                //Do not bother if this is a require() call with no
                if (isRequire( && (!mod.deps || !mod.deps.length)) {

                templateData.depItems = '';

                each(mod.deps, function (dep) {
                    var depHtmlTemplate = standardDeps[] ?
                                          xrayquire.treeDepItemNoLinkHtml :

                    templateData.depItems += template(depHtmlTemplate,

                html += template(xrayquire.treeItemHtml, templateData);

            //Put the HTML in a full HTML document.
            html = template(xrayquire.treeHtml, {
                content: html

            showHtml(html, asIframe);

        getCycles: function (contextName) {
            var context = requirejs.s.contexts[contextName || '_'],
                cycles = {},
                xray = getX(context),
                traced = xray.traced,
                masterVisited = {},
                foundCycle = false;


            each(xray.traceOrder, function (id) {
                var mod = traced[id],
                    cycleInfo = findCycle(mod, traced, masterVisited, {});

                if (cycleInfo) {
                    foundCycle = true;
                    mod = cycleInfo.mod;
                    mixin(masterVisited, cycleInfo.visited);

                    cycles[] = {
                        visited: cycleInfo.visited

            return foundCycle ? cycles : null;

        cycleHtml: '<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<title>Module Cycles</title>\n<style>\nbody {\n    font-family: \"Inconsolata\",Andale Mono,Monaco,Monospace;\n    color: green;\n}\n\na {\n    color: #2E87DD;\n    text-decoration: none;\n}\n\na:hover {\n    text-decoration: underline;\n}\n\n.mod {\n    background-color: #FAFAFA;\n    border: 1px solid #E6E6E6;\n    border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;\n    box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);\n    font-size: 13px;\n    line-height: 18px;\n    margin: 7px 0 21px;\n    overflow: auto;\n    padding: 5px 10px;\n}\n\n</style>\n</head>\n<body>\n{content}\n</body>\n</html>\n',
        cycleEntryHtml: '<div class=\"mod\">\n    <span class=\"id\">{id}</span>\n    <ul class=\"chain\">\n        {chain}\n    </ul>\n</div>\n',
        cycleChainEntryHtml: '<li>{id}</li>',

        showCycles: function (contextName, asIframe) {
            var cycles = xrayquire.getCycles(contextName),
                html = '';

            if (cycles) {
                eachProp(cycles, function (cycle, id) {
                    var chainHtml = '';
                    eachProp(cycle.visited, function (value, cycleId) {
                        if (cycleId !== id) {
                            chainHtml += template(xrayquire.cycleChainEntryHtml, {
                                id: cycleId

                    html += template(xrayquire.cycleEntryHtml, {
                        id: id,
                        chain: chainHtml
            } else {
                html = 'No cycles found';

            html = template(xrayquire.cycleHtml, {
                content: html

            showHtml(html, asIframe);
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  { _default: {} },
  { _default: {} },
  { _default: {} },
  { _default: {} },
  { _default: {} },
  { _default: {} },
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2016-08-01T17:42:46.239Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] [ { name: 'JavaScript',
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2016-08-01T17:42:46.239Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] Language JavaScript supported
2016-08-01T17:42:46.240Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] getOptions selections [ 'js' ] indent_size=4, indent_char= , indent_with_tabs=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, indent_size=4, indent_char= , indent_level=0, indent_with_tabs=false, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, space_in_paren=false, jslint_happy=false, space_after_anon_function=false, brace_style=collapse, break_chained_methods=false, keep_array_indentation=false, keep_function_indentation=false, space_before_conditional=true, eval_code=false, unescape_strings=false, wrap_line_length=0, end_with_newline=false, end_with_comma=false, disabled=false, default_beautifier=coffee-fmt, beautify_on_save=false, 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2016-08-01T17:42:46.241Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] true indent_size=4, indent_char= , indent_with_tabs=false
2016-08-01T17:42:46.241Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js undefined
2016-08-01T17:42:46.242Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js indent_size=4, indent_char= , indent_with_tabs=false
2016-08-01T17:42:46.242Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] true configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, configPath=, disabled=false, default_beautifier=Uncrustify, beautify_on_save=false, indent_size=4, indent_char= , indent_level=0, indent_with_tabs=false, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, space_in_paren=false, jslint_happy=false, space_after_anon_function=false, brace_style=collapse, break_chained_methods=false, keep_array_indentation=false, keep_function_indentation=false, space_before_conditional=true, eval_code=false, unescape_strings=false, wrap_line_length=0, end_with_newline=false, end_with_comma=false, disabled=false, default_beautifier=coffee-fmt, beautify_on_save=false, indent_size=4, indent_char= , wrap_line_length=250, preserve_newlines=true, 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2016-08-01T17:42:46.244Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js brace_style=collapse-preserve-inline, indent_size=4, indent_char= , indent_level=0, indent_with_tabs=false, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, space_in_paren=false, jslint_happy=false, space_after_anon_function=false, break_chained_methods=false, keep_array_indentation=false, keep_function_indentation=false, space_before_conditional=true, eval_code=false, unescape_strings=false, wrap_line_length=0, end_with_newline=false, end_with_comma=false, disabled=false, default_beautifier=JS Beautify, beautify_on_save=false
2016-08-01T17:42:46.245Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js brace_style=collapse-preserve-inline, indent_size=4, indent_char= , indent_level=0, indent_with_tabs=false, preserve_newlines=true, max_preserve_newlines=10, space_in_paren=false, jslint_happy=false, space_after_anon_function=false, break_chained_methods=false, keep_array_indentation=false, keep_function_indentation=false, space_before_conditional=true, eval_code=false, unescape_strings=false, wrap_line_length=0, end_with_newline=false, end_with_comma=false, disabled=false, default_beautifier=JS Beautify, beautify_on_save=false
2016-08-01T17:42:46.245Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] true 
2016-08-01T17:42:46.245Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js undefined
2016-08-01T17:42:46.245Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js
2016-08-01T17:42:46.245Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] true 
2016-08-01T17:42:46.245Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js undefined
2016-08-01T17:42:46.245Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js
2016-08-01T17:42:46.245Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] true 
2016-08-01T17:42:46.245Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js undefined
2016-08-01T17:42:46.245Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js
2016-08-01T17:42:46.245Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] true 
2016-08-01T17:42:46.245Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js undefined
2016-08-01T17:42:46.245Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js
2016-08-01T17:42:46.246Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] true 
2016-08-01T17:42:46.246Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js undefined
2016-08-01T17:42:46.246Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js
2016-08-01T17:42:46.246Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] true 
2016-08-01T17:42:46.246Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js undefined
2016-08-01T17:42:46.246Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js
2016-08-01T17:42:46.246Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] true 
2016-08-01T17:42:46.246Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js undefined
2016-08-01T17:42:46.246Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js
2016-08-01T17:42:46.246Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] true 
2016-08-01T17:42:46.246Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js undefined
2016-08-01T17:42:46.246Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] options js
2016-08-01T17:42:46.246Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] JavaScript name=JavaScript, namespace=js, grammars=[JavaScript], extensions=[js], defaultBeautifier=JS Beautify, type=integer, default=4, minimum=0, description=Indentation size/length, type=string, default= , description=Indentation character, type=integer, default=0, description=Initial indentation level, type=boolean, default=false, description=Indentation uses tabs, overrides `Indent Size` and `Indent Char`, type=boolean, default=true, description=Preserve line-breaks, type=integer, default=10, description=Number of line-breaks to be preserved in one chunk, type=boolean, default=false, description=Add padding spaces within paren, ie. f( a, b ), type=boolean, default=false, description=Enable jslint-stricter mode, type=boolean, default=false, description=Add a space before an anonymous function's parens, ie. function (), type=string, default=collapse, enum=[collapse, collapse-preserve-inline, expand, end-expand, none], description=[collapse|collapse-preserve-inline|expand|end-expand|none], type=boolean, default=false, description=Break chained method calls across subsequent lines, type=boolean, default=false, description=Preserve array indentation, type=boolean, default=false, description=, type=boolean, default=true, description=, type=boolean, default=false, description=, type=boolean, default=false, description=Decode printable characters encoded in xNN notation, type=integer, default=0, description=Wrap lines at next opportunity after N characters, type=boolean, default=false, description=End output with newline, type=boolean, default=false, description=If a terminating comma should be inserted into arrays, object literals, and destructured objects.
2016-08-01T17:42:46.247Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] language options: {
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2016-08-01T17:42:46.247Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] JavaScript C:\git\totalcoaching.vagrant\src\totalcoaching.www\frontend\app\xrayquire.js { indent_size: 4,
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2016-08-01T17:42:46.251Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] beautifiers 0=JS Beautify, 1=JSCS Fixer, 2=Pretty Diff
2016-08-01T17:42:46.251Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] beautifier JS Beautify
2016-08-01T17:42:46.253Z - verbose: [beautifiers\] JS Beautify language JavaScript
2016-08-01T17:42:46.253Z - info: [beautifiers\] JS Beautify Options: {
    "indent_size": 4,
    "indent_char": " ",
    "indent_with_tabs": false,
    "brace_style": "collapse-preserve-inline",
    "indent_level": 0,
    "preserve_newlines": true,
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    "break_chained_methods": false,
    "keep_array_indentation": false,
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    "space_before_conditional": true,
    "eval_code": false,
    "unescape_strings": false,
    "wrap_line_length": 0,
    "end_with_newline": false,
    "end_with_comma": false,
    "disabled": false,
    "default_beautifier": "JS Beautify",
    "beautify_on_save": false

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