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Created April 26, 2016 21:36
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3D convex hull in python
def vect(points, start, end):
return [y - x for x, y in zip(points[start], points[end])]
def cross(u, v):
return [u[1]*v[2] - u[2]*v[1], u[2]*v[0] - u[0]*v[2], u[0]*v[1] - u[1]*v[0]]
def dot(u, v):
return sum([x*y for x, y in zip(u,v)])
def normal(points, face):
u = vect(points, face[0], face[1])
v = vect(points, face[0], face[-1])
return cross(u, v)
def seen(points, face, p):
N = normal(points, face)
P = vect(points, face[0], p)
return (dot(N, P) >= 0)
def bdry(faces):
bdry_fw = set( [(F[i-1], F[i]) for F in faces for i in range(0,len(F)) ] )
bdry_bk = set( [(F[i], F[i-1]) for F in faces for i in range(0,len(F)) ] )
return bdry_fw - bdry_bk
def addPoint(points, hull, p):
seenF = [F for F in hull if seen(points, F, p)]
if len(seenF)==len(hull): #if can see all faces, unsee ones looking "down"
N = normal(points, seenF[0])
seenF = [F for F in seenF if dot(normal(points, F), N) > 0]
for F in seenF:
for E in bdry(seenF):
hull.append([E[0], E[1], p])
def convexHull(points):
hull = [[0,1,2],[0,2,1]]
for i in range(3,len(points)):
addPoint(points, hull, i)
return hull
def coords(points, hull):
return [[points[p] for p in F] for F in hull]
points = [[0,0,0],[2,0,0],[0,3,0], [2, 3, 0], [1,1,5],[1,1,-5],[1,1,0]]
print convexHull(points)
#print coords(points, convexHull(points))
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