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Created October 15, 2015 13:25
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// @title: Datagotchi
// @author: Doug A <>
// @desc: distributed data modeling
contract datagotchi {
struct HashedResponse {
address creator;
bytes32 hashedReponse;
uint modelIndex;
struct Model {
address creator;
bytes32 modelContentHash;
struct Job {
address creator;
bytes32 sampleDataContentHash;
bytes32 hashedDataContentHash;
bytes32 docsContentHash;
bytes32[] challenges;
bytes32[] responses;
uint bounty;
mapping( uint => Job ) public jobs;
mapping( uint => Model[] ) public jobModels;
mapping( bytes32 => HashedResponse[] ) challengeHashedResponses;
uint public latestJob;
uint public jobsOutstanding;
function submitJob(bytes32 sample, bytes32 hashedData) {
bytes32[] memory tmpBytesArr;
bytes32 tmpBytes;
jobs[latestJob++] = Job(msg.sender, sample, hashedData, tmpBytes, tmpBytesArr,tmpBytesArr, msg.value );
function submitModel(uint jobId, bytes32 modelContentHash) returns (uint modelIndex) {
jobModels[jobId][++jobModels[jobId].length - 1] = Model( msg.sender, modelContentHash );
return jobModels[jobId].length;
function submitModelWithChallengeAndHashedResponse( uint jobId, bytes32 modelContentHash, bytes32 challenge, bytes32 hashedResponse) {
uint modelIndex = submitModel( jobId, modelContentHash );
submitChallenge( jobId, challenge );
submitHashedResponse( jobId, modelIndex, challenge, hashedResponse);
function submitChallenge (uint jobId, bytes32 challenge) private {
jobs[jobId].challenges[++jobs[jobId].challenges.length - 1] = challenge;
function submitResponse(uint jobId, bytes32 challenge, bytes32 response) {
jobs[jobId].responses[++jobs[jobId].responses.length - 1] = response;
function submitHashedResponse(uint jobId, uint modelIndex, bytes32 challenge, bytes32 hashedResponse) private {
HashedResponse memory hr = HashedResponse( msg.sender, hashedResponse, modelIndex );
challengeHashedResponses[challenge][++challengeHashedResponses[challenge].length - 1] = hr;
function closeJob(uint jobId) {
if (msg.sender == jobs[jobId].creator) {
Job memory job = jobs[jobId];
if (job.challenges.length == 0) {
msg.sender.send( job.bounty );
delete jobs[jobId];
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