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Created May 12, 2013 07:40
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This is the source code for the original Klimek simulations. This code is very unoptimized to aid the reader understand what is going on. Originally Numpy wasn't going to be used, but it turns out Numpy has a very good function to draw from a binomial distribution. This could not be replicated without Numpy, so it was included. The rest of the c…
# Author notes: I tried my best to not use numpy or scipy, in attempt to keep things simple and understandable
# However, numpy does provide the very excellent binomial function, of which Python doesn't come with
# Whilst the rest of the code could be written using Numpy in a far more efficient manner
# It's been kept simple for those unfamiliar.
# All you need to know is binomial() performs a binomial trial with a probability
from __future__ import division
from numpy.random import binomial
import csv
import sys
import os
import math
import random
import bisect
winningRatioPeakDict = {
'SPR.csv' : {
'low': 0.35 ,
'mid': 0.45 ,
'high': 0.55,
'mean': 0.4919155,
'median': 0.5013012,
'SPR_P_only.csv': {
'low': 0.45 ,
'mid': 0.55 ,
'high': 0.65,
'mean': 0.4951695,
'median': 0.4816654
'low': 0.35 ,
'mid': 0.45 ,
'high': 0.55,
'mean': 0.4878147,
'median': 0.496434
turnoutRatioPeakDict = {
'SPR.csv': {
'low': 0.85,
'mid': 0.87,
'high': 0.89,
'mean': 0.8455734,
'median': 0.8535894
'SPR_P_only.csv': {
'low': 0.775,
'mid': 0.825,
'high': 0.875,
'mean': 0.8354881,
'median': 0.8477099
'SPR_N_only.csv': {
'low': 0.85,
'mid': 0.87,
'high': 0.89,
'mean': 0.85,
'median': 0.8558019
WINNING_RATIO_PEAK = winningRatioPeakDict[sys.argv[1]][sys.argv[3]] # argv[1] is filename, argv[3] takes 'high', 'low', 'mid', 'mean', 'median'
WINNING_RATIO_PEAK = winningRatioPeakDict['SPR.csv']['mean']
TURNOUT_RATIO_PEAK = turnoutRatioPeakDict[sys.argv[1]][sys.argv[3]]
TURNOUT_RATIO_PEAK = turnoutRatioPeakDict['SPR.csv']['mean']
FI = float(sys.argv[4])
FE = float(sys.argv[5])
FI = 0
FE = 0
def readFile():
f = open(sys.argv[1])
electorates = []
reader = csv.DictReader(f)
for row in reader:
d = {}
# manual coercion
for k,v in row.items():
d[k] = float(v)
except ValueError:
d[k] = v
return electorates
def getLeftSD(electorates, peak=WINNING_RATIO_PEAK):
# get all electorates left of the peak
newList = []
for electorate in electorates:
if electorate['WinningRatio'] < peak:
totalVoters = sum([e['RegisteredVoters'] for e in newList])
expectedWinningRatio = peak # mean can be used as well
vi = [e['WinningRatio'] for e in newList]
leftVariance = map(lambda x: (x - expectedWinningRatio) ** 2, vi)
leftSD = math.sqrt((sum(leftVariance)/len(leftVariance)))
except ZeroDivisionError:
return 0 # hack!
return leftSD
def getRightSD(electorates, peak=WINNING_RATIO_PEAK):
# get all electorates right of the peak
newList = []
for electorate in electorates:
if electorate['WinningRatio'] > peak:
totalVoters = sum([e['RegisteredVoters'] for e in newList])
expectedWinningRatio = peak # mean can be used as well
vi = [e['WinningRatio'] for e in newList]
rightVariance = map(lambda x: (x - expectedWinningRatio) ** 2, vi)
rightSD = math.sqrt((sum(rightVariance)/len(rightVariance)))
return rightSD
def getTurnoutSD(electorates, peak = TURNOUT_RATIO_PEAK):
a = [e['TurnoutRatio'] for e in electorates]
turnoutVariance = map(lambda x: (x - peak) ** 2, a)
turnoutSD = math.sqrt((sum(turnoutVariance)/len(turnoutVariance)))
return turnoutSD
def incrementalFraud(rightSD, turnOut, registeredVoters, votedForWinning):
fraudIntensity = 0
while fraudIntensity <= 0 or fraudIntensity > 1:
fraudIntensity = random.gauss(0, rightSD)
fraudulentVoteCount = registeredVoters * (turnOut * votedForWinning + fraudIntensity * (1 - turnOut) + fraudIntensity * (1 - votedForWinning) * turnOut)
return int(fraudulentVoteCount)
def extremeFraud(registeredVoters, votedForWinning):
fraudIntensity = 0
while fraudIntensity <= 0 or fraudIntensity > 1:
fraudIntensity = 1 - random.gauss(1, 0.075) # klimek et al discovered 0.075 describes all well
oppositionVotes = registeredVoters - votedForWinning
additionalFraudVotes = binomial(n=oppositionVotes, p=fraudIntensity)
return int(additionalFraudVotes)
def simulate(electorates, fi=FI, fe=FE, turnoutPeak = TURNOUT_RATIO_PEAK, winningPeak=WINNING_RATIO_PEAK):
turnoutSD = getTurnoutSD(electorates)
leftSD = getLeftSD(electorates)
rightSD = getRightSD(electorates)
simulatedElectorates = []
for electorate in electorates:
simulatedElectorate = {}
originalVotedForWinning = electorate['VotedForWinning']
registeredVoters = electorate['RegisteredVoters']
turnoutRatio = random.gauss(turnoutPeak, turnoutSD)
winningRatio = random.gauss(winningPeak, leftSD)
willIncrementalFraudHappen = binomial(n=1, p=fi)
willExtremeFraudHappen = binomial(n=1, p=fe)
newVotedForWinning = originalVotedForWinning
if willIncrementalFraudHappen: # binomial returns a 1
newVotedForWinning = incrementalFraud(rightSD, turnoutRatio, registeredVoters, winningRatio)
if willExtremeFraudHappen:
additionalFraudVotes = extremeFraud(registeredVoters, winningRatio)
newVotedForWinning += additionalFraudVotes
simulatedElectorate = {
'SEAT': electorate['SEAT'],
'RegisteredVoters': registeredVoters,
'VoterTurnout': int(turnoutRatio * registeredVoters), # can't expect 0.5 of a person
'TurnoutRatio': turnoutRatio,
'VotedForWinning': newVotedForWinning,
'WinningRatio': newVotedForWinning/registeredVoters,
simulatedElectorate['VoteRate (Rescaled)'] = math.log(math.sqrt((registeredVoters - newVotedForWinning) ** 2)/newVotedForWinning)
simulatedElectorate['VoteRate (Rescaled)'] = "ERROR" # yet another too tired to find out why hack
return simulatedElectorates
if __name__ == '__main__':
electorates = readFile()
simulatedElectorates = simulate(electorates)
fieldNames = simulatedElectorates[0].keys()
g = open(sys.argv[2], 'w')
writer = csv.DictWriter(g, fieldnames=fieldNames)
writer.writerow(dict(zip(fieldNames, fieldNames)))
for electorate in simulatedElectorates:
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