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Created November 8, 2017 23:40
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Modtalk Discord - Moderation Channel
Feb 13 17 20:59:21 <Shagomir> basically have it set up so it posts links to any new thread in the sub
Feb 13 17 20:59:43 <Shagomir> great moderating tool, as well as a good one to keep our on-topic discussion moving (as the new posts provide fodder for conversation)
Feb 13 17 21:00:03 <Grine_> Yeah, my moderating is 50% sitting on Discord and judging everything that pops up
Feb 13 17 21:00:09 <versed> what are you using to post the links, Shagomir ? Just IFTTT?
Feb 13 17 21:00:28 <Shagomir> there's a function in the discord webhook API that does it.
Feb 13 17 21:00:47 <versed> that's the webhook, but something needs to send the post to the webhook.
Feb 13 17 21:01:06 <Shagomir> I guess we should get Kaz in here, shouldn't we Grine_ ?
Feb 13 17 21:01:07 <Shagomir> lol
Feb 13 17 21:01:12 <Grine_> I pinged him
Feb 13 17 21:01:13 <versed> haha
Feb 13 17 21:01:23 <Grine_> but he's not around for a while I don't think
Feb 13 17 21:01:41 <Shagomir> well it's like 11 pm in Istanbul
Feb 13 17 21:02:00 <DasBirdies> the joining thing requires we mod a sub right?
Feb 13 17 21:02:08 <DasBirdies> is kaz a sub mod?
Feb 13 17 21:02:12 <Grine_> yes, Kaz has perms.
Feb 13 17 21:02:18 <DasBirdies> awesome
Feb 13 17 21:06:57 <allthefoxes> DasBirdies Just need to moderate a "popular" sub
Feb 13 17 21:07:08 <allthefoxes>
Feb 13 17 21:07:28 <DasBirdies> right
Feb 13 17 21:07:43 <DasBirdies> I was referring to an internal thing
Feb 13 17 21:07:50 <DasBirdies> I didn't know kaz had sub perms
Feb 13 17 21:14:01 <Kazandaki> Heya
Feb 13 17 21:15:09 <versed> hi kaz
Feb 13 17 21:15:19 <Kazandaki> hi amici!
Feb 13 17 21:15:58 <Shagomir> versed Kaz is our bot guy
Feb 13 17 21:16:16 <Shagomir> who should be able to answer your questions
Feb 13 17 21:16:17 <Shagomir> lol
Feb 13 17 21:16:55 <versed> haha. i'm also a bot guy, kaz. i wondered what you're using to push reddit posts to discord's webhooks.
Feb 13 17 21:18:19 <Kazandaki> i use zapier
Feb 13 17 21:18:37 <Kazandaki> free accounts can update the rss feed every 5 mins
Feb 13 17 21:18:47 <Kazandaki> and we thought it was enough for us
Feb 13 17 21:19:33 <Kazandaki> i can post the options for the thingy if you want
Feb 13 17 21:20:28 <versed> i'll take a look at it. thanks! i looked at IFTTT before but it was kind of buggy with the webhook and slow.
Feb 13 17 21:22:55 <Kazandaki> no problem! I never had any problems with zapier, i think if you have the budget you can get a paid account and down the refresh time. You also have limited "zaps" (basically the hook) on a free account but we have 2 now and it's working, probably the limit is 5 but i am not 100% sure
Feb 13 17 21:37:35 <versed> blegh. i should write my own thing. there's too much i want to do once i start thinking about it. haha
Feb 13 17 21:42:04 <Kazandaki> no i meant the zapier settings, but that's cool too haha, just a heads up you can make the webhooks embed links but they look bad for mobile users
Feb 13 17 22:19:08 <versed>
Feb 13 17 22:19:49 <versed> 100 per month is probably too low for the subreddit, but i'll give it a run with my personal stuff.
Feb 13 17 22:19:54 <versed> thanks for the recommendation
Feb 13 17 23:15:45 <Kazandaki> what the hell that wasn't there before i think
Feb 13 17 23:15:55 <Kazandaki> i need to find a new service too now
Feb 13 17 23:16:00 <versed> hahaha
Feb 13 17 23:16:03 <versed> sorry
Feb 13 17 23:16:16 <Kazandaki> it's okay you saved me from a lot of trouble in the long run :P
Feb 17 17 00:36:36 <AnaMel> That versed person isn't even here anymore
Feb 17 17 00:36:37 <AnaMel> 🤔
Feb 17 17 08:25:14 <Phallindrome> o_O I just went for a walk and came back to 23 autoremoved comments from trollish accounts to my relatively low-traffic sub in the space of an hour
Feb 17 17 08:26:47 <Phallindrome> in a sub where usually we remove a few a day
Feb 19 17 13:10:52 <creesch>
Mar 13 17 21:28:10 <beelzeybob> But actual CSS question
Mar 13 17 21:28:25 <beelzeybob> Anyone know how to scale the image that a thumbnail grabs?
Mar 13 17 21:28:49 <beelzeybob> It doesn't seem to be modified by .background properties
Mar 13 17 21:29:21 <beelzeybob>
Mar 13 17 21:29:54 <Dirt Diglett> I scale it on /r/steam
Mar 13 17 21:30:03 <Dirt Diglett> ```
.thumbnail {
align-items: center;
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.1) url(// 0 -238px/auto;
background-image: url(//!important;
border-radius: 2px;
display: flex;
height: 80px!important;
justify-content: center;
margin: 0 8px 0 0;
width: 80px!important;
background-size: initial!important;
Mar 13 17 21:30:12 <Dirt Diglett> ```
.thumbnail img {
height: auto!important;
max-height: 80px;
min-height: 80px;
width: auto!important;
Mar 13 17 21:30:40 <Dirt Diglett> change the 80px to whatever size your thumbs are
Mar 13 17 21:31:09 <beelzeybob> Ah, I'll try that later.. Thanks
Mar 13 17 21:31:13 <Dirt Diglett> No worries
Mar 13 17 22:38:52 <jonodonovan> Hello mods
Mar 13 17 22:39:00 <Dirt Diglett> Hello
Mar 13 17 22:39:08 <Shane> Yo
Mar 13 17 22:44:20 <Nowhere Man> salaam
Mar 13 17 22:45:27 <GodOfAtheism> takbeer
Mar 13 17 22:50:21 <GetOffMyLawn> Hello hello
Mar 13 17 22:53:39 <Snipe> Evening all.
Mar 13 17 23:01:56 <Mob> Hi everyone!
Mar 13 17 23:02:09 <Nowhere Man> 'allo 'allo!
Mar 13 17 23:02:19 <Snipe> uh oh, MMob is here
Mar 13 17 23:02:28 <Mob> :)
Mar 13 17 23:58:29 <GodOfAtheism> tfw the admins get mad at igthft for telling mobile users to contact them with scans of their driver's licenses to get their account adult verified
Mar 13 17 23:58:55 <Nowhere Man> igthft?
Mar 13 17 23:59:00 <GodOfAtheism> imgoingtohellforthis
Mar 13 17 23:59:07 <Shane> Fuck the admins
Mar 13 17 23:59:10 <Nowhere Man> regardless, kek
Mar 13 17 23:59:22 <GodOfAtheism> tfw now i tell users to contact the e-mail and tell them that they have an account issue posting nsfw content
Mar 13 17 23:59:32 <GodOfAtheism> which is an entirely true statement
Mar 13 17 23:59:35 <GodOfAtheism> unlike my previous one
Mar 13 17 23:59:57 <GodOfAtheism> which is just pawning work off on them because they have a poorly designed mobile app
Mar 14 17 00:00:49 <GodOfAtheism> quality mod right here
Mar 14 17 00:01:55 <Zock> Adult verified?
Mar 14 17 00:02:11 <GodOfAtheism> :^)
Mar 14 17 00:02:28 <Shane> Well played
Mar 14 17 00:15:45 <tiz> No wonder the admins take so long to reply :p
Mar 14 17 00:16:49 <Axanery> Tizorres, do you legitimately have time to mod all those subs? Like, I never see you in the /r/Pokemon Discord foor instance.
Mar 14 17 00:17:41 <tiz> No, I should get fired from Pokemon if I'm being honest. I keep trying to up my game there but everyone is so active
Mar 14 17 00:18:30 <Ari> we can't all be pokemasters
Mar 14 17 00:18:36 <tiz> Fwiw, I don't work so. Yes I do have time to mod all these subs. I jus get lazy around a new game release
Mar 14 17 00:19:40 <Axanery> See, I only mod 5 legitimate subs (excluding two that are mine and two CSS subs for the main ones) and I barely have time.
Mar 14 17 00:25:24 <Zock> Be unemployed
Mar 14 17 00:25:28 <Zock> U can mod everywhere
Mar 14 17 00:27:20 <MuffinMedic> Hi tiz !
Mar 14 17 00:27:44 <tiz> Hi MuffinMedic fancy seeing you everywhere
Mar 14 17 00:27:48 <MuffinMedic> This is pretty neat, awesome job 😃
Mar 14 17 00:27:58 <MuffinMedic> I'm EVERYWHERE. You should know that by now 😉
Mar 14 17 00:28:04 <tiz> Ty :)
Mar 14 17 00:28:12 <tiz> Same as I lol
Mar 14 17 00:28:52 <Zock>
Mar 14 17 00:28:56 <Zock> Rip
Mar 14 17 00:29:06 <MuffinMedic> Hm?
Mar 14 17 00:29:17 <Zock> Ur not everywhere kek
Mar 14 17 00:29:22 <tiz> Lek
Mar 14 17 00:29:28 <tiz> Everywhere that's important
Mar 14 17 00:29:29 <Zock> Lek?
Mar 14 17 00:29:31 <tiz> Kek
Mar 14 17 00:29:32 <Zock> Wow
Mar 14 17 00:29:36 <Zock> Did I just get rekt
Mar 14 17 00:29:38 <tiz> Tek
Mar 14 17 00:29:46 <Ari> also gj team this is cool
Mar 14 17 00:30:01 <tiz> Ty, glad y'all like it
Mar 14 17 00:30:32 <Ari> now everyone can see how much of my life I spend playing video games
Mar 14 17 01:42:54 <Supreme Yeet> Hey, any subs need modding?
Mar 14 17 01:45:05 <Nowhere Man> you *need* any more?
Mar 14 17 01:45:21 <Supreme Yeet> lel
Mar 14 17 01:46:46 <tiz> mod me to r/batman
Mar 14 17 01:46:56 <Supreme Yeet> not that easy
Mar 14 17 01:46:57 <Supreme Yeet> sorry
Mar 14 17 01:47:05 <Nowhere Man> see, it'll be funny until it actually happens
Mar 14 17 01:47:23 <Nowhere Man> which somebody in here might actually have the power to do
Mar 14 17 01:47:33 <Nowhere Man> that's half terrifying, half hillarious
Mar 14 17 01:47:57 <tiz> it worked for ootl :\
Mar 14 17 01:48:21 <Nowhere Man> oh god that
Mar 14 17 01:48:27 <Nowhere Man> been a while since my last visit
Mar 14 17 01:48:35 <Nowhere Man> but that one should tide me over for years
Mar 14 17 01:49:09 <tiz> where do you mod
Mar 14 17 01:50:43 <Nowhere Man> just /r/DragonAge, and I'm a newbie there
Mar 14 17 01:50:56 <Nowhere Man> started off as a mod for their Discord Server
Mar 14 17 01:51:25 <Zock> thats where i started on /r/steam
Mar 14 17 01:52:08 <Nowhere Man> tbh I love the sub, but prefer the actual dynamics of the server
Mar 14 17 01:53:03 <Nowhere Man> just more personal, I suppose
Mar 14 17 01:53:30 <Jernik> mod me or ban me
Mar 14 17 01:53:45 <Nowhere Man> Can't ban you 😢
Mar 14 17 01:53:50 <Nowhere Man> I checked
Mar 14 17 01:54:15 <Jernik> I appreciate it ❤
Mar 14 17 01:54:39 <Nowhere Man> o.o Firefly
Mar 14 17 01:54:47 <Nowhere Man> that's really cool
Mar 14 17 02:05:24 <Jernik> Yeah, firefly is great
Mar 14 17 02:23:55 <Axanery> nsfw
Mar 14 17 02:23:58 <Axanery> :0
Mar 14 17 02:25:42 <Jernik> I have a few joke subreddits
Mar 14 17 02:52:15 <MuffinMedic> Whichever one of you mods /r/oldpeoplefacebook, that sub is hilarious.
Mar 14 17 02:54:08 <xHaZxMaTx> And simultaneously sad.
Mar 14 17 03:04:06 <Nowhere Man> Krossfireo
Mar 14 17 07:42:46 <Madbrad200> Nowhere Man I'm like that. Prefer the irc over the subreddit
Mar 14 17 07:48:15 <Nowhere Man> I mean, both have a time and place
Mar 14 17 07:48:26 <Nowhere Man> but you can't get to know people on the sub
Mar 14 17 07:51:31 <tomthefnkid> If any subs need mods, send me an invite and hmu. Too many real life responsibilities that I need further distracting from
Mar 14 17 07:53:40 <Nowhere Man> Lemme see if I can get you /r/PumpkinSpiceLatte and /r/Uggs 😛
Mar 14 17 07:53:53 <Nowhere Man> 💙
Mar 14 17 07:56:15 <Phallindrome> lmfao
Mar 14 17 08:04:17 <Dirt Diglett> It's so dissapointing how hate filled some individuals can be... I've managed to avoid having to actually ban anyone on /r/steam up until today 😦
Mar 14 17 08:04:54 <SnowPhoenix> _goes to check how long you've been modding there._
Mar 14 17 08:05:06 <Deimos> 6 minutes
Mar 14 17 08:05:16 <SnowPhoenix> Hah.
Mar 14 17 08:05:26 <Nowhere Man> On *steam?*
Mar 14 17 08:05:34 <SnowPhoenix> 9 months without having to ban anyone, though? Not bad!
Mar 14 17 08:05:36 <Nowhere Man> I mean, what's that controversial?
Mar 14 17 08:06:19 <Dirt Diglett> People being toxic and demanding others kill themselves in a nasty manner.
Mar 14 17 08:06:23 <Dirt Diglett> And other such hatred
Mar 14 17 08:06:29 <Nowhere Man> Yeah, that's a paddling.
Mar 14 17 08:06:38 <xHaZxMaTx> We ban trolls and bots pretty regularly, but I think we've only ever banned 2 or 3 legitimate users in the 2 years I've been modding.
Mar 14 17 08:06:39 <Dirt Diglett> It's just so... unecessary.
Mar 14 17 08:06:49 <Dirt Diglett> It's a bloody community around a gaming platform
Mar 14 17 08:06:56 <Nowhere Man> right?
Mar 14 17 08:07:08 <SnowPhoenix> I guess, yeah. I mod Pokemon trading subreddits and such, where we have to ban people for scamming on a daily basis pretty much. Seems good if you can go nine months without running across a massive troll, though.
Mar 14 17 08:07:15 <Nowhere Man> I mean, I guess buying games on the internert is serious business.
Mar 14 17 08:07:17 <Dirt Diglett> Like how do you get so angry and hate filled over something that's meant to be fun and friendly and inclusive
Mar 14 17 08:07:29 <Dirt Diglett> And it all started over a katana in dark souls!
Mar 14 17 08:07:52 <Nowhere Man> Okay, okay. DS will get anybody salty
Mar 14 17 08:08:08 <Nowhere Man> still
Mar 14 17 08:08:20 <Nowhere Man> I had to ban somebody just a few days ago
Mar 14 17 08:08:26 <Nowhere Man> so my record is shit
Mar 14 17 08:08:49 <xHaZxMaTx> Banned someone earlier today.
Mar 14 17 08:08:55 <Nowhere Man> Don't feel bad about one person in 9 months.
Mar 14 17 08:09:05 <Nowhere Man> That's fucking *clean*
Mar 14 17 08:09:29 <xHaZxMaTx> Right? If only we could be so lucky!
Mar 14 17 08:09:57 <Dirt Diglett> Also, query to you more experience modding folk. When do you find it appropriate to lock a thread versus removing it? If a thread needs to be locked should it not also then be removed?
Mar 14 17 08:10:19 <SnowPhoenix> Announcements and such that contain too much shitposting.
Mar 14 17 08:10:36 <Nowhere Man> I always figured when a thread is controversial and nothing of value is happening in comments. Removal is for rule-breaking.
Mar 14 17 08:10:45 <xHaZxMaTx> When the submission content is fine, but the comments are out of hand.
Mar 14 17 08:10:59 <Dirt Diglett> 👌 Thankyou muchly!
Mar 14 17 08:11:44 <xHaZxMaTx> We've only ever locked a handful of threads to my recollection. I think it'd be more likely that we just nuke the offending comment chain.
Mar 14 17 08:12:10 <SnowPhoenix> Yeah, locking is rarely needed, but there are a few situations where it's good to have.
Mar 14 17 08:12:49 <Nowhere Man> Hmmmm there's a cherry I haven't had to pop yet 👀
Mar 14 17 08:12:55 <Nowhere Man> Here's hoping I don't have to
Mar 14 17 08:13:04 <Nowhere Man> we have a pretty civil community.
Mar 14 17 08:13:26 <xHaZxMaTx> Looks like we average about 1 ban a day.
Mar 14 17 08:14:13 <Nowhere Man> Holy shit, what subject matter is that controversial
Mar 14 17 08:14:42 <xHaZxMaTx> /r/mylittlepony attracts a lot of trolls. Go figure.
Mar 14 17 08:14:43 <Dirt Diglett> /r/GrilledCheese?
Mar 14 17 08:14:49 <Nowhere Man> Ah. Yeah, that'll do it.
Mar 14 17 08:15:05 <Nowhere Man> Shit was a lot worse a few years ago when FIM came out, but I figure it's still pretty bad.
Mar 14 17 08:15:21 <xHaZxMaTx> Yupyup.
Mar 14 17 08:15:33 <Nowhere Man> My condolences.
Mar 14 17 08:15:57 <xHaZxMaTx> They tend to make themselves super obvious, so it's hardly what I'd call work, heh.
Mar 14 17 08:16:16 <Nowhere Man> more like whack-a-mole, as it sounds.
Mar 14 17 08:16:17 <xHaZxMaTx> Thank God for 0-day account notifications.
Mar 14 17 08:16:22 <xHaZxMaTx> Pretty much.
Mar 14 17 08:16:51 <Nowhere Man> We'll probably have those come Dragon Age 4, but /r/MassEffect is stuck with the trolls for now.
Mar 14 17 08:16:59 <Nowhere Man> Thank god for a long development cycle.
Mar 14 17 08:17:23 <xHaZxMaTx> Wouldn't think either of those would attract many trolls.
Mar 14 17 08:17:36 <xHaZxMaTx> Though I've played neither, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
Mar 14 17 08:18:19 <Nowhere Man> Well, Bioware has always been inclusion-oriented (angry people read: SJWs), so that's a lot of it
Mar 14 17 08:18:39 <xHaZxMaTx> Ah-ha.
Mar 14 17 08:18:40 <Nowhere Man> Also people are super-invested in their romance options
Mar 14 17 08:18:46 <xHaZxMaTx> lol
Mar 14 17 08:18:55 <Nowhere Man> and if they don't have somebody they want to bang, *reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee*
Mar 14 17 08:19:07 <xHaZxMaTx> Shipping and social justice are serious business.
Mar 14 17 08:19:15 <Nowhere Man> Totes McGotes
Mar 14 17 08:19:29 <Dirt Diglett> I'm still waiting for my Elcor romance option.
Mar 14 17 08:19:33 <xHaZxMaTx> Quite familiar with both of those on /r/mlp.
Mar 14 17 08:19:55 <Dirt Diglett> Elcor-Hanar three way romance please Bioware.
Mar 14 17 08:20:07 <Nowhere Man> Do want
Mar 14 17 08:20:25 <Nowhere Man> Blasto 5: the reblastening
Mar 14 17 08:21:49 <Dirt Diglett> BLASTO, now there's a hero protaganist we need for a Mass Effect game.
Mar 14 17 08:22:11 <Nowhere Man> He'll fuck your life up.
Mar 14 17 09:28:58 <Phallindrome> Dirt Diglett Here's an excellent example of a post that is good content for a subreddit to keep, but which will just attract too much crap to leave open.
Mar 14 17 14:20:11 <isentrope> only if you don't vigorously ban people
Mar 14 17 16:11:40 <Precursor> I use Low Investment rule to target posts like that so we don't get to many.
Mar 14 17 16:12:25 <Precursor> I pretty much never lock a post, as a user I hate seeing them in other subs.
Mar 14 17 16:16:21 <xHaZxMaTx> `Low Investment rule`
What is that?
Mar 14 17 16:20:21 <isentrope> low effort comments i guess
Mar 14 17 16:20:31 <isentrope> if it's a meme in a really short comment
Mar 14 17 16:21:21 <isentrope> and for the record, /r/worldnews rarely locks posts
Mar 14 17 16:21:27 <isentrope> i think we've done it like twice?
Mar 14 17 16:21:46 <isentrope> the admins have locked them for us more often!
Mar 14 17 16:23:30 <Zock> admins have locked your posts?
Mar 14 17 16:23:33 <Zock> why?
Mar 14 17 16:24:56 <isentrope> this one time
Mar 14 17 16:25:02 <isentrope> i think it was the bataclan shooting
Mar 14 17 16:25:09 <isentrope> it got temporarily locked because the site was crashing
Mar 14 17 16:25:18 <isentrope> of course...150 people died, so it was kind of a big deal
Mar 14 17 16:28:13 <xHaZxMaTx> #reddithugofdeath
Mar 14 17 16:34:25 <isentrope> it hugged itself
Mar 14 17 16:35:43 <Precursor> Low Investment, basically we don't allow any Low Investment post. So we require you to put work into the topic. Depending on the contentiousness of the topic it carry vary. So if its something that lends itself to discussion that will get a topic locked OP needs to have a very solid post, usually with a source, summary of source, and a very good question.
Mar 14 17 16:38:28 <xHaZxMaTx> Which sub?
Mar 14 17 16:40:14 <Nowhere Man> I'm guessing /r/PoliticalDiscussion
Mar 14 17 16:42:24 <Precursor> yea
Mar 14 17 16:44:28 <Nowhere Man> It'd be easier to tell if you turned reddit account integration to Discord on
Mar 14 17 16:45:34 <Precursor> No idea how to do that
Mar 14 17 16:47:14 <Nowhere Man> from the cog in the lower left to the connections tab
Mar 14 17 16:47:38 <Nowhere Man> and you should have the option to connect accounts there
Mar 14 17 16:52:08 <tiz> since we use reddit /u/ here, as our username. Just copy/paste it to the end of
Mar 14 17 16:53:06 <xHaZxMaTx> Ah, neat.
Mar 14 17 16:53:33 <xHaZxMaTx> Is the Reddit connection just a feature of joining this server or has that been a thing in Discord?
Mar 14 17 16:54:17 <tiz> it's disocrd feature
Mar 14 17 16:54:56 <xHaZxMaTx> Neato burrito.
Mar 14 17 16:58:09 <Enigma> click on someone's name and then their avatar to view their profile
Mar 14 17 16:58:21 <Enigma> it'll show linked accounts
Mar 14 17 16:59:14 <xHaZxMaTx> Fancy pants.
Mar 15 17 20:02:37 <Zirr> Hey - I heard something about a pseudo-shadowban.
Mar 15 17 20:02:46 <Zirr> Do you just set automod up to instantly remove everything by them?
Mar 15 17 20:03:30 <beelzeybob> yes
Mar 15 17 20:03:54 <beelzeybob> back when my main sub was smaller, and I had more time, I liked to set it to filter
Mar 15 17 20:04:07 <beelzeybob> and give them upvotes or downvotes so they didn't catch on as fast
Mar 15 17 20:04:14 <xHaZxMaTx> Ha.
Mar 15 17 20:04:31 <xHaZxMaTx> We do the pseudo-shadowban thing, but I don't think any of us ever considered giving them votes.
Mar 15 17 20:04:38 <xHaZxMaTx> It's almost never a problem anyway.
Mar 15 17 20:04:54 <Zirr> I'm gonna do that. I have a particularly noisy user, and I think he'd just make an alt.
Mar 15 17 20:05:16 <beelzeybob> yeah, the ones we ban tend to be alts/sockpuppets that they made just for us
Mar 15 17 20:05:22 <beelzeybob> 😘
Mar 15 17 20:05:36 <beelzeybob> so they tend to see their stuff missing as soon as they log out
Mar 15 17 20:07:40 <Zirr> I actually have the guy on steam, haha
Mar 15 17 20:08:04 <xHaZxMaTx> We tend to just get people complaining about see the subreddit on /r/all. Which is odd, 'cause /r/mylittlepony is not a super high-scoring subreddit so it can't be getting very high up on /r/all. Like, if you're on page 30, you should probably be expecting to see pretty much everything.
Mar 15 17 20:08:41 <Zirr> I think the only time we were on all was when we were trending and when we were SROTD
Mar 15 17 20:08:54 <Zirr> idk the specifics but I heard it's like upvote to sub ratio
Mar 15 17 20:09:40 <xHaZxMaTx> You mean the only time you were on the front page? You'll find anything on /r/all if you scroll far down enough.
Mar 15 17 20:09:53 <Zirr> Is it not the same?
Mar 15 17 20:09:59 <Zirr> Just the 1st page of /r/all?
Mar 15 17 20:11:01 <xHaZxMaTx> If you just say /r/all to mean the front page, that's a bit misleading or at least confusing.
Mar 15 17 20:12:26 <Zirr> If it is, it's not on purpose :p
Mar 15 17 20:12:40 <Zirr> I usually stay in the same few subs, not that smartz about reddit in general
Mar 15 17 20:12:44 <xHaZxMaTx> Sure, didn't mean to imply that it was.
Mar 15 17 20:13:00 <Zirr> Wasn't there a new thing? Where certain stuff was filtered out?
Mar 15 17 20:13:02 <Zirr> Like political subs?
Mar 15 17 20:13:15 <xHaZxMaTx> But yeah, you can go waaay down into /r/all and find submissions with very few votes. On /r/all, but definitely not on the front page.
Mar 15 17 20:13:22 <xHaZxMaTx> /r/popular.
Mar 15 17 20:14:39 <Tealeaf> all can have really niche submissions sometimes
Mar 15 17 20:14:40 <Deimos> some people also filter a lot of subreddits out with the built-in filters or RES (or both) so they get through the first pages really quickly
Mar 15 17 20:15:35 <Tealeaf> if you get votes quickly, you can spike to the first few pages of all with just a couple hundred votes
Mar 15 17 20:15:48 <Zirr> I go on all on my phone, but I'm not sure if I'm on popular or all
Mar 15 17 20:15:54 <Zirr> It says all.
Mar 15 17 20:16:08 <Tealeaf> which a medium subreddit can pull off
Mar 15 17 20:16:26 <Deimos> is it full of porn? if yes, it's all, if no, it's popular
Mar 15 17 20:16:43 <Zirr> we're at ~41k - doubt we've ever hit the first few pages
Mar 15 17 20:16:44 <Zirr> and yeah
Mar 15 17 20:16:50 <Zirr> there used to be a lot of porn
Mar 15 17 20:16:53 <Zirr> Had to filter it out
Mar 15 17 20:17:26 <Tealeaf> prude
Mar 15 17 20:17:51 <Shane> r/popular is a lot better than r/all
Mar 15 17 20:17:52 <Zirr> oh no - just want to be able to browse reddit in public :p
Mar 15 17 20:19:40 <Tealeaf> but yeh, 41k is plenty to get occasional hits onto all
Mar 15 17 20:20:06 <Tealeaf> i'm working with 60k and shitposts can make it easy
Mar 15 17 20:21:20 <Zirr> what sub? i had to disallow shitposts and memes so there's not really much easily digestible content that gets a ton of upvotes
Mar 15 17 20:21:33 <Zirr> except maybe the weekly progress updates we get if it's a particularly nice one
Mar 15 17 20:21:38 <Zirr> they can go up to like a 1000
Mar 15 17 20:22:23 <Tealeaf> local country sub
Mar 15 17 20:23:54 <Tealeaf>
Mar 15 17 20:24:32 <Tealeaf> you can notice the r/all visitors because they don't fucking speak the language
Mar 15 17 20:24:48 <Zirr> oh right we got those too when I used to frequent my countries reddit
Mar 15 17 20:24:53 <Zirr> Like... so many comments.
Mar 15 17 20:24:56 <Zirr> It got pretty annoying
Mar 15 17 20:26:35 <Tealeaf> yeah good thing it's just the occasional shitpost that pokes through the upvote ceiling
Mar 15 17 20:27:19 <Deimos> why not just take it out of /r/all? I'm not sure there's a lot of benefit in a country subreddit (especially if it's non-english) being included
Mar 15 17 20:27:29 <Tealeaf> because it's not a big deal
Mar 15 17 20:27:51 <Tealeaf> the posts that make it to r/all are usually image posts
Mar 15 17 20:28:06 <Tealeaf> and not, say, local politician said stupid thing X
Mar 15 17 20:29:49 <xHaZxMaTx> Shitposts/memes are universally celebrated it seems. Thankfully, the /r/mylittlepony users seem to only allow one through every once in a while.
Mar 15 17 20:30:01 <xHaZxMaTx> 1 meme submitted? Hundreds of upvotes.
Mar 15 17 20:30:08 <xHaZxMaTx> 2 memes submitted? Fucking destroyed.
Mar 15 17 20:30:49 <Tealeaf> memes
Mar 15 17 20:31:01 <Zirr> i mod a bit more serious sub, and a lot of people didn't like the memes / low effort content
Mar 15 17 20:31:06 <Zirr> personally i don't really care either way
Mar 15 17 20:31:07 <xHaZxMaTx> The death of /r/youtubehaiku.
Mar 15 17 20:31:20 <Zirr> but i did a survey and most people didn't want the really shitty stuff
Mar 15 17 20:31:25 <Zirr> which i mean is understandable
Mar 15 17 20:31:50 <Tealeaf> island spawn
Mar 15 17 20:32:01 <Zirr> 😠
Mar 15 17 20:32:37 <xHaZxMaTx> Island spawn?
Mar 15 17 20:32:54 <Tealeaf> the other sub i deal with is much more serious and doesn't even get any shitposts even though they're technically allowed
Mar 15 17 20:33:25 <Tealeaf> it's all just serious business blog posts all day long
Mar 15 17 21:35:13 <Shane> if you havent already, add rules into r/subreddit /about/rules. turns out people actually report stuff if its set
Mar 15 17 22:01:35 <SpyTec> We have one that's literally "Retired topic". Oh boy does that get used a lot
Mar 15 17 22:17:36 <Phallindrome> what kind of topics are retired?
Mar 15 17 22:18:26 <SpyTec> NPC name posts more or less
Mar 15 17 22:18:33 <SpyTec> But people report anything they feel is retired
Mar 15 17 22:42:50 <Madbrad200>
Mar 15 17 22:44:27 <SpyTec> Only a few years late
Mar 15 17 22:44:28 <xHaZxMaTx> 👍
Mar 15 17 22:44:31 <SpyTec> But nice
Mar 15 17 23:04:37 <Dirt Diglett> Reddit also want to utilize /about/rules in a lot more places, so yeah it's a good idea to do them instead of a wiki page of rules
Mar 15 17 23:06:13 <SpyTec> We still only use them for reports of some of the rules we have
Mar 15 17 23:07:35 <Dirt Diglett> ```
Previously we only really used these rules to populate the report menu. Because of this, a lot of subreddit rules are, understandably, written with only reports in mind. This has meant it is hard for us to use the rules elsewhere (e.g. to show to a user before they make a comment, for mod removal reasons, etc.). **We want to start using community rules in more places**, so we’ve made a change to the way they work.
Mar 15 17 23:07:47 <Dirt Diglett>
Mar 15 17 23:07:57 <Dirt Diglett> Discord needs blockquotes <_<
Mar 15 17 23:08:24 <SpyTec> We'll see where they go with it
Mar 15 17 23:09:06 <PCJonathan> The only issue comes when we want to use more than 500 characters. Beyond reports, we're still not seeing a huge advantage to it as of right now.
Mar 15 17 23:09:27 <PCJonathan> I just use a code block for quoting bulk usually.
Mar 15 17 23:09:36 <Dirt Diglett> Yeah, rewriting /r/steam's rules and I found that 500 limit very very restrictive in conjunction with the 10 rule limit.
Mar 15 17 23:10:01 <SpyTec> I'd say it's impossible without scrapping some rules in favor of one more ambigous and broader rule
Mar 15 17 23:11:10 <PCJonathan> I wonder if you can use images like you can on wikipages
Mar 15 17 23:11:33 <Dirt Diglett> ```
As I mention in this comment, the goal of /about/rules is to have a version of the rules that people will actually read and that we can use throughout the site. I am aware that a lot of subreddits have very specific requirements, in which case I encourage you to treat these rules as a summary and link them to a wiki that has the detailed rules fleshed out.
Mar 15 17 23:11:39 <SpyTec> You mean with CSS?
Mar 15 17 23:14:30 <PCJonathan> As in
![Image Text](%%name-of-image%%)
Mar 15 17 23:15:03 <SpyTec> I forgot you could do that.. 😛
Mar 15 17 23:15:48 <SpyTec> StuartGT did this for artwork sidebar, but I though it was CSS, not direct images. The more you know
Mar 15 17 23:16:55 <Dirt Diglett> Give it a try and let us know 😉
Mar 15 17 23:27:50 <MajorParadox> Dirt Diglett , we just link to our rules wiki to give more detail
Mar 15 17 23:28:20 <MajorParadox> I think they suggested that in the admin post too
Mar 15 17 23:29:33 <Zock> Oh man dirt has our rules snazzy af
Mar 15 17 23:30:25 <Dirt Diglett> 😊
Mar 15 17 23:30:30 <PCJonathan> You can't say that and not provide a link!
Mar 15 17 23:30:42 <Dirt Diglett> in the sidebar
Mar 15 17 23:30:46 <Dirt Diglett> and
Mar 15 17 23:30:48 <Zock> /r/steam sidebar
Mar 15 17 23:31:02 <SpyTec> Was about to link but that isn't what I was looking for
Mar 15 17 23:31:09 <Zock> Actually just the entire sub
Mar 15 17 23:31:12 <Zock> Snazzy
Mar 15 17 23:32:34 <MajorParadox> Wow, I love the CSS
Mar 15 17 23:32:56 <SpyTec> Same
Mar 15 17 23:33:01 <MajorParadox> Ooh, I love those mouse overs in the sidebar
Mar 15 17 23:33:06 <MajorParadox> Do they work on mobile?
Mar 15 17 23:33:27 <PCJonathan> Verrrryyyy Niiice
Mar 15 17 23:33:36 <Dirt Diglett> You know what, I totally forgot mobile was a thing without the app... So I don't know 😛
Mar 15 17 23:33:49 <Zock> Lol
Mar 15 17 23:33:53 <MajorParadox> I'll check 😛
Mar 15 17 23:34:43 <SpyTec> Dirt Diglett You up for hire? Could use getting ours revamped a bit, they're bland
Mar 15 17 23:34:44 <MajorParadox> Doesn't seem like it 😦
Mar 15 17 23:35:35 <Zock> They don't
Mar 15 17 23:35:36 <Dirt Diglett> SpyTec For hire as in paid work, or for hire as in "for free but please help us"? 😉
Mar 15 17 23:35:36 <Zock> Rip
Mar 15 17 23:35:44 <SpyTec> For free 😛
Mar 15 17 23:35:48 <Zock> Haha
Mar 15 17 23:36:17 <Dirt Diglett> I can probably get the tooltips working on mobile with an :active as well as :hover
Mar 15 17 23:36:23 <SpyTec> I mean, I have tried doing a good job with organizing the backend stuffs, but designing the bloody subreddit is difficult enough
Mar 15 17 23:37:02 <Dirt Diglett> The trouble is, as the other mods on /r/steam worked out... Is that I am horribly lazy usually 😛
Mar 15 17 23:37:47 <SpyTec> Welp 😛
Mar 15 17 23:38:02 <MajorParadox> Can I steal code from your CSS?
Mar 15 17 23:38:20 <SpyTec> Mine? Sure!... oh you mean /r/Steam
Mar 15 17 23:38:23 <Dirt Diglett> Sure MajorParadox
Mar 15 17 23:38:26 <MajorParadox> Yeah haha
Mar 15 17 23:38:29 <MajorParadox> Thanks!
Mar 15 17 23:39:05 <Dirt Diglett> SpyTec I will promise nothing but I will see if I can do some stuff to spruce it up 😃
Mar 15 17 23:39:49 <SpyTec> You don't have to if you don't want too. I'm sure others would appreciate the help more ó_ò
Mar 15 17 23:39:59 <SpyTec> But if so, I do have the github page if you're into Sass
Mar 15 17 23:41:33 <MajorParadox> It's not as pretty, but this is my biggest CSS project: But I mostly just search /r/csshelp and see what other people do
Mar 15 17 23:41:55 <Dirt Diglett> Yeah mate, I used sass for /r/steam
Mar 15 17 23:42:33 <SpyTec> Noice
Mar 15 17 23:43:28 <Zock> ok now im wondering what the worst css is
Mar 15 17 23:43:34 <Zock> but still functionable
Mar 15 17 23:43:39 <Zock> ooer doesnt count
Mar 15 17 23:43:46 <SpyTec> /r/all?
Mar 15 17 23:44:12 <Zock> ... lol
Mar 15 17 23:44:27 <beelzeybob> /r/CrappyDesign/
Mar 15 17 23:45:01 <Zock> ok both functional and awful
Mar 15 17 23:45:06 <Zock> exactly what i was asking
Mar 15 17 23:46:03 <Dirt Diglett> It takes a lot of skill to make something intentionally awful
Mar 15 17 23:46:03 <Shane>
Mar 15 17 23:46:15 <xHaZxMaTx> /r/cuberpunk
Mar 15 17 23:46:19 <xHaZxMaTx> Not a typo.
Mar 15 17 23:46:27 <beelzeybob> because I mod <:bw1:275014446445887488> oware subs... r/witcher
Mar 15 17 23:46:31 <beelzeybob> jk jk
Mar 15 17 23:46:52 <xHaZxMaTx> Though /r/cyberpunk is pretty bad too.
Mar 15 17 23:47:00 <xHaZxMaTx> Maybe not bad CSS I guess. Just looks bad.
Mar 15 17 23:47:24 <xHaZxMaTx> Also:
Mar 15 17 23:47:27 <Shane> If you want functional ones have a look at Gavin19's test subs
Mar 15 17 23:48:36 <Zock> csshalp isnt functional
Mar 15 17 23:48:48 <Zock> imo not impressive to have a shitty nonfunctional sub
Mar 15 17 23:48:58 <Zock> but it impressive to have a shitty functional sub
Mar 15 17 23:49:18 <Zock> man cuberpunk is so simple
Mar 15 17 23:49:24 <Zock> but yes it is awful
Mar 15 17 23:49:30 <Zock> these are too enjoyable
Mar 15 17 23:49:36 <Shane> Check u/gavin19 s test subs
Mar 15 17 23:50:53 <Zock> none of them seem that bad
Mar 15 17 23:51:01 <Zock> oh god nevermind
Mar 15 17 23:51:09 <Zock> /r/gavin19
Mar 15 17 23:51:31 <SpyTec>
Mar 15 17 23:52:05 <Zock> i mean, that's not really bad css
Mar 15 17 23:52:07 <Zock> but
Mar 15 17 23:52:08 <Zock> what
Mar 15 17 23:52:28 <Zock> I think /r/gavin19 is the worst so far
Mar 15 17 23:52:33 <Zock> its functional if you want
Mar 15 17 23:52:35 <Zock> but
Mar 15 17 23:52:50 <Dirt Diglett> It looks like /r/gavin19 is just a testbed for a bunch of random little things
Mar 15 17 23:53:04 <Zock> yeah that's probably why
Mar 15 17 23:53:08 <Zock> they all look cool
Mar 15 17 23:53:12 <Zock> but together
Mar 15 17 23:53:30 <beelzeybob> I threw this together to use as a reddit gold theme, so I could browse reddit during a lecture and still look productive
Mar 15 17 23:53:33 <beelzeybob>
Mar 15 17 23:54:38 <SpyTec> Hah
Mar 15 17 23:54:39 <Dirt Diglett> Clever
Mar 15 17 23:54:53 <Zock> i had to make a post to see if they were different
Mar 15 17 23:55:03 <Zock> isn't there a website like that?
Mar 15 17 23:55:13 <SpyTec> Yeah
Mar 15 17 23:55:20 <Zock> That turns reddit into word and one for google search
Mar 15 17 23:55:42 <beelzeybob> I can't quite figure out how to use the word one though
Mar 15 17 23:56:13 <Zock> im searching for it rn
Mar 15 17 23:56:18 <Zock> its been forever since i saw it
Mar 15 17 23:56:29 <Deimos> there's this one that looks like outlook:
Mar 15 17 23:56:33 <Zock>
Mar 15 17 23:56:35 <Zock> jeez
Mar 15 17 23:57:49 <Zock>
Mar 15 17 23:57:54 <Zock> Deimos this is different?
Mar 15 17 23:58:03 <Zock> oh thats email
Mar 15 17 23:58:07 <Zock> shit sorry
Mar 15 17 23:58:17 <Deimos> the same guy made both, but yeah, one looks like email and one like word
Mar 15 17 23:58:28 <Zock> email looks better
Mar 15 17 23:58:30 <Zock> idk how word works
Mar 16 17 00:03:56 <MajorParadox> beelzeybob that's pretty funny 😄
Mar 16 17 00:04:01 <MajorParadox> Your theme
Mar 16 17 00:15:31 <Axanery> Does this server nickname you to your /u/?
Mar 16 17 00:15:37 <Jernik> yep
Mar 16 17 01:44:12 <Baldemoto> I'm trying to make a new subreddit called "Ask an Advocate". Do you have any advice for starting a new subreddit? I've never created one of my popular subreddits, I only join a mod team.
Mar 16 17 01:52:48 <Zock> i know a lot of people use x-posts to grow it but doesnt seem like something that could do that for
Mar 16 17 01:55:49 <Baldemoto> Well, for starters, what would be a good subtitle?
Mar 16 17 01:55:50 <beelzeybob> I've only grown a subreddit from scratch once
Mar 16 17 01:56:03 <beelzeybob> but it was related to one of my larger subs
Mar 16 17 01:56:07 <Baldemoto> I see
Mar 16 17 01:56:14 <beelzeybob> and filled a niche
Mar 16 17 01:56:26 <beelzeybob> so a lot of people advertised it without me needing to
Mar 16 17 04:57:22 <Chiyo> Axanery not for me :P
Mar 16 17 04:57:38 <Chiyo> i like my privicy so it's not connected to reddit
Mar 16 17 14:08:42 <vxx> I used to find relevant posts amd asked the OP in the comments to cross post it to /r/unexpected
Mar 16 17 14:09:38 <vxx> Also, my rule was that I should at least post 5 new submissions a day
Mar 16 17 14:11:37 <vxx> A mention is useless when the users see a dead subreddit
Mar 16 17 14:14:27 <vxx> In your case it would probably help to read the rules of similar subreddits and if your kind of stuff isn't allowed there, you could offer them that they can redirect the violating posts to your subreddit
Mar 16 17 14:14:54 <vxx> They won't do it if it's dead though.
Mar 16 17 14:22:34 <vxx> @baldemoto
Mar 16 17 14:23:04 <vxx> Baldemoto
Mar 16 17 14:55:45 <Shane> I've been doing 25 posts a day on my sub :3
Mar 16 17 14:56:35 <Shane> if there isnt enough content for 5 posts a day there isnt much point
Mar 16 17 15:00:14 <Shane> also if your sub is a self post based one its gonna be twice as hard to grow, people don't like reading shit and there are bigger subs that allow that content
Mar 16 17 15:43:32 <vxx> Phhh, you post 25 posts a day on my sub as well :D
Mar 16 17 15:44:37 <vxx> Not that I'm complaining though, Shane
Mar 16 17 15:44:58 <Shane> which sub is yours? :3
Mar 16 17 15:45:30 <vxx> The one you applied to become a moderator recently ;)
Mar 16 17 15:45:49 <Shane> ah that one
Mar 16 17 15:46:16 <vxx> Your K gif you sent me yesterday was awesome... The suspension was real
Mar 16 17 15:46:32 <vxx> /r/unexpected it is
Mar 16 17 15:46:45 <Shane> oh you're also a mod of the XbeingX and WastedGifs so its probably not far off 25
Mar 16 17 15:47:37 <vxx> I wouldn't call them my subreddits though.
Mar 16 17 15:48:14 <vxx> You submit more than I do mod actions in a day at xbeingx
Mar 16 17 15:48:55 <Shane> Pigs are adorable little jerks
Mar 16 17 16:07:22 <xHaZxMaTx> As are Corgis.
Mar 16 17 22:33:54 <Shane> creesch any ETA on new modmail toolbox integration?
Mar 16 17 22:37:28 <allthefoxes> careful now
Mar 16 17 22:37:39 <Zock> ?
Mar 16 17 22:37:47 <allthefoxes> y'all are cute
Mar 16 17 22:37:54 <Zock> I'm so confused
Mar 16 17 22:38:19 <Dirt Diglett> 😊
Mar 16 17 22:38:35 <SpyTec> Don't poke the beast
Mar 16 17 22:39:38 <Shane> But he's no beast
Mar 16 17 22:39:47 <SpyTec> Now you've done it
Mar 16 17 22:39:51 <SpyTec> I'm out of here
Mar 16 17 22:40:34 <Madbrad200> Lol
Mar 16 17 22:44:15 <Shane> But
Mar 16 17 22:45:03 <SpyTec> I'd link it here but no embedding.. so <#280814354910281728> it is
Mar 17 17 02:38:55 <AmericanDerp> Anyone know what this new rules pop up is?
Mar 17 17 02:39:06 <AmericanDerp> Context:
Mar 17 17 02:41:09 <tiz> AmericanDerp
Mar 17 17 02:51:06 <AmericanDerp> thanks, we opted in for the cool news rules structure but didn't know about the pop up being part of it...!
Mar 17 17 03:47:31 <Deimos> hmm your 4th rule doesn't really work very well for being displayed like that
Mar 17 17 03:49:22 <Dirt Diglett> Who's rule is that, Deimos ?
Mar 17 17 03:49:52 <Deimos> oh the ones in the screenshot I meant, from /r/SeattleWA
Mar 17 17 03:50:06 <Deimos>
Mar 17 17 03:50:41 <Dirt Diglett> Indeed.
Mar 17 17 03:50:56 <Dirt Diglett> So it has a decline button.. so a user can "decline" to follow those rules and still post?
Mar 17 17 03:51:13 <Deimos> from the thread it sounds like if you decline it just keeps popping up
Mar 17 17 03:51:20 <Deimos> and maybe eventually stops and then they can post anyway? I don't know
Mar 17 17 03:52:03 <Dirt Diglett> ` In both experiments, users should not see the modal more than once after dismissing it.`
From the Live announcement.
Mar 17 17 03:52:11 <Dirt Diglett> Which is where I am getting confused.
Mar 17 17 03:52:20 <Deimos> yeah but maybe they just never considered that someone would decline :b
Mar 17 17 03:52:53 <Deimos> too bad they didn't make it automatically ban the person if they declined, that would be more fun
Mar 17 17 03:52:57 <Dirt Diglett> If I was a user, I'd give it a go "I wonder if I can decline it and still post... thereby giving the defence of 'I never agreed to follow them'"
Mar 17 17 03:55:52 <Dirt Diglett> Just tested it.
Mar 17 17 03:56:08 <AmericanDerp> Hm, thanks all, you're right. The wording is off there.
Mar 17 17 03:56:10 <Dirt Diglett> Declining it will cause it to pop back up everytime you give :focus to the text input,... but you can still post without accepting it.
Mar 17 17 03:56:13 <AmericanDerp> I'll fix it.
Mar 17 17 03:57:34 <Deimos> Dirt Diglett it looks like you can just click the X in the top right and it will stop popping up too
Mar 17 17 03:57:47 <Dirt Diglett> I didn't even notice an X ha!
Mar 17 17 03:57:54 <Deimos> so I guess the X gets interpreted as "accept", that's definitely not right
Mar 17 17 03:58:21 <Dirt Diglett> It certainly doesn't give the feeling of "These are the rules to participate in our community" and more of a "We'd prefer you to follow these... but you don't need to"
Mar 17 17 04:09:27 <Zeno> FYI for anyone interested in making data statistics for their subreddit or the sort, Splunk has a free version
Mar 17 17 04:11:05 <Deimos> are you using it yet, Zeno ?
Mar 17 17 04:11:25 <Zeno> Building it out now. I'd like to use it to replace
Mar 17 17 05:27:55 <creesch> Shane ? We already have that
Mar 17 17 05:33:41 <Axanery> /r/assholedesign Dirt Diglett
Mar 17 17 12:02:41 <Shane> creesch you do?
Mar 17 17 12:15:55 <creesch> Shane Uh yeah we got stuff like usernotes, modbutton, macros, etc working in new modmail.
Mar 17 17 12:16:00 <creesch> Are you missing something specific
Mar 17 17 12:18:39 <Shane> I mean like notifications for new mail and the icon down in the toolbar
Mar 17 17 12:24:11 <creesch> Notifications are unlikely at this point.
Mar 17 17 12:24:23 <creesch> Due to how the entire folder structure thing.
Mar 17 17 12:24:38 <creesch> The icon thing is something we have planned.
Mar 17 17 17:31:18 <Phallindrome> Disappointed there won't be notifications, but I don't know what the code looks like xP you're the boss
Mar 17 17 17:34:14 <creesch> Well it is a bit hard getting notifications out when there are multiple places to look and things also get archived.
Mar 17 17 17:34:22 <creesch> Not impossible, just rather tricky.
Mar 17 17 17:34:55 <creesch> So since development time is limited it just isn't that big of a priority compared to some other things we have on the list.
Mar 17 17 17:36:06 <Phallindrome> Alright ^-^
Mar 17 17 17:36:26 <Phallindrome> I remain excited as always for the next update
Mar 17 17 19:27:39 <xHaZxMaTx> Notifications for RES?
Mar 17 17 19:28:10 <SpyTec> toolbox notifications, for new modmail
Mar 17 17 22:21:47 <Baldemoto> Wait, Toolbox updated with the new Modmail?
Mar 17 17 22:23:16 <SpyTec> No, the discussion above was about if it was possible to add
Mar 17 17 22:29:37 <creesch> What is with you people and thinking notifications is all there is to toolbox.
Mar 17 17 22:29:50 <creesch> The important shit has been supported in new modmail for a while now.
Mar 17 17 22:30:29 <Zock> notifications are important to me
Mar 17 17 22:30:37 <irontide> Hey guys, I have some idiot admitting to ban circumvention. Remind me about the best practice for bringing this to the admins' attention.
Mar 17 17 22:30:56 <irontide> Also, mod toolbox is a fucking godsend, notifications and all
Mar 17 17 22:30:59 <MajorParadox> When modmail was in the limited beta, toolbox notifications worked for a little while, but then stopped. Did something change that made it not work or something? Just curious
Mar 17 17 22:31:26 <creesch> I realize notification are something people want, but this is the second time I have seen people say "toolbox supports new modmail" which to me is a odd way of saying it.
Mar 17 17 22:31:39 <creesch> Uh notifications never worked for new modmail.
Mar 17 17 22:31:46 <creesch> You probably got them from subs not in the beta
Mar 17 17 22:32:19 <MajorParadox> Hmm, maybe that was it? I seem to remember it working, but maybe that was it
Mar 17 17 22:32:30 <MajorParadox> You'd know better, right? Hahah
Mar 17 17 22:33:24 <MajorParadox> Does anyone know if RES is going to add some features like live preview to modmail?
Mar 17 17 22:34:41 <Deimos> irontide send it to /r/ modmail or email
Mar 17 17 22:34:57 <Deimos> then wait 10-15 business days
Mar 17 17 22:35:13 <SpyTec> 😉
Mar 17 17 22:35:17 <irontide> yeah, that's what I normally do
Mar 17 17 22:35:28 <irontide> my other default/popular mods tell me sometimes there's a better way
Mar 17 17 22:35:48 <irontide> tohugh I can never remember it
Mar 17 17 22:35:55 <Deimos> you can pester individual admins about it directly or something, but they'll probably tell you to stop doing it
Mar 17 17 22:35:57 <Balancegenerally> hey if we are all hitting up creesch for feature requests might as well throw mine in for a way to filter modqueue by users with notes in there. :p
Mar 17 17 22:35:59 <irontide> I think they mention there's a slack? This is months old about it
Mar 17 17 22:36:10 <irontide> months old memory, I mean
Mar 17 17 22:36:36 <Deimos> maybe the defaultmods slack, they don't like people requesting non-urgent stuff in there though (which they'd consider ban evasion to be)
Mar 17 17 22:36:44 <irontide> gotcha
Mar 17 17 22:36:49 <irontide> thanks for the help
Mar 17 17 22:36:57 <irontide> I've nevr used the slack
Mar 17 17 22:37:02 <irontide> I probably should
Mar 17 17 22:38:11 <Balancegenerally> i got a reply on ban evasion in about 4 days through /r/
Mar 17 17 22:38:34 <SpyTec> I usually get a <24h response.. might be lucky 😛
Mar 17 17 22:38:52 <Balancegenerally> they took down the 7 new accounts but left the main... anoying.
Mar 17 17 22:39:41 <Balancegenerally> it depends on what i send in. harrasment~ 3 days, Ban evaision~ 4, comment spam 1-2, CP like 30 seconds
Mar 17 17 22:40:59 <irontide> cp?
Mar 17 17 22:41:20 <irontide> I'm sorry, I mod /r/philosophy, it would be out of character for me to be in the loop
Mar 17 17 22:41:30 <Balancegenerally> child porn
Mar 17 17 22:41:31 <irontide> not matching the stereotype of what philosophy people ar elike
Mar 17 17 22:41:33 <irontide> ah, of course
Mar 17 17 22:41:53 <Zock> child porn
Mar 17 17 22:41:57 <Zock> shit sorry
Mar 17 17 22:42:14 <Balancegenerally> im on clash royale, you would think we wouldnt get that...
Mar 17 17 22:42:28 <SpyTec> Luckily never had to deal with it ourselves
Mar 17 17 22:42:58 <Balancegenerally> it was just a link thankfully no way i was clicking it
Mar 17 17 22:43:06 <SpyTec> Doxing we've had to deal with twice iirc.. although one time was in a "sister sub" where creator of sub posted stuff
Mar 17 17 22:43:08 <irontide> we get constant spam for escort services during the middle of the night US time
Mar 17 17 22:43:20 <Zock> some discord server owners i know have dealt with it
Mar 17 17 22:43:30 <SpyTec> We managed to AM those posts quite well 😛
Mar 17 17 22:43:31 <Zock> but not on reddit
Mar 17 17 22:43:55 <SpyTec> Zock Does support answer to that or do they just tell you to report to the authorities and then Discord can act
Mar 17 17 22:43:57 <SpyTec> Would not surprise me
Mar 17 17 22:44:14 <Zock> they report it
Mar 17 17 22:44:24 <Zock> you just need to send in some stuff
Mar 17 17 22:44:35 <Zock> message ids and such
Mar 17 17 22:50:52 <lingrush> thanks Zeno
Mar 17 17 22:53:33 <lingrush> Zeno is there anything on source of traffic, etc
Mar 17 17 22:53:56 <Zeno> I'll be trying to import
Mar 18 17 00:25:22 <Axanery> Are we allowed to *advertise* subs?
Mar 18 17 00:25:50 <SpyTec> In what way? Just straight up?
Mar 18 17 00:27:02 <Axanery> Yeah and just kinda explain what is is
Mar 18 17 00:27:28 <Zirr> I don't think most people will mind
Mar 18 17 00:27:33 <Axanery> The head mod is really into his sub count so he keeps asking me to advert
Mar 18 17 14:48:25 <GodRaine> I have a lot of subreddits you can advertise subs on Axanery
Mar 18 17 15:21:40 <Shane> creesch queue creatures?
Mar 18 17 15:23:06 <creesch> We are not doing videos 😄
Mar 18 17 15:24:04 <Shane> when giffed I mean. just double checking the licensing is correct
Mar 18 17 16:08:46 <Shane> creesch
Mar 18 17 16:08:54 <Shane>
Mar 19 17 20:01:14 <Diamondwolf> Anyone knw how to create a prefilled modmail link?
Mar 19 17 20:01:49 <Diamondwolf> I've been making them manually, but copypasting %20 inbetween every word in the link gets cumbersome when you're trying to make like 6 links
Mar 19 17 20:02:45 <SpyTec> Why not just use replace all spaces with %20?
Mar 19 17 20:03:14 <Diamondwolf> ok I have a follow up question
Mar 19 17 20:03:26 <SpyTec> Shoot
Mar 19 17 20:03:36 <Diamondwolf> How to replace the spaces with the %20
Mar 19 17 20:05:50 <SpyTec> Use any editor, Use Ctrl+H or find "Replace All" function, put in a regular space in find and %20 in replace 😛
Mar 19 17 20:05:59 <SpyTec> Regular old notepad works fine
Mar 19 17 20:12:31 <Shane> Diamondwolf
Mar 19 17 20:13:30 <Diamondwolf> You guys are the best, thanks
Mar 19 17 20:30:43 <creesch> Yeah what ShaneH7646 linked is the easiest method. Basically takes care of all the special characters you need to replace for you.
Mar 20 17 09:55:50 <SnowPhoenix> Be warned that pre-filled messages don't work on the mobile site and apps.
Mar 20 17 14:42:50 <Balancegenerally> has anyone else noticed an uptick in ban evasion? we almost never have to deal with it and now we are on our 3rd one this week 2 with 10+ accounts each
Mar 20 17 16:13:04 <allthefoxes> Can't say I have
Mar 20 17 16:16:03 <beelzeybob> I noticed one person whose alts I sent to the admins returned , but that's about it
Mar 21 17 14:59:51 <Sam Millner> We've had a small uptick in this over the last couple of months. Including some users brazenly claiming that they think the ban was unfair, so they're going to continue posting, and make no attempt to hide their identity
Mar 21 17 15:20:32 <creesch> I always tell users that we don't have a real issue with it and that if they behave in a way that follows the rules we it is fine and if they don't that we will spot them soon enough.
Mar 21 17 15:21:00 <creesch> I am willing to bet that most of them never make a new account to begin with.
Mar 21 17 15:58:03 <Balancegenerally> Yah we have people that come back and stay under the radar that's fine imo it's the people that make 30 accounts just to spam the same thing that gets annoying.
Mar 22 17 00:29:17 <Dirt Diglett>
Mar 22 17 00:29:22 <Dirt Diglett> This is why I get paid the big $$$
Mar 22 17 00:33:10 <SpyTec> Ok
Mar 22 17 00:33:28 <Shane> but we all get paid the big $$$
Mar 22 17 00:36:40 <SpyTec> The question is, did you increase the ban?
Mar 22 17 00:37:09 <Zock> he did not
Mar 22 17 00:40:11 <Dirt Diglett> Nope, I figure 7 days should give him enough time to hopefully have a change of heart and behave appropriately... And worst case scenario he can always be banned again if he acts like a horrid person again.
Mar 22 17 00:40:27 <Zock> Dirt is gonna regret that
Mar 22 17 00:40:31 <Zock> calling it now
Mar 22 17 00:40:51 <Dirt Diglett> Probably, but at least I can say I gave him the opportunity to show he can be a good person? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mar 22 17 00:41:27 <Quad> overrated
Mar 22 17 00:41:34 <Quad> <:blobwink:280622883955408896>
Mar 22 17 00:42:33 <Precursor> oh I'd have upped that to perma ban for insulting the mods afterwards.
Mar 22 17 00:42:51 <Quad> i just look at user history
Mar 22 17 00:42:57 <Quad> for almost everything
Mar 22 17 00:46:00 <Dirt Diglett> His user history is pretty feral... But hey, I gave him a chance to change so that's my good deed for the day 😃
Mar 22 17 00:58:33 <Phallindrome> Hey dirtdiglett you should post that to /r/modmailhate =)
Mar 22 17 01:00:03 <Dirt Diglett> Haha sure
Mar 22 17 01:01:13 <Dirt Diglett> And now it'll have 4 submissions 😛
Mar 22 17 01:03:15 <Phallindrome> =P We haven't advertised it in mod communities yet, tbf
Mar 22 17 01:03:22 <Phallindrome> really should do that.
Mar 22 17 01:03:49 <Quad> we already have /r/BestOfReports
Mar 22 17 01:04:18 <Phallindrome> That's a different animal
Mar 22 17 01:04:24 <Phallindrome> reports aren't modmail
Mar 22 17 01:04:50 <Quad> very true, we'll see where your sub goes <:blobgrin:280620319172067328>
Mar 22 17 07:26:46 <Madbrad200> r/MadModMail is a thing
Mar 22 17 07:29:30 <Phallindrome> Shit and they have twenty more users than we do
Mar 22 17 07:29:43 <Phallindrome> Although I think a bunch of our mods aren't subscribed
Mar 22 17 07:29:45 <Madbrad200> hah
Mar 22 17 07:29:48 <Madbrad200> also r/BestOfModMail
Mar 22 17 07:30:23 <Phallindrome> You're kinda throwing off my groove here, man
Mar 22 17 07:30:25 <Phallindrome> =/
Mar 22 17 07:30:30 <Madbrad200> shh its ok
Mar 22 17 07:30:40 <Madbrad200> *subscribes*
Mar 22 17 07:30:52 <Phallindrome> That's better >_>
Mar 22 17 07:34:43 <Madbrad200> I was gonna repost an old one of mine but it's restricted 😭
Mar 22 17 07:41:59 <Phallindrome> oh I'll add you to our approved submitters list!
Mar 22 17 07:42:11 <Alipoodle> <:AliMercyThinking:283179348901494785> i think i might have a good post to go on /r/BestOfModMail
Mar 22 17 07:43:11 <Phallindrome> coooold
Mar 22 17 07:44:28 <Alipoodle> *get message to join*
Mar 22 17 07:45:29 <Madbrad200> loll
Mar 22 17 07:48:59 <Phallindrome> =P Alright, I think I've fixed it.
Mar 22 17 07:49:34 <Phallindrome> Now, anyone can submit things, but they'll get filtered automatically til we can check if a user is a mod. Then we add them to the approved list and any future submissions go through automatically!
Mar 22 17 07:49:45 <Madbrad200> \0/
Mar 22 17 07:50:00 <Alipoodle> \0/
Mar 22 17 07:50:05 <Quad> oh boi
Mar 22 17 07:50:16 <Alipoodle> *someone add a reaction if they can*
Mar 22 17 07:50:41 <ThatAstronautGuy>
Mar 22 17 07:51:24 <Quad>
Mar 22 17 07:52:22 <beelzeybob> Man, I have a good modmail from when someone wrote us a 3 post (they ran out of characters) modmail angrily in all caps
Mar 22 17 07:52:33 <beelzeybob> Too bad mail isn't searchable 😦
Mar 22 17 07:53:12 <Alipoodle> Just to say, shitposting should be kept to min (topic​ description)
Mar 22 17 07:54:11 <Phallindrome> that sounds beautiful beelzeybob XD I want to read it
Mar 22 17 07:54:14 <Phallindrome> How far back?
Mar 22 17 07:54:25 <beelzeybob> 2 years
Mar 22 17 07:54:46 <Alipoodle> <:WaitWhat:246330190903508993>
Mar 22 17 07:54:46 <Phallindrome> oh jeez XD
Mar 22 17 07:54:56 <Alipoodle> And i assume your on a big reddit
Mar 22 17 07:55:10 <beelzeybob> 😢
Mar 22 17 07:55:25 <beelzeybob> Not too big
Mar 22 17 07:55:33 <beelzeybob> It was 50k at the time
Mar 22 17 07:55:59 <Alipoodle> Lucky the only mod mail I've really had has been "unban me from discord", the new mod mail thing, and 1 acctual thing
Mar 22 17 07:57:21 <Alipoodle> <:FeelsBadMan:291281751521886209>
Mar 22 17 07:59:40 <Quad> i get a bajillion "why was my post removed" garbage mails
Mar 22 17 07:59:53 <Quad> automate removals through pm's like how u do
Mar 22 17 07:59:56 <Quad> bleh
Mar 22 17 08:00:57 <Phallindrome> I really like new modmail personally
Mar 22 17 08:01:18 <Phallindrome> it takes a little bit of getting used to, but I'm much happier with it on the whole than old modmail
Mar 22 17 08:01:46 <Quad> yeah it's not bad
Mar 22 17 08:02:08 <ThatAstronautGuy> same
Mar 22 17 08:04:31 <Phallindrome> xD Then why didn't you say anything in the discussion earlier Tag!?
Mar 22 17 08:04:59 <Phallindrome> (in /r/modmailhate's modmail)
Mar 22 17 08:08:14 <ThatAstronautGuy> am i in modmailhate?
Mar 22 17 08:09:22 <Phallindrome> 🤦 oh my god
Mar 22 17 08:09:55 <Quad> am i in modmailhate
Mar 22 17 08:10:07 <Phallindrome> no
Mar 22 17 08:12:29 <ThatAstronautGuy> mod me
Mar 22 17 08:13:13 <Quad> /r/MakeMeMod
Mar 22 17 08:14:16 <Phallindrome> You are literally the second from the top mod tag.
Mar 22 17 08:14:21 <Phallindrome> you are right under me
Mar 22 17 08:21:41 <ThatAstronautGuy> so i do
Mar 22 17 08:22:56 <ThatAstronautGuy> you learn something new every day
Mar 22 17 08:23:09 <ThatAstronautGuy> mod me to the canada discord then
Mar 22 17 08:23:24 <ThatAstronautGuy> that'll show the others
Mar 22 17 08:27:43 <Phallindrome> I can't xP I've got almost no perms there
Mar 22 17 08:27:55 <Phallindrome> all i can do is remove lines and kick/ban
Mar 22 17 08:33:06 <ThatAstronautGuy> lol
Mar 22 17 08:33:18 <ThatAstronautGuy> is it just perma in charge?
Mar 22 17 08:33:53 <ThatAstronautGuy> he needs to add the new mods who applied
Mar 22 17 08:33:57 <ThatAstronautGuy> in december
Mar 22 17 08:33:58 <ThatAstronautGuy> lol
Mar 22 17 08:35:08 <Phallindrome> I think lucky75 is de-facto in charge of that team
Mar 22 17 08:35:13 <Phallindrome> though it might be perma
Mar 22 17 08:35:20 <ThatAstronautGuy> well i only ever see perma
Mar 22 17 08:35:34 <Phallindrome> qgyh2 and drjulianbashir don't do much in general on reddit
Mar 22 17 08:35:42 <Phallindrome> ohhh, on discord he's the only one
Mar 22 17 08:35:43 <ThatAstronautGuy> qgyh2 doesnt do anything
Mar 22 17 08:35:56 <ThatAstronautGuy> hes the only one, so i see his as the face of /r/canada
Mar 22 17 08:36:04 <Phallindrome> yup
Mar 22 17 08:36:39 <ThatAstronautGuy> tell him to mod me
Mar 22 17 08:37:39 <Phallindrome> Yeah I'm still waiting on him to mod me
Mar 22 17 08:38:20 <ThatAstronautGuy> lol
Mar 22 17 08:38:34 <Phallindrome> you could mod me to tifu in the meantime though
Mar 22 17 08:39:20 <ThatAstronautGuy> did you apply?
Mar 22 17 08:39:22 <Phallindrome> omfg wtf there was a new mod hiring in tifu and nobody told me ;_;
Mar 22 17 08:39:49 <ThatAstronautGuy> we posted several times in dm slack, and on our front page for like two weeks or something
Mar 22 17 08:39:53 <Phallindrome> I actually may have applied, I don't know. xP what platform was the application on?
Mar 22 17 08:40:00 <Phallindrome> Um... yeah I'm not in DM slack
Mar 22 17 08:40:03 <ThatAstronautGuy> google forms
Mar 22 17 08:40:08 <ThatAstronautGuy> maybe you were at that time
Mar 22 17 08:40:08 <Phallindrome> that's why I wanted to get modded to tifu in the first place
Mar 22 17 08:40:11 <Phallindrome> nope
Mar 22 17 08:40:17 <Phallindrome> not since january =(
Mar 22 17 08:41:10 <ThatAstronautGuy> a month ago today we added them
Mar 22 17 08:41:20 <ThatAstronautGuy> they?
Mar 22 17 08:41:28 <ThatAstronautGuy> oh
Mar 22 17 08:42:24 <ThatAstronautGuy> yeah
Mar 22 17 08:42:33 <ThatAstronautGuy> well we wont do mod apps for a while
Mar 22 17 08:42:37 <Phallindrome> -.-
Mar 22 17 08:43:01 <ThatAstronautGuy> one of our mods currently has almost 3k actions
Mar 22 17 08:43:07 <Phallindrome> whoa, who?
Mar 22 17 08:43:07 <ThatAstronautGuy> one of our new mods
Mar 22 17 08:44:20 <Phallindrome> daamn
Mar 22 17 08:44:29 <Phallindrome> >_> and he mods WM too. so jealous
Mar 22 17 08:44:34 <ThatAstronautGuy> she
Mar 22 17 08:44:48 <ThatAstronautGuy> and yeah, i cant even get my 100 actions for the month because so much is done
Mar 22 17 08:44:55 <Phallindrome> don't be ridiculous, everyone knows girls don't have snails in their butts
Mar 22 17 08:45:06 <ThatAstronautGuy> this one does
Mar 22 17 08:45:23 <Phallindrome> *sigh*
Mar 22 17 08:45:33 <Phallindrome> so jealous. But like... good for her
Mar 22 17 08:45:37 <ThatAstronautGuy> lol
Mar 22 17 08:46:31 <Phallindrome> Yknow, actually I think I might have applied
Mar 22 17 08:46:42 <Phallindrome> do you have access to the applications?
Mar 22 17 08:47:25 <ThatAstronautGuy> yes
Mar 22 17 08:47:26 <ThatAstronautGuy> im checking
Mar 22 17 08:48:02 <ThatAstronautGuy> you did not apply
Mar 22 17 08:48:06 <Phallindrome> sl;kdfaj;sdjf
Mar 22 17 08:48:26 <Phallindrome> dunno how i missed it, I applied to four defaults around that time I think
Mar 22 17 08:48:40 <ThatAstronautGuy> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mar 22 17 10:16:04 <AnaMel> ThatAstronautGuy Which sub?
Mar 22 17 10:22:58 <SpyTec> 3000 actions a month? Woah
Mar 22 17 10:23:17 <SpyTec> Or is that just in total?
Mar 22 17 10:24:12 <AnaMel> Is 3k actions a lot for you guys?
Mar 22 17 10:24:13 <AnaMel> 🤔
Mar 22 17 10:25:29 <SpyTec> A month's action for all of our mods is ~5500
Mar 22 17 10:25:48 <SpyTec> Where three of us do ~1400 each
Mar 22 17 10:26:02 <SpyTec> Doing double that just seems.. exhausting 😛
Mar 22 17 10:27:22 <AnaMel>
Mar 22 17 10:27:23 <AnaMel> 🤔
Mar 22 17 10:28:44 <AnaMel> And this is the most I've ever had:
Mar 22 17 10:28:51 <SpyTec> Yeh but you're hired to do this stuff
Mar 22 17 10:29:10 <AnaMel> 😦
Mar 22 17 10:30:06 <SpyTec>
Mar 22 17 10:31:06 <AnaMel> I can sometimes do that many in a week
Mar 22 17 10:31:13 <AnaMel> Or less
Mar 22 17 10:31:50 <SpyTec> Well your sub is 9x as big, and 20x more toxic 😛
Mar 22 17 10:32:37 <SpyTec> Still though, how do you have the time
Mar 22 17 10:32:54 <AnaMel> I ask myself the same question
Mar 22 17 10:33:27 <AnaMel> And I don't have an answer for that
Mar 22 17 10:33:42 <Quad> been unsubbed from r/news for four years
Mar 22 17 10:34:05 <SpyTec> I get my news from AskReddit
Mar 22 17 10:34:14 <Quad> yeah that's a good sub
Mar 22 17 10:34:30 <Quad> other than the weekly, "men/women of reddit" posts
Mar 22 17 10:35:16 <AnaMel> I'm not even subbed to /r/news
Mar 22 17 10:35:18 <AnaMel> And I moderate it
Mar 22 17 10:35:21 <SpyTec> lol
Mar 22 17 10:35:32 <Quad> yeah
Mar 22 17 10:35:38 <Quad> not surprised
Mar 22 17 10:35:50 <SpyTec> I thought you were talking about /r/lol before, first sub I saw when I went to your profile
Mar 22 17 10:35:57 <Quad> god no
Mar 22 17 10:36:01 <Quad> that's nothing in comparison
Mar 22 17 10:36:01 <SpyTec> (Which is why I said 9x as big) 😛
Mar 22 17 10:36:03 <Quad> to r/news
Mar 22 17 10:36:09 <AnaMel> ^
Mar 22 17 10:36:13 <Quad> in terms of just pure
Mar 22 17 10:36:16 <Quad> unadulterated
Mar 22 17 10:36:19 <Quad> political
Mar 22 17 10:36:20 <Quad> garbage
Mar 22 17 10:36:22 <AnaMel> SpyTec Well, those logs are from /r/lol
Mar 22 17 10:36:27 <SpyTec> Oh, welp
Mar 22 17 10:36:53 <AnaMel> And I've been dealing with that dumb clusterfuck of MTF thread the whole morning
Mar 22 17 10:37:19 <SpyTec> Which one?
Mar 22 17 10:37:32 <AnaMel>
Mar 22 17 10:37:43 <Quad> oh boi
Mar 22 17 10:37:50 <Quad> i'm sure comments are great
Mar 22 17 10:37:57 <AnaMel> You have no idea 😄
Mar 22 17 10:38:09 <Quad> 👏
Mar 22 17 10:38:27 <Quad> mods make Reddit a whole lot nicer than it really is
Mar 22 17 10:38:39 <Quad> but i think the nice people outweigh the shitty in general
Mar 22 17 10:38:39 <AnaMel> No, we censore it more
Mar 22 17 10:38:41 <AnaMel> :^)
Mar 22 17 10:38:54 <Quad> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mar 22 17 10:39:44 <SpyTec> Oh boy.. just reading that headline tells me that the comments section will be a pain
Mar 22 17 10:41:34 <AnaMel> Hmm I only did 155 actions on that thread alone
Mar 22 17 10:41:36 <AnaMel> 🤔
Mar 22 17 10:41:48 <Quad> how many comments?
Mar 22 17 10:42:04 <AnaMel> I removed 83 comments
Mar 22 17 10:42:05 <AnaMel> :^)
Mar 22 17 10:42:09 <Quad> total i mean
Mar 22 17 10:42:38 <AnaMel> Total by all mods or
Mar 22 17 10:42:45 <Quad> nevermind
Mar 22 17 10:43:01 <Quad> 6682 total comments
Mar 22 17 10:43:05 <Quad> in the thread
Mar 22 17 10:43:12 <AnaMel> Oh that
Mar 22 17 14:48:03 <creesch> Deimos you around?
Mar 22 17 14:56:23 <creesch> Oh, I think I already found it. I was trying to find what triggers the "you have been banned" message
Mar 22 17 14:56:41 <creesch> Specifically if subscribing counts as being active in a subreddit, which from the post you made back then it does.
Mar 22 17 18:06:28 <SidiPi> So interesting question for any admins or even mods who know about this. Recently we were asked a few questions on the subreddit and one of the questions was about the decline of traffic on /r/GlobalOffensive over the year, to which we are mildly surprised but it is explainable given the current static nature of the game. But when the reporter reached out to Reddit it was reported as follows:
> The traffic stats reported on are actually outdated. Reddit told me that they have not updated these pages at all, and that the data is inaccurate or is missing a large portion.
Is this true? Is there any fix to this?
Mar 22 17 18:09:03 <SpyTec> Well, last time I heard the traffic stats only counts desktop. Mobile aren't counted at all
Mar 22 17 18:13:32 <FlapSnapple> This is correct. They do not count mobile
Mar 22 17 18:13:47 <FlapSnapple> (And supposedly, mobile makes up ~50-60% of traffic site-wide)
Mar 22 17 18:14:47 <Deimos> yeah the traffic page really isn't reliable data at all
Mar 22 17 18:29:21 <Phallindrome> Um, I think they count mobile, but don't differentiate between mobile and desktop?
Mar 22 17 18:34:28 <FlapSnapple> Unfortunately, no
Mar 22 17 18:52:01 <Phallindrome> I was wrong! Yeesh that's dumb
Mar 22 17 22:07:54 <SidiPi> alright! thanks for the info 😃
Mar 22 17 22:09:17 <SidiPi> makes me a bit relieved. already had a few users and a few threads mention this fall. Was wondering what we could do as mods to prevent this or just wondering the cause in general.
Mar 22 17 22:09:34 <Deimos> reddit should really put a huge warning on the page about it
Mar 22 17 22:10:09 <Deimos> especially since journalists love to google "reddit traffic" and use askreddit's traffic page as a source for traffic to reddit overall
Mar 22 17 22:10:20 <Deimos> which looks awfully bad for reddit:
Mar 22 17 22:11:29 <SidiPi> oh yea, definetely they should. that's how we were put on the spot when yahoo journalist asked us the reasons we think for the traffic decline.
Mar 23 17 00:50:58 <lingrush> Deimos yikes, really?
Mar 23 17 00:51:48 <Deimos> yikes at what, the traffic page stuff?
Mar 23 17 00:51:55 <lingrush> yeah
Mar 23 17 00:52:10 <Deimos> yeah it's way off from reality
Mar 23 17 00:52:19 <lingrush> also is askreddit declining because people are going to other subreddits, or is it indicative of general reddit traffic?
Mar 23 17 00:52:35 <lingrush> (because of various recommendation algorithms, etc)
Mar 23 17 00:53:01 <Deimos> it's probably not actually declining, but it's impossible to tell because the traffic page data is so inaccurate
Mar 23 17 00:53:46 <lingrush> And it still doesn't reflect mobile traffic?
Mar 23 17 00:53:48 <Deimos> reddit says their overall traffic is up, but there's not really any public data we can look at
Mar 23 17 00:53:51 <lingrush> Yeah
Mar 23 17 00:53:58 <lingrush> Alexa rankings are way up
Mar 23 17 00:54:07 <Deimos> at SXSW Alexis said they're at 280M uniques per month now
Mar 23 17 00:54:13 <lingrush> Although doesn't Alexa mostly reflect desktop?
Mar 23 17 00:54:15 <lingrush> oh wow
Mar 23 17 00:54:27 <Deimos> Alexa data is kind of garbage too because it's just based on people that have their browser toolbar installed
Mar 23 17 00:54:33 <lingrush> Yeah
Mar 23 17 00:54:56 <lingrush> In any case Alexa seems to think reddit somewhat recently passed twitter in traffic
Mar 23 17 00:55:18 <lingrush> I'm not sure what that means, considering how Alexa stats are collected
Mar 23 17 00:55:29 <lingrush> I don't think it reflects mobile app use
Mar 23 17 00:55:51 <lingrush> I guess the best we can guess from are what Alexis says and estimations from Pew Reports
Mar 23 17 00:57:35 <Deimos> I believe the 280M number, though that does mean that growth has slowed down a fair amount
Mar 23 17 00:57:56 <lingrush> I dunno, I'm trying to make a case for why reddit is a relevant site for politics, culture more broadly (citing relative traffic to point to potential influence) and why social media researchers need to understand the function, history, and culture of the site beyond the 101
Mar 23 17 00:58:19 <lingrush> Yeah, well considering reddit's reputation I can't imagine people are dying to go to reddit
Mar 23 17 00:58:46 <Deimos> I don't remember exactly when the about page that had some public traffic data was taken down
Mar 23 17 00:59:09 <Deimos> but it showed 243M in April 2016:
Mar 23 17 00:59:57 <lingrush> Yeah I remembered being angry when they stopped showing that in their about haha
Mar 23 17 01:00:10 <Deimos> that's only ~15% increase in about a year though, if that was accurate
Mar 23 17 01:00:17 <lingrush> I think it was taken down in May
Mar 23 17 01:00:21 <lingrush> Yeah
Mar 23 17 01:00:32 <lingrush> interesting, does it also reflex mobile traffic though?
Mar 23 17 01:00:36 <Deimos> yeah it stops working from in mid-may
Mar 23 17 01:00:58 <lingrush> Yeah ha, that's when I was doing the bulk of reddit data collection/research yeah
Mar 23 17 01:01:21 <Deimos> this is the last one I can find, from May 15 (but the traffic number is lower):
Mar 23 17 01:01:37 <Deimos> and that should have included mobile traffic, yeah
Mar 23 17 01:01:43 <lingrush> oh okay
Mar 23 17 01:03:18 <lingrush> yeah this was an interesting thread to read :
Mar 23 17 01:05:01 <Deimos> yeah they should honestly probably either put a gigantic warning on the traffic pages, or just remove the traffic data from them (and only have subscriptions or something)
Mar 23 17 01:05:33 <Deimos> they know they're horribly inaccurate and don't know when they're going to fix them, but the only way mods find that out is if they happen to read random threads like that one that didn't have anything to do with traffic
Mar 23 17 02:01:32 <ThatAstronautGuy> i like the traffic page
Mar 23 17 02:02:16 <ThatAstronautGuy> perseonal finance started linking people to /r/slavelabour in january as a way to make side income, and I could see a bump around 50% larger than our normal new years resolution bump
Mar 23 17 02:02:26 <ThatAstronautGuy> helped to show them that it is actually working
Mar 23 17 03:11:08 <lingrush> Deimos I'm always surprised how much mod knowledge requires a bunch of independent research
Mar 23 17 03:37:47 <Deimos> even non-mod knowledge, there's a ton of reddit stuff that just isn't obvious at all and you have to just kind of find out from somewhere
Mar 23 17 03:38:32 <Deimos> "why do some of my subscriptions not show up in my front page sometimes?"
Mar 23 17 04:38:38 <ThatAstronautGuy> that question confused me
Mar 23 17 04:38:45 <ThatAstronautGuy> until i saw in the limit in the sidebar
Mar 23 17 15:57:09 <lingrush> saw i the limit in the sidebar?
Mar 23 17 16:04:58 <creesch> lingrush true, a lot of mods often don't even bother to look into even the smallest amount of knowledge about.
Mar 23 17 16:05:55 <creesch> A lot of the more basic stuff is actually described in fairly easy to find places.
Mar 23 17 16:06:41 <creesch> Dunno, I am fairly biased in that department as I personally always have had a strong interest in the why and how of things function so actively look for it and try to describe it.
Mar 23 17 16:07:01 <creesch> The failure of the theoryofreddit wiki is a great example of most people not having a similar drive.
Mar 23 17 16:11:07 <lingrush> Sure, although I think we're so comfortable with navigating reddit and understanding where to look, and we can recognize the importance of tools and heuristics, that it's difficult to relate to the new user who doesn't investigate
Mar 23 17 16:23:39 <creesch> Well mostly the not investigating part is what I never can relate to. Also outside reddit.
Mar 23 17 16:24:19 <creesch> So many things are easier to look up than go to the trouble of trying to ask several people who might know.
Mar 23 17 20:59:58 <lingrush> welp
Mar 24 17 03:08:27 <tiz>
Mar 24 17 04:19:33 <Dirt Diglett>
Mar 24 17 04:19:38 <Dirt Diglett> do you provide an email?
Mar 24 17 04:22:11 <cuddlefishcat> I'm guessing that it's verifying your account with an email but then idk why they didn't just say that
Mar 24 17 06:16:21 <Deimos> a lot of it's worded in a very strange way, it wasn't written very carefully
Mar 24 17 06:16:51 <Deimos> this last paragraph is a mess: ```
Where moderators consistently are in violation of these guidelines, Reddit may step in with actions to heal the issues - sometimes pure education of the moderator will do, but these actions could potentially include dropping you down the moderator list, removing moderator status, prevention of future moderation rights, as well as account deletion. We hope permanent actions will never become necessary.
Mar 24 17 06:17:54 <Deimos> it says "the moderator", then it says "you", talks about "account deletion" when that's not something reddit ever does to users (and they even renamed the actual account deletion for users to "deactivate" anyway)
Mar 24 17 07:14:27 <Shane> It's interesting that they specifically said deletion and not shadowbanned or suspension
Mar 24 17 07:14:57 <Shane> Finally, when the admins contact you, we ask that you respond within a reasonable amount of time.
Mar 24 17 07:15:11 <Shane> Still sticking with that ayyy?
Mar 24 17 10:29:27 <SpyTec> `but these actions could potentially include dropping you down the moderator list`
Since when have they ever done this?
Mar 24 17 10:51:01 <Shane> in extreme cases
Mar 24 17 12:54:08 <Gumdrops> /r/wow is an example of that during 2014
Mar 24 17 13:00:10 <SpyTec> Tell me more
Mar 24 17 13:41:14 <Phallindrome> I also would like to know how changing mod list positions is a solution to any possible problems reddit might face from mods
Mar 24 17 13:42:31 <SpyTec> Unless there's drama between mods
Mar 24 17 13:49:48 <Phallindrome> Any problems like that would be better addressed by simply removing the problem mod, wouldn't they?
Mar 24 17 13:58:42 <Shane> yes
Mar 24 17 18:44:36 <allthefoxes> Gumdrops no, the mod was just removed from the sub, yeah?
Mar 24 17 18:45:06 <Gumdrops> Oh, yeah. I did clarify but I guess message didn't send via mobile at the time
Mar 24 17 20:31:16 <lingrush> Huh, yeah I feel like in most cases if a moderator is violating guidelines enough for an intervention that it would make most sense to remove them rather than drop down the list, but there are probably situations where that makes sense
Mar 24 17 20:38:45 <SpyTec> I can't think of any that doesn't involve "head mod is an arse, we other mods want him to be under our control instead"
Mar 24 17 20:40:09 <Deimos> and then they'll probably just remove him
Mar 24 17 20:41:57 <SpyTec> Yep
Mar 25 17 14:48:19 <KillerKrew> I'm hoping some more stuff gets done about the "active on reddit, but abandoned sub" mods. I've got one that needs booting from some of my subs badly.
Mar 25 17 14:49:26 <KillerKrew> Considering a different sub of mine entirely got hacked by an inactive head mod (who was only ousted when the community threatened to drown him in a river of salt), I'm being a bit paranoid about lurking head mods right now.
Mar 27 17 11:10:28 <mbetts> I agree, but what can they do though?
Mar 27 17 11:10:58 <Tealeaf> whatever they damn well like
Mar 27 17 11:11:47 <Tealeaf> it's not like reddit is actually required to follow any rules except the ones it decides to follow
Mar 27 17 11:12:02 <Tealeaf> anything that causes less than a catastrophic user lash-out is game
Mar 27 17 11:13:05 <Tealeaf> to be fair, while stirring the mod pot will cause drama and !!FUN!!, but probably not to the extent normie redditors care (they will probably get better mods in the end)
Mar 27 17 11:13:38 <mbetts> True
Mar 27 17 11:13:50 <mbetts> Ve also helped stir the mod pot once or twice
Mar 27 17 11:13:56 <mbetts> That was some interesting drama
Mar 27 17 22:41:44 <lingrush> mbetts what are you referring to
Mar 27 17 22:42:16 <mbetts> there was mod drama on a sub that I frequent about 8 months ago
Mar 27 17 22:42:57 <mbetts> nothing dodgy dw 😛
Mar 27 17 23:51:25 <zhaey> This one is about Discord mostly, not really about reddit, but I don't know a better place to discuss this: there's been quite a few of these 'PSA copypastas' going around on discord lately (the BetterDiscord thing, cloudbleed, the CP thing today that probably didn't happen on a large scale). There's usually a lot of misinformation and making problems seem bigger than they are. There's often no proof/confirmation from Discord at all. In this case lots of people where linking a tweet from Discord that said 'this information is accurate', which people massively misinterpreted as them confirming the CP thing was happening, while they were actually confirming a list of steps people should take if they did get such a message (and the steps seemed like a bad idea legally too..).
I think as community moderators we should try to stop misinformation from spreading, but I'm not sure what would bethe best way to do so. Right now we're probably going to:
1. tell people to message the mods if they hear any rumours of this sort
2. tell people not to post the copyPSAstas in public channels without context.
3. allow people to discuss this stuff only in our meta channel, which is visible only to 'registered' members (low bar, but requires some activity over a period of a few days), stipulating that they have to clearly state whether things have been confirmed or not. We want to allow people to discuss, but if a warning in itself is necessary that should be handled by the mods.
Mar 27 17 23:51:34 <zhaey> Thoughts?
Mar 27 17 23:54:03 <zhaey> Basically I'm trying to balance allowing people to speak freely/loose moderation with trying to prevent misinformation from spreading, which is hard because even a question can cause alarm ("Do I smell gas?..")
Mar 27 17 23:54:18 <Quad> probably a load of shit
Mar 27 17 23:54:23 <zhaey> It's also somewhat hopeless because it only works if most large servers are doing it.
Mar 27 17 23:54:35 <Quad> but you should still know what to do if this stuff happens
Mar 27 17 23:55:24 <zhaey> Yeah, but I'm talking about how to deal with this on a more general level. It's very easy to start a copypasta wildfire on Discord.
Mar 27 17 23:55:30 <Zock> i just tell people it's bullshit, and correct them with the true story
Mar 27 17 23:55:42 <Zock> I mean for fucks sake, incorrect information is currently in <#279701101152960512> here
Mar 27 17 23:55:58 <Quad> tbf this is a new copypasta
Mar 27 17 23:56:02 <zhaey> Right, one of my mods pinned something too
Mar 27 17 23:56:09 <Zock> same for me
Mar 27 17 23:56:27 <Zock> I try to correct people but half the time they dont believe me
Mar 27 17 23:56:30 <ThatAstronautGuy> i bet you know all about misinformation spread at /r/steam zock
Mar 27 17 23:56:40 <Quad> <:blobthinksmirk:291651144537735170>
Mar 27 17 23:59:10 <zhaey> Do you think our solution of restricting it to a meta channel, and only on the meta-level (so discussing it without trying to 'warn' people) until the mods are able to confirm/correct/deny the information is appropriate?
Mar 28 17 00:01:56 <tiz> Zock I've already told my other server to stop with the telephone spam. Imo we should reserve our stuff for our server. We ain't no PSA platform for internet safety
Mar 28 17 00:04:07 <Zock> Yeah, makes sense if it was an actual huge thing affecting everyone but this really isnt. And with misinformation (call the authorities? lol) just causes more trouble than it saves. I'm almost willing to bet there is gonna be an uptick in people trying to spam CP because of these copypastas]
Mar 28 17 00:08:13 <beelzeybob> there's probably also an uptick in the work the FBI has to file
Mar 28 17 00:08:24 <beelzeybob> 🤣
Mar 28 17 00:08:35 <Simplify> the CP thing is real though..
Mar 28 17 00:08:41 <Simplify> discord themselves confirmed it
Mar 28 17 00:08:51 <Simplify> and I personally know owners of some servers that have been hit with it
Mar 28 17 00:09:06 <zhaey> Someone on my guild also mentioned the idea that sending CP to whole groups of people would provide plausible deniability to the 'intended' receivers, which would also mean that having a big copypasta thing going around allows more pedos to come check it out. I doubt that's what's going on (and it's definitely not usually the case), but i thought it was worth mentioning.
Mar 28 17 00:09:22 <Simplify>
Mar 28 17 00:09:25 <zhaey> Simplify where did they confirm it? the tweet was about something else
Mar 28 17 00:09:36 <zhaey> yeah that tweet
Mar 28 17 00:09:51 <zhaey> That tweet only confirmed their idiotic list of things to do if you were to receive such a message
Mar 28 17 00:09:59 <zhaey> Not that anything was actually happening on a large scale.
Mar 28 17 00:10:15 <Simplify> depends what you define large scale
Mar 28 17 00:10:26 <Simplify> a bunch of the /r/ChampionMains discord servers were hit yesterday with it
Mar 28 17 00:10:36 <Simplify> at least 3 servers that I know of
Mar 28 17 00:10:49 <Zock> discord has not confirmed it
Mar 28 17 00:10:53 <Simplify> and the announcements started a couple days ago
Mar 28 17 00:10:55 <Zock> but it has happened
Mar 28 17 00:10:56 <zhaey> And it's kind of interesting how everyone seems to *know* someone with servers that have been hit, but nobody who has actually been hit is saying it (where I can see)
Mar 28 17 00:11:20 <Zock> UnimatrixZeroOne has been hit pretty sure.
Mar 28 17 00:11:22 <Simplify> that's because I've got server DM's disabled in the servers that I mod
Mar 28 17 00:11:24 <Simplify> just in case
Mar 28 17 00:11:30 <zhaey> What
Mar 28 17 00:11:35 <zhaey> That's a bad idea
Mar 28 17 00:11:37 <zhaey> isn't it?
Mar 28 17 00:11:39 <Zock> id rather they do it to me than a random member
Mar 28 17 00:11:40 <Simplify> no
Mar 28 17 00:11:49 <zhaey> If you mod the server and people can't PM you
Mar 28 17 00:11:49 <Zock> i can handle it better than a random member
Mar 28 17 00:11:51 <zhaey> That seems far from ideal
Mar 28 17 00:11:57 <Simplify> we have a mod-support channel
Mar 28 17 00:12:07 <Simplify> almost never deal with problems in DM's on discord
Mar 28 17 00:12:13 <UnimatrixZeroOne> Zock Can confirm
Mar 28 17 00:12:14 <zhaey> Anyway, it's besides the point
Mar 28 17 00:12:18 <UnimatrixZeroOne> Been happening for over a month
Mar 28 17 00:12:27 <zhaey> the CP specifically?
Mar 28 17 00:12:35 <UnimatrixZeroOne> Yes
Mar 28 17 00:12:36 <Simplify> the last time the /r/leagueoflegends discord server was hit with something like this, we had over 20,000 people going nuts in our chat
Mar 28 17 00:12:40 <UnimatrixZeroOne> That's all they PM
Mar 28 17 00:12:42 <UnimatrixZeroOne> Just CP
Mar 28 17 00:12:42 <Simplify> taking every precaution to avoid that again
Mar 28 17 00:12:57 <zhaey> If it's been going on for a month why is everyone getting upset only now
Mar 28 17 00:13:10 <Simplify> it's probably only just hit the bigger servers
Mar 28 17 00:13:25 <beelzeybob> because people don't get scared until they see the copypasta
Mar 28 17 00:13:51 <zhaey> Right. I think the copypasta is pretty much bad either way
Mar 28 17 00:14:05 <Simplify> yeah I've avoided posting that, mainly because don't want to give the people doing it the attention
Mar 28 17 00:14:12 <zhaey> Discord should allow people to disable PMs between members server-wide though
Mar 28 17 00:14:17 <beelzeybob> I really dislike the copypasta way of spreading information
Mar 28 17 00:14:26 <Simplify> it's worked in the past
Mar 28 17 00:14:28 <beelzeybob> it really damaged betterdiscord
Mar 28 17 00:14:32 <tiz> Email chain messages all over again
Mar 28 17 00:14:38 <Simplify> meh
Mar 28 17 00:14:43 <Simplify> its usually obvious which ones are real
Mar 28 17 00:14:45 <Simplify> and which ones are fake
Mar 28 17 00:15:14 <Simplify> I'm not sure if any of you were on discord during the ender fiasco
Mar 28 17 00:15:34 <Simplify> some guy targeting almost every possible discord server with thousands of bots, PMing people that riot games are pedos and stuff like that
Mar 28 17 00:15:52 <Simplify> the way that was noticed was by people posting a copypasta of it
Mar 28 17 00:16:03 <Simplify> and that really hit tons of servers on a large scale
Mar 28 17 00:16:08 <zhaey> > its usually obvious which ones are real
> and which ones are fake
To most people it's not obvious at all
Mar 28 17 00:16:11 <zhaey> Most people just eat it up
Mar 28 17 00:16:20 <Zock> Simplify none of them have been real? Even the real things were filled with huge amounts of fake information.
Mar 28 17 00:16:20 <Simplify> that's just people in general tho
Mar 28 17 00:16:31 <zhaey> Also what zock said
Mar 28 17 00:16:31 <Simplify> some of them have been real
Mar 28 17 00:16:34 <zhaey> That's a big problem
Mar 28 17 00:16:40 <zhaey> Even with the cloudbleed thing
Mar 28 17 00:16:48 <zhaey> Way overblown in the copypastas
Mar 28 17 00:17:06 <Simplify> I mean, you just gotta use your head
Mar 28 17 00:17:10 <Simplify> there's not really anything you can do about it
Mar 28 17 00:17:12 <Zock> no, nothing has been 100% true in the copy pastas
Mar 28 17 00:17:27 <Zock> not a single copy pasta that has been posted has been sent without any false information
Mar 28 17 00:17:43 <Simplify> you can probably say that about everything on the internet
Mar 28 17 00:17:46 <zhaey> > there's not really anything you can do about it
There is though?
Mar 28 17 00:17:48 <Simplify> things get edited and changed by people
Mar 28 17 00:17:58 <beelzeybob> the copypasta about cloudflare was way overblown
Mar 28 17 00:17:58 <zhaey> You can ban them, or banish them to a meta channel
Mar 28 17 00:18:03 <zhaey> Fact check stuff
Mar 28 17 00:18:05 <zhaey> etc.
Mar 28 17 00:18:08 <beelzeybob> some sites like reddit were no longer even using cloudflare
Mar 28 17 00:18:10 <zhaey> But it's all not ideal
Mar 28 17 00:18:13 <Simplify> oh
Mar 28 17 00:18:17 <zhaey> which is why I'm asking what people here think
Mar 28 17 00:18:23 <Simplify> well yeah, that's a way to deal with it on your own servers
Mar 28 17 00:18:28 <Simplify> but I thought you meant the whole thing in general
Mar 28 17 00:18:29 <Zock> beelzeybob yeah, i actually had the same shitty password everywhere so it just convinced me to change my passes
Mar 28 17 00:18:39 <isentrope> zock can you add party parrots to tv lounge
Mar 28 17 00:18:42 <isentrope> pls
Mar 28 17 00:18:43 <Zock> but afterwards i wouldnt probably been fine otherwise
Mar 28 17 00:18:48 <Zock> gif emotes arent a thing
Mar 28 17 00:19:14 <Simplify> I've only seen like 3 copypastas that were legit and there have been many
Mar 28 17 00:19:26 <beelzeybob> meh, I wouldn't be as mad at the copypastas if they did more fact checking
Mar 28 17 00:19:40 <Simplify> ultimately it just comes down to server owners/mods doing fact checking and doing what they deem best
Mar 28 17 00:19:41 <zhaey> obviously
Mar 28 17 00:19:44 <beelzeybob> but the fact is, nothing ever sounds as scary or exciting when all the fact checking is done
Mar 28 17 00:19:47 <zhaey> But they do contain misinformation
Mar 28 17 00:19:51 <Zock> what copypastas were true?
Mar 28 17 00:19:54 <beelzeybob> so people just sensationalize it
Mar 28 17 00:20:11 <zhaey> And what should we do about that between when one appears and you are able to confirm/check
Mar 28 17 00:20:25 <Simplify> biggest one is the ender copypasta, I only saw one cloudflare copypasta and that one was true and then there's this new CP one which is true
Mar 28 17 00:20:28 <beelzeybob> you tell the server owners/mods who are posting them
Mar 28 17 00:20:30 <Zock> email
Mar 28 17 00:20:31 <beelzeybob> to stop being idiots
Mar 28 17 00:20:46 <Zock> but dont over obvious bullshit
Mar 28 17 00:20:59 <Zock> CP one is the worst one so far
Mar 28 17 00:21:06 <Simplify> you can always just join the discord devs server
Mar 28 17 00:21:08 <Simplify> and check there
Mar 28 17 00:21:17 <zhaey> Simplify `biggest one is the ender copypasta, I only saw one cloudflare copypasta and that one was true and then there's this new CP one which is true` it contained SO much misinformation though
Mar 28 17 00:21:22 <Zock> It's talking about some super spooky group that supposedly is going around, but that's bullshit
Mar 28 17 00:21:23 <isentrope> there are no gif emotes?
Mar 28 17 00:21:30 <zhaey> It would have been much better if nobody had posted the copypastas at all
Mar 28 17 00:21:31 <Zock> And then it fucking says "Contact the FBI"
Mar 28 17 00:21:46 <zhaey> isentrope could you maybe do this somewhere else?
Mar 28 17 00:21:54 <Simplify> the only one I've seen is this so far:
Mar 28 17 00:22:04 <Zock> isentrope no discord has no gif emotes
Mar 28 17 00:22:12 <Simplify> why no link embedding <:Wuuut:291575264692142080>
Mar 28 17 00:22:16 <Zock> yeah that's all bs
Mar 28 17 00:22:19 <Zock> pretty much
Mar 28 17 00:22:39 <Zock> first whole thing before the line break is bs
Mar 28 17 00:22:55 <Simplify> I mean, it's not really, maybe the FBI stuff and how to report, I have no idea about that
Mar 28 17 00:22:58 <Zock> report and pms off is the only thing that's true.
Mar 28 17 00:22:59 <Zock> no
Mar 28 17 00:23:04 <Zock> Do not call the fucking FBI
Mar 28 17 00:23:09 <Simplify> the guy says "apparently" instead of making it sound like fact
Mar 28 17 00:23:16 <Simplify> and there are people going around doing it
Mar 28 17 00:23:19 <Zock> that's even worse
Mar 28 17 00:23:19 <Simplify> so its not entirely wrong
Mar 28 17 00:23:26 <zhaey> yeah but then he includes the tweet, which has an incredibly misleading embed
Mar 28 17 00:23:28 <Zock> he isnt sure and doing an @every1
Mar 28 17 00:23:32 <zhaey> ^
Mar 28 17 00:23:47 <zhaey> And 'not entirely wrong' is a very bad threshold
Mar 28 17 00:23:57 <isentrope> if someone is spamming CP discord can handle it
Mar 28 17 00:24:15 <isentrope> although in practice i imagine they might require a subpoena 🤷
Mar 28 17 00:24:15 <Zock> reporting to discord is the best option, calling the FBI is NOT what you should do in the least
Mar 28 17 00:24:21 <Simplify> I agree with what you're both saying, I didn't announce it on my servers for the same reasons
Mar 28 17 00:24:29 <Simplify> I'm just saying that it's not **entirely** wrong
Mar 28 17 00:24:30 <Zock> The devs have straight up said do not contact the FBI multiple times
Mar 28 17 00:24:39 <isentrope> maybe they should self-regulate then
Mar 28 17 00:25:08 <zhaey> `I'm just saying that it's not entirely wrong` OK, that's not really a useful thing to say, but noted
Mar 28 17 00:25:09 <Zock> I mean I could say CP is being spammed by a large group on reddit and you should report it to the admins or contact the FBI.
Mar 28 17 00:25:13 <Zock> I'm not entirely wrong
Mar 28 17 00:25:17 <isentrope> but this is true, if you're tipping them, they're not exactly going to just ignore you as a suspect
Mar 28 17 00:25:19 <Zock> CP has been posted on reddit
Mar 28 17 00:25:40 <Zock> but it's entirely useless and if anything just causes more problems
Mar 28 17 00:25:40 <Simplify> meh, like I said Zhaey, it comes down to the server owners/mods and how they choose to react
Mar 28 17 00:25:52 <zhaey> yes, which is the topic of this discussion
Mar 28 17 00:26:19 <Simplify> well for the purpose of this server, I don't think the announcement was necessary
Mar 28 17 00:26:24 <Simplify> because this isn't a public server
Mar 28 17 00:26:58 <isentrope> it's not the server owner, it's discord itself
Mar 28 17 00:27:20 <Zock> the announcement wasnt that bad, but im still pissed its full of misinformation
Mar 28 17 00:27:37 <Zock> Was unnecesary but if it was full of the truth i wouldnt have minded
Mar 28 17 00:27:53 <beelzeybob> My sister server (mass effect) used to be really bad about posting the Copt pastas
Mar 28 17 00:28:17 <Simplify> I understand zock
Mar 28 17 00:28:21 <Simplify> but its not really anything you can change
Mar 28 17 00:28:28 <Simplify> the entirety of reddit is filled with misinformation
Mar 28 17 00:28:34 <beelzeybob> But after I've talked to their owner more, I've just started shooting down all their copypastas
Mar 28 17 00:28:34 <Zock> ive told foxes to change it multiple times
Mar 28 17 00:28:40 <Zock> ugh
Mar 28 17 00:29:00 <Simplify> I just mean the whole copypasta way of spreading awareness thing in general
Mar 28 17 00:29:13 <zhaey> Why is it not something you can change?
Mar 28 17 00:29:15 <Simplify> it'll keep on happening no matter what, unless the discord devs take a stance on everything that happens, which is very unlikely
Mar 28 17 00:29:18 <zhaey> You can choose not to allow it
Mar 28 17 00:29:26 <Simplify> on your own servers, yes
Mar 28 17 00:29:44 <Simplify> you can turn a blind eye to it but it'll keep happening elsewhere
Mar 28 17 00:29:55 <beelzeybob> You can also make fun of server owners until they change it
Mar 28 17 00:30:13 <beelzeybob> Mean, but its what works the most in my experience
Mar 28 17 00:30:19 <zhaey> I mean I'm hoping mods of larger servers will think about this too and also try todo something about it
Mar 28 17 00:30:21 <beelzeybob> ¯\\(°_o)/¯
Mar 28 17 00:30:34 <zhaey> Be the change you want to see in discord or something
Mar 28 17 00:30:48 <zhaey> It's more useless to do nothing than to do something that mostly works if everyone does it.
Mar 28 17 00:31:19 <Zock>
Mar 28 17 00:31:36 <Zock>
Mar 28 17 00:31:38 <zhaey> wat
Mar 28 17 00:31:56 <Zock> trying to get the misinformation currently in <#279701101152960512> removed
Mar 28 17 00:32:00 <Zock> yesterday
Mar 28 17 00:32:47 <zhaey> yeah, I figured
Mar 28 17 00:32:55 <zhaey> But foxes' reaction..
Mar 28 17 00:34:40 <isentrope> why is it misinformation?
Mar 28 17 00:35:20 <Zock> There is no group that exists
Mar 28 17 00:35:25 <Zock> It's just some shitheads
Mar 28 17 00:35:47 <Zock> not some super group that is targetting servers
Mar 28 17 00:35:54 <Zock> and saying to contact the local authorities
Mar 28 17 00:36:10 <Quad> it's like the Christopher or Jessica Davies hacker meme
Mar 28 17 00:36:14 <Quad> except this one is new
Mar 28 17 00:36:17 <Zock> Discord Devs have said multiple times to report it to them, they can properly report it
Mar 28 17 00:36:34 <Zock> You calling the local authorities, imagine that phone call
Mar 28 17 00:37:09 <beelzeybob> plus, a lot of discord users are probably >18 and have no experience with this kind of stuff
Mar 28 17 00:37:12 <Zock> Also doesnt include the actual information about reporting
Mar 28 17 00:37:18 <beelzeybob> so of course they all want to be vigilantes
Mar 28 17 00:37:27 <Zock> There is specific information needed for reporting it
Mar 28 17 00:37:30 <isentrope> probably jurisdiction issue 🤷
Mar 28 17 00:37:37 <Zock> none of which is included in the thing in <#279701101152960512>
Mar 28 17 00:38:19 <Zock> isentrope it's nothing about jurisdiction, imagine calling any type of authority to reporty child porn sent to you on a service there is a big chance they havent heard of
Mar 28 17 00:38:30 <Zock> That has a very high potential to turn bad for you
Mar 28 17 00:39:00 <Zock> Also wastes a lot of time when discord needs to remove it from their service as well, and they are much more experienced at reporting it than you will be
Mar 28 17 00:39:03 <isentrope> the FBI does have the sophistication to handle it
Mar 28 17 00:39:17 <isentrope> but your local law enforcement, probably not
Mar 28 17 00:39:21 <Zock> do you have the ability to properly handle telling them about it?
Mar 28 17 00:39:31 <Zock> do you also have a lawyer incase things turn negative
Mar 28 17 00:39:51 <Zock> im not gonna call the FBI about child porn and risk it
Mar 28 17 00:40:06 <Zock> I'm gonna report it to discord where they can report it appropriately
Mar 28 17 00:40:15 <isentrope> but discord does have direct liability
Mar 28 17 00:40:29 <isentrope> CDA 230 specifically exempts federal criminal liability from safe harbor
Mar 28 17 00:40:59 <isentrope> so if it's on their servers, that's no good for them
Mar 29 17 00:10:16 <Ari> I strongly suggest consulting a lawyer (your lawyer) before doing anything if you come across child porn
Mar 29 17 00:11:03 <Ari> Most bar associations/law societies can set you up with someone who'll give a free consultation or direct you to appropriate clinics or legal services if money is an option
Mar 29 17 00:11:29 <Ari> but when it comes to this stuff, even if the answer is "tell law enforcement", even talking to a lawyer first is probably a good call
Mar 29 17 10:07:12 <beelzeybob> So has anyone with a relatively active sub had any experience with publishing a public mod log?
Mar 29 17 10:19:44 <SpyTec> Why would you want to do that?
Mar 29 17 10:20:30 <Shane> To seem 'transparent' I'd assume
Mar 29 17 10:21:09 <beelzeybob> since we *might* be getting early release copies, it would be an extra step to seem transparent yeah
Mar 29 17 10:22:53 <SpyTec> I see
Mar 29 17 10:23:15 <beelzeybob> we don't have anything to hide, and r/dragonage is relatively supportive of the mod team.. so it doesn't seem like a terrible idea. yet
Mar 29 17 10:23:16 <SpyTec> Normally I hate the idea of a public modlog
Mar 29 17 10:24:12 <Phallindrome> I honestly think I would leave an active team if they chose to do that
Mar 29 17 10:24:14 <SpyTec> Run a poll about it. And bring up that you might take up early access copies as well
Mar 29 17 10:25:01 <SpyTec> With public modlog you're showing off the things that was removed
Mar 29 17 10:25:06 <Phallindrome> ^
Mar 29 17 10:25:15 <Phallindrome> my biggest issue
Mar 29 17 10:25:17 <SpyTec> Doesn't toolbox support a modlog sub functionality?
Mar 29 17 10:25:51 <SpyTec> People called for us to do public modlogs when they were screaming I was a nazi mod. Will never happen as long as I'm in charge
Mar 29 17 10:26:27 <Phallindrome> plus once people see the content that was removed, they want to talk about whether it should have been removed. _every time._
Mar 29 17 10:27:00 <Phallindrome> just creates so much more drama and awfulness in a sub than it would be even to just leave the shit where it falls
Mar 29 17 10:27:09 <SpyTec> Previously we had a user mentioned in the removal comment in case they disabled inbox messages or their comment or submission. But removed it for the reason people could see what was removed. Same reason we don't advertise ceddit etc
Mar 29 17 10:27:15 <SpyTec> Yep
Mar 29 17 10:27:34 <beelzeybob> on a sub like r/masseffect, I would never do public modlogs ever 🤣
Mar 29 17 10:27:43 <beelzeybob> espescially with the recent flop
Mar 29 17 10:27:52 <SpyTec> beelzeybob I would suggest to bring up the idea that you might get early access copies. And that it's up to the community to decide if you should get it or not
Mar 29 17 10:28:00 <SpyTec> Don't entertain the idea of a public modlog
Mar 29 17 10:28:05 <beelzeybob> but r/dragonage is pretty circlejerky and loves the mod team
Mar 29 17 10:28:42 <beelzeybob> hm, yeah, that would probably be the best idea
Mar 29 17 10:29:50 <Phallindrome> Actually beelzeybob, reddit moderators aren't allowed to accept *any* form of compensation
Mar 29 17 10:30:13 <ThatAstronautGuy> ^
Mar 29 17 10:30:16 <beelzeybob> I know.. it's a fine line
Mar 29 17 10:30:23 <beelzeybob> I asked the admins about it though
Mar 29 17 10:30:24 <Phallindrome> it's not a fine line
Mar 29 17 10:30:28 <Phallindrome> it's pretty thick
Mar 29 17 10:30:30 <Phallindrome> oh?
Mar 29 17 10:30:31 <ThatAstronautGuy> its a hard no
Mar 29 17 10:30:38 <ThatAstronautGuy> compensation is not allowed
Mar 29 17 10:30:47 <Phallindrome> Did the admins reply to you already?
Mar 29 17 10:31:19 <beelzeybob>
Mar 29 17 10:32:13 <beelzeybob> it's accepting compensation, we would be willing to pay, but paid review copies are not a thing
Mar 29 17 10:33:37 <Phallindrome> I... don't think sodypop really buys it.
Mar 29 17 10:34:01 <ThatAstronautGuy> same
Mar 29 17 10:34:19 <ThatAstronautGuy> as someone who has chatted with sody often enough, yeah hes really trying to not say no
Mar 29 17 10:34:23 <ThatAstronautGuy> i think
Mar 29 17 10:34:31 <Phallindrome> I would say going farther is a bad idea.
Mar 29 17 10:36:00 <creesch> beelzeybob more trouble than it is worth
Mar 29 17 10:36:05 <beelzeybob> well, all I really want are the spoilers/leaks 😩
Mar 29 17 10:36:42 <creesch> But if you want to create a mod account that basically only has rights to the modlog and create a rss feed with its token.
Mar 29 17 10:36:49 <Phallindrome> Why don't you see if there's a reviewer willing to give you an advance cliff notes?
Mar 29 17 10:36:52 <beelzeybob> I suppose asking other reviewers or the company isn't compensation
Mar 29 17 10:37:01 <beelzeybob> yeah, that's plan B
Mar 29 17 10:37:22 <creesch> That way it is there but people that want to have a look at it need to actually go through the effort of doing so.
Mar 29 17 10:37:39 <creesch> Or use toolbox's build in logging
Mar 29 17 10:37:49 <creesch> But that requires your mods to have toolbox
Mar 29 17 10:38:04 <creesch> And will get people complaining you can still hide things
Mar 29 17 10:38:15 <creesch> Either way with a public log you loose
Mar 29 17 10:38:24 <SpyTec> beelzeybob Collabing with YouTubers or something might be better
Mar 29 17 10:38:27 <beelzeybob> hm, so in the case that a moderator is also a reviewer and a streamer
Mar 29 17 10:38:49 <beelzeybob> what if we accept a review copy as a content creator?
Mar 29 17 10:40:14 <SpyTec> Then as long as it's clear he gets it for being a reviewer and streamer. Why not? But then the rest of the modteam needs to be aware and not take anything up themselves. But not not sure about making modposts about it, can create posts himself
Mar 29 17 10:40:26 <SpyTec> But others in here have more experience than me
Mar 29 17 10:41:51 <SpyTec> creesch do you know of any subs that use toolbox's logger?
Mar 29 17 10:42:44 <Phallindrome> beelzeybob I really think you should just make plan B plan A
Mar 29 17 10:43:06 <SpyTec> Do a giveaway instead
Mar 29 17 10:43:19 <beelzeybob> yeah, I probably will
Mar 29 17 10:43:28 <beelzeybob> I'm not concerned about spoilers myself
Mar 29 17 10:43:32 <ThatAstronautGuy> giveaways are fine
Mar 29 17 10:43:33 <Phallindrome> your actions are probably going to be under a closer eye by admins because of this
Mar 29 17 10:43:44 <beelzeybob> but quite a lot of the mod team are ninnies about spoilers
Mar 29 17 10:43:45 <ThatAstronautGuy> plenty of communities have been given stuff to giveaway
Mar 29 17 10:43:51 <Phallindrome> yes giveaway!
Mar 29 17 10:44:09 <SpyTec> We get stuff regularly to give away. But that's cause we ask for it whenever we want to do something
Mar 29 17 10:44:25 <Phallindrome> You could do a review-writing contest
Mar 29 17 10:44:51 <Phallindrome> have them review anything at all and your favourite reviews win lol
Mar 29 17 11:23:37 <creesch> SpyTec not out the top of my head, there are a few since we do get some support request for the feature every now and hten,
Mar 29 17 11:23:57 <creesch> But honestly, it is mostly useless if you want to appease toxic assholes that don't trust mods anyway.
Mar 29 17 11:24:42 <creesch> We made it originally for /r/theoryofreddit when it still had a public log, but eventually that was shut down as well as the only people caring about it are the people that are just looking to stir shit up.
Mar 29 17 11:25:05 <creesch> Hence my suggestion to make a rss feed of the log if you really want to, that way you don't provide a platform for people to bitch on.
Mar 29 17 11:25:25 <creesch> But even that I don't really recommend, as there is sometimes stuff in there that shouldn't be public.
Mar 29 17 11:31:45 <creesch> tl;dr I am not a big fan of transparency through mindlessly publishing every single act you do.
Mar 29 17 11:32:10 <creesch> In fact, it is mostly on reddit only where transparency is taken to such extremes.
Mar 29 17 11:32:58 <creesch> Most transparency reports everywhere else give in insight in what actions are taken and in what quantities not a detailed breakdown of every single action.
Mar 29 17 11:34:25 <beelzeybob> one of the things I did like about a possible public log when I was considering it more was that it would have showed all our active moderators
Mar 29 17 11:34:37 <beelzeybob> and how inactive some of them are, publicly
Mar 29 17 11:34:39 <creesch> Eh why would you want to do that?
Mar 29 17 11:35:25 <creesch> There are mods that take a lot of actions that show up in quantitative manners in a log but don't actually mean much in qualitative metrics while other mods do exactly the opposite.
Mar 29 17 11:35:49 <creesch> For example, mods that spend a lot of time answering questions in modmail vs mods that purely sit in new to hit spam.
Mar 29 17 11:36:25 <creesch> The only thing you accomplish with drawing attention to the numbers in such a way is that you basically paint a target on mods that don't show up as much even if that might not be warranted.
Mar 29 17 11:36:47 <creesch> Which is something else, I personally believe in being accountable as a mod team. Not individual mods.
Mar 29 17 11:37:16 <beelzeybob> it would depend on the subreddit and individual modteam, yeam
Mar 29 17 11:37:26 <beelzeybob> it wouldn't work for all of them
Mar 29 17 11:37:35 <creesch> If an individual mod screws up you don't throw them into an angry mob. You try to solve it internally and if it remains an issue you might take action on them.
Mar 29 17 11:37:49 <creesch> No, it should work for all mod teams and if it doesn't you have a problem.
Mar 29 17 11:37:56 <creesch> Because then there is no team
Mar 29 17 11:38:18 <creesch> And you have a more fundamental problem than transparency.
Mar 29 17 11:41:10 <beelzeybob> this is more for inactive top moderators
Mar 29 17 11:41:18 <creesch> Doesn't matter
Mar 29 17 11:41:22 <beelzeybob> or semi-active
Mar 29 17 11:41:36 <creesch> It doesn't help your subreddit or the team when you start to target those mods.
Mar 29 17 11:41:37 <beelzeybob> and I have no control over that
Mar 29 17 11:41:49 <creesch> Or rather if you allow them to be targeted.
Mar 29 17 11:42:09 <creesch> It only will succeed in creating a toxic/hostile atmosphere.
Mar 29 17 11:42:15 <beelzeybob> is it targeting them just by showing that they aren't involved?
Mar 29 17 11:42:27 <creesch> Yes
Mar 29 17 11:42:57 <creesch> It pretty much is, also if you read back you'll see that I already said that it will not only target actually inactive mods.
Mar 29 17 11:43:34 <creesch> So even you might just intend to target a few specific mods it can backfire towards any mod.
Mar 29 17 11:43:57 <creesch> Which is why I strongly believe that you should outwardly operate as a team as much as possible.
Mar 29 17 11:44:08 <creesch> Which of course is incredibly difficult when internally there is no such a thing.
Mar 29 17 11:44:09 <beelzeybob> that's what I'm getting, but this was the point of asking anyway
Mar 29 17 11:44:27 <creesch> But then, once again, you are having a more fundamental problem that needs to be solved first.
Mar 29 17 11:44:44 <beelzeybob> I have no experience with public modlogs, but in hindsight, it doesn't seem as good of an idea as I initially thought
Mar 29 17 11:53:31 <SpyTec> Never been a fan of public mod logs either. Was just curious how the toolbox one worked and looked like creesch 😛
Mar 29 17 11:53:48 <SpyTec> The example in docs doesn't give an overall view
Mar 29 17 11:54:12 <creesch> It is basically part of removal reasons and makes a post in a log sub containing whatever details you have put in configuration.
Mar 29 17 11:54:17 <creesch> That is the tl;dr of it
Mar 29 17 11:54:57 <beelzeybob> so like r/listentothis's?
Mar 29 17 11:54:58 <beelzeybob>
Mar 29 17 11:55:15 <beelzeybob> looks like that one has been inactive for over a year though
Mar 29 17 11:55:32 <creesch> Sort of yeah, but then with human mods but similar idea.
Mar 29 17 11:55:40 <creesch> I think they might have stopped using it
Mar 29 17 11:55:54 <creesch> Almost all subs that have one eventually drop it in my experience.
Mar 29 17 12:03:02 <beelzeybob> the bot that's been posting it seems to have been suspended though
Mar 29 17 12:03:03 <beelzeybob>
Mar 29 17 12:03:33 <beelzeybob> so it's questionable if they actually dropped it, or it just got banned and they never bothered fixing it
Mar 29 17 17:21:41 <Deimos> radd_it went... a little off the rails
Mar 29 17 18:13:30 <allthefoxes> Yeah still makes me sad
Mar 29 17 18:13:34 <allthefoxes> Really liked the guy
Mar 29 17 18:14:12 <Deimos> yeah, he did a lot of work on bots and stuff for music subreddits
Mar 29 17 18:14:33 <allthefoxes> I worked with him on some projects
Mar 29 17 20:10:38 <lingrush> oh god public modlogs are the worst
Mar 29 17 20:11:46 <SpyTec> You had the experience of having one?
Mar 29 17 20:12:08 <isentrope> only publicize automod's modlogs
Mar 29 17 20:12:22 <isentrope> then they can all downvote it so it doesn't break like that one time
Mar 29 17 20:13:23 <SpyTec> Well people would find out spam filters, what's blocked etc.
Mar 29 17 20:13:26 <SpyTec> Even publicizing AM is bad
Mar 29 17 20:13:52 <SpyTec> "Why is x word banned but not y" or "Now I know the filter so I can circumvent it"
Mar 30 17 05:37:36 <twoambien> if discord moderation is ok, i will repeat one i just asked in our mod channel: why do people on discord setup so many channels and (seemingly) dilute the traffic/users they have? aren't 1 or 3 really active channels better than 1 active channel and 17 lightly used channels?
Mar 30 17 05:40:26 <Zock> My discord server is for tv shows, we have like 100 channels of various spoilerchats
Mar 30 17 05:40:32 <Zock> ultimately depends on your community
Mar 30 17 05:44:28 <twoambien> and you're sure that's the right way to do it? seems like one of those 'we were so focused on the fact that we could, we never asked ourselves if we should'. /r/television doesn't need 100 subreddits to accomplish that task. what is different about discord that you need that here?
Mar 30 17 05:45:08 <isentrope> this tv server discord is great
Mar 30 17 05:45:31 <twoambien> neither of you has answered my question.
Mar 30 17 05:45:38 <twoambien> why is that way BETTER.
Mar 30 17 05:45:52 <twoambien> "we have more and it's good" does not answer that question
Mar 30 17 05:46:02 <beelzeybob> once your server gets over a certain size, dilluting traffic is better imo
Mar 30 17 05:46:24 <beelzeybob> a general chat runs way too fast, and some people like slower paced, smaller channels
Mar 30 17 05:46:51 <beelzeybob> I notice on a few servers, certain channels have their own "regulars" and cliques in there
Mar 30 17 05:46:55 <twoambien> ya that makes sense, but why not 2 instead of 17 or 170?
Mar 30 17 05:47:17 <twoambien> like this one for instance, all these are not because of massive traffic
Mar 30 17 05:47:24 <twoambien> most of the ones i'm in are dead
Mar 30 17 05:47:29 <beelzeybob> Ive never seen a discord server with just two channels
Mar 30 17 05:47:39 <beelzeybob> it's not IRC
Mar 30 17 05:47:39 <twoambien> nor just 1?
Mar 30 17 05:47:42 <twoambien> nobody does 1?
Mar 30 17 05:47:48 <beelzeybob> yes... IRC 😛
Mar 30 17 05:48:17 <twoambien> ok there has to e some reason, i just don't get discord yet, ill keep using it and figure it out i'm sure
Mar 30 17 05:52:12 <Zock> I mean if we tried diverting spoilerchats to just a few specific chats that would be a shitshow
Mar 30 17 05:52:50 <Zock> We have 2-5 live episode discussions happening simultaneously sometimes and also imagine condensing 20-80 shows into one channel for spoilers
Mar 30 17 05:53:10 <Zock> It's a bit annoying for new users to mute but it works and is the best option.
Mar 30 17 05:53:54 <twoambien> hmm, so it seems in some situations, channels function closer to submissions/thrads than subreddits.
Mar 30 17 05:54:00 <cuddlefishcat> so you have spoiler rules on your server?
Mar 30 17 05:54:33 <cuddlefishcat> that seems impossible to moderate
Mar 30 17 05:55:23 <Zock> Yeah. Have a diverse group of staff. Plus a bunch of regulars who will ping staff so it's not bad
Mar 30 17 05:55:59 <cuddlefishcat> my fear would just be trolls coming in just to spoil
Mar 30 17 05:57:17 <beelzeybob> in my experience.. at least with game releases, trolls coming in to spoil aren't really a thing
Mar 30 17 05:57:41 <beelzeybob> around release dates, we get more trolls trying to "make fun of the BioWare SJWs"
Mar 30 17 05:57:53 <Zock> Nah not had that problem luckily. I mean in general a few times spoilers have been posted accidentally but it's usually there less than a minute I'd say. Someone will ping staff and boom gone. Sometimes is hectic when multiple discussions happening and I'm trying to be a part of all of them. But that's less moderation and more just conversing
Mar 30 17 05:58:51 <cuddlefishcat> ha maybe I'm too cynical then
Mar 30 17 05:58:54 <Zock> Biggest issue is probably people suggesting show channels and me making it then never chatting in the channel
Mar 30 17 05:59:15 <Zock> Not a huge issue but it's just why would you bother to suggest it
Mar 30 17 05:59:36 <Zock> Typically also will get a "awww my channel was deleted"
Mar 30 17 06:00:07 <cuddlefishcat> so you just periodically cull the dead channels?
Mar 30 17 06:00:46 <Zock> Yup. Go through a massive clearing usually every 2 weeks or so. And then anytime I notice a channel with no activity for 1 week I kill it.
Mar 30 17 06:01:18 <Zock> Exceptions being channels affiliated with a subreddit (a lot of them are) or if it's on a short break I won't delete
Mar 30 17 06:01:57 <cuddlefishcat> gotcha
Mar 30 17 06:02:25 <cuddlefishcat> so shows that have longer breaks would be removed and then added again later?
Mar 30 17 06:02:44 <Zock> Yup. Depending on if they are active
Mar 30 17 06:03:00 <Zock> If they die on the break I'll kill it but if they stay active no reason to
Mar 30 17 06:03:07 <cuddlefishcat> right
Mar 30 17 06:03:31 <cuddlefishcat> just seems like a lot to keep on top of to me lol
Mar 30 17 06:03:52 <Zock> I still think it's weird how like /r/Americanhorrorstory we partnered with and during the live discussions like super active chat. Tons of messages sent
Mar 30 17 06:04:00 <Zock> And then like 3 between episodes
Mar 30 17 06:04:09 <Zock> Then live again and boom activity
Mar 30 17 06:04:37 <cuddlefishcat> did they link to it in a megathread or something?
Mar 30 17 06:04:41 <Zock> Then others are not active during live discussions and consistent through the week
Mar 30 17 06:05:02 <Zock> Some subs have it on the sidebar, some stickied in its own thread and some put em in the episode discussions
Mar 30 17 06:05:10 <cuddlefishcat> still weird that nobody would stick around though
Mar 30 17 06:05:12 <Zock> AHS had em in the episode threads IIRC
Mar 30 17 06:05:36 <Zock> Yeah it was weird everytime an hour after the episode was over was a ghost town lol
Mar 30 17 06:06:07 <Zock> I bet most just clicked the episode link and didn't use discord otherwise probably. Closed out of the web browser after the episode
Mar 30 17 06:06:25 <cuddlefishcat> yeah maybe it's a userbase thing
Mar 30 17 06:06:30 <Zock> Just strange how some shows have a constant discussion and others are like that.
Mar 30 17 06:06:52 <Zock> /r/Atlanta was like that too I believe.
Mar 30 17 06:07:02 <Zock> I regret not watching that live so much
Mar 30 17 06:07:15 <cuddlefishcat> but half the fun is thinking of what's going to happen next
Mar 30 17 06:07:50 <Zock> Yeah for sure. All the CW shows seem to have consistent discussion, for better or worse lol
Mar 30 17 06:08:06 <cuddlefishcat> maybe not as much with atlanta, but with dramas at least
Mar 30 17 06:08:10 <Zock> Riverdale, supershits, the 100
Mar 30 17 06:08:34 <Zock> Atlanta is dead now and I watched like a month or two after the finale so there was nobody to really discuss
Mar 30 17 06:08:47 <Zock> Amazing show though. I was so surprised with it
Mar 30 17 06:09:13 <cuddlefishcat> yeah that's the weird part about finishing a show that ended a while ago
Mar 30 17 06:09:32 <cuddlefishcat> I haven't seen atlanta, I should try it
Mar 30 17 06:09:54 <Zock> Usually I don't mind but I sorta stalked those episode discussions and seemed like fun. Regret not being able to participate
Mar 30 17 06:10:01 <Zock> S2 2018 😭
Mar 30 17 06:10:13 <cuddlefishcat> But I just finished gilmore girls and had so few people to talk about it with lol
Mar 30 17 06:10:37 <Zock> But yeah I highly recommend Atlanta. It's different and probably 100% not for everyone but I love it.
Mar 30 17 06:10:54 <Zock> Haha yeah I understand that. My binge of old shows are always like that.
Mar 30 17 06:11:03 <Zock> I find myself looking up Reddit threads everytime
Mar 30 17 06:11:34 <cuddlefishcat> It's not the kind of show I usually watch but I've heard it's good
Mar 30 17 06:11:45 <cuddlefishcat> Yeah that's what I ended up doing
Mar 30 17 06:12:17 <cuddlefishcat> at least the revivals had come out somewhat recently so there was some discussion on reddit
Mar 30 17 06:19:51 <beelzeybob> I lurked in for AHS myself
Mar 30 17 06:20:03 <beelzeybob> Some TV shows just aren't that interesting off air
Mar 30 17 06:20:50 <beelzeybob> I wish asoiaf/game of thrones had an active discord somewhere though
Mar 30 17 06:22:51 <cuddlefishcat> It's been brought up before, but I think it would just be too much to keep track of during the season
Mar 30 17 06:23:14 <cuddlefishcat> especially during episodes
Mar 30 17 06:23:57 <beelzeybob> I found an unofficial one but they were too shitposty, so that may be true
Mar 30 17 06:26:34 <cuddlefishcat> it might have worked if the server built over the seasons, but going in blind with S7 would probably be messy
Mar 30 17 06:29:23 <Zock> I mean Lounge has a GoT chat but I can't speak about its activity as it's literally my only muted channel
Mar 30 17 07:00:53 <SnowPhoenix> twoambien I think your channel/threads comparison is pretty accurate. The separation of channels seems to be working well here, and it's one of the things I'd applaud the admins here for. People here can pay more attention to the topics they care about while having to scroll through less of the stuff they don't.
Mar 30 17 07:01:54 <SnowPhoenix> For example, <#280814354910281728> is designed for fun banter, so those of us who weren't around at the time it was happening can quickly scroll through it and assume we didn't miss anything too informative.
Mar 30 17 07:02:22 <twoambien> cool thanks
Mar 30 17 07:02:24 <Deimos> like you said, I think it's nice to have a lot of channels because it allows me to selectively mute ones that I don't care about
Mar 30 17 07:02:37 <Deimos> for example I have a small discord with just a few of my friends, and we have like 20 channels for different games
Mar 30 17 07:02:54 <Deimos> different groups of us play different games, so I can mute all the ones I'm not playing and don't have to read them talking about games I don't play
Mar 30 17 07:03:08 <Deimos> we could just have one "#games" channel and it would be a lot more active, but it's nice to have it separated
Mar 30 17 07:05:21 <SnowPhoenix> I never thought about how multiple channels could work well in even a small friends-only Discord, but that is a really good example.
Mar 30 17 07:06:13 <twoambien> i'm getting it now, this stuff just isn't possible on reddit. i think i'll ease up on suggesting we cull half our channels lol
Mar 30 17 07:06:37 <Deimos> yeah, it's different
Mar 30 17 07:06:43 <Deimos> I think about it more in terms of filtering
Mar 30 17 07:07:12 <Deimos> for my friends one we used to have only a few channels, but then some of us would spend half a day talking about some MMORPG half the people don't play or something, and that's mostly just annoying to everyone else
Mar 30 17 07:17:37 <Phallindrome> How big is your friends' group?
Mar 30 17 07:18:29 <Deimos> maybe 10-15 people
Mar 30 17 07:18:47 <Phallindrome> I'm in a small discord too- about the same size!
Mar 30 17 07:19:07 <Phallindrome> =) Lucky you that it's so active
Mar 30 17 07:19:26 <Deimos> it's not really that active, I don't think anyone has said anything in there in about 2 days now :b
Mar 30 17 07:20:10 <creesch> Sounds like snoonet these days :P
Mar 30 17 07:20:29 <creesch> Deimos you should hangout in #toolbox again, it is quiet there now :(
Mar 30 17 07:20:32 <Deimos> IRC is just for old folks
Mar 30 17 07:20:44 <creesch> I am not that old...
Mar 30 17 07:20:47 <Deimos> who don't need JUMBOMOJI
Mar 30 17 07:20:55 <creesch> irccloud does emoji
Mar 30 17 07:20:57 <Quad> <:blobangrysteam:280619755004493825>
Mar 30 17 07:21:16 <creesch> Honestly, the only reason I keep using irc is because irccloud is such a pleasant chat client to use across platforms.
Mar 30 17 07:23:25 <Deimos> eh, IRC is perfectly fine
Mar 30 17 07:23:41 <Deimos> Slack/Discord are just so much easier for non-technical people to get a decent experience and not worry about setting up a bunch of different pieces
Mar 30 17 07:39:14 <creesch> That is indeed very true
Mar 30 17 07:44:22 <creesch> I mean just that if there was an other platform out there that could tie it all together nicely and had decent clients I wouldn't mind switching irc altogether.
Mar 30 17 07:44:53 <Deimos> it all just makes my privacy senses hurt
Mar 30 17 07:45:27 <creesch> I am still hoping matrix will take off more eventually.
Mar 30 17 07:45:40 <Deimos> I don't like having companies like Discord keep everyone's chat / private messages forever when they don't even really have a business model, they'll probably just end up selling everyone's chat history to someone eventually as they declare bankruptcy
Mar 30 17 07:45:50 <creesch> It already is suitable in most aspects except for clients
Mar 30 17 07:47:05 <creesch> Yup, that is also an issue.
Mar 30 17 07:47:35 <creesch> Though I am personally more concerned with the fact that we now invest time and effort in something that might suddenly be gone.
Mar 30 17 07:48:00 <Deimos> yeah, though chat programs are kind of an ephemeral thing anyway
Mar 30 17 07:48:07 <creesch> It is why if I can help it I always try to self host things or make sure there is a compatible alternative available in case things fall away.
Mar 30 17 07:48:49 <creesch> I mean irccloud technically could also go belly up one day, in fact considering the decline of irc it is something I am a tad afraid of at times. But I know I can then just simply move to other clients and connect to the same networks again.
Mar 30 17 07:56:34 <creesch> Deimos well... mirc, hexchat, irssi, etc. For the past two... no three (fuck I am getting old) decades irc always has been a constant regarding the rise and fall of new chat platforms and clients.
Mar 30 17 07:57:29 <Deimos> I guess I meant more chat *history*, like people don't really get hurt as much if that history gets erased
Mar 30 17 07:57:36 <creesch> Ah right
Mar 30 17 07:57:40 <creesch> yeah agreed.
Mar 30 17 07:57:52 <Deimos> compared to cases like the recent one with the IMDB message boards shutting down, that's a lot more impactful to people
Mar 30 17 07:58:00 <creesch> I mean, it is always nice to be able to search my chat history but if I lost it I wouldn't care that much.
Mar 30 17 07:58:03 <Deimos> that kind of stuff feels more lasting than chat history
Mar 30 17 14:35:42 <twoambien> anybody know of a way on discord to make ourselves appear as regular users and not moderators? (i'm not the server owner, my color is green if that helps define my role)
Mar 30 17 14:38:00 <beelzeybob> you can make a permission with moderator powers and uncheck "display role separately from other members", then take away your green role
Mar 30 17 14:38:42 <SpyTec> Yeah just remove the colour and what beelzey said and you should blend in
Mar 30 17 14:40:57 <Zock> roles still show up though if they click the name
Mar 30 17 14:41:35 <Zock> could have the role with a seemingly normal name like Regular or such and not appear as a mod in any way i guess
Mar 30 17 14:41:39 <SpyTec> Yeah but people will need to go through everyone to find that you have a special role
Mar 30 17 14:41:50 <Zock> no?
Mar 30 17 14:42:00 <Zock>
Mar 30 17 14:42:07 <Zock> literally just click the name
Mar 30 17 14:45:00 <SpyTec> Yeah but you can't see the role unless you click their name. So finding specific mods isn't easy
Mar 30 17 14:46:22 <Zock> ahhh i see what you mean
Mar 30 17 14:50:03 <beelzeybob> just make it something that's not obviously a mod role
Mar 30 17 14:50:10 <beelzeybob> like "undercover mod"
Mar 30 17 14:50:37 <beelzeybob> "shill"
Mar 30 17 14:52:56 <Shane> 'Special Snowflake'
Mar 30 17 14:53:01 <Shane> 'Zock'
Mar 30 17 14:53:06 <Zock> and set it to seperate from normal users at the very top. nobody would know
Mar 30 17 14:53:11 <Zock> wow
Mar 30 17 14:54:07 <SpyTec> I would say "Nazi mod" but Shane already mentioned that role just now
Mar 30 17 14:54:10 <SpyTec> *nudge nudge Zock* 😉
Mar 30 17 15:00:43 <Zock> I am no Nazi Mod
Mar 30 17 15:01:08 <Zock>
Mar 30 17 15:01:14 <Zock> I am Literally Hitler
Mar 30 17 15:03:02 <SpyTec> That's nothing
Mar 30 17 15:03:15 <Zock> LITERALLY
Mar 30 17 15:03:51 <SpyTec>
Mar 30 17 15:04:25 <Zock> yeah SpyTec fuck yourself you pice of shit
Mar 30 17 15:04:31 <SpyTec> So mean
Mar 30 17 15:04:32 <Zock> ur a real pice of shit u know that
Mar 30 17 15:04:36 <SpyTec> 😦
Mar 30 17 15:04:40 <Zock> like take all the pices
Mar 30 17 15:04:43 <Shane> I agree
Mar 30 17 15:04:45 <Zock> and u are the biggest pice
Mar 30 17 15:05:07 <Zock> **pice**
```a former monetary unit of India and Pakistan, equal to one quarter of an anna.```
Mar 30 17 15:05:13 <Zock> <:thinko:282306045181689868>
Mar 30 17 15:05:29 <Zock> i wish could respond to reports
Mar 30 17 15:05:41 <SpyTec> 😛
Mar 30 17 15:16:06 <twoambien> thanks, ya i know they can figure it out and a lot know me anyway. just would prefer no color.
Mar 30 17 15:19:40 <Zock> oh yeah that's defe possible then.
Mar 30 17 16:19:23 <allthefoxes> beelzeybob the solution would be to keep a low key role thats just your name, or use a bot like Rasputin to just grand mod roles when needed like !op in IRC
Mar 30 17 16:19:31 <allthefoxes> in fact there are bots for just that
Mar 30 17 16:19:42 <allthefoxes> Add users to a list, whenever they !op themselves they get the mod role
Mar 30 17 20:25:29 <allthefoxes> New message you get for being a mod in your first subreddit:
Mar 30 17 20:26:42 <Deimos> that's definitely not new, we added that a long time ago
Mar 30 17 20:27:02 <Deimos> oh they changed the wording a bit to include the new guidelines, I see what you mean
Mar 30 17 20:29:09 <SpyTec> I've never seen it
Mar 30 17 20:29:28 <SpyTec> Although, I've been a mod for 2 years or so
Mar 30 17 20:31:40 <ThatAstronautGuy> same
Mar 30 17 21:10:26 <allthefoxes>
Mar 30 17 22:27:44 <lingrush> man, all of my friend-discords go quiet after a while
Mar 30 17 22:27:53 <lingrush> I wonder what that says about my friends
Mar 31 17 07:59:11 <creesch> That they don't care for discord or text chat maybe? :P
Mar 31 17 16:16:56 <SpyTec> Oh wow, never experienced admins giving answers to results of report of alt accounts
Mar 31 17 16:17:53 <SpyTec>
Mar 31 17 16:18:13 <SpyTec> Usually it's "Thanks for the report. We've looked into it and taken appropriate action" or similar
Mar 31 17 16:18:42 <tiz> change in policy?
Mar 31 17 16:19:17 <SpyTec> Hopefully
Mar 31 17 16:19:18 <SpyTec> That's wonderful
Mar 31 17 16:20:30 <Phallindrome> whoaaaaa! I love this!
Mar 31 17 16:20:32 <beelzeybob> huh.. neat
Mar 31 17 16:20:58 <Phallindrome> I hope this is a trend and not one admin screwing up
Mar 31 17 16:21:11 <beelzeybob> now I almost want to resubmit another person.. to see if they were really the same person I've suspected of ban evading 🤣
Mar 31 17 16:21:32 <SpyTec> We'll see their other responses. Or if it's just how this one admin handles it. Had to send 3 PMs to them the past few days..
Mar 31 17 16:22:13 <allthefoxes> huh
Mar 31 17 16:22:15 <SpyTec> Those other two are about report abuse though
Mar 31 17 16:22:19 <allthefoxes> Well don't get this dude in trouble
Mar 31 17 16:22:21 <allthefoxes> so keep quiet
Mar 31 17 16:22:38 <SpyTec> Yeah, why I didn't include name
Mar 31 17 17:15:26 <originalforeignmind> wow...
Mar 31 17 17:15:56 <originalforeignmind> what a nice admin
Apr 01 17 00:36:02 <SpyTec> First comment we got in a thread isn't visible. The ones that are replies to that comment are also not visible. Yet we got newer comments that showed up right away
Apr 01 17 00:36:12 <SpyTec> >9 comments
>3 visible
Apr 03 17 08:26:53 <Shane> lol
Apr 03 17 08:47:19 <Shane> creesch Is user notes a toolbox thing or RES?
Apr 03 17 08:47:41 <SpyTec> Toolbox
Apr 03 17 08:48:51 <Shane> Cool, is there a way to have a user note set automatically after removing something?
Apr 03 17 08:49:27 <SpyTec> Nope
Apr 03 17 08:49:59 <Shane> Would be useful I think
Apr 03 17 08:50:17 <SpyTec> IIRC it won't happen either due to the small space available to add notes to
Apr 03 17 12:09:47 <creesch> ^ pretty much that.
Apr 03 17 12:10:15 <creesch> Automatic usernotes would be a sure way for us to get too many complaints about the storage wiki being full.
Apr 03 17 18:04:08 <Alipoodle> Wow
Apr 06 17 00:29:50 <MichaelTieso/Skylab> Anyone following the fun drama from r/Seattle and r/SeattleWA?
Apr 06 17 00:35:00 <Zock> Nope
Apr 06 17 00:36:39 <MichaelTieso/Skylab> Missing out! It's been interesting to see this develop.
Apr 06 17 00:47:54 <SpyTec> The fuck is wrong with head mod banning mentioning of protest sub on their sub?
Apr 06 17 00:49:36 <YopparaiNeko> exclusive images of him currently
Apr 06 17 00:49:41 <YopparaiNeko>
Apr 06 17 00:52:13 <SpyTec> Drama over a non-issue, typical
Apr 06 17 00:53:29 <Keonkwai> Lol.
Apr 06 17 00:53:39 <Keonkwai> That whole deal sounds straight up ridiculous.
Apr 06 17 00:53:48 <Keonkwai> Bury the hatchet and merge
Apr 06 17 00:53:50 <Keonkwai> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 06 17 00:53:58 <YopparaiNeko> go suggest that
Apr 06 17 00:54:02 <YopparaiNeko> i'm sure he'd love to hear it
Apr 06 17 00:54:05 <Keonkwai> Lmao
Apr 06 17 00:54:29 <SpyTec> So TL;DR: people from r/SeatleWA try to get people over to that sub, they get removed as splitting community. Clever photoshops (which are just idiotic) get removed. r/Seattle chat was leaked never meant for public that goes into detail of what.. being against SeatleWA and removing all posts about it?
Apr 06 17 00:55:10 <SpyTec> Mods on r/Seattle probably don't deserve anything they're getting. A mod leaking their mod chat is call for concern though, which is why many mods were removed I bet.
Apr 06 17 00:55:25 <YopparaiNeko> there's only one mod on r/seattle causing all of this
Apr 06 17 00:55:29 <YopparaiNeko> and it's largely self-inflicted
Apr 06 17 00:55:35 <YopparaiNeko> he just removed three threads linking to that article
Apr 06 17 00:55:46 <Keonkwai> So in other words, he shouldn't be a mod in the first place.
Apr 06 17 00:56:31 <SpyTec> To be fair, a thread linking to that article on /r/Seattle will only flame the fire
Apr 06 17 00:56:39 <SpyTec> There's nothing positive to come out of it
Apr 06 17 00:57:26 <matsgd> *grabs popcorn*
Apr 06 17 00:58:57 <YopparaiNeko> Removing it just reinforces everything negative about the mod. He even tried doing an ama once. It single handedly gave r/Seattlewa a 10k sub boost
Apr 06 17 00:58:58 <Zock> *grabs unpopped popcorn*
Apr 06 17 00:59:03 <Zock> *places over fire*
Apr 06 17 00:59:29 <SpyTec> Well there is _nothing_ he can do to fix this
Apr 06 17 00:59:42 <YopparaiNeko> He could step down and walk away
Apr 06 17 00:59:43 <SpyTec> Removing the post will make sure some people never see it. Which is to be fair the best option for him
Apr 06 17 00:59:48 <SpyTec> True
Apr 06 17 00:59:52 <YopparaiNeko> Or just listen
Apr 06 17 01:00:02 <YopparaiNeko> That's the worst option lol
Apr 06 17 01:00:06 <SpyTec> Don't know the details, what exactly have the community been asking of him?
Apr 06 17 01:00:18 <SpyTec> To allow shitposts? Low quality content?
Apr 06 17 01:00:20 <SpyTec> Reposts?
Apr 06 17 01:00:21 <SpyTec> What?
Apr 06 17 01:00:38 <YopparaiNeko> Look up the out of the loop post
Apr 06 17 01:00:45 <SpyTec> Link?
Apr 06 17 01:01:06 <YopparaiNeko> If I had the link I'd of linked it lol
Apr 06 17 01:01:10 <SpyTec> 😛
Apr 06 17 01:01:13 <YopparaiNeko> It's linked on seattlewa
Apr 06 17 01:06:12 <SpyTec> So moderation is lacking
Apr 06 17 01:06:30 <SpyTec> And he's getting harassed by groups of people
Apr 06 17 01:06:37 <SpyTec> Reddit never changes
Apr 06 17 01:07:00 <YopparaiNeko> The out of loop link is in there somewhere
Apr 06 17 01:07:18 <lamejosh>
Apr 06 17 01:07:42 <YopparaiNeko> There it is
Apr 06 17 01:07:43 <SpyTec> Kind of feel like the Seattle Weekly article linked above was a bit bs
Apr 06 17 01:08:02 <lamejosh> top comment here is better
Apr 06 17 01:08:13 <YopparaiNeko> Well he didn't want to say his side
Apr 06 17 01:08:20 <YopparaiNeko> Which is a shame
Apr 06 17 01:09:04 <YopparaiNeko> The last time he did like I said the other sub got like 10k subs
Apr 06 17 01:09:10 <SpyTec> Probably didn't believe him to be who he said he was
Apr 06 17 01:09:26 <SpyTec> That too
Apr 06 17 01:11:30 <YopparaiNeko> Yeah his paranoia is unhealthy to say the least
Apr 06 17 01:12:40 <SpyTec> I'd be skeptical too if I knew there were groups of people with alts trying to get their way
Apr 06 17 01:12:51 <YopparaiNeko> What?
Apr 06 17 01:12:53 <MichaelTieso/Skylab> At the very least, there should be more mods in r/Seattle to democratize it a bit
Apr 06 17 01:12:59 <SpyTec> Re harassment he got
Apr 06 17 01:13:08 <YopparaiNeko> What harassment ?
Apr 06 17 01:14:13 <SpyTec> Article and Out of the loop mentioned he got harassment no? And that there were many accounts from alts hinting that there was another sub
Apr 06 17 01:15:22 <YopparaiNeko> Not sure I see what you're talking about
Apr 06 17 01:15:28 <lamejosh> if talking about other reddits is harassment, then this discord is savage
Apr 06 17 01:15:35 <YopparaiNeko> Haha seriously
Apr 06 17 01:15:44 <SpyTec> Might miss something
Apr 06 17 01:15:54 <SpyTec> Speed reading and about to head to bed
Apr 06 17 01:15:59 <lamejosh> he prolly got some hatemail
Apr 06 17 01:17:20 <rattus> here's a thought. thousands of people seem to have stories about him
Apr 06 17 01:17:20 <Deimos> this has been going on for years, he's been heavily harassed over it, doxxed, etc.
Apr 06 17 01:17:24 <rattus> they might write more
Apr 06 17 01:17:34 <Deimos> it's a weird situation
Apr 06 17 01:17:36 <rattus> they've been dropping their email addresses in the threads
Apr 06 17 01:17:42 <rattus> who knows what might come out
Apr 06 17 01:17:46 <MichaelTieso/Skylab> I don't get it. Modding is not even fun anymore at that point.
Apr 06 17 01:17:52 <MichaelTieso/Skylab> I'd just say screw it
Apr 06 17 01:18:04 <rattus> his friends have tried to get him help
Apr 06 17 01:18:07 <rattus> he's having none of it
Apr 06 17 01:18:17 <rattus> irl toll sounded high
Apr 06 17 01:18:46 <YopparaiNeko> Yeah. He's literally done everything possible to make the situation worse.
Apr 06 17 01:19:07 <YopparaiNeko> Whatever you think is a bad idea he's done it
Apr 06 17 01:20:36 <YopparaiNeko> Maybe just a long term troll
Apr 06 17 01:20:43 <originalforeignmind> How come reddit allows sock-pupetting, though?
Apr 06 17 01:20:45 <SpyTec> I am not surprised he stands his ground and trying to do things he wants. Who can he trust? But if he continues to make things worse, hopefully he realizes he can't keep at it anymore
Apr 06 17 01:20:59 <lamejosh> spy, michael...
Apr 06 17 01:21:00 <lamejosh> pageviews, oct 16: vs.
Apr 06 17 01:21:07 <lamejosh> there is nothing to keep up
Apr 06 17 01:21:19 <lamejosh> hes just stalling the inevtible
Apr 06 17 01:21:34 <rattus> good point. I should put the side by side traffic graphs in my sticky
Apr 06 17 01:21:45 <SpyTec> Traffic means nothing tbqh. Not when drama is still going on
Apr 06 17 01:21:57 <YopparaiNeko> Yeah the page view by month is fantastic
Apr 06 17 01:22:12 <YopparaiNeko> The drama technically ended months ago
Apr 06 17 01:22:27 <YopparaiNeko> This is just popcorn
Apr 06 17 01:22:34 <SpyTec> Alright
Apr 06 17 01:22:40 <AmericanDerp> originalforeignmind there are valid purposes. Keep one account for professional topic areas, one for family /r/parenting, one for modding, one for modding something else, one for asking questions/discussing medical topics, or a throwaway to just not be pinned to something for privacy, etc.
Apr 06 17 01:22:59 <AmericanDerp> your "porn" account
Apr 06 17 01:23:06 <originalforeignmind> hmm
Apr 06 17 01:23:16 <SpyTec> Feel sorry for the guy though. Harassment is a bitch
Apr 06 17 01:23:20 <SpyTec> Anyway I'm off
Apr 06 17 01:23:31 <originalforeignmind> but if sockpuppets are used to back up your discussion, isn't it as bad as vote manipulation?
Apr 06 17 01:24:01 <lamejosh> like this:
Apr 06 17 01:24:02 <AmericanDerp> I don't believe reddit has a position on that. If you're talking about swaying the flow of conversation, that sort of thing.
Apr 06 17 01:24:47 <originalforeignmind> I've asked one of the admins before about it and they said vote manipulation rule does not include sockpuppetting
Apr 06 17 01:25:08 <lamejosh> instead they have ban evasion rule
Apr 06 17 01:25:20 <AmericanDerp> It's not against the rules if I made two accounts and had them just argue with each other, for example, or back each other in a debate, if it's compliant with the rules otherwise.
Apr 06 17 01:25:24 <originalforeignmind> so as long as you don't vote up/down someone you can actually back up your own convo without breaking reddit rules
Apr 06 17 01:25:39 <AmericanDerp> If you actually wanted to spend that much energy on something, sure
Apr 06 17 01:25:58 <originalforeignmind> lol yeah but some people seem to do apparently
Apr 06 17 01:26:24 <originalforeignmind> like how it's been mentioned in the r/Seattle thread
Apr 06 17 01:27:37 <YopparaiNeko> Careless is easy to spot though so it's not that bad
Apr 06 17 01:27:40 <AmericanDerp> I was actually tempted before to make two accounts and have them just brutally go at each other on some political subreddit, like temp ban worthy nasty, then once they're back resume the conversation, work of art stuff - like write the dialogue ahead of time, post, go back and forth, friend, enemy, have it be like a soap opera...
Apr 06 17 01:27:41 <originalforeignmind> I mean, out of loop... excuse me
Apr 06 17 01:28:08 <lamejosh> OFM, i think those socks were on because you cant walk naked in r/seattle
Apr 06 17 01:28:19 <originalforeignmind> ha ha
Apr 06 17 01:28:53 <MichaelTieso/Skylab> I live in Seattle and somehow this all feels very Seattle
Apr 06 17 01:29:40 <YopparaiNeko> Power corrupts absolutely
Apr 06 17 01:30:15 <originalforeignmind> Dunno, the last time I visited Seattle, I only managed to meet nice people who don't like to argue with others, though I do remember everyone did wear nice socks
Apr 06 17 01:30:20 <SpyTec> Says a mod in a mod Discord
Apr 06 17 01:30:35 <SpyTec> YopparaiNeko
Apr 06 17 01:30:37 <SpyTec> 😉
Apr 06 17 01:30:44 <YopparaiNeko> You know if
Apr 06 17 01:30:47 <YopparaiNeko> It
Apr 06 17 01:30:54 <originalforeignmind> Are you a yopparai?
Apr 06 17 01:31:06 <originalforeignmind> and neko?
Apr 06 17 01:31:09 <YopparaiNeko> I am ten of them
Apr 06 17 01:31:19 <originalforeignmind> ha ha
Apr 06 17 01:31:55 <originalforeignmind> Didn't realize yopparai has become something comprehensible to non-Japanese people
Apr 06 17 01:33:30 <lamejosh> non-Japanese people here
Apr 06 17 01:33:34 <lamejosh> does it mean drunken?
Apr 06 17 01:33:43 <YopparaiNeko> It means lucky
Apr 06 17 01:33:53 <originalforeignmind> drunken cat
Apr 06 17 01:34:10 <YopparaiNeko> Well fuck
Apr 06 17 01:34:11 <lamejosh> *cracks one*
Apr 06 17 01:34:23 <YopparaiNeko> Probably shouldn't of gotten the tattoo
Apr 06 17 01:35:00 <lamejosh> is it a beckoning cat with a sake glass?
Apr 06 17 01:35:22 <YopparaiNeko> Just the Chinese characters
Apr 06 17 01:35:42 <YopparaiNeko> I'll just get one that saya seattle freezer
Apr 06 17 01:37:38 <originalforeignmind> I actually really like that subreddit, out of the loop
Apr 06 17 01:37:47 <YopparaiNeko> It's a good one
Apr 06 17 01:37:53 <originalforeignmind> yeah, subscribed
Apr 06 17 01:37:54 <YopparaiNeko> I've posted a few times there
Apr 06 17 01:38:05 <YopparaiNeko> They're really good usually
Apr 06 17 01:38:12 <originalforeignmind> I should probably ask there the next time I don't get what's going on
Apr 06 17 01:38:23 <YopparaiNeko> They're usually friendly
Apr 06 17 01:38:49 <originalforeignmind> That's good
Apr 06 17 01:48:55 <rattus> I think my last conversation with an admin was basically an endorcement of sockpuppetry, but not ban evasion
Apr 06 17 01:50:23 <originalforeignmind> What did they say, rattus ?
Apr 06 17 05:11:30 <rattus> that throwaways and socks are appropriate to have some conversations
Apr 06 17 05:11:44 <rattus> nay necessary in some circumstance
Apr 06 17 16:17:05 <AmericanDerp> I know of a user that keeps openly doxxing someone. I've messaged the Admins (as have others) at least half a dozen times that I know of, but nothing is being done. My latest report was yesterday. What do?
Apr 06 17 16:18:55 <SpyTec> I've seen admins doing stuff after posts in /r/modtalk
Apr 06 17 17:45:52 <Balancegenerally> yah but that was only after some people in the default slack reported it to them
Apr 06 17 18:23:37 <AmericanDerp> Balancegenerally whats the link to the default slack
Apr 06 17 18:28:05 <ThatAstronautGuy>
Apr 06 17 18:29:21 <Balancegenerally> no idea im not in it 😦
Apr 06 17 18:30:11 <Balancegenerally> i just saw 3 people say on modtalk that they reported it in the default slack
Apr 06 17 18:30:36 <AmericanDerp> ohhh - default as in default subs
Apr 06 17 18:31:12 <ThatAstronautGuy> yeah
Apr 06 17 18:31:15 <ThatAstronautGuy>
Apr 06 17 18:33:01 <Balancegenerally> the modtalk slack has some of them in it but I have never seen one online. the powermods seem to have the best way to contact them 😃
Apr 06 17 18:35:50 <ThatAstronautGuy> use modmail
Apr 06 17 18:36:02 <ThatAstronautGuy> they've mostly phased out getting support through the default mods slack
Apr 06 17 18:46:34 <AmericanDerp> Yeah, I've reported this guy on modmail I think thrice now, and another couple people have too.
Apr 06 17 22:44:00 <Gumdrops> Which reddit mobile applications are you guys using with a focus on moderation?
Apr 06 17 22:44:44 <Zirr> Sync (android)
Apr 06 17 22:44:49 <Zirr> Can view modmail and modqueue
Apr 06 17 22:44:51 <Zirr> I like it a lot
Apr 06 17 22:45:09 <Gumdrops> I'm on iOS at the moment but thinking about converting to Android for the first time with my next device
Apr 06 17 22:45:20 <Zirr> I did the same 2-3 months ago
Apr 06 17 22:45:28 <Zirr> My iPhone 4 was getting tired, got a galaxy s7 edge
Apr 06 17 22:45:33 <Zirr> Very happy with it, solid phone
Apr 06 17 22:45:47 <Zirr> This was also my first ever android device
Apr 06 17 22:46:02 <Gumdrops> Currently using Alienblue on iOS which I like as a general user, moderating is ok once you set up some reply templates
Apr 06 17 22:46:29 <Zirr> Oh wow, yeah that's the thing I miss the most
Apr 06 17 22:46:41 <Zirr> Alienblue is the best reddit app there is, on all platforms (imo)
Apr 06 17 22:46:49 <Zirr> I've used all of the popular reddit ones on both platforms
Apr 06 17 22:46:54 <Zirr> Sync is close but not there
Apr 06 17 22:48:47 <Gumdrops> I haven't found a way to access the new modmail on alienblue, if it's been implemented
Apr 06 17 22:50:22 <Gumdrops> And it doesn't show anything about reports/automod actions other than that there is one for a submission
Apr 06 17 22:51:36 <Deimos> alienblue hasn't had any updates in years, it's not going to have new modmail
Apr 06 17 22:52:24 <Zirr> Sync does both of these
Apr 06 17 22:52:54 <Gumdrops> Interesting
Apr 06 17 22:53:16 <Gumdrops> Deimos Yeah I figured as much. I'm going to try the reddit for iOS app and see how that goes
Apr 06 17 22:53:35 <Deimos> I don't think it has much moderation stuff in it, only some absolute basics
Apr 07 17 00:21:40 <AmericanDerp> Hey, sensitive possible topic: so /r/altright got banned as I understand it for not curbing doxxing and for heavily allowing or utilizing that that site. To the point the site is now hard spam blocked - it goes straight to spam. I see some instances of it still being up here and there:
IS this site considering a doxxing/witch hunt site? Are we supposed to be curbing it?
Apr 07 17 01:11:59 <Phallindrome> I feel like the only people who *could* give you a solid answer on that would be the admins themselves, and they're usually reluctant to nail down any rules or guideline
Apr 07 17 01:12:28 <Phallindrome> If it's been autospammed, though, I think the answer is "probably yes".
Apr 07 17 01:12:52 <Phallindrome> your ban of that guy was totally justified, though. =)
Apr 07 17 04:41:11 <rattus> I wasn't in favor of the ban until the guy went full spurge
Apr 07 17 04:41:17 <rattus> then I was like 'you've sold me'
Apr 07 17 22:09:18 <YopparaiNeko> so curious, what's the admins stance on a mod banning the mention of rape charges the he is the sole defense witness of?
Apr 07 17 22:09:51 <GodOfNumbers> YopparaiNeko uhh what, can you provide a bit of context
Apr 07 17 22:10:05 <YopparaiNeko>
Apr 07 17 22:10:21 <YopparaiNeko> seems like an interesting case study
Apr 07 17 22:10:44 <GodOfNumbers> I wouldn't remove it if it didn't break any sub rules
Apr 07 17 22:11:02 <GodOfNumbers> Not too familiar with r/Washington, but it doesn't seem to break any there
Apr 07 17 22:11:13 <YopparaiNeko> nah, the sub in question is a more local sub apparently
Apr 07 17 22:11:18 <YopparaiNeko> r/Bellingham
Apr 07 17 22:11:36 <GodOfNumbers> Oh
Apr 07 17 22:11:39 <GodOfNumbers> Well same thing
Apr 07 17 22:11:41 <YopparaiNeko> oh hey
Apr 07 17 22:11:46 <YopparaiNeko> they even have their own alternative
Apr 07 17 22:11:48 <YopparaiNeko>
Apr 07 17 22:11:48 <YopparaiNeko> neat
Apr 07 17 22:12:27 <GodOfNumbers> What do you mean about the mod being a sole witness
Apr 07 17 22:12:42 <YopparaiNeko> he's buddies with the rapist apparently
Apr 07 17 22:12:45 <YopparaiNeko> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 07 17 22:12:50 <GodOfNumbers> What da fuck
Apr 07 17 22:12:55 <YopparaiNeko> defense witness*
Apr 07 17 22:13:09 <GodOfNumbers> Guh yea that's fucked up imo
Apr 07 17 22:13:29 <GodOfNumbers> It's town news sooo
Apr 07 17 22:13:41 <GodOfNumbers> People should be aware of that type of thing too
Apr 07 17 22:13:55 <GodOfNumbers> To censor it is ridiculous
Apr 07 17 22:14:31 <GodOfNumbers> If one of my "buddies" made local news by raping someone, then I'm fairly certain I'd cut them out from my life
Apr 07 17 22:15:00 <YopparaiNeko> PNW has plenty of folks who prefer the good ol' doubling down methodology
Apr 07 17 22:15:13 <GodOfNumbers> PNW?
Apr 07 17 22:15:47 <Phallindrome> pacific northwest?
Apr 07 17 22:15:58 <GodOfNumbers> Hell, at the moment one of my friends has a felony pot charge and its a strain on our relationship
Apr 07 17 22:16:02 <GodOfNumbers> Oh ok
Apr 07 17 22:16:05 <Phallindrome> =)
Apr 07 17 22:16:20 <Phallindrome> PNW REPRESENT! Though maybe right now isn't the best time...
Apr 07 17 22:16:29 <GodOfNumbers> Lol nah it's cool
Apr 07 17 22:16:54 <GodOfNumbers> Washington is cool
Apr 07 17 22:16:56 <Phallindrome> It is seriously really nice out here though
Apr 07 17 22:17:02 <YopparaiNeko> it's fucking beautiful
Apr 07 17 22:17:03 <Phallindrome> oh good, you've been. =)
Apr 07 17 22:17:05 <GodOfNumbers> ASE represent
Apr 07 17 22:17:28 <Phallindrome> american southeast? like.... alabama and stuff?
Apr 07 17 22:17:33 <GodOfNumbers> ha, close
Apr 07 17 22:17:36 <GodOfNumbers> the flower
Apr 07 17 22:17:42 <YopparaiNeko> the mechanic organization?
Apr 07 17 22:17:50 <GodOfNumbers> no la florida
Apr 07 17 22:17:58 <YopparaiNeko>
Apr 07 17 22:18:25 <Phallindrome> =( I'm sorry GodofNumbers. You're welcome to move to the PNW whenever you can
Apr 07 17 22:18:44 <GodOfNumbers> Sorry?!
Apr 07 17 22:18:48 <GodOfNumbers> You throwing shade rn
Apr 07 17 22:19:01 <GodOfNumbers> FL is great
Apr 07 17 22:19:04 <Phallindrome> I could throw stats =P
Apr 07 17 22:19:14 <GodOfNumbers> Oh well look at you
Apr 07 17 22:19:18 <GodOfNumbers> Here we go m8
Apr 07 17 22:19:29 <Phallindrome> Sorry, I'm a Canadian supremacist
Apr 07 17 22:19:34 <GodOfNumbers> U fokn shitpostin in the wrong neighborhood
Apr 07 17 22:19:51 <GodOfNumbers> And Canada is definitely not supreme
Apr 07 17 22:20:01 <GodOfNumbers> Just a wannabe EU
Apr 07 17 22:20:43 <Phallindrome> Oh man, someone posted a thread about Scotland joining Canada and Canada joining the EU a couple days ago, it sounded so nice
Apr 07 17 22:21:00 <GodOfNumbers> You live in Canada?
Apr 07 17 22:21:04 <Phallindrome> yes
Apr 07 17 22:21:04 <ThatAstronautGuy> lol
Apr 07 17 22:21:08 <GodOfNumbers> Nice
Apr 07 17 22:21:09 <ThatAstronautGuy> im also canadian
Apr 07 17 22:21:22 <GodOfNumbers> Canada seems to have a fair amount of people
Apr 07 17 22:21:28 <ThatAstronautGuy> 😮
Apr 07 17 22:21:40 <Phallindrome> one of the highest internet penetration rates in the world, outside of microstates
Apr 07 17 22:21:52 <GodOfNumbers> penetration..?
Apr 07 17 22:21:59 <Phallindrome> huehehehe
Apr 07 17 22:22:45 <GodOfNumbers> hell if you want a high penetration rate just come to my place kek
Apr 07 17 22:25:05 <GodOfNumbers> hey ThatAstronautGuy why are you a lighter blue than me
Apr 07 17 22:25:29 <ThatAstronautGuy> im better than you
Apr 07 17 22:25:35 <ThatAstronautGuy> default mod
Apr 07 17 22:25:35 <GodOfNumbers> what no
Apr 07 17 22:25:38 <GodOfNumbers> oh
Apr 07 17 22:25:49 <GodOfNumbers> which sub
Apr 07 17 22:25:52 <Phallindrome> My level of arousal reading your comment:
/ |
/~~~~~~~~ |
/~~~~~~~ |
lost interest in finishing this
Apr 07 17 22:25:53 <ThatAstronautGuy> tifu
Apr 07 17 22:26:09 <GodOfNumbers> noice, i hear everything gets removed there
Apr 07 17 22:26:09 <Phallindrome> wow I'm so glad I didn't bother doing the whole thing
Apr 07 17 22:26:14 <GodOfNumbers> kek
Apr 07 17 22:26:17 <ThatAstronautGuy> everything gets removed at tifu
Apr 07 17 22:26:29 <GodOfNumbers> tifu by attempting to post on tifu
Apr 07 17 22:26:33 <Phallindrome> mod me tag
Apr 07 17 22:26:46 <GodOfNumbers> no mod me
Apr 07 17 22:26:52 <GodOfNumbers> i want that light blue
Apr 07 17 22:27:00 <GodOfNumbers> you've got orange
Apr 07 17 22:27:38 <GodOfNumbers> actually don't mod me, i don't have the time for a default
Apr 07 17 22:27:50 <GodOfNumbers> barely have time for the few that i currently mod
Apr 07 17 22:28:09 <GodOfNumbers> getting carried hardcore in r/iamverysmart by darth_tiffany
Apr 07 17 22:28:25 <GodOfNumbers> hey ThatAstronautGuy you should know darth_tiffany
Apr 07 17 22:28:31 <GodOfNumbers> she mods tifu iirc
Apr 07 17 22:28:33 <ThatAstronautGuy> ive seen her around
Apr 07 17 22:28:42 <ThatAstronautGuy> she doesnt chat much
Apr 07 17 22:28:56 <GodOfNumbers> oh well she does in the iavs modcord
Apr 07 17 22:29:04 <GodOfNumbers> get good i guess
Apr 07 17 22:29:05 <ThatAstronautGuy> huh
Apr 07 17 22:30:35 <GodOfNumbers> huh she isn't in here
Apr 07 17 22:30:56 <GodOfNumbers> what's the invite link for this sub, imma send her one
Apr 07 17 22:31:03 <GodOfNumbers> server*
Apr 07 17 22:33:12 <GodOfNumbers> ThatAstronautGuy you know?
Apr 07 17 22:33:20 <GodOfNumbers> I don't remember how I got here
Apr 07 17 22:33:33 <ThatAstronautGuy> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 07 17 22:33:38 <ThatAstronautGuy> i think its in the sidebar of modtalk
Apr 07 17 22:33:58 <GodOfNumbers> Oh ok thanks
Apr 07 17 22:36:14 <darth_tiffany> hi yall
Apr 07 17 22:36:23 <Phallindrome> If you send allthefoxes a screenshot of you inviting your modteam here, you can get the orange too
Apr 07 17 22:36:31 <darth_tiffany> sorry astronaut guy running discord and slack at the same time is mega complicated
Apr 07 17 22:36:38 <Phallindrome> Hi new friend =)
Apr 07 17 22:36:51 <darth_tiffany> hello
Apr 07 17 22:36:55 <darth_tiffany> i did not know this was a thing
Apr 07 17 22:36:59 <darth_tiffany> good to be here
Apr 07 17 22:37:21 <Phallindrome> How'd you get in without linking your reddit profile?
Apr 07 17 22:37:32 <darth_tiffany> i did
Apr 07 17 22:37:35 <darth_tiffany> via popular bot
Apr 07 17 22:37:48 <Phallindrome> interesting, okay
Apr 07 17 22:39:22 <Phallindrome> You should be able to get light blue if you want it for your nick too =P
Apr 07 17 22:43:32 <darth_tiffany> it looks like blue to me already?
Apr 07 17 22:43:35 <darth_tiffany> *light
Apr 07 17 22:48:49 <Phallindrome> TAG has light blue cause he's a default mod, you're the "verified" darker blue
Apr 07 17 22:49:00 <Phallindrome> not, of course, that it actually matters in any way xD
Apr 07 17 23:45:34 <GodOfNumbers> Hey allthefoxes i was told i could get orange if i did this
Apr 07 17 23:45:46 <allthefoxes> yep
Apr 07 17 23:45:50 <GodOfNumbers> sweet
Apr 07 17 23:45:52 <GodOfNumbers> ooh
Apr 07 17 23:46:27 <GodOfNumbers> well i guess that's what a promoter is
Apr 08 17 00:41:22 <YopparaiNeko> those are banned in some city subreddits
Apr 08 17 00:47:09 <GodOfNumbers> YopparaiNeko what's banned
Apr 08 17 00:47:24 <GodOfNumbers> Oh promoters!
Apr 08 17 00:47:32 <GodOfNumbers> Well yea the reasoning is pretty apparent
Apr 08 17 00:47:39 <YopparaiNeko>
Apr 08 17 00:47:49 <GodOfNumbers> you just had that ready huh
Apr 08 17 00:48:03 <YopparaiNeko> oh
Apr 08 17 00:48:04 <YopparaiNeko> it's giphy
Apr 08 17 00:48:07 <YopparaiNeko> ./giphy
Apr 08 17 00:48:08 <YopparaiNeko> try it
Apr 08 17 00:48:20 <YopparaiNeko> (unless you're on mobile, then sol)
Apr 08 17 00:57:37 <Phallindrome> /giphy
Apr 08 17 00:57:53 <allthefoxes> you irl
Apr 08 17 00:57:54 <Phallindrome> ]
Apr 08 17 00:58:08 <allthefoxes> oh shit I keep forgetting I get embeds
Apr 08 17 00:58:33 <Phallindrome>
Apr 08 17 00:58:44 <Deimos> /shitposts
Apr 08 17 01:25:30 <YopparaiNeko>
Apr 08 17 04:55:42 <Axanery> Does anyone want /r/2007guin? ping me
Apr 08 17 14:26:51 <Zirr> What's that?
Apr 08 17 14:29:01 <Alipoodle> a random subreddit.
Apr 08 17 21:00:31 <allthefoxes>
Apr 08 17 21:00:45 <allthefoxes> This is fascinating though probably won't carry precedence to Reddit
Apr 08 17 21:00:54 <allthefoxes> ...
The panel held that whether the photographs were
posted at the direction of users depended on whether the acts
of the moderators could be attributed to the defendant.
Disagreeing with the district court, the panel held that the
common law of agency applied to the defendant’s safe
harbor defense. Because there were genuine factual disputes
regarding whether the moderators were the defendant’s
agents, the panel reversed the district court’s summary
judgment and remanded the case for trial.
To be eligible at the threshold for the § 512(c) safe
harbor, LiveJournal must show that the photographs were
posted at the direction of the user. Although users submitted
Mavrix’s photographs to LiveJournal, LiveJournal posted the
photographs after a team of volunteer moderators led by a
LiveJournal employee reviewed and approved them.
Whether these photographs were truly “posted at the direction
of the user,” or instead whether LiveJournal itself posted the
photographs, depends on whether the acts of the moderators
can be attributed to LiveJournal. The issue we must decide
is whether the common law of agency applies to
LiveJournal’s safe harbor defense. The district court ruled
that the common law of agency does not apply to this
analysis. We disagree and conclude that it does. As there are
genuine factual disputes regarding whether the moderators
are LiveJournal’s agents, we reverse the district court’s
summary judgment and remand for trial.
Apr 08 17 21:02:50 <allthefoxes> ...
In light of the summary judgment record, we conclude
that there are genuine issues of material fact as to whether the
moderators are LiveJournal’s agents. The factual dispute is
evident when we apply common law agency principles to the
evidentiary record.
Apr 08 17 21:03:29 <allthefoxes> LiveJournal selected moderators and provided them with
specific directions. Mavrix presented evidence that
LiveJournal users may have reasonably believed that the
moderators had authority to act for LiveJournal. One user
whose post was removed pursuant to a DMCA notice
complained to LiveJournal “I’m sure my entry does not
violate any sort of copyright law. . . . I followed [ONTD’s]
formatting standards and the moderators checked and
approved my post.” The user relied on the moderators’
approval as a manifestation that the post complied with
copyright law, and the user appeared to believe the
moderators acted on behalf of LiveJournal. Such reliance is
likely traceable to LiveJournal’s policy of providing explicit
roles and authority to the moderators. Accordingly, genuine
issues of material fact exist regarding whether there was an
apparent authority relationship
Apr 08 17 21:05:00 <allthefoxes> SUPER RELEVANT on why this probably doesn't matter to reddit
Posts are at the
direction of the user if the service provider played no role in
posting them on its site or if the service provider carried out
activities that were “narrowly directed” towards enhancing
the accessibility of the posts.
Apr 08 17 21:53:00 <rattus> don't get me started on safe harbor
Apr 08 17 21:53:04 <rattus> you can safely ignore it
Apr 09 17 00:04:06 <MuffinMedic> allthefoxes I think this bit is also important. "LiveJournal selected moderators and provided them with specific directions." reddit mods aren't selected by reddit - it's 100% user done (with very very rare override exceptions)
Apr 09 17 00:04:26 <allthefoxes> Yep
Apr 09 17 03:53:37 <D0cR3d> ModSoup Public Beta is now available for Android. Features include stuff and things like moderating designed for mobile, synced toolbox removal reasons, modqueue, _threaded_ modmail, and user profile pages, as well as some bugs. Y'all's should totally install it because I said so. Future enhancements will include a more reddit client feature-set such as viewing comment context, viewing and creating usernotes, and more Toolbox functionality. You can get it here: . The ModSoup sub is at /r/ModSoup if you want to leave feedback there for us.
Apr 09 17 03:56:49 <Quad> holy shit
Apr 09 17 04:26:30 <cuddlefishcat> it says i need to be an approved pre-alpha tester
Apr 09 17 05:03:22 <D0cR3d> yeah Multimoon forgot to remove the access control check. He submitted a new version without that to the Google Play store. You can wait for them to update it (should be no later than sometime tomorrow) or modmail /r/modsoup to be added sooner cuddlefishcat
Apr 09 17 05:03:53 <cuddlefishcat> 👍
Apr 09 17 13:56:04 <Baldemoto> Well that sure will be helpful
Apr 09 17 14:38:05 <SpyTec> Guessing it will be coming to iOS at some point too? Or would you want to raise some money to get past the fees?
Apr 09 17 15:40:01 <creesch> There is more to iOS development than just the fee.
Apr 09 17 23:42:32 <Balancegenerally> 😦
Apr 10 17 15:27:01 <MuffinMedic> Gosh I hate users sometimes. User posts a photo and someone reports it. "Reason: Indian" -_______-
Apr 10 17 16:36:12 <Alipoodle> <:wowSoRude:272518512617062400>
Apr 10 17 17:31:32 <SpyTec> confirmedzach Just FYI I think you and the other mods are doing a good job, have my support ❤
Apr 10 17 17:34:48 <confirmedzach> Thank you!
Apr 10 17 17:34:53 <confirmedzach> It's been a difficult day.
Apr 10 17 17:35:23 <SpyTec> Been in the same position, but directed at me instead of mods
Apr 10 17 17:35:25 <SpyTec> Modmail and private PMs blowing up as well?
Apr 10 17 17:35:30 <carawayseeds> i'm with SpyTec - y'all have been doing great, confirmedzach ❤
Apr 10 17 17:35:55 <confirmedzach> Modmail is certainly blowing up.
Apr 10 17 17:36:10 <Zock> I agree with spytec but i dont want to publically admit it, so fuck you shill /r/video mods
Apr 10 17 17:36:16 <SpyTec> Lol
Apr 10 17 17:36:42 <SpyTec> But yeah, just thought giving a message like this would go a long way
Apr 10 17 17:36:44 <confirmedzach> We have not received our United Airlines check yet.
Apr 10 17 17:36:49 <carawayseeds> Zock lol
Apr 10 17 17:37:01 <SpyTec> Unfortunate 😦
Apr 10 17 17:37:14 <carawayseeds> _slips confirmedzach 13 cents_
Apr 10 17 17:37:14 <Zock> i will publically agree with you if you give me 5% of the check
Apr 10 17 17:37:50 <SpyTec> Oh is that why you didn't agree with me last drama Zock? Cause I didn't give you the shill money I get
Apr 10 17 17:37:58 <Zock> ye
Apr 10 17 17:38:03 <SpyTec> Dammit
Apr 10 17 17:38:20 <confirmedzach> carawayseeds Wow that's more than United offered. Is there anything you'd like us to censor?
Apr 10 17 17:38:28 <carawayseeds> uh
Apr 10 17 17:38:28 <carawayseeds> uh
Apr 10 17 17:38:32 <carawayseeds> shit i wasn't prepared
Apr 10 17 17:38:32 <SpyTec> Me
Apr 10 17 17:38:36 <SpyTec> Censor me
Apr 10 17 17:38:37 <carawayseeds> yeah
Apr 10 17 17:38:41 <carawayseeds> censor spytec
Apr 10 17 17:38:42 <Zock> just ban spytec
Apr 10 17 17:38:43 <carawayseeds> idk why
Apr 10 17 17:38:47 <carawayseeds> just do it
Apr 10 17 17:38:48 <SpyTec> <:lul:297371306200924160>
Apr 10 17 17:38:48 <confirmedzach> Done. /u/SpyTec13 is shadowbanned.
Apr 10 17 17:38:50 <SpyTec> Welp
Apr 10 17 17:38:51 <carawayseeds> hahaha
Apr 10 17 17:38:52 <Zock> rekt
Apr 10 17 17:38:55 <confirmedzach> No one tell him.
Apr 10 17 17:38:59 <carawayseeds> 😉
Apr 10 17 17:39:00 <SpyTec> But.. I can read chat
Apr 10 17 17:39:03 <Zock> im gonna go tell /r/elitedangerous the good news
Apr 10 17 17:39:32 <Zock> <:8bitLUL:263141375116181504>
Apr 10 17 17:39:55 <Zock> or maybe the _ one would be better. i just want to be upvoted
Apr 10 17 17:42:40 <SpyTec> Oh wow
Apr 12 17 02:37:40 <Zeno> Admin comment in here (a non-answer) for those who haven't seen it yet
Apr 12 17 02:44:36 <Balancegenerally> to quote someone from the thread, the fact that it isnt "no" is kinda scary.
Apr 12 17 04:09:09 <rattus> haha they're killing reddit harder?
Apr 12 17 04:09:14 <rattus> hahaha
Apr 12 17 04:09:30 <rattus> love it
Apr 12 17 04:28:50 <rattus> I'm not sure how you rationalize something like reddit into or
Apr 12 17 04:29:00 <rattus> but I guess I'll look forward to watching their journey
Apr 12 17 07:58:34 <Nvader> I figured that was going to happen when the new modmail dropped. Curious how that's going to work.
Apr 12 17 08:12:00 <rattus> if these cats were smart, they would make frontend ad content and leave the shitty comment cop jobs alone
Apr 12 17 08:12:37 <rattus> a rich front portal with hashtags and pay to impression adspace for every lame internet niche
Apr 12 17 08:13:01 <rattus> sell your pussy hats on r/leftwithoutedge and maga hats on r/t_d
Apr 12 17 08:13:54 <rattus> dont mess with the successful shit, build more shit.
Apr 12 17 11:10:54 <Shane> creesch I'm curious, have they made any attempt to involve you in the site rework?
Apr 12 17 11:20:00 <creesch> Shane a minimal amount. I talked with andytuba who besides being an admin is also one of the RES devs. So I expect him to keep us posted a bit. But from reddit proper we haven't heard anything, but to be fair even if they did that would only be once they have actually did the initial groundwork.
Apr 13 17 19:32:10 <SpyTec> Whenever you report abuse of report button people, how often do admins talk to the people who we're reporting?
Apr 13 17 19:33:46 <thirdegree> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 13 17 19:34:16 <SpyTec> Best answer 😄
Apr 13 17 19:34:37 <SpyTec> I know they have done it for one of the people we've reported, but not sure if they do it for most or just for some
Apr 13 17 22:33:22 <creesch> Well then. Time to edit automod and remove those gif commands from /r/history :/
Apr 13 17 22:36:56 <beelzeybob> well.. this is a shitty update
Apr 13 17 22:37:19 <beelzeybob> I almost thought it was going to be some gif keyboard that allows you to insert gifs into the comment
Apr 13 17 22:38:29 <Deimos> gross
Apr 13 17 22:38:45 <Gumdrops> GfycatOfficialBot & giphy are the two bot names for anyone that's banning them immediately
Apr 13 17 22:55:39 <Shane> Yep, gfycat bot does it
Apr 13 17 22:55:44 <Shane> upvotes I mean
Apr 13 17 22:55:57 <Deimos> it doesn't seem to work at all most of the time
Apr 13 17 22:56:40 <thirdegree> I wonder how many subs are gonna have it banned by the end of today
Apr 13 17 22:56:51 <Shane> its really slow. probably alot of people trying it atn
Apr 13 17 22:57:05 <Zeno> In regards to report abuse, 95% of the time the admins just reply "We don't see any repeat offenders" so no action is taken from my understanding in my cases
Apr 13 17 22:57:55 <Deimos> it seems like the gfycat bot was upvoting me but not replying, seems kinda broken
Apr 13 17 22:58:19 <thirdegree> I would hope the bots aren't set to upvote anything
Apr 13 17 22:59:14 <Gumdrops> I've banned them from one of my subs
Apr 13 17 22:59:24 <Deimos> it definitely was, I was getting upvoted instantly in a completely random test subreddit where nobody would have seen the comment
Apr 13 17 22:59:29 <Shane> giphy bot doesnt seem to do it. gfycat does though
Apr 13 17 23:00:04 <Deimos> I was trying to see if I could get them to loop off each other, but it won't work if the gfycat one never replies
Apr 13 17 23:01:10 <thirdegree> wouldn't that both massively violate reddit's rules on bots and give a really just stupid easy way for spammers to get free karma?
Apr 13 17 23:01:19 <Deimos> sure does
Apr 13 17 23:01:28 <thirdegree> fun!
Apr 13 17 23:01:29 <Shane> indeed
Apr 13 17 23:01:51 <thirdegree> brb setting tsb to upvote everything
Apr 13 17 23:03:25 <Shane> Lol definitily
Apr 13 17 23:04:06 <thirdegree> jfc
Apr 13 17 23:26:50 <beelzeybob> for removing the commands without removing mentions of giphy/gfycat in general
Apr 13 17 23:26:54 <beelzeybob> ```body(regex): '(\/g(ifphy|iphy|yfcat|fycat|ifcat|iffy))''
action: remove
message: |
Hi there {{author}} , unfortunately we have banned the giphy and gfycat bots on this subreddit, so your comment to summon the bot has been automatically removed.```
Apr 13 17 23:41:11 <Deimos> also this is an interesting occurrence:
Apr 13 17 23:45:00 <ThatAstronautGuy> damn pachinko machines
Apr 13 17 23:45:02 <ThatAstronautGuy> wait
Apr 13 17 23:45:24 <ThatAstronautGuy> does this mean they are putting a filter on what we can put into sidebars? 😾
Apr 13 17 23:45:57 <Zeno> Probably, I assume it'll go live when they go live with Community Guidelines
Apr 13 17 23:46:08 <thirdegree> oh now that's interesting
Apr 13 17 23:53:02 <boredguy8>
Apr 13 17 23:56:17 <Phallindrome> If that's real, it's a fucking joke
Apr 13 17 23:58:10 <boredguy8> the PNG? and are we anti-image posts on here? Usually it expands, but I can just post the image
Apr 13 17 23:58:33 <boredguy8> the sad thing was, they got banned from our sub, then started PMing ppl in our sub, hence the 3 day ban
Apr 13 17 23:58:58 <boredguy8> during the 3 day ban, started this blacked-out account bragging about how he evaded 'triggered little kids' or something like that
Apr 13 17 23:59:09 <boredguy8> and the admin is like "yeah that's fine"
Apr 13 17 23:59:13 <Shane> Embeds only work in <#280814354910281728>
Apr 13 17 23:59:27 <boredguy8> seems like it works here >.<
Apr 14 17 00:00:22 <boredguy8> made a post over on could do it in a bigger forum if it makes sense to
Apr 14 17 00:16:21 <Baldemoto> Surpsiringly one of my subreddit's posts made it to /r/all and did not get a single report.
Apr 14 17 00:16:39 <Baldemoto> That's an accomplishment.
Apr 14 17 22:33:22 <AmericanDerp> Is there a delay on how long it takes Reddit search to catch up with link flair on a subreddit?
Apr 14 17 22:35:20 <AmericanDerp> I have posts that show up under different completely different flair sets - the link had carried either at one point. "Murray Lawsuit" and "Politics". Is this normal?
Apr 14 17 22:38:44 <AmericanDerp> If so this is incredibly useful, is this a documented feature? It's great if I'm reading it right.
Apr 15 17 04:45:09 <picflute> I'm jealous you didn't have Reddit Search 404 on you
Apr 17 17 02:58:18 <Baldemoto> What happened with the 404 fails? I heard about it a lot over the past couple of days. Didn't really affect me.
Apr 17 17 03:01:12 <beelzeybob> Weirdly I never get it on mobile
Apr 17 17 03:01:37 <beelzeybob> But am lucky to get a working search on desktop
Apr 17 17 22:32:56 <aphoenix> Just checking but there's no way to search new modmail by username is there?
Apr 17 17 22:33:35 <Deimos> if you can find another message by the user you should get links to some other recent ones in the sidebar, that's the closest thing to "search" that it has
Apr 17 17 22:34:13 <aphoenix> Hmm, nice.
Apr 17 17 22:34:29 <aphoenix> You know, I've used that feature before and had forgotten. Thank you Deimos
Apr 18 17 19:47:32 <Baldemoto> A user of my mod team got permanently suspended from Reddit, now we gotta sort the whole shitshow out.
Apr 18 17 19:54:55 <SpyTec> Must've been quite somethin to get perma
Apr 18 17 20:12:55 <Gist> Ouch, that's unexpected
Apr 18 17 20:13:23 <Gist> Hopefully the PR is easy to handle
Apr 18 17 21:11:45 <Zock> ...
Apr 18 17 21:11:46 <Zock> How
Apr 18 17 21:56:06 <SpyTec>
Apr 18 17 21:56:23 <SpyTec> <:WaitWhat:302103412097548288>
Apr 18 17 21:56:55 <beelzeybob> better than discort support at least
Apr 18 17 21:57:03 <beelzeybob> "/tipsfedora"
Apr 18 17 21:57:34 <SpyTec> Well, Discord support would just say they don't follow their own TOS
Apr 18 17 21:57:42 <SpyTec> Unless it's NSFW servers
Apr 18 17 22:18:35 <Zock> "we dont currently moderate ip bans, for now just block the users and leave the subreddits they are on"
Apr 18 17 22:18:39 <Zock> if discord responded
Apr 19 17 03:31:19 <Alipoodle> They don't do much with NSFW
Apr 19 17 03:31:49 <Alipoodle> In all the servers I've seen... Only 1 has done something cause of partnership... And that was even delayed
Apr 19 17 03:54:18 <Zock> It wasn't even NSFW when I reported. It was a raiding server raiding posting graphic gore and porn and invited to their server
Apr 19 17 03:55:29 <beelzeybob> That explicit content filter they implemented is also super useless
Apr 19 17 03:55:42 <beelzeybob> With the raiders just using imgur links
Apr 19 17 04:06:26 <Alipoodle> True
Apr 19 17 10:22:57 <Alipoodle> I'm kinda wondering why the Moderation thing for mobile doesn't include flaring of posts
Apr 19 17 10:23:29 <Alipoodle>
Apr 19 17 10:23:45 <Alipoodle> Unless it's in another place and I'm a retard
Apr 19 17 10:23:47 <SpyTec> ModSoup?
Apr 19 17 10:25:10 <Alipoodle> This is official i believe
Apr 19 17 10:25:48 <Alipoodle> <:sodaS:279216623464742922> when you notice update only when you get into the store
Apr 19 17 10:29:04 <beelzeybob> official reddit app probably has the least features. I don't use it
Apr 19 17 10:29:19 <beelzeybob> when they first announced it, it didn't have mod tools at all
Apr 19 17 10:29:31 <beelzeybob> I just keep using redditisfun
Apr 19 17 10:29:36 <beelzeybob> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 19 17 10:32:13 <Alipoodle> Ehh seems like i shall move
Apr 19 17 10:42:42 <Shane> Reddit is fun is way better
Apr 19 17 10:51:01 <Jaska> Sync is superior.
Apr 19 17 10:51:18 <Shane> How dare you
Apr 19 17 10:52:07 <beelzeybob> I've heard pretty good stuff about sync... and it does have a nice UI
Apr 19 17 10:52:51 <beelzeybob> but I've bought so many apps since I switched over from iOS I don't feel like getting another one
Apr 19 17 10:53:19 <beelzeybob> rif also definitely feels reddit. it's ugly 😛
Apr 19 17 10:53:29 <Shane> 😮
Apr 19 17 10:53:42 <Shane> its beautiful
Apr 19 17 10:57:50 <beelzeybob> does the paid version of sync have access to the new modmail? <:thinko:282306045181689868>
Apr 19 17 11:03:20 <Shane> Reddit is fun has it
Apr 19 17 11:19:03 <creesch> Relay is better you plebs
Apr 19 17 11:20:38 <SpyTec> With ads
Apr 19 17 12:01:09 <Alipoodle> Are we rioting over which app is better.
Apr 19 17 12:01:13 <Alipoodle> Chrome <:sodaS:279216623464742922>
Apr 19 17 12:09:23 <Markus> I don't use an app 😏
Apr 19 17 12:09:41 <Markus> Too used to the desktop features
Apr 19 17 12:09:54 <Markus> Even if it is messy at times to use on a mobile
Apr 19 17 12:16:20 <Phallindrome> Yup, I just request the desktop site and squint.
Apr 19 17 12:23:33 <Alipoodle> <:frysquint:284471202368716802>
Apr 19 17 16:52:04 <rattus> yeah I still use reddit is fun plat because their devs seem to know what they're doing
Apr 19 17 16:52:15 <rattus> totally worth that $2 several years ago
Apr 19 17 16:52:39 <rattus> moderation and modmail on the go is ez
Apr 19 17 16:54:53 <Deimos> I've always stuck with reddit is fun too, some of the other apps definitely look better, but RiF seems to be the closest to having all the features of the site
Apr 19 17 17:35:18 <mbetts> Ty Deimos it works now
Apr 19 17 17:35:40 <mbetts> It was a combination of the wiki not being public and the indentation
Apr 19 17 17:36:06 <Deimos> yeah, AutoMod really should reply with an error message, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 19 17 23:22:49 <SpyTec> Has anyone gotten to work?
Apr 20 17 05:25:25 <creesch> Sorry to say that that module is finicky as fuck.
Apr 20 17 09:48:53 <SpyTec> Yeah I figured since it's under beta. Just had my hopes up
Apr 20 17 20:41:06 <SpyTec> Is there a limit on how far between updates in a live thread can be?
Apr 20 17 20:41:25 <SpyTec> We set one up but after a week of no updates it just says "no further updates" now
Apr 20 17 20:43:51 <Deimos> I think they deactivate after a while, yeah
Apr 20 17 20:45:27 <SpyTec> Shame.. figured we'd have one for the next game update where we add the small tidbits every once in a while. But if they close so soon we'll just have to wait till it's released :/
Apr 20 17 20:45:31 <Deimos>
Apr 20 17 20:46:06 <SpyTec> Booo
Apr 21 17 19:28:15 <vxx> Hello,
I hope anyone can help me. In the past, I could multiply the karma of each submission, and it would add up to the overall Link karma shown for the user. I used this method to determine if a user deleted some successful posts and could get clues if he was a spammer or not, and report them to the admins to have a look into the account. My success rate was really good with that method. Since they changed how karma is displayed, this tool was taken away from me and I haven't reported a single "clever" spammer that deleted the traces of their spamming.
Is there an easy formula to still get those numbers to give me back my only reliable spam detection tool?
Thanks for your help.
Apr 21 17 19:30:42 <Deimos> that method never would have been accurate, there's not a 1:1 relationship between post scores and karma and never has been
Apr 21 17 19:34:28 <Phallindrome> Hey vxx welcome!
Apr 21 17 19:47:35 <vxx> It was accurate enough to work
Apr 21 17 19:48:55 <vxx> Sure, I couldn't get a 100% match of karma scores, but I assure you it worked. I don't think it was just a coincidence that everytime I submitted a user based on my calculations they got banned
Apr 21 17 19:50:31 <vxx> Thanks phallindrome!
Apr 21 17 19:55:22 <vxx> I know, I should believe you when you say that, deimorz, because you should know it. Spam accounts aren't usually accounts with millions of karma and the obfuscation didn't kick in that strong yet
Apr 21 17 19:55:45 <Deimos> yeah, I can see it being a decent signal anyway, and I know the ratio is way further off now than it used to be
Apr 21 17 19:58:59 <Deimos> I think the karma ratio should only be wildly different at very high post scores though, so that's probably not hugely common overall
Apr 21 17 19:59:41 <Deimos> I think unless the post score gets above whatever the old "cap" was (probably in the 5-7k range?), the karma is probably similar
Apr 21 17 20:00:00 <Deimos> and even if it does get above that you might be able to just treat it like it was still at the cap, like if a post has 35k points just imagine it's a 7k
Apr 21 17 20:00:14 <Deimos> I don't think you get much karma from extremely high-scoring posts
Apr 21 17 20:08:35 <vxx> 5-7k range sounds realistic. It was usually around the number those accounts had. If the karma was off about 600 points, I could say pretty certain that they deleted a few posts and could give it to you for further investigation.
The problem is, users that do that usually had an easy karma post in the range of 1k-3.5k and then a lot of smaller posts. Now it shows up at 1k-40k.
I'll take your advice and do some tests. Maybe I'm going to create some test accounts to do some calculations and see how random they are in reality.
Thanks for your time
Apr 21 17 20:09:57 <Deimos> yeah I think it might be difficult to do, but I think if you just treat it like the very high-scoring posts still have the lower "old" capped scores it should be pretty similar
Apr 21 17 20:10:08 <Deimos> (that's me making some assumptions about how they implemented the higher scores, but I think it's probably true)
Apr 21 17 20:10:30 <Deimos> honestly though I'm not even sure if the admins ban those sorts of spammers any more
Apr 21 17 20:10:59 <vxx> Maybe they took the easy route and just added a 0 at the end... Lol
Apr 21 17 22:30:42 <ThatAstronautGuy> Deimos i had a post get 10k+ upvotes and got maybe 5k karma from it
Apr 21 17 22:31:11 <Deimos> yeah, I think once you hit the point where the "cap" used to be, you probably don't gain much any more
Apr 21 17 22:31:39 <ThatAstronautGuy> 10.3k upvotes got me almost 4.8k karma
Apr 21 17 22:32:06 <Deimos> I can't give details about how score/karma works internally, but that's my assumption from how I think they would have implemented removing the normalization
Apr 21 17 22:32:46 <ThatAstronautGuy> yeah, of course
Apr 22 17 17:08:32 <allthefoxes>
/r/pics transparency report 2.0 is shaping up, now with more data, 3 month and YTD totals!
Apr 22 17 17:27:19 <wakiZashi> i think the only thing that even gets removed on my sub is accidental doubleposts
Apr 22 17 17:27:43 <wakiZashi> or, in one particularly memorable case, about 20 accidental identical comments
Apr 22 17 20:00:16 <D0cR3d> allthefoxes how do you generate the report? Using toolbox's matrix feature on the modlog page and waiting a few hours for it to build?
Apr 22 17 20:04:30 <allthefoxes> hours? lol
Apr 22 17 20:04:35 <allthefoxes> 5 minutes ish yeah
Apr 22 17 20:05:01 <allthefoxes> I use matrix, excel, and elbow grease
Apr 22 17 20:06:48 <-Massachoosite> TFW you remove a weekly thread and get 2 days of hate mail
Apr 22 17 20:09:43 <D0cR3d> well you should ad TheSentinelBot to r/pics then you can generate a mod matrix in about 3 seconds, tops.
Apr 22 17 20:10:05 <allthefoxes> Nope
Apr 22 17 20:10:28 <allthefoxes> Apprciate the thought though - I don't rely on any third party anything
Apr 22 17 20:10:37 <allthefoxes> Toolbox just does raw API calls right from DOM
Apr 22 17 20:10:53 <allthefoxes> I have no desire to use a third party website/server/storage
Apr 22 17 20:11:25 <-Massachoosite> Question: Do you guys think it was out of line for the Gaybros mod team to remove a weekly porn thread (and make a no porn rule) since it was included in /r/Popular and NSFW communities are explicitly prohibited?
Apr 22 17 20:11:40 <-Massachoosite> I'm pretty confident in the decision but getting a ton of backlash
Apr 22 17 20:11:48 <allthefoxes> Your subreddit do what you please no one likes any change ever
Apr 22 17 20:11:59 <allthefoxes> If you want to be in /popular then yeah you can't have porn
Apr 22 17 20:12:24 <allthefoxes> If you wait another 2 weeks and then add porn back people will be just as mad 😃
Apr 22 17 20:12:53 <-Massachoosite> And people are starting meta threads and posting removed comments (meta threads to cause drama are against our rules) - which we are removing and people are threatening to report the mod team to the admins for breaking community guidelines of a healthy community. It kept me up all night
Apr 22 17 20:12:58 <-Massachoosite> thanks for the reassurance haha
Apr 22 17 20:17:30 <-Massachoosite> allthefoxes what do you moderate?
Apr 22 17 20:18:10 <allthefoxes> /r/pics mainly
Apr 22 17 20:22:02 <-Massachoosite> Can't even imagine being a default
Apr 22 17 20:38:22 <Deimos> They do exclude all-nsfw subreddits, but they specifically included ones that only have some NSFW posts
Apr 22 17 20:38:42 <Deimos> They've left in some ones that have pretty NSFW content like /r/celebs
Apr 22 17 20:39:56 <Deimos> I think it would definitely make it more likely that you'd get excluded though, so it's a tough call
Apr 22 17 20:41:45 <-Massachoosite> Deimos yeah I mean all we said was that a weekly sanctioned porn thread was probably pushing the limit too far. If a NSFW pic gets posted now and then in a comment or something and is clearly marked we will probably leave it, but the mods felt that we couldn't (and shouldn't) have a weekly porn thread
Apr 22 17 20:42:03 <-Massachoosite> It didn't really fit the other 99% of discussions that happen there anyways
Apr 22 17 20:42:37 <Deimos> Yeah, I think that's a completely reasonable change, there are plenty of other subreddits where people can get porn
Apr 22 17 20:42:50 <-Massachoosite> Just taxing mentally to deal with the people who only came there for there throwing an absolute fit about it, downvoting everything in my post history, and making my phone blow up with attack PMs.
Apr 22 17 20:43:05 <-Massachoosite> I'm probably preaching to the choir though as I'm sure that's typical for most big subreddit mods
Apr 22 17 20:43:56 <Deimos> Unfortunately, yeah
Apr 22 17 20:45:14 <-Massachoosite> I just don't want the admins coming down on me for removing a fair amount of direct attack / drama meta threads
Apr 22 17 20:48:03 <-Massachoosite> I just know that letting that stuff go unchecked is like a forest fire, it builds upon itself
Apr 22 17 20:49:07 <Boop> just reverse the decision and start counting, which ever side has the more attacks and hate loses :u
Apr 22 17 20:49:58 <-Massachoosite> haha
Apr 22 17 20:50:11 <-Massachoosite> I can only handle so many PMs calling me a nazi and (my favorite) a russian plant
Apr 22 17 20:51:47 <Boop> its a bit late now, but I would of probably presented it as a "collaboration" with <insert gay porn subreddit here>
Apr 22 17 20:52:31 <Boop> and have a weekly thread or whatever posted there and crossposted on your sub for a month or so before phasing that out
Apr 22 17 20:54:11 <-Massachoosite> Not a bad idea
Apr 22 17 20:54:26 <-Massachoosite> I underestimated how many people cared about a thread that rarely got more than 20 comments
Apr 22 17 20:56:44 <Boop> hmm, might be worth asking the admins for stats on something like that, if they feel comfortable providing it, if similar changes happens in the future
Apr 22 17 20:57:30 <-Massachoosite> yeah I reached out to them to see if they could clarify that I should get rid of it to stay on /r/Popular but didnt get a response
Apr 22 17 20:57:59 <-Massachoosite> but at this point I'm pretty determined to the let decision stand
Apr 22 17 20:58:28 <-Massachoosite> the users who are outraged almost all have no recent activity on the subreddit, some clearly are alts, etc.
Apr 22 17 21:00:25 <-Massachoosite> Ah well, it should all blow over in a day or two
Apr 22 17 21:02:12 <Boop> I think just like, porn related things have high lurker counts is all? often see 10x-50x votes per comment on some subs I mod
Apr 22 17 21:03:07 <Boop> but still, nothin for anyone to get anything more than slightly upset over
Apr 22 17 21:04:08 <-Massachoosite> Yeah, especially when we found a long-time user to run a separate sub for it, amounting to "go to this URL instead of this URL for now"
Apr 22 17 21:04:14 <-Massachoosite> oh well - people can be weird
Apr 22 17 21:04:57 <Boop> if it gets too much, might be worth trying to contact the admins again, I think they respond to anything about abuse/harrassment a bit faster than other things
Apr 22 17 21:07:34 <-Massachoosite> Thanks for the advice 😃 I have a thick skin from the past 5 years of this so I don't REALLY mind it that much.
Apr 22 17 21:53:05 <Phallindrome> Oh man, gaybros had a weekly porn thread?
Apr 22 17 21:53:13 <Phallindrome> I totally would have gone there for that
Apr 22 17 21:53:59 <SpyTec> <:lenny:297407022230536192>
Apr 22 17 21:54:01 <-Massachoosite> haha
Apr 22 17 21:54:16 <-Massachoosite> it did, though I always felt it was pushing the boundaries of a community that didn't have an 18+ gate
Apr 22 17 21:59:46 <Phallindrome> meh the internet had porn when I was 15
Apr 22 17 22:12:03 <cuddlefishcat> but you weren't supposed to watch it!
Apr 22 17 22:31:12 <Phallindrome> It was an accidents!
Apr 22 17 22:57:58 <cuddlefishcat> ooookkkk
Apr 22 17 22:59:00 <-Massachoosite> hahaha
Apr 22 17 23:03:30 <allthefoxes> The only time I feel I am biased in moderation activities is toward anti-vaxxers
Apr 22 17 23:04:05 <-Massachoosite> I don't think that's bias, I think that's just being responsible
Apr 22 17 23:04:23 <Quad> anti-vaxxers, moon landing deniers, holocaust deniers
Apr 22 17 23:04:27 <Quad> one big pot of stupidity
Apr 23 17 00:08:06 <cuddlefishcat> and round-earthers
Apr 24 17 00:14:24 <PraiseBeToScience> there's certain amount of stupidity you have to be very heavy handed on, otherwise your sub gets overrun and drives away constructive users
Apr 24 17 00:19:18 <cuddlefishcat> that is something i worry about
Apr 24 17 00:19:32 <cuddlefishcat> allow too many shitposts and actual discussion gets drowned out
Apr 24 17 00:21:13 <PraiseBeToScience> well shitposts is a differnet beast all together, and I dont' think there's a one-size-fits-all solution to it
Apr 24 17 00:21:45 <PraiseBeToScience> I was just talking about things like flat-earth, anti-vaxx, holocaust deniers, etc
Apr 24 17 00:23:42 <PraiseBeToScience> they're like weeds. If you don't keep heavy control of that junk, it can overrun a sub pretty quickly.
Apr 24 17 00:24:10 <PraiseBeToScience> for whatever people that push that junk are extremely motivated.
Apr 24 17 00:24:18 <PraiseBeToScience> and won't take no for an answer
Apr 24 17 00:24:58 <PraiseBeToScience> it's exhausting for your constructive users to constantly be dealing wtih it, so they'll leave
Apr 24 17 00:26:18 <cuddlefishcat> oh i see what you mean
Apr 24 17 00:27:04 <-Massachoosite> How do you guys deal with meta drama? Like a decision that has been made about a rule, discussion happened, a few users who never post on the sub keep starting drama threads to rally people against the rule days after, etc
Apr 24 17 00:27:32 <PraiseBeToScience> depends on the community really..
Apr 24 17 00:27:36 <Quad> r/highqualitygifs
Apr 24 17 00:27:40 <Quad> <:Kappa:297371287930798080>
Apr 24 17 00:27:40 <PraiseBeToScience> in a sub like /wn, we remove it all
Apr 24 17 00:27:54 <cuddlefishcat> Depends on the rules you have regarding meta discussion
Apr 24 17 00:28:17 <cuddlefishcat> some subs remove it all, some make meta megathreads to contain it, some just let it run rampant
Apr 24 17 00:28:18 <PraiseBeToScience> nothing constructive comes from that. we have way to many different warring factions and other groups looking to stir shit
Apr 24 17 00:28:54 <-Massachoosite> yeah
Apr 24 17 00:29:08 <-Massachoosite> and the anti-new-rule people speak as if everyone agrees with them
Apr 24 17 00:29:16 <cuddlefishcat> I think if you made a post announcing a new rule or something, let people talk about it there and remove everything else is what I would do
Apr 24 17 00:29:16 <PraiseBeToScience> but in some smaller, reasonable subs, it can be very constructive to engage in good-faith with the users. just have to remain calm
Apr 24 17 00:29:23 <-Massachoosite> its just frustrating having to keep an eye every 15 minutes on the new queue
Apr 24 17 00:29:46 <PraiseBeToScience> well it should be a team effort from the mods
Apr 24 17 00:30:10 <PraiseBeToScience> don't underestimate the work of changing a sub
Apr 24 17 00:30:16 <cuddlefishcat> yeah i dont think you can really deal with a situation like that on your own
Apr 24 17 00:30:16 <-Massachoosite> yeah at this point this group is redditrequesting my sub because "mods are out of control" (we got rid of ONE weekly theme post and pointed them to a new sub for it because it was against the rules of being in /r/popular)
Apr 24 17 00:30:22 <PraiseBeToScience> the bulk of it will be community management
Apr 24 17 00:30:41 <-Massachoosite> yeah the whole team is in agreement and helping out when they are online
Apr 24 17 00:30:47 <PraiseBeToScience> well dont' worry about redditrequest
Apr 24 17 00:30:49 <cuddlefishcat> its not like the admins will remove you
Apr 24 17 00:30:49 <-Massachoosite> but the other two have been a bit busy past few days
Apr 24 17 00:31:18 <-Massachoosite> just been stressing me out since its been like two years since we had this level of drama - I'm not that worried just nice to talk to people who understand
Apr 24 17 00:32:26 <PraiseBeToScience> well the first part of it is you'll have to try to find a way to seperate yourself from it and try to relax..
Apr 24 17 00:32:41 <PraiseBeToScience> responding to drama when you're stressed out can lead to very bad decisions
Apr 24 17 00:33:00 <PraiseBeToScience> it's certainly easier said then done
Apr 24 17 00:33:41 <PraiseBeToScience> if you have a good reason to move smoething (and getting removed from /r/popular seems like a pretty good reason) just try to keep iterating that (you'll have to repeat yourself a lot).
Apr 24 17 00:34:02 <cuddlefishcat> kind of funny that in the middle of all this you had a post go to the front page
Apr 24 17 00:34:06 <cuddlefishcat> im sure that didnt help
Apr 24 17 00:34:20 <PraiseBeToScience> and just do what you can to make your responses as reasoned and non-confrontational as possible
Apr 24 17 00:34:56 <PraiseBeToScience> remember, even if you're dealing with an asshole, you're still trying to convince the bystanders
Apr 24 17 00:35:03 <PraiseBeToScience> so remain cool
Apr 24 17 00:35:13 <PraiseBeToScience> and empathetic.
Apr 24 17 00:35:35 <PraiseBeToScience> you'll likely eat a lot of downvotes. try not to worry too much about that
Apr 24 17 00:36:27 <PraiseBeToScience> the troublemakers can't really do much. they can't redditrequest your sub, and if they cause drama there, the could get banned from redditrequest
Apr 24 17 00:36:38 <PraiseBeToScience> so *don't* start drama in /r/redditrequest
Apr 24 17 00:38:16 <PraiseBeToScience> also remember that there are a lot of peope who aren't respondig to you in good faith anymore. They are fishing for a flippant response, so they use it to go start more drama
Apr 24 17 00:38:29 <PraiseBeToScience> which is why is't very important to stay calm and collected
Apr 24 17 00:39:15 <PraiseBeToScience> and take time to think out your resonses. Think, if this gets leaked (and it will), how do I want the bystanders or people new coming into this to see me?
Apr 24 17 00:40:09 <PraiseBeToScience> you an do things like adding usernames of the mods, plus terms like "mods", "moderation", "censorship", etc to your automoderator rules to at least report it
Apr 24 17 00:40:32 <PraiseBeToScience> I add that rule to all my subs, I call it "project ears to the ground"
Apr 24 17 00:41:27 <PraiseBeToScience> it's a great rule that alerts you to potential drama before it gets out of hand
Apr 24 17 00:42:05 <PraiseBeToScience> if it's a known shitstirrer you can remove the comment, or you can chose to engage if you think it's in good faith.
Apr 24 17 00:44:47 <Zeno> Anyone have any thoughts on: user posts a link to a tweet containing fanart by the Twitter user, then the Twitter user reaching out to mods to ask the link be taken down from Reddit because it was linked "without permission"?
Apr 24 17 00:45:03 <PraiseBeToScience> /rollseyes
Apr 24 17 00:45:22 <PraiseBeToScience> like they linked to the artists tweet?
Apr 24 17 00:45:48 <Zeno> Yes the original artist
Apr 24 17 00:45:49 <PraiseBeToScience> so it's driving traffic to them?
Apr 24 17 00:46:24 <PraiseBeToScience> I don't really see any problem with that at all
Apr 24 17 00:47:22 <PraiseBeToScience> I don't even understand the artist's problem.. why would you post your art to social media and then get mad when it gets shared, directly linked to?
Apr 24 17 00:48:00 <Zeno> I quote "Why did you take my work without permission and put it here? It is illegal. I feel very unpleasant. Please delete the post. "
Apr 24 17 00:48:01 <PraiseBeToScience> unless it was like "see this art,it's complete shit, let's all go tell them how bad they are"
Apr 24 17 00:48:24 <PraiseBeToScience> no, the artist is talking out of their ass
Apr 24 17 00:49:00 <PraiseBeToScience> I could see a problem if it was rehosted
Apr 24 17 00:49:04 <PraiseBeToScience> not legal problem
Apr 24 17 00:49:11 <PraiseBeToScience> but ethical, maybe
Apr 24 17 00:49:51 <PraiseBeToScience> but a direct link to where the artist is hosting the image? nope. perfectly legal and ethical
Apr 24 17 00:50:20 <Zeno> I thought I was out of the loop from the fanart culture or something. 🤔
Apr 24 17 00:50:36 <PraiseBeToScience> my only suggestion is to try and see if they understand that the image is not rehosted
Apr 24 17 00:51:01 <PraiseBeToScience> I mean if they really have a problem with it they could delete the tweet
Apr 24 17 00:51:09 <twilexis> Some people like to be 100% in control of their art and the promotion, while not taking viral marketing into account. If it's all their original work I wouldn't worry about it.
Apr 24 17 00:51:30 <PraiseBeToScience> or if they have a better image hosted somplace else, maybe offer to sticky that in the comments and add a flair?
Apr 24 17 00:52:09 <PraiseBeToScience> if you want to be 100% in control of your art, don't put it on social media
Apr 24 17 00:57:07 <PraiseBeToScience> also did you confirm the artist's identity on reddit? Are you sure it's not a troll/stalker/detractor trying to cause problems?
Apr 24 17 00:58:23 <Zeno> The Twitter user DM'd the subreddit account
Apr 24 17 00:58:25 <-Massachoosite> PraiseBeToScience Thank you for that write up, it helps a lot. It's mostly what I was doing - but hearing it from someone else at a big sub helps solidify my confidence that I'm handling it the right way
Apr 24 17 01:16:40 <PraiseBeToScience> -Massachoosite I've read some of your responses, I think they're pretty spot on.
Apr 24 17 01:17:56 <PraiseBeToScience> A couple of pointers. If you're honestly disappointed in removing the porn theme thread you should express that.. be geniune
Apr 24 17 01:18:48 <PraiseBeToScience> There were a couple of moments that could be read as a bit authoritatvie tone. but nothing that bad
Apr 24 17 01:18:55 <Deimos> also, if you're dealing with a group of people that's coming in from somewhere outside solely to be outraged about it, keep in mind that you can't possibly convince them of anything
Apr 24 17 01:19:14 <-Massachoosite> yeah
Apr 24 17 01:19:32 <-Massachoosite> frustrating when I type up a 3 paragraph response and look at their post history and ... oh they have never posted in the sub ever
Apr 24 17 01:20:08 <PraiseBeToScience> that's why I use /r/toolbox extensively
Apr 24 17 01:20:16 <PraiseBeToScience> but you could be on mobile
Apr 24 17 01:20:39 <-Massachoosite> PraiseBeToScience yeah I think when I get a little authoritative in tone is when I'm most tired and should really just log off at that point.
Apr 24 17 01:20:57 <-Massachoosite> Like even though "this isn't a democracy" is TRUE I can't actually say that
Apr 24 17 01:22:29 <-Massachoosite> But deep breaths, some tea, and maybe a few feel good youtube vids before settling into modmail and mentions is a good idea
Apr 24 17 01:25:42 <PraiseBeToScience> whatever your eye/mind bleach is, use it
Apr 24 17 01:25:55 <-Massachoosite> 😃
Apr 24 17 01:26:30 <-Massachoosite> Honestly moderating a large subreddit teaches you (by fire) some VERY useful life skills
Apr 24 17 01:27:09 <PraiseBeToScience> yeah it does. it's mostly customer service though
Apr 24 17 01:27:18 <PraiseBeToScience> it's a pride swallowing exercise
Apr 24 17 01:28:22 <PraiseBeToScience> I learned most my customer service skills working at BK. I was a shift manager when I was young
Apr 24 17 01:28:55 <PraiseBeToScience> I quickly figured out I don't make enough to put up with shit, so I broke some corporate policies
Apr 24 17 01:29:32 <ThatAstronautGuy> lol
Apr 24 17 01:29:52 <PraiseBeToScience> like as long as if you dind't completely insult my intelligence, I'd replace whatever it is was messed up and even offer something more, no receipt necessary
Apr 24 17 01:30:15 <ThatAstronautGuy> people like you make me wish i ate fast food
Apr 24 17 01:30:43 <PraiseBeToScience> If I noticed they ordered a kids meal, I'd offer the next toy before it was officially released
Apr 24 17 01:30:49 <PraiseBeToScience> if I had it
Apr 24 17 01:31:01 <ThatAstronautGuy> ayy
Apr 24 17 01:31:11 <PraiseBeToScience> Then I discovered I had a shit load of customers that would only come in when I was working lol
Apr 24 17 01:31:19 <ThatAstronautGuy> lol
Apr 24 17 01:31:22 <PraiseBeToScience> not to tak advantage of me
Apr 24 17 01:31:38 <PraiseBeToScience> but just because they knew I'd take care of them
Apr 24 17 01:32:16 <ThatAstronautGuy> yeah
Apr 24 17 01:32:43 <PraiseBeToScience> like this one dude that ordered heavy mayo.. he wanted **heavy** mayo.. idgaf about allowed portions becasue I wasn't getting paid enough to care, so I put as much mayo as I could on that bun
Apr 24 17 01:33:02 <PraiseBeToScience> so he'd only order when I was around, because I was the only one that made it right
Apr 24 17 01:33:55 <PraiseBeToScience> the ironic thing is they all thought I cared about them. in reality, my main motivation was not to have to deal with shit
Apr 24 17 01:34:02 <ThatAstronautGuy> lol
Apr 24 17 01:34:04 <ThatAstronautGuy> 10/10
Apr 24 17 01:34:08 <PraiseBeToScience> which I guess after they were cool, I kinda cared about them
Apr 24 17 01:34:16 <ThatAstronautGuy> im a lifeguard and instructor
Apr 24 17 01:34:21 <ThatAstronautGuy> if your kid misbehaves, i really dont care
Apr 24 17 01:34:30 <ThatAstronautGuy> i want them to pass as much as i can, but really i just want to be done teaching them
Apr 24 17 01:35:24 <PraiseBeToScience> I guess the ironic thing was that if someone completely insulted my intelligence, I'd bring the fucking hammer on them hard
Apr 24 17 01:35:37 <PraiseBeToScience> and you really had to be stupid for that
Apr 24 17 01:36:21 <PraiseBeToScience> like the chick that claimed the girl in drive thru the night before forgot her fish sandwitch
Apr 24 17 01:36:31 <PraiseBeToScience> if she just said that, I'd have given it to her
Apr 24 17 01:37:01 <PraiseBeToScience> but nope, she handed me a receipt that said Dine-in, 30 mins prior, and had my name on it (it was my drawer and I'm not a girl, and can't be mistaken for one either)
Apr 24 17 01:37:26 <PraiseBeToScience> nope, fuck that shit, get out, I'm calling the cops in 10 secs if you don't and never come back.
Apr 24 17 01:38:40 <PraiseBeToScience> that's what you get for fishing a reciept out of the trash and trying to pass it off as your own.
Apr 24 17 01:39:52 <twilexis> ew
Apr 24 17 03:03:24 <-Massachoosite> Question - comments I've deleted are not even showing up at all (I expected a [removed], but to a non-mod user they are actually completely absent from the page - is this new behavior? I thought it a comment with body [removed] would be where it was
Apr 24 17 03:03:52 <PraiseBeToScience> link?
Apr 24 17 03:04:04 <PraiseBeToScience> you mean removed as a mod?
Apr 24 17 03:04:14 <ThatAstronautGuy> deleted is deleted
Apr 24 17 03:04:30 <PraiseBeToScience> not like you deleted your own comment?
Apr 24 17 03:04:43 <Phallindrome> If you removed it before it had any replies, it won't show up at all
Apr 24 17 03:04:54 <Quad> I think he means where it says [removed] yet it doesn't show by what moderator?
Apr 24 17 03:04:55 <Quad> not sure
Apr 24 17 03:06:18 <-Massachoosite> Phallindrome I think that's it
Apr 25 17 12:33:19 <FlapSnapple> Well I'll be dammed. Reddit finally put a notice on the subreddit traffic stats page. About time!
"**Notice:** This data only includes desktop traffic. It **does not** include mobile traffic."
Apr 25 17 12:36:51 <-Massachoosite> whoa I didnt know that
Apr 25 17 12:36:58 <-Massachoosite> cant they you know, include mobile traffic
Apr 25 17 12:37:24 <FlapSnapple> There was a huge nice in depth comment about it, but at this time, no. The whole system needs a rework. Let me see if I can dig it up.
Apr 25 17 12:39:52 <creesch> -Massachoosite I know that answer!
Apr 25 17 12:39:54 <creesch> Sec
Apr 25 17 12:40:53 <creesch>
Apr 25 17 12:40:57 <creesch> there you go
Apr 25 17 12:40:58 <-Massachoosite> I betchu when they redesign the site theyll include mobile because the new architecture will be on the same platform as the app
Apr 25 17 12:41:28 <creesch> Nah
Apr 25 17 12:41:56 <creesch> They have the data, they just haven't put anyone on making it publicly available.
Apr 25 17 12:42:26 <FlapSnapple> Further reading
The second one especically is worth a read if that's your sort of thing.
Apr 25 17 12:42:51 <-Massachoosite> That explanation is actually super helpful and informative
Apr 25 17 12:43:26 <creesch> Yeah, I really don't know why they don't dare to go for the technical explanation more often.
Apr 25 17 12:43:51 <creesch> The whole css goes away announcement could have been much better if they had just used the technical reasoning for it.
Apr 25 17 12:44:11 <creesch> Instead they dumped it down and tried to sell it to us as an improvement in ease of use, etc.
Apr 25 17 12:44:34 <FlapSnapple> When they do finally update that traffic page (years from now when our children don't even remember what reddit was) expect there to be a _massive_ jump
"More than half of Reddit usage is on mobile (and growing!)"
Apr 25 17 12:47:08 <FlapSnapple> Agreed though creesch, I'd _love_ to see more technical breakdowns from the reddit team.
Apr 25 17 12:47:53 <creesch> Everyone does I imagine. Even people that don't understand it as it at least doesn't feel like they are patronizing people.
Apr 25 17 14:53:44 <rbevans> So they may, a big may, make a change to the traffic page temporary
Apr 25 17 14:53:45 <rbevans>
Apr 25 17 15:12:53 <-Massachoosite> hmm
Apr 25 17 17:58:38 <Zeno> Praise the sun they finally added that disclaimer. At least Square Enix will know this now.
Apr 26 17 02:08:05 <twoambien> has anyone tried setting up a new discord to compete with your first one? (a former mod is holding the first one hostage)
Apr 26 17 02:08:22 <twoambien> curious if people go for it, if they both succeed or what.
Apr 26 17 02:09:14 <buzznights> No experience but I would think the one linked on the sub will be the one they'll use. You'd have to announce it a few times.
Apr 26 17 02:09:23 <cuddlefishcat> might depend on the topic too
Apr 26 17 02:09:52 <cuddlefishcat> If you plan on getting a lot of new traffic from the sub, just link it there and it will grow
Apr 26 17 02:10:19 <cuddlefishcat> The other one would probably lack advertisement and therefore could not compete
Apr 26 17 02:10:40 <twoambien> no problem with the topic and ya we can send lots of traffic. the first one was pretty large after just a couple days. the only concern is just that first one has a core group that is very close now. not sure if that matters but ya.
Apr 26 17 02:11:43 <cuddlefishcat> That can be disappointing but if they use the sub at all they may join the new one
Apr 26 17 02:13:12 <tiz> Wholesome memes had a bit of a discord falling out.
Apr 26 17 02:13:19 <tiz> Similar situation
Apr 26 17 02:13:54 <twoambien> did they compete? did it work?
Apr 26 17 02:14:11 <buzznights> I have to ask - how do you have a discord fallout? Egos got unveiled?
Apr 26 17 02:14:47 <twoambien> in our case somebody was demodded and he's the one who had setup the discord and is unwilling to turn it over to us.
Apr 26 17 02:15:25 <twoambien> have your top mod control the server is probably best practices.
Apr 26 17 02:15:47 <buzznights> got it
Apr 26 17 02:16:27 <tiz> Well the old server has no legs to stand on. No where to advertise so... The new one all you have to do is promote it and say this is our official one
Apr 26 17 02:18:57 <buzznights> I think you'll be all good, twoambien
Apr 26 17 02:19:34 <twoambien> it's pretty much the same feeling as starting the first one: "nobody is going to use it!" i hope it's the same result
Apr 26 17 03:01:31 <Zock> twoambien is it partnered?
Apr 26 17 13:11:02 <-Massachoosite> a user who was banned for THREATENING TO STALK ME to me in a PM right now:
Apr 26 17 13:11:34 <-Massachoosite> (the post that was deleted was him implying that I was going to get stalked again)
Apr 26 17 13:11:53 <-Massachoosite> "Please unban me" "btw im going to message all the users and fight your decision"
Apr 26 17 19:19:07 <thirdegree> I love the people that deside they deserve a jury of their peers on reddit
Apr 26 17 19:19:08 <thirdegree> like
Apr 26 17 19:19:12 <thirdegree> it doesn't work that way
Apr 26 17 19:58:12 <isentrope> modding is like working retail or something
Apr 26 17 19:58:20 <isentrope> users have a ridiculous sense of entitlement
Apr 26 17 20:00:17 <greatgerm> You're wrong. Get your manager. I'm going to get you fired for saying something I don't like.
Apr 26 17 20:00:40 <MajorParadox> "If your ban is justified, there should be no reason to delete/hide my post." Why?
Apr 26 17 20:00:57 <-Massachoosite> Got me
Apr 26 17 20:01:09 <MajorParadox> If there's no reason to remove the post, I'm guessing they wouldn't have been banned
Apr 26 17 20:01:18 <-Massachoosite> exactly, usually we just remove before it results in a ban
Apr 26 17 20:01:19 <MajorParadox> Seems like common sense to me 😛
Apr 26 17 20:01:21 <isentrope> it's always great when they start off the message chain like that
Apr 26 17 20:01:43 <isentrope> "you didn't have a valid reason for banning me. Why are you allowed to ban me for no reason?"
Apr 26 17 20:01:58 <-Massachoosite> it's funny, I was going to give him just a 7 day ban until he started going to other subs saying how he was "playing nice with that asshole in order to get the ban reduced" and linking to OLD articles about me on other sites
Apr 26 17 20:02:17 <isentrope> there are stories about you on other sites? O_O
Apr 26 17 20:02:26 <-Massachoosite> yeah, about the subreddit
Apr 26 17 20:02:27 <MajorParadox> I like when they go on about how we have no right to use any of the tools the website built in for us to use
Apr 26 17 20:02:35 <-Massachoosite> we got a lot of press a few years ago
Apr 26 17 20:02:44 <MajorParadox> Like they didn't put them to look at
Apr 26 17 20:02:58 <-Massachoosite> and here is the ban tool "but only use it for people who WANT to be banned"
Apr 26 17 20:03:13 <isentrope> wtf
Apr 26 17 20:03:16 <MajorParadox> We had someone post a YouTube video about their post being removed before
Apr 26 17 20:04:04 <-Massachoosite> yeah @lsentrope that was an interesting period
Apr 26 17 20:04:33 <MajorParadox> Are you from Massachusetts?
Apr 26 17 20:04:46 <MajorParadox> Based on your name ^
Apr 26 17 20:05:29 <-Massachoosite> yeah lol
Apr 26 17 20:05:33 <MajorParadox> Me too!
Apr 26 17 20:05:49 <-Massachoosite> I decided to just consider everything I do 100% public and no longer hide anything BECAUSE of that period with the subreddit and the stalker and all that
Apr 26 17 20:05:59 <-Massachoosite> that way I don't need to be nervous about anything
Apr 26 17 20:06:03 <isentrope> that was a stalker?
Apr 26 17 20:06:44 <-Massachoosite> I dont know if he was behind the sub or not
Apr 26 17 20:06:45 <-Massachoosite> but!
Apr 26 17 20:06:49 <-Massachoosite> he was behind
Apr 26 17 20:06:54 <MajorParadox> You should try to Redditrequest the sub
Apr 26 17 20:07:19 <isentrope> O_O
Apr 26 17 20:07:20 <-Massachoosite> among other things, like letters to me with the return address of the name of a character from my book and my high schools address
Apr 26 17 20:07:37 <MajorParadox> That's scary
Apr 26 17 20:07:49 <-Massachoosite> then he copied one of our other mods post history about his open marriage and sent it to his mother's blogs' contact me form
Apr 26 17 20:07:59 <-Massachoosite> one message was just my bosses phone number
Apr 26 17 20:08:01 <isentrope> was he trying to sleep with you lol
Apr 26 17 20:08:12 <-Massachoosite> no, he was from across the country
Apr 26 17 20:08:49 <isentrope> this is like basically doxx, you should get rid of this thing
Apr 26 17 20:08:54 <isentrope> wow O_O
Apr 26 17 20:08:55 <-Massachoosite> what made him made in the first place was that barnes and noble made my book expensive after it went out of print and he is like super anti-capitalist and thought I was somehow responsible for that - has lead to literally 4 years of nonsense
Apr 26 17 20:09:13 <-Massachoosite> ive learned to not let any of it bother, EXCEPT - I hate that he has that URL
Apr 26 17 20:09:29 <isentrope> i've heard enough stories about creepy stalkers
Apr 26 17 20:09:34 <isentrope> from other people on reddit too
Apr 26 17 20:10:08 <isentrope> My favorite thing about him is his eyes
I shopped him here to look like he's about to strangle me and taking pleasure in the thought. #Instaboner
Apr 26 17 20:10:09 <isentrope> wtf
Apr 26 17 20:10:51 <isentrope> well, that's a shitty thing to have to deal with :\
Apr 26 17 20:11:46 <MajorParadox> The worst I've had is users following me to other subs, but the admins had taken care of it pretty quickly. (Or they just stopped, not really sure)
Apr 26 17 20:11:53 <-Massachoosite> lol you know to be honest it has taught me a lot of super valuable life lessons and given me a much thicker skin
Apr 26 17 20:13:23 <MajorParadox> Yesterday I had a user say they're not posting anymore because they broke a rule and their post was removed. Said sorry they feel that strongly or something and it became a showerthought: when someone says sorry you feel that way, they aren't sorry 😛
Apr 26 17 20:13:32 <-Massachoosite> haha yeah
Apr 26 17 20:13:37 <-Massachoosite> Paradox where in Mass are you from?
Apr 26 17 20:14:06 <MajorParadox> From Brighton originally but now I'm in the subburbs
Apr 26 17 20:14:22 <MajorParadox> Parents are still in Brighton, though
Apr 26 17 20:14:25 <-Massachoosite> oh nice, I'm in the city now but grew up in newburyport
Apr 26 17 20:14:33 <MajorParadox> Cool
Apr 28 17 15:51:46 <beelzeybob> is there any way to see the approval history of a post?
Apr 28 17 15:52:00 <beelzeybob> if it's been removed and approved various times
Apr 28 17 15:56:12 <Shane> mod log
Apr 28 17 16:09:40 <beelzeybob> it ony goes back 2 months
Apr 28 17 16:09:57 <SpyTec> Then not possible 😛
Apr 28 17 18:30:04 <twoambien> daily discussion thread, weekly dumb question thread, then random other like a mega thread. what is a good plan for how to manage those with only 2 sticky spots?
Apr 28 17 18:31:00 <SpyTec> Depends what kind of community I guess. We get a lot - **a lot** - of questions, so a weekly Q&A being stickied is something we need. And it needs to be there constantly
Apr 28 17 18:31:10 <twoambien> same for us
Apr 28 17 18:31:17 <Zeno> Perhaps have a sticky thread that is an index?
Apr 28 17 18:31:42 <twoambien> both the first two we need, or else we get tons of repeat/dumb threads
Apr 28 17 18:32:47 <twoambien> never seen an index, know of any subs that do that?
Apr 28 17 18:33:34 <Zeno> /r/KingdomHearts used to
Apr 28 17 18:34:09 <SpyTec> I think an index thread is best though, link to search of specific flair, sorted by newest
Apr 28 17 18:34:11 <SpyTec> Lock said index thread
Apr 28 17 18:34:24 <thirdegree> beelzeybob not helpful for you as of now, but thesentinelbot offers a mod action log if you enable it
Apr 28 17 18:34:27 <SpyTec> So index thread contains both weekly Q&A and discussion
Apr 28 17 18:35:24 <twoambien> thanks, if anybody knows of subs doing this, i'd love to see it in action
Apr 28 17 18:36:31 <thirdegree> r/destinythegame does a pretty good job of it using the sidebar and css
Apr 28 17 18:36:39 <Shane> r/plex has quite a few weekly threads
Apr 28 17 18:36:59 <twoambien> BOOM
Apr 28 17 18:37:09 <twoambien> r/plex a CSS directory up top
Apr 28 17 18:37:13 <twoambien> thank you!
Apr 28 17 18:37:38 <Shane> I nicked it for r/cwarrow too
Apr 28 17 18:37:40 <Zeno> RIP CSS
Apr 28 17 18:37:53 <SpyTec> Has to be updated every time there's a new thread though
Apr 28 17 18:38:04 <SpyTec> Which is why I mentioned the search of a flair
Apr 28 17 18:38:05 <thirdegree> RIP CSS
Apr 28 17 18:38:08 <Shane> r/doctorwho has the same thing but we dont use it
Apr 28 17 18:38:13 <SpyTec> Ur not used
Apr 28 17 18:38:48 <Shane> I'm gonna continue updating the css of my subs until the day they remove it
Apr 28 17 18:38:52 <Shane> fuck the admins
Apr 28 17 18:39:01 <Zeno> bold move cotton
Apr 28 17 18:39:18 <Shane> just so everyone notices it when its gone
Apr 28 17 18:39:44 <twoambien> i set the over under at a year until they roll that out. if ever.
Apr 28 17 18:41:33 <thirdegree> I wish I was that optimistic 😂
Apr 28 17 18:42:18 <Shane> I might just go to mobile and never touch the desktop site again
Apr 28 17 18:42:35 <Shane> reddit is fun obs so they dont get money
Apr 28 17 18:42:44 <thirdegree> relay for reddit
Apr 28 17 18:42:46 <thirdegree> best app
Apr 28 17 18:42:58 <Zeno> I use Relay, but dev is slow in updating. No new modmail yet...
Apr 28 17 18:43:02 <Shane> redditisfun ftw
Apr 28 17 18:43:18 <Shane> the dev for it is really fast
Apr 28 17 18:43:30 <Shane> is has the new modmail
Apr 28 17 18:44:43 <thirdegree> I don't use new modmail even when I'm on desktop 😅
Apr 28 17 18:47:35 <qtx> we have the best of two worlds, our bot operates from a different sub thats not on the new modmail, so we only get user questions etc via the new mod mail on the main sub
Apr 28 17 18:47:47 <qtx> and everything else on the old modmail
Apr 29 17 04:03:36 <picflute> for android apps most of the devs are active on reddit and listen to feedback which is nice imo
Apr 29 17 04:03:46 <picflute> sync for reddit's devs are active on /r/android
Apr 29 17 18:11:37 <Zock> SpyTec told me to post this
Apr 29 17 18:11:38 <Zock>
Apr 29 17 18:11:56 <SpyTec> Fucking do it without st= and sh= <:youangry:264806343313981450> (sorry)
Apr 29 17 18:15:20 <Zock> wat
Apr 29 17 18:15:27 <Zock> i just copy Axanery link
Apr 29 17 18:15:51 <Zock>
Apr 29 17 18:15:55 <Axanery> huh?
Apr 29 17 18:16:04 <Zock> wtf is the st sh
Apr 29 17 18:17:03 <SpyTec> Tracking links
Apr 29 17 18:17:08 <SpyTec> Only a handful get them
Apr 29 17 18:19:33 <Zock> oh
Apr 29 17 20:43:09 <beelzeybob> so has anyone tried the new top mod removal process for their team yet?
Apr 29 17 20:44:04 <Zock> nop
Apr 29 17 20:44:11 <ThatAstronautGuy> nope
Apr 29 17 20:44:55 <SpyTec> I sure hope not *sweats intensively*
Apr 29 17 20:48:06 <Zock> *makes request*
Apr 29 17 20:48:10 <Zock> SpyTec
Apr 29 17 20:48:11 <Zock> /s
Apr 29 17 20:51:37 <allthefoxes> Yes
Apr 29 17 20:51:45 <allthefoxes> Its subject to normal RR wait times
Apr 29 17 20:51:46 <allthefoxes> 😃
Apr 29 17 20:53:07 <ThatAstronautGuy> ive had a valid request open for while over a month
Apr 29 17 20:53:15 <ThatAstronautGuy> so it will be a while
Apr 29 17 22:08:54 <Deimos> Might get even worse now that they have to deal with AchievementUnlockd leaving too
Apr 29 17 22:09:13 <ThatAstronautGuy> probably...
Apr 29 17 22:09:39 <SpyTec> Deimos They just have to hire you again
Apr 30 17 07:08:56 <isentrope> pls deimorz
May 01 17 18:23:01 <confirmedzach> SpyTec and anyone else, would you know if there is a way to override a removal rule in AM?
May 01 17 18:23:35 <confirmedzach> To set up a whitelist of channel IDs that would not be affected by keyword removal rules we have set up.
May 01 17 18:25:04 <Phallindrome> channel ids?
May 01 17 18:25:15 <SpyTec> Wouldn't going by priority work?
May 01 17 18:25:26 <Phallindrome> you can add "and not"s to any AM rule
May 01 17 18:25:48 <Squingu> no, removal rules always have priority over approve
May 01 17 18:25:58 <SpyTec> Figures ;P
May 01 17 18:28:01 <beelzeybob> couldn't you just use `~` to invert the rule?
May 01 17 18:28:20 <SpyTec> Yeah that's the "and not"'s Phallindrome is talking about 😛
May 01 17 18:28:35 <Deimos> yeah, you'd have to add the exclusion to each rule individually
May 01 17 22:22:45 <allthefoxes>
May 01 17 22:22:56 <allthefoxes> New /r/pics report - Now with more data
May 01 17 22:23:16 <allthefoxes> Such as: 3 month averages, YTD counts, and total submissions number
May 01 17 22:23:29 <allthefoxes> Notably, 39.12% of all submissions were removed
May 01 17 22:31:41 <ThatAstronautGuy> gotta comment early to get that sweet sweet karma
May 01 17 22:31:46 <ThatAstronautGuy> too bad i cant complain about political posts
May 01 17 22:32:14 <ThatAstronautGuy> do you guys still have a political post problem?
May 01 17 22:58:28 <allthefoxes> A little
May 01 17 22:58:30 <allthefoxes> its been better
May 03 17 18:50:14 <Zeno> Huh, I got hit today with that "free, only pay shipping" scam. Didn't think it was that widespread
May 03 17 19:00:22 <AmericanDerp> anyone have any clue why this flair returns no results, when multiple items are flaired with it?
Seems to be a new development
May 03 17 19:00:39 <AmericanDerp> several items now on our front page alone
May 03 17 19:04:13 <SpyTec> I replaced it with `flair:"Murray Lawsuit"` and that worked
May 03 17 19:04:14 <SpyTec> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
May 03 17 19:13:45 <AmericanDerp> interesting. this used to work with + as a seperator in the field. somethin broken/changed? Like yesterday this worked.
May 03 17 19:16:49 <Zeno> They must be tweaking search, you could honestly ask in ModSupport I figure
May 03 17 19:17:08 <Deimos> it's possible they're making some changes to search to try to make it not completely and utterly broken
May 03 17 20:05:03 <Zeno> Just saw another mod team complain about search flairs no longer working
May 03 17 20:05:23 <Zeno> Admins must have changed something yeah
May 03 17 20:17:18 <YopparaiNeko> dun dun duuuu
May 03 17 20:23:55 <Zeno> Shit is broke yo
May 03 17 20:23:55 <Zeno> I can't even exclude now
May 03 17 20:24:02 <Zeno> `-flair:screenshot`
May 03 17 20:24:09 <Zeno> >I couldn't understand your query, so I simplified it and searched for "flair screenshot" instead. You may also want to check the search help page for more information.
May 03 17 20:25:38 <Snipe> gg admins. hell i thought search was broken BEFORE, now its super rekt
May 03 17 20:26:07 <Zeno> "Hmm how do we fix search. okay let's take away features"
May 03 17 20:26:14 <Snipe> admin logic
May 03 17 20:26:29 <creesch> Well... before it always failed :P
May 03 17 20:26:51 <creesch> AmericanDerp seattleWA css is hella broke btw on search...
May 03 17 20:28:04 <XenoBen> creesch is on the case
May 03 17 20:28:06 <Zeno> shh shh, no tears. only broken queries now.
May 03 17 20:29:02 <Deimos> > we've replaced the previous free-form query system with widgets
May 03 17 20:29:29 <creesch> No bitching on widgets yet!
May 03 17 20:29:51 <XenoBen> or creesch will stab u
May 03 17 20:29:55 <SpyTec> I want a creesch widget
May 03 17 20:30:06 <creesch> They are currently floating the idea of a modular widget approach where people can easily contribute widgets to reddit.
May 03 17 20:30:06 <SpyTec> Like a mini-blog in sidebar that only creesch can update
May 03 17 20:30:19 <creesch> That is already a thing
May 03 17 20:30:25 <SpyTec> Oh?
May 03 17 20:30:27 <creesch> I can make toolbox send you a popup with text
May 03 17 20:30:34 <creesch> Well... all toolbox users
May 03 17 20:30:35 <SpyTec> do it
May 03 17 20:30:36 <SpyTec> I dare you
May 03 17 20:30:41 <ThatAstronautGuy> doo eet
May 03 17 20:30:49 <creesch> I would if I could target it to individuals
May 03 17 20:30:51 <Phallindrome> Isn't there already a github where people can easily add new features to reddit?
May 03 17 20:30:59 <Zeno> Not for long
May 03 17 20:31:02 <Phallindrome> If they'd just accept the pull requeste
May 03 17 20:32:12 <creesch> Phallindrome different context and no it is not easy to add new features to reddit right now.
May 03 17 20:33:03 <SpyTec> I should look over source code for new modmail and send sug- oh nvm..
May 03 17 20:34:21 <creesch> This wouldn't exactly be open source in that aspect. It isn't as if you would need to edit the entire code.
May 03 17 20:34:57 <creesch> It would really be modules you can submit, basically allow for mods to contribute widgets the admins otherwise might not make.
May 03 17 20:35:02 <XenoBen> Right click page > View Sourcecode 😃
May 03 17 20:35:08 <creesch> anyway
May 03 17 20:35:15 <creesch> bedtime
May 03 17 20:35:16 <creesch> night
May 03 17 20:36:05 <SpyTec> o7
May 03 17 20:36:06 <Snipe> see ya creesch
May 03 17 20:36:34 <AmericanDerp> creesch yeah, our CSS is a bit of a mess. our CSS guy is not on often.... could you send a modmail with what you saw? we can try to fix it...
May 03 17 20:36:55 <XenoBen> have you tried no css, its the latest trend
May 03 17 20:40:49 <Snipe> AmericanDerp on a legacy search page, the re is major overlapping of the menuarea and some other element that is behind it. the checkmark that says something like "limit to this sub". it is unclickable I assume because the z-index is borked
May 03 17 20:40:51 <AmericanDerp> I never see any CSS, I disable everything
May 03 17 20:41:13 <AmericanDerp> Snipe huh, ok. I'll drop a note in our mod channel
May 03 17 20:41:15 <Snipe> i assume thats what cree meant
May 03 17 20:42:22 <Snipe> actually now that I opened in an incognito window AmericanDerp . it is only an RES problem on the legacy search page
May 03 17 20:42:36 <Snipe> so basically that page is broken for res users.
May 03 17 20:43:05 <AmericanDerp> got it, thanks. I let them know. if one of the guys in the channel can't check I'll send a note to our CSS guy
May 03 17 20:43:21 <Snipe> no problem.
May 03 17 20:44:09 <Snipe> AmericanDerp oh also, the snoo is up way high and covers the MY SUBREDDITS dropdown
May 03 17 20:44:20 <Snipe> sorry i just noticed that before i closed the tab
May 03 17 20:45:23 <Snipe> I never understood why the damn naut theme did that shit. the search page header is hella small compared to other pages and it fucks everything up.
May 03 17 20:54:18 <creesch> Snipe because naut is complete garbage, it is finicky overly clever css that breaks easily and goes against a bunch of good UX practices.
May 03 17 20:54:35 <Snipe> thank god i am not the only person that despises naut
May 03 17 20:54:37 <creesch> But it is "material"
May 03 17 20:55:03 <creesch> Honestly, a majority of the intricate css themes out there degrade the user experience.
May 03 17 20:55:26 <ThatAstronautGuy> they look beautiful
May 03 17 20:55:30 <creesch> Not on purpose but just because it is people doing it for a hobby who never really had to think about UX and UI
May 03 17 20:55:31 <ThatAstronautGuy> but make things harder to read
May 03 17 20:55:57 <creesch> So yeah, they go for "pretty" without considering what impact it has.
May 03 17 20:56:28 <Snipe> the worst theme by far on reddit though... flatdark
May 03 17 20:56:34 <Snipe> holy shit that thing is broken
May 03 17 21:07:42 <Zeno> Admin statement on search:
May 03 17 21:09:41 <XenoBen> i have asked someone to slap him at his desk
May 03 17 21:17:53 <Zeno> Testing in prod? Don't mind if I do
May 03 17 21:21:21 <Deimos> kind of the only way to do it if they're mostly concerned with performance / failure rate
May 03 17 21:22:01 <Deimos>
May 03 17 21:27:52 <XenoBen> <:downvote:291347916512165891>
May 04 17 03:30:28 <AmericanDerp> User just asked me, I have no idea why: how come Reddit doesn't just keep its official rules verbiage on-site instead of on
May 04 17 03:30:44 <AmericanDerp> Always wondered.
May 04 17 04:10:48 <justcool393> They used to ( and still are
May 04 17 04:17:10 <Deimos> the rules are on reddit, aren't they? the "site rules" link in the footer goes to which redirects to
May 04 17 04:17:24 <Deimos> the rules page on zendesk just links to that:
May 04 17 04:21:14 <justcool393> yea im dumb. that content policy link (where reddiquette used to be) is on reddit
May 04 17 04:21:59 <Deimos> a lot of the info on zendesk seems to be pretty incomplete/outdated
May 04 17 04:22:59 <justcool393> I think all of the rules content in general is outdated
May 04 17 04:23:51 <justcool393> I was the last one to edit the reddit wiki page for the spam rules (it was a minor fix) about a year ago, and I still get PMs with questions about if they're following rules sometimes.
May 04 17 04:25:40 <Deimos> yeah, just lots of outdated stuff like this page still talking about Alien Blue:
May 04 17 04:26:19 <Deimos> I think zendesk is just yet another project that got set up initially and then never maintained
May 04 17 04:27:03 <justcool393> I've a feeling thats how it is as well
May 04 17 04:27:29 <justcool393> Interestingly, they do have a contact form as well (
May 04 17 04:27:53 <Deimos> yeah, modmail to /r/ and emails to get forwarded into zendesk
May 04 17 04:28:40 <ThatAstronautGuy> reddit seems very disorganized to me
May 04 17 04:28:58 <justcool393> I see. I'm guessing (from what redtaboo said in MT) that the forwarder picks up on keywords and forwards them that way
May 04 17 04:29:08 <justcool393> to different teams or whatever
May 04 17 04:29:27 <allthefoxes> Deimos Probably shouldn't be saying this, but I've seen the updated versions - its being worked on
May 04 17 04:30:42 <AmericanDerp> Oh nice. Rules updates?
May 04 17 04:31:48 <Deimos> ah, that's good
May 04 17 04:32:09 <Deimos> though it would probably be better to just fix stuff that's there instead of turning it into another project that gets worked on for months before people see anything
May 04 17 04:32:30 <Deimos> I doubt it'll be rules updates, probably just general "help center" updates
May 04 17 04:33:40 <allthefoxes> Correct. It's a new project
May 04 17 04:36:21 <Deimos> yeah, just too bad the old stuff hasn't been maintained too. Incorrect documentation is often even worse than no documentation
May 04 17 04:40:31 <allthefoxes> yeah
May 04 17 16:36:38 <-Massachoosite> I'm pretty sure I just banned someone from Gaybros who lives at /r/IAmVerySmart
May 04 17 16:36:40 <-Massachoosite> >Please desist from making erroneous reasons and be consistent, germane to your reasoning of giving out bans next time.
May 04 17 16:43:39 <mbetts> that is so /r/IAmVerySmart material
May 04 17 16:55:21 <Caligari87> I wonder if the people who take potshots from behind the report button ever realize that I thrive on their impotent cowardice.
May 04 17 20:32:57 <Gist> smells like an ignore reports use to me
May 04 17 23:59:09 <AmericanDerp> any admins around? someone is flooding mod reports on r/seattlewa like mad. just send modmail.
May 05 17 00:06:04 <SpyTec> No admins here, but reports aren't high priority anyway
May 05 17 00:31:18 <abe> AmericanDerp can't you just block them?
May 05 17 00:38:40 <Deimos> I think he's talking about reports, there's no way to know who's making them
May 05 17 01:00:58 <AmericanDerp> yeah, mod reports coming in anon from users. someone went on a crazy obvious spree
May 05 17 03:50:42 <Deimos>
May 05 17 03:52:01 <ThatAstronautGuy> wrong
May 05 17 03:54:27 <Deimos> shh, no disagreeing, there are no problems
May 05 17 03:55:17 <ThatAstronautGuy> I'd say a majority do not get reported
May 05 17 03:55:33 <ThatAstronautGuy> however saying only 0.02% get reported is for sure wrong
May 05 17 03:56:08 <Deimos> yeahhhh that's one post in 5000
May 05 17 03:58:30 <ThatAstronautGuy> as someone who mods enough subs to add up to im going to say close to 1k/day, a lot more than .2 posts are reported lol
May 05 17 03:58:55 <Deimos> yeah exactly, I have to wonder how they came up with that number
May 05 17 04:00:09 <Deimos> my completely unscientific guess would be something more like 5% or so, depending on the subreddit
May 05 17 04:01:50 <mvea> Even if you exclude automoderator reports, it's still higher than 0.02%
May 05 17 04:02:11 <mvea> I probably report myself more than 1 in 5000 posts I see
May 05 17 04:03:17 <mvea> Having said all that, there may be millions upon millions of posts that are posted in private subs (last count I think there was a million of them) that may never get reported because they are never seen - if you count all of them, and then ran a query in the Reddit database, you may arrive at that 0.02%
May 05 17 04:04:28 <Deimos> maybe they accidentally did it in a way where it only looked at posts that are still in the "reported" state and weren't either approved or removed in response to reports
May 05 17 04:05:42 <Deimos> something like that is the only way I can think of it being that low, the volume of private subreddits really isn't that high
May 05 17 04:14:05 <skink> Anyone use RES on Opera here?
May 05 17 04:54:48 <justcool393> The other thing I think is that bots oftentime post to their own subreddits (like /r/BotBust and /r/picsofearth or whatever) on the regular, so if you include all of those, many of which never get seen by users, I'm not too shocked.
May 05 17 04:56:37 <justcool393> I would be intrigued by the methedology they used though
May 05 17 04:59:16 <justcool393> But I'm sure that number would rise pretty quickly if you set a subscriber threshold of something decent.
May 05 17 08:00:41 <Madbrad200> skink yes
May 05 17 16:09:33 <skink> Madbrad200 its all good i figured it out
May 05 17 17:02:02 <AmericanDerp> is there any real issue with bots posting to their own subs?
May 05 17 17:02:17 <AmericanDerp> like the picsof* stuff? or the various news ones?
May 05 17 22:03:21 <picflute> given how you can spam your own subreddit
May 05 17 22:57:31 <justcool393> No, I don't think there is, I'm just wondering if this (probably) skewed the results of their analysis
May 08 17 02:12:17 <AmericanDerp> Anyone ever see when someone isn't shadowbanned, no automod is in the way, but their new posts aren't showing in the /new of their subreddit?
May 08 17 02:12:34 <AmericanDerp> They're not filtered or in spam, either...
May 08 17 02:14:00 <AmericanDerp> Even odder, others are upvoting, but I don't see them on /new...
May 08 17 02:17:57 <Deimos> did you inadvertently hide the post?
May 08 17 02:18:21 <Deimos> either by clicking "hide", reporting it, or using one of the "hide posts I upvote/downvote" prefs
May 08 17 02:18:43 <AmericanDerp> Yep, I borked it with hide stuff
May 08 17 02:18:52 <AmericanDerp> The obvious is the head scratchingest
May 08 17 02:19:04 <Deimos> I think being able to hide things is a nice function, but it also causes a ton of confusion
May 10 17 02:22:25 <erktheerk2> Been lurking,. Is there an offical place I talk about the CSS decision?
May 10 17 02:41:13 <tiz> Here is fine, I know r/proscss has a discord that's fairly active
May 10 17 02:42:51 <erktheerk2> I know, and yes we do. I know am not a major mod. I am not trying to abuse what little status I have.
May 10 17 02:43:54 <erktheerk2> However, there has been no feed back since spez said he was traveling.
May 10 17 02:44:16 <cuddlefishcat> aren't you a default mod
May 10 17 02:44:24 <erktheerk2> even with the risk of burning any staus I have, I am trying to reach out
May 10 17 02:44:34 <erktheerk2> I am, but only recently
May 10 17 02:44:56 <cuddlefishcat> I think whatever "mod status" you're referring to is silly
May 10 17 02:46:30 <justcool393> I'm guessing the AMA will probably be soon. Maybe. Who knows really.
May 10 17 02:46:58 <erktheerk2> I havent done much. I just applied. By mod status I only mean the ability to say something. Not it be important
May 10 17 02:47:48 <cuddlefishcat> say something to who?
May 10 17 02:48:14 <erktheerk2> Life has been busy lately, I doubt I will keep my default mod spot long. Tonight is the first night in a weeks I have had time to pay attention to my subs
May 10 17 02:48:41 <erktheerk2> cuddlefishcat
This is one of the chanels I was invited to after being added, I was just asking where to go to discuss the changes
May 10 17 02:49:07 <justcool393> I'm kinda confused by what you mean
May 10 17 02:49:28 <cuddlefishcat> same
May 10 17 02:49:45 <justcool393> This isn't really a direct phone line to the admins.
May 10 17 02:50:21 <cuddlefishcat> I think any mod with a subreddit above 1,000 subs can come here
May 10 17 02:51:19 <justcool393> Honestly the best place for that if you are wanting to talk to them (and need something, not wanting to debate CSS) is probably the defaultmods slack, since they sometimes have an admin in there.
May 10 17 02:52:51 <erktheerk2> I understand that. My apologies. I have to reinstall slack on mobile.
May 10 17 02:53:34 <justcool393> Naw, its all cool. I know how I just sounded seemed like me kinda being a jerk. I didn't intend for it to be that way
May 10 17 02:54:29 <erktheerk2> No worries. Thank you.
May 10 17 02:55:17 <cuddlefishcat> We're probably done discussion CSS here until we got more news tbh, there really isn't that much to talk about with what we were given
May 10 17 02:57:37 <erktheerk2> >We're probably done discussion CSS here until we got more news tbh,
I know
Even though I am procss I have little hope
I've actually made a post recently about it. I've spent a lot of money and time supporting the site, majority of the reason being CSS. I'm at a loss for words at this point
May 10 17 02:58:56 <erktheerk2> I'm pulling all stops at this point. I'm burnt out.
May 10 17 03:00:03 <Axanery>
May 10 17 03:00:05 <Axanery> well heck
May 10 17 03:02:57 <cuddlefishcat> Where did the money spending come in if you don't mind me asking?
May 10 17 03:03:15 <cuddlefishcat> hey at least you were invited I guess?
May 10 17 03:06:15 <erktheerk2> I've been using reddit for ...6 years or so now. Had a previous account I nuked due to a dox.
I've always loved using it and customsing subs. My main hobby.
Was a little bit here and there, but it added up. Over $1,000 now based on my most recent estimate.
May 10 17 03:07:18 <Axanery> Wow
May 10 17 03:09:00 <erktheerk2> Only about $15 a month on average, I have multiple accounts that cost as much, I never thought twice about it.
May 10 17 03:09:12 <cuddlefishcat> what is it spent on though?
May 10 17 03:09:20 <erktheerk2> gold/gilding
May 10 17 03:09:35 <erktheerk2>
May 10 17 03:09:53 <cuddlefishcat> ahh gotcha
May 10 17 06:34:59 <SpyTec> I'm sorry, but what are you going to discuss with admins about? If it's about CSS then don't. Waste of time. If you will still do it, then defaultmods Slack seems like the last place to do that since last time I heard that was only for emergencies such as doxing etc.
May 10 17 06:37:40 <SpyTec> Gilding isn't an expense you can claim to be caused by CSS either so seems a bit pointless. You stopping to gild to show Reddit you disagree just seems.. strange. They won't care if you stop
May 10 17 06:38:46 <SpyTec> I just think you're overreacting with loosing CSS
May 10 17 06:46:33 <DirtyFormal> I agree with you there. The CSS doesn't force you to pay anything. Sure you want to guild, but how can you attribute your own choice of that to be cause by CSS? It's your choice.
May 10 17 06:57:22 <Deimos> I don't think it's very complex, it's something they feel strongly enough about that they don't want to keep donating money to reddit if it's removed
May 10 17 06:57:27 <SpyTec> I also think /r/ProCSS is obnoxious as all hell. Users spaming subreddits "u procss bro?" was annoying as fuck, ProCSS should've publicly been against that. Then the fact that people are crying "we're loosing this, fuck admins", when they have no idea how the new system will work
May 10 17 06:57:31 <Deimos> there doesn't need to be some sort of direct link between CSS and gilding or anything for it to make sense
May 10 17 06:57:43 <SpyTec> Yep
May 10 17 06:58:53 <Deimos> some parts of /r/procss have definitely been handled poorly, encouraging users to modmail subreddits that hadn't "committed" yet was definitely a bad idea
May 10 17 07:06:35 <🍗 cidersulu ☕> I'll wait and see what the new system brings. Then I'll make a decision on how to act. I'm a little worried for /r/anime since I love their comment faces but it shouldn't really affect my subreddit overall.
May 10 17 07:07:09 <SpyTec> Yep exactly. That's the right way to do it
May 10 17 07:07:35 <SpyTec> Not go out and cry about how much you will loose, cause you don't know what new system will bring
May 10 17 07:08:32 <🍗 cidersulu ☕> Well, for CSS intensive subreddits, I can at least understand them bringing up their concerns to the admins and ask if their features will be supported
May 10 17 07:08:55 <SpyTec> Concerns, yes. But top post on the /r/ProCSS sub atm is "The National Photo Subs Network has an intricate network sidebar that we're gonna lose if we lose CSS"
May 10 17 07:09:19 <creesch> Well, it is beter to remain critical of the development process instead of just waiting for whatever they'll come up with.
May 10 17 07:09:20 <SpyTec> >we're gonna lose if we lose CSS
May 10 17 07:09:27 <creesch> Give feedback where possible, etc
May 10 17 07:09:58 <🍗 cidersulu ☕> I'm sure the admins would want to support that function if they know about it, hence "bringing up their concerns"
May 10 17 07:10:06 <creesch> It is why I made the brainstorming thread kn ModSupport
May 10 17 07:10:11 <SpyTec> Oh yeah I'm 100% for giving feedback on "this is what we want"
May 10 17 07:11:35 <🍗 cidersulu ☕> For my own subreddit, it can only improve it since I had to self teach myself CSS and it shows lol
May 10 17 07:14:07 <beelzeybob> I've spent a lot of time making hacky shit with bots as anyone, but the more I think about it, the more I'm excited for stuff to be officially integrated into reddit.
May 10 17 07:14:44 <beelzeybob> automod getting built into reddit was probably one of the best things that happened in recent times... those reaction times 👌
May 10 17 07:15:11 <🍗 cidersulu ☕> Yeah, that was a good update
May 10 17 07:15:37 <Deimos> automod's a lot closer to CSS than it is to widgets though :b
May 10 17 07:15:51 <SpyTec> Inb4 AutoMod is being replaced
May 10 17 07:16:01 <Deimos> it's very free-form, if it had been built as "widgets" you'd be able to do a very small subset of what you can do with it now
May 10 17 07:16:44 <🍗 cidersulu ☕> Well, we'll see what it looks like. Sort of excited to see what will be the base functions
May 10 17 07:17:34 <Deimos> personally I think the best approach would be for reddit to leave CSS while the widgets are being built, people will switch to using the widgets if they cover their needs
May 10 17 07:18:03 <Deimos> spoilers are a good example of that, when the native post spoilers were added everyone switched to them immediately (for the cases they cover) because it's just a better experience for everyone involved
May 10 17 07:19:08 <SpyTec> Yeah. I'd love for CSS to still be available
May 10 17 07:24:09 <beelzeybob> same. might get attached to styling the widgets if the css + widgets are available at the same time though
May 10 17 07:24:28 <beelzeybob> I think another good one are the custom report reasons/rules page
May 10 17 07:24:59 <beelzeybob> r/blackpeopletwitter was using hacks to make it look different to users
May 10 17 07:25:42 <Deimos> I think the biggest concern is just whether widgets will stay a focus of development and keep being added/updated
May 10 17 07:25:59 <Deimos> you just used automod as an example, but look at that - it was integrated 2 years ago and nothing has been added to it at all since then
May 10 17 07:26:25 <Deimos> there are tons of new capabilities that it could use, things that were never even possible while it was an external bot
May 10 17 07:26:41 <Deimos> but it just got integrated as almost an exact port of the external version, and then never improved beyond that
May 10 17 07:36:51 <SpyTec> Yeah AutoMod has a lot of potential 😦
May 10 17 07:37:02 <SpyTec> Would love for more stuff
May 10 17 08:02:28 <creesch> Deimos A lot of that depends on how open they make the development of widgets. It is entirely possible to make them modular and have a process in place that allows people to easily submit them and get their code reviewed for a fraction of the time regular code reviews cost on the main reddit code base.
May 10 17 08:03:36 <creesch> And part of it is also accepting that it will never be as flexible as css which is on purpose.
May 10 17 08:04:05 <creesch> Which I am frankly entirely okay with considering the amount of "make it pop" subreddits out there that absolutely butcher the user experience without a care in the world.
May 10 17 08:04:38 <creesch> And to be honest, automod is an entirely different beast from css.
May 10 17 08:04:47 <creesch> It is actually useful regardless of the platform.
May 10 17 08:05:48 <Deimos> yeah, that's entirely separate than what I was talking about though, I was just using it as an example of something released and then never improved
May 10 17 08:06:02 <creesch> I simply don't think CSS is as much of a core functionality as many mods believe it to be. It is mostly a tool that mods care about since they spent so much time on their subs and something that has grown into a niche hobby for reddit theme designers. |
May 10 17 08:06:27 <Deimos> if it had been done "widget-style" you'd probably have the ability to set up things like: `if the post's [domain] is [_____] then [remove]`, and that's it
May 10 17 08:06:44 <creesch> Most user don't give a shit about all the custom css, they just want to see their content. If they did care about all the css hacks there would be many complaints towards third part apps and reddit mobile.
May 10 17 08:07:49 <creesch> Which is only the case for very specific functionality that the devs will with 99% certainty incorporate like custom flairs and comment spoilers.
May 10 17 08:08:04 <creesch> So most things users will care about will be taken care off.
May 10 17 08:08:08 <Deimos> yeah, I think the main benefit is just that it allows mods a lot of freedom and disconnects them from having to rely on reddit devs to officially implement everything
May 10 17 08:08:19 <creesch> Placebo
May 10 17 08:08:46 <creesch> Seriously, most css "functionality" isn't seen or achieves any of the things mods think they do.
May 10 17 08:09:29 <creesch> And only reaches at max 50% of your users anyway.
May 10 17 08:09:31 <Deimos> sure, that doesn't mean the value is zero though
May 10 17 08:09:58 <creesch> Not saying that either, but it is significantly less important than many mods make it out to be.
May 10 17 08:10:02 <Deimos> mobile users are less valuable anyway, in my opinion
May 10 17 08:10:10 <Deimos> they're certainly not the ones writing in-depth self posts and such
May 10 17 08:10:49 <creesch> Eh, a lot of my wall of text comments are written on my phone.
May 10 17 08:11:08 <creesch> simply because I have time during my commute for that sort of silly stuff.
May 10 17 08:11:14 <Deimos> CSS has also been a really good way to be able to see what types of enhancements are important, and to how many subreddits by how they propagate out
May 10 17 08:11:36 <Deimos> once that's no longer a possibility, the only way will be trying to convince the devs that something is needed, without any "proof" that anyone would actually use it
May 10 17 08:12:18 <creesch> That entirely depends on how they implement the widgets, which I agree is a big unknown and risk. But not something to be entirely discounted.
May 10 17 08:12:45 <creesch> And as far as how css propagates out... that is also my counter point.
May 10 17 08:12:58 <Deimos> if they really do end up having some sort of process where outside people can develop and submit their own widgets, that would probably help a lot
May 10 17 08:13:10 <creesch> The rise of themes like naut have been entirely based on "oooh pretty" while making the user experience on many subreddits worse and confusing.
May 10 17 08:13:22 <Deimos> but reddit's definitely been leaning *away* from open-source and external contributions more and more, so that would be a pretty big reversal
May 10 17 08:13:26 <creesch> So it isn't always the good features that propagate out
May 10 17 08:13:32 <creesch> just the things that are popular.
May 10 17 08:13:48 <creesch> The admins I talked about did seem to be open to the idea.
May 10 17 08:14:01 <creesch> Sodypop even mentioned it in one of his comments talking about the widget system.
May 10 17 08:14:48 <creesch> And them reaching out to the toolbox team with a full draft in order to make third party extension migration possible also is something entirely new for them.
May 10 17 08:14:57 <Deimos> which is nice, but he's a community manager that's not actually going to get to make that call
May 10 17 08:15:16 <creesch> In fact, it is the most acknowledgement we have ever had from reddit regarding toolbox :D
May 10 17 08:15:31 <Deimos> yeah, that was definitely a nice step at least
May 10 17 08:15:48 <creesch> Andytuba also is open to the idea, I am fairly sure sodypop got the idea from him after I floated it to him :P
May 10 17 08:17:27 <creesch> And to be 100% honest, most functionality that can be worked out with css has been worked out at this point. Which is one reason I think that css has shifted from experimenting with functionality to purely "making it look good" in the past few years.
May 10 17 08:17:34 <Deimos> in the end, all we can really do is see what actually gets implemented
May 10 17 08:18:03 <Deimos> it's certainly possible that the new system works out totally fine, I just think there's an awful lot of pieces that all need to come together for that to happen
May 10 17 08:18:16 <creesch> Oh I fully agree with you there.
May 10 17 15:35:50 <ThatAstronautGuy> my problem isn't even with the change
May 10 17 15:35:59 <ThatAstronautGuy> its the proccs circlejerk
May 10 17 15:36:06 <ThatAstronautGuy> which is getting absolutely nothing productive done
May 10 17 15:52:58 <creesch> ThatAstronautGuy many people in there don't even realize this is about custom css.
May 10 17 15:53:36 <creesch> I saw so many arguments saying something like "almost all websites use css, why is reddit throwing it away?"
May 10 17 16:15:01 <ThatAstronautGuy> yeah
May 10 17 16:17:30 <Shane> doesnt help that mods are using it as a bumper sticker
May 10 17 16:17:45 <Shane> have you seen how many mods they have?
May 10 17 16:57:58 <Zock> It's idiotic
May 10 17 16:58:43 <Zock> The majority refuse to listen to the many valid reasons for the change
May 10 17 16:58:54 <SpyTec> I think we've said enough about it already.. 😛
May 10 17 17:00:07 <Zock> Only thing this has proven imo is that mods have the power to fuck over the site.
May 10 17 17:12:16 <Geistnacht> yo sub dudes, r/fh is having a meme problem, we've talked about it and it seems that only high-quality OC memes can stay, but i have yet to find a sub that isnt about memes that allows memes on the front page
May 10 17 17:12:38 <Shane> r/gaming
May 10 17 17:12:49 <Geistnacht> i mean not like that
May 10 17 17:12:50 <Shane> oh
May 10 17 17:12:55 <Geistnacht> like a dedicated gaming sub
May 10 17 17:13:00 <Geistnacht> like dtg, sfv
May 10 17 17:13:33 <Geistnacht> Do you guys think that memes should be on the front page? they turn away newer members but it keeps the community happy
May 10 17 17:18:58 <tiz> dtg works pretty well by making the sub non links, text post only, which helps with the low fluff of viewing memes and upvoting, bc you actually have to open the thread
May 10 17 17:29:48 <SpyTec> Zock "Only thing this has proven imo is that mods have the power to fuck over the site."
Well yeah.. but blackouts are pretty much pointless and serves no purpose if this was happens before public beta of their new service
May 10 17 17:30:45 <Zock> flashtv is all memes
May 10 17 17:30:54 <Zock> but occasionally we have a genuine post
May 10 17 17:33:28 <creesch> yeah doing anything like a blackout right now is just "I am not sure it will turn out bad but I am afraid it will so I am panicking about it in advance, k?!"
May 10 17 18:42:06 <ThatAstronautGuy> ^
May 10 17 19:14:43 <beelzeybob> My sub bans memes and the community hates them too
May 10 17 19:15:29 <beelzeybob> We're in downtime waiting on a game but even when a meme gets submitted, at least two people report it within 10 mins
May 10 17 19:16:56 <beelzeybob> We just started enforcing an OC only tag which means only the content creators can submit it and found that cut down on a lot of meaningless comics/fanart/cosplay posts too
May 10 17 19:17:18 <Balancegenerally> anyone using rforums?
May 10 17 22:02:28 <justcool393> Meh, both the ProCSS and AntiCSS sides have circlejerks. The circlejerky nature of both are annoying, but I think until we see proof that it isn't going to be a cluster fuck, I'm going to assume its gonna be.
May 10 17 22:02:50 <justcool393> Because this is what the Admins have proven to us.
May 10 17 22:04:34 <SpyTec> Pitchforks now is stupid
May 10 17 22:04:39 <tiz> tbh, i could care less about any of it
May 10 17 22:04:46 <cuddlefishcat> dibs on /r/CSSclusterfuck
May 10 17 22:04:46 <tiz> whichevev happens happens
May 10 17 22:04:58 <justcool393> Why not now?
May 10 17 22:05:12 <SpyTec> Cause you have absolutely no idea how the new system will work?
May 10 17 22:05:18 <justcool393> Why wait until they do fuck it up before voicing concerns?
May 10 17 22:05:28 <XenoBen> why do you think they posted it in the first place
May 10 17 22:05:31 <SpyTec> I mean what else. Complaining about a new car that hasn't been revealed yet?
May 10 17 22:05:36 <cuddlefishcat> how can you voice concerns over something you don't know about?
May 10 17 22:05:46 <justcool393> I mean, we do know.
May 10 17 22:06:08 <justcool393> They said CSS is going away. A sizeable minority of reddit doesn't want that.
May 10 17 22:06:32 <justcool393> ProCSS isn't FuckWidgets
May 10 17 22:06:34 <SpyTec> Yeah well, doesn't matter. For reddit it's better overall
May 10 17 22:06:49 <justcool393> And there is where I disagree.
May 10 17 22:07:01 <XenoBen> "They said CSS is going away."
May 10 17 22:07:06 <justcool393> And I respect your opinion for that.
May 10 17 22:07:06 <XenoBen> what do you class as css going away
May 10 17 22:07:07 <tiz> they said stylesheets were going away, not styles
May 10 17 22:07:08 <XenoBen> all CSS?
May 10 17 22:07:11 <SpyTec> Only difference CSS makes is making everything look "prreeetty"
May 10 17 22:07:17 <XenoBen> and shit spytec
May 10 17 22:07:18 <justcool393> Custom stylesheets xeno.
May 10 17 22:07:18 <SpyTec> I'd rather have functionality
May 10 17 22:07:20 <XenoBen> ala twitch
May 10 17 22:07:49 <justcool393> And some subreddits use it for functionality (/r/better every loop )
May 10 17 22:08:12 <SpyTec> And you don't believe that to be part of new system?
May 10 17 22:08:18 <justcool393> No I dont.
May 10 17 22:08:35 <cuddlefishcat> why not
May 10 17 22:08:59 <justcool393> Because the Functionality that sub uses is specialized.
May 10 17 22:09:08 <SpyTec> What is specialized if I may ask?
May 10 17 22:09:23 <justcool393> The vote system.
May 10 17 22:09:53 <SpyTec> Vote system?
May 10 17 22:10:00 <XenoBen> have you seen this at all:
May 10 17 22:10:03 <justcool393> It uses side voting as a anti score cheating measure.
May 10 17 22:10:58 <SpyTec> Not sure I follow
May 10 17 22:11:11 <justcool393> Yes I have although that is contradictory to what redtaboo said, which amounts to "we dont know"
May 10 17 22:11:21 <tiz> they don't
May 10 17 22:11:30 <tiz> it's still being worked on
May 10 17 22:11:36 <cuddlefishcat> I don't get what's special about the voting system either
May 10 17 22:11:38 <tiz> nothing is in stone yet
May 10 17 22:13:22 <justcool393> Its one example (there is a more exhaustive list ITT) but my point is subreddits that use stuff like greentext or other things are going to be screwed over because of oh nothing is gonna be styled Anymore and specialized subreddits that have novel or different things can't do these anymore.
May 10 17 22:13:38 <XenoBen> do you have definate proof of that
May 10 17 22:13:52 <tiz> The first annoucment was just to *warn* us of the change (admin communication like everyone has been asking for) before it get's pushed out, this gives us mods a chance to offer ideas and feedback, ongoing. Not while it's already be done and over.
May 10 17 22:13:54 <justcool393> The OP
May 10 17 22:14:04 <justcool393> XenoBen
May 10 17 22:14:22 <Deimos> this is kind of a dumb argument, there's no "proof" either way
May 10 17 22:14:51 <Deimos> but the chance that they're going to implement hundreds of highly-specialized and customizable widgets is very low
May 10 17 22:15:34 <Deimos> I'm sure there will be a few to cover some of the major customizations, with a few options each
May 10 17 22:16:05 <justcool393> This is basically the concern that most mods that are procss are saying.
May 10 17 22:16:14 <justcool393> Thanks @Deimorz
May 10 17 22:16:46 <Deimos> as always, all everyone can really do is wait and see what actually gets produced and deployed
May 10 17 22:17:27 <Deimos> right now it's mostly people expecting the worst arguing with people expecting the best, the end result is going to be somewhere in between but nobody knows where
May 10 17 22:18:05 <SpyTec> justcool393 Current frontpage of ProCSS is filled with circlejerking shitposts rather than actual suggestions to the new system _or_ arguments why keeping CSS would be good for the new system overhaul
May 10 17 22:18:24 <XenoBen> the entire subs a circlejerk
May 10 17 22:19:04 <cuddlefishcat> tbf, it is called pro-css
May 10 17 22:19:09 <cuddlefishcat> not css discussion
May 10 17 22:19:26 <cuddlefishcat> I sort of expect it to be a circlejerk
May 10 17 22:19:31 <Deimos> and there's just not really anything to discuss until more information comes out
May 10 17 22:20:25 <mbetts> yep
May 10 17 22:20:47 <mbetts> I like CSS, but I'm reserving my judgement until the alternative is revealed
May 10 17 22:21:10 <SpyTec> cuddlefishcat Well yeah.. but then why have the sub in the first place, might as well go to /r/dankmemes though
May 10 17 22:21:28 <cuddlefishcat> haha
May 10 17 22:21:29 <SpyTec> mbetts Definitely. Hence why pitchforks now about it all is stupid, not knowing what the new system will do
May 10 17 22:21:32 <justcool393> Why would you have a sub that is pro-anything?
May 10 17 22:21:55 <mbetts> I mean my subs are pro-memes, so...
May 10 17 22:22:02 <GodOfAtheism> tfw /r/protagonist isn't for tagonists
May 10 17 22:22:04 <XenoBen> I dont speak on behalf of the other res devs here but im excited to see what comes out of this. The amount of times ive had to deal with subs having shity CSS breaking features is insane
May 10 17 22:22:15 <XenoBen> If it means every !important is banned in the stylesheet im 100% onboard
May 10 17 22:22:38 <SpyTec> From everything I've seen in that sub, it started with some big posts on suggestions of the new system, then delved into "/r/this-sub is /r/ProCSS" one-sided garbage and shitpost gallore
May 10 17 22:22:42 <justcool393> I mean, it'd be RES breaking the stylesheet, not the stylesheet breaking RES.
May 10 17 22:22:54 <XenoBen> no its actually the stlesheet breaking res
May 10 17 22:22:57 <justcool393> RES isn't part of reddit.
May 10 17 22:22:59 <Deimos> RES is going to need to be almost completely rewritten anyway, right?
May 10 17 22:23:13 <XenoBen> Deimos its being discussed rn
May 10 17 22:23:19 <XenoBen> we have andy who is our best info source atm
May 10 17 22:23:33 <SpyTec> A new system would break RES either way. Even if CSS was still kept
May 10 17 22:24:10 <XenoBen> and the day a new system is introduced RES will be updated 😃
May 10 17 22:25:12 <mbetts> I wonder if we'd be able to get the (upvote|downvote) back
May 10 17 22:25:17 <mbetts> I still miss that
May 10 17 22:25:53 <SpyTec> Current system is cleaner. How much up- and downvotes you have is irrelevant
May 10 17 22:26:11 <XenoBen> /r/ProKarma
May 10 17 22:26:38 <Deimos> it's not really about "clean", the old system was just straight-up lying to users a ton of the time, but everyone thought it was (at least somewhat) accurate
May 10 17 22:26:42 <justcool393> That was an RES thing.
May 10 17 22:27:07 <Deimos> it really never should have been left in place at all, but it was just another one of those "features" reddit has that's been completely broken for years and everyone ignores
May 10 17 22:27:22 <justcool393> Though I am still bitter about (?|?)-gate @Deimorz :)
May 10 17 22:27:45 <SpyTec> Oh I thought it was reddit styling. I was never part of reddit pre-(?|?)
May 10 17 22:27:48 <Deimos> almost everyone is, but it's only because you don't know how horribly inaccurate those numbers really were
May 10 17 22:28:07 <XenoBen> The RES module was terribly inaccurate
May 10 17 22:28:10 <XenoBen> thats why we removed it
May 10 17 22:28:21 <justcool393> Yeah, I know they were inaccurate.
May 10 17 22:28:22 <Deimos> yeah and that was even with the more-accurate reddit data
May 10 17 22:28:37 <justcool393>
May 10 17 22:28:41 <mbetts> you should reenable it for april fools day, but always give random numbers there
May 10 17 22:28:41 <XenoBen> as the fuzzing got bigger, module spew back crap
May 10 17 22:28:46 <Deimos> remember when every single popular post was "~55% upvoted" when they were all really usually 90%+
May 10 17 22:29:00 <justcool393> I dont really actually.
May 10 17 22:29:02 <Deimos> the voting data being displayed was just utterly broken
May 10 17 22:29:03 <XenoBen> it showed a post on fp as -90% updated once
May 10 17 22:29:06 <XenoBen> think i have the pic somewhere
May 10 17 22:29:12 <bobjrsenior> Deimorz comment about it from the past:
May 10 17 22:29:36 <justcool393> XenoBen that was because it had a positive score with <50% upvoted
May 10 17 22:29:43 <justcool393> I remember that.
May 10 17 22:29:47 <Deimos> thanks bobjrsenior I was going to link that
May 10 17 22:30:12 <bobjrsenior> TLDR:
1. Detailed
2. Accurate/reliable
3. Resistant to vote-cheating
People expected 2/3, but it was 1/3
May 10 17 22:30:14 <XenoBen> mbetts we had a plan for april fools but decided not to do it as loads of people would get angry
May 10 17 22:30:20 <XenoBen> it was a 10/10 joke
May 10 17 22:30:25 <bobjrsenior> No problem
May 10 17 22:31:07 <justcool393> Deimos even though I didnt like it, the hell you got for it was dumb. Though bots breaking sucked.
May 10 17 22:31:47 <mbetts> but that's the point of April fools XenoBen
May 10 17 22:31:57 <mbetts> <#280814354910281728>
May 10 17 22:32:07 <mbetts> that got quite a few people riled 😛
May 10 17 22:32:12 <justcool393> I remember /r/science's promoted posts April fools joke
May 10 17 22:32:22 <tiz> the new userpages look a tad different
May 10 17 22:32:30 <justcool393> People took it way too seriously
May 10 17 22:32:30 <tiz> <>
May 10 17 22:33:28 <XenoBen> my idea was to make everything spin for 24 hours
May 10 17 22:33:31 <justcool393> Its a closed beta tizzores
May 10 17 22:33:31 <XenoBen> but was denied
May 10 17 22:33:38 <XenoBen> whoops
May 10 17 22:33:39 <XenoBen> wrong guy
May 10 17 22:33:47 <XenoBen> mbetts
May 10 17 22:33:53 <tiz> what
May 10 17 22:34:02 <justcool393> The userprofiles
May 10 17 22:34:08 <tiz> i know what it is
May 10 17 22:34:21 <justcool393> I'm confused what you mean then
May 10 17 22:34:23 <tiz> im just saying they styled the comment/posts area differently
May 10 17 22:34:33 <tiz> than it was a few days ago
May 10 17 22:34:51 <SpyTec> XenoBen Like this?
May 10 17 22:34:59 <XenoBen> yep SpyTec
May 10 17 22:35:05 <justcool393> I should probably look at it on a computer
May 10 17 22:35:14 <justcool393>
May 10 17 22:35:30 <XenoBen> that new design looks v good on mobile
May 10 17 22:35:37 <SpyTec> Hence beta
May 10 17 22:35:56 <justcool393> No it doesn't XenoBen
May 10 17 22:36:12 <tiz> just the navigation link buttons, "post | comments" it use to be a drop down, now they are links with 3 dots next to it
May 10 17 22:36:30 <justcool393> Oh I see tiz
May 10 17 22:37:43 <tiz> yeah, that's all i meant on what i notice changed
May 10 17 22:39:08 <XenoBen> SpyTec more on level of entire screen spinning
May 10 17 22:39:13 <XenoBen> like so much
May 10 17 22:39:26 <XenoBen> screen being browser window
May 10 17 22:39:28 <SpyTec> Yeh but procss
May 10 17 22:39:56 <XenoBen> res could do with an update to the baconbit ;p
May 10 17 22:46:08 <Deimos> they got rid of the "verified" checkmark on the profiles too, that's interesting
May 10 17 22:47:41 <XenoBen> theres no tick emoji
May 10 17 22:47:43 <XenoBen> what is this
May 10 17 22:47:52 <XenoBen> this is your fault deimorz
May 10 17 22:48:14 <Deimos> ✔
May 10 17 22:48:15 <tiz> funnily enough, they are still on the mobile apps userpages
May 10 17 22:48:22 <XenoBen> oh its check mark
May 10 17 22:48:30 <XenoBen> ✔
May 10 17 22:48:33 <XenoBen> i take it back then
May 10 17 22:48:36 <XenoBen> you are alright deimorz
May 10 17 22:48:50 <Deimos> 🙆
May 10 17 22:49:15 <tiz>
May 10 17 22:49:27 <XenoBen> 💦
May 10 17 22:49:33 <Deimos> actually tiz it's weird, if you view a comments page inside the user's subreddit the checkmark is still there too
May 10 17 22:49:58 <XenoBen> maybe it means they are fake
May 10 17 22:49:58 <tiz> Ah, weird.
May 10 17 22:50:19 <tiz> It's kind of annoying they use two different check mark icons from mobile to desktop
May 10 17 22:51:24 <XenoBen> have you submitted feedback
May 10 17 22:52:26 <Deimos> maybe they decided the mobile one was too obvious of a twitter ripoff
May 10 17 22:53:16 <XenoBen> or twitter got mad
May 10 17 22:54:27 <SpyTec> Maybe they want to be more like ~~Facebook~~ VK
May 10 17 22:54:50 <XenoBen>
May 10 17 22:55:10 <justcool393> Voat has verified users?
May 10 17 22:55:56 <XenoBen> no
May 10 17 23:04:15 <justcool393> That's what I thought. I'm confused what you mean then
May 10 17 23:05:30 <XenoBen> i dont know either
May 10 17 23:05:33 <XenoBen> was having a giggle
May 11 17 00:42:29 <Zadoc> voat has users?
May 11 17 00:51:54 <abe> A few
May 11 17 01:30:00 <isentrope> oh gross abe is here
May 11 17 02:09:00 <abe> what is wrong with abe isentrope ? Just because you have Monkey Butt Head Disease.
May 11 17 07:15:28 <Axanery>
May 11 17 07:15:30 <Axanery> Deimos
May 11 17 07:16:19 <Deimos> that's just from the last 24 hours though
May 11 17 07:17:13 <Deimos> unless that's what you mean - that just tends to be how reddit's scores end up in a lot of subreddits, it's because of how the front page works with subreddits you subscribe to
May 11 17 07:17:21 <Axanery> ah, I see
May 11 17 07:17:29 <Axanery> had no idea it was doing that
May 11 17 07:17:50 <Deimos> the #1 post gets way more exposure than any other post from the subreddit since it's forced onto every subscriber's front page, so unless people specifically visit the subreddit individually they'll often only see the #1 post
May 11 17 07:18:17 <Deimos> you can see it in a lot of other subreddits too, is a pretty drastic one
May 11 17 07:18:39 <Deimos> one post each day will usually get a huge score while any other will be lucky to get ~10 points
May 11 17 07:19:11 <Axanery> my main sub, /r/Steam, gets quite a few per day
May 11 17 07:19:14 <Axanery> but not always
May 11 17 07:19:20 <Axanery> It's been booming more recently
May 11 17 07:19:27 <Deimos> yeah, that's because people visit /r/steam individually and not just see it on their front page
May 11 17 07:19:50 <Deimos> is really bad for this too since it's a default, but one that almost none of the default users visit specifically
May 11 17 07:19:53 <Axanery> they might on mobile
May 11 17 07:19:58 <Axanery> I see it on mobile
May 11 17 07:21:10 <Deimos> oh, no, it will still definitely go to people's front pages, but I mean that there are people that *also* go to the subreddit specifically (and so they see and vote on the other posts)
May 11 17 07:21:40 <Deimos> for something like subredditsimulator people don't really visit it individually, they just see things from it on their front page, but because of the way the front page works they'll almost only ever see the #1 post
May 11 17 07:21:53 <Deimos> so one post every 24 hours gets an extremely high score, and almost all of the other posts hardly get touched
May 11 17 07:22:26 <Axanery> the one today is funny though
May 11 17 07:22:27 <Axanery> very
May 11 17 07:23:49 <Deimos> if nothing else, the bots are definitely pretty good at joining in on circlejerks
May 11 17 14:46:52 <SpyTec> Is there any option in toolbox to enable "Add removal reason" for comments that are removed?
May 11 17 17:46:01 <AmericanDerp> Why are all my mod logs only going back two months today? Didn't they used to go back all the way?
May 11 17 17:56:22 <creesch> nope
May 11 17 17:56:37 <creesch> For at least the past few years they have had a limit
May 11 17 17:57:02 <creesch> though I could have sworn that at some point it was 4 months, but people keep telling me that I imagined that.
May 11 17 18:04:57 <AmericanDerp> Yeah, i thought it was like six
May 11 17 18:51:12 <Deimos> it's always been 90 days as far as I can remember
May 11 17 19:11:28 <cwinthrop> Afternoon all.
May 11 17 19:21:55 <cwinthrop> Something I've noticed: User breaks the rules of the sub, you ban them. If it's a permanent ban, you never hear from that user again. BUT, if it's a 3-7 day ban, they light up your modmail with increasingly longer curse-filled demands to be unbanned. Am I alone in seeing this?
May 11 17 19:48:42 <creesch> yes
May 11 17 19:49:30 <creesch> We temp ban people that get too heated in an argument and shit like that. So we usually do get the "but what about the other guy" angry response.
May 11 17 19:49:52 <creesch> While we do perm ban racists and other idiots like 'm and those just rant into the void
May 11 17 19:50:09 <SpyTec> "But what about that other guy" is the most common counter-argument every single time
May 11 17 19:50:16 <SpyTec> It's either that or "I'll bring this up to admins"
May 11 17 19:51:29 <creesch> "What about the other guy" usually gets a "we do not discuss actions taken on other users and it is your actions that got you to this point"
May 11 17 19:51:42 <XenoBen> just reply with this:
May 11 17 19:51:50 <creesch> And sometimes if we are fed up "What is this, middle school? You should be able to behave like an adult"
May 11 17 19:52:43 <creesch> XenoBen sorry, but
May 11 17 20:01:16 <beelzeybob> There's always those people who argue what they said wasn't insulting too
May 11 17 20:02:02 <beelzeybob> But one of my co mods have gotten a pretty good response out of asking "is this some thing you would say to a boss or coworker?"
May 11 17 20:02:36 <SpyTec> "So I posted the public phone number of a business and you banned me. I really don't see why."
May 11 17 20:02:54 <SpyTec> From: "Drop them a line and tell them what you think!"
May 11 17 20:12:27 <creesch> Interesting, in new modmail there is no unmute but you can reply to muted users now.
May 11 17 20:12:46 <creesch> Even more interesting you can view those replies in your own inbox and unmute the user from there.
May 11 17 20:12:52 <creesch> So weird shit is going on there.
May 11 17 20:14:36 <SpyTec> That sounds.. half-arsed?
May 11 17 20:43:00 <Zock> Yes it does
May 11 17 20:43:08 <Zock> Sorry if anyone saw my shitposty comment
May 12 17 12:53:00 <creesch> Zock I always do, I don't see the edits 😛
May 12 17 14:19:51 <Zock> i made a procss joke then deleted it
May 12 17 14:30:11 <creesch> Yeah I know :P
May 12 17 14:30:21 <creesch> ```CSS could fix that. PROCSS PROCSS PROCSS```
May 12 17 14:31:10 <Zock> oh
May 12 17 14:31:13 <Zock> ...
May 12 17 14:31:15 <Zock> 😐
May 12 17 14:31:28 <Zock> heh
May 12 17 14:35:05 <creesch> is okay
May 12 17 14:35:22 <creesch> Only I could see it :P
May 13 17 16:49:50 <Dave> How have you guys been communicating with other mods?
May 13 17 16:49:55 <Dave> Or just Mod Mail?
May 13 17 16:50:41 <SpyTec> Private Discord server 😛
May 13 17 16:58:22 <Zock> discord
May 13 17 16:58:48 <creesch> discord+modmail+private subreddit
May 13 17 16:59:12 <creesch> Discord for chatting, modmail for general discussion and the private sub for longer discussions and policy stuff
May 13 17 16:59:46 <creesch> Assuming you are talking about mods on the same subreddit.
May 13 17 17:00:23 <Zock> use modmail a bit cause some mods arent on discord
May 13 17 17:00:32 <Zock> private sub not tho
May 13 17 17:01:05 <creesch> I highly recommend a private sub
May 13 17 17:02:12 <creesch> Really good for more in depth discussions, just make sure to use /u/mod_mailer to mail all your fellow mods when a post is made.
May 13 17 17:02:45 <Zock> i guess i see the value, most of my subs discord is good enough though.
May 13 17 17:02:47 <creesch> And set up automod to send a modmail that a new post is made as well as a reminder to the user to send a mod_mailer to everyone.
May 13 17 17:02:57 <Zock> good point though. might consider doing it eventually
May 13 17 17:03:53 <creesch> ```yaml
#notify us when a new link has been submitted
type: submission
modmail_subject: "a new discussion thread was posted in /r/{{subreddit}}"
modmail: |
Discussion thread: [{{title}}]({{permalink}})
Posted by: /u/{{author}}
message_subject: "remember to send the mod_mailer!"
message: |
Please use [this mod_mailer link]( {{permalink}} ) to notify your co-moderators about your submission.
May 13 17 17:04:25 <creesch> For when you end up using it.
May 13 17 17:04:42 <creesch> Just replace the mainSubreddit thing with the name of the actual subreddit
May 13 17 17:14:15 <Axanery> We just got rid of a few mods for /r/Steam and the new ones we just got are in the Discord with us
May 13 17 17:50:31 <twoambien> how are people making these automated-looking replies?
May 13 17 17:52:51 <dis_is_my_account> toolbox
May 13 17 17:53:21 <dis_is_my_account> its a plugin so cant use it on mobile which im on most of the time
May 13 17 17:53:23 <SpyTec>
May 13 17 17:54:12 <twoambien> cool thanks, always heard about that, haven't tried it yet.
May 13 17 17:54:26 <beelzeybob> I'm starting to recruit mods from discord only now
May 13 17 17:54:39 <dis_is_my_account> why?
May 13 17 17:54:40 <beelzeybob> Since I feel like I can trust their activity
May 13 17 17:54:49 <SpyTec> A lot of good stuff. Shared mod notes of users, fast mod actions, quick history of users, removal reasons, mod macros
May 13 17 17:55:02 <twoambien> beelzeybob that i tried. be careful. discord activity is no necessarily the same as reddit lol
May 13 17 17:55:13 <dis_is_my_account> thats very true
May 13 17 17:55:17 <SpyTec> I find Discord and Reddit to be different beasts
May 13 17 17:55:20 <beelzeybob> Maybe we suck at getting mods but we've had a really bad track record with people who refused to get on discord
May 13 17 17:55:26 <dis_is_my_account> i barely do any moderation on reddit anymore but use discord all the time
May 13 17 17:55:33 <SpyTec> Mods on our Discord wouldn't be good Reddit mods, and vice versa
May 13 17 17:55:46 <beelzeybob> Yeah I pick discord people who reddit too obviously
May 13 17 17:56:10 <beelzeybob> I look at the ones always linking stuff from our subreddit to gossip about
May 13 17 17:56:48 <Zock> Gossip?
May 13 17 17:56:56 <Zock> That seems like not a good thing
May 13 17 17:57:02 <Zock> Maybe it's just me
May 13 17 17:57:03 <Zock> Lol
May 13 17 17:57:19 <beelzeybob> Well, discuss :P
May 13 17 17:57:39 <SpyTec> I only recruit drama inducing people
May 13 17 17:57:44 <SpyTec> That cause huge mod dramas
May 13 17 17:57:56 <twoambien> fuck those people
May 13 17 17:57:56 <mbetts> I only recruit those who like purple grapes
May 13 17 17:58:01 <SpyTec> Such as Zock 😉 /s
May 13 17 17:58:15 <SpyTec> mbetts You recruited me yesterday
May 13 17 17:58:21 <SpyTec> I like purple. But nothing beats green
May 13 17 17:58:36 <Zock> SpyTec let me know when you are making a controversial modpost again
May 13 17 17:58:43 <SpyTec> You defending me? O:
May 13 17 17:58:51 <Zock> No
May 13 17 17:58:52 <beelzeybob> It's fairly easy to train previously discord only mods though
May 13 17 17:58:54 <SpyTec> oh
May 13 17 17:58:57 <Zock> So u can mod me and I make It worse
May 13 17 17:59:00 <beelzeybob> With toolbox, especially
May 13 17 17:59:05 <SpyTec> That sounds terrible Zock
May 13 17 17:59:34 <mbetts> Could mod me, I'd totally not fuck things up
May 13 17 17:59:41 <Zock> Would you ban me if I made a post saying spytec sucks
May 13 17 17:59:53 <Zock> Wait no
May 13 17 18:00:04 <Zock> I'll put a ship in front of plain text
May 13 17 18:00:07 <dis_is_my_account> i dont like having "official" mods
May 13 17 18:00:15 <dis_is_my_account> idk how else to describe them
May 13 17 18:00:18 <Zock> SpyTec sux with a ship in front
May 13 17 18:00:26 <mbetts> What do you mean by official?
May 13 17 18:00:36 <Zock> Main mods then lesser mods?
May 13 17 18:00:37 <SpyTec> I'd ban you Zock
May 13 17 18:00:40 <Zock> Damnit
May 13 17 18:00:45 <Zock> I'm still tempted
May 13 17 18:00:59 <dis_is_my_account> mods that treat the sub like a business. i feel like modding should be as informal as possible
May 13 17 18:01:17 <cuddlefishcat> I disagree
May 13 17 18:01:19 <Zock> Eh I don't agree
May 13 17 18:01:27 <twoambien> re promoting discord mods to reddit: the biggest thing i've seen is that people will be really active on discord and great discord mods, i assume they'll do the same on reddit. then they just keep doing discord, really don't care about the reddit part, don't do much there.
May 13 17 18:01:38 <Zock> That's me lately
May 13 17 18:01:46 <Zock> SpyTec#1329 Been too busy on discord for Reddit
May 13 17 18:01:50 <Zock> Fucking mobile
May 13 17 18:01:59 <Zock> Spytec mention keeps poppin up
May 13 17 18:02:03 <SpyTec> From what I've heard, how we operate our sub is quite formal compared to other subs, that true Zock?
May 13 17 18:02:06 <Zock> Like every message
May 13 17 18:02:11 <SpyTec> Mobile is fucking shit for that though
May 13 17 18:02:14 <Zock> Eh, not really before
May 13 17 18:02:18 <Zock> Idk about now
May 13 17 18:02:34 <SpyTec> Alright
May 13 17 18:02:45 <Zock> Not a bad thing
May 13 17 18:02:49 <beelzeybob> twoambien yeah I've seen servers where this happens.. Also discord people who accept being mods njust to get the server partnered
May 13 17 18:02:51 <mbetts> Mobile reddit is alright, discord not so much
May 13 17 18:03:02 <Zock> Lol
May 13 17 18:03:04 <mbetts> For mod things that is
May 13 17 18:03:06 <Zock> Mobile reddit is alright
May 13 17 18:03:11 <Zock> Lol
May 13 17 18:03:23 <dis_is_my_account> i think its the opposite
May 13 17 18:03:24 <mbetts> I do use reddit is fun, not the official app
May 13 17 18:03:42 <Zock> I use the app, the browser, and alien blue
May 13 17 18:03:51 <Zock> Severely lacking all of them
May 13 17 18:04:02 <Zock> Reddit is fun is android only isn't it?
May 13 17 18:04:17 <dis_is_my_account> i just use desktop version in chrome for mobile
May 13 17 18:04:25 <mbetts> Maybe? I have no idea
May 13 17 18:04:33 <beelzeybob> The new modsoup app isnt bad
May 13 17 18:05:00 <beelzeybob> I wish it got notifications though, and I think its working on toolbox reasons
May 13 17 18:05:37 <cuddlefishcat> overall it's nice, obviously if toolbox was added somehow that would be incredible. crashes for me constantly though
May 13 17 18:06:32 <Axanery> 👋
May 13 17 18:06:42 <beelzeybob> Oh huh.. Looks like some of toolbox is added now
May 13 17 18:06:46 <beelzeybob>
May 13 17 18:07:24 <Axanery> what is that?
May 13 17 18:07:30 <creesch> Yeah guy asked me a ton about how toolbox worked :)
May 13 17 18:07:36 <creesch> I wonder if he got usernotes working already
May 13 17 18:07:40 <creesch> Axanery modsoup
May 13 17 18:07:45 <creesch> /r/modsoup
May 13 17 18:08:19 <Axanery> hm
May 13 17 18:10:55 <cuddlefishcat> oh yeah usernotes were the big thing for me
May 13 17 18:11:12 <cuddlefishcat> it's useless for me to remove anything if I can't make the appropriate usernote as well
May 13 17 18:11:46 <cuddlefishcat> good for approvals though I guess
May 13 17 18:12:18 <beelzeybob> Hm it has a new 20mb update
May 13 17 18:12:27 <beelzeybob> Downloading now~
May 13 17 18:14:25 <cuddlefishcat> oh yeah and new modmail isnt integrated yet
May 13 17 18:14:49 <beelzeybob> Yeah unfortunately
May 13 17 18:15:13 <beelzeybob> I think rif is the only android app with that feature
May 13 17 18:15:20 <cuddlefishcat> This is all way over my head though so I'm impressed with what they've been able to do so far
May 13 17 18:16:05 <beelzeybob>
May 13 17 18:16:58 <cuddlefishcat> oh nice
May 13 17 20:45:32 <twoambien> toolbox is working on submissions, but not comments. i click remove comment, it just removes it as normal. i don't get the pop-up thing. docs dont mention this that i see -- do you have to have certain settings for comments?
May 13 17 20:45:42 <SpyTec> Yes 2 sec
May 13 17 20:45:54 <SpyTec>
May 13 17 20:47:18 <twoambien> sorry what do i do with that? lol. it's just re-directing me to
May 13 17 20:47:48 <SpyTec> Wait until it has loaded. Toolbox settings should popup
May 13 17 20:47:59 <twoambien> cool thanks
May 13 17 20:54:08 <twoambien> worked, for some reason i had to load that link like 7 times lol. but all good now.
May 13 17 22:46:11 <twilexis> justcool393 I have never fully appreciated TotesMessenger until the spez thread yesterday. This is gold.
May 13 17 22:46:35 <twilexis> Uh. This meant to go in general. Whatever lol
May 13 17 22:46:45 <justcool393> 😃
May 13 17 22:47:08 <justcool393> I know what you mean. Those posts are my favorite.
May 13 17 22:47:09 <SpyTec> I remove quite a lot of TotesMessenger posts 😦
May 13 17 22:47:30 <twilexis> This one in particular
May 13 17 22:47:34 <SpyTec> Protest sub splitting community linking to ours. I just tend to remove those
May 13 17 22:47:44 <justcool393> okay
May 13 17 22:47:56 <justcool393> I was gonna say if they were bots linking, I can block them
May 13 17 22:48:08 <SpyTec> Nah is cool
May 13 17 22:48:10 <justcool393> But aside from that, I don't really dabble in sub vs. sub politics
May 13 17 22:48:19 <justcool393> at least with the bot
May 13 17 22:48:35 <SpyTec> Yeah I understand
May 13 17 22:48:48 <SpyTec> But it's either that or we remove the comment for us 😛
May 13 17 22:49:30 <justcool393> Yeah, its all cool.
May 13 17 22:50:12 <justcool393> One of the features I really wanted to include, but wouldn't really be feasible without restructuring a lot of things was blocking specific subreddits from linking to others.
May 13 17 22:50:22 <SpyTec> Dafuq is /r/ColdChicken
May 13 17 22:50:29 <justcool393> Because right now, we just have to tell people to use AutoMod
May 13 17 22:50:39 <justcool393> private chat sub
May 13 17 22:50:43 <twilexis> No idea. I just got an invite too
May 13 17 22:50:51 <justcool393> I just sent them out 😛
May 13 17 22:50:51 <twilexis> OOOH IM IN WITH THE COOL KIDS.
May 13 17 22:51:05 <SpyTec> "92 readers"
May 13 17 22:51:14 <Axanery> 🤔
May 13 17 22:51:43 <Axanery>
May 13 17 22:51:44 <Axanery> lmfao
May 13 17 22:51:49 <SpyTec> justcool393 Anyway I understand. We'll keep removing it. A bit of a shame if the comments end up getting other related subs in it however 😦
May 13 17 22:51:50 <justcool393> basically twilexis
May 13 17 22:52:18 <SpyTec> I'll pass on the sub, not for me 😛
May 13 17 22:52:35 <justcool393> fair enough
May 13 17 22:56:03 <twilexis> Dont mind me, just commenting on day old threads to make myself relevant :p
May 13 17 22:58:16 <SpyTec> You're always relevant
May 13 17 22:58:45 <justcool393> Thats fine. The more activity that sub has, the better.
May 13 17 22:58:52 <Axanery> Wait justcool
May 13 17 22:58:54 <Axanery> you own it?
May 13 17 22:58:57 <Axanery> I haven't checked
May 13 17 22:59:04 <SpyTec> He doesn't, but a mod of it 😛
May 13 17 22:59:07 <justcool393> I'm a mod. I don't own it.
May 13 17 22:59:28 <justcool393> How do you think you got your invite so fast? 😛
May 13 17 22:59:57 <SpyTec> Cause you're bored o.o
May 13 17 23:00:16 <XenoBen> <:upvote:291347892961148929>
May 13 17 23:00:20 <mbetts> an invite to what?
May 13 17 23:00:24 <mbetts> can I get an invite?
May 13 17 23:00:33 <XenoBen> say the magic word
May 13 17 23:00:43 <mbetts> purple grapes?
May 13 17 23:00:47 <XenoBen> banned
May 13 17 23:00:49 <SpyTec> Banned
May 13 17 23:00:54 <SpyTec> <:BANANAD:253801007543353344>
May 13 17 23:01:18 <mbetts> 😦
May 13 17 23:01:33 <Axanery>
May 13 17 23:01:35 <Axanery>
May 13 17 23:01:37 <Axanery> 🤔
May 13 17 23:01:48 <twilexis> mbetts the magic word is 'send nudes'
May 13 17 23:02:05 <mbetts> ty ty
May 13 17 23:02:13 <mbetts> so XenoBen
May 13 17 23:02:16 <mbetts> send nudes?
May 13 17 23:02:50 <XenoBen> ok
May 13 17 23:03:35 <mbetts> goddamnit can't use the kappa emote
May 13 17 23:03:42 <twilexis> Heh
May 13 17 23:03:58 <XenoBen> why have i been added to coldchicken
May 13 17 23:04:03 <XenoBen> what is it
May 13 17 23:04:18 <twilexis> Circle jerk meta sub by the looks of it.
May 13 17 23:04:19 <Axanery> justcool393 I left you a surprise
May 13 17 23:04:44 <Axanery> send news
May 13 17 23:04:47 <SpyTec> mbetts I can
May 13 17 23:04:53 <twilexis>
May 13 17 23:05:25 <ThatAstronautGuy> send nudes
May 13 17 23:05:26 <SpyTec> I'm a regular on /r/Drama and /r/SubredditDrama
May 13 17 23:05:31 <SpyTec> As in, target of them
May 13 17 23:05:32 <SpyTec> 😉
May 13 17 23:05:36 <Axanery> /r/dickgirls...
May 13 17 23:05:49 <justcool393> its a modmail sub
May 13 17 23:06:06 <justcool393> Axanery there are subreddits that use modmail as primary communication
May 13 17 23:06:42 <dis_is_my_account> its absolutely horrible. why would someone use modmail when theres discord?
May 13 17 23:06:45 <dis_is_my_account> or slack
May 13 17 23:06:47 <mbetts> also this 😆
May 13 17 23:06:49 <dis_is_my_account> or anything else
May 13 17 23:07:02 <justcool393> ThatAstronautGuy you're already an approved submitter
May 13 17 23:07:03 <Axanery> yes I saw that on totes
May 13 17 23:07:06 <Axanery> messenger
May 13 17 23:07:23 <ThatAstronautGuy> mod me to dickgirls
May 13 17 23:07:28 <Axanery> what even is it
May 13 17 23:07:33 <Axanery> is it nsfw
May 13 17 23:07:36 <justcool393> I'm not actually part of it. I got kicked a while back
May 13 17 23:07:38 <justcool393> The subreddit is
May 13 17 23:07:39 <ThatAstronautGuy> its a porn sub
May 13 17 23:07:41 <XenoBen> lets have a look
May 13 17 23:07:45 <ThatAstronautGuy> but it has a modmailjerk
May 13 17 23:07:49 <Axanery> I'm not taking a look
May 13 17 23:07:51 <XenoBen> "The safest space on the internet to discuss ethics in transsexual culture."
May 13 17 23:07:56 <dis_is_my_account> wait you can get kicked from dickgirls?
May 13 17 23:08:23 <Axanery>
May 13 17 23:08:26 <justcool393> i was inactive for a few months
May 13 17 23:08:28 <Axanery> challenge accepted
May 13 17 23:08:36 <justcool393> and they probably culled the modlist
May 13 17 23:08:41 <dis_is_my_account> lame
May 13 17 23:08:55 <twilexis> Imma mail them and request to be modded. IM GOING IN.
May 13 17 23:08:58 <Axanery> Are any of you in high school or know what younglife is?
May 13 17 23:09:16 <cuddlefishcat> I know what it is
May 13 17 23:09:33 <Axanery> Would you like to be modded on the sub?
May 13 17 23:09:40 <Axanery> I just got it recently and I'm a part of YL
May 13 17 23:09:56 <SpyTec> Lets move to <#278566343836565505> please 😛
May 13 17 23:09:56 <Axanery> So if you know what it is how it works etc that'd be cool
May 13 17 23:10:06 <cuddlefishcat> oh cool, that's ok though I'm not that invested in YL
May 13 17 23:10:23 <cuddlefishcat> just knew a bunch of people in it in high school
May 13 17 23:10:38 <Axanery> I'm about to finish freshman year 👀
May 13 17 23:10:51 <cuddlefishcat> of high school?
May 13 17 23:10:59 <Axanery> yes
May 13 17 23:11:03 <cuddlefishcat> congrats
May 13 17 23:11:16 <dis_is_my_account> sounds like some kind of youth group
May 13 17 23:11:21 <Axanery> it is
May 13 17 23:11:32 <mbetts> can anyone convert freshman into uk school years?
May 13 17 23:11:39 <Axanery> 9th grade
May 13 17 23:11:41 <dis_is_my_account> is it like DARE?
May 13 17 23:11:44 <Axanery> no lol
May 13 17 23:11:46 <cuddlefishcat> 15 y/o
May 13 17 23:11:52 <Axanery> dare is for drugs
May 13 17 23:11:52 <mbetts> ah kk
May 13 17 23:12:10 <Axanery> YoungLife is for having Christian friends
May 13 17 23:12:12 <cuddlefishcat> no dare is *against* drugs
May 13 17 23:12:41 <SpyTec> Guys.. <#278566343836565505> 😛
May 13 17 23:12:50 <Axanery> I mean it's for learning about drugs
May 13 17 23:12:51 <Axanery> I'll move
May 14 17 17:35:25 <isentrope> how dare you ping us all
May 15 17 13:41:27 <creesch> Interesting little spam network. Bunch of accounts posted tangibly related content from random websites (Some of them legit) to /r/history. When I checked the accounts all of them were registered on the same day and had the same amount of posts on the exact same days.
May 15 17 13:41:54 <creesch> The only thing inconsistent is where and what they posted, so I suspect they are part of a much larger network.
May 15 17 13:42:35 <creesch> Hrm guess this goes in <#281572589460127744> actually
May 15 17 13:42:38 <creesch> Forgot that is a thing.
May 15 17 19:51:45 <pHorniCaiTe> anyone have a rule for filtering the newer unicode style?
May 15 17 19:51:51 <pHorniCaiTe> specifically 🅱 and 🅿
May 15 17 19:59:22 <SpyTec> Unless I'm mistaken checking for `["\u1F171", "\u1F17F"]` should work
May 15 17 20:24:57 <pHorniCaiTe> no double \\?
May 15 17 20:25:33 <pHorniCaiTe> i tried `"\u0001f171"` and it didn't work
May 15 17 20:25:36 <pHorniCaiTe> i'll try that now
May 15 17 20:33:17 <pHorniCaiTe> still nothing
May 15 17 20:35:05 <Deimos> can't you just copy-paste the actual unicode characters in there?
May 15 17 20:42:54 <pHorniCaiTe> nope
May 15 17 20:43:24 <pHorniCaiTe> Deimos `YAML parsing error in section 24: unacceptable character #x1f171: special characters are not allowed
in "<unicode string>", position 392`
May 15 17 20:44:00 <pHorniCaiTe> call uzi and yell at him for fucking up your baby
May 15 17 20:45:03 <Deimos> ah yeah, you probably have to use the `\u` method then I guess, but you're right, you'll either need double backslashes if you're using double quotes, or switch to single quotes
May 15 17 20:45:35 <Deimos> I think, anyway, I could be wrong
May 15 17 20:45:49 <Deimos> unicode stuff is always a mess
May 15 17 20:48:50 <pHorniCaiTe> yeah it just doesn't seem to like these types of characters
May 15 17 20:49:13 <SpyTec> Yell at admins. Maybe they'll fix it in 1-2 years
May 15 17 20:49:17 <pHorniCaiTe> I've tried the new style, the old 2 character style
May 15 17 20:49:37 <pHorniCaiTe> i've tried it as a full 4 byte block
May 15 17 20:49:37 <Deimos> that's a YAML issue I think, there are certain ranges of characters that aren't considered valid in yaml
May 15 17 20:49:48 <Deimos> but you should be able to write it as a python character in some form, I'm just not sure what will work
May 15 17 20:50:23 <pHorniCaiTe> i'll mess around with it later
May 15 17 20:50:49 <pHorniCaiTe> i can't even remember all of the iterations ive tried
May 15 17 20:55:59 <pHorniCaiTe> i got it
May 15 17 20:56:16 <pHorniCaiTe> ``` title+body (includes): ["\U0001F171", "\U0001F17F"]
action: remove
action_reason: Dank memes brigade
modmail: |
Full text: {{body}}
The above item by /u/{{author}} contains the word **[{{match}}]** and has been removed. *(Matched from the 'dank memes' rule)*```
May 15 17 20:58:38 <SpyTec> That looks weird
May 15 17 20:58:43 <SpyTec> But if it works, great
May 15 17 21:01:13 <pHorniCaiTe> the problem was the includes-word
May 15 17 21:01:23 <pHorniCaiTe> apparently
May 15 17 21:02:09 <Deimos> that would make it only look for entire words, so yeah, unless they're just putting that unicode character with spaces around it, it wouldn't match anything
May 15 17 21:03:26 <pHorniCaiTe> im not an automod expert yet so it never crossed my mind
May 15 17 21:03:45 <pHorniCaiTe> but i was also using lowercase \u which was a problem too
May 15 17 21:03:49 <pHorniCaiTe> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
May 15 17 21:04:08 <SpyTec> I thought it was lowercase u for unicode chars?
May 15 17 21:05:43 <Deimos> if you use `\u` it means the next 4 chars are the 16-bit hex value, `\U` means the next 8 chars are the 32-bit hex value
May 15 17 21:06:07 <Deimos> since it looks like the values for those chars are larger than 16-bit you have to use the uppercase one
May 15 17 21:07:41 <SpyTec> Ahh
May 15 17 21:07:53 <SpyTec> Nice, TIL
May 15 17 21:08:10 <Deimos> so yeah, just lots of different bits making this really complicated overall
May 15 17 21:08:59 <Deimos> pHorniCaiTe it might be nice to make a post about this in /r/automoderator in case anyone else is trying to figure out something similar
May 15 17 21:17:05 <pHorniCaiTe> i actually got it from there
May 15 17 21:17:18 <pHorniCaiTe> i asked about it a couple hours ago and someone figured it out for me
May 15 17 21:30:27 <Deimos> ah, haha
May 15 17 21:53:34 <twilexis> pHorniCaiTe omg thank you.
May 15 17 22:45:18 <pHorniCaiTe> twilexis glad i could help 😛
May 16 17 04:01:41 <beelzeybob> Does anyone ever do open-applications for mods on their discord server? It's I thing I do mostly for subreddits, and I usually just grab people I think are good fits for discord but it could be interesting to see who applies
May 16 17 04:07:24 <Axanery> Here's what /r/Steam does/just did:
May 16 17 04:08:51 <Axanery> We have special Discord mods, such as Zock. 3 out of the 4 double as subreddit mods.
May 16 17 04:09:48 <Axanery> the subreddit mods also double as functional mods on the server.
May 16 17 04:09:53 <Axanery> like me.
May 16 17 04:10:28 <Axanery> We just had applications for new subreddit mods. The last question was if they would be active on the Discord if they were selected, as it helps us mod there too.
May 16 17 04:12:42 <beelzeybob> Hmm, that's a good idea.. I'll probably keep that in mind next time I open sub mod apps
May 16 17 04:13:43 <beelzeybob> Unfortunately we made our discord lomg after most of the mod team was added and a good 2/3 won't use discord due to "social anxiety"
May 16 17 04:15:19 <Zock> what
May 16 17 04:15:28 <Zock> that really doesnt make sense
May 16 17 04:16:28 <beelzeybob> ¯\\(°_o)/¯ idk either.. But they have had a good reddit only track record so I don't see a need to inquire further
May 16 17 04:17:53 <Zock> they know voice isnt required right?
May 16 17 04:18:28 <beelzeybob> Yeah, but I think its the pressure of having to give responses in real-time
May 16 17 04:19:27 <beelzeybob> We just managed to get everyone on discord for moderator voting and one of them took 20 mins to type a 2 sentence reply
May 16 17 04:19:48 <beelzeybob> They are good at writing essay responses in nodnail though
May 16 17 04:20:06 <Zock> ah, guess i can see that.
May 16 17 04:20:28 <Zock> idk, i dont get anxiety online, is pretty much the opposite
May 16 17 18:09:16 <SpyTec> Anyone else kept note on how many users are on your sub pre- and post change of that system? If I'm not mistaken, 2/3rds of people on our sub are logged out
May 16 17 18:09:46 <twilexis> I didn't think to
May 16 17 18:09:56 <twilexis> They're removing /r/spam and the 1 in 10 rule
May 16 17 18:09:59 <beelzeybob> I still have an old tab open
May 16 17 18:10:11 <twilexis> Newbie mod still, how will that effect everyone, if at all?
May 16 17 18:10:36 <SpyTec> beelzeybob How's it looking for you?
May 16 17 18:10:38 <beelzeybob> and it seems the same for us
May 16 17 18:10:41 <beelzeybob> 2/3
May 16 17 18:10:43 <SpyTec> Ah okay
May 16 17 18:10:58 <beelzeybob> before
May 16 17 18:11:07 <beelzeybob> after
May 16 17 18:11:09 <beelzeybob>
May 16 17 18:12:38 <ThatAstronautGuy> wow
May 16 17 18:51:09 <greatgerm> Next announcement: Reddit introduces new advertising model called shillvertising where self promoters are allowed free reign of the site
May 16 17 18:58:31 <Zock> I mean
May 16 17 18:58:48 <twilexis> So they're renaming Default Mods? /s
May 16 17 18:59:15 <Zock> I've seen lots of subs allow self promotion. And someone sharing high quality web comics on a sub that allows it then posting one other place doesn't deserve a permanent ban
May 16 17 19:03:56 <greatgerm> OC is essential for most subs, but just dumping links to your site without being part of the community isn't good. Reddit ads are cheap and serve the same purpose.
May 16 17 19:05:23 <Zock> But if a sub allows it or someone doesn't understand how Reddit works it would be better to explain than just completely shadowban them from the site
May 16 17 19:05:30 <Zock> They explained it was mainly for bots
May 16 17 19:05:45 <Zock> And /r/spam goes off of the 1 in 10 rule which they were removing
May 16 17 19:09:19 <greatgerm> I've never seen the /r/spam bot ban anybody with more than a few comments so it really didn't do much for those type of users. Plus, if a user participates in the community then it's very easy to meet the 10-1 standards.
May 16 17 19:09:49 <greatgerm> Seems like it's two different things. The removal of the 10-1 standard and the removal of /r/spam.
May 16 17 19:18:22 <Zock> But they are the same
May 16 17 19:18:39 <Zock> The sub was for reporting the rule break
May 17 17 03:30:18 <pHorniCaiTe> the sub was for reporting bots that reddit missed
May 17 17 03:30:40 <pHorniCaiTe> like someone said earlier, if a user had more than a few comments, the bot wouldn't do shit
May 17 17 03:31:19 <pHorniCaiTe> I haven't used /r/spam in months before today, and not using it didn't really affect any of my subs
May 17 17 03:45:37 <mbetts> I'm still going to get my subs to enforce the 1-10 rule unless the person is also commenting on other threads besides their own in the subreddit
May 17 17 16:54:38 <Squingu> Has anyone experienced a massive growth in subscriber numbers within the last week? We went from 200-300 new subscribers per day to >2,000 every day for the last week. The subreddit hasn't been mentioned in any place noteworthy either, to my knowledge.
May 17 17 17:01:56 <pock> might be the onboarding thing they introduced to new users
May 17 17 17:04:48 <Squingu> hmm maybe
May 17 17 17:14:54 <SpyTec> What sub?
May 17 17 17:23:56 <Squingu> /r/itookapicture
May 17 17 18:01:24 <tiz> pics of traffic stats page
May 17 17 18:05:27 <Squingu>
this should count the mobile subscriptions too, right? but not pageviews?
May 17 17 18:07:22 <SpyTec> I'd go on a hunch and say it's due to their new system
May 17 17 18:38:54 <Axanery> Shane
May 17 17 18:38:54 <Axanery>
May 17 17 18:39:27 <Axanery> this is what it gave me 30 mins ago too
May 17 17 18:39:32 <Axanery> I don't know how long it's been open
May 17 17 18:40:44 <Shane> yeah when I clicked it it just sent me straight to u/ShaneH7646/about/edit.
May 17 17 18:40:49 <Shane> I guess it was limited
May 17 17 18:41:00 <Shane> I signed up almost instantly
May 17 17 18:41:02 <Axanery> when was this
May 17 17 18:42:20 <Axanery> which was
May 17 17 18:44:38 <Zock> i just opted in like 15 mins ago
May 17 17 18:45:17 <Shane> odd
May 17 17 18:46:09 <beelzeybob> I just opted in as well
May 17 17 18:46:17 <beelzeybob> but I got my message 10 mins after
May 17 17 18:46:31 <beelzeybob> maybe it's people signing up causing the lag
May 18 17 01:48:39 <Axanery>
May 18 17 01:48:45 <Axanery> hey cool, it looks like this on movile
May 18 17 01:48:49 <Axanery> I like the checkmark
May 18 17 03:49:40 <beelzeybob> That looks pretty cool.. I wish the mobile site looked the same though
May 18 17 03:50:12 <beelzeybob> I hate being the "dl our mobile app" popup. gj on being the new pinterest
May 18 17 08:14:30 <twoambien> what's the point of 'kicking' someone? i thought it was like a warning. but every time i've done it, they immediatley come back and do exactly what they were doing before... lol
May 18 17 08:49:17 <creesch> twoambien kicking someone where? In chat?
May 18 17 08:50:01 <creesch> Historically in IRC it is more or less a warning before being banned from a channel
May 18 17 08:52:45 <twoambien> i meant in Discord. mods have the ability to kick or ban people. kick allows them to come back with a new invite.
May 18 17 08:54:01 <beelzeybob> yeah, it's kinda useless, espescially if you have a partnered server. they can just type in the name and be back in
May 18 17 08:54:36 <beelzeybob> we use a bot warning system (custom hosted Nadeko) that bans people after they get 3 warnings
May 18 17 08:54:50 <beelzeybob> no compromise 😛
May 18 17 09:03:28 <twoambien> ok thanks
May 18 17 09:04:09 <beelzeybob> additionally people don't even get a notification if they are kicked or banned so they don't know what's up
May 18 17 09:04:26 <beelzeybob> you have to tell them why your server suddenly disappeared from their list
May 18 17 09:04:26 <twoambien> it's pretty clear when you can't see anything anymore lol
May 18 17 09:05:04 <twoambien> i see, i meant as they are using it. like if i got kicked RIGHT NOW i'd know it
May 18 17 09:05:07 <beelzeybob> you would be surprised.. we've have a couple of people modmail asking why they can no longer access the server
May 18 17 09:05:08 <creesch> We have a time-out channel
May 18 17 09:05:26 <creesch> where people are put in with a role which also makes it impossible for them to use other channels
May 18 17 09:05:28 <creesch> works really well
May 18 17 09:05:58 <beelzeybob>
May 18 17 09:06:37 <creesch> So usually people first get put in time-out and warned. And is it instaban worthy we still route them through there to inform them
May 18 17 09:06:47 <twoambien> is that a custom thing you made with a bot?
May 18 17 09:07:10 <creesch> No you can do so with vanilla discord
May 18 17 09:07:15 <beelzeybob> you can make a role that mutes them
May 18 17 09:07:28 <creesch> make a time-out channel only people with a time-out role and mods can access.
May 18 17 09:07:35 <creesch> Make sure that they also can't see history.
May 18 17 09:07:41 <twoambien> beelzeybob my sample size is small ya i guess some people might not get it. i would think if they are spamming or slinging shit and then lose access, they would put 2+2 together lol
May 18 17 09:07:47 <creesch> Then when someone needs to be put there assign them the role.
May 18 17 09:08:34 <twoambien> ah cool you can do it with roles and channels. i like that. then we talk to them i guess too
May 18 17 09:09:10 <beelzeybob> you overestimate a lot of people's ability to put 2 and 2 together XD
May 18 17 10:06:25 <SpyTec> Self-promotion: Botwinder works great for giving warnings, even for kicks and bans. Also has a time-out system putting them in time-out system. 😉
May 18 17 18:25:20 <AmericanDerp> There was some reddit(s) last year that used a bot to automatically ban anyone who posted in a certain subreddit. e.g., if you submit to or comment in subreddit [A], you would be banned moments later by subreddit [B]. Was that against any rule? I was thinking about it today.
May 18 17 18:25:58 <Deimos> it wasn't, it's a bit unclear if doing something like that is against the new moderator rules though
May 18 17 18:26:31 <Deimos> a lot of people tried to ask about it but I never saw an answer
May 18 17 22:36:54 <dis_is_my_account> so do these new profile pages have css
May 18 17 22:37:01 <dis_is_my_account> i havent looked at it much
May 18 17 22:38:01 <tiz> css? like editable css? no
May 18 17 22:40:54 <Deimos> it sounds like you can access the stylesheet editor but it 403s if you try to save it
May 18 17 22:41:53 <tiz> you can access all the setting by going to r/u_name/<setting page> but nothing works or saves
May 18 17 22:44:27 <dis_is_my_account> itd be cool if they allowed css
May 18 17 22:44:45 <dis_is_my_account> would make doing a userpage worth it
May 18 17 22:45:40 <SpyTec> It is kind of funny how it's essentially a hack
May 18 17 22:47:18 <Deimos> such is the reddit tradition
May 18 17 22:47:38 <Deimos> private messages are basically just a dirty hack on top of comments, and (old) modmail is a dirty hack on top of that
May 18 17 22:48:28 <Deimos> self posts are just hacks of link posts that link to themselves
May 18 17 22:50:27 <tiz> but new DOM
May 18 17 22:53:37 <twoambien> reddit was just a dirty hack of digg
May 18 17 22:54:25 <twoambien> that's literally what i thought the first couple dozen times people linked me to it 'what is that shitbox, i'm staying with digg'
May 18 17 22:55:40 <Deimos> yeah I think I switched from digg during the HDDVD stuff
May 18 17 23:21:02 <justcool393> tizorres, you figured that out too? I was kinda bummed when all my API calls were going through but nothing was happening
May 18 17 23:21:17 <justcool393> I was hoping to have it in like Russian or something
May 18 17 23:23:18 <tiz> yeah, samw
May 18 17 23:23:19 <tiz> same
May 18 17 23:24:25 <justcool393> I'm not sure if we ever recieved a Russian translation for the Totes text. I'll have to check sometime.
May 18 17 23:25:41 <justcool393> I know Japanese had one, and has quite a lot of subreddits that use it (there is a widely unknown section of reddit that's all in Japanese). It's actually kind of interesting. Although the only data I have is from subreddits that do come to us and manually request Totes be in their subreddit's language.
May 18 17 23:49:35 <beelzeybob> you can upload images to the new profiles.. you can also edit the sidebars with markdown by going to /about/wiki/sidebar/edit
May 19 17 01:17:19 <Synesis> Shame you cant set CSS tho
May 19 17 01:24:38 <beelzeybob> For the better probably
May 19 17 01:24:55 <beelzeybob> If a sub has bad CSS at least users can complain
May 19 17 01:25:10 <beelzeybob> If a profile has bad CSS then its myspace
May 19 17 01:38:25 <justcool393> Yeah, I will agree on that front. CSS works for communities well.
May 19 17 01:38:49 <justcool393> I feel like that word has been poisoned on reddit by the reddit admins overuse of it though.
May 19 17 01:57:25 <Deimos> what, "communities"?
May 19 17 02:27:01 <justcool393> yea
May 19 17 02:27:25 <justcool393> it seems like they are tactically avoiding saying *subreddit*.
May 19 17 02:27:52 <Deimos> They definitely are, I think they consider it too "jargon-y"
May 19 17 02:30:36 <justcool393> Yeah, I guess that makes sense.
May 19 17 02:31:21 <justcool393> idk though
May 19 17 02:31:26 <RedDyeNumber4> The name of the site is reddit
May 19 17 02:31:36 <justcool393> it doesn't seem like it'd be too hard to understand
May 19 17 02:31:39 <RedDyeNumber4> common sense would dictate that subreddit is just good branding
May 19 17 02:32:04 <justcool393> but then again I'm a four-year user, not some guy who wandered in from google or something
May 19 17 02:32:28 <cuddlefishcat> it's more of rhetoric than anything
May 19 17 02:32:38 <justcool393> also lol at the top mod of /r/The_Donald getting suspended for three days
May 19 17 02:32:48 <cuddlefishcat> community vs subreddit makes me feel two different things
May 19 17 02:32:54 <RedDyeNumber4> oh really?
May 19 17 02:32:58 <justcool393> Yup.
May 19 17 02:33:00 <RedDyeNumber4> got an r/outoftheloop link
May 19 17 02:33:05 <justcool393> Nah
May 19 17 02:33:09 <RedDyeNumber4> nuggets
May 19 17 02:33:09 <cuddlefishcat> theres an SRD post
May 19 17 02:33:21 <justcool393> I made a post when it initially went up
May 19 17 02:33:28 <justcool393> on r/Drama. I can provide the screenshot which was linked. just a moment
May 19 17 02:33:59 <justcool393>
May 19 17 02:34:46 <RedDyeNumber4> I don't know what they were thinking
May 19 17 02:34:54 <RedDyeNumber4> Other than 'fuck it'
May 19 17 02:35:45 <justcool393> By the way CFC, I think the SRD thread got pulled
May 19 17 02:36:07 <RedDyeNumber4> Reddit has a bad short term memory now that moderation tools are mature
May 19 17 02:36:30 <justcool393> I wouldn't say they are mature yet in my opinion.
May 19 17 02:36:42 <RedDyeNumber4> in the sense that the search works nowadays
May 19 17 02:36:45 <justcool393> There isn't any way to fingerprint potential ban evaders or anything like that.
May 19 17 02:36:57 <justcool393> Well, yeah.
May 19 17 02:37:01 <justcool393> It took a while though.
May 19 17 02:38:07 <RedDyeNumber4> You have to wonder what that community falling apart is going to do to the ecosystem around here though
May 19 17 02:38:14 <justcool393> IP masks or anything like that would be super useful for dealing with alts and spammers and somewhat.
May 19 17 02:38:17 <RedDyeNumber4> It's the north korea of subreddits
May 19 17 02:38:33 <RedDyeNumber4> there is a whole other civilization going on over there most of reddit only views from space
May 19 17 02:39:40 <justcool393> True. I think it'll be similar to FPH if the admins go scorched earth with that subreddit. A *lot* of users were banned from there.
May 19 17 02:39:49 <justcool393> But the users in there were... fanatical about it.
May 19 17 02:40:21 <RedDyeNumber4> FPH had ramifications on the community structure of the election
May 19 17 02:40:21 <justcool393> I'd register The_Donald2 and The_Donald420 before the economy crashes. Heh heh
May 19 17 02:40:26 <RedDyeNumber4> lol
May 19 17 02:40:49 <RedDyeNumber4> That's technically against tos
May 19 17 02:41:01 <RedDyeNumber4> but it's never enforced if you're chill I guess
May 19 17 02:41:19 <justcool393> I don't know what is or isn't against the mod guidelines. I really never cared to look at them.
May 19 17 02:41:33 <RedDyeNumber4> just subreddit name squatting
May 19 17 02:41:37 <justcool393> I figure, people don't think I'm an asshole, so I'm probably following it anyway.
May 19 17 02:41:38 <justcool393> Oh.
May 19 17 02:42:25 <justcool393> Well, I still have /r/FatRobotHate after I got it from RR about a year ago, which I set up as a redirect sub to /r/botsrights.
May 19 17 02:42:41 <RedDyeNumber4> yeah i mean you can start a sub and then neglect it
May 19 17 02:42:57 <justcool393> That happened with me once.
May 19 17 02:43:00 <RedDyeNumber4> but you can't make an industry out of it
May 19 17 02:43:01 <justcool393> Inadvertently.
May 19 17 02:44:08 <justcool393> /r/kahoot apparently attracts a lot of people who think spamming Kahoot games is fun. The admins said that wasn't okay about 10 months back. I had to take an extended leave from reddit and the internet due to some personal issues, so the sub was neglected.
May 19 17 02:44:22 <justcool393> It was eventually banned. Recently though I got it unbanned via redditrequest.
May 19 17 02:45:06 <RedDyeNumber4> I started r/malkovich a while back
May 19 17 02:45:18 <RedDyeNumber4> I only update it every so often nowadays
May 19 17 02:46:42 <RedDyeNumber4> these are the things we do to avoid the slow march of time and the inevitability of death
May 19 17 02:47:09 <justcool393> yea
May 19 17 02:48:16 <RedDyeNumber4> 👍
May 22 17 11:04:46 <Gumdrops> Did I dream it or is there a view for a subreddit that shows unmoderated plus moderated submissions in one list
May 22 17 12:48:17 <creesch> Yes /new/ 😛
May 22 17 12:48:36 <creesch> Depending on how strict your spam filter is
May 22 17 12:48:54 <creesch> But other than that unmod modqueue and your sub are pretty seperate
May 22 17 13:21:18 <Gumdrops> creesch heh thanks. I must have made it up. What I had in mind was a chronological list of of removed/reported/approved submissions all in line
May 22 17 13:22:55 <creesch> Can't say I have ever seen it
May 22 17 15:39:11 <Gumdrops> So to follow on from that, and the reason I was asking. My small sub /r/woweconomy has been in "reduced moderation" mode for this past week as an experiment. I personally wanted to dial up moderation to remove low-effort submissions but asked the community what they wanted to see and the outcome was to recalibrate the moderation needle in terms of what does/does not get removed. Original feedback post is linked in this follow up:
May 22 17 15:40:14 <Gumdrops> I think it's been interesting to show just how much gets removed, a lot of people don't realise the amount of stuff that happens behind the scenes/before they see it.
May 22 17 15:54:58 <twilexis> Huh. That's an interesting concept.
May 22 17 15:57:22 <SpyTec> That's basically what the r/Elite_Dangerous sub tried to be. Little to no moderation, and everyone left as soon as they came
May 22 17 15:59:33 <cuddlefishcat> I wonder if the people who always say "let the upvotes decide what we see" actually like seeing only shitposts
May 22 17 16:05:25 <Gumdrops> Yeah, I made a point of stating how many submissions were downvoted. I think with my kind of subreddit there's a clearer definition of 'low-effort' which is often easier to enforce. I didn't want to turn it in to an elitist community but repeated questions with no prior research could drive away the regulars
May 22 17 16:21:49 <creesch> Gumdrops that is why in the subs where I mod we try to show that mods are there through stickies, regular distinguished corrections and general interaction.
May 22 17 16:22:10 <creesch>
May 22 17 16:22:36 <creesch> This sort of stuff to just make it abundantly clear we have to remove much more than they ever see
May 22 17 16:22:52 <creesch> That comment has a score of almost 400 in the positive btw.
May 22 17 16:23:13 <creesch> Turns out most people like moderation as long as they understand what mods do.
May 22 17 16:24:29 <Gumdrops> Agreed, and importantly why. My vision for a subreddit might differ to that of the community. I hope to get some allignment in that again
May 22 17 16:25:33 <creesch> Also the fluff principle
May 22 17 16:25:45 <creesch> Uhm, I posted it somewhere the other day. Sec
May 22 17 16:27:53 <creesch> ```
> Why not let the community decide with their votes?
Well there is this:
"The Fluff Principle: on a user-voted news site, the links that are easiest to judge will take over unless you take specific measures to prevent it." [^Source: ^Article ^by ^Paul ^Graham, ^one ^of ^the ^people ^that ^made ^reddit ^possible](
What this means is basically the following, say you have two submissions:
1. An article - takes a few minutes to judge.
2. An image - takes a few seconds to judge.
So in the time that it takes person A to read and judge he article person B, C, D, E en F already saw the image and made their judgement. So basically images will rise to the top not because they are more popular, but simply because it takes less time to vote on them so they gather votes faster.
The reddit FAQ also has a entry about it called: [Why does reddit need moderation? Can't you just let the voters decide?](
Not to mention that there hardly ever is one singular community on subreddits. Rather there are subgroups of people which you have to take in consideration. For example one group might disagree with something and because of that voice their discontent. This while another group of people is actually happy with the things as they are and because you will not hear them because they don't have much to talk loudly about. Now it is easy to do what the loud group says because that is the group that is easy to spot. But if you simply do what the loud group says you are basically ignoring the other group.
So in that regard it is always a balancing act and for that matter one that almost never will make **everyone** happy.
May 22 17 16:28:10 <creesch> Gumdrops
May 22 17 16:28:20 <creesch> Feel free to use if it is useful for you.
May 22 17 16:28:35 <creesch> For example on that first comment in that thread you linked ;)
May 22 17 16:32:37 <creesch> Personally people that think votes should decide are either not very well informed or just really don't like the idea of reddit not being some 4chan clone.
May 22 17 16:44:38 <Gumdrops> creesch Yeah for sure, I don't permit image/link submissions so that's at least keeping things from being too 'fluffy'.
May 22 17 16:51:18 <creesch> Those are just examples
May 22 17 16:51:24 <creesch> Puns are also fluff content
May 22 17 16:51:36 <creesch> Some inside jokes/memes as well
May 22 17 16:51:37 <creesch> etc
May 22 17 17:03:20 <Deimos> it's any type of content (submission or comment) that plays to the biases in the reddit voting system
May 22 17 17:03:37 <Deimos> reddit's system boils down to "whatever gets the most upvotes (and the fewest downvotes) the fastest is the best"
May 22 17 17:04:30 <Deimos> so the main biases are from things that are:
1) quick to view (more votes, faster)
2) simple to understand (more voters)
3) non-controversial (fewer downvotes)
May 22 17 17:05:45 <Deimos> which gets satisfied well by things like nice images, simple jokes, references to popular TV shows / movies, etc.
May 22 17 17:07:17 <Gumdrops> For /r/wowecon, 'low effort' means more along the lines of simple questions that can be researched within a few minutes of reading the subreddit/fan sites/other resources. Basically 'How do I make gold in World of Warcraft?'. They don't get many votes or much discussion.
May 22 17 17:09:34 <Deimos> yeah, that's probably closer to "help vampires":
May 22 17 17:10:21 <Gumdrops> That's a good one 😄
May 22 17 17:59:59 <creesch> Help vampires are still sort of fluff content
May 22 17 18:00:03 <creesch> Though not really
May 22 17 18:00:40 <creesch> Probably a different category that is equally as bad for a community and community image
May 22 17 18:34:37 <Deimos> yeah, more like "clutter"
May 22 17 18:35:39 <Deimos> their questions usually don't get highly upvoted or anything (unless they make a funny typo in the title), but it just tends to start dominating the overall volume of the subreddit, and makes the regular community members tired
May 22 17 21:33:30 <Gumdrops> Deimos Appreciate the link to the Help Vampires post, I used it as a basis for my feedback/thoughts on my subreddit experiment and how I plan to move forward with my moderation
May 22 17 21:35:21 <Gumdrops> I also used your fluff principle summary elsewhere in the thread so thanks for that too creesch 😄
May 23 17 03:53:56 <Axanery>
May 23 17 15:06:35 <SpyTec> Reddit wouldn't ban a certain IP for ban evasion would they? A certain user removes their account as soon as their alt has been found out and creates a new one right after
May 23 17 15:06:45 <SpyTec> Up to their 5th atm
May 23 17 15:11:26 <creesch> Reddit doesn't tell what they do
May 23 17 15:11:48 <creesch> They do have some heavier ban methods at their disposal but I have no idea what they are.
May 23 17 15:15:55 <beelzeybob> I don't think they use IP bans
May 23 17 15:16:32 <beelzeybob> We've been dealing with someone who uses a VPN to make multiple accounts on our subreddit as well as discord
May 23 17 15:16:55 <SpyTec> I'm almost 100% sure this person cba to switch IP
May 23 17 15:17:18 <beelzeybob> But when we reported them to the admins 4 of their accounts got banned without any IP link
May 23 17 15:17:55 <beelzeybob> Er. Suspended, not banned
May 24 17 18:55:03 <Axanery> 🤔
May 24 17 21:05:09 <Juxlös> Do thumbnail views count as a view
May 24 17 21:05:35 <creesch> Doubt it
May 25 17 02:20:58 <justcool393> SpyTec I know this is super-duper-late of a response, but there a few methods of banning that the admins do:
The admins appear to set up traps to catch serial ban evaders. Users who trip these traps get auto-shadowbanned. That's why some IPs can have people who as soon as they make an account they get shadowbanned. It's why Anti-Brigade-Bot (which is like a shitty ban evading version of Totes with an agenda), L_H, kaalaaaa, noodles, etc, have to work to get around these bans.
May 25 17 02:21:44 <justcool393> There's also password-locking in which the password hash is set to "banned" or something similar. No hash matches that, so attempting to log in always yields "incorrect password".
May 25 17 02:24:00 <justcool393> AutoMod-""shadowbans"" work well as well. That's the only time I advocate their use. I don't think it should be used ever on legitimate users.
May 25 17 02:41:16 <GenesisAquarion> I think dril are the most cosmicly brained high content
May 25 17 03:06:11 <justcool393> huh?
May 25 17 07:33:22 <GodOfAtheism> he thinks dril is the most cosmicly brained high content
May 26 17 01:13:58 <wakiZashi> Hey, I need a bit of advice. In one of my subreddits, someone posted a link to a thread in an external (non-reddit) forum regarding a bug in a video game, and has asked people in the thread to upvote the external thread "With every account they have" so that the game developers are more likely to see it and fix it. This seems a bit suss but seems well intentioned and fairly reasonable overall, so I'm not sure; I just wanna know if this breaks any rules regarding voting. The voting reddiquette seems unclear on this and similar topics.
May 26 17 01:15:35 <ThatAstronautGuy> i think offsite brigading is looked down upon
May 26 17 01:15:50 <SpyTec> Looked down, yeah.. not really disallowed though
May 26 17 01:16:17 <twilexis> I wouldn't advocate it, imagine if it were reversed and they were advocating vote brigading on reddit.
May 26 17 01:16:26 <SpyTec> Yeah
May 26 17 01:16:34 <wakiZashi> Hmm. So I should remove the thread then?
May 26 17 01:16:36 <SpyTec> In most cases I'd probably remove a post like that
May 26 17 01:16:40 <twilexis> I would.
May 26 17 01:18:05 <ThatAstronautGuy> i would
May 26 17 01:20:34 <wakiZashi> Thanks guys ^_^
May 26 17 01:21:18 <wakiZashi> I've only been a reddit mod since december lol, I'm still trying to get a feel for some of the things I should or shouldn't be removing. I worry I might be a bit too easygoing about it.
May 26 17 01:23:47 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> I'm pretty new too
May 26 17 01:23:52 <SpyTec> It's best to be easygoing 😛
May 26 17 01:29:49 <justcool393> Just so you know, the admins disallow Kahoot crashing and stuff like that, so I'd guess it'd be the same policy there too.
May 26 17 01:31:29 <wakiZashi> Kahoot?
May 26 17 01:33:55 <Zirr> popular site used in schools
May 26 17 01:34:00 <Zirr> it's a quiz site
May 26 17 01:34:13 <Zirr> you just need the identifier to join an ongoing game
May 26 17 01:34:42 <wakiZashi> oh, like the jackbox party games but with educational quizzes?
May 26 17 01:35:10 <Zirr> not familiar with those
May 26 17 01:35:18 <wakiZashi> I think it's the same sort of thing
May 26 17 01:35:35 <Zirr> you can make your own kahoots though, and you play for points. it's decently fun
May 26 17 01:44:04 <ThatAstronautGuy> its basically the same thing, yeah
May 26 17 01:51:59 <Zock> wasnt /r/kahoot banned for awhile
May 26 17 01:52:37 <ThatAstronautGuy> yeah
May 26 17 01:52:41 <ThatAstronautGuy> they had too many brigades
May 26 17 01:52:49 <ThatAstronautGuy> but they added more mods, so it became fine
May 26 17 02:53:57 <justcool393> Yeah.
May 26 17 02:54:17 <justcool393> Basically what happened was I had to deal with personal issues, and the other moderator of the sub got overworked.
May 26 17 02:54:31 <justcool393> The sub got banned because of all of the spam. I added Axanery to the modteam.
May 26 17 02:55:03 <Axanery> ah yes I like Kahoot
May 26 17 02:56:01 <justcool393> I need to filter stuff better. AutoMod's doing a nice job, but I could probably tweak the rules a bit.
May 26 17 07:28:33 <abe> What is the point of r/Kahoot if not to post codes?
May 26 17 13:24:44 <Axanery> Imo Kahoot news, text posts talking about it, and justcool393 are they allowed to advertise their quiz?
May 26 17 16:29:54 <justcool393> Yes, they are.
May 26 17 16:30:16 <justcool393> I explicitly allowed discussion of it. Just not actual calls to brigade a Kahoot.
May 26 17 16:30:19 <justcool393> Axanery
May 26 17 18:37:56 <twoambien> is username ping spam against the rules? a competing sub is username pinging hundreds of our users.
May 26 17 18:38:39 <twoambien> they have a bot setup to do it and evidently plan to do it continuously.
May 26 17 18:39:21 <Deimos> yeah, report that
May 28 17 19:24:08 <D0cR3d>
May 28 17 19:34:50 <Shane> whats mod soup
May 28 17 19:43:52 <Zock> Soup for mods
May 28 17 19:44:07 <Shane> cool
May 28 17 20:26:55 <Supreme Yeet> Nice
May 28 17 22:02:06 <D0cR3d> it's like having toolbox on your phone, optimized for doing mod queue and mod stuff Shane
May 28 17 22:02:49 <Shane> cool
May 28 17 22:56:33 <Juxlös> Is it app or does it work for mobile desktop
May 28 17 23:05:54 <cuddlefishcat> it's an app
May 28 17 23:10:15 <twilexis> Is it on iOS?
May 28 17 23:25:02 <Squingu> android
May 29 17 17:48:29 <twoambien> if it has modmail support, here is an opportunity to plug it:
May 29 17 17:48:52 <twoambien> D0cR3d
May 29 17 17:51:13 <D0cR3d> twoambien it has old modmail support with new modmail coming soonTM but it's only on Android ATM. Once it's feature complete-ish then we'll create it on iOS, or unless we find an iOS dev
May 29 17 18:03:50 <Squingu> twoambien OP's right here, I'm aware of Modsoup 😃
May 30 17 01:48:10 <mbetts> so is there an easy way to remove lots of comments?
May 30 17 01:48:25 <mbetts> rather than manually remove ever one, one by one
May 30 17 01:49:56 <ThatAstronautGuy> comment nuke
May 30 17 01:50:02 <ThatAstronautGuy> toolbox has one, but ive never used it
May 30 17 01:50:12 <ThatAstronautGuy> theres also an extension to just nuke an entire comment chain
May 30 17 01:52:33 <mbetts> oh damn, could of used that before I did it all manually 😛
May 30 17 01:52:49 <mbetts> just made this one thread look more bare than an /r/science thread
May 30 17 01:52:54 <beelzeybob> toolbox does the same exact thing as the nuke extension
May 30 17 01:53:19 <beelzeybob> though NGL I really like the bomb/nuke icon that extension gives
May 30 17 01:53:25 <beelzeybob> 💣
May 30 17 01:55:36 <mbetts> so how do I use this thing with toolbox?
May 30 17 01:55:42 <mbetts> so I don't have to do this again
May 30 17 01:56:36 <beelzeybob> IIRC there's some icons next to where you put notes
May 30 17 01:57:11 <beelzeybob> [R][N]? I'm on mobile
May 30 17 01:57:22 <beelzeybob> but you click the R to nuke
May 30 17 01:57:56 <mbetts> All I have is [M][N][H]
May 30 17 01:58:05 <mbetts> I'll look to see if my toolbox is up to date
May 30 17 01:58:34 <mbetts> ah got it
May 30 17 01:58:38 <mbetts> it was disabled
May 30 17 02:00:24 <mbetts> ty beelzeybob
Jun 02 17 08:45:05 <Squingu> Any way to get notifications for new modmail? My team's been putting off the switch because of the lack of support on mobile apps, especially iOS, but having notifications would be a good compromise.
Jun 02 17 08:51:52 <cuddlefishcat> I don't think new modmail is supported on any mobile apps, except maybe reddit is fun?
Jun 02 17 08:52:21 <cuddlefishcat> So if everyone is exclusively modding from mobile I wouldn't make the switch
Jun 02 17 08:54:44 <Squingu> Not exclusively, but a big chunk of the time yea. App devs need to step it up, RIF had support relatively fast after the API was published. Though I've heard whispers of Sync getting support in the next update as well.
Jun 02 17 08:56:13 <cuddlefishcat> Yeah, regardless I use toolbox too much to mod on mobile
Jun 02 17 08:56:36 <creesch> cuddlefishcat android phone? Cause toolbox sort of works on mobile firefox there.
Jun 02 17 08:56:54 <creesch> There is also someone working on a modapp called modsoup
Jun 02 17 08:57:03 <cuddlefishcat> Yeah actually. What do you mean by "sort of" aha
Jun 02 17 08:57:11 <Axanery> I only use modmail on my phone through desktop mode
Jun 02 17 08:57:16 <creesch> Well phones are small
Jun 02 17 08:57:23 <creesch> And a bit slower than desktops
Jun 02 17 08:57:27 <cuddlefishcat> I have modsoup, would be great if they could integrate it there
Jun 02 17 08:57:31 <creesch> so you can use toolbox on the desktop website
Jun 02 17 08:57:43 <creesch> but you probably need to disable some modules like notifier to make it work a bit better
Jun 02 17 08:57:50 <creesch> But removal reasons, notes, etc work
Jun 02 17 08:58:03 <cuddlefishcat> Gotcha. I'll probably just stick with desktop for now.
Jun 02 17 08:59:53 <twilexis> If anyone wants to make an iOS new modmail app, you'll be my favourite forever.
Jun 02 17 08:59:58 <twilexis> Just putting it out there.
Jun 02 17 09:00:46 <creesch> I am not going to pay Apple $100 to make something for a phone I don't have.
Jun 02 17 09:01:08 <creesch> I am not even sure I can develop for iOS on a windows machine.
Jun 02 17 09:01:32 <Axanery> You can make it but not upload it
Jun 02 17 09:01:36 <creesch> Was looking into react native yesterday
Jun 02 17 09:01:54 <twilexis> Just enable ads and a paid model and reap the benefits :p
Jun 02 17 09:01:57 <creesch> If I ever get over my dislike for web react I might try to make a cross platform app of some kind in it.
Jun 02 17 09:02:05 <twilexis> all $50 of moderators paying for it
Jun 02 17 09:02:36 <cuddlefishcat> get 50 mods to each pay $2
Jun 02 17 09:02:54 <Axanery> go onto shark tank
Jun 02 17 09:02:55 <creesch> Considering how pissy mods got over something we did in a completely free/gratis tool we even don 't take donations for I am going to pass on that advertisment paid model.
Jun 02 17 09:03:16 <creesch> I should say some mods
Jun 02 17 09:03:23 <creesch> The majority is still fine, but still.
Jun 02 17 09:03:56 <creesch> Besides there are literally tens of thousands of mods.
Jun 02 17 09:04:05 <creesch> Only a handful of people actually develop for mods.
Jun 02 17 09:04:21 <creesch> Though.... that makes sense
Jun 02 17 09:04:40 <creesch> A lot of those people that make things for mods often end up wondering why they do it again....
Jun 02 17 09:04:51 <cuddlefishcat> I would be curious to know what percent of mods are actually aware of toolbox
Jun 02 17 09:05:02 <creesch> I can sort of answer that question
Jun 02 17 09:05:12 <Axanery> I use it
Jun 02 17 09:05:17 <Axanery> so at least 0.000000001%
Jun 02 17 09:05:18 <creesch> Sec
Jun 02 17 09:05:41 <creesch>
Jun 02 17 09:05:56 <cuddlefishcat> Yeah, I just assumed that everyone knew about it because I was immediately told to get it once I became a mod, but then I joined a smaller sub and they had no idea
Jun 02 17 09:06:16 <creesch> So there are 23,485 mods that mod a sub with 1000 or more subscribers
Jun 02 17 09:06:45 <twilexis> Oh, I saw something on here about moderation metrics. Is that a toolbox feature, and if so how do I do it?
Jun 02 17 09:06:46 <creesch> Toolbox according to our stats in the chrome and firefox stores has around 15,000 users but I think it is much lower
Jun 02 17 09:07:10 <creesch> So a good portion of the mods is aware of toolbox
Jun 02 17 09:07:23 <creesch> twilexis you mean for the modlog?
Jun 02 17 09:07:34 <creesch> Go to the modlog, upper right corner click modmatrix
Jun 02 17 09:08:00 <cuddlefishcat> Neat, I hadn't seen this post, thanks
Jun 02 17 09:08:36 <twilexis> Dumb question, mod log?
Jun 02 17 09:08:57 <creesch> Wait I got the wrong number
Jun 02 17 09:08:58 <twilexis> OH. nevermind
Jun 02 17 09:09:08 <creesch> 74260 is the amount of mods modding 500+ users subs
Jun 02 17 09:09:24 <creesch> It would be much easier if the admins provided those numbers.
Jun 02 17 09:09:36 <creesch> I had to run several scripts for several days to get the numbers and they are still a bit meh
Jun 02 17 09:10:16 <cuddlefishcat> so ~75,000 mods and ~15,000 use toolbox?
Jun 02 17 09:10:52 <creesch> It is probably closer to 10,000 going by the view count of the edge announcement thread.
Jun 02 17 09:11:03 <abe> modsoup on iOS?
Jun 02 17 09:11:09 <creesch> 15,000 is roughly the amount of people that have toolbox installed and have their browser on.
Jun 02 17 09:11:18 <creesch> Not the amount of people that actually use it.
Jun 02 17 09:11:55 <cuddlefishcat> I just closed the announcement box...
Jun 02 17 09:12:10 <creesch> You closed it? How there is no close button anymore.
Jun 02 17 09:12:19 <creesch> Also the close button doesn't really close it begin with.
Jun 02 17 09:12:33 <cuddlefishcat> I did something to make it disappear
Jun 02 17 09:12:40 <creesch> probably click on it
Jun 02 17 09:12:45 <creesch> That made you go to the post?
Jun 02 17 09:12:53 <creesch> Which would generate a view 😛
Jun 02 17 09:13:06 <cuddlefishcat> No then I would be losing to you
Jun 02 17 09:13:13 <cuddlefishcat> I for sure didn't go to the post
Jun 02 17 09:13:20 <creesch> Okay hold on.
Jun 02 17 09:13:34 <creesch> Can you go there now
Jun 02 17 09:13:44 <creesch> Tell me if you have a button that says "insert debug info"
Jun 02 17 09:13:49 <creesch> Also what browser are you using?
Jun 02 17 09:14:13 <cuddlefishcat> Where is this button supposed to be?
Jun 02 17 09:14:16 <cuddlefishcat> Chrome
Jun 02 17 09:14:21 <creesch> under the comment section
Jun 02 17 09:14:28 <creesch> the text input
Jun 02 17 09:14:30 <cuddlefishcat> oh yeah I see it
Jun 02 17 09:14:54 <creesch> Then you must have clicked it as there is no other way to make the announcement go away... That I know off
Jun 02 17 09:15:14 <cuddlefishcat> hmm
Jun 02 17 09:15:30 <cuddlefishcat> only way to figure it out is to send another one to everyone 😉
Jun 02 17 09:15:44 <creesch> lol
Jun 02 17 09:15:57 <creesch> Yeah no, I have had enough pissed off people to deal with for a while.
Jun 02 17 09:16:26 <creesch> Seriously ridiculous how mad some people got about one announcement that is just us sharing that toolbox is available on a new platform.
Jun 02 17 09:16:56 <SnowPhoenix> Well, to be fair, I doubt it's a platform that many of them use, no?
Jun 02 17 09:16:58 <creesch> We even had one guy saying they'd remove toolbox (fine) and go around his subs getting his fellow mods to do the same.
Jun 02 17 09:17:08 <SnowPhoenix> Now that's excessive.
Jun 02 17 09:17:12 <cuddlefishcat> Yeah it's not a big deal even if it doesn't apply to you
Jun 02 17 09:17:32 <creesch> SnowPhoenix Well, some of their fellow mods might use it and it is only a matter of clicking on it and closing the tab with the announcement.
Jun 02 17 09:17:47 <creesch> And it is literally one announcement like that in years.
Jun 02 17 09:17:48 <cuddlefishcat> I was kind of excited actually since I'd never seen an announcement like that
Jun 02 17 09:18:02 <creesch> The last time we did this for a new platform was when we got finally approved in the firefox store.
Jun 02 17 09:18:10 <SnowPhoenix> I'd be interested to see stats on the amount of Reddit mods using Edge. Unless they're using it while at work, I expect the percentage to be very, very low.
Jun 02 17 09:18:19 <creesch> And usually it is for the changelog, which we want people to see.
Jun 02 17 09:18:34 <creesch> RES was one of the first extensions available for Edge
Jun 02 17 09:18:35 <cuddlefishcat> People would never use Reddit at work
Jun 02 17 09:19:01 <creesch> Also the RES people reported an uptick of RES installations for Edge around the time we announced toolbox being available now as well.
Jun 02 17 09:19:29 <SnowPhoenix> RES installations for Edge, you mean?
Jun 02 17 09:19:46 <creesch> I personally don't use RES because I can't use it on my work laptop and sync. Also you can't resize textareas which is actually the only real downside to the browser I found.
Jun 02 17 09:19:51 <creesch> Uh yeah
Jun 02 17 09:20:36 <SnowPhoenix> Interesting. Yeah, I just really thought the percentage of Edge-using Reddit mods would be well under like, oh say 10%.
Jun 02 17 09:20:50 <creesch> Oh it probably is very low.
Jun 02 17 09:21:11 <creesch> Though I suspect it might rise now considering toolbox is now available.
Jun 02 17 09:21:56 <creesch> For RES the amount of Edge users already surpassed the amount of Safari users in the first few days.
Jun 02 17 09:21:59 <SnowPhoenix> Probably somewhat, yeah. The lack of useful moderating tools was holding it back further than normal, I'm sure, but the carryover IE hate is strong.
Jun 02 17 09:22:13 <creesch> Which is silly imho
Jun 02 17 09:22:17 <creesch> Edge is no IE
Jun 02 17 09:22:37 <creesch> If it is a good browser is a different story, but it sure as hell isn't IE.
Jun 02 17 09:22:41 <creesch> Safari is the new IE
Jun 02 17 09:23:48 <SnowPhoenix> Well, I mean, RES did kill their Safari version so that is something that really should be dead. (Yeah, I know, holdovers and whatnot, but hopefully a lot of them found alternatives.)
Jun 02 17 09:24:15 <creesch> No I mean, it beat the numbers of Safari from when Safari was still supported and in the store.
Jun 02 17 09:24:41 <creesch> Which was a userbase that had years to build up.
Jun 02 17 09:24:47 <creesch> Edge did beat that in a few days.
Jun 02 17 09:24:57 <abe> is toolbox on safari?
Jun 02 17 09:25:01 <creesch> Nope
Jun 02 17 09:25:18 <SnowPhoenix> Oh. Hm. Well, Mac users are a small percentage compared to users of other platforms, but having just now seen their usage stats on the RES home page, I really am shocked at how many Edge installations they have.
Jun 02 17 09:25:18 <creesch> We had a safari version for a little while, but safari is just hell to try and support.
Jun 02 17 09:25:32 <creesch> You need a mac for starters.
Jun 02 17 09:25:58 <creesch> Then there is the fact that safari does **everything** different so you need to account for that.
Jun 02 17 09:26:18 <abe> Safari isn't just used on mac, I'm typing this on a max and I have toolbox 😃
Jun 02 17 09:26:21 <creesch> This while firefox, chrome and Edge now all are based on the same webextensions framework.
Jun 02 17 09:26:53 <abe> yeah safari is behinf
Jun 02 17 09:26:57 <creesch> And then there is that ridicilous $100 fee to get it published and a non transparant review process.
Jun 02 17 09:27:07 <creesch> Yearly
Jun 02 17 09:27:09 <Shane> but edge still has only like 6 extensions (exagerating)
Jun 02 17 09:27:13 <creesch> Chrome was $5 once
Jun 02 17 09:27:23 <creesch> Edge $15 I believe once.
Jun 02 17 09:27:25 <abe> You can publish it not on the gallery
Jun 02 17 09:27:34 <creesch> Not really an option
Jun 02 17 09:27:42 <creesch> We want the extension to automatically update.
Jun 02 17 09:28:00 <creesch> In the beginning toolbox didn't have automatic update for all browsers and that was hellish.
Jun 02 17 09:28:27 <creesch> Since with different version around support is difficult but it also makes it difficult to make changes to things like usernotes.
Jun 02 17 09:28:45 <creesch> For example, when we started to compress usernotes for more space we had to do it in several stages.
Jun 02 17 09:29:02 <creesch> First make a toolbox version that supports reading the new usernotes version schema.
Jun 02 17 09:29:02 <abe> yeah
Jun 02 17 09:29:28 <creesch> Then let people use that for a while, then make a second release to fix possible new issues you found.
Jun 02 17 09:29:38 <creesch> Then finally release a version that can also write the new schema.
Jun 02 17 09:29:42 <abe> I get the idea of quality control, but $100/year is OTT to extension developer who do it for free.
Jun 02 17 09:29:47 <creesch> without automatic updates that would have been imposisble.
Jun 02 17 09:30:00 <creesch> Yeah it is a lot.
Jun 02 17 09:30:20 <creesch> But not the biggest hurdle
Jun 02 17 09:30:29 <creesch> getting it approved is the most "fun" part.
Jun 02 17 09:30:38 <abe> I mean, chrome has far far too many extensions. If it cost a few dollars it'd be fine.
Jun 02 17 09:30:44 <abe> Safari is stuck in the past
Jun 02 17 09:31:27 <abe> The last update to extensions was content blockers (which completely suck)
Jun 02 17 09:32:51 <Shane> I'd rather have too many extensions than almost none like edge
Jun 02 17 09:33:54 <abe> So when I want a good adblocker for chrome, I have to scroll through heaps of either useless ones or copies of ublock and ABP which have been compiled from the open source code.
Jun 02 17 09:34:03 <abe> Too few and too many are both an issue.
Jun 02 17 09:35:30 <Shane> or just sort it by rating and popularity
Jun 02 17 09:35:50 <abe> Thats like two whole clicks......
Jun 02 17 09:36:06 <Shane> you're right, my apoliges
Jun 02 17 09:36:41 <creesch> Microsoft is still building things up. For now you have to apply to be able to submit.
Jun 02 17 09:37:01 <creesch> I think they wanted to prevent a chrome situation at first where their store filled up with a ton of useless crap.
Jun 02 17 09:37:26 <creesch> For me my needs are mostly taken care of, ublock is available, RES is and toolbox is.
Jun 02 17 09:37:58 <creesch> but yeah, I could use more.
Jun 02 17 09:38:02 <creesch> I certainly do in chrome.
Jun 02 17 09:38:08 <Shane> I just want a hover zoom
Jun 02 17 09:38:13 <abe> I've found the UI of edge supremely ugly and hard to use.
Jun 02 17 09:38:17 <creesch> Don't use hover zoom
Jun 02 17 09:38:30 <creesch> Hoverzoom was the one with malware wasn't it?
Jun 02 17 09:38:35 <abe> I once used a hover zoom, very very annoying
Jun 02 17 09:38:54 <creesch>
Jun 02 17 09:38:55 <Shane> imagus is the one I use
Jun 02 17 09:39:29 <creesch> ah
Jun 02 17 09:45:10 <creesch> Oh, stylish I would like to have as well on edge
Jun 02 17 09:46:31 <abe> Isn't the new stylish shit?
Jun 02 17 09:50:52 <creesch> Eh
Jun 02 17 09:51:01 <creesch> Still works
Jun 02 17 09:51:28 <creesch> The websites redesign has some oddities but I don't search for themes anyway. I make them for myself
Jun 02 17 10:11:07 <abe> creesch
Jun 02 17 10:30:08 <creesch> oh awesome
Jun 02 17 10:38:43 <creesch> abe thanks! I did not know about the tracking bit and the old style menu is easier to work with so this is great.
Jun 02 17 13:12:50 <Cleroth> Is there a way to get to the old reddit profile on users that have the new profile? The new profile is missing toolbox functionality like looking only at comments from a specific subreddit
Jun 02 17 13:15:04 <creesch> yeah
Jun 02 17 13:15:08 <creesch> append /overview
Jun 02 17 13:15:47 <Cleroth> Nice! You are my savior
Jun 02 17 20:25:59 <bobjrsenior> Someone made a link post in my sub despite them being disabled. It even has the self.Playdate moniker, but it opens like an embed.
Jun 02 17 20:26:08 <bobjrsenior> Anyone have an idea on how that works?
Jun 02 17 20:26:46 <bobjrsenior> The person who posted it doesn't spam the sub either
Jun 02 17 20:27:49 <Deimos> I think there's something broken right now, Zeno ran into an issue that seems related
Jun 02 17 20:28:12 <Deimos> where it changed a self-post into a video embed or something
Jun 02 17 20:28:26 <Deimos>
Jun 02 17 20:28:50 <bobjrsenior> ah, weird. Thanks for the information
Jun 02 17 20:51:07 <XenoBen> admins pushed a bad build last night and reverted
Jun 02 17 20:51:14 <XenoBen> reddit test in prod it seems
Jun 02 17 20:57:54 <bobjrsenior> ah, at least it only affected one post in the sub
Jun 02 17 21:42:10 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> Could anyone help me with toolbox?
Jun 02 17 21:42:18 <creesch> sup
Jun 02 17 21:42:21 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> This removal reason doesn't seem to be working properly:
Jun 02 17 21:42:22 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> **Your post has been deemed 'low effort', because it is:**
<select id="contextSelectbox">
<option>* a Meme/Reaction gif.
Please visit /r/ZeldaMemes for this type of content.
Jun 02 17 21:42:52 <creesch> Yeah you can't have newlines or breaks in an option
Jun 02 17 21:43:07 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> Aw
Jun 02 17 21:43:09 <creesch> Also you are missing some closing tags but I guess that is due to you pasting it a bit weirdly
Jun 02 17 23:32:41 <SpyTec> Yeah the no new lines is unfortunate. Would love to have more flexibility but would need custom stuff.. :<
Jun 03 17 00:20:28 <chard> Since I'm trying to get submitters to phrase things more as what they have learned, instead of what others need to learn, I'm trying to encourage them to *tell a story* in the submissions.
Jun 03 17 00:21:02 <chard> So I could have automod compare the number of times they used "I" "me" and "us" versus "you"
Jun 03 17 04:02:32 <abe> Shane mod me to r/314gifs
Jun 03 17 06:01:09 <justcool393> TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK
Jun 03 17 10:07:02 <creesch> twilexis you can hover over them and they will tell you
Jun 03 17 10:07:40 <creesch>
Jun 03 17 10:07:48 <creesch> when you hover over that
Jun 03 17 10:08:05 <creesch>
Jun 03 17 10:36:12 <twilexis> ta bae
Jun 03 17 21:57:59 <chard> I increased minimum character count for posts from 200 to 500.
Jun 03 17 21:59:04 <chard> Get complaints from a user demanding I switch it to 200 *word* minimum, because things
Jun 03 17 21:59:13 <chard> It's too long, wah wah wah
Jun 03 17 21:59:45 <chard> Is it wrong to misconstrue and raise minimums to 1000 characters?
Jun 03 17 23:03:37 <twilexis> You say misconstrue, I say compromise. You can't switch everything up due to one noisy user.
Jun 04 17 01:05:43 <chard> I'd be thrilled to require 500 words, or even 200 words instead of 500 characters. One noisy user doesn't bother me.
Jun 05 17 13:06:54 <twilexis> **GAH** I need to vent quickly.
Jun 05 17 13:07:17 <twilexis> I am sick and tired of submitters sassing me for upholding the rules. If you don't like them then get the fuck out of my subreddit.
Jun 05 17 13:07:19 <twilexis> /rant
Jun 05 17 13:26:26 <SpyTec> Which sub? GoneMild?
Jun 05 17 13:31:25 <twilexis> mhm
Jun 05 17 13:31:49 <twilexis> The tagline is 'like gonewild but with clothes on'
Jun 05 17 13:32:18 <twilexis> not 'like gonewild with hand bras', or 'with nudity strategically positioned so you can't see anything'
Jun 05 17 13:33:23 <twilexis> /rant v2
Jun 05 17 13:33:38 <RokkuCXVII> lol she needs help guys
Jun 05 17 13:45:41 <SpyTec> 😄
Jun 05 17 13:45:55 <SpyTec> Well, you are modding a sub where people like attention
Jun 05 17 13:46:08 <SpyTec> If you're forbidding that ofc they will be throwing a mouthful
Jun 05 17 14:02:38 <twilexis> I know lol
Jun 05 17 14:02:45 <twilexis> Just had to get it out of my system, I'm good now.
Jun 05 17 14:23:59 <Balancegenerally> i like the "you guys have too many rules. besides my post was getting upvoted." we had one guy follow that up with " im reposting dont you dare delete it this time"
Jun 05 17 14:25:35 <twilexis> bahahahaha
Jun 05 17 15:33:02 <Cleroth> careful
Jun 05 17 15:33:06 <Cleroth> they may call the internet police
Jun 05 17 18:29:33 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> Cleroth *sends message to reddit admins*
Jun 05 17 22:25:18 <abe> creesch I have an issue with toolbox, with toolbox when I go to a stylesheet (and toolbox colours it nicely) I can't search (ctrl-F) through the stylesheet.
Jun 05 17 22:25:28 <abe> I'm using Vivaldi (based on chromium) on Mac.
Jun 05 17 22:37:52 <Balancegenerally> abe you need to click inside the box before doing ctrl F
Jun 05 17 22:38:48 <abe> Balancegenerally still doesn't work....
Jun 05 17 22:39:19 <Balancegenerally> hmm
Jun 05 17 22:39:27 <Balancegenerally> got nothing then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jun 05 17 22:40:00 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> abe I know this sounds basic, but did you try closing the browser then reopening?
Jun 05 17 22:40:11 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> That's all I can think of lol
Jun 05 17 22:40:21 <abe> yep
Jun 05 17 22:40:28 <abe> its never worked with toolbox
Jun 05 17 22:40:33 <abe> it works without toolbox fine
Jun 05 17 22:40:53 <chard> What is a "backroom discussion"?
Jun 05 17 22:43:46 <Deimos> usually a discussion in a mods-only subreddit / chat / whatever
Jun 05 17 22:44:51 <chard> Is it good practice? I'm not sure what that gives you over modmail and mod-only wiki pages. And discord.
Jun 05 17 22:45:27 <Shane> Discord = backroom discussion
Jun 05 17 22:45:31 <bobjrsenior> Those can all be considered backroom right?
Jun 05 17 22:45:37 <bobjrsenior> Just some are more realtime
Jun 05 17 22:45:50 <chard> Well, I'm looking at proof of consensus for removing mods who are active.
Jun 05 17 22:45:52 <Deimos> it depends, a mod-only subreddit can be useful, modmail can be hard to find old discussions in later
Jun 05 17 22:45:56 <Shane> Wiki pages, not really, mod mail yes
Jun 05 17 22:46:45 <chard> At what size of subreddit do you usually see backroom subreddits?
Jun 05 17 22:47:21 <SpyTec> Well, most subs I would reckon
Jun 05 17 22:48:02 <SpyTec> Oh sorry, skipped over the last word
Jun 05 17 22:48:10 <Rhea> _`At what size of subreddit do you usually see backroom subreddits?`_
A few tens of thousands...
Jun 05 17 22:50:57 <chard> I still don't know exactly what to use it for. Does anyone know of any subreddit backrooms that follow best practices?
Jun 05 17 22:51:39 <chard> We're at 170k subscribers; I'd definitely like to know more about how backrooms are done.
Jun 05 17 22:52:30 <Deimos> it's generally just a more organized way to have a discussion between mods, there's not really anything fancy to it
Jun 05 17 22:52:54 <Deimos> usually make a post in the subreddit, send a modmail or PMs to the mods and ask them to participate, there's not much beyond that
Jun 05 17 22:55:05 <tiz> subreddit - for more in depth discussion on policy, vettin mods, wikis for guides etc
discord (or any chat) - for quick help or teaching new mods in a more hands on way
Jun 05 17 23:19:46 <Axanery> /r/Steam has a backroom sub and Discord channel
Jun 05 17 23:19:54 <Axanery> /r/funny has a backroom sub
Jun 05 17 23:20:20 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> Like half of the subs I mod have backroom subs
Jun 05 17 23:21:18 <cuddlefishcat> Every sub should probably have some form of backroom chat, whether it be discord, slack, a private subreddit, or a combination of those
Jun 05 17 23:22:04 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> /r/Zelda uses slack for general mod talk, whether it be circlejerking or serious subjects
Jun 05 17 23:22:24 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> We use the backroom sub for announcements and stuff
Jun 05 17 23:23:51 <Zock> Axanery wtf, we have a backroom sub?
Jun 05 17 23:24:17 <Axanery> steamcss2 we used to do some things on there
Jun 05 17 23:24:24 <Axanery> it's mostly just a joke but also a css test
Jun 05 17 23:24:38 <Zock> o
Jun 05 17 23:27:27 <abe> Does this discord have a back room sub?
Jun 05 17 23:28:53 <Balancegenerally> our backroom sub on clash royale is mainly css testing. the chat is all on discord
Jun 05 17 23:29:06 <tiz> nah
Jun 05 17 23:30:10 <Deimos> the main issue I've seen with backroom subreddits is that it's fairly common for them to be controlled by someone different than the subreddit itself, like you get one of the mods lower down the list in control of the backroom subreddit
Jun 05 17 23:30:22 <Deimos> and then if they get removed or something, the backroom subreddit is ruined
Jun 05 17 23:57:05 <chard> I started the ball rolling on removing 7 top moderators.
Jun 05 17 23:57:27 <chard> Hooray
Jun 05 17 23:58:00 <Deimos> with that new process? has that even been used successfully by any subreddit yet?
Jun 06 17 00:00:37 <chard> Yes, and not to my knowledge.
Jun 06 17 00:09:58 <Deimos> that's no good, they're going to have a months-long backlog on that too
Jun 06 17 00:12:52 <chard> Yeah, they have a backlog already. I went back a month and didn't see any action made by admins.
Jun 06 17 00:16:00 <chard> Although maybe the wait time is a month
Jun 06 17 00:19:42 <Deimos> you seem to have a weird spammer here, chard:
Jun 06 17 00:20:24 <Deimos> actually maybe it's not a spammer, he was just kind of going nuts in this thread and I thought it was a bot or something:
Jun 06 17 00:21:14 <cuddlefishcat> looks like someone who doesn't understand how reddit threads work
Jun 06 17 00:27:05 <chard> Not spammer, just newbie
Jun 06 17 05:39:06 <Leafeator> So recently on /r/dota2 we started messing with the sticky css so they are new colors, and started to use those colors to denote what type of sticky it is (Live match thread / announcement / fluff discussion) and it's been getting all the posts more traction because I believe people are starting to identify colors with content they like, and it's easier to tell when things are new (and not just ignore them)
Jun 06 17 05:39:14 <Leafeator> Would recommend as an experiment
Jun 06 17 05:40:36 <chard> What's the sticky color CSS you're using?
Jun 06 17 05:42:27 <Leafeator> Red for subreddit related things (rule changes, updates) // Golden for eSports threads // Standard green for "fluff" stickies (like free talk) // Blue without bold (normal link css) for discussions
Jun 06 17 05:43:50 <chard> Share or link an example?
Jun 06 17 05:44:47 <Axanery> Yeah totally, on /r/Steam we use a bright Gold for the Steam Down for Maintenence announcement every week and lots of people view it
Jun 06 17 06:09:46 <Leafeator> Hard to show when they're not in effect, maybe ill take a screengrab of our test reddit
Jun 06 17 06:10:24 <Leafeator>
Jun 06 17 06:11:01 <Leafeator> Second post is incognito sticky. Top is announcement example. All of our match threads stay yellow even after they're stickied to make them easier to find, but they're also that color when they're pinned
Jun 06 17 06:40:15 <chard> Nice, yeah, I did a similar thing.
Jun 06 17 15:44:46 <dis_is_my_account> i find myself having to delete shitposts from my profile a lot when i want to approach someone and seem more "professional"
Jun 06 17 15:44:57 <dis_is_my_account> then i shitpost again and have to repeat the cycle
Jun 06 17 15:52:39 <tiz> Leafeator you can do that with flairs too, change the color of the title, backround or anything .title depending on what kind of flair the thread has
Jun 06 17 15:53:38 <twilexis> dis_is_my_account I gave up on that when I started moderating GoneMild. No amount of clearing up the shitposting will change the 'omg she mods a nsfw sub?' thinking.
Jun 06 17 15:54:25 <twilexis> But at least my r/justnomil and r/rbn stuff is on my alt.
Jun 06 17 17:09:02 <Leafeator> Shitposts only add to your street cred tho
Jun 07 17 00:10:28 <awkwardtheturtle> Does anyone have an automod code that will ban all those who disagree
Jun 07 17 00:14:54 <Deimos> ```
action: remove
Jun 07 17 00:34:47 <awkwardtheturtle> Good rule, brb adding it to all my subs
Jun 07 17 00:37:52 <Deimos> it has some false positives here and there, but not a big deal
Jun 07 17 02:34:44 <justcool393> Do you need anything else? Because I've always used `type: any` in addition to that to block all posts.
Jun 07 17 02:34:53 <justcool393> before locking was a thing
Jun 07 17 16:00:27 <Cleroth> Anyone have problems with finding archived modmail...
Jun 07 17 16:00:39 <Cleroth> I archive something by mistake, I go to search archives, and I can't find it anymore
Jun 07 17 16:13:28 <SpyTec> It's sorted by time.. so if you archive something that's a few days old you have to go back to that time
Jun 07 17 17:53:07 <tiz> you can sort it by activity, should throw it on top
Jun 07 17 17:54:17 <tiz> nvm you cant do that lol
Jun 07 17 18:01:46 <SpyTec> lol
Jun 07 17 19:25:06 <abe> Anyone wana mod my new sub?
Jun 07 17 19:34:32 <Gumdrops> abe What is it?
Jun 07 17 19:35:36 <SpyTec> r/u_abe699
Jun 07 17 19:35:46 <Gumdrops> Fold
Jun 07 17 19:36:23 <Shane> have any of you used the zapier webhooks?
Jun 07 17 19:39:38 <creesch> I haven't used it at all, as I said earlier it really isn't something for me.
Jun 07 17 19:40:34 <creesch> Also in principle I try to not use third party hosted tools when moderating a sub. Most if not all our bots/scripts are hosted on our own server.
Jun 07 17 19:47:54 <Cleroth> SpyTec I know it's sorted by time. I also know for sure the submission was 19 hours old. I went down in the archives until i got t ~19 hours and it's not there.
Jun 07 17 19:48:03 <Cleroth> I searched the entire thing from 0-24 hours old and it's not there. It's just gone.
Jun 07 17 19:48:25 <Cleroth> I like the new mod mail but the searching mechanism is really _really_ shit
Jun 07 17 19:48:39 <Cleroth> or the scrolling mechanism, even
Jun 07 17 19:53:58 <SpyTec> Maybe caching issue? Given it a refresh?
Jun 07 17 20:27:46 <abe> Gumdrops no it's r/abetheism
Jun 07 17 20:27:52 <abe> SpyTec wrong
Jun 07 17 20:28:21 <SpyTec>
Jun 07 17 23:19:02 <Cleroth> yea I refreshed it, didn't appear
Jun 07 17 23:19:06 <Cleroth> relogged, EVERYTHINGGGGGGGG
Jun 07 17 23:19:12 <Cleroth> short of nuking reddit's servers
Jun 07 17 23:40:16 <awkwardtheturtle> The archive folder is a black hole
Jun 07 17 23:40:25 <awkwardtheturtle> it's one of the many reasons I do not like new modmail
Jun 07 17 23:44:17 <twilexis> They should implement a search function
Jun 07 17 23:45:01 <twilexis>
Jun 08 17 00:34:07 <awkwardtheturtle> 🤔 to ban, or not to ban. That is the question.
Jun 08 17 00:38:09 <awkwardtheturtle> And yeah twilexis good thing we got a black hole of an archive folder instead of the search function we actually wanted, amirite? DAE new modmail best modmail
Jun 08 17 00:39:07 <twilexis> Heh
Jun 08 17 00:43:49 <twilexis> awkwardtheturtle up to you. I would but I'm pretty liberal on the ban hammer.
Jun 08 17 00:44:29 <awkwardtheturtle> After some reflection, I totes banned him
Jun 08 17 00:44:43 <SnowPhoenix> A built-in search function would instantly decide which modmail was better.
Jun 08 17 00:45:08 <SnowPhoenix> But for now, you just have to download everything and use third-party tools or ones you build yourself.
Jun 08 17 00:55:38 <awkwardtheturtle> Who would have ever guessed this guy would comment in /r/TheAltRight
Jun 08 17 00:58:26 <Cleroth> SnowPhoenix You can download everything?
Jun 08 17 00:58:33 <Cleroth> how _do_ you guys search the new modmail?
Jun 08 17 00:58:36 <Cleroth> I find it's practically impossible
Jun 08 17 00:58:41 <Cleroth> other than just manually scrolling looking for shit
Jun 08 17 00:59:19 <abe> awkwardtheturtle is r/thealtright an alt right sub? Or a sub laughing at the alt right?
Jun 08 17 00:59:44 <awkwardtheturtle> I've never been to the sub, I bet it's not ironic though
Jun 08 17 01:00:11 <Cleroth> Is the "this comment may have fully or..." thing automatic?
Jun 08 17 01:00:23 <SnowPhoenix> Cleroth Well, technically not _everything_. The reason I started archiving modmails for my subs to a MySQL database was because it only allowed you to go back through 15000 entries.
Jun 08 17 01:00:47 <Cleroth> so uh... some custom solution?
Jun 08 17 01:00:53 <SnowPhoenix> Yeah. In my case, I never built a front-end. I just do a manual query and go to the link.
Jun 08 17 01:01:13 <Cleroth> Thanks, Reddit.
Jun 08 17 01:01:42 <SnowPhoenix> Over at /r/pokemontrades, we have a webapp that automatically does it, but it's very tailored to our needs:
Jun 08 17 01:02:16 <Cleroth> no worries, I'll just wait a few more years for the search function
Jun 08 17 01:03:10 <SnowPhoenix> One of our members did this as well, but yeah, it's for old modmail and doesn't store stuff locally, so you're still limited to the last 15000:
Jun 08 17 01:03:26 <SnowPhoenix> Might be useful in some cases, though, unless someone made something more generalized.
Jun 08 17 01:04:48 <SnowPhoenix> Useable interface:
Jun 08 17 01:12:10 <awkwardtheturtle> Cleroth it's automatic as in it's a macro I wrote for the new toolbox function Ban Macrops
Jun 08 17 01:12:13 <awkwardtheturtle> Macros*
Jun 08 17 01:12:27 <awkwardtheturtle> I can give you the macro if you want, I find it to be super helpful
Jun 08 17 01:12:35 <Cleroth> That would be nice
Jun 08 17 01:12:41 <Cleroth> I haven't looked at how those work
Jun 08 17 01:14:01 <awkwardtheturtle> It's real simple. I'll paste two, the full version shown above and a shorter version. You copy them as they are written into the `Ban Macro` tab on Toolbox Config. Set the Ban Note to be `{permalink}`
Jun 08 17 01:15:07 <awkwardtheturtle> `This {kind} may have fully or partially contributed to your ban:`
`{body} `
`**[^(url)]({url})** **/** **[^(context)]({permalink}?context=9)** **/** **[^(sub rules)](/r/{subreddit}/about/rules)** **/** **[^(sidebar rules)](/r/{subreddit}/about/sidebar)** **/** **[^(site rules)](** **/** **[^(user)](/u/{author})** **/** **[^(cat)](**`
Jun 08 17 01:16:07 <awkwardtheturtle> and the abbreviated one:
Jun 08 17 01:16:32 <awkwardtheturtle> `This {kind} may have fully or partially contributed to your ban:`
`{body} `
`**[^(permalink)]({permalink}?context=9)** **/** **[^(rules)](/r/{subreddit}/about/rules)** **/** **[^(sidebar)](/r/{subreddit}/about/sidebar)**`
Jun 08 17 01:17:35 <awkwardtheturtle> Unfortunately it's a relatively new feature and they're still working out some bugs, but man it's still so helpful
Jun 08 17 01:17:47 <awkwardtheturtle> all that info right there for the user and your comods
Jun 08 17 01:18:22 <Cleroth> I'll try it out by banning myself
Jun 08 17 01:18:31 <awkwardtheturtle> lol rip
Jun 08 17 01:20:01 <Cleroth> Thanks
Jun 08 17 01:25:06 <awkwardtheturtle> np
Jun 08 17 01:47:32 <justcool393> Reported for ban evasion.
Jun 08 17 03:00:03 <awkwardtheturtle> 🤔
Jun 08 17 03:04:09 <awkwardtheturtle> 🤔
Jun 08 17 03:37:26 <abe> Hmm
Jun 08 17 12:19:40 <SpyTec> At what timezones should you look for mods from when it comes to moderating 0600-1300 GMT/UTC?
Jun 08 17 12:20:33 <creesch> Australians and people in Asia would fit in there.
Jun 08 17 12:21:14 <creesch> Also people in GMT up to +3 could potentially fit in there to some degreedepending on the time they have available during the day
Jun 08 17 12:23:21 <creesch> Possibly west coast I guess
Jun 08 17 12:25:10 <creesch> Yeah for west coast that would cover some of their evening
Jun 08 17 12:25:36 <creesch> SpyTec
Jun 08 17 12:26:00 <creesch> That helps a ton in figuring out that stuff. Fill in london as your base city for GMT and then a few cities around the world.
Jun 08 17 12:27:35 <creesch> hrm...
Jun 08 17 12:27:36 <creesch>
Jun 08 17 12:29:56 <creesch> So basically +3 up to +12
Jun 08 17 13:04:26 <twilexis> SpyTec You need an Australian, eh? Sup.
Jun 08 17 14:14:17 <SpyTec> Alright thanks creesch
Jun 08 17 14:14:38 <SpyTec> twilexis Don't think you'd like r/ED
Jun 08 17 14:14:52 <twilexis> heh
Jun 08 17 21:56:21 <chard> Why would one person want to have two accounts that are top mod positions? Seems....greedy
Jun 08 17 22:04:50 <Deimos> in the same subreddit?
Jun 08 17 22:11:44 <chard> Yeah
Jun 08 17 22:12:40 <chard> Guy doesn't want to give either of them up, either.
Jun 08 17 22:13:31 <chard> It offends my sense of efficiency.
Jun 08 17 22:18:02 <Deimos> I mean, there are lots of reasons why you'd do that, but none of them are legitimate as far as I can think of :b
Jun 08 17 22:18:30 <Deimos> backup for if one account gets banned, extra voice/vote in mod discussions, etc.
Jun 08 17 22:22:09 <YopparaiNeko> what sub?
Jun 08 17 22:44:50 <chard> /r/startups
Jun 08 17 22:45:46 <chard> ohashi and KingofDaCastle
Jun 08 17 22:53:13 <chard> We're talking about removing top mods who are not moderating but still active
Jun 08 17 22:54:13 <chard> So.....again, I don't know why he'd insist on two.
Jun 08 17 22:56:53 <chard> How do you think I should argue this, knowing the admins are going to be reading it over
Jun 09 17 00:17:15 <chard> Deimos What do you think I should say?
Jun 09 17 00:17:51 <Deimos> say for what? the application thing to get inactive higher mods removed?
Jun 09 17 01:08:36 <chard> Yeah; in response to a mod insisting on two mod accounts
Jun 09 17 01:12:19 <Deimos> I don't know, I don't think there's any good reason for them to do it but there's not really a rule against it either
Jun 09 17 01:12:45 <Deimos> so you can tell them they're both the same person so if they remove one they also get the other one, but I doubt you'd be able to get them to only remove one or the other (if that's what you want)
Jun 09 17 04:23:33 <justcool393> I feel like if they are *insisting* that they have two mod accounts on the team, there is a problem with that user.
Jun 09 17 04:23:56 <justcool393> That user might be a good mod, but it seems like it may be a problem.
Jun 09 17 04:24:13 <Axanery> kinda sketch
Jun 09 17 06:26:47 <Cleroth> what to do if a user admits to being suicidal in a comment? I've reported to the admins on slack, but unsure if I should delete the comment chain/submission
Jun 09 17 06:27:49 <maybesaydie> Delete it. If you leave it up you run the risk of people telling the user to go ahead and kill themself.
Jun 09 17 06:29:07 <Cleroth> People are actually being supportive, and I find that a bit unlikely in this sub, but I suppose it is a possibility
Jun 09 17 06:33:08 <maybesaydie> My other concern is that nothing ever goes away on the internet. If this person recovers they may not feel good having that in their public history. But i mod a lot of subs where people are mean so it might be okay to leave it if you trust your users.
Jun 09 17 06:36:15 <Cleroth> Right, thanks for your input
Jun 09 17 06:36:24 <Cleroth> I think I'll monitor the thread
Jun 09 17 06:56:56 <creesch> Cleroth there is a good post about it in modtalk, also you should not only ping the admins on slack.
Jun 09 17 06:57:36 <creesch> Also the /r/suicidewatch team is pretty good in handling this sort of stuff
Jun 09 17 06:57:52 <creesch>
Jun 09 17 06:58:58 <creesch> ```
Weighing in from the /r/SuicideWatch team (thanks for inviting me!)
First, I would say that to take all expressions of suicidal ideation and intent seriously unless and until they are shown to be trolling or otherwise not credible.
Second, don't immediately jump to taking steps that might compromise the OP's anonymity. That sort of thing should be a *last* resort, not a first resort. Any kind of privacy invasion or involuntary intervention is extremely traumatizing to anyone, and even more so to someone who's already *in extremis*. Anonymity saves far more lives in suicide intervention than it costs -- the rare occasions when it's a problem are analogous to someone being injured by their safety equipment. Anonymity makes it possible for people to disclose extreme vulnerability without having to worry about having to encounter someone who knows their darkest secrets IRL.
We get a lot of inquiries from mods of other subs regarding OPs who may be at risk for suicide. First to get the "veracity" issue out of the way, I'd say that most expressions (I advise against using emotionally-charged language like "threats") of suicidal thought or intent indicate some kind of serious distress whether or not the person is at immediate risk. We have a [risk assessment guide]( that may be of help.
Jun 09 17 06:59:14 <creesch> ```
The options we recommend (you might use some or all on a case-by-case basis) are:
1. Respond supportively to the person yourself, if you feel able to. Our [talking tips]( outline the safest and most effective ways to respond to someone who may be at risk. There's some solid and well-reproduced evidence that even a single caring message from a stranger can significantly reduce risk of suicide, so simple peer support can make a big difference. You can also refer the person to /r/SuicideWatch, or [direct them to a hotline](, or an [online resource](, but do that *in addition to* expressing concern.
2. Post a link over in SW so our community can weigh in. We have found this usually works out pretty well, with a variation in the case of subs where suicidal OPs tend to get trolled. What the mods in those subs have done in the past is remove the post, and then make a self-post in SW and copy/paste the text of the removed post and a link to it. Then our community can see what the OP put up, and respond to them directly, but the post is no longer visible in the original sub.
3. Consult us. We're always glad to help out, and there's usually at least one of us around most of the time. Particularly if you're having difficulty determining if an OP is on the level, we're always glad to take a look. However, one of the best ways to "check out" an OP who's expressed suicidal intent is to offer a caring and supportive response, and see what they come back with. Usually it only takes a brief exchange to get a good read on the situation.
Jun 09 17 06:59:35 <creesch> Cleroth ^
Jun 09 17 06:59:41 <creesch> That advice also had an admin response
Jun 09 17 07:01:44 <creesch> **risk assesment guide:**
**talking tips:**
**Online resources:**
Jun 09 17 07:01:54 <creesch> maybesaydie since you weighed in as well ^
Jun 09 17 08:51:22 <sloth_on_meth> guys i just wanna say, it's pretty awesome of you to help a stranger out
Jun 09 17 08:51:23 <sloth_on_meth> ❤
Jun 09 17 16:28:23 <beelzeybob> Someone is modmailing me saying they can't repost a link because it's already been removed (automod) I've never heard of this before
Jun 09 17 16:28:33 <beelzeybob> is this new
Jun 09 17 16:28:52 <greenie> It says its already been removed, or it says its already been submitted?
Jun 09 17 16:31:03 <greenie> I wonder if they tried to submit it, it said it had already been submitted, and then took them to the removed post, which had an automod comment saying it had been removed. So they took that as meaning "I cant resubmit because its already been removed"
Jun 09 17 16:31:55 <greenie> Though I don't actually know if removed posts count as "this has already been submitted" or not, so that logic might not be accurate.
Jun 09 17 16:32:13 <greenie> you could test it on a non-modded alt, i suppose
Jun 09 17 16:32:31 <beelzeybob> yeah, I'm doing this now
Jun 09 17 16:33:06 <beelzeybob> the same person in question is getting pissy because they didn't read the rules and tag their title in the first place, so I have a feeling they are just bad at reading
Jun 09 17 16:35:46 <beelzeybob> hm, yeah, I'm just getting the "this has already been submitted" text
Jun 09 17 17:28:25 <Deimos> yeah removed posts count towards that, it's confusing as hell
Jun 09 17 17:28:45 <Deimos> there's a link you can click in the "already submitted" box that lets you resubmit though (which people never seem to notice)
Jun 09 17 17:31:20 <Shane> Doesn't show on Mobile though
Jun 09 17 17:51:27 <SpyTec> Mobile <:lul:297371306200924160>
Jun 09 17 17:51:30 <SpyTec> Such. Good
Jun 09 17 18:20:46 <greenie> Shane , doesnt show on mobile web, or on mobile app? Probably both, I suppose.
Jun 10 17 05:42:37 <blackhawker33> Anyone know how to make it so comments need to be approved before being posted for only one post specifically?
Jun 10 17 05:47:23 <awkwardtheturtle> using flair
Jun 10 17 05:48:13 <awkwardtheturtle> make a rule that checks for the css class of the parent submission, then you can set it to filter all comments
Jun 10 17 05:48:33 <awkwardtheturtle> you'll need to make a custom flair also with that css class, and put that on the post
Jun 10 17 05:58:49 <tiz> There's a post id am thing
Jun 10 17 06:45:31 <awkwardtheturtle> that too
Jun 13 17 00:35:06 <picflute> Anyone ever make a modmail DB that is linked to Elastic/Splunk?
Jun 13 17 05:37:28 <creesch> Not modmail, someone did the modlog a while ago
Jun 13 17 08:21:07 <twoambien> anyone know if there is a way to prevent users from changing their discord nicknames? we can change them but then the user can change it back.
Jun 13 17 08:24:39 <Gumdrops> twoambien you can disable that feature per role
Jun 13 17 08:31:22 <twoambien> 'members with this permission can change their own nicknames' -- thanks. i think i want to keep allowing people to change their own nicknames. just not to override when a moderator changes their nickname for them.
Jun 13 17 08:32:18 <twoambien> ah, i can create a new role especially for those people
Jun 13 17 08:32:26 <twoambien> thanks!
Jun 13 17 09:06:33 <creesch> Annyoing as fuck when subs start spamming approved submitter invites to people that never visited the subreddit before.
Jun 13 17 09:09:08 <awkwardtheturtle> What's more annoying is when you put together a thoughtful post for a sub to help it improve and it's removed for no reason without any notice
Jun 13 17 09:09:32 <awkwardtheturtle> especially if the sub owners dont resolve any of the related requests
Jun 13 17 09:10:26 <awkwardtheturtle> I'd rather one random orangered from a spammer than that, any day
Jun 13 17 09:10:52 <creesch> I have no idea what you are talking about but it seems you are directing it at me...
Jun 13 17 09:11:41 <awkwardtheturtle> I use the orangered emoji on anyone and everyone, but perhaps you can help me here:
Jun 13 17 09:12:07 <awkwardtheturtle> I'm not sure why this was removed
Jun 13 17 09:12:25 <creesch> Oh look at that, the spam filter actually does filter things at times. Let me approve that for ya.
Jun 13 17 09:12:56 <creesch> As to why things not have been fixed, you know the concept of a volunteer open source project? Meaning people have lives besides the project and development isn't always as fast as you'd like?
Jun 13 17 09:12:57 <creesch> Cool
Jun 13 17 09:13:37 <awkwardtheturtle> Cool indeed
Jun 13 17 09:13:38 <creesch> Are there any other passive aggressive things you want to direct in my way? Or was that all?
Jun 13 17 09:13:45 <BobCobble> 🍿
Jun 13 17 09:13:49 <awkwardtheturtle> lmao
Jun 13 17 09:14:03 <BobCobble>
Jun 13 17 09:14:18 <creesch> Alright then, since I actually have to go to a meeting now.
Jun 13 17 09:14:19 <creesch> Seeya
Jun 13 17 09:14:28 <awkwardtheturtle> all I want is a ban macro that works. Like I said in the post, I love the ban macro. I love toolbox and I love that people work hard to make it available for people to use
Jun 13 17 09:14:49 <awkwardtheturtle> I also use the ban macro frequently, my teams and I use it many times a day
Jun 13 17 09:15:27 <awkwardtheturtle> It's bugged and I'd love for it not to be so that I can promote it as the invaluable item it is
Jun 13 17 09:15:31 <abe> Awkward doesn't get on with anyone
Jun 13 17 09:16:38 <awkwardtheturtle> I mean passive aggressive, my post was removed for no reason lmao
But cool I can dig it
Jun 13 17 09:16:46 <awkwardtheturtle> le (((spam filter)))
Jun 13 17 09:16:50 <BobCobble> this is just awkward
Jun 13 17 09:20:11 <awkwardtheturtle> I'm just hoping the toolbox developers fix ban macros considering the function is currently deeply flawed. It's such a neat feature, but if measures arent taken to make it a more reliable tool, I'll end up abandoning it. Which would suck for me and my teams.
I currently use ban macros on over 80 subs, at least 50 of which are above 40k subscribers.
Jun 13 17 09:23:32 <abe> Eli5 ban macros
Jun 13 17 09:24:17 <awkwardtheturtle> click the link I provided above
go to toolbox config on any sub you mod, click the ban macro button
Jun 13 17 09:30:11 <awkwardtheturtle> The bad part about using ban macros? They might not work and you won't know. If your macro includes only the placeholder `{body}` and the comment you click on is over 1000 characters, it won't process. You'll think you've banned them, but you won't have done shit. They werent banned.
It's a design flaw. Ban messages cap at 1000 characters, comments cap at 10k characters. This was not accounted for.
Jun 13 17 09:30:33 <awkwardtheturtle> That bad thing pretty much outweighs any benefit
Jun 13 17 09:30:47 <awkwardtheturtle> so until it is resolved I don't recommend anyone use the function
Jun 13 17 11:06:54 <Cleroth> well you could permalink to the comment/submission, rather than post its body
Jun 13 17 11:07:33 <Cleroth> 'bout the same functionality, and you can never reach 1000 characters
Jun 13 17 12:37:18 <Stormtrooper | Loki> why dont you just make it so its not over 1000? or am i missing something
Jun 13 17 12:37:34 <Stormtrooper | Loki> it tells you character count when you input it
Jun 13 17 12:38:55 <SpyTec> awkwardtheturtle for me the ban went through, but just cutoff the ban message early
Jun 13 17 14:01:00 <Cleroth> Stormtrooper | Loki Because the {body} is automatic and you don't actually see it filled in the editor
Jun 13 17 14:01:19 <Stormtrooper | Loki> Ahh
Jun 13 17 14:05:56 <SpyTec> But you do? If you mean when banning
Jun 13 17 14:06:12 <Cleroth> ATT was talking about ban macros
Jun 13 17 14:06:46 <SpyTec> Yeah
Jun 13 17 14:06:46 <Cleroth> oh, you do
Jun 13 17 14:06:50 <SpyTec> See!
Jun 13 17 14:06:56 <Cleroth> it doesn't tell me character limit though
Jun 13 17 14:07:09 <SpyTec> It doesn't no
Jun 13 17 14:07:13 <SpyTec> But you can't enter more than 1000
Jun 13 17 14:07:24 <Cleroth> yea so it should mostly work
Jun 13 17 14:07:28 <SpyTec> If its already over due to body, just try adding a letter 😛
Jun 13 17 14:07:33 <Cleroth> and like I said before, you should just put the body at the end
Jun 13 17 14:07:40 <Cleroth> or... just perma-link to the comment/submission
Jun 13 17 14:07:56 <SpyTec> Yeah
Jun 13 17 14:08:04 <SpyTec> That reminds me, I was going to do that but forgot
Jun 13 17 14:09:29 <SpyTec> Idk what to change it to. Have the same ban macro as awkwardtheturtle
Jun 13 17 14:12:14 <Cleroth> `Thanks for contributing. However, your [{kind}]({url}) was removed from /r/{subreddit}`
Jun 13 17 14:12:59 <Cleroth> Well huh, you get the point
Jun 13 17 14:13:23 <Cleroth> `Thanks for contributing. However, we've kindly banned your ass due to your {kind}]({url}).`
Jun 13 17 14:13:53 <SpyTec> ```
This {kind} may have fully or partially contributed to your ban:
**[^(url)]({url})** **/** **[^(sub rules)](/r/{subreddit}/about/rules)**```
Jun 13 17 14:13:56 <SpyTec> That is what we had
Jun 13 17 14:28:11 <Cleroth> what does {title} do for comments?
Jun 13 17 14:29:03 <Cleroth> broken, probably
Jun 13 17 14:29:12 <Cleroth> mod docs don't say anything about that working for commenst
Jun 13 17 14:32:00 <SpyTec> Does not work for comments, no
Jun 13 17 14:32:03 <SpyTec> Just does link iirc
Jun 13 17 14:34:24 <Cleroth> the question is
Jun 13 17 14:34:29 <Cleroth> how long _is_ 1000 chars.
Jun 13 17 14:35:05 <Cleroth> okay
Jun 13 17 14:35:07 <SpyTec> 1000 chars
Jun 13 17 14:35:14 <Cleroth> that's definitely very easy to reach
Jun 13 17 14:35:25 <Cleroth> Just tried a random comment in mod queue, 1400 chars
Jun 13 17 14:35:25 <BobCobble> it's half the max allowed discord message
Jun 13 17 14:35:26 <Cleroth> =/
Jun 13 17 14:35:46 <Cleroth> like I know what the max allowed discord message is
Jun 13 17 14:36:29 <BobCobble>
Jun 13 17 14:36:33 <BobCobble> 1000 characters
Jun 13 17 14:37:00 <Cleroth> You had to snip the N word, didn't you.
Jun 13 17 14:37:28 <BobCobble> oh lol
Jun 13 17 14:37:45 <Cleroth> But yea, turns out 1k is nothing
Jun 13 17 14:38:00 <BobCobble> the n word was "nam"
Jun 13 17 14:38:02 <Cleroth> I guess they weren't really expecting people to write novels in ban messages
Jun 13 17 14:38:21 <Cleroth> or... for people to write a bunch of custom tools to use reddit
Jun 13 17 14:39:04 <BobCobble> Just put cryptic messages in ban notes for how they can get unbanned. Then they have to read the entire thing. 1000 character erotic novel with a cryptic message on how to be unbanned lol.
Jun 13 17 14:42:16 <Cleroth> Single link to r/futurologyappeals is all I can be arsed with.
Jun 13 17 14:42:32 <Cleroth> "Hello. You're perma-banned. Don't like it? Go for an appeal, bye."
Jun 13 17 14:55:40 <Cleroth> I heard the Reddit Is Fun android app can view reports on a submission even after it's been approved. Is this true? If so, doesn't that mean someone could write a tool for desktop to fetch those reports?
Jun 13 17 15:17:51 <Squingu> Yeah you can. Technically you could just report the post yourself to bring the reports back, but it's an annoying workaround.
Jun 13 17 15:38:08 <creesch> Cleroth that information is sometimes available but not always.
Jun 13 17 15:38:22 <creesch> I think we have some beta feature hidden away in toolbox that also shows it.
Jun 13 17 16:08:22 <SpyTec> yep
Jun 13 17 16:32:51 <Cleroth> just tried it in a bunch of different submissions which had ignored reports and it doesn't show any reports
Jun 13 17 16:37:41 <SpyTec> It sometimes does
Jun 13 17 16:37:47 <SpyTec> Doesn't work all the time
Jun 13 17 16:37:52 <SpyTec> No idea what causes it
Jun 13 17 16:38:02 <SpyTec> More often than not its empty though
Jun 13 17 18:44:29 <awkwardtheturtle> Having the comment in the ban message is super helpful. 90% of the time, it's under the character limit.
I wish the macro was cutting off the body text for me and my comods, but this is a frequent complaint I keep getting
Jun 14 17 13:51:54 <BobCobble> I've got two top mods I wanna remove on r/hardwareswapuk. Both are active on reddit and we've pm'd them both asking them to step down. One replied and said no and the other didn't reply. Neither have been active on the sub/modlog for over 6 months and have never introduced themselves to the new mod team or anything.
Our reasons for removal are basically that we worry about account security and not knowing who they are particularly as we are a trading subreddit and have problems with scammers. We also found a thread where one of the mods clearly was abusive to another member and we know from someone else he told them to fuck off before.
Anyone who's had top mod removed who are active on reddit, do you think we'll get them removed and how easy was the process?
Jun 14 17 14:20:20 <Cleroth> BobCobble
Jun 14 17 14:24:13 <BobCobble> Thanks, I have had a read of that. I was just wondering if anyone here had done it and how it went, how easy it was etc. I think we meet the criteria but I still worry about being declined, even though the admins have said that retaliation will not be welcome.
Jun 14 17 14:29:38 <Cleroth> I was informed about a default that has requested the procedure a month ago, and the admins haven't even acknowledge it yet
Jun 14 17 14:29:46 <Cleroth> so I dunno...
Jun 14 17 14:29:58 <Cleroth> It's possible it may be taking longer because the situation is complicated and it's a default, who knows
Jun 14 17 18:17:53 <Deimos> as far as I've seen/heard, that process hasn't actually been applied anywhere still
Jun 14 17 18:22:08 <BobCobble> Ah, rip. Doesn't sound like it's still worth doing then if we aren't gonna get anywhere except upset/problems between us and the top mods and more importantly the community.
Jun 14 17 18:25:18 <Deimos> yeah, at this point they already have a 2 month backlog (and that's including the initial "rush"), so at the very least the chance of hearing anything back for months is probably very low
Jun 14 17 18:25:27 <Deimos> most likely not worth it if it's going to cause some strife
Jun 14 17 18:45:39 <creesch>
Jun 14 17 18:51:33 <BobCobble> Deimos Yeah, we've decided not to go through with it. Thanks for the info on it. :)
Jun 14 17 19:59:53 <twoambien> if you read it, you don't seem to qualify. being paranoid about what people might do is specifically stated as not a valid reason. they need to have done something besides having the ability to do things and scaring you with that ability. i don't think having told someone in the past to fuck off is going to qualify. (i'm not justifying the rules, just repeating them)
Jun 14 17 20:32:37 <awkwardtheturtle> I just got a subreddit I requested 5 months ago <:lul:297371306200924160>
Jun 14 17 20:34:15 <ThatAstronautGuy> wow
Jun 14 17 20:34:20 <ThatAstronautGuy> i guess they ignored you
Jun 15 17 00:39:25 <beelzeybob> the top mod removal thing prompted us to talk to our two top mods
Jun 15 17 00:39:45 <beelzeybob> and they were reluctant but we kinda guilted them into stepping down
Jun 15 17 00:39:57 <beelzeybob> so going through reddit wasn't needed in the end
Jun 15 17 00:41:42 <beelzeybob> we convinced the top mod to come in discord to chat
Jun 15 17 00:42:10 <beelzeybob> so they couldn't just ignore modmail and pretend they werent seeing it
Jun 15 17 00:43:00 <beelzeybob> I also managed to get another top mod to turn their sub into a redirect for us this way
Jun 15 17 00:43:12 <beelzeybob> so getting people in real time chat seems to work
Jun 15 17 06:09:05 <BobCobble> Yeah, the main problem we have is that we've never spoken to them in real time chat. So we don't really know who they are or anything. They have never been active for as long as we've been mods and the mod who modded us was removed/left *it's complicated lol*.
There were 4 at the top but two left after PMing them. The main problem is we are a trading subreddit and really need to be cautious of scammers, hacked accounts etc. All things Reddit probably won't count as good enough. Neither of them are that active on reddit but active enough.
Jun 15 17 06:25:50 <Cleroth> that must be awkward 🐢
Jun 15 17 10:42:43 <Jaska> Is there any bot that would allow blocking youtube channels? One guy is trying very hard to push his shitty channel despite being banned from subreddits and getting his account banned, he makes new one and spams same shit.
Jun 15 17 12:46:36 <Gumdrops> You can filter channels via AutoModerator, or opt in to Sentinel bot:
Jun 15 17 12:49:52 <Shane> how do you filter channels with automod?
Jun 15 17 12:50:05 <Cleroth> `media_author` or `media_author_url`
Jun 15 17 12:50:51 <Cleroth>
Jun 15 17 12:50:52 <Gumdrops> media_author can be a channel name or channel ID
Jun 15 17 12:50:57 <Cleroth> that's not true
Jun 15 17 12:51:05 <Cleroth> it's only channel name
Jun 15 17 12:51:42 <Gumdrops> Ok, looking at our automod there are both added, I haven't used it myself for filtering youtube channels
Jun 15 17 12:52:09 <Cleroth> yea, I think it's a bit of a misconception
Jun 15 17 12:52:16 <Cleroth> But Deimorz said it wasn't the case
Jun 15 17 12:53:24 <Cleroth>
Jun 15 17 15:39:04 <Jaska> Gumdrops Cleroth Thank you guys
Jun 15 17 17:10:52 <Deimos> The automod `media_` stuff all uses the data that comes from embedly, you can look at the reddit json data for a post, or try using embedly's "extract" on a video or whatever to see what it'll get
Jun 15 17 17:34:39 <Shane> so would it work on other sites?
Jun 15 17 17:35:04 <creesch> yes
Jun 15 17 17:35:21 <creesch> As long as embedly processes them
Jun 15 17 17:35:50 <creesch> Toolbox's historybutton also uses the same data for the "account submitted from" bit
Jun 15 17 17:36:18 <creesch> So it works on other websites, but obviously not all of them.
Jun 15 17 18:44:20 <Deimos> Yeah it works on some sites, basically anything that has the little "play button" thing on reddit that shows the embed
Jun 15 17 18:44:45 <Deimos> It depends on what data embedly can get from the source site though, sometimes it's not much
Jun 15 17 20:35:33 <justcool393> I didn't even realize that stuff was in the API
Jun 15 17 20:35:36 <justcool393> I'm dumb
Jun 15 17 20:35:47 <justcool393> I should go make a PR on RedditSharp for that stuff
Jun 15 17 20:51:58 <awkwardtheturtle> The `media` functions of automod are unfortunately cucked. They barely work. This is why /r/TheSentinelBot was created. If you want to ban certain channels, add the bot to your sub.
Jun 15 17 20:53:25 <justcool393> Ah. Well what I'm doing couldn't use that. Is the source for SentinelBot available?
Jun 15 17 20:53:44 <BobCobble> is it any good?
Jun 15 17 20:53:55 <awkwardtheturtle> It's awesome
Jun 15 17 20:53:59 <awkwardtheturtle> I believe the source is available
Jun 15 17 20:54:02 <justcool393> SetinelBot is pretty legit tho
Jun 15 17 20:54:35 <awkwardtheturtle> the devs are thirdegree and d0cr3d, they can tell you more about the specifics
Jun 15 17 20:54:50 <awkwardtheturtle> The bot has a ton of functions
Jun 15 17 20:55:11 <awkwardtheturtle> like instant mod matrices, tracking deleted posts and comments, and other stuff
Jun 15 17 20:55:28 <awkwardtheturtle> and the layer7 site is pretty darn sweet
Jun 15 17 20:55:38 <thirdegree>
Jun 15 17 20:55:48 <thirdegree> Source
Jun 15 17 20:55:53 <justcool393> Thanks thirdegree
Jun 15 17 20:56:00 <awkwardtheturtle> thirdegree is bae
Jun 15 17 20:56:17 <thirdegree> :parrotlover:
Jun 15 17 20:56:47 <abe> no im not
Jun 15 17 20:57:00 <abe> You will never know who's alt I am'
Jun 15 17 20:57:14 <abe> I deleted my main alts account ages ago
Jun 15 17 20:57:41 <thirdegree> You're nans
Jun 15 17 20:57:59 <abe> no
Jun 15 17 20:58:01 <abe> whos nanas
Jun 15 17 20:58:30 <abe> is nans atticus?
Jun 15 17 20:58:32 <BobCobble> nan is ded
Jun 15 17 20:59:21 <abe> o
Jun 15 17 20:59:27 <abe> hes the one who got burned?
Jun 15 17 20:59:36 <BobCobble> 🔥
Jun 15 17 21:00:14 <abe> yeah that one
Jun 15 17 21:02:13 <abe> I remember one of the procss said that it was suicicide in the mod chat
Jun 15 17 21:02:31 <abe> and then he said he thought my alt might have done suicide lol
Jun 15 17 21:09:56 <abe> <:xturtle:322865367632314368>
Jun 16 17 13:06:28 <greenie> So, another mod made userflair that are images, but the images are too big and I need to download them so I can scale them down. I can't figure out a way to do that.
Jun 16 17 13:06:39 <greenie> and I feel like this is a thing that should be possible
Jun 16 17 13:07:11 <creesch> you can grab them from the stylesheet page
Jun 16 17 13:07:17 <creesch> /r/subreddit/about/stylesheet
Jun 16 17 13:07:26 <greenie> theyre not on the stylesheet page?
Jun 16 17 13:07:38 <Squingu> should be on the bottom
Jun 16 17 13:08:00 <greenie> oohhhh he did it as a sheet, that makes sense
Jun 16 17 13:08:16 <greenie> ahh the preview only showed the first one, thus my ignoring it
Jun 16 17 13:08:18 <greenie> thanks yall
Jun 16 17 13:08:26 <greenie> i havent messed with this stuff in ages
Jun 16 17 13:09:58 <creesch> Doing it with a stylesheet currently is the only way to do flairs.
Jun 16 17 13:10:16 <creesch> Mind you, depending on how he did it you also need to adjust the stylesheet
Jun 16 17 13:10:35 <creesch> It can also be one image btw that contains all the flairs, so called sprite
Jun 16 17 13:23:22 <greenie> yeah tis a spritesheet, which means I have to change the positional math stuff as well
Jun 16 17 13:24:11 <greenie> didnt realise how rusty I've gotten with reddit css stuff
Jun 16 17 13:40:46 <creesch> That is just css stuff though dear :P
Jun 17 17 23:41:31 <beelzeybob> anyone else having users with a glitch where they send 100s of the same message at a time?
Jun 17 17 23:41:56 <beelzeybob> it also seems to only be happening with one of my subreddits
Jun 17 17 23:41:56 <beelzeybob> 🤔
Jun 17 17 23:51:17 <justcool393> beelzeybob I know a few days ago, reddit's random 500s were causing duplicate posts and messages to be sent
Jun 17 17 23:52:34 <beelzeybob> ah, that lined up with when I last saw it, its happening again today
Jun 18 17 06:42:56 <Cleroth> heh, bug with Toolbox, `[ removed by true ]`
Jun 18 17 06:43:04 <Cleroth> That's not `true`!
Jun 18 17 06:49:52 <justcool393> if its removed by spamfilter or admins, thats what it'll show
Jun 18 17 06:49:55 <justcool393> kinda weird though
Jun 18 17 06:50:06 <justcool393> well it should say `[ removed ]`
Jun 18 17 06:50:07 <Cleroth> You know what would be great? If something like toolbox could tell us how much of a user's comments and/or submissions have been removed in a particular sub
Jun 18 17 06:50:33 <justcool393> I wonder how you would make that work.
Jun 18 17 06:50:45 <Cleroth> load the history in the background, I guess
Jun 18 17 06:50:52 <justcool393> I'm not sure if you'd use the removed queue or the userprofile.
Jun 18 17 06:51:16 <justcool393> Not sure which would catch more. I guess it depends on the user and sub activity.
Jun 18 17 06:51:18 <Cleroth> I'd think the user profile is easier
Jun 18 17 06:51:27 <Cleroth> I mean, faster
Jun 18 17 06:51:27 <justcool393> Probably.
Jun 18 17 06:51:47 <Cleroth> It might not catch as much, but I don't want to wait a trillion years for it to finish, too
Jun 18 17 06:52:02 <Cleroth> I just need a quick "75% of this users comments hav ebeen removed in this sub"
Jun 18 17 06:52:17 <Cleroth> rather than having to put user notes on every single person that talks crap
Jun 18 17 06:52:21 <justcool393> Yeah, it really depends on how active the user is on reddit.
Jun 18 17 06:53:21 <Cleroth> And yea for the `remove by true` thing, I actually got scared someone invited a new mod again without saying anything
Jun 18 17 06:53:23 <Cleroth> xD
Jun 18 17 06:53:30 <Cleroth> "WHO'S THIS `TRUE` PERSON"
Jun 18 17 06:54:05 <justcool393> Cleroth yeah it just means the spamfilter caught it. It actually annoyed me a bit
Jun 18 17 06:54:15 <Cleroth> yea, I got that much
Jun 18 17 06:54:41 <Cleroth> (you can delete messages on discord)
Jun 18 17 06:55:28 <justcool393> yup
Jun 18 17 06:55:31 <justcool393> done that
Jun 18 17 15:55:26 <BobCobble> when you get quite a few replies to mod application form but only 1 is vaguely competent
Jun 18 17 16:43:36 <Axanery> which sub is this?
Jun 18 17 16:44:56 <Axanery> BobCobble
Jun 18 17 16:45:05 <BobCobble> /r/HardwareSwapUK
Jun 18 17 16:49:19 <Axanery> /Steam's went mostly well
Jun 18 17 16:50:29 <BobCobble> Nice, we are quite a small sub but we get quite a few posts a day.
Jun 18 17 16:50:41 <BobCobble> Well, compared to other subs of our size
Jun 18 17 16:51:10 <BobCobble> 3 of them were jokes, 2 then said they didn't actually wanna do it and 1 seems good.
Jun 18 17 19:48:22 <Axanery> we got tons of joke apps but whatever
Jun 19 17 00:27:55 <justcool393> Axanery I don't know any subreddit that doesn't.
Jun 19 17 00:35:14 <cuddlefishcat> I don't think we got any
Jun 19 17 00:36:17 <Zirr> I got ~1 joke out of ~300
Jun 19 17 00:36:28 <cuddlefishcat> jk we got 2
Jun 19 17 00:36:34 <cuddlefishcat> that i remember
Jun 19 17 00:37:13 <Zirr> Mine was really lazy
Jun 19 17 00:37:19 <Zirr> Was just "fuck you zirr" in all of them
Jun 19 17 00:37:21 <Zirr> <:blobsad:280621860822188032>
Jun 19 17 00:38:15 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> <:FeelsSadMan:218671761430937602>
Jun 19 17 01:55:16 <abe> creesch is there anyway with toolbox to make the mod toolbar links to mod queue and unmodded to the filtered r/mod? (
Jun 19 17 02:53:27 <PCJonathan>
Jun 19 17 03:21:08 <abe> Thanks
Jun 19 17 12:22:10 <Cleroth> Axanery Mod me to r/steam. Motivation letter; I'm the best, that's why you should hire me.
Jun 19 17 12:23:35 <SpyTec> I can vouch
Jun 19 17 12:23:37 <SpyTec> Sorry hit enter
Jun 19 17 12:23:45 <SpyTec> I can vouch for not having Cleroth on r/Steam
Jun 19 17 12:23:47 <SpyTec> <:lul:297371306200924160>
Jun 19 17 12:24:08 <SpyTec> Oh shit. Thought we were in different channel, ignore me
Jun 19 17 12:31:42 <creesch> Modding steam must be fun, having to deal with an endless stream of fluff content in the form of people complaining about bans and all sorts of shits because... well gamers have nailed down complaining like almost no other group.
Jun 19 17 12:45:01 <Cleroth> Honestly, that's why I've never considered modding there
Jun 19 17 12:45:15 <Cleroth> I mod r/gamedev, and at least game devs are a lot less entitled shits than gamers
Jun 19 17 12:45:31 <creesch> (unrelated but the /r/steam style is waaaay to crowded and cluttered, some minor whitespacing adjustments could make it much more enjoyable to browse)
Jun 19 17 12:46:31 <Cleroth> I used to be subbed to r/steam, I very quickly unsubbed from it once I tried joining discussions
Jun 19 17 12:46:57 <Cleroth> They'll downvote you for anything
Jun 19 17 12:46:59 <creesch> I did the css of /r/games a couple of years ago, never had so much "feedback"
Jun 19 17 12:47:14 <Cleroth> haha
Jun 19 17 12:47:27 <creesch> Well some of it was genuine thorough feedback but a lot of it was just a lot of bitching about how it was different.
Jun 19 17 12:47:30 <Cleroth> "this style sucks"
Jun 19 17 12:47:32 <Cleroth> "but why?"
Jun 19 17 12:47:33 <Cleroth> "it just sucks"
Jun 19 17 12:47:45 <Cleroth> I mean it's still kinda feedback
Jun 19 17 12:47:49 <Cleroth> "I'm not happy with this"
Jun 19 17 12:47:51 <Cleroth> is still feedback
Jun 19 17 12:47:55 <Cleroth> it could be better, but yea
Jun 19 17 12:47:56 <creesch> Also a lot of "Your alignment is one pixel of, now the entire style is ruined"
Jun 19 17 12:48:11 <Cleroth> but... my OCD
Jun 19 17 12:48:32 <Cleroth> well you think the freaking context in mod queue in nightmode is READABLE
Jun 19 17 12:48:35 <creesch> Well feedback as I have always seen it is constructive in nature, otherwise it is just critisism
Jun 19 17 12:48:38 <Cleroth> so I don't know what your styiling is like.....
Jun 19 17 12:48:48 <Cleroth> I mean it's readable, but it's really painful to read
Jun 19 17 12:48:50 <creesch> Semantical difference I guess, but a handy distinction to make at times.
Jun 19 17 12:49:25 <creesch> Nah that is fixed
Jun 19 17 12:49:37 <creesch> Literally pushed a update this weekend.
Jun 19 17 12:50:39 <creesch> Anyway as far as /r/Games/ goes, you can check it out. As far as gaming subreddits go the styling is even relatively tame.
Jun 19 17 12:50:53 <creesch> And nightmode (last time I checked and still did development on it) works perfectly.
Jun 19 17 12:52:08 <creesch> The thing i personally dislike about /r/games as it is now is the amount of whitespace between submissions on the frontpage, I personally would have liked to have a bit more. But apparantly the very vocal people in the sub like as much info as possible crammed into their screens
Jun 19 17 12:54:40 <creesch> Cleroth Anyway, as far as the readable go. Well yeah, on the screen I was looking on the contrast was not that bad which is why I asked for clarification. Also because I don't use nightmode myself so I didn't want to change a bunch of stuff that wasn't actually the problem according to you.
Jun 19 17 12:54:47 <creesch> So screw me for being thorough :P
Jun 19 17 12:55:58 <creesch> And as I said, unless you have an outdated toolbox it should be fixed.
Jun 19 17 12:57:01 <Cleroth> the contrast between the actual text (not buttons) and the background was too low
Jun 19 17 12:57:23 <Cleroth> was kinda gray on gray
Jun 19 17 12:57:23 <creesch> Yeah I know...
Jun 19 17 12:57:26 <creesch> You told me
Jun 19 17 12:57:30 <creesch> And I fixed that
Jun 19 17 12:57:32 <Cleroth> but yeait's better now
Jun 19 17 12:57:34 <creesch> Update your toolbox :P
Jun 19 17 12:58:53 <Cleroth> I see it now. but i had already altered it with stylish
Jun 19 17 12:59:20 <creesch> Pffft, go through all the trouble of fixing something for someone specifically and they don't even notice...
Jun 19 17 12:59:42 <creesch> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Jun 19 17 12:59:52 <Cleroth> I'm sure it affects many other people
Jun 19 17 12:59:57 <Cleroth> or maybe I'm just the only one using night mode
Jun 19 17 12:59:57 <Cleroth> ;(
Jun 19 17 13:00:30 <creesch> Only a small group of redditors uses nightmode in my experience doing css, mods are a very small subset of redditors
Jun 19 17 13:00:35 <creesch> so yeah, likely :P
Jun 19 17 13:00:48 <Cleroth> well one would think mods use nightmode more
Jun 19 17 13:00:51 <Cleroth> because they're POWA USARS
Jun 19 17 13:01:46 <creesch> I don't like how nightmode looks and usually during the evening hours f.lux makes the screen just fine to handle.
Jun 19 17 13:02:07 <Cleroth> I hate f.lux
Jun 19 17 13:02:11 <Cleroth> makes everything looks like shit
Jun 19 17 13:02:52 <creesch> Doesn't really bother me as it is right around when the sun sets and it fits the context of my surroundings perfectly.
Jun 19 17 13:03:16 <Cleroth> your surrounding looks red?
Jun 19 17 13:03:17 <creesch> Many dark styles on the other hand go overboard and are just shit in general as far as presenting an equal alternative to their lighter styles.
Jun 19 17 13:03:37 <creesch> If the screen looks really red to you you might have f.lux turned up too much :P
Jun 19 17 13:04:10 <Cleroth> reddish, whatever
Jun 19 17 13:04:16 <creesch> Also yes, my surroundings are lighted with warm light sources as that is the sort of lighting we have set up in the house.
Jun 19 17 13:04:47 <creesch> I guess it is a preferences thing
Jun 19 17 13:13:48 <Cleroth> btw anyone know why this happens
Jun 19 17 13:13:49 <Cleroth>
Jun 19 17 13:14:10 <Cleroth> it used to replace it automatically, then at some point RES updated and it wasn't working anymore
Jun 19 17 13:15:00 <creesch> What RES feature is that?
Jun 19 17 13:15:11 <Cleroth> macros
Jun 19 17 13:15:36 <creesch> mfw no removal reasons
Jun 19 17 13:16:03 <Cleroth> heh yea, I set that up on this sub before I knew of those
Jun 19 17 13:16:14 <Cleroth> I guess I should just do that
Jun 19 17 13:16:23 <Cleroth> I think I'm the only one using toolbox on this sub though
Jun 19 17 13:17:02 <creesch> Well now you only have them at a computer where you restored your RES settings. With removal reasons they are stored in wiki
Jun 19 17 13:17:24 <creesch> But yeah seems the {{subreddit}} token is broken.
Jun 19 17 13:24:06 <creesch> Anyway I mentioned it in the RES irc channel
Jun 19 17 13:24:24 <creesch> I couldn't find it on their known issues list, so I guess they might not have noticed yet.
Jun 19 17 13:33:25 <Cleroth> weird, I added removal reasons
Jun 19 17 13:33:26 <Cleroth> it worked
Jun 19 17 13:33:30 <Cleroth> and now it doesn't anyomre
Jun 19 17 13:34:25 <Shane> cache?
Jun 19 17 13:34:42 <Cleroth> I closed all reddit tabs
Jun 19 17 13:34:46 <Cleroth> still doesn't work
Jun 19 17 13:34:46 <Cleroth> dunno
Jun 19 17 13:35:12 <Cleroth> yea works after clearing cache
Jun 19 17 13:35:17 <Cleroth> confused that it worked once and then just stoppde working
Jun 19 17 22:45:39 <BobCobble> Any tips on growing a new sub I recently made?
Jun 19 17 22:47:24 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> X-Post content from there to another subreddit, with the the title including (x-posted from /r/insertsubhere).
Jun 19 17 22:47:46 <BobCobble> Yeah, I've done quite a bit of that.
Jun 19 17 22:48:29 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> constantly post to the subreddit to encourage other users to do so too. No one wants to submit or browse a dead, empty sub
Jun 19 17 22:48:43 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> Post your subreddit to /r/newreddits
Jun 19 17 22:48:54 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> Find a CSS mod to make it look attractive
Jun 19 17 22:49:09 <BobCobble> Yeah I've done both of those. CSS i've kinda done myself but it's not that great.
Jun 19 17 22:49:24 <BobCobble> I mean it's not totally not growing
Jun 19 17 22:49:39 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> Make a subreddit ad and submit to /r/SubredditAds
Jun 19 17 22:49:52 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> Nominate your subreddit for /r/SubredditOfTheDay
Jun 19 17 22:50:07 <BobCobble> Yeah might try /r/tinysubredditoftheday
Jun 19 17 22:50:09 <BobCobble> ty
Jun 19 17 22:50:23 <abe> what sub?
Jun 19 17 22:50:29 <abe> The best tip i to mod me.
Jun 19 17 22:50:29 <BobCobble> /r/worstpuns
Jun 19 17 22:50:44 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> I'm currently growing my own sub too
Jun 19 17 22:50:48 <BobCobble> What sub?
Jun 19 17 22:50:57 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> /r/AnimalsFindingMirrors
Jun 19 17 22:51:08 <abe> mod me pls
Jun 19 17 22:51:29 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> For posting the cute reactions animals give when they see a mirror
Jun 19 17 22:51:36 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> abe no
Jun 19 17 22:51:39 <BobCobble> Nice
Jun 19 17 22:51:51 <BobCobble> ~~mod me pls~~
Jun 19 17 22:51:51 <abe> BobCobble mod me to yours pls
Jun 19 17 22:52:01 <BobCobble> *i'm just joining in with abe*
Jun 19 17 22:52:34 <abe> bobby was begging me the other day to mod him to r/TIL_Uncensored
Jun 19 17 22:52:45 <BobCobble> i asked you once lol
Jun 19 17 22:52:49 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> It was able to take off because someone had the idea in /r/mademesmile, so I made it
Jun 19 17 22:52:55 <BobCobble> ah
Jun 19 17 22:53:14 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> See the thread that's linked in the sub
Jun 19 17 22:53:24 <abe> mod me and ill make it big@ ICantThinkOfNameHelp
Jun 19 17 22:53:28 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> No
Jun 19 17 22:53:35 <abe>
Jun 19 17 22:53:39 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> I already know how to manage and grow a subreddit
Jun 19 17 22:54:11 <abe> not as well as me
Jun 19 17 22:54:41 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> Stop pestering me, and how would you know?
Jun 19 17 23:10:08 <nt337> *crickets*
Jun 19 17 23:10:30 <BobCobble> *de ja vu*
Jun 19 17 23:10:43 <abe> I know
Jun 19 17 23:10:46 <abe> Because I'm smart
Jun 19 17 23:10:49 <abe> And clever
Jun 19 17 23:10:53 <abe> And you're not
Jun 19 17 23:11:11 <BobCobble> k
Jun 19 17 23:11:34 <abe> Bobs smart
Jun 19 17 23:11:39 <abe> Just not ICantThinkOfNameHelp
Jun 19 17 23:12:16 <nt337> ICantThinkOfNameHelp animalsbeingderps might be a good sub to xpost to btw
Jun 19 17 23:13:00 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> Alright, thanks nt337
Jun 19 17 23:13:04 <BobCobble> ICantBeaskedtowritetherestofthis is nice
Jun 19 17 23:13:12 <BobCobble> we both mod on /r/unresolvedmysteries
Jun 19 17 23:13:24 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> Ya
Jun 19 17 23:20:18 <allthefoxes> take the modme thing to <#280814354910281728> please
Jun 19 17 23:20:22 <allthefoxes> serious discussion
Jun 19 17 23:20:27 <allthefoxes> belong here
Jun 20 17 23:49:39 <twoambien> is there any way to restrict or limit direct messages? such as not allowing new users to send them? we are having a spam problem.
Jun 20 17 23:49:47 <twoambien> on Discord ^^
Jun 20 17 23:50:26 <Deimos> I think individual users have to set it up for themselves
Jun 20 17 23:50:50 <Deimos>
Jun 20 17 23:52:11 <abe> settings cog > privacy and safety.
Jun 21 17 00:19:23 <Shane> yeah, nothing you can really do server side other than reminding users to not accept requests from people they dont know
Jun 21 17 02:28:43 <greenie> is there a trick to get my modmail icon for the new modmail to stop being green? I swear to god I don't have any new modmail
Jun 21 17 02:29:02 <greenie> someone else i talked to said it doesnt stay green all the time for them, so I feel like this must be a bug with a workaround
Jun 21 17 02:29:30 <Deimos> mine's always green, hasn't had any new messages ever
Jun 21 17 02:30:02 <Deimos> I think it might be related to having left a subreddit that had new messages or something, I have no idea
Jun 21 17 02:30:12 <greenie> ohhh interesting that might make sense
Jun 21 17 02:30:41 <greenie> I left a couple handful of weird random subs a few weeks ago while i was cleaning things up and decided i modded too many
Jun 21 17 02:31:04 <greenie> two other folks I'm talking to dont have the always-green, so it must be related to something
Jun 21 17 02:41:36 <greenie> i wonder if its something where I could request an admint to do a cache reset or something for me
Jun 21 17 03:09:41 <justcool393> greenie there is a mark all read button
Jun 21 17 03:11:39 <justcool393> also if you uncheck subreddits, they still light up the light
Jun 21 17 03:11:45 <justcool393> also hi duch
Jun 21 17 03:22:11 <greenie> I hit all of the buttons several times
Jun 21 17 03:22:19 <greenie> Including the mark all as read
Jun 21 17 03:22:26 <greenie> Hi hi coolio
Jun 21 17 03:55:03 <justcool393> oh
Jun 21 17 03:55:08 <justcool393> thats really weird
Jun 21 17 12:25:44 <twoambien> huh mine stops being green, i just click 'mark all as read' anywhere that has a new message icon.
Jun 21 17 12:39:21 <creesch> If it refuses to stop being green the admins can fix it.
Jun 21 17 12:39:28 <creesch> Several people have had it over time.
Jun 21 17 12:39:39 <creesch> Powerlanguage was usually fairly responsive about fixing it.
Jun 21 17 13:45:44 <greenie> cool, thanks creesch! Do you recommend modmailing, or will that go to a team that wouldn't know about the issue?
Jun 21 17 13:46:20 <greenie> i hate pinging individual admins to ask for things
Jun 21 17 13:46:32 <creesch> Not sure, you can just attempt to message him directly :P
Jun 21 17 13:46:35 <creesch> oh
Jun 21 17 13:46:41 <creesch> uh then modmailbeta or modmailing them
Jun 21 17 13:46:58 <greenie> ah good point, I'll try that
Jun 21 17 13:47:05 <greenie> ty 💚
Jun 21 17 21:55:29 <Cleroth> creesch
Jun 21 17 21:55:33 <Cleroth> Muh reddit night mode
Jun 21 17 21:55:46 <Cleroth> xD
Jun 21 17 21:57:32 <Cleroth>
Jun 21 17 21:57:34 <Cleroth> meh, good enough
Jun 22 17 00:08:49 <justcool393> @greenduchc
Jun 22 17 00:09:12 <justcool393> greenie Message spez repeatedly until he fixes it. 😃 I'd guess sending mail to /r/modmailbeta
Jun 22 17 00:09:18 <justcool393> in all seriousness
Jun 22 17 00:09:39 <justcool393> ah crap I really need to read before I reply
Jun 22 17 00:09:43 <greenie> Power language is a very nice chap and fixed it for me
Jun 22 17 00:09:49 <justcool393> awesome
Jun 22 17 00:10:07 <greenie> I am quite happy about it, yus.
Jun 22 17 00:10:35 <justcool393> How have you been?
Jun 24 17 02:21:04 <twoambien> anybody ever tried a daily thread that you did not sticky? does it work out, can people find it?
Jun 24 17 02:32:22 <Gumdrops> Yes but my sub traffic is quite low/I remove enough that it stays on the front page
Jun 24 17 03:09:42 <isentrope> if it's a low traffic sub i guess it works
Jun 24 17 03:09:51 <isentrope> i feel like people would get bored though
Jun 24 17 03:10:13 <isentrope> unless you have a lot of interest or something that's just a recipe for balkanizing discussion
Jun 24 17 03:16:09 <dis_is_my_account> i have a weekly auto posted thread but my sub is low traffic too
Jun 24 17 19:13:24 <greenie> justcool393 sorry, i didnt mean to ignore you, i just didnt check back here. I'm doing okay. 🙂
Jun 27 17 20:12:34 <abe> Anyone want to mod r/ImgurHate
Jun 27 17 21:31:31 <Madbrad200> Lol
Jun 27 17 21:31:42 <Madbrad200> I mod r/imguralternatives
Jun 27 17 21:33:26 <Madbrad200> Huh Didn't realize I made a post there
Jun 27 17 22:33:35 <Dolph> Any good css mods here? /r/TheLastAirbender is thinking about doing a "Day of black sun" event for the eclipse happening later this summer and we need some css artists to help us.
Jun 27 17 22:38:18 <nt337> abe pls, you don't even mod there
Jun 27 17 22:39:14 <isentrope> people still go on TLA?
Jun 27 17 23:05:10 <Dolph> yep
Jun 27 17 23:05:19 <Dolph> mostly due to some memes reaching the front page
Jun 27 17 23:06:13 <abe> nt337 yes I do
Jun 27 17 23:06:30 <abe> Dolph I’m a pretty good css mod
Jun 27 17 23:07:02 <abe> nt337 on r/OnionHate the thumbnails are all star wars style from r/star wars leaks pls fix
Jun 27 17 23:09:29 <nt337> you're Hunterlanier03?
Jun 27 17 23:09:32 <nt337> also I like the thumbnails
Jun 27 17 23:12:55 <abe> nt337 in posts like this
Jun 27 17 23:13:01 <abe> It’s Star Wars thunbnail
Jun 27 17 23:13:05 <abe> Fuk starwars
Jun 27 17 23:13:29 <nt337> meh
Jun 27 17 23:16:50 <isentrope> modding nans is like a recipe to getting doxxed though
Jun 27 17 23:22:38 <abe> nt337 im not hunterlainer
Jun 27 17 23:22:48 <abe> looks now am i a mod on r/imgurhate?
Jun 27 17 23:25:07 <nt337> fancy
Jun 27 17 23:39:15 <abe> nt337 <--- spritesheet from r/OnionHate. I'll make you a new thumbnail sheet in a second. call it spritesheet-hector and remove the previous one
Jun 27 17 23:42:29 <abe> nt337 new thumbnail image
Jun 27 17 23:42:30 <abe>
Jun 27 17 23:42:40 <abe> call it "thumbnails"
Jun 27 17 23:42:44 <abe> and remove the previous one
Jun 27 17 23:51:33 <Shane> hmmm
Jun 27 17 23:51:42 <Shane> this css is much better that the old one
Jun 27 17 23:51:58 <Shane> But I still hate this theme
Jun 27 17 23:52:57 <abe> Shane update the images as per above ^^^^^^
Jun 28 17 00:01:29 <isentrope> Nans pls
Jun 28 17 00:01:35 <abe> no\
Jun 28 17 00:02:11 <isentrope> Don't dox me bro
Jun 28 17 00:02:36 <abe> sure
Jun 28 17 00:06:44 <Deimos> can you guys keep the repetitive circlejerking from leaking into every. single. channel. please?
Jun 28 17 00:11:22 <tiz> Yeah, please keep that in <#280814354910281728> or more loosely in <#278566343836565505>. Any other channel should be free of circle jerks and such, thanks.
Jun 28 17 00:31:30 <twilexis> uh, don't look in <#281536359922139138>
Jun 29 17 22:39:08 <Madbrad200> For #social_mods
Just posted to r/textfriends to raid a number. Figured I'd mention incase they try it in another sub
Jul 01 17 00:23:16 <twilexis> creesch Just got the toolbox update. You are the hero we need but don't deserve.
Jul 02 17 14:28:51 <greenie>
Jul 02 17 14:29:18 <greenie> is this a toolbox bug? that was the only action I had attempted to take
Jul 02 17 14:29:29 <creesch> No
Jul 02 17 14:29:44 <greenie> good afternoon creesch
Jul 02 17 14:30:02 <greenie> I was just doing a single ban, I'm not sure I understand why I ran into ratelimiting issues
Jul 02 17 14:30:05 <creesch> Toolbox also does actions in the background and if you did some actions earlier on it might have been low on the request limit.
Jul 02 17 14:30:32 <greenie> weird okay. I wasnt moving fast, was the first time I've hit the ratelimit like that.
Jul 02 17 14:30:37 <greenie> thanks
Jul 02 17 14:30:53 <creesch> np, could be that you have some other stuff running? extensions and all that?
Jul 02 17 14:31:41 <greenie> hm idunno
Jul 02 17 14:31:57 <greenie> if it happens more than just the once, in contexts where it surprises me, I'll explore it more
Jul 02 17 14:35:15 <creesch> For sure
Jul 03 17 09:00:34 <twoambien> discovered a mod was self promoting to the point of spam on his main account + two alternate accounts. in our sub. automatic removal, no thought or discussion. ya?
Jul 03 17 11:29:30 <twoambien> lol make that 5 total accounts. last two used to praise himself or attack his critics.
Jul 03 17 12:12:46 <twilexis> twoambien removal as in demodding?
Jul 03 17 12:14:32 <twilexis> I'd poke fun and make light of it to point out how silly he's being in hope he'd stop it, if not then I'd discuss it with the rest of the team and demod if he's causing problems in the community.
Jul 04 17 03:45:00 <twoambien> twilexis thanks. that's a very surprising answer, i would think any user would get banned for that. not saying you're wrong just surprising you'd be want a mod doing that type of thing.
Jul 04 17 03:45:49 <twilexis> I've modded with teenagers who do stupid things without thinking things through, that's why I give the benefit of the doubt.
Jul 04 17 03:47:04 <twilexis> Attacking critics is bad, but if s/he knows the team is onto them then it might embarrass them enough to pull their head in.
Jul 04 17 03:47:23 <twilexis> Especially if they're an otherwise productive member.
Jul 04 17 03:47:52 <twilexis> If they're going complete cancer then yeah, i'd demod on the spot or at least remove perms til we come to a team consensus.
Jul 04 17 03:48:44 <twoambien> he's young but he also has tons of posts about interent marketing type stuff. it's clear he planned this.
Jul 04 17 03:48:56 <twilexis> Ah. Then yeah demod him.
Jul 04 17 03:50:06 <twoambien> once it's exposed it's pretty clear he can't do it anymore. or it should be lol. so you're right we might salvage the productive stuff he does.
Jul 04 17 03:50:44 <twoambien> appreciate it.
Jul 04 17 03:51:06 <twilexis> You're welcome. We've recently gone through something similar on one of my subs.
Jul 04 17 03:52:07 <twoambien> ya saw you mod gonewild. i mod a big adult sub on another account. different rules there. my best mod i'm pretty sure is self promoting down low like 80% of the time. but he's slick and gets tons of votes so whatever lol. nobody has ever compalined. or even reported one of his posts.
Jul 04 17 09:08:54 <Stormtrooper | Loki> Just for curiosity's sake. What's it like modding gw? Since it's adult in nature what things are typically removed?
Jul 04 17 09:10:22 <abe> Stormtrooper | Loki twil mods gm not gw
Jul 04 17 09:26:43 <twilexis> Stormtrooper | Loki yeah, GoneMild, not GoneWild. We don't allow nudity so it's scouring the pics for nipples and removing them, then doing verifications and flairs. We have the odd report of cancerous comments but we have a respectful community overall.
Jul 04 17 10:33:25 <Stormtrooper | Loki> Lmao... I feel like that's a hilarious job... scouring for nipples. Thanks for that
Jul 04 17 20:16:21 <Scarlet Indy> Does anyone know if there's a way to get to toolbox configuration besides the moderation tools sidebar? Our moderation tools sidebar list is too long for me to get the last 2 links.
Jul 04 17 20:21:36 <Geo☆1088> Uh, that shouldn't be possible, what sub are you on?
Jul 04 17 20:27:42 <Scarlet Indy> r/BoomBeach
Jul 04 17 20:30:32 <Scarlet Indy> This is what it looks like when I hover.
Jul 04 17 20:30:55 <stuffed02> Scarlet Indy looks great
Jul 04 17 20:31:26 <Scarlet Indy> It's mostly fine, but I can't get the last 2 listings, one of which is the toolbox configuration.
Jul 04 17 20:31:55 <Scarlet Indy> I've been wanting to edit the canned mod removal texts for the longest time, but can't get there.
Jul 04 17 20:32:31 <Geo☆1088> Well, the extension doesn't give any other way to get to it, no
Jul 04 17 20:32:54 <Geo☆1088> Though if your mod tools box has an absolute height set on it like that from the stylesheet, that's a problem you should take up with your CSS guy
Jul 04 17 20:33:31 <Scarlet Indy> thanks that is something I can work with
Jul 04 17 20:34:01 <Geo☆1088> If you disable CSS for as long as you need you can just get it that way
Jul 04 17 20:34:19 <Geo☆1088> Either with RES or through turning it off and on again from your Reddit preferences
Jul 04 17 21:13:53 <abe> Scarlet Indy just remove everyone’s perms, then there won’t be so many to list
Jul 04 17 21:15:06 <Geo☆1088> abe that would do nothing
Jul 04 17 21:15:34 <Geo☆1088> the amount of moderation tools available doesn't change based on the number of mods you have
Jul 04 17 21:18:10 <abe> Geo☆1088 the number of perms each mod has. Not the number of mods.
Jul 04 17 21:18:58 <Geo☆1088> they'd have to reduce their own perms to be able to see it themself
Jul 04 17 21:19:37 <Geo☆1088> would be a lot easier to just correct the CSS than have your own mod permissions reduced just to change toolbox config
Jul 05 17 00:00:40 <Scarlet Indy> ty, I was able to get it using the CSS toggle on the bar from RES.
Jul 05 17 00:07:08 <Geo☆1088> 👍
Jul 05 17 08:41:44 <abe> is there a way to archive all modmail?
Jul 05 17 08:51:18 <Shane> yes, click archive
Jul 05 17 08:52:05 <abe> Shane that only archives a single modmail, not every modmail you have
Jul 05 17 08:52:10 <abe> (over 11k)
Jul 05 17 08:52:14 <Shane> ...
Jul 05 17 08:52:20 <Shane> 11,000 modmails
Jul 05 17 08:52:30 <Shane> wtf
Jul 05 17 08:52:33 <abe> Aevann can explain why I have 11k modmail that I want to archive,
Jul 05 17 08:52:51 <Shane> why do you have 11,000 modmails
Jul 05 17 08:52:53 <BobCobble> i've archived modmails back to 11 days ago but i'd like to archive all previous ones too
Jul 05 17 08:53:01 <abe> Shane pretty much abusing the approved submitter feature for shameless self promotion.
Jul 05 17 08:53:02 <BobCobble> didn't they mute and unmute him loads of times
Jul 05 17 08:53:06 <abe> with a bot
Jul 05 17 08:53:21 <abe> BobCobble you dont get modmails when you're muted.
Jul 05 17 08:53:31 <Shane> lol
Jul 05 17 08:53:58 <Shane> You could use an auto clicker and just keep your mouse at the top right hand corner for 2 decades
Jul 05 17 08:54:07 <BobCobble> i'm fairly sure i read about a script that can archive all your modmail
Jul 05 17 08:56:27 <abe> Shane eventually (after 11k) he got told off by the admins:
It looks like you have been making a ton of users approved submitters in a very short time and we are getting reports from user who did not request being added here. It is not okay to send approved submitter invites to promote your subreddit. Please do not continue using a bot to spam approved submitter invites.
Jul 05 17 08:56:45 <BobCobble> lol
Jul 05 17 08:57:18 <abe> BobCobble any idea where you saw that script?
Jul 05 17 08:57:28 <BobCobble> nope, i don't remember
Jul 05 17 08:57:33 <abe> ):
Jul 05 17 08:57:35 <BobCobble> i've just been trying to search for it
Jul 05 17 08:58:58 <abe> i think ive found it
Jul 05 17 08:59:02 <abe>
Jul 05 17 08:59:12 <abe>
Jul 05 17 08:59:20 <abe> but how can I run it?
Jul 05 17 08:59:26 <abe> I think it needs python.
Jul 05 17 09:00:24 <abe> BobCobble is that what you meant?
Jul 05 17 09:00:35 <BobCobble> probably was the one i read
Jul 05 17 09:00:38 <BobCobble> i'm gonna give it a go
Jul 05 17 09:01:24 <abe> if you can get it to work, you may get a mod spot (mail perms only) for a few minutes on r/POTUSWatch
Jul 05 17 20:14:28 <thirdegree> yes that is a python script abe
Jul 05 17 20:28:43 <abe> Can you run it?
Jul 05 17 20:33:08 <thirdegree> probably, didn't bother to actually read through it
Jul 05 17 20:33:29 <thirdegree> don't like running other people's code
Jul 05 17 20:37:21 <BobCobble> I tried to get it running earlier but like most programming related stuff i failed lol :(
Jul 05 17 20:46:12 <abe> out top mod had it fail.
Jul 05 17 20:46:24 <abe> if someone could fix it or run it I would love them for ever,
Jul 05 17 21:31:59 <Aevann> Yeah It didn't archive anything
Jul 06 17 03:06:21 <livejamie> this is pretty simple, but how do i add a user flair template that people can choose?
Jul 06 17 03:06:25 <livejamie> we already have a bunch of images setup
Jul 06 17 03:06:28 <livejamie> i want to add a new one
Jul 06 17 03:06:56 <livejamie> i'm in flair settings
Jul 06 17 03:08:34 <justcool393> livejamie There should be a "user flair templates" tab
Jul 06 17 03:08:59 <justcool393> Click on that, and then type in the flair text and CSS class, and whether people can edit it. Then click save.
Jul 06 17 03:10:22 <livejamie> okay and what about the image itself
Jul 06 17 03:10:58 <nt337> livejamie
Jul 06 17 03:11:01 <justcool393> The image needs to be done using a CSS class on the subreddit stylesheet
Jul 06 17 03:11:12 <justcool393> nt's link should explain
Jul 06 17 03:22:30 <livejamie> oh wow this is complicated
Jul 06 17 03:25:38 <Deimos> reddit moderation in a nutshell
Jul 06 17 03:26:11 <Deimos> "how do I set up this simple thing that thousands of subreddits do?"
Jul 06 17 03:26:21 <Deimos> "I have to basically write code into the subreddit wiki for that?"
Jul 06 17 09:36:07 <demmian> hey all
Jul 06 17 09:36:21 <justcool393> hi
Jul 06 17 09:36:23 <demmian> anyone around who is good with automoderator rules?
Jul 06 17 09:36:32 <justcool393> I'm okay with it
Jul 06 17 09:36:37 <justcool393> what do you need
Jul 06 17 09:36:39 <SpyTec> ye
Jul 06 17 09:36:52 <demmian> i would need to auto-filter all comments posted in sticky threads. how do i target those?
Jul 06 17 09:38:01 <justcool393> let me verify
Jul 06 17 09:38:23 <justcool393> or the parent submission
Jul 06 17 09:38:28 <justcool393> would be is_sticky
Jul 06 17 09:38:34 <SpyTec> ```yaml
type: comment
action: filter```
Jul 06 17 09:43:33 <demmian> thanks, testing now ^+^
Jul 06 17 09:53:32 <demmian> Unknown field: `parent` in rule:
Jul 06 17 09:54:51 <BobCobble> it should be `parent_submission:`
Jul 06 17 09:55:02 <demmian> ty, testing
Jul 06 17 09:55:22 <demmian> Unknown field: `parent_submission:` in rule:
Jul 06 17 09:55:55 <demmian> my full text is:
# Auto-remove comments from sticky threads
type: comment
is_moderator: true
action: filter
(with 4 spaces and all)
Jul 06 17 09:56:11 <demmian> the author stuff is for testing
Jul 06 17 09:56:49 <SpyTec> two
Jul 06 17 09:56:54 <SpyTec> ::
Jul 06 17 09:57:08 <SpyTec> shoul be one
Jul 06 17 09:57:11 <demmian> o.o
Jul 06 17 09:57:14 <demmian> saved!
Jul 06 17 09:57:16 <demmian> gonna test
Jul 06 17 09:58:21 <demmian>
its not getting removed despite the is_moderator flag
Jul 06 17 09:58:21 <SpyTec> What it's saying here is that only mod comments in the sticky will be filtered. But you need `moderator_exempt: false` for that to work
Jul 06 17 09:58:31 <demmian> oh
Jul 06 17 09:58:32 <SpyTec> err false
Jul 06 17 09:59:26 <demmian> hrm, still not getting it removed by the bot
Jul 06 17 10:01:07 <SpyTec> Did you put false or true for that field? Sorry 😛
Jul 06 17 10:04:19 <demmian> false. but this is weird, i cant seem to be able to save the changes to the wiki page ... they dont show up after i click save
Jul 06 17 10:05:24 <demmian> can anyone test saving their AM wiki page?
Jul 06 17 10:21:53 <creesch> demmian seems to be working fine.
Jul 06 17 10:29:19 <demmian> thanks. still cant save in 2 subs... so weird
Jul 06 17 16:17:07 <Madbrad200> Speaking of:
Jul 06 17 16:18:58 <BobCobble> lol xd astrology
Jul 06 17 16:19:20 <Madbrad200> <:banhammer:320870693459722241>
Jul 07 17 17:40:11 <isentrope> does anyone know what perms are needed to post a self-post on a sub that prohibits self-posts?
Jul 07 17 17:40:48 <Shane> you cant
Jul 07 17 17:40:53 <isentrope> as a mod
Jul 07 17 17:41:08 <Shane> oh
Jul 07 17 17:41:15 <Shane> If you can, its probably posts
Jul 07 17 17:41:32 <isentrope> you wouldn't need anything higher?
Jul 07 17 17:52:16 <SpyTec> Don't think anyone here really knows.. maybe create an alt and test in a sub 😛
Jul 07 17 17:59:07 <Deimos> it should be "posts" permission:
Jul 07 17 18:00:23 <Deimos> the opensource code doesn't get updated any more so it's possible that's not right any more, but it's pretty unlikely it's changed
Jul 07 17 18:07:30 <SpyTec> isentrope ^
Jul 07 17 19:20:34 <isentrope> thanks deimorz
Jul 07 17 19:20:50 <isentrope> i had a comment mod check and that's what it is
Jul 07 17 20:38:59 <pussgurka> is there a reddit post that explains mod etiquette? tried searching but could not find anything other than very general modiquette wiki page. So here's the problem. I have a mod who was added recently, this person has moderation experience but only knows what they know and doesn't know courtesy of informing other mods whenever they make changes to the subreddit (subreddit settings, toolbox, sidebar, etc). I already talked to this person once but it doesnt seem to register
Jul 07 17 20:39:48 <YopparaiNeko> demod?
Jul 07 17 20:39:54 <pussgurka> I can't really demod this person
Jul 07 17 20:40:21 <YopparaiNeko> are they higher than you?
Jul 07 17 20:40:32 <YopparaiNeko> rip
Jul 07 17 20:40:32 <pussgurka> it's a pain in the ass
Jul 07 17 20:40:34 <YopparaiNeko> make a new sub
Jul 07 17 20:41:22 <pussgurka> I guess every mod culture is so different that you do not learn certain things
Jul 07 17 20:41:37 <YopparaiNeko> oh boy
Jul 07 17 20:41:38 <pussgurka> which may seem pretty obvious to others
Jul 07 17 20:48:12 <creesch> pussgurka sorry but that doesn't even fall under mod etiquette but just general working in a team common sense...
Jul 07 17 20:48:29 <pussgurka> some people dont have common sense 🤦
Jul 07 17 20:48:46 <pussgurka> DAE teamwork?
Jul 07 17 20:49:06 <YopparaiNeko> just demod yo' self like you said
Jul 07 17 20:49:43 <pussgurka> lmao
Jul 07 17 20:52:38 <pussgurka> I'll just take the perms away
Jul 07 17 21:29:28 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> If it's okay to ask, which subreddit pussgurka?
Jul 07 17 21:29:49 <pussgurka> I'd rather not shame them 😛
Jul 07 17 21:30:04 <pussgurka> it's a noob mistake and I'm ok with working with them
Jul 07 17 21:33:10 <pussgurka> Everyone starts off somewhere right?
Jul 07 17 21:34:29 <pussgurka> No need to scare someone from modding further
Jul 07 17 21:38:49 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> Ya
Jul 07 17 21:39:04 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> I remember when I first started modding
Jul 07 17 21:39:44 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> I wasn't very good at it 😳
Jul 07 17 21:43:17 <pussgurka> yeah me neither
Jul 07 17 21:43:18 <pussgurka> i sucked ass
Jul 07 17 21:59:09 <thirdegree> <:lenny:297407022230536192>
Jul 07 17 22:38:34 <pussgurka> <:lenny:297407022230536192>
Jul 07 17 22:38:45 <BobCobble> <:LENNYTHINK:325807873806303234>
Jul 07 17 23:07:35 <thirdegree> pussgurka is bae, it is known
Jul 07 17 23:07:46 <pussgurka> ayyyyy
Jul 07 17 23:09:09 <thirdegree> :parrotlover:
Jul 07 17 23:10:37 <Deimos> circlejerking 🙅
Jul 07 17 23:14:21 <thirdegree> sorry deimorz 😄
Jul 08 17 17:38:41 <Talon> you should be
Jul 10 17 02:36:03 <twilexis> abe you'll probably know, if I send this will it come from me or the subreddit?
Jul 10 17 02:36:34 <abe> I don't
Jul 10 17 02:36:39 <twilexis> Damn
Jul 10 17 02:36:47 <abe> wy not just send normal PM
Jul 10 17 02:37:04 <abe> you can send normal PMs from the sub.
Jul 10 17 02:37:07 <twilexis> creesch question ^
Jul 10 17 02:37:22 <twilexis> I know, but if I have toolbox installed I may as well use it.
Jul 10 17 02:37:32 <abe> test it
Jul 10 17 02:37:34 <abe> send me a PM
Jul 10 17 02:37:58 <twilexis> post something to r/twilexis
Jul 10 17 02:39:26 <abe> k
Jul 10 17 02:40:18 <abe> twilexis its meant to say fuk not fun, but it's too hard to correct autocorrect on that dman theme you have
Jul 10 17 02:40:46 <twilexis> Sent
Jul 10 17 02:41:00 <twilexis> Also ArcticEngie is bae lol
Jul 10 17 02:41:08 <abe> from AutoModerator[M] via /r/twilexis sent a minute ago
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contextfull comments (2)spamremovereportblock userreply
Jul 10 17 02:41:20 <twilexis> uh
Jul 10 17 02:41:22 <abe> but thats a comment
Jul 10 17 02:41:28 <abe> I didn't get a PM at all
Jul 10 17 02:41:41 <twilexis> BobCobble STOP USING MY VANITY SUB TO SHILL YOURS
Jul 10 17 02:43:28 <twilexis> abe check now
Jul 10 17 02:47:56 <thirdegree> lmao
Jul 10 17 02:49:41 <abe> I see
Jul 10 17 02:49:51 <abe> twilexis its because I'm a mod
Jul 10 17 02:50:01 <abe> You can't send messages to your fellow mods
Jul 10 17 02:50:25 <abe> twilexis It will be marked as you as you're using old modmail, and old modal can't ever send subreddit messages
Jul 10 17 02:50:26 <thirdegree> I'll make a post
Jul 10 17 02:50:35 <twilexis> meh
Jul 10 17 02:50:37 <twilexis> whatever
Jul 10 17 02:50:42 <abe> (as in from subreddits not mentioning the user)
Jul 10 17 02:50:48 <twilexis> so what you're saying is i need to upgrade to new modmail. gotcha :p
Jul 10 17 02:50:49 <thirdegree> oh ya abe is right
Jul 10 17 02:50:52 <abe> it'll be through modmail
Jul 10 17 02:50:52 <thirdegree> if it's old modmail
Jul 10 17 02:51:08 <twilexis> (pro tip: dont do that or demod)
Jul 10 17 02:51:50 <williammck> new modmail ❤
(don't hurt me)
Jul 10 17 02:51:58 <abe> ^
Jul 10 17 02:52:47 <abe> twilexis can I pls have auto mod perms?
Jul 10 17 02:52:59 <twilexis> I love new modmail too, but no
Jul 10 17 03:00:00 <Haunty> I'm pretty sure old modmail can send PMs to users under the subreddit. If you go to the user and click 'send PM' and then change it from your username to the subreddit-?
Jul 10 17 03:01:50 <abe> its through modmail
Jul 10 17 03:02:02 <abe> but its from twilexis via /r/twilexis
Jul 10 17 03:02:15 <abe> its from the sub but mentions your name
Jul 10 17 03:03:40 <Haunty> holy shit what is that subreddit lol
Jul 10 17 03:06:24 <Haunty> It might mention your username if you use modtoolbox - not sure - but if you just nav to the user's profile page, click 'send PM' and then replace your username in the 'from' fieldbox, it shouldn't mention your name at all
Jul 10 17 03:06:56 <Haunty> replace your username in the 'from' fieldbox with whatever subreddit you mod, I mean
Jul 10 17 03:09:38 <Haunty> Just made sure with an alt username of mine & a sub I mod that I neglected to switch over to new modmail: checks out.
Jul 10 17 03:12:03 <twilexis> lol I let a couple of people go mental with the CSS
Jul 10 17 03:12:25 <abe> not me
Jul 10 17 03:12:30 <Haunty> It's great, hahah
Jul 10 17 03:12:36 <abe> let me have access to the stylesheet pls
Jul 10 17 03:26:05 <twilexis> Nope
Jul 10 17 03:26:10 <twilexis> I've seen ProCSS. No thanks.
Jul 10 17 03:26:38 <abe> twilexis I didn't make ProCSS
Jul 10 17 03:26:48 <abe> only two people would touch the process stylesheet
Jul 10 17 03:26:52 <abe> and i wasn't one of them
Jul 10 17 03:42:26 <nt337> Hey I like the ProCSS css
Jul 10 17 03:44:46 <Haunty> lol. I thought r/ProCSS looked fine too
Jul 10 17 03:45:05 <abe> I do too
Jul 10 17 03:45:14 <abe> but it did have some issues
Jul 10 17 03:45:26 <abe> in the first few days when we had like 100 mods
Jul 10 17 03:45:31 <abe> everyone was adding to the CSS
Jul 10 17 03:45:36 <abe> it was shit
Jul 10 17 03:45:45 <abe> like 10 people editing the CSS at any one time
Jul 10 17 03:46:01 <abe> the CSS looked soo bad at the end of the first day
Jul 10 17 03:46:14 <abe> so we removed some mods
Jul 10 17 03:46:18 <abe> and enforced rules
Jul 10 17 03:46:26 <abe> and reverted the CSS
Jul 10 17 03:46:35 <Haunty> Growing pains, eh?
Jul 10 17 03:46:55 <abe> far too many mods
Jul 10 17 03:47:20 <abe> and then to fix the problem we added more mods to tell us to remove mods
Jul 10 17 03:47:52 <Haunty> lol
Jul 10 17 05:39:36 <creesch> twilexis gets send from the sub with your name on it visible for your fellow mods but not the user.
Jul 10 17 05:39:54 <twilexis> nice, thank you.
Jul 10 17 05:53:17 <creesch> Also in old modmail btw
Jul 10 17 09:33:14 <Aevann> henlo
Jul 10 17 09:33:33 <Aevann> I recognize a lot of names here
Jul 10 17 09:34:11 <Aevann> @everyone anybody interested in modding r/POTUSWatch and r/I_irl ?
Jul 10 17 09:39:33 <SpyTec> Tagging everyone are we....
Jul 10 17 09:40:42 <BobCobble> luckily that's turned off
Jul 10 17 09:41:33 <Aevann> yeah I know, that's why I put the tag without giving much of a fuck lol
Jul 10 17 11:39:36 <twilexis> Aevann What would one be required to do in modding POTUSWatch?
Jul 10 17 11:45:03 <Aevann> Hey you're actually interested ?
Jul 10 17 11:45:06 <Aevann> Nice
Jul 10 17 11:46:43 <Aevann> The modqueue/css roles are filled now, so it would be great if you can bring anything to the table other than that
Jul 10 17 11:47:23 <Aevann> Do you have any ideas on how to grow the sub ?
Jul 10 17 11:48:37 <Aevann> The subscribers number have been at 8400 for three weeks now and there's no signs of any organic growth :(
Jul 10 17 18:37:58 <nt337> you should ask the mods at NeutralPolitics if they'd sticky you guys for a few days Aevann
Jul 10 17 18:40:59 <Aevann> I did ask them and they refused :/
Jul 10 17 18:42:52 <nt337> ah
Jul 10 17 18:50:24 <Aevann> Abe says his profile picture is you ?? <:WaitWhat:302103412097548288> <:WaitWhat:302103412097548288>
Jul 10 17 18:50:30 <Aevann> wut
Jul 10 17 18:50:58 <nt337> it's my profile picture on every slack I'm on
Jul 10 17 18:51:13 <nt337> he was looking for one and I posted it here as a joke
Jul 10 17 18:51:48 <Aevann> Lol
Jul 10 17 18:51:58 <Aevann> I recognize your name
Jul 10 17 18:52:02 <nt337> oh rly
Jul 10 17 18:52:16 <Aevann> Yeah you're a c e l e b r i t y
Jul 10 17 18:52:30 <Aevann> You're the headmod of some big subs I think
Jul 10 17 18:53:30 <Aevann> Umm that's awkward lol
Jul 10 17 18:53:33 <Aevann> Nvm
Jul 10 17 18:54:07 <nt337> psssh, awkwardtheturtle's the head mod of nothing
Jul 10 17 18:54:29 <Aevann> No he actually is the head mod of some subs
Jul 10 17 18:54:39 <Aevann> I know because I've gone through them lol
Jul 10 17 18:54:46 <nt337> I've got partyparrot under my belt
Jul 10 17 18:54:50 <Aevann> To put them on potuswatch sidebar
Jul 10 17 18:55:01 <nt337> 5-10 subs from 1k-15k subscribers
Jul 10 17 18:55:14 <nt337> turtle's a real pushover
Jul 10 17 18:55:28 <awkwardtheturtle> nt pls
Jul 10 17 18:55:40 <Aevann> @nt337 How does it feel being in control ?
Jul 10 17 18:56:14 <nt337> is pretty great, I get to flex my e-muscles and everything
Jul 10 17 18:56:20 <BobCobble> INTERNET POWAH
Jul 10 17 19:55:57 <ERR> Only thing awkwardtheturtle is head of is being mayor of bansville
Jul 10 17 20:10:16 <awkwardtheturtle> wow racist
Jul 12 17 00:19:15 <YopparaiNeko> how would one confirm a sub-wide downvote bot? unless everyone recently has gotten into the habit of downvoting their own newly created threads
Jul 12 17 00:20:59 <nt337> try sending a message to /r/ with the posts in question
Jul 12 17 19:25:14 <pock> has anyone done the reddit moderator surveys with audio/video chat?
Jul 12 17 19:25:19 <pock> what is that like?
Jul 12 17 19:32:49 <Talon> as in, with the reddit admins?
Jul 12 17 19:42:44 <Deimos> yeah I think audrey was doing some video stuff at some point, I don't know if it's still going on at all though
Jul 12 17 19:46:13 <pock> she said it's still going on every so often
Jul 12 17 19:46:38 <pock> i realized anyone who did the survey signed a non disclosure agreement though so never mind about my questions lol
Jul 12 17 19:50:11 <allthefoxes> We did
Jul 12 17 19:50:20 <allthefoxes> It was a relatively good experience.
Jul 12 17 19:50:28 <allthefoxes> Good to put faces to names and just have a good platform to talk on
Jul 12 17 19:50:52 <allthefoxes> Ah, wait. Not a survey. Just their google hangouts chat thing they offered to mods
Jul 14 17 07:08:56 <justcool393> YopparaiNeko Fun fact: downvoting your own thread (or removing your vote) does not change the score of that thread. It changes the vote you cast, but does not affect the actual score.
Jul 14 17 14:49:06 <YopparaiNeko> neat
Jul 15 17 01:47:03 <Umlautica> This might be interesting to some: flair text is included in searches. This allows you to effectively use flair for search keywords.
We just started doing this for r/headphones to help keep submissions that have useless titles searchable.
Jul 15 17 01:53:21 <Zeno> Yeah you could always search flair via `flair:screenshot` etc
Jul 15 17 01:54:32 <cuddlefishcat> just clicking on the flair will automatically search it for you
Jul 15 17 01:54:52 <MajorParadox> That's a RES feature
Jul 15 17 01:55:14 <cuddlefishcat> everyone should have RES
Jul 15 17 01:55:25 <cuddlefishcat> lol
Jul 15 17 01:55:28 <MajorParadox> I know, just sayin' 😛
Jul 15 17 01:55:53 <cuddlefishcat> at this point though, I have no idea where reddit ends and RES begins haha
Jul 15 17 01:56:20 <MajorParadox> I don't know what I'd do without live preview
Jul 15 17 01:56:27 <MajorParadox> Well, I'd be editing a lot, I guess
Jul 15 17 01:58:22 <cuddlefishcat> Oh yeah, that's definitely a necessity
Jul 15 17 02:07:03 <Zeno> I dun use RES, can't stand it
Jul 15 17 02:07:13 <Zeno> It interjects links between other links during page loads
Jul 15 17 02:08:35 <MajorParadox> Isn't that the point? So you can click links to do simple tasks?
Jul 15 17 02:09:07 <MajorParadox> You can disable whichever ones you don't want, either. It's highly customizable
Jul 15 17 02:50:38 <Zeno> What I mean is that it pushes existing UI elements around
Jul 15 17 02:50:42 <Zeno> It's very frustrating
Jul 15 17 16:32:58 <dis_is_my_account> awkwardtheturtle mod me to drama
Jul 15 17 16:44:02 <BobCobble> wait, how come justcool isn't a drama mod anymore?
Jul 15 17 16:45:07 <dis_is_my_account> annanarchist removed all the mods
Jul 15 17 16:45:13 <dis_is_my_account> cuz of a coup or somethin
Jul 15 17 16:45:55 <BobCobble> and he removed the discord link it seems
Jul 16 17 06:10:52 <Baldrad> Hey have any of you ever been contacted by George Avard
Jul 16 17 08:30:03 <justcool393> BobCobble Jr didn't
Jul 16 17 08:30:09 <justcool393> that was some mod that AnnArchist added
Jul 19 17 03:31:10 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> Anyone know CSS?
Jul 19 17 03:31:31 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> /r/DamnGirl is blowing up.
Jul 19 17 03:31:32 <nt337> @third's online
Jul 19 17 03:31:58 <abe> ICantThinkOfNameHelp I do
Jul 19 17 03:32:01 <abe> Third doesnt
Jul 19 17 03:32:41 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> thirdegree Would you mind doing some CSS work? /r/DamnGirl was made from a top post in /r/all.
Jul 19 17 03:32:45 <abe> thirdegree do you know CSS?
Jul 19 17 03:32:52 <Boop> me too, but i cant design outside of paint, rip me ;-;
Jul 19 17 03:33:17 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> It's currently exploding
Jul 19 17 03:33:21 <abe> ICantThinkOfNameHelp thirdegree said in the miniworlds discord that he didn’t know CSS.
Jul 19 17 03:33:30 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> Oh, alright
Jul 19 17 03:33:43 <twilexis> ICantThinkOfNameHelp what do you want done? Can you put up a theme for now until you get a CSS mod?
Jul 19 17 03:33:58 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> I'll invite you if you'd be willing to help abe
Jul 19 17 03:34:04 <abe> I would
Jul 19 17 03:34:09 <abe> Can you wait 2 hours
Jul 19 17 03:34:25 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> twilexis We aren't in a rush, we can just wait for abe.
Jul 19 17 03:34:38 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> I'll check with others, but I think they'll be fine with you joining.
Jul 19 17 03:34:41 <twilexis> I'd wait for another CSS mod, honestly
Jul 19 17 03:34:47 <twilexis> Abe has a habit of keeping things hostage
Jul 19 17 03:34:59 <abe> <:thinkW:325807853925433346>
Jul 19 17 03:35:05 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> <:Bhinking:325807810174517270>
Jul 19 17 03:35:09 <buzznights> that's a hilarious idea for a sub
Jul 19 17 03:35:10 <abe> twilexis how? If I’m not top mod you can remove easily
Jul 19 17 03:35:17 <abe> Anyway
Jul 19 17 03:35:21 <abe> Do what you want
Jul 19 17 03:35:24 <abe> I gotta go
Jul 19 17 03:35:59 <Boop> <> i did a css
Jul 19 17 03:36:04 <Boop> pls hire
Jul 19 17 03:36:16 <thirdegree> ICantThinkOfNameHelp abe no I'm shit at CSS
Jul 19 17 03:36:25 <twilexis> So did I
Jul 19 17 03:36:35 <twilexis> aww no embeds
Jul 19 17 03:37:12 <Boop> wow too busy, not minimal enough
Jul 19 17 03:37:26 <Boop> plus it doesn't "pop"
Jul 19 17 04:05:32 <nt337> hmm, I could've sworn thirdegree knew CSS
Jul 19 17 04:05:58 <nt337> kwwxis is online and he definitely knows it
Jul 19 17 04:11:32 <Axanery> Hey ICantThinkOfNameHelp I'm not a CSS writer but I can definitely help out with the sub if you need a mod.
Jul 19 17 04:12:35 <twilexis> ICantThinkOfNameHelp I too would like to join the 'mod me' circlejerk
Jul 19 17 04:15:25 <Axanery> oh he's not top mod
Jul 19 17 04:15:31 <Axanery> and apparently it's existed for three years
Jul 19 17 04:17:12 <nt337> ban twil and axanery instead ICantThinkOfNameHelp
Jul 19 17 04:20:40 <abe> No ban nt
Jul 19 17 04:20:52 <abe> Twil and axanery are good mods
Jul 19 17 04:24:22 <SnowPhoenix> ICantThinkOfNameHelp Oh, you don't need just CSS help, but an entire theme, huh?
Jul 19 17 04:59:20 <abe> ICantThinkOfNameHelp I'm able to help you now
Jul 19 17 05:12:42 <twilexis> nt337 D: I thought we had something special
Jul 19 17 05:14:10 <nt337> Sorry ❤
Jul 19 17 05:20:40 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> Axanery It was a dead sub before /r/jokes came in.
Jul 19 17 05:21:19 <abe> if you want me to do the CSS, send me a PM
Jul 19 17 05:21:35 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> abe I'll add you later. I added a temporary theme for now.
Jul 19 17 05:24:03 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> twilexis We've already decided the mods we need, but I'll be sure to tell you when we're searching :)
Jul 19 17 05:24:18 <twilexis> I was kidding lol
Jul 19 17 05:24:36 <twilexis> hence the 'mod me' circlejerk comment :p
Jul 19 17 05:25:25 <ICantThinkOfNameHelp> Ah alright
Jul 19 17 05:43:06 <Axanery> yeah ICantThinkOfNameHelp I saw the joke this morning
Jul 19 17 07:42:23 <abe> Anyone here good at making snoos
Jul 19 17 07:44:18 <abe> (A custom thing for a sub, not a snoovatar)
Jul 19 17 08:03:58 <Axanery> what sub
Jul 19 17 08:20:10 <abe> Axanery /r/miniworlds
Jul 19 17 12:13:02 <nikongmer> my hack
Jul 19 17 12:13:53 <mbetts> that's a pretty nice way to do it
Jul 19 17 12:15:06 <nikongmer> feel free to use it if you like. you could use css to zoom in when hovered over as well as display a different bg every refresh abe
Jul 19 17 14:25:55 <MajorParadox> Wow, that's cool
Jul 19 17 17:11:03 <thirdegree> that's fantastic
Jul 19 17 20:57:50 <abe> stuffed02 how does that look?
Jul 19 17 23:06:53 <abe> HH0S
Jul 19 17 23:07:16 <HH0S> I like that
Jul 19 17 23:07:23 <HH0S> Looks cool
Jul 19 17 23:45:12 <pussgurka> wow 💯 very nice
Jul 20 17 00:14:45 <HH0S> I'm guessing stuffed's United airlines wifi died
Jul 20 17 00:19:08 <Deep> United Airlines? T R I G G E R E D
Jul 20 17 15:00:39 <creesch> Anyone know what permission is needed to be able to distinguish?
Jul 20 17 15:05:13 <Madbrad200> creesch post permission
Jul 20 17 15:06:00 <Madbrad200>
Jul 20 17 15:25:50 <Baldrad> Hey is there an email I can contact admins at to talk about a user contacting me who is also contacting other subreddits to purchase them for marketing purposes?
Jul 20 17 15:49:38 <Madbrad200> Baldrad
Jul 20 17 15:58:07 <Baldrad> Thank you
Jul 21 17 06:57:37 <abe> I think I set toolbox to ignore reports whenever I approve a post. How can I turn this off?
Jul 21 17 07:02:34 <nt337> Toolbox Settings ▶ Better Buttons
Jul 21 17 07:02:56 <abe> thank you
Jul 22 17 03:03:49 <abe> some cunt has reported every post on Pigifs
Jul 22 17 03:03:52 <abe> one 7 times
Jul 22 17 03:04:00 <abe> I haven't checked all of them
Jul 22 17 03:04:53 <nt337> they reported the same post multiple times? I don't think that's possible
Jul 22 17 03:05:00 <nt337> anyway, don't approve and just forward it to /r/
Jul 22 17 03:06:03 <abe> you cant
Jul 22 17 03:06:10 <abe> must be alts or something
Jul 22 17 03:06:36 <abe> too late
Jul 22 17 03:08:29 <nt337> then link each post individually when you mail them
Jul 22 17 03:08:53 <abe> tbh I'm too lazy to contact admins
Jul 22 17 03:08:56 <nt337> usually what I've been told to do is to not approve and just link the modqueue, but if it's too late, just to link each post individually
Jul 22 17 03:08:58 <nt337> 😐
Jul 22 17 03:09:04 <abe> toolbox makes it easy to bulk approve
Jul 22 17 03:09:26 <buzznights> fyi - I was told months ago by an admin that it's okay to approve - just send the links
Jul 22 17 03:09:40 <nt337> yeah that's what I meant (sorry if it came across differently)
Jul 22 17 03:25:21 <Talon> yeah, admins cna see past reports, so no need to leave it in queue
Jul 22 17 03:38:39 <cuddlefishcat> they want you to link to the specific posts if you don't leave them in queue
Jul 22 17 08:28:51 <twilexis> These fucking new reports are shithouse.
Jul 22 17 10:08:28 <abe> ^
Jul 22 17 10:08:59 <twilexis> Abe I'm not joining another derp subreddit
Jul 22 17 10:09:53 <abe> nikongmer managed to get it to show right in the CSS, going to go live soon (hopefully!). Thanks a lot.
Jul 22 17 18:05:35 <MajorParadox> Looks awesome
Jul 22 17 18:48:34 <nikongmer> AH MAN AWESOME. it was my pleasure
Jul 22 17 18:50:34 <nikongmer> lol and thanks for the flair!
Jul 22 17 23:56:30 <nikongmer> here's the img w/o the bg for when you guys want to change it
Jul 22 17 23:58:38 <Shane> there should be another snoo in the other snoos antenna
Jul 23 17 00:10:08 <abe> we could do an infinite thing like that
Jul 23 17 00:10:11 <abe> maybe
Jul 23 17 01:32:54 <Shane> could you do an infinite zoom animation somehow?
Jul 23 17 01:50:22 <HH0S> we could try to take the original, change the scale to zoom in until it matches the original and then have that loop
Jul 23 17 02:01:33 <HH0S> Wait no zoom and scroll
Jul 23 17 05:08:36 <abe> fuk, more spam reports on /r/pigifs
Jul 23 17 05:09:10 <abe> 92 reports
Jul 23 17 05:09:14 <abe> in like 5 minutes
Jul 23 17 11:13:11 <Shane> same in r/HappyCowGifs
Jul 23 17 11:13:18 <Shane> at the same time too
Jul 24 17 18:50:48 <Zeno> Weird, not seeing that issue
Jul 24 17 18:51:13 <Zeno> No change in our report count after the UI change
Jul 25 17 07:26:25 <abe> Fuck
Jul 25 17 07:26:33 <abe> 45 new pointless reports in pigifs
Jul 25 17 07:27:20 <abe> nt337 any in happycowgifs
Jul 25 17 07:29:42 <nt337> comments got reported but they were already approved now
Jul 25 17 07:30:02 <abe> the average post has got like 8 reports on Pigifs
Jul 25 17 07:30:04 <abe> 45 posts
Jul 25 17 07:31:45 <nt337> did it get eight new ones or were most already there?
Jul 25 17 07:32:27 <abe> My mod queue was empty when I went out today
Jul 25 17 07:32:38 <abe> when I came back, I had 45 on my mod queue counter
Jul 25 17 07:32:47 <abe> and some posts had 7-8 reports.
Jul 25 17 07:32:55 <abe> nt337 Why don't you mod pigifs?
Jul 25 17 08:35:27 <demmian> hey
Jul 25 17 08:35:33 <demmian> anyone good with automoderator around?
Jul 25 17 08:35:46 <abe> what do you want to do?
Jul 25 17 08:37:05 <demmian> so some 4chan edgy kids keep spamming our sub with "i disagree". how do i target for filtering with automod comments that are too short (<15 chars) that include the phrase?
Jul 25 17 08:45:58 <Squingu> ```
type: comment
body(includes): "i disagree"
body_shorter_than: 15
action: remove
Edited to include the phrase
Jul 25 17 08:54:36 <nt337> I only mod penguifs and crikey abe
Jul 25 17 16:31:27 <greenie> not being able to ctrl+F in new modmail is a known issue, right?
Jul 25 17 16:31:51 <HH0S> not usefully
Jul 25 17 16:32:15 <greenie> hm?
Jul 25 17 16:33:16 <greenie> oh is that because its an infinite scroll page, and it cant ctrl+f below the scroll?
Jul 25 17 16:33:20 <HH0S> yea
Jul 25 17 16:33:29 <greenie> I only use new modmail for like 2 subreddits and they're not active modmails
Jul 25 17 16:33:30 <greenie> thanks
Jul 25 17 16:33:37 <HH0S> np
Jul 25 17 16:51:43 <creesch> greenie yeah known issue, toolbox has a fix for that.
Jul 25 17 16:52:01 <creesch> Rather "fix"
Jul 25 17 16:52:08 <creesch> allows you to sort of search the archive.
Jul 25 17 16:53:22 <greenie> yeah I thought so, but wanted to double check before I repeated it to others. Thanks <3
Jul 26 17 07:38:07 <demmian> thanks 9ghillie for the code
Jul 26 17 07:44:40 <demmian> damn, whats the code for removing the default exemption for mods in automoderator config? moderator_exempt: false is not working
Jul 26 17 07:57:52 <creesch> Dude... I literally typed that already :P
Jul 26 17 07:58:16 <abe> 🤦 im dumb.
Jul 27 17 03:37:51 <twilexis> r/The_Pack strikes again
Jul 27 17 03:43:16 <Zock> fuck that sub
Jul 27 17 03:50:21 <twilexis> There were three posts of similar content. All three accounts banned.
Jul 27 17 03:54:00 <HH0S> Wtf is even happening in that post
Jul 27 17 03:59:57 <darth_tiffany> /r/the_pack. it's a thing
Jul 27 17 04:04:42 <abe> The Pack is spamming the I_irl modmail
Jul 27 17 04:06:20 <twilexis> one of my gm mods removed a submission for breaking rules
Jul 27 17 04:06:38 <twilexis> three people commented and PM'd the mod with similar crap to this.
Jul 27 17 04:09:33 <HH0S> I'm still lost on what that sub is even for
Jul 27 17 04:16:38 <allthefoxes> Whay the fuck do they have against BD
Jul 27 17 04:16:54 <allthefoxes> Look, if you buy sex toys, get quality ones
Jul 27 17 04:25:19 <twilexis> wat
Jul 27 17 04:26:47 <twilexis> oh, baddragon.
Jul 27 17 04:26:53 <twilexis> I don't want to click, what is it?
Jul 27 17 04:28:01 <HH0S> I looked at the sub, it's a sex toy brand
Jul 27 17 04:29:32 <twilexis> oh
Jul 27 17 04:29:33 <twilexis> pfft
Jul 27 17 04:46:05 <nt337> The_Pack brigades ootl literally all the time
Jul 27 17 11:26:16 <buzznights> I'm not familiar with The_Pack - what do I look for?
Jul 27 17 11:35:21 <buzznights> nvm - checking the sub out now
Jul 27 17 22:36:54 <Haunty> Is there a consensus among mods re: favorite mobile app for Reddit? I feel like I've heard Reddit is Fun is the best bc it has a few features available for mods-?
Jul 27 17 22:38:18 <SpyTec> Options:
* AlienBlue
* Relay
* Reddit is Fun
* Official Reddit App
* BaconReader
* ?
Jul 27 17 22:38:23 <nikongmer> i use relay pro
Jul 27 17 22:38:46 <StuartGT> I use BaconReader, but the mod support in it is pretty weak
Jul 27 17 22:38:56 <SpyTec> A wild StuartGT appeared
Jul 27 17 22:39:26 <Haunty> Relay pro is new - I haven't heard of that one before.
Jul 27 17 22:39:44 <Haunty> nikongmer you're a fan?
Jul 27 17 22:40:17 <nikongmer> relay pro is pretty old tbh. it used to go by a different name. <@!288203165705437184> yeah i love it.
Jul 27 17 22:40:36 <nikongmer>
Jul 27 17 22:40:57 <StuartGT> ok I like that
Jul 27 17 22:41:05 <Haunty> oooo I like that
Jul 27 17 22:41:22 <nikongmer> it was one of the first apps for reddit but i can't remember its old name
Jul 27 17 22:41:40 <nikongmer>
Jul 27 17 22:42:27 <nikongmer> i think it used to be called "Reddit News"
Jul 27 17 22:42:44 <SpyTec> ModSoup+Relay is what I use on Android. Alien Blue+Safari for modmail on iOS cause no other choice
Jul 27 17 22:42:57 <nikongmer> yeah
Jul 27 17 22:44:09 <buzznights> Relay is my fave
Jul 27 17 22:44:29 <Haunty> Interesting! Clearly, I missed the bus on this app!
Jul 27 17 22:44:37 <Haunty> Thanks for the rec!
Jul 27 17 22:44:48 <nikongmer> i'm surprised how it's not as popular as it should be
Jul 27 17 22:44:53 <nikongmer> np!
Jul 27 17 22:44:56 <buzznights> My only issue with Relay is that when I want to change the flair on a link, I can't. I have to go to reddit is fun to do that
Jul 27 17 22:45:08 <buzznights> Other than that, pretty functional
Jul 27 17 22:45:20 <buzznights> If RES put out a mobile app with all my notes, I'd marry it
Jul 27 17 22:45:34 <nikongmer> oh man
Jul 27 17 22:45:48 <Haunty> lol
Jul 27 17 22:46:35 <abe> just use the desktop website
Jul 27 17 22:46:37 <abe> on mobile
Jul 27 17 22:46:44 <abe> its by far the best for moderating
Jul 27 17 22:46:57 <buzznights> I disagree 😃
Jul 27 17 22:47:08 <Haunty> I've been doing that for awhile, yeah (desktop website on mobile)
Jul 27 17 22:47:52 <Haunty> But it's not the greatest for just browsing the site, and if there's an app out there that supports some basic mod functions, that's pretty nifty
Jul 27 17 22:48:11 <buzznights> That's what I like about Relay.
Jul 27 17 22:48:18 <Haunty> *app out there that's better for browsing *and* that supports...
Jul 27 17 23:43:31 <twilexis> I use the official app, I don't know why. I moved over when it was first announced they acquired Alien Blue, but it's been a buttload of disappointment since.
Jul 27 17 23:43:39 <twilexis> But I'm too set in my ways to change
Jul 27 17 23:43:44 <twilexis> Also get off my lawn.
Jul 27 17 23:44:40 <SpyTec> twilexis At least you can view subreddit rules. Oh wait, it errors out <:lul:297371306200924160>
Jul 27 17 23:44:53 <twilexis> what subreddit rules <:lul:297371306200924160>
Jul 27 17 23:45:05 <SpyTec> Every once in a while we get complaints that rules page isn't working. Turns out theyre on mobile
Jul 27 17 23:45:18 <twilexis> yep
Jul 27 17 23:48:51 <twilexis> Any tips for writing rules? I'm rewriting the rules in GoneMild to be more succinct, but I don't want to write them too strict so rule lawyers have a field day picking loopholes.
Jul 27 17 23:54:59 <nikongmer> "Just because something isn't explicitly outlined in the rules doesn't mean Moderators aren't going to use their own discretion. If you have questions, ask the mods ... etc"
Jul 27 17 23:55:32 <twilexis> We have a 'posts will be removed at mod discretion' rule, but they still argue that lol
Jul 27 17 23:55:50 <twilexis> I guess I just need to be realistic and just deal with the fact that they're always going to argue them
Jul 27 17 23:55:52 <nikongmer> mods will always get argued with
Jul 27 17 23:56:01 <nikongmer> yeah
Jul 27 17 23:58:22 <twilexis> hey foxy
Jul 27 17 23:58:51 <allthefoxes> nikongmer That's not really the best way to word it - Rules should be, for the most part, formal in writing. With your tone, you are giving off a snobby teenager type of vibe.
A simple wording of "Moderators reserve the right to remove posts and comments based on their discretion" or something along those lines
Jul 27 17 23:59:45 <nikongmer> I guess it depends on the type of sub?
Jul 27 17 23:59:51 <nikongmer> and the tone of the sub?
Jul 27 17 23:59:53 <twilexis> I have to giggle at the fact that I'm talking formally about boobs in the rules :p
Jul 28 17 00:00:36 <nikongmer> but i don't disagree
Jul 28 17 00:00:50 <StuartGT> there will always be users wanting to argue with mods, always good for a laugh: <>
Jul 28 17 00:02:34 <allthefoxes> nikongmer That's true, most of my subs are uptight
Jul 28 17 00:03:04 <twilexis> mhm. I think we should keep a more formal tone for the one I'm talking about, because talking clinically is easier when it comes to porn subs.
Jul 28 17 00:06:40 <StuartGT> you could try adapting the rules appropriate to your sub from, theirs are quite formal and succinct, with some similar policies in place
Jul 28 17 00:11:33 <twilexis> that's not a bad idea
Jul 28 17 00:38:36 <Haunty> Formality or no, I always get annoyed at rules that sound like they've been written by a *super* bitter moderator, lol
Jul 28 17 00:39:24 <Haunty> Like, there *are* people who read the rules before commenting/posting inside a subreddit, and when you nav to read their rules, you feel like you're getting scolded before you've even stepped foot in the subreddit. It's v. unpleasant.
Jul 28 17 00:43:48 <Haunty> If formality is the only way in which to cut the bitter tone out of your rules write-up, that's awesome. Do that.
Jul 28 17 00:43:59 <allthefoxes> A proper formal tone should avoid wording things that make it sound bitter
Jul 28 17 00:44:27 <Haunty> Yep.
Jul 28 17 00:47:01 <Haunty> But informal is fine too imo. You can sound friendly/casual while still giving succinct rules.
Jul 28 17 00:50:23 <Haunty> Stuff like, "We appreciate a solid sense of humor, but meme posts will be removed for the sake of higher-quality content & discourse in this subreddit. Feel free to submit your memes to <other related subreddits that accept meme posts>, though."
Jul 28 17 00:51:11 <Haunty> Versus "MEMES ARE BANNED. We're not interested in shitposts here in /r/subreddit."
Jul 28 17 00:51:27 <Haunty> lol
Jul 28 17 00:53:26 <cuddlefishcat> the second one is concise
Jul 28 17 00:53:58 <Haunty> Well, more concise than the former. Less informative & gracious, though.
Jul 28 17 00:54:13 <Haunty> I'd rather read the former than the latter I'd rather read the first one than the second one).
Jul 28 17 00:54:18 <cuddlefishcat> As a nazi mod, I am neither informative nor gracious
Jul 28 17 00:54:20 <ClearlyCoder> It depends on the subreddit
Jul 28 17 00:54:57 <ClearlyCoder> sometimes being too formal is just silly
Jul 28 17 00:55:17 <ClearlyCoder> sometimes people do it just for kicks or to feel superior
Jul 28 17 00:55:47 <cuddlefishcat> yeah, i don't like being too formal
Jul 28 17 00:55:54 <abe> I’m a Nazi mod, I just ban. Don’t say anything
Jul 28 17 00:55:57 <Haunty> Wait wait I'm sorry. I'd rather read the latter than the former.
Jul 28 17 00:56:09 <ClearlyCoder> see what happens when you use big words?
Jul 28 17 00:56:13 <ClearlyCoder> confusion & chaos
Jul 28 17 00:56:25 <abe> Hmm
Jul 28 17 00:56:36 <ClearlyCoder> Huh, abe.
Jul 28 17 00:56:44 <Haunty> lol
Jul 28 17 00:57:18 <ClearlyCoder> I feel like people ~~no have~~ w/ no life take the job too seriously and write out paragraphs when someone write to modmail saying "my post was removed pls approve"
Jul 28 17 00:57:49 <Haunty> Shit no, I had it right the first time.
Jul 28 17 00:57:53 <cuddlefishcat> some people treat modmail too much like email
Jul 28 17 00:57:57 <Haunty> Jesus christ I've only had 2 beers what is this.
Jul 28 17 00:58:02 <ClearlyCoder> lol
Jul 28 17 00:58:05 <cuddlefishcat> Haunty yeah you were right the first time
Jul 28 17 00:58:21 <cuddlefishcat> also why do you have two accounts here 🤔
Jul 28 17 00:58:22 <Haunty> yeah haha
Jul 28 17 00:59:09 <Haunty> two accounts?
Jul 28 17 00:59:46 <Haunty> idk I should just be Haunty 8423
Jul 28 17 01:00:24 <cuddlefishcat> <@!288203165705437184> ?
Jul 28 17 01:01:37 <Haunty> oh, that's super odd. Awhile ago I signed up with discord just to try it out. That might be that old temp account I made. I'll see what I can do about canceling it...
Jul 28 17 01:01:53 <Haunty> (at least, I thought it was temp)
Jul 28 17 01:02:16 <nt337> Heh I did the same
Jul 28 17 01:02:23 <nt337> There were three nt337's in this server
Jul 28 17 01:03:27 <cuddlefishcat> probably doesn't really matter, just noticed it when I tried to tag you 😛
Jul 28 17 01:06:51 <Haunty> gotta log out in order to cancel the other username, I think. be back later 😃
Jul 28 17 01:14:03 <Haunty> well okay that was friggin worse than useless. apparently discord only deletes accounts after they've been inactive (ie: you haven't logged in) for awhile, and I just signed in to delete it without success, so now I have to wait even longer for that account to disappear.
Jul 28 17 01:14:16 <Haunty> way to go, me
Jul 28 17 01:15:16 <nt337> Lol
Jul 28 17 01:15:22 <nt337> Maybe leave the server with it?
Jul 28 17 01:16:19 <Haunty> oh good call
Jul 28 17 01:16:43 <cuddlefishcat> if you're not in any servers it's effectively deleted i guess
Jul 28 17 01:17:52 <Haunty> done
Jul 28 17 01:18:38 <Haunty> I'd actually never left a server before so it hadn't even occurred to me haha
Jul 28 17 01:20:06 <Haunty> I used to hate banning people but now I do it pretty often -- the admin's spam developments kinda pushed that
Jul 28 17 01:20:08 <cuddlefishcat> I'm not sure that I ever have either
Jul 28 17 01:20:38 <cuddlefishcat> banning people on reddit? I probably average 1/day
Jul 28 17 01:21:05 <cuddlefishcat> I'm desensitized!
Jul 28 17 01:21:33 <Haunty> Before I was always like "oh well if you're a person trying to promote their original content, that's wonderful. I'll help you share how to promote yourself & your OC in a way that Reddit won't penalize you" but now I'm like "You're banned for spamming - we go by the 10% rule here."
Jul 28 17 01:22:58 <Haunty> I don't think I mod enough subbers (or enough subs with so much activity) to average 1/day, lol. I'm not against that average though.
Jul 28 17 01:23:08 <cuddlefishcat> yeah we still use the 10% rule as well
Jul 28 17 01:23:30 <cuddlefishcat> I get pretty annoyed when people think they can just use reddit as a promotional platform
Jul 28 17 01:24:04 <cuddlefishcat> most bans are probably for spoilers though
Jul 28 17 01:24:26 <Haunty> It's kind of a blurry line, though. I mean, if you're submitting promo posts in subreddits *specifically for* promo posts like yours, I think you're in the green.
Jul 28 17 01:25:39 <Haunty> So like if 90% of your submissions about a product discount code posted in /r/deals, /r/discounts, /r/coupons, etc. I can see why you wouldn't ban them.
Jul 28 17 01:25:39 <cuddlefishcat> Some subs encourage it yeah
Jul 28 17 01:27:04 <Haunty> Or why it just wouldn't raise a red flag for anyone.
Jul 28 17 01:28:23 <Haunty> It gets dicier when you have like... poor-quality podcasters promoting their stuff in every topic-relevant subreddit where discussion/community is the focus
Jul 28 17 01:30:41 <cuddlefishcat> yeah that i really don't like
Jul 28 17 01:30:53 <Haunty> me neither
Jul 28 17 01:31:08 <cuddlefishcat> when you see someone post a video to your sub, go to their account, and you see they immediately posted it to the other 5 related subs
Jul 28 17 01:32:00 <cuddlefishcat> some people have gotten the rules after being warned though, and they end up actively participating in the sub, which is nice to see
Jul 28 17 01:33:15 <Haunty> vloggers are worse than podcasters though, lol. I run mainly the tv subs for Supernatural and I get this awful zing of pleasure every time a vlogger posts their TEN MINUTE exaggerated 'reaction to the premiere/finale' video & get murdered in the comments (that is, if the post managed to bypass the filter & nobody reported it)
Jul 28 17 01:33:23 <Madbrad200> I replaced r/spam with automoderator
Jul 28 17 01:35:12 <Haunty> Idk what the conversation's like amongst popular youtube vloggers, but I can imagine they treat Reddit as like an evil monster
Jul 28 17 03:07:52 <abe> nt337 3? I only say 2.
Jul 28 17 03:09:43 <nt337> Three what?
Jul 28 17 03:11:52 <abe> Alts in this server
Jul 28 17 05:01:26 <creesch> Haunty they do, we have had to deal with a brigade in the past few days in /r/history because some YouTuber got mad after he remembered we banned his ass for spamming. So he made a video about it that it was unfair that we banned him for the 10% thing. Claiming it was only over that because he posts to his own sub, which is silly since even ignoring his sub it was still 50%
Jul 28 17 05:02:18 <creesch> We also have had a implicit threat from a rather big YouTuber because we pulled a rule breaking post from a friend of his.
Jul 28 17 05:06:30 <Haunty> > even ignoring his sub it was still 50% ---- that'd be the final nail in the coffin imo
Jul 28 17 05:07:31 <HH0S> well thats fcking wonderful ppl abusing their popularity
Jul 28 17 05:07:37 <Haunty> Like *maybe* I would look at it more closely if they were only posting to places where it would be welcome content, but posting *elsewhere* with a 50% I'd be like 'nope no fuckin way'
Jul 28 17 17:09:24 <cuddlefishcat> Does anyone every have the issue with new modmail where the righthand sidebar doesn't show up?
Jul 28 17 17:11:59 <MajorParadox> I get that every now and again
Jul 28 17 17:12:09 <MajorParadox> Working now, though
Jul 28 17 17:12:50 <cuddlefishcat> It just happened on the one user that i want to mute
Jul 28 17 17:13:07 <cuddlefishcat> but idk if i can without that
Jul 28 17 17:13:10 <MajorParadox> You can still go to mute users in the sidebar of your sub
Jul 28 17 17:13:25 <MajorParadox> /r/subreddit/about/muted/
Jul 28 17 17:13:45 <cuddlefishcat> OH fantastic, ty
Jul 28 17 17:13:50 <MajorParadox> No problem
Jul 28 17 22:30:37 <Haunty> Hi guys! I have a quick question. When you make a user an "approved submitter," does this mean they won't receive that "you are doing that too much. Please wait 9 minutes and try again" message when they submit *comments*?
Jul 28 17 22:31:40 <Haunty> I know they're okay to submit *posts* as much as they'd like, but I'm arranging an AMA and I'm hoping that she won't run into comment blocks like this while trying to answer questions with comments.
Jul 28 17 22:32:43 <abe> yes
Jul 28 17 22:32:47 <abe> i think
Jul 28 17 22:33:10 <Haunty> lol okay. Fingers crossed.
Jul 29 17 18:24:09 <pussgurka> you're arranging an AMA for which sub? 😃
Jul 29 17 18:24:14 <pussgurka> Haunty
Jul 29 17 18:35:04 <StuartGT> Haunty having a Reddit account verified with an email address also reduces that timer greatly, so have the AMA person do that too
Jul 29 17 18:36:48 <Haunty> Oh hey sorry - just got notified. A small fan-ish subreddit, /r/fandomnatural. Thanks for the tip, stuart - I'll pass that along to her 😃
Jul 29 17 18:43:29 <pussgurka> feel free to crosspost it to r/iama, you can check our guidelines for it here :
Jul 29 17 18:43:43 <pussgurka> it has to meet our requirements for an AMA to be crosspost-able though 😛
Jul 29 17 18:44:14 <pussgurka> and if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me any time ❤
Jul 29 17 19:35:27 <aedeos> anyone know the best way to get in touch with admin when being brigaded?
Jul 29 17 19:35:38 <HH0S> what do you mean brigaded
Jul 29 17 19:36:20 <ClearlyCoder> aedeos /r/ modmail, or /r/modsupport if you're feeling edgy
Jul 29 17 19:36:54 <aedeos> someone posted something in /r/sports that is leading to a brigade of /r/nfl and neither sports nor admin have been responding to messages
Jul 29 17 19:37:10 <aedeos> /r/ modmail is, of course, a crapshoot
Jul 29 17 19:37:17 <HH0S> Oh
Jul 29 17 19:37:20 <HH0S> thats because its the weekend
Jul 29 17 19:37:30 <Talon> lol
Jul 29 17 19:37:34 <HH0S> you'll prob get a response by monday or tuesday
Jul 29 17 19:37:35 <Talon> no one works on weekends
Jul 29 17 19:38:31 <aedeos> why do I do this job again?
Jul 29 17 19:46:37 <allthefoxes> DAE remember when admins used to have a global remote staff and it was a mostly reasonable request if something needed to happen on a weekend?
Jul 29 17 19:46:38 <allthefoxes> 🤔
Jul 29 17 19:49:11 <tiz> Ah, the good ol days
Jul 29 17 19:50:13 <jhc1415> This was before there was all that drama about requiring everyone to move to SF right?
Jul 29 17 19:50:22 <allthefoxes> Yeah,
Jul 29 17 19:50:28 <allthefoxes> Man remember pinwale
Jul 29 17 19:50:33 <allthefoxes> I liked that guy
Jul 29 17 19:50:58 <allthefoxes> But hey startup culture gotta have a hip office and everyone working 12 hours a day 🙃
Jul 29 17 19:51:41 <tiz> A start up for 10 years or however old Reddit is
Jul 29 17 19:51:49 <allthefoxes> It's about _culture_ mannn
Jul 29 17 19:52:16 <HH0S> its about the free yogurt cause silicon valley
Jul 29 17 19:53:17 <aedeos> I miss cupcake
Jul 29 17 19:53:34 <jhc1415> I was just going to say something about cupcake.
Jul 29 17 19:54:11 <aedeos> I hope she knows she's still remembered fondly
Jul 29 17 19:56:56 <allthefoxes> I joke, reddits move to SF does seem to have been better overall for the company
Jul 29 17 19:57:04 <allthefoxes> I just miss getting ban evaders smacked at 4am
Jul 29 17 19:58:08 <HH0S> we have to make sacrifices sometimes
Jul 29 17 20:08:04 <aedeos> There are still some remote people. But the one I met is Seattle located so that ruins that sort of thing.
Jul 30 17 01:39:20 <Zeno> There are people that work off hours (I think I asked if it was 24/7)
Jul 30 17 01:39:33 <Zeno> I just didn't ask the specifics when I visited HQ
Jul 30 17 01:43:11 <Deimos> A couple, but not nearly enough
Jul 30 17 02:13:00 <Deimos> I think ocrasorm is the only one in a really different timezone (he's in Ireland)
Jul 30 17 04:27:41 <twilexis> How serious do the admins treat vote manipulation? We have a submitter who's getting thousands of upvotes when the sub average is under 100
Jul 30 17 04:30:14 <Aevann> well, since upvote-selling services are everywhere now, I'd say not serious at all
Jul 30 17 04:30:24 <Aevann> someone should put reddit inc. out of its misery
Jul 30 17 04:30:29 <allthefoxes> Admins will take action but you won't get much info out of them
Jul 30 17 04:32:05 <twilexis> I don't need to know the ins and outs, just making them aware. It's not like she has a cult following or anything, either.
Jul 30 17 04:32:20 <allthefoxes> Yeah, just don't expect much in terms of a response
Jul 30 17 07:10:32 <Axanery> I mean
Jul 30 17 07:10:35 <Axanery> remember sockoff?
Jul 30 17 07:13:50 <allthefoxes> That was dealt with in a pretty reasonable manner
Jul 30 17 09:49:32 <creesch> twilexis they suspended a shitton of accounts the other day when we got brigaded from a youtube channel
Jul 30 17 09:49:40 <creesch> So I'd say they take it somewhat seriously
Jul 30 17 09:50:11 <twilexis> Oh. Story time!
Jul 30 17 15:05:37 <Haunty> pussgurka Thank you so much! Yeah I'm planning on x-posting it. For /r/fandomnatural, since we're kinda small, we've already recommended that the AMA-er submit their post in the morning (especially bc it's scheduled for Friday atm) & then come visit for an hour in the afternoon after lots of questions have been submitted -- the mods will be x-posting to the live link to relevant larger subreddits a little bit before the AMA-er comes online to begin answering.
Jul 30 17 15:20:41 <creesch> twilexis not much to tell, YouTuber got banned for being way over the 10% guidelines. Then forgets about it until they want to respond to someone posting one of their videos, then makes a video about it complaining that we didn't take the fact that he has his own subreddit where he posts in account (which is idiotic as that just reduces the percentage from 85% to 50%) and their subscriber base goes all angry mob and invades the sub. Which we cracked down on hard and apparently the admins did as well.
Jul 30 17 15:21:39 <Haunty> Sounds like something like that could never happen now 😦
Jul 30 17 15:22:01 <Haunty> The admins' part in the story, I mean.
Jul 30 17 15:41:52 <Haunty> I got a really funny PM after removing a comment of theirs with a warning for bigoted language. Apparently it was a social experiment to see how others would respond/react, lol.
Jul 30 17 15:43:09 <Haunty> pretty sure that's the lofty definition of trolling
Jul 30 17 16:01:23 <creesch> Haunty this did happen last week
Jul 30 17 16:01:39 <creesch> Admins are really not as passive as people think they are
Jul 30 17 16:01:39 <Haunty> Oh wow that's awesome
Jul 30 17 16:01:49 <creesch> It just isn't as noticeable
Jul 30 17 16:01:51 <Haunty> Totally eating my words then
Jul 30 17 16:02:13 <creesch> We only knew because a few of the idiots came to complain on our discord that they got suspended
Jul 30 17 16:02:36 <Haunty> lol
Jul 30 17 19:28:51 <justcool393> Regarding vote bots, I will say (?|?)-gate was unhelpful towards getting it.
Jul 30 17 19:28:57 <justcool393> catching them
Jul 30 17 19:30:27 <MajorParadox> They should bring back (?|?). Not the actual numbers, the question marks. I liked those 😛
Jul 30 17 19:31:13 <justcool393> RES devs pls
Jul 30 17 19:41:53 <abe> I have a solution to fix purchased upvotes: Only moderators who moderate over 10k subscribers can vote.
Jul 30 17 19:43:06 <Shane> hmmmmm
Jul 30 17 19:43:11 <justcool393> this but ironically
Jul 30 17 19:43:32 <justcool393> That just creates bots who create 10k subs
Jul 30 17 19:43:34 <justcool393> to votw
Jul 30 17 19:44:06 <abe> I have a solution to fix that too!
Jul 30 17 19:44:22 <abe> Only abe can mod over 10k subscribers
Jul 30 17 20:12:29 <Cleroth> justcool393 What's `(?|?)`?
Jul 30 17 20:12:45 <Cleroth> Oh you mean replacing the ? with actual words
Jul 30 17 20:13:21 <justcool393> Cleroth Individual upvote and downvote totals.
Jul 30 17 20:16:00 <Cleroth> Yea I've no idea what that means
Jul 30 17 20:16:05 <Cleroth> how do you catch the vote bots
Jul 30 17 20:16:57 <BobCobble> abe You really are a never ending pit of *amazing* ideas! /s
Jul 30 17 20:17:29 <MajorParadox> RES used to have access to upvote/downvote counts that it displayed. However, the numbers were fuzzed, so everyone would always go, "why is this downvoted!" When it may not have been. The admins decided to remove that ability, which caused RES to display the question marks before they removed it
Jul 30 17 20:17:34 <MajorParadox> Or something like that
Jul 30 17 20:18:47 <MajorParadox> But they added the controversial indicator as a consolation
Jul 30 17 20:19:46 <MajorParadox>
Jul 30 17 20:26:01 <justcool393> Cleroth Well, if you see a consistent 7 doenvotes or something on every single post being made
Jul 30 17 20:26:12 <justcool393> you can suspect that shady shit is going on
Jul 30 17 20:26:34 <justcool393> without it, quickmeme probably wouldn't have gotten caught, at least not for a while
Jul 30 17 20:26:49 <Cleroth> oh, right
Jul 30 17 20:27:40 <Cleroth> well you get total amonut of votes and % now, still
Jul 30 17 20:27:51 <Cleroth> coupled with number of views, it can help determine shady posts
Jul 30 17 20:28:06 <MajorParadox> This was on comments
Jul 30 17 20:28:35 <MajorParadox> Well, both, I guess
Jul 30 17 20:29:51 <justcool393> both comments and submissions it wormed on
Jul 30 17 20:30:10 <justcool393> submissions had their vote totals displayed even without RES
Jul 31 17 00:32:14 <mbetts> how long ago was the (?|?)
Jul 31 17 00:32:20 <mbetts> has to be a while now right?
Jul 31 17 00:32:25 <abe> ages
Jul 31 17 00:32:52 <abe>
Jul 31 17 00:32:54 <abe> 3 years
Jul 31 17 00:33:00 <abe> I remember that posty
Jul 31 17 00:33:01 <mbetts> jeeze
Jul 31 17 00:33:05 <abe> I was just new to reddit
Jul 31 17 00:33:40 <mbetts> I keep forgetting that I've nearly been around for 5 years
Jul 31 17 00:33:45 <mbetts> christ
Jul 31 17 00:33:49 <mbetts> I remember signing up
Jul 31 17 00:34:27 <abe> My first account was such a faliure
Jul 31 17 00:34:33 <abe> my second was a bit better
Jul 31 17 00:34:38 <abe> and this one is a fail again
Jul 31 17 00:34:44 <mbetts> I kept my first one
Jul 31 17 00:34:47 <mbetts> and as you can see
Jul 31 17 00:34:55 <mbetts> my username choice is top notch
Jul 31 17 00:35:10 <mbetts> /s
Jul 31 17 00:35:10 <abe> is it your real name?
Jul 31 17 00:35:15 <mbetts> *no*
Jul 31 17 00:35:54 <mbetts> the name I wanted was taken and unused 😦
Jul 31 17 00:36:06 <mbetts> even to this day
Jul 31 17 00:36:45 <mbetts> I would change but have to much tied to this account
Jul 31 17 00:41:34 <abe> mbetts I have an idea. Mod me to every sub you mod, and then I'll mod you back on your new alt so you won't lose anything.
Jul 31 17 00:41:53 <mbetts> I'm top mod in the two I mod 😛
Jul 31 17 00:41:56 <mbetts> but nice try
Jul 31 17 00:42:20 <abe> mbetts you could make me the top mod?
Jul 31 17 00:43:09 <mbetts> how about....
Jul 31 17 00:43:11 <mbetts> no
Jul 31 17 00:43:14 <mbetts> 😄
Jul 31 17 00:43:16 <abe> ):
Jul 31 17 00:43:34 <abe> 🤣
Jul 31 17 00:43:38 <mbetts> plus the time since modded marks the day the coup was successful 😛
Jul 31 17 00:43:50 <abe> coup?
Jul 31 17 00:44:02 <abe> did you forcibly take over a sub?
Jul 31 17 00:44:09 <abe> I would love to know how to do that
Jul 31 17 00:44:20 <mbetts> I got another guy to install me and then remove himself
Jul 31 17 00:44:28 <mbetts> it was a bit more complicated than that
Jul 31 17 00:44:48 <abe> can you mod me to wargame pls.
Jul 31 17 00:44:51 <abe> ty
Jul 31 17 00:44:51 <mbetts> the mods were doing things that were pissing off everyone
Jul 31 17 00:46:03 <mbetts> only if you can produce high quality memes abe
Jul 31 17 00:50:39 <llim> oh shit
Jul 31 17 00:50:49 <nt337> oh shit
Jul 31 17 00:51:19 <llim> ^
Jul 31 17 00:51:27 <Cleroth> ^
Jul 31 17 00:58:06 <pHorniCaiTe> <:PogChamp:333722096846766080>
Jul 31 17 01:34:19 <isentrope> Now we know
Jul 31 17 20:07:15 <MajorParadox> Anyone know why my toolbox config on a sub would seem to be empty suddenly? The toolbox wiki page seems untouched
Jul 31 17 20:16:28 <creesch> Try clearing your toolbox cache
Jul 31 17 20:16:43 <creesch> Also if it is really empty revert the wiki page
Jul 31 17 20:16:57 <MajorParadox> Tried reverting, will try the cache
Jul 31 17 20:20:47 <MajorParadox> Hmm, didn't help
Jul 31 17 20:23:19 <creesch> Might just be reddit having issues with the api or something
Jul 31 17 20:23:46 <MajorParadox> Ah that could be it. My unmoderated #s have been screwy all morning too
Jul 31 17 20:23:50 <creesch>
Jul 31 17 20:24:01 <creesch> The error rate has been higher in the past few hours and still bumpy
Jul 31 17 20:25:57 <MajorParadox> Thanks for the help!
Jul 31 17 20:34:46 <MajorParadox> Ugh, now it's happening on my main sub
Jul 31 17 20:34:51 <MajorParadox> This is annoying haha
Jul 31 17 20:37:09 <creesch> yeah api is def broken
Jul 31 17 21:34:58 <BobCobble> Anyone else had this problem?
Jul 31 17 21:35:17 <BobCobble> Where unmoderated and modqueue numbers don't show up.
Jul 31 17 21:35:26 <XenoBen> probs api issues
Jul 31 17 21:35:46 <SnowPhoenix> Happens on occassion to me as well with various items down there. Guessing it's that ^
Jul 31 17 21:36:32 <pHorniCaiTe> i never check anymore, they all go to 100 within an hour or two so i just ignore that whole bar
Jul 31 17 21:36:54 <nt337> Usually that just happens to me when I'm first loading the page but everything will show up after a little while
Jul 31 17 21:37:39 <BobCobble> *ugh* having to manually check unmoderated and modqueue
Jul 31 17 21:37:44 <BobCobble> first world problems
Aug 02 17 02:35:58 <awkwardtheturtle>
Aug 02 17 02:41:18 <mbetts> Okay, having the bot remove all comments is a fucking awesome way to hide who's submitted
Aug 02 17 02:41:39 <awkwardtheturtle> tybb
Aug 02 17 02:44:36 <awkwardtheturtle> just made a little flair and then added this betty
Aug 02 17 02:45:11 <awkwardtheturtle> ` type: comment`
` parent_submission:`
``` flair_css_class: ['applications']```
` action: remove`
` action_reason: mod application`
` moderators_exempt: false`
Aug 02 17 02:47:32 <Axanery> att, I haven’t contributed much to the sub by both commenting and posting but I’ve been subscribed for a long time so keep me in mind
Aug 02 17 02:47:45 <twilexis> Mod me bby
Aug 02 17 02:47:48 <awkwardtheturtle> discord lost the indentation there for flair css in my code above, that line has to be indented
Aug 02 17 02:47:56 <twilexis> But for real I'll answer when I get out of class
Aug 02 17 02:48:08 <Axanery> perhaps use three ‘
Aug 02 17 02:48:13 <awkwardtheturtle> np bb feel free to apply, the apps will be up for like a week or so
Aug 02 17 02:48:24 <Axanery> I don’t have the back tick on mobile
Aug 02 17 02:48:32 <Axanery> try that though
Aug 02 17 02:48:38 <twilexis> Are you using Apple or android?
Aug 02 17 02:48:43 <Axanery> Apple
Aug 02 17 02:48:49 <twilexis> Hold down '
Aug 02 17 02:48:56 <twilexis> It's the first on the left
Aug 02 17 02:49:06 <Axanery> holy sh-
Aug 02 17 02:49:14 <twilexis> You're welcome 😜
Aug 02 17 02:49:34 <awkwardtheturtle> hmm I think that did it
Aug 02 17 02:49:35 <awkwardtheturtle> dank
Aug 02 17 02:49:41 <awkwardtheturtle> I dont discord gud
Aug 02 17 02:49:44 <awkwardtheturtle> gotta learn
Aug 02 17 02:49:54 <twilexis> I'll teach you the ways of the discord
Aug 02 17 02:50:00 <Axanery> ``` type: comment`
` parent_submission:`
` flair_css_class: ['applications']`
` action: remove`
` action_reason: mod application`
` moderators_exempt: false```
Aug 02 17 02:50:02 <twilexis> Shit posting here is my forte
Aug 02 17 02:50:04 <awkwardtheturtle> <:lenny:297407022230536192> teach me
Aug 02 17 02:50:08 <Axanery> well that got fucked
Aug 02 17 02:50:22 <twilexis> Now that Abe is gone someone needs to fill the gap 😂
Aug 02 17 02:50:34 <Axanery> he just modmailed us
Aug 02 17 02:50:36 <Axanery> go check
Aug 02 17 02:50:40 <twilexis> Where?
Aug 02 17 02:50:54 <twilexis> New or old?
Aug 02 17 02:51:32 <twilexis> Oh lol. Dammit llim 😂
Aug 02 17 02:54:49 <twilexis> Gotta love scrolling through modmail and stumbling upon a random dick pic ಠ_ಠ
Aug 02 17 03:06:28 <Axanery> ...what
Aug 02 17 03:10:33 <twilexis> Yeah.
Aug 02 17 03:10:38 <Axanery> where
Aug 02 17 03:10:40 <Axanery> why
Aug 02 17 03:10:51 <twilexis> GoneMild
Aug 02 17 03:10:56 <twilexis> Verification
Aug 02 17 03:25:50 <ClearlyCoder> RIP ABE
Aug 02 17 03:25:55 <ClearlyCoder> 😑
Aug 02 17 03:31:07 <Axanery> > verification
Aug 02 17 03:31:15 <Axanery> how much porn do you have to look at twil
Aug 02 17 03:50:18 <awkwardtheturtle> Note to self, send more dick pics to /r/twilexis
Aug 02 17 03:52:23 <SnowPhoenix> There was a pun here in my head about by sending a dick pic, you become a dick, but I suppose it doesn't work out superbly.
Aug 02 17 03:55:23 <twilexis> Axanery a lot.
Aug 02 17 03:55:51 <SnowPhoenix> Yep, pun definitely doesn't work here.
Aug 02 17 03:56:18 <twilexis> You are what you send. In this case a tiny peen.
Aug 02 17 04:58:26 <creesch> Lots of shitposting in here lately 😕 ☹
Aug 02 17 05:12:03 <SnowPhoenix> Topicality is hard, man. I mean, it didn't take much to get from modmail discussion to where we are now. Got any neat moderating-related topics to discuss?
Aug 02 17 06:37:22 <Axanery> awkwardtheturtle this is taking me quite a bit, will they still be open tomorrow?
Aug 02 17 06:37:32 <Axanery> I'm only on number 7 and it's taken me an hour
Aug 02 17 06:38:18 <awkwardtheturtle> Haha wow
Yeah they'll be open for a few days if not a week. Probably a week. We'll see how many respondents we get. You don't have to apply today.
Aug 02 17 06:38:26 <Axanery> Awesome
Aug 02 17 06:38:32 <Axanery> Yeah I take forever on apps for some reason
Aug 02 17 06:38:43 <Axanery> It took me 3 hours to apply for funny
Aug 02 17 06:53:35 <twilexis> THEY ARE JUDGING ME WHAT DO THEY WANT NO THEY DONT WANT THAT BUT WHAT IF THEY DO - my brain when writing apps.
Aug 02 17 07:20:02 <pHorniCaiTe> !obligatory
Aug 02 17 07:20:37 <pHorniCaiTe> It seems like your comment(s) would be better suited to <#278566343836565505>.
Aug 02 17 07:53:57 <twilexis> Take it to <#280814354910281728> please
Aug 02 17 09:48:18 <Madbrad200> any ideas what to turn into?
Right now it's literally useless but people still use it anyway. I'm thinking of turning it into a more image host resource/news subreddit as opposed to "dump random image here"
Aug 02 17 09:55:35 <creesch> Yeah that could work, make it about the various image hosting parties as well as maybe resources on how people can set up image hosting themselves (asides from doing it the old fashioned way of just simply ftping it to your server :P)
Aug 02 17 09:55:59 <twilexis> oooh i'd like a tutorial on that
Aug 02 17 10:00:51 <Madbrad200> Know any good places that have info regarding how to build a host creesch ?
Been to an IRC channel for that before but haven't really delved into the topic deep enough
Aug 02 17 10:02:43 <creesch> Depends on what you want, if you just want a personal image host it is extremely easy if it is just single images.
Aug 02 17 10:04:21 <creesch> Basically all you need is a website with an upload form on the frontend and something on the backend that accepts a post request and returns the url of the image.
Aug 02 17 10:05:02 <creesch> So for a traditional setup you can do that extremely simple with apache and php.
Aug 02 17 10:06:37 <creesch> Then a bit more fancy is setting some javascript on the frontend to drag and drop and paste from they clipboard.
Aug 02 17 10:08:04 <creesch> And if you don't want to do all of that there are probably already projects that made it for you. Let me look some up.
Aug 02 17 10:10:37 <creesch> Oh this one is interesting,.
Aug 02 17 10:10:44 <creesch> allows you to upload to S3 buckets or Azure
Aug 02 17 10:10:55 <creesch>
Aug 02 17 10:11:14 <creesch> That one allows you to actually set up a service
Aug 02 17 10:11:46 <creesch> This is a php script that can do the backend stuff
Aug 02 17 10:12:54 <creesch> Madbrad200 twilexis so it basically depends on what you have available as far as hosting goes, what you are familiar with, etc.
Aug 02 17 10:13:14 <creesch> But all things considered the technology behind it isn't terribly complicated if you are just doing it for yourself.
Aug 02 17 10:13:58 <creesch> what makes image hosting tricky is that you cannot generate revenue easily so most of these services rely on donations or try to serve you a webpage with the image in it.
Aug 02 17 10:14:34 <creesch> It is basically what made imgur a good alternative back in the day since it allowed directly linking of images which other hosts did not do as well as being reliable.
Aug 02 17 10:15:35 <creesch> For their first few years they could get by on donations, but you see that they have slowly and cleverly moved away from just hosting images and building up a website that can actually keep them in the air.
Aug 02 17 10:17:01 <creesch> Anyway, if you actually want to offer the service things start to become complicated as then it becomes important to do things efficiently and cost effectively. When it is just for yourself that is all less important, then the only thing you need to consider is if you want it to be able to handle the reddit hug of death.
Aug 02 17 10:19:48 <creesch> Personally I have just the backend bit that accepts a post request as I do most of my uploading through shareX which is a screen capturing tool.
Aug 02 17 10:20:25 <twilexis> Oh sweet.
Aug 02 17 10:20:56 <twilexis> I have a box that has a minecraft server, murmur server and my website hosted on it
Aug 02 17 10:21:45 <twilexis> with tons of room for me to post memes on it :p
Aug 02 17 10:24:16 <Madbrad200> yeah I've seen *a lot* of image hosts die. I had a list for future usage on /r/imguralternatives; had to clear it recently since most of them I had saved were dead.
Appreciate it creesch
Aug 02 17 10:33:30 <twilexis> thanks, creesch ❤
Aug 02 17 11:47:09 <creesch> pfft
Aug 02 17 11:47:10 <creesch> shitpost
Aug 02 17 11:48:24 <Shane> Abes banned, you shouldnt be passing along messaged from here or too here
Aug 02 17 12:20:31 <twilexis> <@&278285549377159170> ^
Aug 02 17 12:32:45 <allthefoxes> Thanks
Aug 02 17 14:13:49 <Zock> What
Aug 02 17 15:47:29 <Haunty> Hey has anyone been struggling to approve and/or remove posts in their modqueue & having it stick? I've had the same post in my modqueue for like 15 hours & I've been trying to approve it for the last 12 on & off
Aug 02 17 15:48:18 <Haunty> Reddit really doesn't want this person to share they've got a couple kittens that need adopting
Aug 02 17 16:40:32 <ClearlyCoder> A bug
Aug 02 17 16:40:34 <ClearlyCoder> message the admins
Aug 02 17 16:40:53 <ClearlyCoder> we had that happen to us once and we thought we were being censored
Aug 02 17 17:13:06 <Haunty> Okay cool thanks. It's still okay to modmail r/, right?
Aug 02 17 17:13:27 <Haunty> I always prefer using reddit's messaging vs. having to go through email
Aug 02 17 17:16:10 <Haunty> Did it anyway.
Aug 02 17 17:16:25 <Haunty> Modmailed them, I mean. Idk if it's still kosher but 🤷
Aug 02 17 17:47:04 <ClearlyCoder> No, modmail is the main way
Aug 02 17 17:47:10 <ClearlyCoder> You should be good 👍
Aug 03 17 18:01:04 <cuddlefishcat> So can we no longer up/downvote posts in unmod and modqueue?
Aug 03 17 18:05:54 <BobCobble> Huh, so that isn't just me.
Aug 03 17 19:43:49 <MajorParadox> Sounds like a bug, they're looking into it
Aug 03 17 19:44:29 <MajorParadox> cuddlefishcat and BobCobble ^
Aug 03 17 19:44:49 <BobCobble> Thanks, hopefully it'll be fixed soon 🤞
Aug 03 17 19:44:57 <MajorParadox> I hope so!
Aug 03 17 19:45:03 <BobCobble> I thought it was a problem with a CSS thing i had
Aug 03 17 19:45:17 <MajorParadox> Sounds like an issue with Chrome
Aug 03 17 19:45:18 <BobCobble> I've got custom approve/remove/flair buttons on a blank sub which i use as my gold theme
Aug 03 17 19:45:21 <BobCobble> so i get them on /r/mod
Aug 03 17 19:46:06 <MajorParadox> Oh, maybe FireFox too hahah
Aug 03 17 19:47:42 <cuddlefishcat> oh thx major
Aug 03 17 19:48:14 <MajorParadox> 👍
Aug 04 17 00:08:32 <awkwardtheturtle> man so I've almost fully automated all the rules for /r/needamod thanks to SnowPhoenix being super awesome and a regex ninja. The check for subscriber count works, and that user /u/automobbot told me he'd add in the ability to count how many posts a subreddit has and indicate that in the comment on every post with a yes or no value. When he does that, I'll be able to add an automod rule to enforce it, and then check primarily modmail since the sub will be purring like a well automated kitten.
Aug 04 17 00:09:07 <awkwardtheturtle> I'm quite pleased
Aug 04 17 00:10:01 <BobCobble> tbh awkward i'm just upset r/deathtoonions isn't looking for mods :(
Aug 04 17 00:12:32 <ClearlyCoder> awkwardtheturtle Congratulations
Aug 04 17 00:12:54 <BobCobble> awkwardtheturtle Congratulations
Aug 04 17 00:12:55 <twilexis> brb going to ask for a CSS mod for r/OnionApathy
Aug 04 17 00:13:03 <BobCobble> i can do amazing css
Aug 04 17 00:13:09 <ClearlyCoder> i can do amazinger
Aug 04 17 00:13:12 <ClearlyCoder> >:o
Aug 04 17 00:13:14 <awkwardtheturtle> tybb
Aug 04 17 00:13:14 <twilexis> But are you apathetic to onions?
Aug 04 17 00:13:14 <BobCobble> examples would include /r/bobcobble
Aug 04 17 00:13:21 <BobCobble> fuck onions
Aug 04 17 00:13:35 <twilexis> Sorry we've found a more suited candidate
Aug 04 17 00:13:44 <twilexis> *readvertises*
Aug 04 17 00:13:44 <BobCobble> need a bot that replies "fuck onions" to every comment that says onions
Aug 04 17 00:13:47 <BobCobble> rude
Aug 04 17 00:14:02 <twilexis> Story of my life tbh
Aug 04 17 00:14:02 <Zock> Onions
Aug 04 17 00:14:06 <BobCobble> fuck onions
Aug 04 17 00:14:09 <Zock> Fuck you
Aug 04 17 00:14:10 <ClearlyCoder> how has the circlejerk moved to here
Aug 04 17 00:14:11 <BobCobble> /u/fuckonionsbot
Aug 04 17 00:14:18 <twilexis> I'm here hahaha
Aug 04 17 00:14:22 <Zock> The circlejerk is everywhere now
Aug 04 17 00:14:25 <twilexis> The circlejerk follows me
Aug 04 17 00:14:25 <Zock> We needed abe
Aug 04 17 00:14:26 <ClearlyCoder> 😒
Aug 04 17 00:14:31 <ClearlyCoder> ~~I AM ABE~~
Aug 04 17 00:14:34 <Zock> Abe kept the circlejerk contained
Aug 04 17 00:14:35 <twilexis> No one needs abe
Aug 04 17 00:14:42 <ClearlyCoder> abe needs.... help
Aug 04 17 00:14:46 <Zock> Wherever he was, was circlejerk
Aug 04 17 00:14:54 <Zock> Without him it's everywhere
Aug 04 17 00:14:58 <BobCobble> i'd rather not talk about abe
Aug 04 17 00:15:17 <BobCobble> we might as well have him here if we're gonna do that
Aug 04 17 00:15:21 <Zock> I just wanted to make a shitty joke
Aug 04 17 00:15:23 <Zock> Fine
Aug 04 17 00:15:23 <ClearlyCoder> *due to our confidentiality rules with banned users we can not tell you whether or not abe was banned* - allthefoxes, 2017
Aug 04 17 00:15:29 <Zock> Hahahaha
Aug 04 17 00:15:38 <Tom> why was he banned from here?
Aug 04 17 00:15:43 <twilexis> Drama
Aug 04 17 00:15:47 <Tom> aha
Aug 04 17 00:15:58 <Tom> am new excuse my lack of knowledge on such important issues such as abe
Aug 04 17 00:15:59 <ClearlyCoder> BobCobble or is he 👀
Aug 04 17 00:16:47 <Zock> So
Aug 04 17 00:16:51 <Zock> How about them admins
Aug 04 17 00:17:49 <twilexis> I hear they like popcorn
Aug 04 17 00:17:51 <twilexis> And onions
Aug 04 17 00:19:31 <awkwardtheturtle> Some admins have the wrong opinion. Many have the correct opinion.
Aug 04 17 00:20:02 <BobCobble> fuck onions
Aug 04 17 00:20:03 <nt337> Sody's the best admin
Aug 04 17 00:20:12 <nt337> Uzi is a close second
Aug 04 17 00:20:17 <BobCobble> madmins
Aug 04 17 00:20:35 <ClearlyCoder> The admins are not gods, they are your average low-paying employees... just instead of making sandwiches for you at subway they shuffle papers for spez and argue with 12 year olds on the internet
Aug 04 17 00:20:45 <twilexis> I mean
Aug 04 17 00:20:54 <nt337> Not exactly minimum wage lol
Aug 04 17 00:20:54 <twilexis> I'd do that for a job if I could
Aug 04 17 00:22:00 <ClearlyCoder> oh my god
Aug 04 17 00:22:03 <ClearlyCoder> /r/bobcobble is a mess
Aug 04 17 00:23:08 <BobCobble> so it's the same as normal then?
Aug 04 17 00:23:50 <ClearlyCoder> I guess you could say that BobCobble
Aug 04 17 00:33:45 <twilexis> ClearlyCoder you should try r/twilexis
Aug 04 17 00:33:57 <BobCobble> /r/bobcobble is better
Aug 04 17 00:35:33 <Tom> /r/muchredditlesstime is the only good sub tbh
Aug 04 17 00:36:03 <BobCobble> i made that subbie
Aug 04 17 00:36:06 <BobCobble> and did the css i think
Aug 04 17 00:36:44 <Tom> you have nothing to show you did though
Aug 04 17 00:36:49 <Tom> so itsssss miiiiine
Aug 04 17 00:38:43 <BobCobble>
Aug 04 17 00:41:26 <Tom> *oh*
Aug 04 17 00:41:45 <Tom> wait do I not even subscribe to my own subreddit?
Aug 04 17 00:41:51 <BobCobble> lol
Aug 04 17 00:41:52 <BobCobble> idk
Aug 04 17 00:42:01 <Tom> lmao if that one sub is you
Aug 04 17 00:42:04 <Tom> hahahaa
Aug 04 17 00:50:12 <MajorParadox> I made this for my team before 🤣
Aug 04 17 01:00:12 <nt337> Lol
Aug 05 17 06:58:58 <twilexis> Can someone please read over this message I'm sending before I send it?
Aug 05 17 06:59:19 <twilexis> Being sick means I'm struggling to not outright tell this person to fuck off and ban them, and the rest of my team are asleep.
Aug 05 17 07:10:47 <Axanery> sure
Aug 05 17 07:12:12 <twilexis> it's all good, bob got me
Aug 08 17 06:43:06 <creesch> Sweet! I redditrequested /r/NASA_News a while ago and just got it.
Aug 08 17 06:43:15 <creesch> Now I can clear out all the spam from that sub.
Aug 08 17 06:45:18 <twilexis> noice
Aug 08 17 07:38:14 <Axanery> I just got /r/TIWL today
Aug 08 17 07:45:35 <twilexis> \o/
Aug 08 17 13:48:10 <pussgurka> ayyy
Aug 08 17 18:08:16 <awkwardtheturtle>
Aug 08 17 18:08:21 <awkwardtheturtle> 🙏
Aug 09 17 02:26:22 <allthefoxes> Moderation won't have embends
Aug 09 17 02:41:38 <twilexis> Aww
Aug 09 17 06:47:45 <SnowPhoenix> I'd ask why, but I guess the fact that I really hadn't noticed recently is probably a good indicator that image uploads are sufficient. Just need to remember to use the upload button here rather than having ShareX auto-upload to Imgur if I have anything relevant to post as an image.
Aug 09 17 06:49:49 <SnowPhoenix> That said, I feel like the embeds add more value than they detract. Or at least they have for <#278566343836565505> at any rate.
Aug 09 17 12:42:43 <allthefoxes> For general sure
Aug 09 17 12:43:19 <allthefoxes> But this is a moderation discussion channel. With most embeds being shitposts it's better to just remove them.
Aug 09 17 12:44:47 <Shane> 😐
Aug 09 17 12:44:55 <Shane> please don't remove embeds
Aug 09 17 12:47:01 <twilexis> He's referring to me shitposting in here earlier, shane
Aug 09 17 14:00:42 <BobCobble> If anyone is interested :)
Aug 09 17 14:30:07 <allthefoxes> Oh neat
Aug 09 17 15:39:26 <mbetts> BobCobble do you accept bribes?
Aug 09 17 15:40:01 <BobCobble> Hehe
Aug 09 17 15:40:07 <BobCobble> ~~what you offering?~~
Aug 09 17 17:10:07 <nt337> I will accept bribes on behalf of him
Aug 09 17 17:43:49 <BobCobble> nt pls
Aug 09 17 21:11:06 <BobCobble>
Aug 09 17 22:19:41 <ClearlyCoder> pff in my subreddit we *never vote in the modqueue*
Aug 10 17 04:45:40 <picflute> anyone know what the "brand_safe" field is from threads?
Aug 10 17 05:28:52 <creesch> Oh that is new...
Aug 10 17 12:47:45 <tiz> Where's it at?
Aug 10 17 12:50:10 <creesch> json I assume
Aug 10 17 12:51:51 <creesch> `"brand_safe": true`
Aug 10 17 13:42:13 <allthefoxes> That's a few months old iirc
Aug 10 17 13:54:05 <creesch> So it is fairly new 😛
Aug 10 17 13:54:27 <creesch> I am guessing it is for advertisers somehow.
Aug 10 17 13:57:09 <creesch> some further searching lands me on /r/conspiracy :P
Aug 10 17 13:57:39 <creesch> Anyway it seems to be a subreddit flag and I guess it can be turned on for subreddits that have shown to be "save" to advertise on.
Aug 10 17 13:59:09 <creesch> yuuup t_d is not brandsafe
Aug 10 17 14:00:19 <creesch> Or rather, the posts are not
Aug 10 17 14:03:05 <creesch> Interestingly enough /r/subreddit/about.json contains a `whitelist_status` as well that seems to indicate something similar
Aug 10 17 14:04:26 <creesch> seems to contain `promo_specified` for less safe subs and `all_ads` for generally targeted subs
Aug 10 17 16:52:10 <awkwardtheturtle> Hey if you guise want my sweet ass ban macro, come and get it:
Aug 10 17 16:52:35 <awkwardtheturtle> New and improved
Aug 10 17 17:04:03 <tiz> Whitelist night be for r/popular?
Aug 10 17 17:04:16 <tiz> Might
Aug 10 17 17:04:47 <creesch> could be
Aug 10 17 17:05:45 <creesch> Neither are documented and I can't find them in the repository on github (I wish they just outright said reddit is no longer open source).
Aug 11 17 01:07:42 <picflute> creesch it may be their automated way of sending out ads after that whole fiasco youtube ran into with an advertiser being furious about their ads showing up in some terror promo?
Aug 11 17 01:19:11 <picflute> also for those interested in seeing reddit vote fuzzing
Aug 11 17 01:19:12 <picflute>
Aug 11 17 01:19:18 <picflute> what a DIP
Aug 11 17 01:20:31 <picflute>
Aug 11 17 02:25:14 <picflute> Here are some other subreddits that are branded as NOT "brand_safe"
Aug 11 17 02:25:15 <picflute>
Aug 11 17 02:26:38 <picflute>
Aug 11 17 03:26:07 <nt337> Interesting, wonder why some of those are on there
Aug 11 17 05:47:15 <creesch> Not sure it is a subreddit thing or a per thread thing.
Aug 11 17 06:00:57 <nt337> Per thread would make a lot more sense
Aug 11 17 06:01:26 <nt337> All sorts of controversial posts can pop up in subs that would normally be advertiser-friendly
Aug 11 17 07:39:58 <creesch> Well subreddits on their own also have a similar looking flag as I said earlier.
Aug 11 17 07:40:23 <creesch> And it seems that for some subreddits all posts are set to false
Aug 11 17 18:51:21 <Deimos> Subreddits probably have a default value that applies to all posts in them initially, but then individual ones can be changed if needed
Aug 12 17 00:47:37 <GodRaine> So guys, I have a question
Aug 12 17 00:48:01 <GodRaine> I run /r/findareddit, and probably 1 - 2 times every 2 weeks I get a request on the subreddit about suicide
Aug 12 17 00:48:23 <GodRaine> Specifically, someone looking for a subreddit that discusses methods, or is a "safe space" to discuss it
Aug 12 17 00:48:38 <GodRaine> I have an automoderator module that gives a message whenever these threads are posted.
Aug 12 17 00:48:45 <GodRaine> Hang on, I'll grab it
Aug 12 17 00:49:23 <GodRaine> Hello!
We think that this post has something to do with discussing suicide or suicide methods. I just want to give everyone a friendly reminder that suicide is not the answer and there are resources to help you, right now.
Please visit our friends at /r/suicidewatch and also check their directory of suicide hotlines to get help right away.
Aug 12 17 00:49:28 <GodRaine> So that's the message
Aug 12 17 00:49:53 <GodRaine> Inevitably, I get OP and others sometimes in their threads complaining about how we aren't fulfilling our role as a community by discouraging any discussion about this.
Aug 12 17 00:50:04 <GodRaine> And I do know that /r/sanctionedsuicide exists and ... is fairly popular
Aug 12 17 00:50:17 <GodRaine> But everything in my brain is screaming hell no, you're doing it the right way.
Aug 12 17 00:50:38 <GodRaine> I don't _remove_ these posts automatically, I do allow discussion, and thankfully most don't know about that subreddit
Aug 12 17 00:50:49 <GodRaine> But yeah. Just looking for feedback.
Aug 12 17 00:51:02 <nt337> I think you're doing it right, your sub's about finding the right sub and you're giving them the right sub
Aug 12 17 00:51:10 <StuartGT> I'd suggest adding /r/Depression to your message
Aug 12 17 00:51:12 <nt337> out of curiosity, do you forward the posts to admins too?
Aug 12 17 00:51:46 <GodRaine> I haven't been, mostly out of a gap in my knowledge as to how to do that effectively
Aug 12 17 00:51:53 <GodRaine> Can you give me a suggestion as to how?
Aug 12 17 00:52:15 <nt337> to get in contact with them, you just have to modmail /r/
Aug 12 17 00:52:35 <nt337> iirc, they like to keep an eye on potentially suicidal users
Aug 12 17 00:53:03 <StuartGT> you could message the modteams of /r/suicidewatch and /r/depression to see if one of their mods would join your sub to assist in such posts
Aug 12 17 00:53:49 <GodRaine> That would be useful, for sure
Aug 12 17 00:54:05 <GodRaine> Or perhaps find a way to automate sending these posts to them when they're detected
Aug 12 17 00:54:15 <GodRaine> Thank you nt337, StuartGT
Aug 12 17 00:54:27 <GodRaine> I'll add /r/Depression to that AM module now
Aug 12 17 00:54:54 <StuartGT> no worries
Aug 12 17 00:58:28 <GodRaine> nt337 StuartGT Do you feel like auto-locking detected threads of this nature is a good idea?
Aug 12 17 00:58:38 <GodRaine> In addition to AM posting that comment?
Aug 12 17 00:58:56 <StuartGT> definitely not. I expect the mods of the other two subs would say the same
Aug 12 17 00:59:10 <StuartGT> lock = "we don't want to hear from you"
Aug 12 17 00:59:33 <GodRaine> Okay. I was 50-50 on the issue, I want to encourage discussion and support but also notice that those threads tend to reliably go sideways on discussion
Aug 12 17 00:59:46 <GodRaine> But you're totally right there, it's so fast it makes people feel very shut down
Aug 12 17 01:02:56 <StuartGT> But yeah, defo get into formal contact with those modteams as they'll have some expert advice on auto-replies, and hopefully give permission to message them directly. Once permission has been gained, I'm sure your automod could be configured to message them whenever such threads crop up, so that help can come for the depressed individual asap
Aug 12 17 01:29:10 <Madbrad200> Leaving a message and not removing the post is the best way to handle things imo
Aug 12 17 01:29:42 <Zock> StuartGT gotta disagree about /r/depression
Aug 12 17 01:30:33 <Zock> When i was in a bad place that sub made it tons worse. Not a fault of the sub but i've seen numerous other people agree that it makes it worse.
Aug 12 17 01:32:07 <Madbrad200> People say the same about suicidal hotlines. You could really say that about everything until eventually you're left with not much at all. r/depression has a lot of resources there even if the forum part isn't great
Aug 12 17 01:32:29 <Madbrad200> It's better to give them the option than to not give it
Aug 12 17 03:46:09 <tiz> GodRaine
Aug 12 17 03:49:23 <tiz> ```title+body (includes): ["suicide", "kill myself", "shoot myself"]
~title+body (includes): ["suicide squad", "suicidesheep", "Suicide Silence"]
moderators_exempt: true
modmail_subject: "User may be suicidal [{{match}}] (archive once handled)"
modmail: |
The above link by *u/{{author}}* mentions suicide, please verify that this was correct.
- List of hotlines and resources: r/SuicideWatch/w/hotlines
- Our support wiki: r/CasualConversation/w/support
- If it's serious, please [message the admins.](;message=u/{{author}}%20may%20be%20suicidal%3A%0A%0A{{permalink}})
Once this has been handled - simply archive, no need to reply to this mail.
action: report
report_reason: "Possible Suicide - {{match}}"```
might be useful for you, though, my trigger words can probably be better but it works for me.
Aug 12 17 06:46:18 <awkwardtheturtle>
Aug 12 17 06:46:38 <awkwardtheturtle> ^ Great Post
Aug 12 17 06:49:23 <twilexis> lol shameless self promotion
Aug 12 17 06:52:32 <nt337> shameful tbh
Aug 12 17 07:08:39 <awkwardtheturtle> I accept ShruteBucks in exchange for my product thx
Aug 12 17 07:09:17 <Axanery> how did my mod application get upvotes when it was hidden...
Aug 12 17 07:09:57 <twilexis> I only have dollarydoos
Aug 12 17 07:12:11 <twilexis> what's the exchange rate?
Aug 12 17 07:18:42 <nt337> awkwardtheturtle how about Stanley Nickels?
Aug 12 17 13:03:27 <GodRaine> tiz thank you! That's hugely helpful.
Aug 12 17 13:13:56 <tiz> Happy to help GodRaine
Aug 13 17 00:49:11 <justcool393> Axanery hidden posts only hide them from you
Aug 13 17 00:49:19 <Axanery> removed*
Aug 13 17 00:49:34 <justcool393> well, removed posts can still be voted on
Aug 13 17 00:49:44 <justcool393> if they go to your profile for example
Aug 13 17 00:49:53 <justcool393> *removed submissions
Aug 13 17 00:49:59 <Axanery> I thought you can't vote on profiles
Aug 13 17 00:50:03 <justcool393> nah
Aug 13 17 00:50:10 <justcool393> that's not true
Aug 13 17 00:50:20 <justcool393> I don't know who started that rumor, but its false.
Aug 13 17 00:50:51 <Axanery> it's just never worked when I try
Aug 13 17 00:50:52 <justcool393> People just think it doesn't because the karma doesn't scale up 1:1 with votes.
Aug 13 17 00:51:12 <justcool393> Also voting on your own posts/submissions has a net zero effect.
Aug 13 17 00:51:27 <justcool393> even downvoting your own posts doesn't matter.
Aug 13 17 00:52:01 <justcool393> the reddit system ignores that. but it does work and not seeing a result is an effect of vote fuzzing
Aug 13 17 01:36:36 <picflute> creesch regarding ads this also came up
Aug 13 17 01:36:37 <picflute>
Aug 13 17 01:36:46 <picflute> all,promo_all,promo_specified
Aug 13 17 01:36:56 <picflute> all of which are not documented : ^ )
Aug 13 17 01:37:39 <picflute> T_D is promo_specified
Aug 13 17 02:14:35 <Madbrad200> I really wish reporting didn't automatically hide the post
Aug 13 17 10:29:48 <SpyTec> On desktop you can prevent that in preferences
Aug 13 17 10:30:00 <SpyTec> Madbrad200
Aug 13 17 11:25:43 <Madbrad200> SpyTec I don't see the option for it
Aug 13 17 11:30:31 <SpyTec> Now I'm confused
Aug 13 17 11:30:33 <SpyTec> I don't see it either
Aug 13 17 11:40:49 <SnowPhoenix> Was going to say, if there was such an option, it was news to me.
Aug 13 17 11:46:16 <SpyTec> But posts aren't hidden when I report them anymore
Aug 13 17 11:46:26 <SpyTec> I'm sure there was an option for it
Aug 13 17 11:48:23 <twilexis> There is, I saw it the other day when I was playing with the options. Give me a minute.
Aug 13 17 11:52:19 <twilexis>
Aug 13 17 11:52:40 <twilexis> oh wait, reporting?
Aug 13 17 11:52:49 <twilexis> SpyTec is that what you mean or something else?
Aug 13 17 11:53:10 <SpyTec> No referring to reporting. Reporting for me doesn't hide the post
Aug 13 17 11:53:19 <twilexis> Vanilla or with extensions?
Aug 13 17 11:55:55 <SpyTec> Vanilla
Aug 13 17 11:55:59 <twilexis> hm
Aug 13 17 12:07:43 <SnowPhoenix> Just to double check, you're saying it doesn't auto-hide even if the report is made on a sub you _don't_ moderate, right SpyTec?
Aug 13 17 12:07:51 <SpyTec> Yeah
Aug 13 17 12:08:53 <SnowPhoenix> That is so weird, but if you find the setting, please let me know. Someone asked me about it a while back and I told them it couldn't be done because I didn't think it could (scripts excluded).
Aug 13 17 12:13:04 <SpyTec> I am 100% sure they had an option for it
Aug 13 17 12:13:20 <SpyTec> I disabled auto-hiding a few years back
Aug 13 17 13:30:33 <creesch> Probably RES
Aug 14 17 06:26:38 <awkwardtheturtle> Reporting items in a subreddit you mod won't hide your post.
Reporting items in subs you dont mod should hide your post.
I usually click "hide" then "unhide" after reporting a post somewhere I dont mod.
Aug 14 17 13:35:34 <creesch> Ugh... today is one of those days that I need to remind myself that what I remove is not what represents people in general.
Aug 14 17 14:41:54 <twilexis> :\
Aug 14 17 14:42:02 <twilexis> Need to talk about it, buddy?
Aug 14 17 14:51:33 <creesch> Mostly needed to vent
Aug 14 17 14:51:36 <creesch>
Aug 14 17 14:53:06 <creesch> Didn't want to lock it so spend a big part of the day policing both ends of the spectrum there. Tons of racists (do'h) and tons of people on the other end just wanting to shout that the only good nazi is a dead nazi and a whole lot of weirdness in between.
Aug 14 17 14:54:40 <twilexis> *sigh*
Aug 14 17 14:55:27 <twilexis> Posts like that tend to attract it.
Aug 14 17 14:56:44 <creesch> Today seems to be worse due to recent events.
Aug 14 17 14:57:26 <creesch> I am glad I did setup the bot last week to put up the sticky comment though. Seems to have helped a bit.
Aug 14 17 14:58:28 <SpyTec> creesch Don't let it get to you! If other mods are available I'd say let them mod a bit if you feel it's a bit too much
Aug 14 17 15:00:36 <creesch> I won't 🙂 other mods is a bit of a meh situation at the moment. As I said, mostly needed to vent a bit.
Aug 14 17 17:33:49 <creesch> twilexis SpyTec there, solved
Aug 14 17 17:34:05 <creesch> Locked it with a small manifesto that hopefully reduces the amount of modmail complaints 😛
Aug 14 17 17:34:43 <SpyTec> Nice 😃
Aug 14 17 18:42:51 <SnowPhoenix> Thank you for your service in moderating a topic like that as long as you could, creesch.
Aug 14 17 18:47:21 <SnowPhoenix> Hopefully the positive comments there at least somewhat made up for all the bad.
Aug 14 17 18:55:33 <creesch> _shrugs_
Aug 14 17 18:55:51 <creesch> +/- 430 comments out of 695 have been removed in that thread.
Aug 14 17 18:56:03 <SpyTec> Yikes
Aug 14 17 18:56:27 <creesch> Probably could be more if I wanted to do another round of cleanup
Aug 14 17 18:56:39 <SpyTec> Just ban everyone, problem solved 😄
Aug 14 17 18:57:06 <creesch> I like my modmail functional thank you very much 😄
Aug 14 17 18:57:36 <creesch> Seriously though, what bothers me most in that entire thread is not the neo-nazis and other racists because those we often enough deal with.
Aug 14 17 18:59:34 <creesch> It is the "fight fire with fire" idiots that go spam the "It is a nazi, she should have let him killed" and "the only good nazi is a dead nazi" bullcrap. Which completely ignores the fact that nazis (and other flavors of racists) are not born like that and that in order to make them go away killing as much as them as possible isn't really a solution and a very slippery slope anyway.
Aug 14 17 19:00:56 <SpyTec> Yep..
Aug 14 17 19:01:14 <SpyTec> Even if you don't like what they're doing they're still human
Aug 14 17 19:01:19 <creesch> That sort of thinking is badhistory and harmful to society as well.
Aug 14 17 19:01:45 <creesch> They are human and if they do inhuman things they should go on trial not be put down by vigilantes.
Aug 14 17 19:02:45 <SpyTec> If you can't replace nazis with whites/blacks without being racist, you probably shouldn't post it
Aug 14 17 19:03:42 <creesch> Yeah, it is why I put `"The only good <person belonging to specific group> is a dead <person of that specific group>."` in the sticky comment as example of comments that have been removed.
Aug 14 17 19:16:47 <SnowPhoenix> Yeah, but on the other hand, the event still has a meaningful impact for some. I liked this comment:
Aug 14 17 19:16:57 <SnowPhoenix> And this one:
Aug 14 17 19:18:04 <creesch> The first one had a reply `Protect white supremacists? No thanks.`
Aug 14 17 19:18:41 <creesch> I know it still reaches many people, but after a day of removing that sort of bullshit I felt a bit meh as you might understand :)
Aug 14 17 19:19:34 <SnowPhoenix> Oh yeah, absolutely. I'm just hopeful singling out some of the positive comments showing that the post made a positive impact on some might help a bit.
Aug 14 17 19:20:16 <SnowPhoenix> Because it really is easy to end up feeling down when the majority of them are negative.
Aug 14 17 19:20:27 <SnowPhoenix> I definitely do understand that.
Aug 14 17 23:23:25 <justcool393> creesch yeah I feel you. /r/google got fucking flooded with everyone rabble rousing during the diversity memo thing (which is still ongoing) and it took us quite by surprise since we usually only have to moderate spam and such
Aug 15 17 05:31:52 <creesch> justcool393 I mod both /r/history and /r/HistoryPorn so it is a regular occurrence. Yesterday caught me a bit off guard though
Aug 15 17 05:32:32 <justcool393> Yeah, that shit's crazy.
Aug 15 17 05:33:23 <justcool393> I imagine it would've. Thanks for doing your best to keep the standard of discussion high creesch
Aug 15 17 22:16:20 <Zeno> Does anyone here enforce artwork being original source only and no re-hosting?
Aug 15 17 22:18:52 <nt337>
Aug 15 17 22:19:02 <nt337> We enforce it in all 100+ subs in the network
Aug 15 17 22:22:47 <Zeno> Huh. So many submissions
Aug 15 17 22:23:16 <nt337> Artstation and Deviantart are the go-tos
Aug 15 17 22:23:50 <nt337> For the former, we submit a direct link to the image since that's the only way it'll expand with RES
Aug 15 17 22:23:59 <nt337> But then we'll include a link to the full page in the comments
Aug 15 17 22:24:32 <Zeno> Any of the subs in the network have any submissions from pixiv?
Aug 15 17 22:25:00 <nt337> Yeah, I've definitely seen that one before
Aug 15 17 22:25:19 <nt337> A few other sources are listed in the wiki, can't remember them off the top of my head
Aug 16 17 19:52:21 <Axanery> awkwardtheturtle saw that wholesome apps were closing, when’s that? just curious
Aug 16 17 23:19:04 <Madbrad200> nt337 I don't think r/unusualart updates the sidebar anymore to put the new weekly imaginary_____ sub on
Aug 16 17 23:19:54 <Madbrad200> Iunno if you care much.
I used to do it but my perms got removed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aug 16 17 23:25:12 <nt337> Heh, I'm not too involved in the ine anymore
Aug 16 17 23:25:23 <nt337> lol why'd your perms get removed?
Aug 16 17 23:25:48 <nt337> I forgot when I left the sub, but it was a little after the top mod finally got unbanned
Aug 16 17 23:27:02 <Madbrad200> I guess he forgot about it and saw me editing the sidebar randomly
Aug 16 17 23:27:26 <Madbrad200> Pretty sure I messaged about it ages ago, never got a reply back and forgot about it.
Aug 16 17 23:27:57 <Madbrad200> Not just me either. Everyone below him doesn't have perms to do it anymore
Aug 16 17 23:29:22 <Madbrad200> <:AkaShrug:238039508006862848>
Aug 16 17 23:38:48 <nt337> Weird
Aug 17 17 03:37:01 <cuddlefishcat> Are ban reasons not showing up for some reason?
Aug 17 17 03:38:11 <MajorParadox> Seems like it's broken
Aug 17 17 03:38:21 <MajorParadox> Last two bans in my sub seemed to have cleared
Aug 17 17 03:38:28 <MajorParadox> But the log says they were given by the mods
Aug 17 17 03:39:29 <cuddlefishcat> We all enter reasons for every ban, but none are showing up for the last 6 hours
Aug 17 17 03:39:44 <cuddlefishcat> So the users are banned, but without reasons
Aug 17 17 03:40:06 <cuddlefishcat> which is really annoying because we've banned so many people today
Aug 17 17 03:42:16 <MajorParadox> I tried contacting admins, maybe post in /r/modsupport?
Aug 17 17 03:42:53 <cuddlefishcat> Yeah think we will
Aug 17 17 03:55:36 <Deimos> I like how modsupport has turned into "/r/bugs that someone actually pays attention to"
Aug 17 17 03:59:00 <MajorParadox> Hahah
Aug 17 17 03:59:03 <MajorParadox> Well, it's a mod bug
Aug 17 17 03:59:07 <MajorParadox> So makes sense
Aug 17 17 04:03:14 <Deimos> kind of, it's more that people have learned that posting to modsupport tends to get it fixed quickly, where other places it often seems to just get ignored
Aug 17 17 04:03:27 <cuddlefishcat> the ban is my most precious mod tool
Aug 17 17 04:06:04 <MajorParadox> I guess. I mean, if it wasn't a mod issue, I would have said, oh well, good luck
Aug 17 17 04:06:09 <MajorParadox> But it's a mod issue hahah
Aug 17 17 04:38:46 <justcool393> Deimos It's pretty true though. Why report something to /r/ when you can report something ModSupport and get it answered in like half the time
Aug 17 17 04:39:02 <justcool393> I mean, I don't, but I see how people'd catch on.
Aug 17 17 04:42:15 <Deimos> whatever works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Aug 17 17 05:54:51 <justcool393> also the onion circlejerking in all of the mod subreddits is so confusing
Aug 17 17 05:56:09 <Deimos> I don't think it's very confusing, just kind of tiresome
Aug 17 17 06:05:47 <nt337> Lol
Aug 17 17 06:05:52 <nt337> Just a meme war
Aug 17 17 19:19:48 <justcool393> Deimos well more on confusing on *why they're doing it*
Aug 19 17 15:21:43 <tiz> who want's to mod ootl
Aug 19 17 15:21:57 <BobCobble> Me
Aug 19 17 15:21:57 <twilexis> Sure
Aug 19 17 15:21:58 <Tom> sure
Aug 19 17 15:22:00 <BobCobble> I love ootl
Aug 19 17 15:22:00 <Tom> lol
Aug 19 17 15:22:16 <BobCobble> ootl has a place in bobspicks multireddit
Aug 19 17 15:22:18 <twilexis> Back off bob it's mine 😜
Aug 19 17 15:22:26 <Tom> ootl has a place in my subscriptions
Aug 19 17 15:22:32 <BobCobble>
Aug 19 17 15:22:36 <Shane> me too thanks
Aug 19 17 15:22:47 <twilexis> Is ootl taking apps?
Aug 19 17 15:23:05 <tiz> siouxsie_siouxv2 awkwardtheturtle thougths?
Aug 19 17 15:23:37 <twilexis> See, this is why I never sleep. I'd miss this if I did.
Aug 19 17 15:24:00 <twilexis> *softly cries due to sleep deprivation*
Aug 19 17 15:24:04 <tiz> idk if i can add yall tho, you aint in the right cable i think
Aug 19 17 15:24:32 <twilexis> It's spelt cabal m8 😜
Aug 19 17 15:24:52 <tiz> meh
Aug 19 17 15:25:03 <BobCobble> Let me know if you want me to write an application or something tiz
Aug 19 17 15:25:57 <tiz> kk
Aug 19 17 15:33:40 <siouxsie_siouxv2> It's a tough sub
Aug 19 17 15:33:57 <siouxsie_siouxv2> Don't join unless you're prepared to actually research every post
Aug 19 17 15:34:17 <siouxsie_siouxv2> Ooh I like this pink color for my name
Aug 19 17 15:35:11 <siouxsie_siouxv2> Of all my subs, ootl is the most intense for actually paying attention to what you are doing
Aug 19 17 15:36:22 <BobCobble> congrats Tom and twil
Aug 19 17 15:36:41 <twilexis> Aww bob 😓
Aug 19 17 15:39:14 <Tom> thanks 😃 huge +1 for bob whenever you're next looking for mods
Aug 19 17 15:39:29 <twilexis> +1 for bob from me too
Aug 19 17 15:39:34 <twilexis> He's a machine with modqueue
Aug 19 17 15:40:47 <Aevann> ootl is a great sub
Aug 19 17 15:40:55 <Aevann> guess I can't apply for a sub I'm banned from lol
Aug 19 17 15:41:14 <BobCobble> Yeah, i would say ootl is one of my favourites tbh
Aug 19 17 15:42:02 <Aevann> yeah it should be on r/depthhub sidebar
Aug 19 17 15:45:34 <tiz> bob you should send in a mod app to ootl modmail
Aug 19 17 15:45:50 <BobCobble> Ok, will do. Thanks tiz
Aug 19 17 15:46:03 <tiz> just make it up
Aug 19 17 15:48:24 <MannoSlimmins> anyone have any idea who made those retarded half-life 3 bots?
Aug 19 17 15:48:44 <Tom> guess someone just wrote the source and then made lots of alts
Aug 19 17 15:48:45 <twilexis> No idea, but they amuse me
Aug 19 17 15:48:48 <Tom> with that stupid tutorial on learnprogramming
Aug 19 17 16:07:43 <Shane> To clarify I wasn't joking about r/ootl. I'd genuinely would like to help out
Aug 19 17 16:11:15 <tiz> thanks shane
Aug 19 17 16:16:00 <Shane> I'll take that as a no ❤
Aug 19 17 16:16:02 <nt337> ootl modding is the same cycle
Aug 19 17 16:16:06 <nt337> Bring in new mods
Aug 19 17 16:16:11 <nt337> They do stuff for three months
Aug 19 17 16:16:19 <nt337> Then 99% just become inactive
Aug 19 17 16:16:23 <twilexis> Bring in shane and bob
Aug 19 17 16:16:31 <Shane> I think you're picking bad mods
Aug 19 17 16:16:39 <nt337> Also, I'm bottom of the list now 😐
Aug 19 17 16:16:56 <Musely> Over 50 mods, god dang.
Aug 19 17 16:17:39 <SpyTec> Pick twilexis
Aug 19 17 16:17:49 <SpyTec> She will secretly incorporate GoneMild OOTL stuff
Aug 19 17 16:24:14 <Madbrad200> Sounds like every sub neet
Aug 19 17 16:29:29 <twilexis> SpyTec more like change the CSS o r/Ooer's
Aug 19 17 16:29:36 <twilexis> Errywhere I go.
Aug 19 17 16:30:15 <nt337> rude tbh Madbrad200, I was joke demodded
Aug 19 17 16:30:18 <nt337> vv salty
Aug 19 17 16:35:24 <MannoSlimmins> you were serious demodded from /r/farcraft <:lenny:297407022230536192>
Aug 19 17 16:35:46 <nt337> Go away manno
Aug 19 17 16:36:06 <nt337> I was originally the person below tiz on ootl, then I was unjustly demodded
Aug 19 17 16:36:23 <tiz> ha
Aug 19 17 16:36:36 <twilexis> RIP
Aug 19 17 16:36:47 <MannoSlimmins> <:snoothinking:328930309804392458>
Aug 19 17 20:54:30 <siouxsie_siouxv2> Oh hey it's manno
Aug 19 17 20:57:18 <siouxsie_siouxv2> allthefoxes can we get the the thinking snoo in dm slack
Aug 19 17 20:57:27 <allthefoxes> uh, not sure how to get the file
Aug 19 17 20:57:32 <allthefoxes> any discord xperts
Aug 19 17 20:57:42 <siouxsie_siouxv2> Too bad it's a good one
Aug 19 17 20:57:44 <BobCobble> <:snoothonk:328806307341533184> this one?
Aug 19 17 20:57:45 <nt337>
Aug 19 17 20:57:47 <allthefoxes> yeah
Aug 19 17 20:57:47 <allthefoxes> thankjs
Aug 19 17 20:57:51 <siouxsie_siouxv2> Yay
Aug 19 17 20:57:56 <nt337> 👍
Aug 19 17 20:58:20 <allthefoxes> its there as :snoothink:
Aug 19 17 20:58:37 <BobCobble> <:snoothonk:328806307341533184>
Aug 19 17 20:58:44 <Tom> 👌
Aug 19 17 20:58:54 <SpyTec> ew white
Aug 19 17 20:58:58 <BobCobble> ^
Aug 19 17 20:59:00 <nt337> allthefoxes pls ban for leaking
Aug 19 17 20:59:03 <Tom> no
Aug 19 17 20:59:04 <Tom> it my dms
Aug 19 17 20:59:06 <Tom> with myself
Aug 19 17 20:59:07 <Tom> lmao
Aug 19 17 20:59:07 <SpyTec> Yeah, leaking. ban
Aug 19 17 20:59:11 <nt337> NO EXCUSES
Aug 19 17 20:59:12 <allthefoxes> lol
Aug 19 17 21:25:16 <Deep> How do ban macros work with toolbox?
Aug 19 17 21:26:53 <SpyTec> When you use the mod button to ban someone, the ban macro will be parsed and put in the textarea where you write the reason for banning them
Aug 19 17 21:27:15 <SpyTec> So you can have something like
This [{kind}]({permalink}) may have fully or partially contributed to your ban.
**[^(url)]({url})** **/** **[^(sub rules)](/r/{subreddit}/about/rules)**
Aug 20 17 00:17:14 <Deep> SpyTec Is there a way to make multiple reasons that you can check and uncheck in the ban macro, or select certain ones?
Aug 20 17 00:18:25 <tiz> Yes
Aug 20 17 00:22:53 <Deep> Could someone please show me how?
Aug 20 17 00:23:23 <SpyTec> Yeah tiz what do you mean o.o
Aug 20 17 00:24:10 <tiz> Oh, ban bamacro? Idk misread. Maybe you can do a drop down menu
Aug 20 17 00:24:18 <SpyTec> Alright
Aug 20 17 00:25:04 <SpyTec> But yeah. You can't do specific reasons then. It just had a few macro placeholders for text, link, subreddit etc.
Aug 20 17 00:25:20 <tiz> Let me test something for it
Aug 20 17 00:25:55 <SpyTec> Don't bother with input box or drop down. It's put in a text box in the mod box so it'll be text
Aug 20 17 00:26:06 <SpyTec> Anyway. I'm off, good night 😛
Aug 20 17 00:29:20 <tiz> oh well, darn there go my testing
Aug 20 17 03:05:33 <awkwardtheturtle> Deep
Aug 20 17 03:10:24 <Deep> Ooh, thanks! @awkwardtheturtle#2301
Aug 20 17 03:14:29 <Deep> Tag fail REEEEEEEEEE
Aug 20 17 03:32:55 <awkwardtheturtle> np fam
Aug 20 17 10:01:34 <SpyTec> awkwardtheturtle I copied some of that for mine when you posted it in toolbox. It's great 😛
Aug 21 17 01:56:35 <awkwardtheturtle> ❤
Aug 21 17 23:18:04 <ri0tnrrd> random question - how long until a post is 'archived' - I have a post on a sub I mod and it's only 21 days old, but it's saying it's archived and so you can't vote or comment??? weird
Aug 21 17 23:18:38 <ri0tnrrd> fuck ignore that - I was looking at comment thread, not post itself it's over 6 months old as usual ignore meeeee
Aug 22 17 08:38:49 <Cleroth> has anybody noticed how reports now just seem to be random half the time
Aug 22 17 08:38:56 <Cleroth> I mean people report a post and then just give a random reason
Aug 22 17 08:39:00 <Cleroth> probably because the report system sucks
Aug 22 17 08:39:20 <Cleroth>
Aug 22 17 08:39:21 <Cleroth> like holy shit
Aug 22 17 08:41:18 <BobCobble> Since the new report system I've had way more spam reports, /r/pigifs was getting nearly every submissions reported since the sub was made twice a day at one point. The "This is spam" option just seems to be a super downvote button and generally none of the reports seem to be used properly
Aug 22 17 08:44:18 <Cleroth> that's what I do too
Aug 22 17 08:44:26 <Cleroth> I use the "This is spam" when I can't be bothered to find the reason
Aug 22 17 08:44:35 <Cleroth> usually on obvious stuff
Aug 22 17 08:47:59 <twilexis> I usually do involuntary pornography when I'm aiming for luls
Aug 22 17 09:09:07 <justcool393> twilexis "Involuntary pornography" is the new "sexualizing minors"
Aug 22 17 09:09:23 <twilexis> mhm
Aug 22 17 09:09:34 <justcool393> I get those reports all the time
Aug 22 17 09:09:44 <justcool393> Also
Aug 22 17 09:09:47 <justcool393> how are you doing today?
Aug 22 17 09:10:26 <twilexis> pretty well. I've been in bed sick all week, so I'm actually doing productive stuff
Aug 22 17 09:10:46 <justcool393> nice. sorry to hear about ya sickness though.
Aug 22 17 09:14:15 <twilexis> It's change of season, it always happens.
Aug 22 17 09:14:56 <twilexis> Also buds are starting to sprout on trees, it's spring guise!
Aug 22 17 11:22:47 <Cleroth> forgot what we were talking about, and seeing this out of context was rather amusing: `I usually do involuntary pornography when I'm aiming for luls`
Aug 22 17 11:29:13 <twilexis> 😂
Aug 23 17 11:21:08 <twilexis> r/savedyouaclick is looking for mods
Aug 23 17 11:47:11 <Shane>
Aug 23 17 11:47:14 <Shane> More info:
Aug 23 17 11:47:18 <Shane> SAVED YOU A CLICK
Aug 23 17 11:47:32 <BobCobble> 🖱
Aug 23 17 11:47:37 <twilexis> XD
Aug 23 17 13:34:18 <tiz>
Aug 23 17 13:39:12 <twilexis> ta bae
Aug 24 17 21:13:32 <beelzeybob> Anyone know what this is about? A user is modmailing me about not being able to upload a gif to one of my subs that isn't opted into the beta, is that an option? <:ThinkFish:325807885231587328>
Aug 24 17 21:14:04 <beelzeybob>
Aug 24 17 21:16:40 <Geo☆1088> gifs are under so they should be out of beta
Aug 24 17 21:16:53 <Geo☆1088> check your sub's image settings?
Aug 24 17 21:18:03 <beelzeybob> hm, nothing preventing gif uploads as far as I can tell
Aug 24 17 21:18:27 <beelzeybob>
Aug 24 17 21:18:39 <beelzeybob> I guess I'll just add them as an approved submitter and see if that helps
Aug 24 17 21:22:15 <Deimos> there's some bugs related to the mobile apps and uploading videos/gifs to subreddits that don't allow them, he's probably just running into that
Aug 25 17 18:33:43 <eegras> Anyone else noticing Automoderator not removing things it should recently?
Aug 25 17 19:39:20 <Deimos> lots of complaints about it lately, yeah
Aug 25 17 19:39:40 <Deimos> make sure you contact the admins about it, send them links of things you were expecting it to act on that it didn't
Aug 25 17 19:39:57 <BobCobble> It's been failing pretty often for me.
Aug 25 17 19:40:28 <BobCobble> I've been sending links but never had a response
Aug 27 17 21:59:51 <Axanery>
Aug 27 17 22:00:02 <Axanery> /r/Steam is looking for mods
Aug 27 17 22:01:20 <Shane> Neato. do you guys use the unmoderated queue?
Aug 27 17 22:01:22 <Shane> Axanery
Aug 27 17 22:01:49 <Axanery> Not really but we do approve/remove posts from new so
Aug 27 17 22:03:39 <Shane> Cool, may apply
Sep 05 17 23:08:02 <RedDyeNumber4> Admins suspended u/AutoNewspaperAdmin again. :/
Sep 06 17 01:41:58 <justcool393> RedDyeNumber4 temporarily?
Sep 06 17 01:42:08 <justcool393> I can see it's user profile.
Sep 06 17 01:43:08 <justcool393> what the hell
Sep 06 17 01:43:14 <justcool393> "vote manipulation"?
Sep 06 17 01:44:33 <justcool393> ohhhh
Sep 06 17 02:41:18 <RedDyeNumber4> It's driven by IFTTT pushing news articles to r/autonewspaper
Sep 06 17 02:42:04 <RedDyeNumber4> The admins explicitly said the setup was okay to continue operating a few months ago during the modnews about changes to the state of spam
Sep 06 17 02:42:59 <RedDyeNumber4> No major changes on the subreddit
Sep 06 17 02:43:02 <RedDyeNumber4> steady growth
Sep 06 17 02:43:06 <RedDyeNumber4> boom suspended
Sep 06 17 02:47:38 <nikongmer> does reddit have some sort of algorithm to spot certain types of bots and suspend them?
Sep 06 17 02:48:43 <RedDyeNumber4> I'm guessing it's automated because of the message verbiage but their suspension page states that the new system means that an admin has to review before approving suspensions
Sep 06 17 02:49:59 <RedDyeNumber4> The thing is that the bot is so specialized and uses reddit's IFTTT system so it's got to be tracked specially already.
Sep 06 17 04:15:16 <justcool393> RedDyeNumber4 so to be quite honest
Sep 06 17 04:15:17 <justcool393> I'm not surprised it got suspended.
Sep 06 17 04:15:53 <justcool393> the OP of the autonewspaper votes up or down on some of the stories sometimes. it was something I got clarification by the admins on as well
Sep 06 17 04:16:31 <RedDyeNumber4> If I'm not allowed to vote on stories with my primary then they could just tell me that.
Sep 06 17 04:16:40 <RedDyeNumber4> the autonews accounts themselves don't do any other voting
Sep 06 17 04:16:41 <justcool393> oh you're the OP
Sep 06 17 04:16:46 <justcool393> duh
Sep 06 17 04:16:47 <RedDyeNumber4> yep
Sep 06 17 04:16:47 <justcool393> I'm dumb
Sep 06 17 04:17:27 <RedDyeNumber4> I spend several hours a day just scrolling through and removing dead links. I try to upvote the good and downvote the bad.
Sep 06 17 04:17:55 <RedDyeNumber4> They're just RSS feeds so sometimes they publish garbage so it takes a little maintenance
Sep 06 17 04:18:09 <RedDyeNumber4> but otherwise it's just news from the same places as worldnews news and politics
Sep 06 17 04:18:23 <RedDyeNumber4> plus a few weird international sources and some science publications
Sep 06 17 04:24:10 <justcool393> yeah, I disagree with the suspension, but they did say it's probably very likely that voting on a bot's posts will earn a ban, just because of the how the algorithms work.
Sep 06 17 04:24:25 <justcool393> I don't think IFTTT is monitored.
Sep 06 17 04:24:41 <justcool393> Some guy a while back spammed some political subs with it, and all the admins did was give it a shadowban.
Sep 06 17 04:25:13 <RedDyeNumber4> if they tell me that I can't personally vote on my posts then okay, but I don't use those accounts to cross vote on anything
Sep 06 17 04:25:24 <RedDyeNumber4> I just use my main handle like I have for like 9 years
Sep 06 17 04:26:01 <RedDyeNumber4> if they're saying that nobody is supposed to vote on those posts then that defeats the purpose of using reddit to aggregate the content to float the good and sink the bad
Sep 06 17 04:26:22 <RedDyeNumber4> also the purpose is to have active comments for those stories too which is hard if voting isn't happening.
Sep 06 17 04:28:05 <nikongmer> it's probably that they don't like it when people vote on their own posts with another account
Sep 06 17 04:28:08 <justcool393> Well, I'm saying *you* aren't probably.
Sep 06 17 04:28:10 <justcool393> Yeah.
Sep 06 17 04:28:12 <justcool393> That's it.
Sep 06 17 04:28:34 <justcool393> Like people vote on bot posts all the time; Totes and Snaps are examples of that.
Sep 06 17 04:29:08 <nikongmer> and sinct you're the bot owner, they count the post as yours
Sep 06 17 04:29:59 <RedDyeNumber4> If that was the premise they could just tell me that. The sub has long since picked up enough users that some folks are actively upvoting content most of the time.
Sep 06 17 04:30:37 <RedDyeNumber4> If it was possible I would just give the admins the accounts
Sep 06 17 04:31:01 <justcool393> yeah, well it looks like this ban was semi-automated, so I'm sure you'll probably either:
a) not get a response for seven days, and never.
b) get a response in a few days.
Sep 06 17 04:31:28 <RedDyeNumber4> that'll be grounds for a perma-ban out of nowhere whenever if they don't respond
Sep 06 17 04:31:47 <RedDyeNumber4> I'm just gonna stop voting on anything over there and see what happens.
Sep 06 17 04:31:55 <RedDyeNumber4> The thing runs itself as it is.
Sep 06 17 04:32:05 <justcool393> I think that's probably the safest bet.
Sep 06 17 05:52:24 <Fenyl> Is it just me, or has there been an increased number of bots in the past few days
Sep 06 17 06:29:44 <justcool393> There's an increased number of bots due to an increase in users in the site in general. However, there was that person who posted their code for their spambot.
Sep 06 17 06:32:35 <creesch> It is also the start of the school year with a lot of cs students learning programming basics
Sep 06 17 06:32:49 <creesch> Is fairly normal for the time of the year
Sep 06 17 12:53:42 <mbetts> there was also that post that blew up about how to set up a bot
Sep 06 17 12:54:01 <mbetts> think it was in r/python
Sep 06 17 12:56:46 <creesch> The most annoying bot to me is still the wikitextbot as it basically breaks in the conversation with a summary where someone might not have intended it as such. I often see it distract people completely from the point someone was trying to make because they linked to wikipedia for one small bit of their comment and the bot then draws attention to it with a full wall of text.
Sep 06 17 12:56:50 <creesch> /rant
Sep 06 17 13:53:41 <SpyTec> creesch Create a counter-bot that responds mean comments to wikitextbot
Sep 06 17 13:54:31 <creesch> Splendid idea, making it even worse :D
Sep 06 17 13:57:04 <twilexis> #botception
Sep 06 17 17:40:43 <Boop> and the mean comment is "bad bot"
Sep 06 17 17:48:26 <SpyTec> !redditsilver
Sep 06 17 18:37:50 <Gleo> personal opinion: i find the “good bot bad bot” spam to be far more annoying than any bot itself could be
Sep 06 17 18:39:33 <SpyTec> That's only what a bad bot would say
Sep 06 17 18:39:59 <Gleo> i might ask over at /r/polandball if they’ve already made some automod config against it – they had a ton of tired reddit memes in their filters last time i’ve checked
Sep 06 17 18:40:15 <Gleo> too tired to try and mess with automod myself right now lmao
Sep 06 17 18:42:39 <SpyTec> Just filter by ["(good|bad) +bot", "!reddit +silver"]
Sep 06 17 18:42:58 <Gleo> good spytec
Sep 06 17 19:13:36 <Jernik> Almost every bot on reddit is spammy imo
Sep 06 17 19:14:14 <Jernik> Most of them add nothing to the conversations and just meme
Sep 06 17 19:14:47 <cuddlefishcat> the only good bot is a banned bot
Sep 06 17 19:15:11 <SpyTec> BotBust for president
Sep 06 17 19:15:46 <cuddlefishcat> Botbust has committed atrocities against it's own people
Sep 06 17 19:15:48 <cuddlefishcat> er
Sep 06 17 19:15:51 <cuddlefishcat> own bots
Sep 06 17 20:19:08 <justcool393> !/r/botsrights
Sep 06 17 20:19:17 <justcool393> idk how you mention it
Sep 06 17 20:19:19 <justcool393> 😛
Sep 06 17 20:25:07 <Shane> /r/botsrights
Sep 06 17 20:25:11 <Shane> r/botsrights
Sep 06 17 20:25:15 <Shane> !sub botsrights
Sep 06 17 20:25:25 <Shane> @r/botsrights
Sep 06 17 20:25:34 <Shane> @sub r/botsrights
Sep 06 17 20:25:42 <Shane> !r/botsrights
Sep 06 17 20:25:50 <Shane> //r/botsrights
Sep 06 17 20:25:54 <Shane> fuck this
Sep 06 17 20:26:06 <Shane>
Sep 06 17 20:26:53 <nikongmer> `!sub botsrights` in <#283812709789859851>
Sep 06 17 20:28:48 <Shane> ew
Sep 06 17 20:28:53 <Shane> you cant do that in any
Sep 06 17 20:28:57 <Shane> thats a bit silly
Sep 06 17 20:45:53 <cuddlefishcat> @/r/botsrights
Sep 06 17 20:45:57 <cuddlefishcat> damn
Sep 07 17 02:25:00 <Noku> Popular isn't in here
Sep 07 17 07:46:12 <cuddlefishcat> is now 😃
Sep 07 17 07:46:20 <cuddlefishcat> @/r/bothate
Sep 07 17 07:46:28 <cuddlefishcat> plz
Sep 07 17 09:09:41 <Deleted User 7e0a8ba7> weird. I can definitely write here.
Sep 07 17 09:09:59 <Shane> @/r/bothate
Sep 07 17 09:10:07 <Shane> !sub /r/pigifs
Sep 07 17 09:10:09 <Deleted User 7e0a8ba7> it's throwing missing eprmissions.
Sep 07 17 09:10:28 <Shane> @/r/Pigifs
Sep 07 17 09:10:33 <Shane> neat
Sep 07 17 09:10:40 <Noku> 1 sec lemme reload everything
Sep 07 17 09:11:04 <Noku> @/r/bothate
Sep 07 17 09:11:20 <Shane> maybe it doesnt like that subreddit
Sep 07 17 09:11:21 <Shane> @/r/Pigifs
Sep 07 17 09:13:06 <Noku> i get it now.
Sep 07 17 09:13:11 <Noku> @/r/bothate
Sep 07 17 09:13:11 <Deleted User 7e0a8ba7>
Sep 07 17 09:13:34 <Noku> Someone disabled link embedding.
Sep 07 17 09:14:40 <Shane> @/r/Pigifs
Sep 07 17 09:14:40 <Deleted User 7e0a8ba7>
Sep 07 17 09:14:46 <Shane> 😄
Sep 07 17 09:15:14 <Shane> @/r/aww
Sep 07 17 09:15:15 <Deleted User 7e0a8ba7>
Sep 07 17 09:15:41 <Noku> well, at least we now know how to silence the bot for a specific channel.
Sep 07 17 10:17:19 <twilexis> Is AutoMod borked again?
Sep 07 17 10:27:02 <cuddlefishcat> automod has been bad for like a month
Sep 07 17 10:40:53 <twilexis> 😭
Sep 07 17 11:03:56 <creesch> I must say, I haven't noticed it that much and we have a huge ass automod setup.
Sep 07 17 11:23:28 <twilexis> automod is supposed to remove non-verified posts on GoneMild, but it hasn't done it in a couple of days.
Sep 07 17 11:23:40 <twilexis> It's like it's selective when it doesn't work.
Sep 07 17 12:02:16 <cuddlefishcat> It like, randomly won't catch something
Sep 07 17 12:02:29 <cuddlefishcat> like a post without a spoiler tag will get through every few hours
Sep 07 17 12:02:57 <cuddlefishcat> and then sometimes it just goes down and every post gets through for 15 minutes or so
Sep 07 17 17:01:05 <Cleroth> `By default, submissions and comments made by moderators of the subreddit will not be checked against any rules that may cause the post to be removed or reported. `
Sep 07 17 17:01:10 <Cleroth> is this also true for approved submitters?
Sep 07 17 17:02:12 <BobCobble> No, mods only.
Sep 07 17 17:02:23 <Cleroth> we have a domain blacklist (action: spam) on priority 1002, and an approved submitter rule (action: approve) on prioirity 1000, and somehow, approved submitters are able to post blacklisted domains
Sep 07 17 17:02:24 <BobCobble> It treats approved submitters the same as normal users.
Sep 07 17 17:03:04 <Cleroth> I thought so, I've no idea what's going on
Sep 07 17 17:03:52 <BobCobble> Are you trying to get it to auto-approve posts by approved submitters?
Sep 07 17 17:04:20 <Cleroth> no, the blacklisted domain should apply to everyone
Sep 07 17 17:04:28 <Cleroth> but approved submitters are able to post blacklisted domains
Sep 07 17 17:05:07 <BobCobble> Hmm, not sure. Could you paste the bit that covers the blacklist and approved submitter bit in here?
Sep 07 17 17:05:09 <BobCobble> Or pastebin
Sep 07 17 17:05:31 <Cleroth> ```
##Approve Contributor content
is_contributor: true
type: any
priority: 1000
action: approve```
Sep 07 17 17:06:05 <Cleroth> ```
##Domain Shadowbans
priority: 1002
domain+title+body: []
action: spam
action_reason: "Domain blacklist"```
Sep 07 17 17:06:39 <BobCobble> So what is the point of the approved submitter part? If they aren't allowed to post blacklisted domains anyway.
Sep 07 17 17:06:52 <Cleroth> it's for other stuff, I believe
Sep 07 17 17:07:12 <BobCobble> Because it won't approve stuff with `action: approve` unless it's been reported or spammed
Sep 07 17 17:07:25 <BobCobble> Also, even with those priority settings, remove actions will always come first.
Sep 07 17 17:07:28 <Cleroth> yea it's probably to get over reddit's spam filter
Sep 07 17 17:07:31 <Cleroth> yea, I know
Sep 07 17 17:07:37 <Cleroth> point being, they're able to post blacklisted domains
Sep 07 17 17:12:00 <Cleroth> weird
Sep 07 17 17:12:14 <Cleroth> copy pasted the whole auto-mod into a test sub, added approved submitter and it works, it gets removed
Sep 07 17 17:12:14 <Cleroth> =/
Sep 07 17 17:12:37 <BobCobble> <:Thonk:325807864549736449> Automod being automod then I guess
Sep 07 17 20:40:54 <justcool393> Cleroth that domain is probably hardbanned then.
Sep 07 17 20:41:05 <justcool393> some domains won't let you approve them.
Sep 08 17 03:34:33 <Cleroth> justcool393 nah it isn't. AM removed some and ignored the same domain within 24 hours
Sep 08 17 03:34:52 <justcool393> oh I think I misread it
Sep 08 17 03:35:00 <justcool393> but some domains *are* hard banned.
Sep 08 17 03:35:06 <Cleroth> And it's not like pure spam of anything, it's just low quality
Sep 08 17 03:35:19 <Cleroth> Yea, I've seen those
Sep 08 17 03:35:27 <justcool393> I'll look at what you said later
Sep 08 17 03:35:30 <justcool393> am kinda busy
Sep 08 17 14:55:48 <SnowPhoenix> Cleroth Is this accounting for recent AutoMod issues where some posts just get completely skipped? Do any AutoModerator actions show at all on the posts that are getting through?
Sep 08 17 14:57:14 <Cleroth> SnowPhoenix Probably. No actions at all. It seems it just doesn't keep up with some posts sometimes
Sep 08 17 14:59:20 <SnowPhoenix> Yeah, it's unfortunate, but there's been a lot of that happening recently.
Sep 08 17 19:40:00 <justcool393> ```
##Domain Shadowbans
priority: 1002
is_contributor: false
domain+title+body: []
action: spam
action_reason: "Domain blacklist"``` I'm assuming you want the ability for approved submitters to post blacklisted domains?
Sep 08 17 19:40:02 <justcool393> Cleroth
Sep 08 17 19:40:22 <Cleroth> no
Sep 08 17 19:40:32 <Cleroth> as mentioned, AM has just been acting up
Sep 08 17 19:40:44 <Cleroth> it allowed people to post blacklisted domains, when it shouldn't have
Sep 08 17 19:40:53 <Cleroth> I thought the approved submitter had something to do with it, but it doesn't
Sep 08 17 19:41:46 <Cleroth> I guess I wasn't very clear
Sep 08 17 19:44:00 <justcool393> oh
Sep 08 17 19:44:01 <justcool393> well
Sep 08 17 19:44:10 <justcool393> yeah, AutoMod's been skipping posts entirely recently.
Sep 08 17 19:44:36 <justcool393> Cleroth
Sep 08 17 19:45:04 <BobCobble> It literally just missed a post for me
Sep 08 17 19:45:41 <justcool393> ```css
>From a high-level, we've been having some transient issues where actions are being taken on the site and the data resulting from those actions has gone missing. A prime example we've seen recently is automoderator taking actions such as leaving comments or messages.```
Sep 09 17 09:22:59 <mrduck> how do you do the thing wear when you hover over the sidebar it opens up a table stating a more elaborate rules
Sep 09 17 09:30:28 <Squingu> css magic
Sep 09 17 09:33:18 <BobCobble> ```css
.side table{display:block;margin-left:0}
.side table td{width:288px}
.side table thead{display:none}
.side table tbody tr{margin-bottom:-1px;border:0 solid #DDD}
.side table tbody tr td{display:block;border:0}
.side table tbody tr td:first-child{background-color:#579b60 ;color:white;padding:5px;cursor:pointer;font-weight:bold;transition: .5s;}
.side table tbody tr td:last-child{display:none;color:black;border-top:0;padding:5px 5px 10px}
.side table tbody tr:hover td:last-child{display:block}
.side h6:nth-of-type(1){position:absolute;top:133px;left:10px;right:320px;margin:0;background:#FFF;color:black;border-top:1px solid #DDD;height:30px;line-height:30px;text-indent:10px;background:#f8f8f8;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none}
Sep 09 17 09:33:20 <BobCobble> Something like that
Sep 09 17 09:33:48 <BobCobble> mrduck
Sep 09 17 09:34:07 <mrduck> nice
Sep 09 17 09:36:06 <mrduck> how do i change the colors
Sep 09 17 09:37:20 <BobCobble> Change `background-color:#579b60 ;` to whatever colour you want
Sep 09 17 09:37:35 <BobCobble> So `background-color: pink;` if you wanted
Sep 09 17 09:37:48 <BobCobble> To change the text colour do `color: yellow;`
Sep 09 17 09:40:16 <mrduck> whats a good color
Sep 09 17 09:40:25 <Boop> red
Sep 09 17 09:41:26 <mrduck> thanks
Sep 09 17 09:41:34 <mrduck> whats another good color
Sep 09 17 09:41:46 <Boop> uh
Sep 09 17 09:41:50 <Boop> yellow
Sep 09 17 09:44:37 <mrduck> shit
Sep 09 17 09:44:42 <mrduck> i think i did something wrong
Sep 09 17 09:45:00 <mrduck> please help
Sep 09 17 09:45:01 <mrduck>
Sep 09 17 09:45:44 <Boop> oh gosh thats very yellow didn't realise it was going to be a forground color
Sep 09 17 09:46:06 <mrduck> please help my sidebar is dying
Sep 09 17 09:52:18 <Boop> i cant help
Sep 09 17 09:54:41 <mrduck> i think i fixed it
Sep 09 17 09:54:53 <mrduck> does it look ok?
Sep 09 17 10:01:31 <Boop> ya
Sep 09 17 10:01:36 <Boop> except for like the colors
Sep 09 17 10:03:58 <mrduck> what colors should i use
Sep 09 17 10:12:18 <Boop> like, hmm
Sep 09 17 10:12:58 <Boop> reddit blue with purble text
Sep 09 17 10:17:09 <Boop> #CEE3F8 #336699 respectively
Sep 09 17 10:23:23 <mrduck> ill try that
Sep 09 17 10:48:16 <mrduck> umm i have an error
Sep 09 17 10:48:18 <mrduck> YAML parsing error in section 14: while parsing a block mapping
in "<unicode string>", line 1, column 1:
type: submission
expected <block end>, but found '<block mapping start>'
in "<unicode string>", line 13, column 2:
type: submission
Sep 09 17 11:16:26 <Squingu> check that you don't have tab characters and make sure the rules are separated by `---`
Sep 09 17 11:24:24 <mrduck> nvm i fixed it
Sep 09 17 11:24:31 <mrduck> i had an extra space
Sep 09 17 11:47:39 <mrduck> How do i get a border in between each rule
Sep 09 17 11:47:55 <mrduck> so there are separate rectangles
Sep 09 17 11:54:12 <Boop> `.side table tbody tr {margin-top: 3px;display:block}` probably
Sep 09 17 12:05:38 <mrduck> thanks
Sep 09 17 22:25:03 <Tayzers> So this will sound weird, but i got a troublesome user and I just need advice on how to combat one person that keeps deleting his accounts whenever I ban him.
Sep 09 17 22:27:19 <BobCobble> Maybe try shadowbanning him through automod? It'll take him longer to realise he's banned
Sep 09 17 22:27:46 <Tayzers> how could i? he keeps changing accounts, lurking and anonomously reporting
Sep 09 17 22:28:02 <BobCobble> 🤦
Sep 09 17 22:28:06 <BobCobble> Sorry
Sep 09 17 22:28:07 <Tom> well not a shadowbanning per such
Sep 09 17 22:28:13 <Tayzers> right now he hasn't shown his new account
Sep 09 17 22:28:17 <Tom> just setup automod to auto remove stuff from him
Sep 09 17 22:28:17 <Tayzers> but i know he's made a new one
Sep 09 17 22:28:25 <Tom> they won't be notified
Sep 09 17 22:28:28 <Tom> still see their shit as up
Sep 09 17 22:28:32 <Tom> but it won't be
Sep 09 17 22:28:37 <Tayzers> comments included?
Sep 09 17 22:28:39 <Tom> yup
Sep 09 17 22:28:47 <Tom> all posts and comments
Sep 09 17 22:29:12 <Tom> we use it a lot on trading subs to avoid letting scammers know they've been banned and coming back on new accounts
Sep 09 17 22:29:14 <BobCobble> So each time there is a new account, shadowban it then maybe they won't start a new account cause they think this one isn't banned? might be worth a try
Sep 09 17 22:29:28 <Tom> stop calling it a shadowban lol
Sep 09 17 22:29:31 <Tom> ghostban
Sep 09 17 22:29:34 <BobCobble> Auto-remove then
Sep 09 17 22:29:47 <Tayzers> i'll have to try, is there a post on how to let automod do it?
Sep 09 17 22:30:18 <BobCobble> ```
type: any
author: [username1, username2]
action: remove
action_reason: Auto-removing ghostbanned user.```
Sep 09 17 22:30:24 <BobCobble> That should work
Sep 09 17 22:30:37 <Tayzers> i'll keep in my notepad
Sep 09 17 22:30:51 <BobCobble> You could have them sent to modmail/modqueue too if you wanted
Sep 09 17 22:31:10 <Tayzers> but thank you
Sep 09 17 22:31:12 <Tom> imo defeats the point, especially if you know you never wanna see em again
Sep 09 17 22:31:30 <Tayzers> well i have to be on my toes with this particular user
Sep 09 17 22:31:43 <Tayzers> makes heavily racists comments and makes everything a political agenda
Sep 09 17 22:31:53 <Tayzers> keep in mind this is a subreddit for a mobile game
Sep 09 17 22:32:02 <Tom> just ghostban them and never see them again tbh
Sep 09 17 22:32:07 <Tom> well hopefully never
Sep 09 17 22:32:23 <Tom> they might figure out eventually - if they view reddit logged out and see their stuff is missing
Sep 09 17 22:32:26 <BobCobble> I've got some automod code for filtering slurs if you want Tayzers ?
Sep 09 17 22:32:30 <Tom> but have to ban them less
Sep 09 17 22:32:34 <Tayzers> i have some already actually
Sep 09 17 22:32:37 <BobCobble> Ah, cool
Sep 09 17 22:32:42 <Tayzers> for some of the trigger words he uses
Sep 09 17 22:32:46 <Tayzers> like 'censorship'
Sep 09 17 22:32:48 <Tayzers> he uses that a lot
Sep 10 17 15:38:31 <Tayzers> so what can you do if the harrassing user isnt showing his account
Sep 10 17 15:38:36 <Tayzers> but just endlessly reporting stuff
Sep 10 17 15:39:35 <cuddlefishcat> I think you have to leave the posts/comments reported, don't reapprove them (that might have changed but idk)
Sep 10 17 15:39:50 <cuddlefishcat> And then send a list of links to /r/ modmail
Sep 10 17 15:40:10 <cuddlefishcat> They can see if it's the same person reporting everything
Sep 10 17 15:40:56 <Tayzers> ah, it might take forever for admins to do it but might as well because he's taking the passive approach
Sep 10 17 16:47:17 <Boop> just do the PM and then submit a post to r/modsupport about how long its taking
Sep 10 17 16:49:28 <Tayzers> cant tell if sarcastic or actually serious
Sep 10 17 16:55:50 <Boop> both
Sep 10 17 16:56:10 <Boop> the less time you give them to respond, the better
Sep 10 17 22:52:54 <Tayzers> ah
Sep 10 17 22:53:05 <Tayzers> he made ANOTHER account just so his main acc doesnt get banned
Sep 10 17 22:53:25 <allthefoxes> no, dont make a post to modsupport
Sep 10 17 22:53:31 <allthefoxes> just do the normal thing and reach out to admins
Sep 10 17 22:54:18 <Tayzers> i did
Sep 10 17 22:54:25 <Tayzers> now im waiting
Sep 10 17 22:54:30 <Tayzers> but in the meantime he made an acc
Sep 10 17 22:54:31 <Tayzers>
Sep 10 17 22:54:35 <Tayzers> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sep 10 17 22:54:35 <allthefoxes> Nothing you can do
Sep 10 17 22:54:44 <Tayzers> i just added his name to the autmod list
Sep 10 17 22:55:49 <Tayzers> though im heavily considering adding temp mods because im a paranoid person
Sep 15 17 18:11:33 <creesch>
Sep 15 17 18:11:46 <creesch> Something to be aware of when checking out users for activity in your sub
Sep 15 17 18:12:05 <creesch> (Though I assume most mods will use the old overview for that)
Sep 15 17 19:01:57 <allthefoxes> creesch this was brought up somewhere in the thread for the updated changes and they said they will fix it
Sep 15 17 19:02:00 <allthefoxes> just fyi
Sep 15 17 19:02:14 <creesch> Ah
Sep 15 17 19:02:15 <creesch> cool
Sep 15 17 19:09:57 <Geo☆1088> I brought up something similar in the thread, just about it being hard to see all a user's content at a glance, haven't gotten a response yet
Sep 16 17 16:41:15 <Cleroth> what's up with mod queue missing so many reports
Sep 16 17 16:41:19 <Cleroth> :/
Sep 16 17 17:33:39 <Boop> maybe the reports are spookybanned
Sep 17 17 05:14:11 <nt337> Lol
Sep 17 17 12:41:15 <BobCobble> Anyone else had this?
Sep 17 17 21:43:56 <justcool393> BobCobble this is probably because the spam filter is set to `all`.
Sep 17 17 21:44:03 <justcool393> the condition is to message the moderators.
Sep 17 17 21:44:11 <justcool393> oh
Sep 17 17 21:44:13 <justcool393> it's your issue
Sep 17 17 21:44:14 <justcool393> idk
Sep 17 17 21:44:31 <justcool393> because that's a normal thing that *can* happen
Sep 17 17 21:44:41 <BobCobble> it's fixed now, can't be spam filter since they weren't removed
Sep 17 17 21:44:50 <BobCobble> they would just only show under new
Sep 17 17 21:44:54 <BobCobble> but not hot
Sep 17 17 21:46:49 <Deimos> that can happen sometimes with things because reddit keeps each "sort" separately and sometimes it fails to update all of them
Sep 17 17 21:47:04 <Deimos> so it'll add the item to the new page, then fail before it adds it successfully to hot
Sep 17 17 21:47:25 <Deimos> usually just doing something like remove and then approve again will fix it because that tries to put it back into all the sorts again
Sep 17 17 21:51:04 <BobCobble> makes sense, thanks
Sep 17 17 21:51:11 <BobCobble> was probably to do with the outage earlier then
Sep 20 17 16:53:15 <Zeno> People are really spamming Twitter links containing Amazon affiliate IDs to get around AutoMod filters I see
Sep 20 17 17:02:55 <Jernik> the twitter link redirection service or links to tweets?
Sep 20 17 18:08:03 <Zeno> Links to tweets
Sep 20 17 18:11:15 <Tealeaf> reddit -> out.reddit redir -> twatter shortener -> twatter page -> affiliate link to amazon
Sep 20 17 18:14:26 <Zeno>
Sep 20 17 20:07:41 <tiz> tfw added to a new sub, with over 400k subs and they have no AM set up at all 😐
Sep 20 17 20:07:59 <allthefoxes> spill beans
Sep 20 17 20:08:01 <allthefoxes> whodoneit
Sep 20 17 20:08:21 <tiz> well it's p much been one mod the whole time
Sep 20 17 20:11:44 <Jernik> fantheories?
Sep 20 17 20:12:09 <tiz> yeah
Sep 20 17 20:13:39 <Tealeaf> wew
Sep 20 17 21:41:24 <nt337> that sub's usually really obvious stuff or stuff that doesn't even make sense
Sep 20 17 21:41:48 <nt337> but it does occasionally have a good post
Sep 20 17 21:52:05 <Zock> Was dark jar jar there?
Sep 21 17 00:16:29 <tiz> Ye
Sep 21 17 04:02:50 <Boop> ```yaml
title+body(regex): ash.*coma
Sep 21 17 04:13:44 <justcool393> Boop examples before I randomly add automod code?
Sep 21 17 04:14:16 <Boop> nah that was in relation to the fantheories thing
Sep 21 17 04:40:28 <justcool393> you know I thought I was in <#281572589460127744> for a second
Sep 21 17 04:40:34 <justcool393> this makes a lot more sense now
Sep 21 17 04:40:43 <justcool393> I thought that was an `author` thing for some reason
Sep 24 17 02:28:52 <Videblu> spooky
Sep 24 17 11:36:55 <Draculore> author:
comment_karma: "< -50"
account_age: "< 3 days"
action: remove
Sep 24 17 11:37:00 <Draculore> Would this work?
Sep 25 17 04:54:10 <SnowPhoenix> If you're trying to get it to silently remove comments from people who meet _both_ of those conditions, then yeah. Otherwise, add `satisfy_any_threshold: true` as well if you want it to trigger on either condition.
Sep 28 17 16:08:34 <demmian> hey. anyone crafty with automod around?
Sep 28 17 19:14:10 <creesch> Protip, just ask your question so people can answer it when they are around.
Sep 28 17 19:14:37 <creesch> Now you are waiting for people to say "yeah, what do you need" when you might not be around anymore
Sep 28 17 19:14:54 <Madbrad200> "Don't ask to ask" is a good motto to go by
Sep 28 17 19:15:08 <Tealeaf> p sure he got help in general
Sep 30 17 16:12:16 <Squingu> do gifs on go under the video uploads category or images? asking because we have video uploads disabled but a gif got through <:snoothinking:328930309804392458>
Oct 01 17 10:13:13 <creesch> Deimos not sure how happy I am with the bot posting to a thread that recent (
Oct 01 17 10:18:52 <Deimos> Removed
Oct 01 17 10:19:34 <Deimos> Doubt it would have gone anywhere anyway, but might as well
Oct 01 17 10:25:08 <creesch> Probably not, but the thread it linked to on /r/history was a pain already to moderate so I'd rather be safe than sorry
Oct 02 17 20:59:16 <BobCobble>
Oct 02 17 21:23:54 <Zock> not interested in moviedetails but if tvdetails ever picks up
Oct 02 17 21:23:59 <Zock> let me know
Oct 02 17 21:54:34 <BobCobble> Will do!
Oct 02 17 22:47:55 <beelzeybob> is there a way to turn toolbox modqueue notifications off for just one sub?
Oct 02 17 22:50:14 <BobCobble> yes
Oct 02 17 22:50:17 <BobCobble> go to toolbox settings
Oct 02 17 22:50:25 <BobCobble> then go to notifier
Oct 02 17 22:50:41 <BobCobble>
Oct 02 17 22:50:49 <BobCobble> then change that to `mod-subbiename`
Oct 03 17 01:41:41 <beelzeybob> ah, ty
Oct 03 17 18:03:55 <Tealeaf> subbie
Oct 04 17 00:13:11 <RandomRedditorWithNo> how can I get this context popup to not popup?
Oct 04 17 00:13:29 <RandomRedditorWithNo> I just want to go to the page
Oct 04 17 00:22:28 <Geo☆1088> toolbox settings > queue tools > disable the thing that sounds right
Oct 04 17 00:22:44 <Geo☆1088> idr what any of the setting names are but I know it's a queue tools option
Oct 04 17 00:23:43 <Geo☆1088> also of note, even if the popup is enabled, middle/ctrl/right clicking the context link still works normally for opening in a new tab or copying the address, etc
Oct 04 17 00:26:05 <RandomRedditorWithNo> much better thanks
Oct 05 17 00:17:43 <MajorParadox> Has anyone ever noticed in /r/mod/about/unmoderated, flairs always show up on the right, regardless of subreddit settings (I guess for consistency?) But if you change the flair on a post in a sub with it on the left, then it shows on the left 😄
Oct 05 17 00:20:41 <Geo☆1088> Huh, interesting
Oct 05 17 00:20:57 <Geo☆1088> Never noticed that before
Oct 05 17 01:27:14 <justcool393> MajorParadox which is dumb, because I don't know of a single subreddit that has link flair on the right.
Oct 05 17 01:27:46 <MajorParadox> Up until just recently, my biggest sub did haha
Oct 05 17 01:28:22 <MajorParadox> I thought putting it on the left would help when automod glitches, because mods keep missing that it was skipped
Oct 05 17 01:28:29 <MajorParadox> But it wouldn't matter anyway
Oct 05 17 01:35:47 <justcool393> Even if that was completely false, you did a good deed MajorParadox
Oct 05 17 01:36:30 <MajorParadox> 👍
Oct 06 17 23:36:26 <Kirzi> Is there a way to use reddit shortlinks when permalinking a comment?
Oct 06 17 23:37:30 <Deimos> nope
Oct 06 17 23:37:50 <Kirzi> That sucks. Thanks
Oct 07 17 09:53:30 <Gleo> Kirzi the best you can do is leave out the subreddit and title from the link
Oct 07 17 09:53:37 <Gleo> so if you have this
Oct 07 17 09:53:49 <Gleo> then will work too
Oct 07 17 09:54:09 <Gleo> it’s only marginally shorter, but eh
Oct 07 17 09:56:54 <Gleo> if you want to put the link into reddit markdown (which can be the case if you’re approaching the character limit on the sidebar), then you can leave out too
Oct 07 17 09:57:03 <Gleo> so ```[test](/comments/5zihy0/_/deyn29r)``` would work as well
Oct 07 17 09:57:16 <Gleo> i don’t think you could get any shorter than that
Oct 07 17 09:57:25 <Kirzi> Ah cool, thanks
Oct 07 17 09:57:39 <Kirzi> I knew about the /aerijer/-/laierjtler/ thing but not the other tips
Oct 07 17 09:58:08 <Kirzi> Yea, we hit the character limit when writing a ban message (linking violations). Fun times
Oct 07 17 09:58:24 <Kirzi> (Wound up just replying to ourselves with the links)
Oct 07 17 10:00:10 <Gleo> how the hell do you fill an entire ban message up with links?!
Oct 07 17 10:01:47 <Kirzi> It was a combo. 5 links (I think), plus some "seriously don't do this again" since it was the dude's second temp after just getting off one 3 days prior
Oct 07 17 10:02:08 <Kirzi> They got a few stern words in addition to the links, basically
Oct 07 17 10:02:49 <Gleo> aha
Oct 07 17 10:02:51 <Kirzi> Trying to educate people on how not to get banned again in 1000 characters is hard
Oct 07 17 10:03:30 <Gleo> well at least in my subs, people don’t really come back after getting tempbanned
Oct 07 17 10:03:42 <Gleo> but in a trade sub, that may be different <:foxing:341689285071601664>
Oct 07 17 10:04:50 <Kirzi> I would say it's a different creature, yes
Oct 07 17 10:04:59 <Kirzi> Most people do want to come back
Oct 07 17 10:05:18 <Gleo> you know best, i suppose q:
Oct 07 17 10:05:40 <Kirzi> They just frequently suck at doing so if it already came to the first temp
Oct 07 17 10:07:11 <Kirzi> ...that said, I don't really have a more "normal" sub to compare it to, so maybe I don't know best
Oct 07 17 10:07:30 <Kirzi> Normal and active, rather
Oct 07 17 17:51:57 <justcool393> you can also do:
`/api/info?id=t1_<id>` for comments. that will isolate the comment specifically though, so I'm not sure if you want that. don't worry it'll look nice still
Oct 15 17 15:12:10 <Tayzers> would i be able to contact admins to make myself the 'top' moderator of a sub then the other mods have been inactive for years?
Oct 15 17 15:13:42 <Tom>
Oct 15 17 15:15:48 <Tayzers> thankies
Oct 15 17 15:18:08 <bobjrsenior> If they aren't on reddit at all, you could always
Oct 15 17 15:18:15 <bobjrsenior> I think anyways
Oct 15 17 15:21:38 <Tayzers> this person talks aleast once a month
Oct 15 17 15:21:45 <Tayzers> but has ignored the sub he made 5 years ago
Oct 15 17 18:02:50 <kuhnie> Are any of you guys having trouble with automod recently? It hasn't been consistently enforcing our scripts for a few weeks now on /r/savedyouaclick
Oct 15 17 18:04:17 <HH0S> not specifically right now, but it happens a few times randomly
Oct 15 17 18:26:03 <kuhnie> This has been a new issue for us
Oct 15 17 18:26:36 <kuhnie> Is it easier for automod if I put the most important script at the top, or should it not matter?
Oct 15 17 19:46:45 <Deimos> kuhnie it shouldn't matter what order they're in, no
Oct 18 17 15:23:38 <Musely> Isn't there issues with Automod in general lately?
Oct 18 17 15:56:01 <justcool393> so priorities still kinda confuse me. Is it where if there is a `priority: 1` rule for example that doesn't comment but a `priority: 0` one that does, it won't comment if it matches both?
Oct 18 17 16:56:27 <Deimos> justcool393 it mostly matters if it's an action that can only be done once, like setting flair, or a removal. It can make multiple comments on the same post, so that doesn't matter much
Oct 18 17 16:57:22 <Deimos> but for example if you have a rule that will look for doxxing words/phrases and remove the post and send modmail, and another rule that removes posts from accounts less than an hour old, you'd want to use priorities to make the doxxing rule happen first
Oct 18 17 16:57:45 <Deimos> because then if a brand new account is created and posts doxx, you'd get the modmail since that rule will always be checked first
Oct 18 17 17:00:08 <justcool393> I see. So I guess there could be situations in our rules that have multiple comments. We have a -1 priority for the new account rule, a 0 priority for automated removals that comment, and 1 for automated spam removals.
I guess in theory then you could get a bunch of comments and have AutoMod mark it as spam
Oct 18 17 17:02:55 <Deimos> yeah, they're not really necessary to worry about most of the time but can be useful for a few cases where you want to force things to be checked in a certain order
Oct 18 17 18:41:09 <its_kos> do you know why removal reasons wont show up when pressing remove ?
Oct 18 17 18:42:24 <allthefoxes> toolbox can be finicky, make sure thats working right, also wait a second or two after the page loads
Oct 18 17 18:42:59 <its_kos> mine actually works great, a co mod has this issue
Oct 18 17 18:43:03 <BobCobble> Make sure you have wiki perms
Oct 18 17 18:43:56 <its_kos> oh
Oct 18 17 18:43:59 <its_kos> thats it
Oct 18 17 18:44:00 <allthefoxes> ^
Oct 18 17 18:44:02 <its_kos> they dont have it
Oct 18 17 18:44:04 <its_kos> mb
Oct 18 17 18:44:05 <its_kos> thanks a lot
Oct 18 17 18:44:07 <allthefoxes> yeah, TB stores everything in the wiki
Oct 18 17 18:44:09 <allthefoxes> nbd
Oct 18 17 18:52:53 <SpyTec> hhk
Oct 19 17 01:07:47 <mrbreadwater> Does anyone know if it's possible to expand the usernotes storage space?
Oct 19 17 01:33:34 <justcool393> No
Oct 19 17 01:33:36 <justcool393> It isn't
Oct 19 17 01:34:06 <mrbreadwater> Welp
Oct 19 17 01:34:26 <mrbreadwater> That sucks...
Oct 19 17 07:02:57 <BobCobble> Snoonotes, everything is stored server side with that.
Oct 19 17 10:42:10 <Geo☆1088> mrbreadwater I assume you’ve already tried purging notes from inactive users or for some reason don’t want to?
Oct 19 17 14:54:13 <mrbreadwater> Geo☆1088 We use our usernotes to keep track of strikes, so purging from inactive users isn't a great idea, because they may end up posting again. Although that is what we end up doing when our usernotes get full... And it works for a while, until our usernotes get full again.
Oct 19 17 14:54:57 <mrbreadwater> Do you know if using colors on our usernotes makes it fill up faster? I assume it does, but I'm not sure.
Oct 19 17 14:57:06 <allthefoxes> It could, but yeah I would run the cleanup tool if you are just flat out of space
Oct 19 17 15:17:29 <Tealeaf> Just patch toolbox to spread the wiki pages over multiple pages
Oct 19 17 15:24:24 <Geo☆1088> I don’t remember what it is but there’s definitely a reason we don’t do that
Oct 19 17 15:25:32 <Geo☆1088> mrbreadwater Colors add like 6–7 characters of JSON per note, it shouldn’t be too significant
Oct 19 17 15:38:30 <Boop> just have a single wiki page act as a lock
Oct 19 17 15:39:06 <Boop> it'll take 3+ wiki page updates to do things but hey
Oct 24 17 03:31:55 <Cleroth> How can I make it so I can do custom flairs?
Oct 24 17 03:32:03 <Cleroth>
Oct 24 17 03:32:07 <Cleroth> It's not showing up in this sub
Oct 24 17 03:48:08 <justcool393> do you have night mode in RES turned on
Oct 24 17 03:52:06 <Cleroth> yes
Oct 24 17 03:52:34 <justcool393> you have to add a thing in your sidebar that tells RES that your subreddit's stylesheet is night mode compatible
Oct 24 17 03:53:06 <Cleroth>
Oct 24 17 03:53:27 <Cleroth> by custom flair I meant custom flair text
Oct 24 17 03:53:46 <Cleroth> so I can flair it as "misleading"
Oct 24 17 03:54:02 <Cleroth>
Oct 24 17 03:54:04 <Cleroth> like that
Oct 24 17 03:54:26 <Cleroth> ... nvm
Oct 24 17 03:54:31 <Cleroth> I guess I have to select a flair first LOL
Oct 24 17 03:54:50 <justcool393> ohh
Oct 24 17 03:54:57 <justcool393> /about/flair
Oct 24 17 03:55:05 <justcool393> there is a check box that says "user editable?"
Oct 24 17 03:55:09 <justcool393> check it and hit save
Oct 24 17 03:55:20 <justcool393> also add this to the sidebar: `[](#/RES_SR_Config/NightModeCompatible)` and it'll work in night mode too
Oct 24 17 03:55:31 <Cleroth> it works if I select CppCon
Oct 24 17 03:56:08 <justcool393> i don't think that's possible. I guess it may be,but I'm not sure
Oct 24 17 03:57:15 <justcool393>
Oct 24 17 03:57:26 <justcool393> makes it user editable, but you have to select something first
Oct 24 17 03:57:58 <Cleroth> definitely works without the user editable
Oct 24 17 03:58:11 <Cleroth> has the CppCon class though
Oct 24 17 03:59:23 <Cleroth> oh yea thanks about the night mode thing, now it shows the color lol
Oct 24 17 04:01:51 <justcool393> you're a moderator.
Oct 24 17 04:02:02 <justcool393> if you have flair permissions, you override it Cleroth.
Oct 26 17 09:06:40 <Cleroth> Yes I know, I just wanted to flair something as misleading, I don't want users to do custom flairs
Oct 29 17 18:34:53 <Tayzers> bots have been getting really annoying
Oct 29 17 18:34:59 <Tayzers> is anyone else having this issue
Oct 29 17 18:38:02 <creesch> bots always have been annoying
Oct 29 17 18:38:35 <creesch> Even more so at the start of college years when new CS students learn to code for the first time you see an increase of simple annoying bots.
Oct 29 17 18:41:55 <Tayzers> yeah, i just had a wikipedia bot on my reddit and people replying 'bad bot' even when i have goodbotbadbot banned
Oct 29 17 18:56:40 <creesch> That bot rating thing is indeed new and really annoying, though I just added good and bad bot phrases to automod
Oct 29 17 19:44:50 <ClearlyCoder> Tayzers Goodbotbadbot still registers the vote even if it's banned
Oct 29 17 19:45:32 <Tayzers> i dont mind if it registers a vote
Oct 29 17 19:45:44 <Tayzers> its annoying that it comments on the sub
Oct 29 17 19:50:29 <justcool393> ```is anyone else having this issue``` not really. the annoying and persistent bots I either ban or AutoMod ban
Oct 30 17 19:44:21 <Gumdrops> Anyone seeing their distinguished posts being filtered into a subs modqueue without any automod or other human mod action? I just had four of my posts across two subreddits 'removed' without any indication in the modlog
Oct 30 17 19:46:13 <Gumdrops> Examples:
Oct 30 17 19:51:23 <Deimos> should probably contact the admins about that, seems like a potentially serious issue with the spam filter
Oct 30 17 19:52:12 <Gumdrops> Yeah I've contacted via /r/, just curious if anyone else had encountered this
Oct 30 17 19:57:20 <SpyTec> Maybe the spam filter has learned that all mods are nazis?
Oct 30 17 20:24:50 <justcool393> Gumdrops do you have that macro by any chance?
Oct 30 17 20:25:30 <justcool393> Also I just tested it and I'm not getting filtered. We have `low` for comments, let me check with a `high` filter setting
Oct 30 17 20:26:59 <justcool393> Yup, even on 'high' for comments it's alright for us. I might even just leave it there although I'm pretty sure it's even more pathetic for comments
Oct 30 17 20:27:50 <justcool393> Also look in your moderation log to see if there was any action taken by a admin (admin actions only show up as `[ removed ]` on the post).
Oct 30 17 20:28:20 <BobCobble> Are you looking for a shadowban macro in general or specifically that one?
Oct 30 17 20:28:23 <Gumdrops> Yeah nothing listed in modlog, it looks as though a shadowbanned account would
Oct 30 17 20:28:35 <BobCobble> I have a shadowban and suicidal user macro which are useful
Oct 30 17 20:28:38 <justcool393> alright. And since you don't have a strikethrough you don't appear to be shadowbanned.
Oct 30 17 20:28:43 <justcool393> The former is fine.
Oct 30 17 20:28:56 <justcool393> Shadowban macro of any type is alright
Oct 30 17 20:29:11 <BobCobble> ```Your {kind} was automatically removed by reddit and I have approved it for you.
Your user page shows Page Not Found - log out of reddit and look here -{author}
You can also [check your shadowban status here]({author}).
*This means you are shadowbanned by the reddit admins.*
Shadowbans are meant for spammers, not real users according to reddit's CEO [spez](/u/spez) -
[More information on shadowbans](
You should check the sidebar at /r/ShadowBan
Oct 30 17 20:29:22 <BobCobble> I stole it from somewhere, i don't remember where.
Oct 30 17 20:29:23 <Gumdrops> ```Hello {author},
Your account has been shadowbanned. Shadowbans are ***site wide*** bans that make your account appear normal to you, but none of your content can be viewed by anyone else unless approved by a subreddit moderator. Shadowbans typically are meant to be used for [automated spam bots](, but reddit uses them to ban human ran accounts that fall afoul of spam filters or break one of the [global reddit rules](
You have not been banned by a subreddit moderator. Only the reddit administrators can apply and remove shadowbans. The shadowban system is unrelated to subreddit moderation tools that volunteer moderators have access to.
To appeal your ban, read over some of the guides in /r/ShadowBan, and then [submit an appeal to the subreddit]( to contact the reddit administrators. ```
Oct 30 17 20:29:25 <Gumdrops> That's mine
Oct 30 17 20:29:44 <justcool393> Thanks! 😃
Oct 30 17 20:30:05 <Gumdrops> 99% of the time I get people replying 'but I can read their comment?!'
Oct 30 17 20:30:37 <justcool393> Yeah. Sometimes I still see them commenting in the queue as if nothing's happened
Oct 30 17 20:30:44 <Shane> >I reapporved it cuz I am nice
instant karma
Oct 30 17 20:31:40 <justcool393> basically yea
Oct 30 17 20:34:51 <BobCobble> yeah it does
Oct 30 17 20:35:02 <BobCobble> i get karma whenever i leave that macro
Oct 30 17 20:36:00 <Deimos> one of the spam-filtered comments had no links or anything in it, so I'd say it's definitely not related to the macro itself
Oct 30 17 20:40:29 <justcool393> Yeah I didn't think it was the macro, but I was just curious to have it, itself. I'm guessing the spam filter has taken a liking to Gumdrops
Oct 30 17 21:08:21 <pussgurka> that is neato Gumdrops
Oct 30 17 21:27:14 <Gumdrops> My macro? pussgurka
Oct 30 17 21:27:27 <pussgurka> yeah
Oct 30 17 21:27:33 <Gumdrops> Thankya
Oct 30 17 21:27:37 <pussgurka> ❤
Nov 03 17 15:13:30 <yumyum36> 503 byte timeout for modmail?
Nov 03 17 15:14:35 <yumyum36>
Nov 03 17 15:15:08 <BobCobble> I was getting that error yesterday but it's working fine for me now.
Nov 03 17 15:15:16 <yumyum36> Ah, it took a couple minutes but it fixed itself now.
Nov 03 17 18:36:39 <creesch> That is actually exactly what a 503 error means. It is an indication of temp overload in a request or possibly maintaince.
Nov 04 17 04:25:32 <RandomRedditorWithNo> Is a seperate site from reddit or something?
Nov 04 17 04:25:58 <RandomRedditorWithNo> I've noticed my toolbox toolbar won't show up with anything if I'm in modmail
Nov 04 17 04:31:47 <allthefoxes> yes
Nov 04 17 04:31:58 <allthefoxes> toolbox doesn't run on that subdomain
Nov 04 17 04:32:00 <allthefoxes> so it doesn't break it
Nov 04 17 04:49:45 <MajorParadox> There's some toolbox
Nov 04 17 05:04:06 <williammck> Toolbox works for me on new modmail?
Nov 04 17 07:48:07 <BobCobble> yeah it does for me too
Nov 04 17 12:14:38 <Geo☆1088> Latest tb definitely runs there
Nov 04 17 12:20:07 <RandomRedditorWithNo> time for an update then?
Nov 04 17 12:21:30 <Geo☆1088> Probably
Nov 04 17 12:48:52 <DirtyFormal> Anyone getting a timeout for
Nov 04 17 13:03:22 <RandomRedditorWithNo> might just be lots of traffic
Nov 04 17 13:04:01 <DirtyFormal> RIP reddit
Nov 04 17 16:00:39 <Tealeaf> rip
Nov 06 17 19:55:18 <pussgurka> F
Nov 07 17 19:39:43 <ri0tnrrd> sssooo I have a question about the spam page - does it ever clear or is there a way to clear it????
Nov 07 17 19:59:23 <Deimos> it doesn't clear, it's not a "queue" page, it's a place to view all removed posts
Nov 07 17 20:03:26 <allthefoxes> ^
Nov 07 17 20:04:33 <justcool393> (I do wish there was a "spam" and "removed" ""queue"" (for "removed spam" and "removed not spam" stuff respectively) as well. I do look at it sometimes so I can add to AutoMod to train the filter, but the spam filter often seems more drunk than a bar on a Friday night.)
Nov 07 17 21:27:51 <ri0tnrrd> aahhhhh thank you - new mods alerted it to me and have been concerned what to do with them and honestly until a few days ago I never paied much attention to that page hahah'
Nov 07 17 22:13:50 <justcool393> There's also an "edited" and "reports" queue as well, although those aren't used much either nowadays.
Nov 08 17 08:04:04 <MC_Kloppedie> Does anyone else have extra amounts of non-spam posts in the modqueue? Seems like the admins tinkered with the filters
Nov 08 17 14:15:39 <lovetheheat> I have not noticed any more than usual. Soem subs have lots of spam as usual and some subs rarely get any
Nov 08 17 14:27:05 <MC_Kloppedie> Normal/regular users with enough karma got filtered in vexillology. Yesterday was hectic, we've added some users to the approved submitters. Thx for the feeback
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