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/map.proto Secret

Created July 14, 2016 20:40
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syntax = "proto3";
package Holoholo.Rpc;
message Map {
bool succuss = 1;
int32 ResponseNumber = 2;
GetMapObjectsOutProto list = 100;
message GetMapObjectsOutProto {
repeated ClientMapCellProto MapCell = 1;
// ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Status.Types.GetMapObjectsOutProto.Status Status = 2;
int32 Status = 2;
message ClientMapCellProto {
uint64 S2CellId = 1;
int64 AsOfTimeMs = 2;
repeated PokemonFortProto Fort = 3;
repeated ClientSpawnPointProto SpawnPoint = 4;
repeated WildPokemonProto WildPokemon = 5;
//unknown DeletedObject = 6;
bool IsTruncatedList = 7;
repeated PokemonSummaryFortProto FortSummary = 8;
repeated ClientSpawnPointProto DecimatedSpawnPoint = 9;
repeated MapPokemonProto MapPokemon = 10;
repeated NearbyPokemonProto NearbyPokemon = 11;
message WildPokemon {
string UniqueId = 1;
string PokemonId = 2;
int64 three = 3;
float four = 4;
int32 five = 5;
// unknown six = 6;
repeated NearbyPokemonProto pokemon = 11;
message MapPokemonProto {
string SpawnpointId = 1;
uint64 EncounterId = 2;
int32 PokedexTypeId = 3;
int64 ExpirationTimeMs = 4;
double Latitude = 5;
double Longitude = 6;
message PokemonFortProto {
string FortId = 1;
int64 LastModifiedMs = 2;
double Latitude = 3;
double Longitude = 4;
int32 Team = 5;
int32 GuardPokemonId = 6;
int32 GuardPokemonLevel = 7;
bool Enabled = 8;
// ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.FortType FortType = 9;
int32 FortType = 9;
int64 GymPoints = 10;
bool IsInBattle = 11;
//unknown ActiveFortModifier = 12;
Holoholo.Rpc.MapPokemonProto ActivePokemon = 13;
int64 CooldownCompleteMs = 14;
// ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.Sponsor.Types.FortSponsor.Sponsor Sponsor = 15;
int32 Sponsor = 15;
// ENUM.Holoholo.Rpc.RenderingType.Types.FortRenderingType.RenderingType RenderingType = 16;
int32 RenderingType = 16;
message PokemonSummaryFortProto {
string FortSummaryId = 1;
int64 LastModifiedMs = 2;
double Latitude = 3;
double Longitude = 4;
message ClientSpawnPointProto {
double Latitude = 2;
double Longitude = 3;
message WildPokemonProto {
uint64 EncounterId = 1;
int64 LastModifiedMs = 2;
double Latitude = 3;
double Longitude = 4;
string SpawnPointId = 5;
Holoholo.Rpc.PokemonProto Pokemon = 7;
int32 TimeTillHiddenMs = 11;
message NearbyPokemonProto {
int32 PokedexNumber = 1;
float DistanceMeters = 2;
uint64 EncounterId = 3;
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