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Created June 19, 2013 15:45
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Approximating decidable equality for the type nCk. As with GlobSet and DeltaSet, we implement locally the needed homotopy theory (which is trivial); `Require Import Homotopy` will do as well, modulo some notation, some names. I'd also bet some disappointment that the rhyming staves at the end of `nCk_uniq` are encapsulated in some named Lemma in…
Inductive path { A : Type } : A -> A -> Type :=
| idpath (a : A) : path a a.
Notation " a == b " := (path a b) (at level 70).
Definition pathdec (A : Type) : Type :=
forall a b : A, sum (a == b) ( a == b -> False ).
Lemma cts { A B : Type } (f : A -> B) { x y : A } (p : x == y) :
f x == f y.
destruct p.
apply idpath.
Lemma twocat { A : Type } { a b c : A } :
a == b -> b == c -> a == c.
intros x y.
destruct x; destruct y; apply idpath.
Lemma trans { A : Type } ( P : A -> Type ) { x y : A } (p : P x) :
x == y -> P y.
destruct X. auto.
Inductive nCk : nat -> nat -> Type :=
| zz : nCk 0 0
| incl { n k } : nCk n k -> nCk (S n) (S k)
| excl { n k } : nCk n k -> nCk (S n) k.
Fixpoint size (l : list bool) : nat :=
match l with
| nil => 0
| cons true ll => S (size ll)
| cons false ll => size ll end.
Fixpoint length {A : Type} (l : list A) : nat :=
match l with
| nil => 0
| cons _ ll => S (length ll) end.
Fixpoint codeClist {n m : nat} ( ct : nCk n m ) :
{ ll : list bool & n == length ll & m == size ll }.
destruct ct.
exists nil; apply idpath.
destruct (codeClist _ _ ct) as [ l' e1 e2 ].
exists (cons true l');
simpl; apply cts; auto.
destruct (codeClist _ _ ct) as [ l' e1 e2 ].
exists (cons false l'); simpl; try apply cts; auto.
Fixpoint decodeClist (ll : list bool) : nCk (length ll) (size ll).
destruct ll.
apply zz.
destruct b; simpl.
apply incl. apply decodeClist.
apply excl. apply decodeClist.
Definition my_equiv_type { n m : nat } (ct : nCk n m) : Type.
destruct (codeClist ct) as [ ll eq1 eq2 ].
set (ct' := trans (fun y => nCk (length ll) y) (trans (fun x => nCk x m) ct eq1) eq2).
simpl in ct'.
exact ( ct' == decodeClist ll ).
Lemma nCk_uniq { n m : nat } ( ct : nCk n m ):
my_equiv_type ct.
unfold my_equiv_type.
induction ct; simpl.
apply idpath.
set (v := codeClist ct) in *.
destruct v.
refine ( twocat _ (cts incl IHct)).
revert p p0.
generalize (length x); generalize (size x).
clear. intros.
destruct p.
destruct p0.
apply idpath.
set ( v := codeClist ct ) in *.
destruct v.
refine ( twocat _ (cts excl IHct)).
revert p p0.
generalize (length x); generalize (size x).
clear. intros.
destruct p.
destruct p0.
apply idpath.
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