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Created May 25, 2013 05:26
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Save anonymous/5ad45e2ddf4647838d18 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Attempting to add Strip Text using a INSERT INTO ... SELECT query kills
// the execution time.
// GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT Strip_Text_Table.Text SEPARATOR "\n\n") AS Strip_Text ... LEFT JOIN Strip_Text AS Strip_Text_Table ON ((Strip_Text_Table.Parent_Table = "Panels" AND Strip_Panels.ID = Strip_Text_Table.Parent_ID) OR (Strip_Text_Table.Parent_Table = "Scenes" AND Strip_Panels.Scene_ID = Strip_Text_Table.Parent_ID))
// Locations_Used_Inherited uses logic that would be difficult or
// impossible to implement using SQL.
// The User_Strip_Characters and User_Strip_Locations tables must be
// compiled piecemeal to increment the ProminenceTally. Even if SQL logic
// could be used to populate User_Strip_Characters, User_Strip_Locations
// must still be compiled in this way to account for Locations_Used_
// Inherited.
$db->query('INSERT INTO User_Strips SELECT Strip_Dates.Strip_Date, Strip_Dates.Strip_ID AS ID, DATE_FORMAT(Strip_Dates.Strip_Date, "%W") AS Day, COUNT(DISTINCT Strip_Panels.ID) AS Panels, COUNT(DISTINCT Strip_Panels.Scene_ID) AS Scenes, IF(Strip_Dates.Strip_Date = (SELECT MIN(Strip_Dates2.Strip_Date) FROM Strip_Dates AS Strip_Dates2 WHERE Strip_ID = Strip_Dates.Strip_ID),"No","Yes") AS Duplicate, IF(COUNT(DISTINCT Strip_Scene_Characters.Character_ID) > 0, CONCAT("-",GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT Strip_Scene_Characters.Character_ID SEPARATOR "-"),"-"), NULL) AS Characters_Appear, IF(COUNT(DISTINCT Strip_Subject_Characters.Subject_ID) > 0, CONCAT("-",GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT Strip_Subject_Characters.Subject_ID SEPARATOR "-"),"-"), NULL) AS Characters_Mentioned, CONCAT("-",GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT Strip_Scenes.Location SEPARATOR "-"),"-") AS Locations_Used, NULL AS Locations_Used_Inherited, IF(COUNT(DISTINCT Strip_Subject_Locations.Subject_ID) > 0, CONCAT("-",GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT Strip_Subject_Locations.Subject_ID SEPARATOR "-"),"-"), NULL) AS Locations_Mentioned, Storyline_Strips.Storyline_ID, NULL AS Strip_Text, SUBSTRING_INDEX(Strips.Notes, "\n\n", 1) AS Summary, IF(LOCATE("\n\n", Strips.Notes) IS NOT NULL AND LOCATE("\n\n", Strips.Notes) != 0, Strips.Notes, NULL) AS Notes FROM Strip_Dates LEFT JOIN Strip_Panels ON Strip_Dates.Strip_ID = Strip_Panels.Strip_ID LEFT JOIN Strip_Scene_Characters ON Strip_Panels.Scene_ID = Strip_Scene_Characters.Scene_ID LEFT JOIN Strip_Subjects AS Strip_Subject_Characters ON Strip_Subject_Characters.Subject_Table = "Characters" AND Strip_Dates.Strip_ID = Strip_Subject_Characters.Strip_ID LEFT JOIN Strip_Scenes ON Strip_Panels.Scene_ID = Strip_Scenes.ID LEFT JOIN Strip_Subjects AS Strip_Subject_Locations ON Strip_Subject_Locations.Subject_Table = "Locations" AND Strip_Dates.Strip_ID = Strip_Subject_Locations.Strip_ID LEFT JOIN Storyline_Strips ON Strip_Dates.Strip_ID = Storyline_Strips.Strip_ID LEFT JOIN Strips ON Strip_Dates.Strip_ID = Strips.ID GROUP BY Strip_Dates.Strip_Date ORDER BY Strip_Dates.Strip_Date ASC');
scriptTimer($timer, 'initial User_Strip insertion'); // 1 Second
$dates = $db->query('SELECT Strip_Date, ID, Duplicate, Characters_Appear, Characters_Mentioned, Locations_Used, Locations_Mentioned FROM User_Strips ORDER BY Strip_Date ASC');
$dates = $dates->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$stripTextQuery = $db->prepare('SELECT Text FROM Strip_Text WHERE (Parent_Table = "Scenes" AND Parent_ID IN(SELECT Scene_ID FROM Strip_Panels WHERE Strip_ID = ?)) OR (Parent_Table = "Panels" AND Parent_ID IN(SELECT ID FROM Strip_Panels WHERE Strip_ID = ?))');
$updateQuery = $db->prepare('UPDATE User_Strips SET Locations_Used_Inherited = ?, Strip_Text = ? WHERE Strip_Date = ?');
$charactersUpdateQuery = $db->prepare('INSERT User_Strip_Characters SET Strip_ID = ?, Character_ID = ?, Type = ?, ProminenceTally = ?');
$locationsUpdateQuery = $db->prepare('INSERT User_Strip_Locations SET Strip_ID = ?, Location_ID = ?, Type = ?, ProminenceTally = ?');
$locationParents = array();
foreach ($dates as $date) {
// Commented out because Strip_Text, which is not publically exposed as
// a constraint in the user interface, is one of the most time-intensive
// portions of user table rebuild.
// $stripTextQuery->execute(array($date['ID'], $date['ID']));
// $stripText = $stripTextQuery->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
// if (count($stripText) > 0)
// $strip['Strip_Text'] = implode("\n\n", $stripText);
// else
$strip['Strip_Text'] = null;
$locationsUsed = explode('-', substr($date['Locations_Used'], 1, -1));
$locationsInherited = array();
foreach ($locationsUsed as $location) {
if (!isset($locationParents[$location])) {
$locationParents[$location] = array('0');
while (true) {
$parentsQuery = $db->query('(SELECT DISTINCT Parent_ID AS Parent FROM Locations WHERE (ID = '.$location.' OR ID IN('.implode(',',$locationParents[$location]).')) AND Parent_ID != 0) UNION DISTINCT (SELECT DISTINCT Parent_ID AS Parent FROM Location_SecondaryParents WHERE Location_ID = '.$location.' OR Location_ID IN('.implode(',',$locationParents[$location]).')) ORDER BY Parent ASC');
$newParents = $parentsQuery->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
if (count($newParents) === 0) {
$locationParents[$location] = $newParents;
elseif ($newParents === $locationParents[$location])
$locationParents[$location] = $newParents;
$locationsInherited = array_unique(array_merge($locationsInherited, $locationParents[$location]));
$locationsInherited = array_diff($locationsInherited, $locationsUsed);
if ($locationsInherited)
$strip['Locations_Used_Inherited'] = '-'.implode('-',$locationsInherited).'-';
$strip['Locations_Used_Inherited'] = null;
$updateQuery->execute(array($strip['Locations_Used_Inherited'], $strip['Strip_Text'], $date['Strip_Date']));
if ($date['Duplicate'] === 'Yes')
if (!is_null($date['Characters_Appear']))
$charactersAppear = explode('-', substr($date['Characters_Appear'], 1, -1));
$charactersAppear = array();
if (!is_null($date['Characters_Mentioned']))
$charactersMentioned = explode('-', substr($date['Characters_Mentioned'], 1, -1));
$charactersMentioned = array();
if (!is_null($date['Locations_Mentioned']))
$locationsMentioned = explode('-', substr($date['Locations_Mentioned'], 1, -1));
$locationsMentioned = array();
foreach (array_merge($charactersAppear, $charactersMentioned) as $character) {
if (!isset($characters[$character]))
$characters[$character] = 1;
foreach ($charactersAppear as $character) {
$charactersUpdateQuery->execute(array($date['ID'], $character, 'Appearance', $characters[$character]));
foreach ($charactersMentioned as $character) {
$charactersUpdateQuery->execute(array($date['ID'], $character, 'Mention', $characters[$character]));
foreach (array_merge($locationsUsed, $locationsInherited, $locationsMentioned) as $location) {
if (!isset($locations[$location]))
$locations[$location] = 1;
foreach ($locationsUsed as $location) {
$locationsUpdateQuery->execute(array($date['ID'], $location, 'Use', $locations[$location]));
foreach ($locationsInherited as $location) {
$locationsUpdateQuery->execute(array($date['ID'], $location, 'Inherited', $locations[$location]));
foreach ($locationsMentioned as $location) {
$locationsUpdateQuery->execute(array($date['ID'], $location, 'Mention', $locations[$location]));
$db->query('UPDATE Strips SET Changed = "No"');
scriptTimer($timer, 'supplemental User_Strip insertions'); // 257 Seconds
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