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Created August 16, 2014 02:52
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construct_Cortex(Agent_Id, Generation, SpecCon) ->
Cx_Id = {{origin, generate_UniqueId()}, cortex},
Morphology = SpecCon#constraint.morphology,
Sensors = [S#sensor{id = {{-1, generate_UniqueId()}, sensor}, cx_id = Cx_Id}
|| S <- morphology:get_InitSensors(Morphology)],
Actuators = [A#actuator{id = {{-1, generate_UniqueId()}, actuator}, cx_id = Cx_Id}
|| A <- morphology:get_InitActuators(Morphology)],
N_Ids = construct_InitialNeuroLayer(Cx_Id, Generation, SpecCon, Sensors,
Actuators, [], []),
S_Ids = [ || S <- Sensors],
A_Ids = [ || A <- Actuators],
Cortex = #cortex{
id = Cx_Id,
agent_id = Agent_Id,
neuron_ids = N_Ids,
sensor_ids = S_Ids,
actuator_ids = A_Ids},
{Cx_Id, [{0, N_Ids}]}.
get_InitSensors(Morphology) ->
Sensors = morphology:Morphology(sensors),
[lists:nth(1, Sensors)].
get_InitActuators(Morphology) ->
Actuators = morphology:Morphology(actuators),
[lists:nth(1, Actuators)].
get_Sensors(Morphology) ->
get_Actuators(Morphology) ->
xor_mimic(sensors) ->
[#sensor{name = xor_GetInput, scape = {private, xor_sim}, vl = 2}];
xor_mimic(actuators) ->
[#sensor{name = xor_SendOutput, scape = {private, xor_sim}, vl = 1}].
generate_id() ->
{MegaSeconds, Seconds, MicroSeconds} = now(),
1 / (MegaSeconds * 1000000 + Seconds + MicroSeconds / 1000000).
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