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Created September 20, 2017 01:13
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Installation script
# This script will test if you have given a leap year or not.
echo "Installing xcode...\n"
#command line install for xcode
xcode-select --install
echo "Installing homebrew...\n"
# Install homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew update
brew tap caskroom/cask
brew install mas
brew install python
brew install python3
brew install git
brew install mongodb
brew install wget
brew install imagemagick
brew cask install xquartz
brew cask install adobe-acrobat-reader
brew cask install caffeine
brew cask install camtasia
brew cask install dia
brew cask install docker
brew cask install docker-toolbox
brew cask install dropbox
brew cask install filezilla
brew cask install firefox
brew cask install flux
brew cask install gitkraken
brew cask install google-chrome
brew cask install google-photos-backup-and-sync
brew cask install google-web-designer
brew cask install handbrake
brew cask install iterm2
brew cask install java
brew cask install multimarkdown-composer
brew cask install onedrive
brew cask install pycharm-ce
brew cask install qgis
brew cask install sip
brew cask install slack
brew cask install texturepacker
brew cask install the-unarchiver
brew cask install tiled
brew cask install vagrant
brew cask install visual-studio-code
brew cask install vlc
echo "Enter your app store email:"
read email
echo "Enter your app store password:"
read pass
mas signin $email "$pass"
mas install 497799835
# CloudApp
mas install 417602904
# the unarchiver
mas install 425424353
# textwrangler
mas install 404010395
# Wunderlist: To-Do List & Tasks
mas install 410628904
# Alfred
mas install 405843582
# Magnet
mas install 441258766
# Markdown Pro
mas install 465965038
# Pixelmator
mas install 407963104
# Airmail 3
mas install 918858936
# Table2Text (Markdown, CSV)
mas install 1021891242
# JSON Editor
mas install 567740330
# iHex - Hex Editor
mas install 909566003
# PhotoSweeper
mas install 463362050
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