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Created August 29, 2016 00:44
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Javascript Operatorrrrsss Describing the shit out of Javascript Operators // source
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<title>Javascript Operatorrrrsss</title>
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//Operators are sort of like the prepositions of javascript. They express a
//relation of one thing to another, often a variable to another variable, or they
//facilitate a definition. Let's take a look below at some specific operator definitions
//and their examples.
//1. Assignment
//Assignment operators do what their name says--they assign a meaning, definition or
//function to something. Assignment operators always include an equal-sign ( = )
//and the only other form they take is the addition of any of the arithmetic operators
//before the equal sign to add that functionality to the equation.
//Here's a basic assignment operator in action:
"use strict";
var brendan = 10 + 19;
//Here's an example of an arithmetic operator added to an equal sign to make it into an arithmetic
//assignment operator:
var avery = 10;
avery += 18;
//2. Arithmetic
//Arithmetic operators are all the ways in which we can apply math to javascript variables or functions.
// Your basic operators are intuitive: + adds, - subtracts, * multiplies, and / divides.
//Modulus, or %, is a more complex arithmetic operator: it returns the remainder of the number before the
//modulus symbol, after being divided by the number after it. See below.
console.log(15 % 10);
//This would return 5, because 15 divided by 10 leaves a remainder of 5. The modulus is useful for
//discovering if a number, or a series of numbers, is divisible by another, by seeing if the modulus
//returns 0.
//Finally, the two arithmetic operators ++ and -- assign incrementation or decrementation to a number.
//console.log(10++); would return, for example, 10 11 12 13...but let's not do that, cause it would go
//on infinitely.
//3. Comparison
//Comparison operators are used for comparisons of all sorts
//4. Logical operators
//Logical operators work just like in real logical equations.
//&& means and, and || means or. || in javascript is an inclusive or, just like in logic, meaning
//if you have an if (this || this), it will qualify if BOTH conditions are met as well. This is worth
//noting because in common everyday speech we very often mean an exclusive or--as in, I'm going to drive
//or walk to the store. Occasionally, we use it inclusively: I hope the Saints win this game, or win the
//whole thing, superbowl and all. In the latter case, we clearly mean "this OR that OR both."
// If we are writing an if else statement and we want an OR to be exclusive, we have to separate the
//two sides from each other, as shown below:
var x = 8;
if (x != 10 || z != 10) {
console.log("What's down this hole? Only one way to find oooouuuuuuu");
//5. Binary (!, typeOf, -)
// The operator ! meants not. This is useful for lots of things, most of all eliminating possibilities,
//rather than having to go through the process of getting a positive ID. For an example it can be as
//simple as:
var wayneDelCorral = 25;
function birthday(wayne) {
if (wayne != 25) {
console.log("Happy Birthday!");
} else {
console.log("Just another day :(");
wayneDelCorral = 24;
//The typeof operator is a way of assessing what kind of data type you are dealing with. It's very useful
//if, let's say, you've got a program filled with many many lines of code and at a certain point you're
//unsure what something is...whether it's a variable you've declared as a number, a string, or etc. Then
//you might use the typeof operator, like so:
console.log(typeof wayneDelCorral);
//Even easier is simply typing typeof wayneDelCorral into the console and it will respond with the
//string "number".
//The negative binary operator makes something into the opposite of itself. This is only possible for
//certain things,
//6. Turnary (a ? b : c)
//The ternary operator requires three different operating inputs and it is used as a shorthand method
//of doing an if statement. It fundamentally works in the same way except you are restricted to two
//options because there are two possible results. It asks: is this condition true? If so, do expression 1,
//if not, do expression 2. As such:
var isVegetarian = true;
var meatOrVeggie = isVegetarian ? "Three Cheese" : "Pepperoni";
<script id="jsbin-source-javascript" type="text/javascript">//JAVASCRIPT OPERATORS UNITE
//Operators are sort of like the prepositions of javascript. They express a
//relation of one thing to another, often a variable to another variable, or they
//facilitate a definition. Let's take a look below at some specific operator definitions
//and their examples.
//1. Assignment
//Assignment operators do what their name says--they assign a meaning, definition or
//function to something. Assignment operators always include an equal-sign ( = )
//and the only other form they take is the addition of any of the arithmetic operators
//before the equal sign to add that functionality to the equation.
//Here's a basic assignment operator in action:
var brendan = (10 + 19);
//Here's an example of an arithmetic operator added to an equal sign to make it into an arithmetic
//assignment operator:
var avery = 10;
avery += 18;
//2. Arithmetic
//Arithmetic operators are all the ways in which we can apply math to javascript variables or functions.
// Your basic operators are intuitive: + adds, - subtracts, * multiplies, and / divides.
//Modulus, or %, is a more complex arithmetic operator: it returns the remainder of the number before the
//modulus symbol, after being divided by the number after it. See below.
console.log(15 % 10);
//This would return 5, because 15 divided by 10 leaves a remainder of 5. The modulus is useful for
//discovering if a number, or a series of numbers, is divisible by another, by seeing if the modulus
//returns 0.
//Finally, the two arithmetic operators ++ and -- assign incrementation or decrementation to a number.
//console.log(10++); would return, for example, 10 11 12 13...but let's not do that, cause it would go
//on infinitely.
//3. Comparison
//Comparison operators are used for comparisons of all sorts
//4. Logical operators
//Logical operators work just like in real logical equations.
//&& means and, and || means or. || in javascript is an inclusive or, just like in logic, meaning
//if you have an if (this || this), it will qualify if BOTH conditions are met as well. This is worth
//noting because in common everyday speech we very often mean an exclusive or--as in, I'm going to drive
//or walk to the store. Occasionally, we use it inclusively: I hope the Saints win this game, or win the
//whole thing, superbowl and all. In the latter case, we clearly mean "this OR that OR both."
// If we are writing an if else statement and we want an OR to be exclusive, we have to separate the
//two sides from each other, as shown below:
var x = 8
if ((x !=10) || (z !=10)) {
console.log("What's down this hole? Only one way to find oooouuuuuuu")
//5. Binary (!, typeOf, -)
// The operator ! meants not. This is useful for lots of things, most of all eliminating possibilities,
//rather than having to go through the process of getting a positive ID. For an example it can be as
//simple as:
var wayneDelCorral = 25;
function birthday(wayne){
if (wayne != 25) {
console.log("Happy Birthday!");
else {
console.log("Just another day :(")
wayneDelCorral = 24;
//The typeof operator is a way of assessing what kind of data type you are dealing with. It's very useful
//if, let's say, you've got a program filled with many many lines of code and at a certain point you're
//unsure what something is...whether it's a variable you've declared as a number, a string, or etc. Then
//you might use the typeof operator, like so:
console.log(typeof wayneDelCorral);
//Even easier is simply typing typeof wayneDelCorral into the console and it will respond with the
//string "number".
//The negative binary operator makes something into the opposite of itself. This is only possible for
//certain things,
//6. Turnary (a ? b : c)
//The ternary operator requires three different operating inputs and it is used as a shorthand method
//of doing an if statement. It fundamentally works in the same way except you are restricted to two
//options because there are two possible results. It asks: is this condition true? If so, do expression 1,
//if not, do expression 2. As such:
var isVegetarian = true;
var meatOrVeggie = (isVegetarian ? "Three Cheese" : "Pepperoni");
//Operators are sort of like the prepositions of javascript. They express a
//relation of one thing to another, often a variable to another variable, or they
//facilitate a definition. Let's take a look below at some specific operator definitions
//and their examples.
//1. Assignment
//Assignment operators do what their name says--they assign a meaning, definition or
//function to something. Assignment operators always include an equal-sign ( = )
//and the only other form they take is the addition of any of the arithmetic operators
//before the equal sign to add that functionality to the equation.
//Here's a basic assignment operator in action:
"use strict";
var brendan = 10 + 19;
//Here's an example of an arithmetic operator added to an equal sign to make it into an arithmetic
//assignment operator:
var avery = 10;
avery += 18;
//2. Arithmetic
//Arithmetic operators are all the ways in which we can apply math to javascript variables or functions.
// Your basic operators are intuitive: + adds, - subtracts, * multiplies, and / divides.
//Modulus, or %, is a more complex arithmetic operator: it returns the remainder of the number before the
//modulus symbol, after being divided by the number after it. See below.
console.log(15 % 10);
//This would return 5, because 15 divided by 10 leaves a remainder of 5. The modulus is useful for
//discovering if a number, or a series of numbers, is divisible by another, by seeing if the modulus
//returns 0.
//Finally, the two arithmetic operators ++ and -- assign incrementation or decrementation to a number.
//console.log(10++); would return, for example, 10 11 12 13...but let's not do that, cause it would go
//on infinitely.
//3. Comparison
//Comparison operators are used for comparisons of all sorts
//4. Logical operators
//Logical operators work just like in real logical equations.
//&& means and, and || means or. || in javascript is an inclusive or, just like in logic, meaning
//if you have an if (this || this), it will qualify if BOTH conditions are met as well. This is worth
//noting because in common everyday speech we very often mean an exclusive or--as in, I'm going to drive
//or walk to the store. Occasionally, we use it inclusively: I hope the Saints win this game, or win the
//whole thing, superbowl and all. In the latter case, we clearly mean "this OR that OR both."
// If we are writing an if else statement and we want an OR to be exclusive, we have to separate the
//two sides from each other, as shown below:
var x = 8;
if (x != 10 || z != 10) {
console.log("What's down this hole? Only one way to find oooouuuuuuu");
//5. Binary (!, typeOf, -)
// The operator ! meants not. This is useful for lots of things, most of all eliminating possibilities,
//rather than having to go through the process of getting a positive ID. For an example it can be as
//simple as:
var wayneDelCorral = 25;
function birthday(wayne) {
if (wayne != 25) {
console.log("Happy Birthday!");
} else {
console.log("Just another day :(");
wayneDelCorral = 24;
//The typeof operator is a way of assessing what kind of data type you are dealing with. It's very useful
//if, let's say, you've got a program filled with many many lines of code and at a certain point you're
//unsure what something is...whether it's a variable you've declared as a number, a string, or etc. Then
//you might use the typeof operator, like so:
console.log(typeof wayneDelCorral);
//Even easier is simply typing typeof wayneDelCorral into the console and it will respond with the
//string "number".
//The negative binary operator makes something into the opposite of itself. This is only possible for
//certain things,
//6. Turnary (a ? b : c)
//The ternary operator requires three different operating inputs and it is used as a shorthand method
//of doing an if statement. It fundamentally works in the same way except you are restricted to two
//options because there are two possible results. It asks: is this condition true? If so, do expression 1,
//if not, do expression 2. As such:
var isVegetarian = true;
var meatOrVeggie = isVegetarian ? "Three Cheese" : "Pepperoni";
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