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Created May 8, 2016 14:02
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Check Multiple NTP Clients in Powershell
############ Admin must change the parameters accordingly in the above section ###########
####### Trim the IP addresses check the port connections for 5985 and 5986 for WimRM Connection #######
if (Test-Path $HostFileLocation)
$HostNamesTrimmed=(gc $hostFileLocation) | foreach { $_.trim() }
############### function to check the ports 5985 & 5986 are opened to allow WinRM Connection ##############
$HostNamesTrimmed | foreach {
$job1=start-job -name job1 -scriptBlock { param($Destination)
$Socket1= New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient
$IAsyncResult1= [IAsyncResult] $Socket1.BeginConnect($Destination,'5985', $null, $null)
$success1= $IAsyncResult1.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(100,$true)
return $Socket1.Connected
} -ArgumentList $_
$job2=start-job -name job2 -scriptBlock { param($Destination)
$Socket2= New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient
$IAsyncResult2= [IAsyncResult] $Socket2.BeginConnect($Destination,'5986', $null, $null)
$success2= $IAsyncResult2.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(200,$true)
return $Socket2.Connected
} -ArgumentList $_
$Socket1Connected=wait-job -name job1 | receive-job
$Socket2Connected=wait-job -name job2 | receive-job
remove-job -name job1
remove-job -name job2
if (($Socket1Connected) -OR ($Socket2Connected))
Write-Host -Fore Red "$_`: Port 5985 or 5986 is not opened for WinRM Connection. Please make sure your system is up and Firewall is allowed"
####### If a valid host file not exist, then exit ;P ##############
Write-Host -Fore Red "Host file with list of IP addresses is not found. Now exit...";exit;
############### Output the value of time servers to be set ####################################
if ($Time_Server1)
{ Write-Host -Fore Cyan "The NTP1 value to be set is $Time_Server1" }
if ($Time_Server2)
{ Write-Host -Fore Cyan "The NTP2 value to be set is $Time_Server2" }
########################## Get the registry info & Time info from WMI call #####################
function get-regkey {
param (
$rh = '2147483650' # the value for HKLM
$key = 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DateTime\Servers'
$reg = [wmiclass]"\\$($computername)\root\default:StdRegprov"
$default=$reg.GetStringValue($rh, $key)
$server1=$reg.GetStringValue($rh, $key, '1')
$server2=$reg.GetStringValue($rh, $key, '2')
########### fetch from registry for the NTP parameters #########
if ( !$default.ReturnValue) { $def=$default.sValue } else { $def="The registry Key not Found for $key."}
if ( !$server1.ReturnValue) { $serv1=$server1.sValue } else { $serv1="Not Found"}
if ( !$server2.ReturnValue) { $serv2=$server2.sValue } else { $serv2="Not Found"}
############# fetch the time info from WMI ##################
$serviceStatus=(get-service w32time).status
$timeinfo=get-wmiobject -class win32_operatingsystem
############# fetch the TimeZone info from WMI ###############
$TimezoneInfo=(Get-WmiObject -class win32_timezone).standardname
################### covert the Offset minute value to hour:minute string format ###########
if([math]::sign($timeinfo.CurrentTimeZone) -eq 1)
$t=new-TimeSpan -minutes ($timeinfo.CurrentTimeZone)
elseif ([math]::sign($timeinfo.CurrentTimeZone) -eq "-1")
$t=new-TimeSpan -minutes ([math]::abs($timeinfo.CurrentTimeZone))
return $ServerName,$def,$serv1,$serv2,$currentTime,$serviceStatus,$GMTOffset,$GMTOffsetInMinutes,$TimezoneInfo,$OSversion
####################### Set the registry info to the values ############################
function set-regkey { param([string]$regValue1='',[string]$regValue2='',[string]$IPAddress,[string]$computername="$env:COMPUTERNAME")
$rh = '2147483650' # the value for HKLM
$key = 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DateTime\Servers'
$reg = [wmiclass]"\\$($computername)\root\default:StdRegprov"
if ($regValue1)
{ $result1=$reg.SetStringValue($rh, $key, '1', $regValue1)
if (!$result1.returnValue)
{ Write-Host -fore green "$($IPAddress) has successfully changed the NTP1 Value to $regValue1" }
{Write-Host -Fore Red "$($IPAddress)`:Unknown Error Occurred. Please make sure you have write access to registry. Time Server value is not changed`n" }
if ($regValue2)
{ $result2=$reg.SetStringValue($rh, $key, '2', $regValue2)
if (!$result2.returnValue)
{ Write-Host -fore green "$($IPAddress) has successfully changed the NTP2 Value to $regValue2" }
{ Write-Host -Fore Red "$($IPAddress)`:Unknown Error Occurred. Please make sure you have write access to registry. Time Server value is not changed`n" }
########## Create the custom Psobject to store the output from invoked action ##########
$serverObj= New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Prop $properties
$Timer= [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() ### New starting point of the timer object
for ($i=0;$i -lt $hostlist.count; $i++)
################ Get the Server info and time by calling functions #######################
$temp=Invoke-Command -Computername $hostlist[$i] -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock ${function:get-regkey}
$output+= $serverObj | select ServerName,IPAddress,TimeService,TimeServer1,TimeServer2,DefSvr,GMTOffset,CurrentTime,GMTOffsetInMinutes,TimezoneInfo,OSversion
if ($serverObj.TimeService.Value -eq "Stopped") { $ServiceStopped=1}
$output | ft ServerName,IPAddress,TimeService,TimeServer1,TimeServer2,DefSvr,GMTOffset,TimezoneInfo,CurrentTime -auto
############################### Compare the given NTP1 values with the value in registry #############################
if ($Time_Server1)
$output | foreach {
if($_.TimeServer1 -ine $Time_Server1)
Write-Host -fore red "$($_.IPAddress) does not have a valid NTP Server"
############## Once user confirmed,Change the NTP1 value of each Servers by calling set-regkey function #################
$ToCorrectNTPServer1=Read-Host "Do You want to change First NTP Server value of these $($InvalidTimeServer1IPs.count) Server(s) to $($Time_Server1.Trim())?(y/n)"
if ($ToCorrectNTPServer1 -eq 'y'){
for ($i=0;$i -lt $InvalidTimeServer1IPs.count;$i++)
Invoke-Command -Computername $InvalidTimeServer1IPs[$i] -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock ${function:set-regkey} -ArgumentList $Time_Server1,$Null,$InvalidTimeServer1IPs[$i]
elseif ($ToCorrectNTPServer1 -eq 'n' ){$ToCorrectNTPServer1=1}
else {$ToCorrectNTPServer1=0}
} while (!$ToCorrectNTPServer1)
############################### Compare the given NTP2 values with the value in registry ##################
if ($Time_Server2)
$output | foreach {
if($_.TimeServer2 -ine $Time_Server2)
Write-Host -fore red "$($_.IPAddress) does not have a valid NTP2 Server"
############## Once user confirmed,Change the NTP2 value of each Servers by calling set-regkey function #################
$ToCorrectNTPServer2=Read-Host "Do You want to change Second NTP Server value of these $($InvalidTimeServer2IPs.count) Server(s) to $($Time_Server2.Trim())?(y/n)"
if ($ToCorrectNTPServer2 -eq 'y'){
for ($i=0;$i -lt $InvalidTimeServer2IPs.count;$i++)
Invoke-Command -Computername $InvalidTimeServer2IPs[$i] -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock ${function:set-regkey} -ArgumentList $Null,$Time_Server2,$InvalidTimeServer2IPs[$i]
elseif ($ToCorrectNTPServer2 -eq 'n' ){$ToCorrectNTPServer2=1}
else {$ToCorrectNTPServer2=0}
} while (!$ToCorrectNTPServer2)
if (!($InvalidTimeServer1IPs -AND $InvalidTimeServer2IPs))
{ Write-Host -Fore Green "The NTP settings are correct on All Servers"}
################### Find the Standard GMT Offset and output the incorrect TimeZone #############
if (($NumberOfTimeZones=$output | group-object -property TimezoneInfo | sort-object -property count -desc | select -first 1).count -eq 1)
echo "It have some problems in getting TimeZone information, so using your Time Zone as Default"
$GMTOffsetStandard= (Get-WmiObject -class win32_timezone).standardname
echo "The Standard Timezone becomes $GMTOffsetStandard"
Write-Host -fore Green "`nGetting Standard Timezone is OK"
$GMTOffsetStandard= ($output | group-object -property TimezoneInfo | sort-object -property count -desc | select -first 1).name
Write-Host "The Standard Time zone is $GMTOffsetStandard"
#################### Compare each computer's time zone with the standard time zone,by creating TimeZone objects ################
$IncorrectTimeZoneServerInfo=New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property @{IP="";OSversion=""}
$output | foreach {
if ( $_.TimezoneInfo -eq $GMTOffsetStandard )
else {
Write-Host -fore red "$($_.IPAddress) has a wrong Time Zone"
$IncorrectTimeZoneServers+=$IncorrectTimeZoneServerInfo | select IP,OSversion
###### Prompt the user to change the TimeZone and if yes, take action according to OS version ###########
if ($IncorrectTimeZoneServers)
$ToCorrectTimeZone=Read-Host "Do you want to correct the incorrect Time Zones?(y/n)"
if ($ToCorrectTimeZone -eq 'y'){
$IncorrectTimeZoneServers | foreach {
if ( $_.OSversion.split('.')[0] -lt 6)
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_.IP -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock { param($IP,$NewTimeZone)echo "control.exe timedate.cpl,,/Z$NewTimeZone" | cmd.exe
if ((Get-WmiObject -class win32_timezone).StandardName -eq $NewTimeZone) {Write-Host -Fore Green "$IP`:Setting TimeZone is OK"}
} -ArgumentList $_.IP,$GMTOffsetStandard
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_.IP -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock { param($IP,$NewTimeZone)tzutil.exe /s $NewTimeZone
if ((Get-WmiObject -class win32_timezone).StandardName -eq $NewTimeZone) {Write-Host -Fore Green "$IP`:Setting TimeZone is OK"}
} -ArgumentList $_.IP,$GMTOffsetStandard
elseif ($ToCorrectTimeZone -eq 'n' ){$ToCorrectTimeZone=1}
else {$ToCorrectTimeZone=0}
} while (!$ToCorrectTimeZone)
{ Write-Host -fore Green "All servers have the correct TimeZone" }
############ Find the Standard Time by group-object method on the first two part of time, the 'sec' part is as another property##########################
############ Creating Array of Current Time values to find the standard Time ############
$ServerTimeObject=New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property @{IPAddress="";ComparePart="";LatestPart=""} ## ComparePart is MM/dd/YYYY hh:mm & LatestPart is ss to find avg
for($i=0;$i -lt $output.count;$i++) {
$TempStringFormat=[string]$output[$i].CurrentTime ### the value in CurrentTime is [DateTime] format, so we convert to string
$ServerTimeArray+=$ServerTimeObject | select IPAddress,ComparePart,LatestPart
############ function to find the average sec(s) value of two duplicate server times in minutes ##############
function get-AvgSecond()
$count=($ServerTimeArray | Group-Object -Property ComparePart | sort-object -property count -desc | select -first 1).count
$ChosenServerTimeGroup= $ServerTimeArray | Group-Object -Property ComparePart | sort-object -property count -desc | select -first 1 -expandproperty group
$ChosenServerTimeGroup | foreach { [int]$LatestPartSum+=$_.LatestPart }
return $AvgLatestPart=[math]::round($LatestPartSum/$count)
############ Code to find the the standard time, If not OK, use the local time as standard time #############
if (($ServerTimeArray | Group-Object -Property ComparePart | sort-object -property count -desc | select -first 1).count -eq 1)
$StandardTime=Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_operatingsystem
Write-Host -Fore Red "`nCan't choose the Standard Time among servers !"
Write-Host -Fore Yellow "So now the Your machine Time $StandardTimeExact becomes the standard time"
else {
$StandardTime=($ServerTimeArray | Group-Object -Property ComparePart | sort-object -property count -desc | select -first 1).name
#Write-Host "`nThe Standard Time is $StandardTime" ### You can output this value, exact to minutes match
$StandardTimeExact=[datetime]($StandardTime+':'+$AvgSecond) ### cannot validate standardtime among servers, so using average second value
Write-Host "`nThe Exact Standard Time is $StandardTimeExact"
########### Compare each computer's time with the standard time(hh:mm only) and prompts the user to change the current value #####
$ServerTimeArray | foreach {
if ( $_.ComparePart -eq $StandardTime )
else { $IncorrectTimeServerIPs+=$_.IPAddress
Write-Host -fore Red "$($_.IPAddress) has a wrong Date/Time"
########### Check each server has the correct time & prompt user to correct ###################
{ Write-Host -fore Green "All servers have the Correct Time" }
else {
$ChangeServerTimeValue=Read-Host "Do you want to change the value of All time servers to Standard time?(y/n)"
if ($ChangeServerTimeValue -eq 'y'){
Write-Host "The base standard tims is $StandardTimeExact"
Write-Host "The elpsed time waiting your confirm is $($Timer.elapsed.seconds) sec"
$ApplyTime= $StandardTimeExact.addseconds($Timer.elapsed.seconds)
Write-Host "So the new standard time to be apply is $ApplyTime"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $IncorrectTimeServerIPs -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock {param($NewDate) Set-Date $NewDate | out-null} -ArgumentList $ApplyTime
elseif ($ChangeServerTimeValue -eq 'n' ){$ChangeServerTimeValue=1}
else {$ChangeServerTimeValue=0}
} while (!$ChangeServerTimeValue)
######## Check the stopped services & restart if admin confirms###################
if ( $ServiceStopped -eq 1)
$StoppedServers+=$output | where { $_.TimeService.Value -eq "Stopped" } | select ServerName,IPAddress,TimeService,TimeServer1,TimeServer2,DefSvr,CurrentTime
$StoppedServers | ft ServerName,IPAddress,TimeService -auto
$NumberOfStoppedServices=$output | where { $_.TimeService.Value -eq "Stopped" } | measure-object
Write-Host -Fore Red "$($NumberOfStoppedServices.count) Time Service(s) are stopped"
################ Start the Time Service If admin comfirms ####################
$StartServiceConfirm=Read-Host "Do you want to start the services?(y/n)"
if ($StartServiceConfirm -eq 'y'){
$StoppedServers | foreach {
Invoke-Command -COMPUTERNAME $($_.IPAddress) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock { start-service -name w32time -EA SilentlyContinue}
if ((Invoke-Command -COMPUTERNAME $($_.IPAddress) -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock { Get-service -name w32time}).status -eq "Running")
{ Write-Host -Fore Green "Windows Time Service has successfully started on $($_.IPAddress)"}
else { Write-Host -Fore Red "Cannot start the service on $($_.IPAddress). Please make sure the Time Service is not currently disabled"}
$StartServiceConfirm=1 }
elseif ($StartServiceConfirm -eq 'n' ){$StartServiceConfirm=1}
else {$StartServiceConfirm=0;}
} while (!$StartServiceConfirm)
####################### List the NTP Settings after correction #########################
Write-Host "`nThe NTP Status after correction..."
for ($i=0;$i -lt $hostlist.count; $i++)
################ Get the Server info and time by calling functions #######################
$temp=Invoke-Command -Computername $hostlist[$i] -Credential $cred -ScriptBlock ${function:get-regkey}
$output+= $serverObj | select ServerName,IPAddress,TimeService,TimeServer1,TimeServer2,DefSvr,GMTOffset,CurrentTime,GMTOffsetInMinutes,TimezoneInfo,OSversion
if ($serverObj.TimeService.Value -eq "Stopped") { $ServiceStopped=1}
$output | ft ServerName,IPAddress,TimeService,TimeServer1,TimeServer2,DefSvr,GMTOffset,TimezoneInfo,CurrentTime -auto
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