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Created June 1, 2014 14:35
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/r/dailyprogrammer chal #164 befunge interpreter
use strict;
$| = 1;
my $STACKMAX = 1000;
my $VERBOSE = $ARGV[0] ne '' ? $ARGV[0] : 0;
my %directions = ('^' => [-1,0],
'v' => [1, 0],
'<' => [0,-1],
'>' => [0, 1]);
my @dimensions = (0, 0);
my @prog; # [r][c]
my @input;
my @stack;
my $result;
my ($A, $B, $C);
my @ptr = (0, 0);
my @direction = (0, 1);
sub getinput {
my ($flag, $l) = (0, 0);
chomp($_ = <STDIN>);
@input = split '';
for (<STDIN>) {
next if /^$/;
$flag = 1 unless /^\s*$/;
next if /^\s*$/ and !$flag;
$l = length($_) if length($_) > $l;
push @prog, [split ''];
@dimensions = (scalar @prog, $l);
if ($VERBOSE > 1) {
print "DIMENSIONS: $dimensions[0], $dimensions[1]\n";
print "PROGRAM: \n";
print join '', @{$prog[$_]}, "\n" for 0..$#prog;
print "#" x 79, "\n";
die "No program\n" unless $dimensions[0] > 0 and $dimensions[1] > 0;
sub moveptr {
$ptr[0] += $direction[0];
$ptr[1] += $direction[1];
$ptr[0] = 0 if $ptr[0] >= $dimensions[0];
$ptr[1] = 0 if $ptr[1] >= $dimensions[1];
$ptr[0] = $dimensions[0] - 1 if $ptr[0] < 0;
$ptr[1] = $dimensions[1] - 1 if $ptr[1] < 0;
sub getptr { return $prog[$ptr[0]][$ptr[1]]; }
sub warnifverb {
my ($str) = @_;
warn "$str\n" if $VERBOSE;
sub getstack {
my ($ct) = @_;
$A = pop @stack;
unless (defined $A) {
($A, $B, $C) = (0, 0, 0);
warnifverb("stack empty during operation $prog[$ptr[0]][$ptr[1]] " .
"at ptr position [$ptr[0], $ptr[1]]; treating \$A as 0\n");
return 1;
return 0 unless $ct == 2;
$B = pop @stack;
unless (defined $B) {
($B, $C) = (0, 0);
warnifverb("stack empty during operation $prog[$ptr[0]][$ptr[1]] " .
"at ptr position [$ptr[0], $ptr[1]]; treating \$B as 0\n");
return 2;
return 0 unless $ct == 3;
$C = pop @stack;
unless (defined $C) {
$C = 0;
warnifverb("stack empty during operation $prog[$ptr[0]][$ptr[1]] " .
"at ptr position [$ptr[0], $ptr[1]]; treating \$C as 0\n");
return 3;
return 0;
sub asciimode {
my $timer = 0;
print "Characters added during ASCII mode: '" if $VERBOSE >= 2;
until (($_ = getptr) eq '"') {
print if $VERBOSE >= 2;
push @stack, ord $_;
die "stack overflow\n" if @stack > $STACKMAX;
print "'\n" if $VERBOSE >= 2;
sub progloop {
while(1) {
$_ = getptr;
print "\nOP at pos $ptr[0], $ptr[1]: $_\n" if $VERBOSE > 1;
die "stack overflow\n" if @stack > $STACKMAX;
if (/[0-9]/) { push @stack, ord($_) - 48; }
if (/[+\-*\/\%]/) {
eval "\$result = int($B $_ $A)";
if ($@) {
$@ =~ s/at \(eval \d+\) line \d+\.$//;
warnifverb("\U$@ at ptr position [$ptr[0], $ptr[1]]\n");
} else {
push @stack, $result;
if (/"/) { asciimode; }
if (/[v<>^]/) {
$direction[0] = ${$directions{$_}}[0];
$direction[1] = ${$directions{$_}}[1];
if (/\?/) {
my $r = int rand keys %directions;
($direction[0], $direction[1]) =
(${$directions{(sort keys %directions)[$r]}}[0],
${$directions{(sort keys %directions)[$r]}}[1]);
if (/`/) {
push @stack, ($B > $A ? 1 : 0);
if (/!/) {
push @stack, ($A ? 0 : 1);
if (/_/) {
@direction = $A ? (0, -1) : (0, 1);
if (/\|/) {
@direction = $A ? (-1, 0) : (1, 0);
if (/:/) {
if (@stack) { push @stack, $stack[-1]; }
else {
warnifverb("stack empty; could not duplicate end of stack " .
"at ptr position [$ptr[0], $ptr[1]]\n");
if (/\\/) {
if (@stack >= 2) { ($stack[-1], $stack[-2]) = ($stack[-2], $stack[-1]) }
else {
my $n = scalar @stack;
warnifverb("stack contains $n values; " .
"could not swap end at ptr position [$ptr[0], $ptr[1]]\n");
if (/\$/) {
if (@stack) { pop @stack; }
else {
warnifverb("stack empty; could not discard value " .
"at ptr position [$ptr[0], $ptr[1]]\n");
if (/\./) {
print "$A ";
if (/,/) {
print chr $A;
if (/#/) { moveptr; }
if (/p/) {
if (@stack >= 3) {
($A, $B, $C) = (pop @stack, pop @stack, pop @stack);
print "$prog[$A][$B] ->" if $VERBOSE > 2;
$prog[$A][$B] = chr $C;
print "$prog[$A][$B] PROGRAM: \n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
if ($VERBOSE > 2) {
print join '', @{$prog[$_]}, "\n" for 0..$#prog;
} else {
my $n = scalar @stack;
warnifverb("stack contains $n values; " .
"could not change prog value at ptr position [$ptr[0], $ptr[1]]\n");
if (/g/) {
if (@stack >= 2) {
($A, $B) = (pop @stack, pop @stack);
push @stack, ord($prog[$A][$B]);
} else {
warnifverb("stack contains ", scalar @stack, " values; " .
"could not get prog value at ptr position [$ptr[0], $ptr[1]]\n");
if (/&/) {
if (@input) {
my $val;
my $n = 0;
if ($input[0] =~ /[0-9]/) {
while ($input[0] =~ /[0-9]/) {
$val = shift @input;
$n = $n * 10 + ord($val) - 48;
push @stack, $n;
} else { warnifverb("input is not number at ptr position [$ptr[0], $ptr[1]]\n"); }
} else { warnifverb("no input during operation $_ at ptr position [$ptr[0], $ptr[1]]\n"); }
if (/~/) {
my $val = shift @input;
if (defined $val) {
push @stack, ord $val;
} else {
warnifverb("no input during operation $_ at ptr position [$ptr[0], $ptr[1]]\n");
if (/@/) {
if ($VERBOSE > 2) {
print "PROGRAM: \n";
print join '', @{$prog[$_]}, "\n" for 0..$#prog;
print "\nStack at pos $ptr[0], $ptr[1]: @stack\n" if $VERBOSE > 2;
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