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Created August 17, 2013 14:14
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perl6 sudoku solver
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
sub compare-cell($other, $this, :$all) {
if ($other ~~ Array) {
if ($all) {
return $other.grep({ $this == $_ }) ?? 1 !! 0;
} else {
return 0;
} else {
return $other == $this;
sub clone-sudoku($sudoku) {
my $clone = [];
for 0..8 X 0..8 -> $x, $y {
$clone[$x] ||= [];
$clone[$x][$y] = $sudoku[$x][$y];
return $clone;
sub cleanup-impossible-values($sudoku, $level = 1) {
my Bool $resolved;
repeat {
$resolved = False;
for 0..2 X 0..2 X 0..2 X 0..2 -> $sx, $sy, $x, $y {
if ($sudoku[$x+3*$sx][$y+3*$sy] ~~ Array) {
# impossible values are the values listed as possible but that
# actually are already assigned...
$sudoku[$x+3*$sx][$y+3*$sy] = [
# make sure the value is not resolved as any in this section
grep { !compare-cell($sudoku[any(0..2)+3*$sx][any(0..2)+3*$sy], $_) &&
!compare-cell($sudoku[any(0..8)][$y+3*$sy], $_) &&
!compare-cell($sudoku[$x+3*$sx][any(0..8)], $_) },
# for all the possible values
if ($sudoku[$x+3*$sx][$y+3*$sy].elems == 1) {
# if only one element is left, then make it resolved
say '.' x $level ~ "$sx $sy $x $y solved...";
$sudoku[$x+3*$sx][$y+3*$sy] =
$resolved = True;
} elsif ($sudoku[$x+3*$sx][$y+3*$sy].elems == 0) {
say '.' x $level ~ "Invalid solution...";
return 0;
} while $resolved;
return 1;
sub print-sudoku($sudoku, $level = 1) {
say '.' x $level ~ '-' x 5*9;
say '.' x $level ~ (map -> $row {
(map -> $cell {
$cell ~~ Array ?? "#{$cell.elems}#" !! " $cell "
}, @($row)).join(" ")
}, @($sudoku)).join("\n"~('.'x$level));
sub solve-sudoku($sudoku, $level = 1) {
for 0..8 X 0..8 -> $x, $y {
next unless $sudoku[$x][$y] ~~ Array;
my @candidates = @($sudoku[$x][$y]);
for @candidates -> $val {
say '.' x $level ~ "Trying $val on $x,$y";
my $solution = clone-sudoku($sudoku);
$solution[$x][$y] = $val;
cleanup-impossible-values($solution, $level) or next;
my $solved = solve-sudoku($solution, $level + 1);
if $solved {
return $solved;
say '.' x $level ~ "Backtrack, path unsolvable...";
return 0;
say '.' x $level ~ "Fully solved";
return $sudoku;
my $sudoku =
map { [ map { $_ == 0 ?? [1..9] !! $_+0 }, @($_) ] },
[ 0,0,1,0,0,5,3,0,0 ],
[ 0,5,0,4,9,0,0,0,0 ],
[ 0,0,0,1,0,2,0,6,4 ],
[ 0,0,0,0,0,0,7,5,0 ],
[ 6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 ],
[ 0,3,5,0,0,0,0,0,0 ],
[ 4,6,0,9,0,3,0,0,0 ],
[ 0,0,0,0,2,4,0,9,0 ],
[ 0,0,3,6,0,0,1,0,0 ];
my $solved = solve-sudoku($sudoku);
if $solved {
} else {
say "unsolvable.";
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