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Created August 5, 2013 19:32
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// sample jasmine test
describe('Test', function(){
// the variables that we need in each unit test. TestUtils is a service containing common test methods
var httpBackend, Restangular, TestUtils, q, scope;
// first we initialize the required modules
beforeEach(function() {
// the module to be tested
// the test utils module
// then we use the $injector to obtain the instances of the services we would like to mock/use
// but not of the service that we want to test
beforeEach(inject(function( _Restangular_, _$httpBackend_, _TestUtils_, $q, $rootScope) {
httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
Restangular = _Restangular_;
TestUtils = _TestUtils_;
q = $q;
scope = $rootScope.$new();
// a sample definition on which method we are about to test
describe('getNewRes test', function(){
// actual test implementation
it('A description of what should the method do', inject(function(SomeVariableService){
// set up a spy on Restangular, so we test with what parameters it was called, also allow the call to continue
spyOn(Restangular, 'one').andCallThrough();
// a mock to be returned from http. We would later expect our service to 'enhance' this mock with an additional property
var mockToReturn = {
someProp: 'someValue',
someOtherProp: 'someOtherValue'
// a parameter with which the http service we expect to be called
var someParameter = 'someParameter';
// httpBackend would append a "/" in front of a restangular call
httpBackend.expectGET('/someVariable', {
someParameter: someParameter
// respond with the mock
// now call our service
var newRes = SomeVariableService.getNewRes(someParameter);
// handle restangular expectations
// flush the backend to unproxy the restangular promise
// now follows the tricky part. The restangular promise has been unproxied by the httpBackend.flush call,
// but our promise, the one we return in the service, still hasn't been unproxied
// so, if we were to directly expect it to be unproxied, we are in for a surprise, it is a still a promise
// this took some fiddling, but I created a utility function that will do the unproxying for you:
newRes = TestUtils.resolvePromise(newRes, q, scope);
// expect the new object to have been 'enhanced' by the service
someProp: 'someValue',
someOtherProp: 'someOtherValue',
newlyCreatedProp : 'newlyCreatedProp'
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