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Created February 13, 2009 17:19
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# /etc/puppet/modules/tomcat/manifests
class tomcat6 {
# define your resource type
define configuration($loglevel_default, $loglevel_httpclientapache, $loglevel_httpclientwire, $loglevel_sportex, $loglevel_lus, $loglevel_apache, $loglevel_springframework, $loglevel_quartz, $loglevel_apachecxf) {
file { "/etc/tomcat6/": content => template("tomcat6/log4j_properties.erb") }
package { tomcat6: ensure => latest }
### user info
$user = 'tomcat'
$group = 'tomcat'
### ports
# if USE_KEYSTORE = 'TRUE' the following needs to be defined:
# keystoreFile="<%= keystore_file %>"
# keystorePass="<%= keystore_password %>"
# truststoreFile="<%= truststore_file %>"
# keystoreType="<%= keystore_type %>"
# truststorePass="<%= truststore_password %>"
# truststoreType="<%= truststore_type %>"
# clientAuth="<%= client_auth %>" sslProtocol="TLS"
# $shutdown_port = '8005',
# http_port => '8080',
# https_port => '8443',
# connection_timeout = '20000'
# max_threads = '150'
configuration { "/etc/tomcat6/": loglevel_default => 'DEBUG',
loglevel_httpclientapache => $loglevel_default,
loglevel_httpclientwire => $loglevel_default,
loglevel_sportex => $loglevel_default,
loglevel_lus => $loglevel_default,
loglevel_apache => $loglevel_default,
loglevel_springframework => $loglevel_default,
loglevel_quartz => $loglevel_default,
loglevel_apachecxf => $loglevel_default }
### default config files
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