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@Copyright Looking Glass Studios, Inc.
1996,1997,1998,1999,2000 Unpublished Work.
* $Source: x:/prj/tech/libsrc/md/RCS/mds.h $
* $Revision: 1.22 $
* $Author: alique $
* $Date: 1970/01/01 00:00:00 $
* Structure definitions for the Model library
#ifndef __MDS_H
#define __MDS_H
#pragma once
#include <matrixs.h>
#include <r3ds.h>
// Current MD version number
#define MD_CUR_VER 4
// Current backwards compatible number
// Enable backface intersection checking
// New thing we use for parms
typedef struct mds_parm {
union {
mxs_ang ang;
float slide;
} mds_parm;
typedef struct mds_sphere {
mxs_vector cen;
float rad;
} mds_sphere;
// Model header, the big guy
typedef struct mds_model {
char id[4]; // name of model "LGMD"
uint ver; // version of bsp that produced it
char name[8]; // name of model
float radius; // bounding sphere radius, zero centered
float max_pgon_radius; // maximum polygon radius
mxs_vector bmax; // bbox maximum
mxs_vector bmin; // bbox minimum
mxs_vector pcen; // centroid pos relative to parent
ushort pgons; // number of pgons
ushort verts; // number of verts
ushort parms; // max id of parms
ubyte mats; // number of materials
ubyte vcalls; // number of vcalls
ubyte vhots; // number of hot spots
ubyte subobjs; // number of subobjs
ulong subobj_off; // relative to start of the model, used to generate pointers
ulong mat_off; // offset of materials
ulong uv_off;
ulong vhot_off;
ulong point_off;
ulong light_off;
ulong norm_off;
ulong pgon_off;
ulong node_off;
ulong mod_size; // size of the model
// Next time, make materials field expandable...
ulong mat_flags; // which features are used, trans, illum, etc.
ulong amat_off; // offset of auxilliary material info
ulong amat_size; // size of new material, never assume size of struct
ulong mesh_off;
ulong submeshlist_off;
ushort meshes;
} mds_model;
// Subobjects
// Each subobject header contains the starting index and number of
// subobject specific thing
enum _mde_sub {
MD_SUB_NONE, // no strangeness in subobject, no rotation or sliding
MD_SUB_ROT, // rotating subobject, use parameter
MD_SUB_SLIDE // sliding subobject, use parameter
typedef unsigned char mde_sub;
typedef struct mds_subobj {
char name[8]; // name of subobject
mde_sub type; // type of subobj rot, or slide
int parm; // which parameter it uses (can share)
float min_range; // range of motion
float max_range; // range of motion
mxs_trans trans; // transform to put through after rotation
short child; // First child object, if any, -1 if none
short next; // next child object in list, -1 if none
ushort vhot_start;
ushort vhot_num;
ushort point_start; // index of starting point
ushort point_num; // number of points in that subobject
ushort light_start; // relative to start of list
ushort light_num;
ushort norm_start; // relative to start of list
ushort norm_num;
ushort node_start; // relative to start of list
ushort node_num; // just so we know
} mds_subobj;
// This is the structure for a material. Maybe someday it should include
// more information like shininess and things like that. That's more a
// feature for lighting.
enum _mde_mat {
typedef unsigned char mde_mat;
typedef struct mds_mat {
char name[16]; // name of the material, for viewer craziness
mde_mat type; // type 0 = texture, 1 = virtual color
uchar num; // slot to put it in
ulong handle; // texture handle or argb
union {
float uv; // uv coords per 3d unit for mipmapping or ipal index
ulong ipal; // inverse pal lookup
} mds_mat; // material info
// Which features are used by the model as a whole, these get or'd
// in mat_flags
// Do we have translucency?
#define MD_MAT_TRANS 0x1
// Do we have self illumination?
#define MD_MAT_ILLUM 0x2
// Auxilliary information for material
typedef struct mds_amat {
float trans; // translucency 0-1
float illum; // self illumination, 0-1
float MaxTU,MaxTV; //mipmap max texel size
} mds_amat;
// UVs Wow, is this structure uninteresting
typedef struct mds_uv {
float u;
float v;
} mds_uv;
// Structure for a vhot, not too exciting
typedef struct mds_vhot {
ulong id; // id of vhot
mxs_vector v; // location rel to obj
} mds_vhot; // vhot info
// Each element, x,y,z has 1 bit of sign, 1 bit of integer, and 8 bits
// of fraction, for 10 bytes total. So the x, y, and z values of each
// lighting normal can be extracted in the following manner:
#define X_NORM(norm) ((short)((norm>>16)&0xFFC0))/16384.0
#define Y_NORM(norm) ((short)((norm>>6)&0xFFC0))/16384.0
#define Z_NORM(norm) ((short)((norm<<4)&0xFFC0))/16384.0
typedef struct mds_light {
ushort mat; // material index
ushort point; // index of of vertex
ulong norm; // compacted normal
} mds_light;
// lighting callback for per object setup
typedef void (*mdf_light_setup_cback)(mxs_vector *bmin,mxs_vector *bmax);
// lighting callback for setting the lighting
typedef void (*mdf_light_cback)(int num,float *i,mds_light *lts,mxs_vector *pts,r3s_point *tpts);
typedef void (*mdf_mesh_light_cback)(int num,float *ivals,mds_light *lights);
// subobject callback
typedef void (*mdf_subobj_cback)(mds_subobj *s);
#define MD_OBJ_PUSH 0
#define MD_OBJ_POP 1
typedef void (*mdf_light_obj_cback)(int p);
// Polygons. Variable length structure
#define MD_PGON_PRIM_MASK 0x07
#define MD_PGON_LIGHT_ON 0x18
#define MD_PGON_COLOR_MASK 0x60
#define MD_PGON_PRIM_NONE 0 // no primitive drawn
#define MD_PGON_PRIM_SOLID 1 // vcolor lookup
#define MD_PGON_PRIM_WIRE 2 // wire
#define MD_PGON_PRIM_TMAP 3 // texture map
#define MD_PGON_COLOR_PAL 0x20 // palette color
#define MD_PGON_COLOR_VCOL 0x40 // vcolor lookup
typedef struct mds_pgon {
ushort index; // absolute index of pgon
ushort data; // color or tmap indice
ubyte type; // bit field
ubyte num; // number of verts
ushort norm; // index of normal of pgon (in object space)
float d; // plane equation coefficient to go with normal
ushort verts[]; // vertex indices, then light indices, then uv
// indices, optionally
} mds_pgon;
// Auxilliary info for the pgon.. like material
// occurs after verts, has extra info
typedef struct mds_pgon_aux {
ubyte mat; // which material
} mds_pgon_aux;
// The node list is still relatively similar to an interpreter, in that there are many types of nodes, and
// basically they are interpreted based on type. Oh well. I weep.
enum _mde_node {
typedef unsigned char mde_node;
typedef struct mds_node_raw {
mde_node type; // type of node
mds_sphere sphere; // bounding sphere of node
ushort num; // number of polys
ushort polys[]; // polygon list
} mds_node_raw;
typedef struct mds_node_split {
mde_node type; // type of node
mds_sphere sphere; // bounding sphere
ushort pgons_before; // number of polygons to render before split
ushort norm; // index of polygon normal
float d; // plane equation d for normal
ushort node_behind; // offset of node in back of the plane
ushort node_front; // offset of node in front of the plane
ushort pgons_after; // number of polygons to render after split
ushort polys[];
} mds_node_split;
typedef struct mds_node_call {
mde_node type;
mds_sphere sphere;
ushort pgons_before; // number of polygons to render before call
ushort node_call; // offset of node to jump to
ushort pgons_after; // number of polygons to render after call
ushort polys[];
} mds_node_call;
typedef struct mds_node_vcall {
mde_node type;
mds_sphere sphere;
ushort index; // index of vcall to call
} mds_node_vcall;
typedef struct mds_node_subobj {
mde_node type;
ushort index; // which subobj we are starting, this is followed by the next node
} mds_node_subobj;
typedef struct mds_segment_hit_detect_info {
mxs_vector *a, *b; // fill in before calling md_segment_hit_detect()
bool early_out; // fill in before calling md_sphere_hit_detect()
mxs_vector *hit_normal; // set by md_segment_hit_detect()
mxs_real r; // set by md_segment_hit_detect()
bool hit; // set by md_segment_hit_detect()
mxs_vector *verts, *norms; // used internally by md_segment_hit_detect()
uchar *pgons; // used internally by md_sphere_hit_detect()
uchar *nodes; // used internally by md_sphere_hit_detect()
} mds_segment_hit_detect_info;
typedef struct mds_sphere_hit_detect_info {
mds_sphere sphere; // fill in before calling md_sphere_hit_detect()
bool early_out; // fill in before calling md_sphere_hit_detect()
ushort *polys; // allocate before calling md_sphere_hit_detect()
bool hit; // set by md_sphere_hit_detect()
ushort num; // set by md_sphere_hit_detect()
mxs_vector *verts, *norms; // used internally by md_sphere_hit_detect()
uchar *pgons; // used internally by md_sphere_hit_detect()
uchar *nodes; // used internally by md_sphere_hit_detect()
} mds_sphere_hit_detect_info;
// function type that gets recurred through
typedef void (* mdf_subrecur)(int i);
typedef enum {
MD_PGON_SOLID, // vcolor lookup
MD_PGON_WIRE, // wire
} mde_pgon;
typedef struct mds_plyinfo {
mde_pgon type;
ushort data;
ushort normi;
float d;
} mds_plyinfo; //mesh polygon info
typedef struct mds_mesh {
ushort pgons; // number of pgons
ushort verts; // number of verts
ushort mat; // index to material
mxs_vector *pnts; // vertices
float *uvs; // uvs
mds_light *lights; // vertex normals
mxs_vector *normals; // poly normals
short *trilist; // triangle indice
mds_plyinfo *ply_info;// polygon info
float *ivals; // light values
} mds_mesh; // Mesh struct
typedef struct SubObMeshList {
ushort meshnum;
ushort startpnt,numpnts;
ushort startply,pgons;
} SubObMeshList;
typedef struct SubOMeshList {
SubObMeshList *subobj;
ushort numMeshes;
} SubOMeshList;
#endif // __MDS_H
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