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Created September 26, 2013 13:54
An answer to How to generate and check a password hash with scrypt and python.
import struct
from binascii import b2a_base64 as e64
from binascii import a2b_base64 as d64
import scrypt
import Crypto.Random
random =
from passlib.utils import consteq
_PARAMS = struct.Struct("!BBBB")
def pack_verifier( logN,r,p, salt, hash):
packed = _PARAMS.pack(logN,r,p,len(salt)) + salt + hash
return packed
def unpack_verifier(verifier):
logN,r,p,salt_bytes = _PARAMS.unpack_from(verifier)
i = _PARAMS.size+salt_bytes
salt = verifier[_PARAMS.size:i]
hash = verifier[i:]
return logN,r,p,salt,hash
def make_verifier( password, logN=14, r=8, p=1, salt_bytes=16,hash_bytes=16):
salt = random(salt_bytes)
hash = scrypt.hash(password,salt,1<<logN,r,p,hash_bytes)
return pack_verifier(logN,r,p,salt,hash)
def verify_password( password, verifier ):
logN,r,p,salt,hash = unpack_verifier(verifier)
newhash = scrypt.hash(password,salt,1<<logN,r,p,len(hash))
return consteq(newhash,hash)
if __name__=="__main__":
v = make_verifier( "password" )
print(verify_password( "password", v))
print(verify_password( "Password", v))
ev = e64(v).strip()
# store ev in database
print( verify_password("password",d64(ev)))
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Thinking of how to add pepper (a semi-secret stored not in the database)...

Maybe a simple XOR of the verifier with the random pepper would be good enough (since pepper only adds defense-in-depth).

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