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Created January 15, 2018 23:34
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Rust code shared from the playground
extern crate quickcheck;
extern crate rand;
extern crate btree;
use self::quickcheck::{Arbitrary, Gen};
// The maximum key size. keeping it relatively
// small increases the chance of multiple
// operations being executed against the same
// key, which will tease out more bugs.
const KEY_SPACE: u8 = 20;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
enum Op {
Insert(u8, u8),
use Op::{Get, Insert};
// Arbitrary lets you create randomized instances
// of types that you're interested in testing
// properties with. QuickCheck will look for
// this trait for things that are the arguments
// to properties that it is testing.
impl Arbitrary for Op {
fn arbitrary<G: Gen>(g: &mut G) -> Op {
// pick a random key to perform an operation on
let k: u8 = g.gen_range(0, KEY_SPACE);
if g.gen_weighted_bool(2) {
Insert(k, g.gen())
} else {
// This macro is shorthand for creating a test
// function that calls the property functions inside.
// QuickCheck will generate a Vec of Op's of default
// length 100, which can be overridden by setting the
// QUICKCHECK_GENERATOR_SIZE env var or creating your
// own type that implements Arbitrary and using it as
// an argument to the property function.
quickcheck! {
fn implementation_matches_model(ops: Vec<Op>) -> bool {
let mut implementation = btree::Tree::default();
let mut model = std::collections::BTreeMap::new();
for op in ops {
match op {
Insert(k, v) => {
implementation.insert(k, v);
model.insert(k, v);
Get(k) => {
if implementation.get(&k) != model.get(&k) {
return false;
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