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Created December 11, 2017 13:31
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* Harbin Institute of Technology 1603002 1150810613 Qiuhao Li
* Anyone can modify this code and then redistribute it to help others.
* -std=c99
#include "cachelab.h"
#include <stdio.h> /* fopen freopen perror */
#include <stdint.h> /* uintN_t */
#include <unistd.h> /* getopt */
#include <getopt.h> /* getopt -std=c99 POSIX macros defined in <features.h> prevents <unistd.h> from including <getopt.h>*/
#include <stdlib.h> /* atol exit*/
#include <errno.h> /* errno */
#define false 0
#define true 1
typedef struct
_Bool valid; /* flag whether this line/block is valid, zero at first*/
uint64_t tag; /* identifier to choose line/block */
uint64_t time_counter; /* LRU strategy counter, we should evict the block who has the min time_counter, zero at first */
/* We don't need to simulate the block, since we just requested to count hit/miss/eviction */
typedef line *entry_of_lines;
typedef entry_of_lines *entry_of_sets;
Data structure:
+-----+ +-->Valid|
+---->line0+---+ +-----+
| +-----+ |
+---------------+ | | +---+
| set0 | | +-----+ +-->Tag|
+--> entry_of_lines+------>line1| | +---+
| +---------------+ | +-----+ |
| | | +-------+
| +---------------+ | +-----+ +-->Counter|
| | set1 | +---->line2| +-------+
+--> entry_of_lines| | +-----+
+--------------+ | +---------------+ |
| cache0 +------+ | +-----+
| entry_of_sets| | +---------------+ +---->lineX|
+--------------+ | | set2 | +-----+
+--> entry_of_lines|
| +---------------+
| +---------------+
| | setX |
+--> entry_of_lines|
typedef struct
int hit;
int miss;
int eviction;
entry_of_sets InitializeCache(uint64_t S, uint64_t E);
result HitMissEviction(entry_of_lines search_line, result Result, uint64_t E, uint64_t tag, _Bool verbose);
result ReadAndTest(FILE *tracefile, entry_of_sets cache, uint64_t S, uint64_t E, uint64_t s, uint64_t b, _Bool verbose);
void RealseMemory(entry_of_sets cache, uint64_t S, uint64_t E);
int main(int argc, char * const argv[])
result Result = {0, 0, 0};
const char *help_message = "Usage: \"Your complied program\" [-hv] -s <s> -E <E> -b <b> -t <tracefile>\n" \
"<s> <E> <b> should all above zero and below 64.\n" \
"Complied with std=c99\n";
const char *command_options = "hvs:E:b:t:";
FILE* tracefile = NULL;
entry_of_sets cache = NULL;
_Bool verbose = false; /* flag whether switch to verbose mode, zero for default */
uint64_t s = 0; /* number of sets ndex's bits */
uint64_t b = 0; /* number of blocks index's bits */
uint64_t S = 0; /* number of sets */
uint64_t E = 0; /* number of lines */
char ch; /* command options */
while((ch = getopt(argc, argv, command_options)) != -1)
case 'h':
printf("%s", help_message);
case 'v':
verbose = true;
case 's':
if (atol(optarg) <= 0) /* We assume that there are at least two sets */
printf("%s", help_message);
s = atol(optarg);
S = 1 << s;
case 'E':
if (atol(optarg) <= 0)
printf("%s", help_message);
E = atol(optarg);
case 'b':
if (atol(optarg) <= 0) /* We assume that there are at least two sets */
printf("%s", help_message);
b = atol(optarg);
case 't':
if ((tracefile = fopen(optarg, "r")) == NULL)
perror("Failed to open tracefile");
printf("%s", help_message);
if (s == 0 || b ==0 || E == 0 || tracefile == NULL)
printf("%s", help_message);
cache = InitializeCache(S, E);
Result = ReadAndTest(tracefile, cache, S, E, s, b, verbose);
RealseMemory(cache, S, E); /* Don't forget this in C/C++, and do not double release which causes security problem */
//printf("hits:%d misses:%d evictions:%d\n", Result.hit, Result.miss, Result.eviction);
printSummary(Result.hit, Result.miss, Result.eviction);
return 0;
entry_of_sets InitializeCache(uint64_t S, uint64_t E)
entry_of_sets cache;
/* use calloc instead of malloc to match the default situation we designed */
if ((cache = calloc(S, sizeof(entry_of_lines))) == NULL) /* initialize the sets */
perror("Failed to calloc entry_of_sets");
for(int i = 0; i < S; ++i) /* initialize the lines in set */
if ((cache[i] = calloc(E, sizeof(line))) == NULL)
perror("Failed to calloc line in sets");
return cache;
result HitMissEviction(entry_of_lines search_line, result Result, uint64_t E, uint64_t tag, _Bool verbose)
uint64_t oldest_time = UINT64_MAX;
uint64_t youngest_time = 0;
uint64_t oldest_block = UINT64_MAX;
_Bool hit_flag = false;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < E; ++ i)
if (search_line[i].tag == tag && search_line[i].valid) /* hit */
if (verbose) printf("hit\n");
hit_flag = true;
++search_line[i].time_counter; /* update the time counter */
if (!hit_flag) /* miss */
if (verbose) printf("miss");
uint64_t i;
for (i = 0; i < E; ++i) /* search for the oldest modified block (invalid blocks are oldest as we designed) */
if (search_line[i].time_counter < oldest_time)
oldest_time = search_line[i].time_counter;
oldest_block = i;
if (search_line[i].time_counter > youngest_time) /* search for the youngest modified block to update the new block's time counter */
youngest_time = search_line[i].time_counter;
search_line[oldest_block].time_counter = youngest_time + 1;
search_line[oldest_block].tag = tag;
if (search_line[oldest_block].valid) /* It's a valid block, ++eviction */
if (verbose) printf(" and eviction\n");
if (verbose) printf("\n");
search_line[oldest_block].valid = true;
return Result;
result ReadAndTest(FILE *tracefile, entry_of_sets cache, uint64_t S, uint64_t E, uint64_t s, uint64_t b, _Bool verbose)
result Result = {0, 0, 0};
char ch;
uint64_t address;
while((fscanf(tracefile, " %c %lx%*[^\n]", &ch, &address)) == 2) /* read instruction and address from tracefile and ignore the size */
/* address is represented by hexadecimal, use %lx instead of %lu */
if (ch == 'I')
continue; /* we don't care about 'I' */
uint64_t set_index_mask = (1 << s) - 1;
uint64_t set_index = (address >> b) & set_index_mask;
uint64_t tag = (address >> b) >> s;
entry_of_lines search_line = cache[set_index];
if (ch == 'L' || ch == 'S') /* load/store can cause at most one cache miss */
if (verbose) printf("%c %lx ", ch, address);
Result = HitMissEviction(search_line, Result, E, tag, verbose);
else if (ch == 'M') /* data modify (M) is treated as a load followed by a store to the same address.
Hence, an M operation can result in two cache hits, or a miss and a hit plus an possible eviction. */
if (verbose) printf("%c %lx ", ch, address);
Result = HitMissEviction(search_line, Result, E, tag, verbose); /* load, hit/miss(+eviction) */
Result = HitMissEviction(search_line, Result, E, tag, verbose); /* store, must hit */
else /* ignore other cases */
return Result;
void RealseMemory(entry_of_sets cache, uint64_t S, uint64_t E)
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < S; ++i)
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