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Created March 21, 2017 16:28
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use v6;
use Test;
use Terminal::ANSIColor;
class DebugInd {
subset Nonnegative of Int where * > -1;
my Nonnegative $debug-indent = 0; # several DebugInd objects would share the indent, hence 'my'
has Bool $.debugging is rw = True;
has Str $.color is rw;
multi method color(Str $colorname) {
given $colorname {
when <none> { $!.color = Nil }
default { $!color = $_ }
multi method color() {
return $!color;
method dbg(*@args) {
return unless $!debugging;
if $!color.defined {
$*ERR.say(colored(@args.join.indent($debug-indent), $!color));
} else {
method dbg-up(*@args) { self.dbg(@args); $debug-indent++ if $!debugging; }
method dbg-down(*@args) {
return unless $!debugging;
die "Unbalanced dbg-down" if $debug-indent <= 0;
method reset-indent() { $debug-indent = 0 }
method dbg-left(*@args) { #| force skipping of indentation
my $save = $debug-indent;
$debug-indent = 0;
$debug-indent = $save;
method show-terse(Str $name) {
my $wrapped = $!debugging ?? "[[$name]]" !! " $name ";
return $!color.defined ?? colored($wrapped, $!color) !! $wrapped;
class DebugIndFamily {
has DebugInd %.debugFamily is rw;
has Str @.debugName is rw;
my DebugInd $guest .= new;
method !add-one(Str $name, Str $color) {
if $name ∈ @!debugName {
die "$name already in use for debugger";
} else {
%!debugFamily{$name} =$color);
method add(*@names) {
for @names -> $name { self!add-one($name, <none>) }
multi method add-colored(*@name-color) {
for @name-color -> $name, $color {
self!add-one($name, $color)
multi method add-colored(*%name-color) {
for %name-color.kv -> $name, $color {
self!add-one($name, $color)
method list() { %!debugFamily.keys }
method list-colored() {
%!{$_ => %!debugFamily{$_}.color }
method remove(*@names) {
for @names -> $name {
if $name ∈ @!debugName {
} else {
die "$name not in use for debugger";
method configure(*@args) {
my %save;
for 0..^@!debugName.elems {
%save{@!debugName[$_]} = %!debugFamily{@!debugName[$_]}.debugging;
%!debugFamily{@!debugName[$_]}.debugging = False for 0..^@!debugName.elems;
unless self.set-on(@args) {
for 0..^@!debugName.elems {
%!debugFamily{@!debugName[$_]}.debugging = %save{@!debugName[$_]};
warn "Configuration undone"
method set(Bool $onoff, *@args) {
my $success = True;
my $max = @!debugName.elems;
for @args -> $setter {
given $setter {
when Int {
if $setter ∈ 0..^$max {
%!debugFamily{@!debugName[$_]}.debugging = $onoff for 0..^$setter;
} else {
warn "debugging level $setter out of range (0 .. {$max - 1})";
$success = False;
when Regex {
for @!debugName -> $dname {
if $dname ~~ $setter { %!debugFamily{$dname}.debugging = $onoff }
when '*' { %!debugFamily{@!debugName[$_]}.debugging = $onoff for 0..^$max }
when Str {
if $setter ∈ @!debugName {
%!debugFamily{$setter}.debugging = $onoff;
} else {
warn "debugger name $setter not defined.";
$success = False;
when Positional {
my @v = @$_;
for @v -> $name {
if %!debugFamily{$name}:exists { %!debugFamily{$name}.debugging = $onoff }
else {
warn "The name '$name' is not known as a debugging category";
$success = False;
default {
die "Debugging tool cannot be called with this parm: { $setter.perl }";
$success = False;
return $success;
method set-on(*@args) { self.set(True, @args) }
method set-off(*@args) { self.set(False, @args) }
method dbg(Str $name, *@args) { %!debugFamily{$name}.dbg(@args) }
method dbg-up(Str $name, *@args) { %!debugFamily{$name}.dbg-up(@args) }
method dbg-down(Str $name, *@args) { %!debugFamily{$name}.dbg-down(@args) }
method dbg-left(Str $name, *@args) { %!debugFamily{$name}.dbg-left(@args) }
method guest(*@args) { $guest.dbg(@args) }
method set-guest-color(Str $clr) { $guest.color($clr) }
# method reset-indent() { $guest.reset-indent() } # all debuggers share indent
method status-long() {
"status: names= [{ @!debugName.join(', ') }]".say;
for @!debugName -> $n {
if %!debugFamily{$n}:exists {
# %!debugFamily{$n}.^type.say;
"$n has color { %!debugFamily{$n}.color // '-' } and is { %!debugFamily{$n}.debugging ?? 'on' !! 'off' }".say;
} else {
"$n not in hash attribute".say
method status() {
note @! {%!debugFamily{$_}.show-terse($_)} ).join;
method save() {
my @saved;
for 0..^@!debugName.elems {
@saved.push($_) if %!debugFamily{@!debugName[$_]}.debugging;
return [@saved];
method restore($saved) {
# ===================== HYGIENE ============================
# anti functions
# We pledge that hygienic functions clean up after themselves
# Only diagnostic stuff can alter (e.g. number of hits: $nhits++)
# We use clear symbols to indicate hygiene operators,
# namely ▼ and ▲. We use them in pairs as follows:
# ▼▼ starts a new stack
# ▼▲ to step forward and store an inverse action to undo it later
# ▲▲ action that sets off undoing the stack.
# In their bare form the above steps are constructed as term and operators.
# There is a list of operators that provide specialized steps.
# NB. None of this gets exported. It's all for internal use.
# NB2. Although there is a single stack. it actually contains several nested stacks (scopes).
my @antilist; # stack(s) of things to be undone
my @act-ix; # list on indices of @antilist that start new scopes. for nested hygiene.
# bookmark local start of anti stack
sub term:<▼▼> { @act-ix.push(@antilist.elems) }
sub infix:<▼▲>(&f, &b) {
sub prefix:<▲▲>(&f) {
my $last-mark = @act-ix.pop;
my $since = @antilist.elems - $last-mark;
@antilist.shift.() for (^$since);
sub infix:<+▼▲>($v is rw, $incr) { { $v += $incr } ▼▲ { $v -= $incr } }
sub prefix:<shift▼▲>(@l) { my $v; { $v = @l.shift } ▼▲ { @l.unshift($v) } }
sub infix:<unshift▼▲>($v, @l) { { @l.unshift($v) } ▼▲ { @l.shift } }
sub infix:<push▼▲>($v, @l) { { @l.push($v) } ▼▲ { @l.pop } }; # NB $v could not have changed
sub prefix:<pop▼▲>(@l) { my $v; { $v = @l.pop } ▼▲ { @l.push($v) }; return $v; }; # NB $v could not have changed
sub infix:<pend▼▲>(@part, @l) { { prepend(@l, @part) } ▼▲ { splice @l, 0, @part.elems } }
# the following ops require DebugIndFamily
sub infix:<dbg▼▲>($fam, $cat) {
return sub (Str $s) {
{ $fam.dbg-up($cat, "> ", $s) } ▼▲ { $fam.dbg-down($cat, "< ", $s) }
sub infix:<dbgleft▼▲>($fam, $cat) {
return sub (Str $s) {
{ $fam.dbg-left($cat, "> ", $s) } ▼▲ { $fam.dbg-left($cat, "< ", $s) }
# ===================== EXCEPTIONS =========================
# NB not exported
class ParseExc is Exception { method message() { "Parse exception!" } }
class ParseStop is ParseExc { method message() { "Parse stopped!" } }
class ParseStopFirst is ParseStop { method message() { "Parse stopped on first match!" } }
class ParseAbort is ParseExc { method message() { "Parse aborted!" } }
# ===================== TRANSDUCION ========================
# this class is the heart of the module. It provides non-deterministic parsing
# and associates each node with an action to perform on a successful analysis.
# the analysis is context-free, but allows regular right hand sides,
# free order alternatives and features (aka attributes).
# A special provision is made, experimental and switched off by default,
# to allow ellipsis in coordination.
# requires DebugIndFamily
class Transduction is export {
# has DebugIndFamily $.debugfam .= new.add-colored(<rest yellow cont green act red>);
has DebugIndFamily $.debugfam;
# ===================== HELPER ========================
sub stack-name($elt) {
given $elt {
when Code { $ }
when Str { "'$elt'" }
default { '?' ~ $elt.^name }
class Action {
# each node in the Transduction is associated with an action. (There are also actions for
# the opening and closing of member lists, but these are never elaborated)
# There are TrueAction's as well as other derivatives. The latter serve as placeholders
# on the action stack.
class TrueAction is Action {
# Action is a wrapper around user defined transduction procs (coming first in alternatives)
# members:
# $!covered holds the string segment (for string or regex)
# $!proc holds the sub to be elaborated (if missing: identity)
# $!match holds the match info if a regex was matched
# Actions are put on the action stack while parsing
# waiting to be evaluated on a cf match
# method elab applies the action
has Str $.covered;
has &.proc;
has Match $.match;
method elab(Transduction $t) {
$t.debugfam.dbg-up(<act>, ':> ',;
# my $result = $!covered.defined ?? $!covered !! &!proc($t); # TODO give access to match info
my $result = &!proc.defined ?? &!proc($t) !! $!covered; # TODO give access to match info
$t.debugfam.dbg-down(<act>, ":< { $result.defined ?? $result.perl !! '(undefined)' }");
return $result;
method show() {
$!covered.defined ?? "'$!covered'" !!
&!proc.defined ?? (&! || '(proc)') !! # NB &! is defined as empty string in unnamed procs
# special actions for opening and closing member lists. Only their identity matters.
class OpenAction is Action { }
class CloseAction is Action { }
sub Open(Transduction $t) { $t.step-with-action(OpenAction) }
sub Close(Transduction $t) { $t.step-with-action(CloseAction) }
has Int $.action-ix = 0;
has Action @!actions = [];
method get-action(Int $ix) { @!actions[$ix] }
method get-actions-status() {
"act ({@!actions.elems}): { [~] @! {
given $_ {
when OpenAction { '[' }
when CloseAction { ']' }
when TrueAction { $ }
when Action { '@' } # presently only derived classes in use, so this cannot happen.
default { #`( should not happen ) note "unexpected action: " ~ $_.perl; "XXX" }
} }";
has @!continuation = ();
has @!trail = ();
method BUILDALL(|) {
$!debugfam .= new;
# $!debugfam.add-colored(<rest yellow stacks cyan cont green act red diag magenta>);
$!debugfam.add-colored( <rest stacks cont act diag> Z
<yellow cyan green red magenta>);
# nextsame;
constant $line-size = 78; # 80 - size of indent. get this constant from somewhere if possible
# to left and right align material on screen
sub lr-align($left-str, $right-str) {
$left-str ~ (' ' x (- $left-str.chars - $right-str.chars) % $line-size ) ~ $right-str # '' Atom confused
method get-cont-status() {
lr-align( "trail: { @! { stack-name($_) } }",
"cont: { @! { stack-name($_) } }");
sub show-string-context(Str $full is copy, Int $pos, Int $margin = 100, --> Str) {
$full ~~ s:g/\s/ /;
my $left-context = $full.substr(0, $pos).substr(0 max *-$margin);
my $right-context = $full.substr($pos).substr(0, $margin);
return "$left-context$right-context\n"
~ ' ' x $left-context.chars ~ "^"
has Int $.error-context-width = 20; # this many characters shown on both sides on error
has Int $.pos = 0; # parsing position in input
has Int $.max-pos = 0; # farthest position reached
has Int $.nhits = 0; # for the current or last transduction
has Int $.ntrans = 0; # number of transductions performed
has $.transduced; # type depends on actions applied
# parameters passed on constructor
has &.root;
has $.name;
has Str $.input;
# the event handlers (see list below) all take Transduction as first parm
# usually they have a second part representing a (partial) analysis.
# NB They are not methods.
# NB Type of parameters depends on actions applied
has &.on-success;
has &.on-failure;
has &.on-transduction-start;
has &.on-transduction-end;
has &.on-run-start;
has &.on-run-end;
has &.on-line-end;
has Bool $.match-once;
has Bool $.prefix-matching;
has Bool $.repeat;
has Bool $.per-line;
has Bool $.allow-coordination;
has Bool $.allow-ellipsis; # not currently used. (automatic for coordination)
has Bool $.silent-mode; # prevents note()s on success and failure
has Bool $.debug-mode; # set all debugging on
constant @scalar-opts = <name input
match-once prefix-matching repeat per-line
allow-coordination allow-ellipsis
silent-mode debug-mode>;
constant @procedural-opts = <root
on-success on-failure on-line-end
on-transduction-start on-transduction-end
on-run-start on-run-end>;
my @all-opts = flat @scalar-opts, @procedural-opts;
my %opt-type = flat ((@scalar-opts X=> '$'), (@procedural-opts X=> '&'));
method reset() { self.reset-list(@all-opts) }
method reset-list(@list) { for @list { self.reset-one($_) } }
method reset-one($varname) { # TODO can I simplify this method?
given $varname {
when 'name' { $!name = Nil }
when 'root' { &!root = Nil }
when 'input' { $!input = Nil }
when 'on-success' { &!on-success = sub (Transduction $t, $sofar, $new) {
note "!!!!!!!!!!!! ready: { $new does Stringy ?? ~$new !! '('~ $new.^perl ~ ')' }"
unless $!silent-mode;
when 'on-failure' { &!on-failure = sub (Transduction $t, $partial) {
note "!!!!!!!!!!!! failed at:\n" ~ show-string-context($t.input, $t.max-pos, $t.error-context-width)
unless $!silent-mode;
$partial; # unchanged
when 'on-line-end' { &!on-line-end = sub (Transduction $t, $partial) { $partial } }
when 'on-transduction-start' { &!on-transduction-start = sub (Transduction $t, $partial) { $partial } }
when 'on-transduction-end' { &!on-transduction-end = sub (Transduction $t, $partial) {
note "number of hits: { $t.nhits }\tmax pos: { $t.max-pos }"
unless $!silent-mode;
when 'on-run-start' { &!on-run-start = sub (Transduction $t) { Nil } }
when 'on-run-end' { &!on-run-end = sub (Transduction $t, $partial) {
note "number of transductions: { $t.ntrans }\tmax pos: { $t.max-pos }"
if $!ntrans > 1 and not $!silent-mode;
when 'match-once' { $!match-once = False }
when 'prefix-matching' { $!prefix-matching = False }
when 'repeat' { $!repeat = False }
when 'per-line' { $!per-line = False }
when 'allow-coordination' { $!allow-coordination = False }
when 'allow-ellipsis' { $!allow-ellipsis = False }
when 'silent-mode' { $!silent-mode = False }
when 'debug-mode' { $!debug-mode = False }
default { die "undefined parameter $varname" }
method init(*%hash) {
for %hash.kv -> $prop, $value {
my $lc-prop = $;
if $lc-prop ∈ @all-opts {
EVAL "%opt-type{$prop}!$lc-prop = \$value";
} else {
die "property '$prop' not valid in"
method at-line-end() {
return $!pos < $!input.chars
?? $!input.substr($!pos, 1) == "\n"
!! True;
# 'run()' runs a whole transduction round
method run(*%hash) {
my Bool $go-on = True;
# $!debugfam.status;
@!actions = [];
$!action-ix = 0;
@!continuation = ();
@!trail = ();
my $save-dbg = $!;
self.debug-config(<*>) if $!debug-mode;
die "No input supplied" unless $!input.defined;
die "No grammar supplied" unless &!root.defined;
$!max-pos = $!pos = $!nhits = $!ntrans = 0;
$!debugfam.dbg(<rest>, "Transducing { $!name // 'nameless' } on input: $!input");
$!transduced = &!on-run-start(self);
try {
when ParseStopFirst {
@!continuation = ();
@!trail = ();
@!actions = [];
$!action-ix = 0;
$!debugfam.dbg(<rest>, "Stacks unwound");
when ParseExc { note "Exception occurred:\n" ~ .Str }
default { note "Uncaught exception:\n" ~ .Str;
while $go-on {
$!nhits = 0;
$!transduced = &!on-transduction-start(self, $!transduced);
&!root(self); # entry point for the analysis
unless $!nhits {
$!transduced = &!on-failure(self, $!transduced);
$!pos = $!max-pos;
$!transduced = &!on-transduction-end(self, $!transduced);
if $!repeat && ! $!per-line {
$go-on = ! self.end-of-input;
} elsif $!per-line { # repeat is implicit
if self.end-of-input {
$go-on = False;
} else {
$!pos++; # to skip the line end
$go-on = False if self.end-of-input;
# else goon = true
with &!on-line-end {
$!transduced = &!on-line-end(self, $!transduced);
} else {
$go-on = False;
$!transduced = &!on-run-end(self, $!transduced);
self.reset-one(<debug-mode>); # debug mode should not stick
return $!transduced;
method end-of-input() { $!pos == $!input.chars }
# so here is the pivotal parsing step
method step-with-action($act) {
( $!debugfam dbgleft▼▲ <stacks> )( self.get-cont-status );
$act push▼▲ @!actions;
if @!continuation.elems {
my $top = shift▼▲ @!continuation;
given $top {
when $top === &Close {
# there cannot be another Close. Remove up to and including next Open
my $w = pop▼▲ @!trail until $w === &Open;
when Code { $top push▼▲ @!trail }
# default is no-op?
# $!debugfam.dbg(<cont>, "takes top: ", stack-name($top));
given $top {
when List {
note "--- WARNING: UNTESTED ---";
dd $top;
my ($func, *@mem) = $top[];
dd @mem;
( $!debugfam dbg▼▲ <cont> )("[[{$ // '(anon)'}({ @mem.join(',') })]]");
▲▲ { $func(self, @mem) }
when Str {
( $!debugfam dbg▼▲ <cont> )("trying '$_' as string against { $!input.substr($!pos) }");
if $!input.substr($!pos).starts-with($top) {
$!pos +▼▲ $top.chars;
$!max-pos = $!pos if $!pos > $!max-pos;
( $!debugfam dbg▼▲ <cont> )("'$top'");
▲▲ {
my TrueAction $match-act .= new(
covered => $top);
self.coordinated($match-act) if $!allow-coordination;
} else {
▲▲ { $!debugfam.dbg(<cont>, "! [ { $top.perl } of type { $top.WHAT.perl } failed ]") }
when Regex {
my $is-regex if $_ === Regex;
( $!debugfam dbg▼▲ <cont> )("trying '{$_.perl}' as a regex against { $!input.substr($!pos) }");
my Match $match;
given $!input {
my $p = $!pos;
$match = m:pos($p)/<top=$top>/;
if $match {
$!pos +▼▲ ~$match.chars;
$!max-pos = $!pos if $!pos > $!max-pos;
( $!debugfam dbg▼▲ <cont> )('/' ~ ~$match ~ '/');
▲▲ {
my TrueAction $match-act .= new(
covered => ~$match, match => $match);
self.coordinated($match-act) if $!allow-coordination;
} else {
▲▲ { $!debugfam.dbg(<cont>, "! [ { $top.perl } of type { $top.WHAT.perl } failed ]") }
when Code { # normal nonterminal
( $!debugfam dbg▼▲ <cont> )( $ || '(anon)' )
if $ && $ ne '';
▲▲ { $top(self) }
default {
▲▲ { die "Unexpected type " ~ $top.WHAT.perl ~ " for top of continuation stack" }
} elsif $!per-line && {
▲▲ { self.on-match }
} elsif $!prefix-matching || $!repeat || $!pos == $!input.chars {
▲▲ { self.on-match }
method coordinated($act) { # only used when $!allow-coordination
# for now
my ($v, $w);
{ $v = @!trail.pop; $w = @!continuation.shift } ▼▲ { @!continuation.unshift($w); @!trail.push($v) }
( $!debugfam dbgleft▼▲ <stacks> )( '& ' ~ self.get-cont-status );
{ @!actions.push($act) } ▼▲ { @!actions.pop };
{ @!actions.push(CloseAction) } ▼▲ { @!actions.pop };
my Match $match;
given $!input {
my $p = $!pos;
$match = m:pos($p)/ '&' /; #TODO react upon true coordinator
if $match {
$!pos +▼▲ ~$match.chars;
$!max-pos = $!pos if $!pos > $!max-pos;
( $!debugfam dbg▼▲ <cont> )(' ~~~ coordinator ~~~');
sub coord-rhs() { # we need this sub because this step is recursive
return unless @!continuation.elems and @!trail.elems;
my $elt;
$elt = pop▼▲ @!trail;
$elt unshift▼▲ @!continuation;
▲▲ {
( $!debugfam dbg▼▲ <diag> )(' shifting');
if $elt === &Open {
CloseAction push▼▲ @!actions;
( $!debugfam dbgleft▼▲ <stacks> )( self.get-actions-status );
#self.actions-status('%%% ');
$elt = shift▼▲ @!continuation until $elt === &Close;
if @!continuation.elems {
$elt = pop▼▲ @!trail;
$elt unshift▼▲ @!continuation;
} else {
▲▲ { ; } # no-op
} # if we get here then try
▲▲ {
covered => '-&-', match => $match));
▲▲ { coord-rhs }
method on-match() {
( $!debugfam dbgleft▼▲ <stacks> )( self.get-actions-status );
#self.actions-status('%%% ');
$!action-ix = 0;
my $act = @!actions[$!action-ix++];
my $result = $act.elab(self);
# success only if the action succeeds
if $result {
$!transduced = &!on-success(self, $!transduced, $result);
if $!match-once {; }
# the '_()' method handles a grammar alternative. We gave it a short name because
# it features in all grammar rules. It is hygienic.
method _($action-expr, +@mem) {
my @add-array = &Open, |@mem, &Close;
@add-array pend▼▲ @!continuation;
my $actix = @!actions.elems; # get index of first free action stack slot
▲▲ { self.step-with-action( => sub (Transduction $t) {
my @m = [];
while True {
my $next = @!actions[$!action-ix++];
next if $next ~~ OpenAction;
last if $next ~~ CloseAction; # i.e. result of Close
my $elabed = $next.elab($t);
$!debugfam.dbg(<act>, ":: elab = { $elabed.perl // '(undefined)' }");
return $action-expr($t, $actix, @m);
# we pass the action element's index for the action's proc to inspect
})) }
method debug-config(*@args) { $!debugfam.configure(@args) }
method debug-on(*@args) { $!debugfam.set-on(@args) }
method debug-off(*@args) { $!debugfam.set-off(@args) }
#TODO elaborate
method report() {
if $!transduced.defined {
say "reporting on { $!name // &! // 'anonymous' } run, which yielded as last result: $!transduced."
} else {
say "reporting on { $!name // &! // 'anonymous' } run, which yielded no result."
method full-report() { ... }
# TODO: find a way to pass information on the context of the call
# so that we could say something like "this is the third alternative of the Abc rule"
sub _opt($action, *@mem) is export { # mems on arg list
return sub ($tt) {
$tt._($action, @mem);
sub _seq($action, *@mem) is export { # mems on arg list
my $sq = sub ($tt) {
$tt._($action, @mem, $sq); # NB recursion on $sq
return $sq;
sub _stir($action, *@mem) is export { # mems on arg list
if !@mem {
return sub ($tt) {
# else
# to avoid counting spurious ambiguity all empty elements must
# occur in order and preceed all non-empty ones
return sub ($tt) {
for (0..^+@mem) -> $i { # TODO make it non-optional on a move
my @copy = @mem;
my $m = splice(@copy, $i, 1)[0];
$tt._($action, $m, _stir($action, @copy));
sub __($action, *@mem) is export {
return sub ($tt) {
$tt._($action, @mem);
=begin comment
// package rules;
// =========== no packages hence confusion may arise between nont names and functions listed above.
// =========== sadly we have to use sub() and return in every action
// we present some readymade functions for action expressions
// you can make similar functions in your application
=end comment
sub aempty(Transduction $t, $ix, *@mem) is export { '' }
sub acopy(Transduction $t, $ix, *@mem) is export { @mem.join }
sub ashow(Transduction $t, $ix, *@mem) is export { @mem.join(',') }
sub afirst(Transduction $t, $ix, *@mem) is export { @mem[0] }
sub atoarray(Transduction $t, $ix, *@mem) is export {
my @ret;
if @mem.elems > 0 {
@ret.push(@mem[0]) if @mem[0].defined;
if @mem.elems > 1 {
# note "atoarray: just took @mem[] and created @ret[]";
return @ret;
#NB this is the only reason for passing the action index: to get at the match object following
#NB it does not (yet) work, because .match is notaccessible through Action
sub am1(Transduction $t, $ix, *@mem) is export { # get first parenthesized construct from following regex
# next action (but also skip over OpenAction)
$t.get-action($ix + 2).match<top>[0];
sub awrap(Transduction $t, $ix, *@mem) is export { '[' ~ @mem.join ~ ']' }
sub areverse(Transduction $t, $ix, *@mem) is export { @mem.reverse.join }
multi sub pipe(Transduction $t, $sofar, $new) is export { $new }
multi sub pipe(Transduction $t, $part) is export { $part }
multi sub pipe(Transduction $t) is export { Nil }
# ===================== FEATURES ============================
#= TODO make this a private class within Transduction
#class Feat {
#= tree
#= a feature instance refers to nodes in this tree
#= grammar contains string denotations for features;
#= convert to features using string2feats
#my FeatureSemantics $fsem;
my %fdom;
sub string2feats(Str $str) {
my @seg = $str.split( / ';' \s* / );
for @seg -> $seg {
my @f = $seg.split( '.' );
my $fpointer = $%fdom;
while @f.elems {
my $f = @f.shift;
$fpointer{$f} = { name => $f, parent => $fpointer, kids => {} } unless $fpointer{$f}:exists;
$fpointer = $fpointer{$f}<kids>;
# string2feats("aap.noot.mies");
# string2feats("aap.hut.juf");
# string2feats("aap.hut.gijs");
# say %fdom.perl;
sub report-feature-tree() {
say "\nfeature semantics tree";
for %fdom.keys.sort -> $k {
sub recshow($p, $pref, $ind) {
say ' ' x $ind, $pref, $p<name>;
for $p<kids>.keys { recshow( $p<kids>{$_}, '.', $ind + $pref.chars + $p<name>.chars)}
recshow( %fdom{$k}, '', 0);
#= feature publishing per nonterminal
sub φp(+@frame) is export {
for @frame -> $frame-denot { string2feats($frame-denot) }
return sub (Transduction $t, $ix, *@mem) { '[' ~ @frame[0] ~ ']' ~ @mem.join }
#= feature instance per member of an alternative
# sub φi($frame-denot) {
# string2feats($frame-denot);
# return ''; # no-op
# }
# ===================== TESTING ============================
sub testhits(Transduction $transducer, &top, Str $inp, Int $nhits,
# Bool $debugging = False,
# Bool $allow-coordination = False
) is export {
#$transducer.debug-config(<*>) if $debugging;
$transducer.init(:silent-mode); # default for testhits: silent-mode on
$ => &top, input => $inp);
# on-success => &pipe,
# on-failure => &pipe, on-transduction-end => &pipe, :$allow-coordination);
my $expected = $nhits == $transducer.nhits ;
# if $expected {
# say "OK: $inp";
# } else {
# say "Failed on $inp: { $transducer.nhits } hits instead of expected $nhits";
# }
return $expected;
sub S( Transduction $t ) {
$t._(&acopy, $(&A, 'xyzzy'));
sub A( Transduction $t, $parm ) { $t._(&acopy, '<', $parm, '>') }
my Transduction $transducer .= new;
plan 1;
ok testhits($transducer, &S, '<xyzzy>', 1, :debug-mode), 'valid parm';
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