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Created November 9, 2013 02:08
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<<< "Extra Curricularr - drum machine 32 note + swing" >>>;
// utility functions
fun string repr_int_array(int arr[]){
this returns a string representation of an int array,
useful for debug printing.
"[" + Std.itoa(arr[0]) => string s;
for (1 => int i; i < arr.cap(); i++){
s + "," + Std.itoa(arr[i]) => s;
return s + "]";
fun int[][] stepify(string sequence_data[]){
this function converts a string array to an int array,
it accepts fuzzy formatting:
"1..1..1..1.." becomes [1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0]
"1..1. .1..1.." also becomes [1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0]
sequence_data.cap() => int parts;
32 => int steps; // hard code for now
<<< parts, steps >>>;
int data_store[parts][steps];
for(0 => int i; i<sequence_data.cap(); i++){
sequence_data[i] => string seq_string;
int part_data[0];
int trigger;
//<<< seq_string >>>;
for(0 => int j; j < seq_string.length(); j++){
seq_string.substring(j,1) => string token; // crazy
if (token == " ") continue;
if (token == ".") 0 => trigger;
else if (token == "1") 1 => trigger;
part_data << trigger;
//<<< repr_int_array(part_data)>>>;
part_data @=> data_store[i];
return data_store;
// setting up sounds
Gain master => dac;
0.3 => master.gain;
Noise noise_hat => ADSR hatEnv => NRev ccr => Echo cave => master;
0.2 => noise_hat.gain;
cave.max(3629::ms); // 350 is also nice
SinOsc sin_bass => ADSR bassEnv => master;
0.0 => sin_bass.gain;
me.dir() + "/audio/" => string path;
[ "kick_01.wav",
] @=> string sample_names[];
sample_names.cap() => int num_wavs;
SndBuf samples[num_wavs];
Pan2 pans[num_wavs];
for (0 =>int i; i<num_wavs; i++){
path + sample_names[i] => samples[i].read;
samples[i].samples() => samples[i].pos;
samples[i] => pans[i] => master;
// patch
JCRev rvb => ADSR mf => Echo a => Echo b => Echo c => dac;
[62,65,67,69] @=> int notes[];
Rhodey vocs[4];
for(0 => int i; i<vocs.cap(); i++){
Std.mtof(notes[i]) => vocs[i].freq;
0.41 => vocs[i].gain;
vocs[i] => rvb; // send each voice to the same reverb unit
.8 => rvb.gain;
.1 => rvb.mix;
1400::ms => a.max => b.max => c.max;
750::ms => a.delay => b.delay => c.delay;
.10 => a.mix => b.mix => c.mix;
// sequences
"1...1... 1...1... 1...1... 1...1...",
"1...1... 1...1... 1...1... 1...1...",
"..1...1. ..1...1. ..1...11 ...1..1.",
"..1..1.. ..1..1.. ..1..1.. ..1..1..",
"..1..... .....1.. ...1..1. .......1",
"...1...1 ...11... ...1.1.. ......1.",
"....11.. ..1..... .....1.. ....1...",
"..1...1. ..1...1. ..1...1. ..1...1.",
".......1 ........ ........ ....1..."
] @=> string str_seq[];
".1.1.... ..1.1... ..1..... ........",
"...1...1 .1...1.. 1...1... 1...1..."
] @=> string stab_seq[];
stepify(str_seq) @=> int multi_parts[][];
stepify(stab_seq) @=> int stab_parts[][];
multi_parts.cap() => int parts;
multi_parts[0].cap() => int steps;
int shuffle;
float tick_duration;
124 => float long_tick;
long_tick * .74 => float short_tick;
1.0 => float bend;
0 => int chords;
0 => int beat;
0 => int tick;
0.0 => float synth_vol;
0.01 => float delta_vol;
1 => int direction;
for(0 => int i; i<steps; i++){
i % 2 => shuffle;
// simple noise hat
if (((i+2) % 4) == 0){
12::ms => dur a; // attack time
23::ms => dur d; // decay time
0.013 => float s; // sustain level
100::ms => dur r; // release time
hatEnv.keyOn(); // start attack
stab_parts[0][i] => int stab_trigger;
if (stab_trigger){
for(0 => int i; i<vocs.cap(); i++){
Math.random2(157, 162) => int lfo;
Math.random2f(0.77, 0.9) => float dpth;
vocs[i].lfoSpeed(lfo); // static at 160 is good
vocs[i].lfoDepth(dpth); // static at 0.9 is fine.
Math.random2f(0.6, 0.8 ) => vocs[i].noteOn;
if (synth_vol <= 0.8 && direction==1) {
delta_vol +=> synth_vol;
} else {
-1 => direction;
if (synth_vol >= 0.0 && direction==-1) {
delta_vol -=> synth_vol;
} else {
1 => direction;
<<< synth_vol >>>;
12::ms => dur a; // attack time
Math.random2(110, 119)::ms => dur d; // decay time 113 is fine
0.013 => float s; // sustain level
100::ms => dur r; // release time
mf.keyOn(); // start attack
for(0 => int j; j<parts; j++){
multi_parts[j][i] => int trigger;
// i might trigger using different integer values
if (trigger==1){
0 => samples[j].pos;
if (j==0){
2818 => samples[j].pos;
1.16 => samples[j].rate;
3.2 => samples[j].gain;
// piggyback this sample trigger for basss
// set a, d, s, and r
1.2 => sin_bass.gain;
50 => sin_bass.freq;
2::ms => dur a; // attack time
183::ms => dur d; // decay time
0.013 => float s; // sustain level
100::ms => dur r; // release time
bassEnv.keyOn(); // start attack
//bassEnv.keyOff(); // start release
if (j==1){
.4 => samples[j].gain;
20 => samples[j].pos;
1.08 => samples[j].rate;
if (j==2){
Math.random2f(.1,.2)+0.2 => samples[j].gain;
4.3 => samples[j].rate;
2200 => samples[j].pos;
if (j==3){
Math.random2f(2.2, 2.4) - 2.0 => samples[j].gain;
Math.random2f(3.22, 3.24) - 1.2 => samples[j].rate;
8200 => samples[j].pos;
if (j==4){
(Math.random2f(2.2, 2.4) - 1.3) => samples[j].gain;
Math.random2f(3.22, 3.24) - 1.1 => samples[j].rate;
330 => samples[j].pos;
if (j==5){
(Math.random2f(2.2, 2.4) - 3.3) => samples[j].gain;
Math.random2f(3.22, 3.24) - 1.12 => samples[j].rate;
600 => samples[j].pos;
if (j==6){
(Math.random2f(2.2, 2.4) - 3.3) => samples[j].gain;
Math.random2f(3.22, 3.24) - 4.1 => samples[j].rate;
10 => samples[j].pos;
if (j==7){
(Math.random2f(2.2, 2.4) - 3.3) => samples[j].gain;
Math.random2f(3.22, 3.24) - 1.1 => samples[j].rate;
20 => samples[j].pos;
if (j==8){
(Math.random2f(2.2, 2.4) - 3.3) => samples[j].gain;
Math.random2f(3.22, 3.24) - 1.1 => samples[j].rate;
30 => samples[j].pos;
if (shuffle==0) long_tick => tick_duration;
else short_tick => tick_duration;
tick_duration::ms => now;
noise_hat.gain(0.0); // this is the same as writing 0.0 => ..
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