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Created August 21, 2017 09:31
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Top 50 Codepen Users By Follower Count
<h2>Top 50 Codepen Users by Follower Count</h2>
<p>As of July 26, 2015</p>
<div class="ct-chart"></div>
<h3>Chris Coyier had double the amount of the highest follower count. He's so popular we had to omit him because he was visually skewing the data.</h3>
new Chartist.Bar('.ct-chart', {
"series": [2677, 2542, 1456, 1381, 1311, 1084, 1043, 1030, 1011, 1005, 981, 929, 838, 825, 809, 801, 800, 796, 758, 740, 694, 674, 651, 614, 570, 569, 544, 535, 531, 510, 476, 442, 434, 421, 405, 386, 381, 379, 374, 372, 367, 366, 366, 351, 348, 347, 334, 329, 322],
"labels": ["ionic", "thebabydino", "lbebber", "hakimel", "rachsmith", "SaraSoueidan", "tholman", "GreenSock", "bradfrost", "tmrDevelops", "sdras", "dissimulate", "soulwire", "sol0mka", "chrisgannon", "suez", "HugoGiraudel", "befamous", "jackrugile", "bennettfeely", "Yakudoo", "fbrz", "desandro", "kenjiSpecial", "simurai", "grayghostvisuals", "adobe", "pixelass", "natewiley", "katydecorah", "yoksel", "noahblon", "jakealbaugh", "oknoblich", "Hornebom", "davatron5000", "joshnh", "andreasstorm", "fixcl", "TimPietrusky", "hugo", "juliangarnier", "rachelnabors", "LukyVj", "ge1doot", "jonitrythall", "dudleystorey", "paulirish", "valhead"]
}, {
distributeSeries: true
var $chart = $('.ct-chart');
var $toolTip = $chart
.append('<div class="tooltip"></div>')
$chart.on('mouseenter', '.ct-bar', function() {
var $point = $(this),
value = $point.attr('ct:value'),
seriesName = $point.parent().attr('ct:series-name');
$chart.on('mouseleave', '.ct-bar', function() {
$chart.on('mousemove', function(event) {
left: (window.pageXOffset + event.originalEvent.clientX) - $toolTip.width() / 2 - 10,
top: (window.pageYOffset + event.originalEvent.clientY) - $toolTip.height() - 30
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best seen full screen:
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// Scales for responsive SVG containers
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$ct-class-area: ct-area !default;
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// Line chart properties
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$ct-point-size: 10px !default;
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$ct-point-shape: round !default;
// Area fill transparency between 0 and 1
$ct-area-opacity: 0.1 !default;
// Bar chart bar width
$ct-bar-width: 10px !default;
// Donut width (If donut width is to big it can cause issues where the shape gets distorted)
$ct-donut-width: 60px !default;
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// should set this property to false
$ct-include-classes: true !default;
// If this is set to true the CSS will contain colored series. You can extend or change the color with the
// properties below
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$ct-include-alternative-responsive-containers: $ct-include-classes !default;
// Series names and colors. This can be extended or customized as desired. Just add more series and colors.
$ct-series-names: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, aa, bb, cc) !default;
$ct-series-colors: (
) !default;
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content: "";
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> svg {
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text-align: left;
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display: block;
display: -webkit-box;
display: -moz-box;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: -webkit-flex;
display: flex;
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color: $ct-text-color;
font-size: $ct-text-size;
line-height: $ct-text-line-height;
@mixin ct-chart-grid($ct-grid-color: $ct-grid-color, $ct-grid-width: $ct-grid-width, $ct-grid-dasharray: $ct-grid-dasharray) {
stroke: $ct-grid-color;
stroke-width: $ct-grid-width;
@if ($ct-grid-dasharray) {
stroke-dasharray: $ct-grid-dasharray;
@mixin ct-chart-point($ct-point-size: $ct-point-size, $ct-point-shape: $ct-point-shape) {
stroke-width: $ct-point-size;
stroke-linecap: $ct-point-shape;
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fill: none;
stroke-width: $ct-line-width;
transition: 0.5s ease all;
@if ($ct-line-dasharray) {
stroke-dasharray: $ct-line-dasharray;
@mixin ct-chart-area($ct-area-opacity: $ct-area-opacity) {
stroke: none;
fill-opacity: $ct-area-opacity;
@mixin ct-chart-bar($ct-bar-width: $ct-bar-width) {
fill: none;
stroke-width: $ct-bar-width;
transition: 0.8s ease-in all;
@mixin ct-chart-donut($ct-donut-width: $ct-donut-width) {
fill: none;
stroke-width: $ct-donut-width;
@mixin ct-chart-series-color($color) {
.#{$ct-class-point}, .#{$ct-class-line}, .#{$ct-class-bar}, .#{$ct-class-slice-donut} {
stroke: $color;
.#{$ct-class-slice-pie}, .#{$ct-class-area} {
fill: $color;
@mixin ct-chart($ct-container-ratio: $ct-container-ratio, $ct-text-color: $ct-text-color, $ct-text-size: $ct-text-size, $ct-grid-color: $ct-grid-color, $ct-grid-width: $ct-grid-width, $ct-grid-dasharray: $ct-grid-dasharray, $ct-point-size: $ct-point-size, $ct-point-shape: $ct-point-shape, $ct-line-width: $ct-line-width, $ct-bar-width: $ct-bar-width, $ct-donut-width: $ct-donut-width, $ct-series-names: $ct-series-names, $ct-series-colors: $ct-series-colors) {
.#{$ct-class-label} {
@include ct-chart-label($ct-text-color, $ct-text-size);
.#{$ct-class-chart-line} .#{$ct-class-label},
.#{$ct-class-chart-bar} .#{$ct-class-label} {
@include ct-flex();
.#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-horizontal}.#{$ct-class-start} {
@include ct-align-justify(flex-end, flex-start);
// Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects
text-anchor: start;
.#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-horizontal}.#{$ct-class-end} {
@include ct-align-justify(flex-start, flex-start);
// Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects
text-anchor: start;
.#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-vertical}.#{$ct-class-start} {
@include ct-align-justify(flex-end, flex-end);
// Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects
text-anchor: end;
.#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-vertical}.#{$ct-class-end} {
@include ct-align-justify(flex-end, flex-start);
// Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects
text-anchor: start;
.#{$ct-class-chart-bar} .#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-horizontal}.#{$ct-class-start} {
@include ct-align-justify(flex-end, center);
// Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects
text-anchor: start;
.#{$ct-class-chart-bar} .#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-horizontal}.#{$ct-class-end} {
@include ct-align-justify(flex-start, center);
// Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects
text-anchor: start;
.#{$ct-class-chart-bar}.#{$ct-class-horizontal-bars} .#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-horizontal}.#{$ct-class-start} {
@include ct-align-justify(flex-end, flex-start);
// Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects
text-anchor: start;
.#{$ct-class-chart-bar}.#{$ct-class-horizontal-bars} .#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-horizontal}.#{$ct-class-end} {
@include ct-align-justify(flex-start, flex-start);
// Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects
text-anchor: start;
.#{$ct-class-chart-bar}.#{$ct-class-horizontal-bars} .#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-vertical}.#{$ct-class-start} {
//@include ct-chart-label($ct-text-color, $ct-text-size, center, $ct-vertical-text-justify);
@include ct-align-justify(left, flex-end);
// Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects
text-anchor: end;
.#{$ct-class-chart-bar}.#{$ct-class-horizontal-bars} .#{$ct-class-label}.#{$ct-class-vertical}.#{$ct-class-end} {
@include ct-align-justify(left, flex-start);
// Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects
text-anchor: end;
.#{$ct-class-grid} {
@include ct-chart-grid($ct-grid-color, $ct-grid-width, $ct-grid-dasharray);
.#{$ct-class-point} {
@include ct-chart-point($ct-point-size, $ct-point-shape);
.#{$ct-class-line} {
@include ct-chart-line($ct-line-width);
.#{$ct-class-area} {
@include ct-chart-area();
.#{$ct-class-bar} {
@include ct-chart-bar($ct-bar-width);
.#{$ct-class-slice-donut} {
@include ct-chart-donut($ct-donut-width);
@if $ct-include-colored-series {
@for $i from 0 to length($ct-series-names) {
.#{$ct-class-series}-#{nth($ct-series-names, $i + 1)} {
$color: nth($ct-series-colors, $i + 1);
@include ct-chart-series-color($color);
@if $ct-include-classes {
@include ct-chart();
@if $ct-include-alternative-responsive-containers {
@for $i from 0 to length($ct-scales-names) {
.#{nth($ct-scales-names, $i + 1)} {
@include ct-responsive-svg-container($ratio: nth($ct-scales, $i + 1));
.ct-label.ct-horizontal.ct-end {
transform: rotate(90deg) translateX(10px);
transition: 0.35 all ease;
&:hover {
color: #999;
transition: 0.5 all ease;
cursor: pointer;
svg {
height: 530px !important;
width: 96% !important;
margin: 30px;
padding-bottom: 40px;
h2 {
margin-top: 25px;
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;
p {
text-align: center;
margin-top: 6px;
color: #444;
h3 {
margin: 80px auto 100px;
text-align: center;
margin-left: 15%;
width: 70%;
.ct-bar:hover {
stroke-width: 15px;
transition: 0.3s ease-out all;
cursor: pointer;
.ct-series {
transform-origin: 50% 100%;
@for $i from 1 through 50 {
.ct-series:nth-child(#{$i}) {
animation: grow 1s (0.05s * $i) ease-out both;
@keyframes grow {
0% {
opacity: 0;
transform: scaleY(0);
100% {
opacity: 1;
transform: scaleY(1);
@for $i from 1 through 50 {
.ct-label.ct-horizontal.ct-end {
animation: appear 5s ease-out both;
@keyframes appear {
0% {
opacity: 0;
100% {
opacity: 1;
.tooltip {
display: block;
background: black;
color: white;
font-size: 12px;
width: auto;
position: absolute;
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 10px;
pointer-events: none;
.ct-bar:hover + .ct-label {
color: #999;
transition: 0.5 all ease;
cursor: pointer;
svg:not(:root) {
overflow: visible !important; //silly IE

Top 50 Codepen Users By Follower Count

There's been a lot of stat data on codepen users data lately, and some people were curious about follower count. @dizzyd did all the hard stuff and heavy lifting of database-scraping, I just presented the data in a silly fun format.

Best viewed in Chrome.

A Pen by Sarah Drasner on CodePen.


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