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Created September 22, 2014 03:01
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from random import randint
import os
print("Welcome to my Rock, Papers, Scissors game!")
print("Enter your guess to beat the computer and win")
print("Press 1 on your keyboard to play against the computer.")
print("Press 2 to play against a friend, or press any other key to exit.")
answer = input(" ")
iAnswer = int(answer)
condition1 = True
condition2 = True
while condition1 or condition2:
if iAnswer == 1:
user_score = 0
ai_score = 0
for x in range(1,4):
uinput = ""
user_choice = ""
user_input = 0
user_input = input("Choose rock, paper, or scissor by choosing 1,2, or 3 respectively: ")
if user_input == "1":
user_choice = "rock"
elif user_input == "2":
user_choice = "paper"
elif user_input == "3":
user_choice = "scissor"
rand = randint(1,30)
ai_choice = ""
if rand <= 10:
ai_choice = "rock"
elif rand <= 20:
ai_choice = "paper"
elif rand <= 30:
ai_choice = "scissor"
if ai_choice == "rock" and user_choice != "paper" and user_choice != "rock":
ai_score = ai_score + 1
elif ai_choice == "paper" and user_choice != "scissor" and user_choice != "paper":
ai_score = ai_score + 1
elif ai_choice == "scissor" and user_choice != "rock" and user_choice != "scissor":
ai_score = ai_score + 1
elif user_choice == ai_choice:
user_score = user_score + 1
print("Your choice: ", user_choice)
print("The computer's choice: ", ai_choice, "\n")
print("Your score: ", user_score)
print("Computer score: ", ai_score, "\n")
print("You have ", 3-x," lives left.")
if user_score > ai_score:
print("You win ", user_score, " to ", ai_score, "\n")
elif user_score == ai_score:
print("You tied with the computer!")
print("The computer wins ", ai_score, " to ",user_score, "\n")
user_score = 0
ai_score = 0
#paste code here
elif iAnswer == 2:
one_score = 0
two_score = 0
print("Choose either 1, 2, or 3 on your keyboard to select")
print("rock, paper or scissors respectively.\n")
for x in range(1,4):
pOne_input = ""
pTwo_input = ""
pOne_choice = ""
pTwo_choice = ""
print("Player one goes first.\n")
pOne_input = input("")
print("Ok, now player one should turn away while player two makes his/her choice: ")
pTwo_input = input("")
if pOne_input == "1":
pOne_choice = "rock"
elif pOne_input == "2":
pOne_choice = "paper"
elif pOne_input == "3":
pOne_choice = "scissor"
if pTwo_input == "1":
pTwo_choice = "rock"
elif pTwo_input == "2":
pTwo_choice = "paper"
elif pTwo_input == "3":
pTwo_choice = "scissor"
if pTwo_choice == "rock" and pOne_choice != "paper" and pOne_choice != "rock":
two_score = two_score + 1
elif pTwo_choice == "paper" and pOne_choice != "scissor" and pOne_choice != "paper":
two_score = two_score + 1
elif pTwo_choice == "scissor" and pOne_choice != "rock" and pOne_choice != "scissor":
two_score = two_score + 1
elif pOne_choice == pTwo_choice:
one_score = one_score + 1
print("Player one's choice: ", pOne_choice)
print("Player two's choice: ", pTwo_choice, "\n")
print("Player one's score: ", one_score)
print("Player two's score: ", two_score, "\n")
if one_score > two_score:
print("Player one wins ", one_score, " to ", two_score, "\n")
elif one_score == two_score:
print("It's a tie!")
print("Player two wins ", two_score, " to ",one_score, "\n")
elif iAnswer == 3:
while iAnswer != 1 and iAnswer != 2 and iAnswer != 3:
print("Invalid input. Please enter 1 to play against the computer.\n")
print("Enter 2 to play with friend, or press 3 to exit.")
answer = input(" ")
iAnswer = int(answer)
print("Thank you for playing! Would you like to try again?")
print("If so, press 1 on your keyboard to play against the computer")
print("press 2 to play against a friend.")
print("Press 3 to exit.")
answer = input(" ")
iAnswer = int(answer)
if iAnswer == 1 and iAnswer != 2:
condition1 = True
condition2 = False
elif iAnswer == 2 and iAnswer != 1:
condition2 = True
condition1 = False
elif iAnswer == 3 and iAnswer != 1 and iAnswer != 2:
condition2 = False
condition1 = False
while iAnswer != 1 and iAnswer != 2 and iAnswer != 3:
print("Invalid input. Please enter either 1 play against the computer, 2 to play against a friend or 3 to exit")
print("not other number or characters")
while condition1:
user_score = 0
ai_score = 0
for x in range(1,4):
uinput = ""
user_choice = ""
user_input = 0
user_input = input("Choose rock, paper, or scissor by choosing 1,2, or 3 respectively: ")
print("You have ", 3-x," lives left.")
if user_input == "1":
user_choice = "rock"
elif user_input == "2":
user_choice = "paper"
elif user_input == "3":
user_choice = "scissor"
rand = randint(1,30)
ai_choice = ""
if rand <= 10:
ai_choice = "rock"
elif rand <= 20:
ai_choice = "paper"
elif rand <= 30:
ai_choice = "scissor"
if ai_choice == "rock" and user_choice != "paper" and user_choice != "rock":
ai_score = ai_score + 1
elif ai_choice == "paper" and user_choice != "scissor" and user_choice != "paper":
ai_score = ai_score + 1
elif ai_choice == "scissor" and user_choice != "rock" and user_choice != "scissor":
ai_score = ai_score + 1
elif user_choice == ai_choice:
user_score = user_score + 1
print("Your choice: ", user_choice)
print("The computer's choice: ", ai_choice, "\n")
print("Your score: ", user_score)
print("Computer score: ", ai_score, "\n")
if user_score > ai_score:
print("You win ", user_score, " to ", ai_score, "\n")
elif user_score == ai_score:
print("You tied with the computer!")
print("The computer wins ", ai_score, " to ",user_score, "\n")
print("Thank you for playing! Would you like to try again?")
print("If so, press 1 on your keyboard to play against the computer")
print("press 2 to play against a friend.")
print("Press 3 to exit.")
answer = input(" ")
iAnswer = int(answer)
if iAnswer == 1 and iAnswer != 2:
condition1 = True
condition2 = False
elif iAnswer == 2 and iAnswer != 1:
condition2 = True
condition1 = False
elif iAnswer == 3 and iAnswer != 1 and iAnswer != 2:
condition2 = False
condition1 = False
while iAnswer != 1 and iAnswer != 2 and iAnswer != 3:
print("Invalid input. Please enter either 1 play against the computer, 2 to play against a friend or 3 to exit")
print("not other number or characters")
while condition2:
one_score = 0
two_score = 0
print("Choose either 1, 2, or 3 on your keyboard to select")
print("rock, paper or scissors respectively.\n")
for x in range(1,4):
pOne_input = ""
pTwo_input = ""
pOne_choice = ""
pTwo_choice = ""
print("Player one goes first.\n")
pOne_input = input("")
print("Ok, now player one should turn away while player two makes his/her choice: ")
pTwo_input = input("")
if pOne_input == "1":
pOne_choice = "rock"
elif pOne_input == "2":
pOne_choice = "paper"
elif pOne_input == "3":
pOne_choice = "scissor"
if pTwo_input == "1":
pTwo_choice = "rock"
elif pTwo_input == "2":
pTwo_choice = "paper"
elif pTwo_input == "3":
pTwo_choice = "scissor"
if pTwo_choice == "rock" and pOne_choice != "paper" and pOne_choice != "rock":
two_score = two_score + 1
elif pTwo_choice == "paper" and pOne_choice != "scissor" and pOne_choice != "paper":
two_score = two_score + 1
elif pTwo_choice == "scissor" and pOne_choice != "rock" and pOne_choice != "scissor":
two_score = two_score + 1
elif pOne_choice == pTwo_choice:
one_score = one_score + 1
print("Player one's choice: ", pOne_choice)
print("Player two's choice: ", pTwo_choice, "\n")
print("Player one's score: ", one_score)
print("Player two's score: ", two_score, "\n")
if one_score > two_score:
print("Player one wins ", one_score, " to ", two_score, "\n")
elif one_score == two_score:
print("It's a tie!")
print("Player two wins ", two_score, " to ",one_score, "\n")
print("Thank you for playing! Would you like to try again?")
print("If so, press 1 on your keyboard to play against the computer")
print("press 2 to play against a friend.")
print("Press 3 to exit.")
answer = input(" ")
iAnswer = int(answer)
if iAnswer == 1 and iAnswer != 2:
condition1 = True
condition2 = False
elif iAnswer == 2 and iAnswer != 1:
condition2 = True
condition1 = False
elif iAnswer == 3 and iAnswer != 1 and iAnswer != 2:
condition2 = False
condition1 = False
while iAnswer != 1 and iAnswer != 2 and iAnswer != 3:
print("Invalid input. Please enter either 1 play against the computer, 2 to play against a friend or 3 to exit")
print("not other number or characters")
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