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Created November 15, 2013 14:18
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Save anonymous/7485006 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This node.js "server" is my "make very URL I've ever made still work" add on to my own http router.
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function(req, res){
function giveup(code) {
if(code == 410) {
res.writeHead(410, {
Server: "pfe+redirect",
"X-Patrick-Says": "Redirect Engine in just 41 lines of code. node.js rocks"
res.end("This content is gone, there is no forwarding address. Sorry.");
} else {
res.writeHead(302, {
Location: "",
Server: "pfe/redirect",
"X-Patrick-Says": "Redirect Engine in just 41 lines of code. node.js rocks"
res.end("Redirecting to");
function re(url, m, destUrl, status) {
if(_ref = url.match(new RegExp(m))) {
for(var idx = 1; idx < _ref.length; idx++) {
destUrl = destUrl.replace("$" + idx, _ref[idx]);
if(status == 410) {
} else {
res.writeHead(status || 302, {
Location: destUrl,
Server: "pfe/redirect",
"X-Patrick-Says": "Redirect Engine in just 41 lines of code. node.js rocks"
return true;
return false;
// frontendserver rewrites URLs like "" to ""
if(req.url.substring(0, 15) == "/patrickgeeknz/") {
patrickgeeknz(re.bind(null, req.url.substring(15)), giveup);
} else if(req.url.substring(0, 9) == "/soapbox/") {
soapbox(re.bind(null, req.url.substring(9)), function() {
patrickgeeknz(re.bind(null, req.url.substring(9)), giveup);
} else {
}).listen(10394, function() {
console.log("Up and running on http://localhost:10394/ ...");
function soapbox(re, giveup) {
// Either 301 (permanent) and 302 (temporary) HTTP status codes are supported
if(re("^bar"), 302)) return;
if(re("^bam"), 301)) return;
// Simple substituion is supported
if(re("^past/([0-9]{4})/([0-9]{1,2})[/]?([0-9]{1,2})?[/]?$", "$1/$2/", 301)) return;
// 410 (and no forwarding URL, obviously) and it'll send a 410 gone instead
if(re("^gone", null, 410)) return;
// If none of our rules match we giveup(),
// which in this case tries the patrickgeeknz() set below
function patrickgeeknz(re, giveup) {
// Send the default thing away
if(re("^$", "", 301)) return;
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