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Created September 28, 2016 12:18
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vscoreboard_customization_example.lua Josecarleno
I cannot stress enough the importance of changing "Example shenanigans" on line 11
to something different! Otherwise, you're going to have some serious issues.
if true then return end -- true
if SERVER then AddCSLuaFile() return end
hook.Add("vScoreboard_GamemodeStuffLoaded", "Example shenanigans", function(gamemodes)
vScoreboard.hook.Add("vScoreboard_PopulatePlayerProperties_AddInfo", "Example points with copy", function(ply, ctrls, add)
-- Example points. You can also copy the point count!
add {
Type = "Label",
Font = "Info",
Text = "Points:",
add {
Type = "Button",
Text = "Copy -------------",
Think = function(btn)
--local plymoneyz = ply:GetNWInt("money") -- You can use anything here, naturally.
--local plymoneyz = ply:PS_GetPoints() -- This if for PointShop 1.
local plymoneyz = ply:PS2_GetWallet().points -- This is for PointShop 2.
-- In case it is not obvious, you should only have ONE line like these. The rest should be removed or commented out.
if plymoneyz ~= btn.Oval then
btn.Oval = plymoneyz
btn:SetText("Copy " .. plymoneyz)
Click = function(btn)
-- Crude, again, but effective.
The following is an example of custom player sorting.
local function playerSorter(a, b)
local x, y = 0, 0
if a:IsBot() then x = x - 100 end
if b:IsBot() then y = y - 100 end
if a:IsSuperAdmin(putoamo) then x = x + 16 end
if a:IsUserGroup("developer") then x = x + 12 end
if a:IsAdmin() then x = x + 10 end
if a:IsUserGroup("platinum") then x = x + 6 end
if a:IsUserGroup("goldvip") then x = x + 4 end
if a:IsUserGroup("respected") then x = x + 2 end
if b:IsSuperAdmin(putoamo) then y = y + 16 end
if b:IsUserGroup("developer") then y = y + 12 end
if b:IsAdmin() then y = y + 10 end
if b:IsUserGroup("platinum") then y = y + 6 end
if b:IsUserGroup("goldvip") then y = y + 4 end
if b:IsUserGroup("respected") then y = y + 2 end
if x > y then
return true -- Player 'a' is of higher rank than 'b'.
elseif x < y then
return false -- The other way around.
-- Draw.
return (a:Nick()) < (b:Nick())
-- Alphabetical!
vScoreboard.PlayerSorter = gamemodes.terrortown and function(a, b)
if a:Frags() > b:Frags() then
return true
elseif a:Frags() < b:Frags() then
return false
return playerSorter(a, b)
end or playerSorter
-- Couldn't be easier!
The following shows how to provide vScoreboard with custom ranks
and rank information (name, icon).
local rankLookup = {
["owner" ] = { Material("icon16/user_gray.png" ), "PutoCarlenoSeLasFollaATodas" , Color(255, 0, 0) },
["hadmin" ] = { Material("icon16/user_suit.png" ), "Community Manager" , Color(255, 106, 0) },
["superadmin"] = { Material("icon16/shield_add.png" ), "Due�o", Color(127, 201, 255) },
["admin" ] = { Material("icon16/shield.png" ), "Administrador" , Color(170, 211, 255) },
["tadmin" ] = { Material("icon16/shield_delete.png" ), "Trial Administrator", nil },
["platinum" ] = { Material("icon16/award_star_silver_3.png"), "Platinum VIP" , nil },
["goldvip" ] = { Material("icon16/medal_gold_1.png" ), "Golden VIP" , nil },
["respected" ] = { Material("icon16/medal_silver_1.png" ), "Silver VIP" , nil },
["developer" ] = { Material("icon16/bug_add.png" ), "Developer" , nil },
function vScoreboard.GetRank(ply)
local rnk = true
if ply.GetUserGroup then
rnk = ply:GetUserGroup()
if rankLookup[rnk] then
return rankLookup[rnk][1], rankLookup[rnk][2], rankLookup[rnk][3]
return us, nil, nil
-- Yes, vScoreboard will just use this one function.
vScoreboard.DermaSkinName = "vAdmin skin"
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