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Created April 29, 2015 08:32
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from ctypes import *
from openctm import *
from contextlib import contextmanager
import bpy
import bmesh
def pydata_from_bmesh(bm):
v = [[:] for v in bm.verts]
# e = [[i.index for i in e.verts] for e in bm.edges[:]]
p = [[i.index for i in p.verts] for p in bm.faces[:]]
return v, p
def ctm_features():
def make_blob(geom, T):
"""Convert into a ctypes flat pointer-to-array"""
size = len(geom) * len(geom[0])
Blob = T * size
geom_data_type = [c for v in geom for c in v]
blob = Blob(*geom_data_type)
return cast(blob, POINTER(T))
ctmDefineMesh = _lib.ctmDefineMesh
ctmDefineMesh.argtypes = [
POINTER(CTMfloat), CTMuint, # * to vertex data & vertex count
POINTER(CTMuint), CTMuint, # * to index data & triangle count
POINTER(CTMfloat)] # Optional * to surface normals
yield ctmDefineMesh
yield make_blob
def write_ctm(filename, verts, faces):
with ctm_features() as (ctmDefineMesh, make_blob):
pVerts = make_blob(verts, c_float)
pFaces = make_blob(faces, c_uint)
pNormals = POINTER(c_float)()
ctm = ctmNewContext(CTM_EXPORT)
ctmDefineMesh(ctm, pVerts, len(verts), pFaces, len(faces), pNormals)
ctmSave(ctm, filename)
def get_triangulated_mesh(obj):
# Get the active mesh
me =
bm =
bmesh.ops.triangulate(bm, faces=bm.faces, quad_method=0, ngon_method=0)
geometry = pydata_from_bmesh(bm)
write_ctm(filename, *geometry) # free and prevent further access
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