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Created September 19, 2013 23:36
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global class EmailToGAChatterGroup implements Messaging.InboundEmailHandler {
* Written by Evan Callahan, copyright (c) 2010 Groundwire, 1402 3rd Avenue, Suite 1000, Seattle, WA 98101
* This program is released under the GNU General Public License.
* Inbound email handler that creates Chatter posts
* Automatically posts to the user Chatter feed for the user who sends the email
* Support for:
- Email attachments - posts each file to the Chatter feed
- Forwarded email - Chatters the text up to the forward, and then posts the entire forward as a file
* To configure, go to Setup => Develop => Email Services. Create an email service:
- Name: Chatter
- Apex Class: ChatterEmail
- Accept Attachments: All
- Accept Email From: [your organization's domain name]
- Truncate Oversize: [checked]
- Convert Text Attachments: [checked]
- Active: [checked]
* Next, click New Email Address.
- Email Address: chatter
- Active: [checked]
- Context User: [name of system administrator]
- Accept Email From: [your organization's domain name]
* Make note of the email address - users can send or forward email and attachments to
* that address to post to their Chatter feed.
global Messaging.InboundEmailResult handleInboundEmail(Messaging.inboundEmail email, Messaging.InboundEnvelope env){
// Create an inboundEmailResult object for returning
// the result of the Email Service
Messaging.InboundEmailResult result = new Messaging.InboundEmailResult();
TrueCostSystemVariables__c tcsv = TrueCostSystemVariables__c.getorgdefaults();
string GAGroupID = tcsv.Analytics_Group_ID__c;
ContentWorkspace Library;
// Try to lookup the user
user[] u = [Select Id From user Where Email = :email.fromAddress and usertype=:'Standard' Limit 1];
if (email.fromAddress.contains('') ){
u = [Select Id From user Where id = :TrueCostUtilities.lookuptheAdmin() Limit 1];
//get the library name
if (email.plaintextbody.contains('#Library')){
string afterlastHash = email.plaintextbody.substring(email.plaintextbody.lastindexOf('#')+1);
//afterlastHash = afterlastHash.replace('\n', '');
string libraryFirstWord = afterlastHash.split('\n', 0)[0] + '%';
library = [select id from ContentWorkspace where name like: libraryFirstWord];
if (u.isEmpty()) {
result.success = false;
result.message = 'Please send your Chatter email from an email address associated with a Salesforce user.';
} else {
// Add a new post containing the content of the email
try {
id fromUser = u[0].id;
list<FeedItem> posts = new list<FeedItem>();
// create the main post
FeedItem fp = new FeedItem(
ParentId = GAGroupID , // attach to the set group
Body = email.subject // post the subject
// append up to 10 lines of body text from the email
if (email.plainTextBody != null && email.plainTextBody.trim().length() > 0) {
string[] emailLines = email.plainTextBody.split('\n', 11);
for (string s : emailLines) {
// stop if you hit the signature or forward
if (s.startsWith('-') || s.toLowerCase().contains('forwarded message'))
// append this line to the chatter post body
fp.body += '\n' + s;
// attach the email if it is a forwarded message
if (email.plainTextBody != null && email.plainTextBody.toLowerCase().contains('forwarded message')) {
// use html if there is any, otherwise text
if (email.htmlBody != null && email.htmlBody.trim().length() > 0) {
fp.ContentData = blob.valueOf(email.htmlBody);
fp.ContentFileName = 'ForwardedEmail' +'MMddhhmm') + '.htm';
} else {
fp.ContentData = blob.valueOf(email.plainTextBody);
fp.ContentFileName = 'ForwardedEmail' +'MMddhhmm') + '.txt';
// also post each attachment
set<string> fileNames = new set<string>();
if (email.BinaryAttachments != null) {
for (messaging.InboundEmail.BinaryAttachment ba : email.BinaryAttachments) {
// make sure not to attach the same file twice
if (!fileNames.contains(ba.filename)) {
if (fp.contentFileName == null) {
// attach the first attachment to the main post
fp.ContentData = ba.body;
fp.ContentFileName = ba.filename;
} else {
// post other attachments separately
feeditem fpa = new feeditem(
ParentId = GAGroupID,
ContentData = ba.body,
ContentFileName = ba.filename
if (email.TextAttachments != null) {
for (messaging.InboundEmail.TextAttachment ba : email.TextAttachments) {
// make sure not to attach the same file twice
if (!fileNames.contains(ba.filename)) {
if (fp.contentFileName == null) {
// attach the first attachment to the main post
fp.ContentData = blob.valueOf(ba.body);
fp.ContentFileName = ba.filename;
} else {
// post other attachments separately
feeditem fpa = new feeditem(
ParentId = GAGroupID,
ContentData = blob.valueOf(ba.body),
ContentFileName = ba.filename
// insert the posts
insert posts;
//get the content objects
for (feeditem inserted:posts){
feeditem post = [select id, RelatedRecordId from feeditem where];
ContentVersion cv = [select id, title, pathonclient, versiondata, ContentDocumentId from ContentVersion where id =: post.RelatedRecordId];
ContentVersion REPcv = new ContentVersion(); //gonna do a copy that can go into the library
REPcv.title = cv.title;
REPcv.versiondata = cv.versiondata;
REPcv.pathonclient = cv.pathonclient;
insert REPcv;
REPcv = [select ContentDocumentId from ContentVersion where id =];
ContentWorkspaceDoc docLink = new ContentWorkspaceDoc();
docLink.ContentDocumentId = REPcv.ContentDocumentId;
docLink.ContentWorkspaceId =;
insert doclink;
result.success = true;
} catch (exception e) {
result.message = 'Error while running the Chatter to Email converter: \n' + e.getMessage() + 'fromUser ==' + u;
result.success = false;
// Return the result for the Email Service
return result;
static void testChatterEmail() {
set<id> oldposts = new set<id>();
TrueCostSystemVariables__c tcsv = TrueCostSystemVariables__c.getorgdefaults();
string GAGroupID = tcsv.Analytics_Group_ID__c;
for (feeditem fi : [select id from feeditem where parentid = :GAGroupID ])
oldposts.add( );
// Create a new email and envelope object
Messaging.InboundEmail email = new Messaging.InboundEmail();
Messaging.InboundEnvelope env = new Messaging.InboundEnvelope();
email.subject = 'chatter this test please';
email.plainTextBody = 'Here is my plainText body of the email.\n The first line gets chattered.\n---Forwarded message---\nThe message.';
user u = [select email from user where id = :userInfo.getUserId() limit 1];
email.fromAddress =;
// Add attachments
messaging.InboundEmail.TextAttachment ta = new messaging.InboundEmail.TextAttachment();
list<messaging.InboundEmail.TextAttachment> talist = new list<messaging.InboundEmail.TextAttachment>();
email.TextAttachments = talist;
messaging.InboundEmail.BinaryAttachment ba = new messaging.InboundEmail.BinaryAttachment();
list<messaging.InboundEmail.BinaryAttachment> balist = new list<messaging.InboundEmail.BinaryAttachment>();
email.BinaryAttachments = balist;
// Simulate sending the email
EmailToGAChatterGroup handler = new EmailToGAChatterGroup ();
handler.handleInboundEmail(email, env);
// Did it work?
feeditem[] postsAfter = [select type, Body, ContentFileName from feeditem
where parentid = :GAGroupID and id not in : oldposts];
// system.assertEquals(3, postsAfter.size());
// also try a bad address, just for coverage
email.fromAddress = '';
handler.handleInboundEmail(email, env);
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