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/weight.json Secret

Created June 4, 2017 11:26
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"user": {
"height": 1.75,
"target_kg": 70,
"target_date": "2017-08-01",
"old": 25
"activity": {
"2017-06-03": {
"カロリー": {
"昼": {
"チキンクリスプ": {
"kcal": 350,
"num": 2
"夜": {
"天下一品": 1000,
"アジフライ": 176,
"米": 100
"自転車": -2400
"体重": 78.4,
"体脂肪率": 25.4
"2017-06-04": {
"カロリー": {
"昼": {
"アジの開き": 166,
"米": 284,
"味噌汁": 25
"夜": {
"生どら焼き": 290,
"ロースステーキ": 800,
"小松菜": {
"kcal": 6,
"num": 2
"味噌汁": 25
"自転車": -600
"体重": 78.7,
"体脂肪率": 24.9
from datetime import datetime
import json
json_dict = json.load(open("weight.json", "r"))
user = json_dict["user"]
dataset = json_dict["activity"]
kcal_kg = 7200 # 出典
std_kg = 22 * user["height"]**2 # BMI22を元にした標準体重 (67.4kg)
target_kg = user["target_kg"] # 目標の体重
target_date = user["target_date"] # 目標の期限
def bmr(kg):
# ハリスベネディクト基礎代謝
return 66.5 + kg * 13.8 + user["height"] * 500.0 - user["old"] * 6.8
def bmi(kg):
return kg / user["height"]**2
def accumulate_kcal(data):
if set(["num", "kcal"]) <= data.keys():
return data["num"] * data["kcal"]
result = 0.0
for k, v in data.items():
if isinstance(v, (int, float)):
result += v
elif isinstance(v, dict):
result += accumulate_kcal(v)
return result
def remained_days(d1):
fmt = "%Y-%m-%d"
if isinstance(d1, str):
d1 = datetime.strptime(d1, fmt)
d2 = datetime.strptime(target_date, fmt)
return (d2 - d1).days
values = {}
def append(key, x):
if key not in values.keys():
values[key] = [x]
標準体重: {} kg
目標体重: {} kg
期限 {} (残り{}日)
""".format(std_kg, target_kg, target_date, remained_days(
index = []
for date, data in dataset.items():
actual_kg = data["体重"]
remained_kcal = (actual_kg - target_kg) * kcal_kg
base_kcal = bmr(actual_kg)
actual_kcal = accumulate_kcal(data["カロリー"]) - base_kcal
append("消費カロリー(kcal)", actual_kcal)
append("残カロリー(kcal)", remained_kcal)
append("目標消費カロリー(kcal)", - remained_kcal / remained_days(date))
append("体重(kg)", actual_kg)
append("予想体重(kg)", actual_kg + actual_kcal / kcal_kg)
append("BMI", bmi(actual_kg))
append("BMR", base_kcal)
# 表を出力
import pandas
from tabulate import tabulate
df = pandas.DataFrame(values, index=index)
print(tabulate(df, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))
# グラフを描画
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.font_manager as fm
import matplotlib.dates as mdates'ggplot')
# フリーフォントの Ricty を使用:
font_path = next(filter(lambda f: "Ricty" in f, fm.findSystemFonts()))
font_prop = fm.FontProperties(fname=font_path)
matplotlib.rcParams[''] = font_prop.get_name()
df[["残カロリー(kcal)", "体重(kg)"]].plot(subplots=True)
print("グラフを weight.svg に保存しました")
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