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Created December 17, 2012 11:36
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import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
object lifter extends App {
val classdef = q"""class Foo extends Liftable {
def bar[Baz](faz: Int) = faz * 2
def fuz(caz: Int)(shmaz: Int): Int = caz * shmaz
def lift(tree: Tree) = {
val q"class $name extends Liftable { ..$body }" = tree
val newdefs = body collect {
case q"def $fname[..$tparams](...$argss): $tresult = $fbody" =>
val newresult = if (tresult.nonEmpty) tq"Future[$tresult]" else tresult
val newname = TermName("async" + fname.toString.capitalize)
val argss0 = => => a1.asInstanceOf[ValDef]))
val tparams0 =[TypeDef]).toList
q"def $newname[..$tparams0](...$argss0): $newresult = future { $fbody }"
val name0 = name.asInstanceOf[TypeName]
q"class $name0 extends AnyRef { ..${(body ++ newdefs).toList} }"
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