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Created June 24, 2015 18:56

MOD POST: This subreddit is for everyone and the future of this subreddit

^based ^on ^eberkneezers ^post

##mission statement

/r/Voat is a place for redditors to discuss voat

This is a place for critical and fun discussion of voat. Feel free to make your own contributions here.

##subreddits about voat

  • /r/voatco

  • /r/voatdrama

  • /r/voaters

If you want to make some suggestions for this subreddit, you can leave them here or put up the issue on the github repository

##features of /r/voat

  • /r/Voat has a Public moderation log that can be found here:

  • There will be freedom of thought that improve the quality of the subreddit.

  • There will be positive liberties in this subreddit.

##Next in Moderation


  • This github will be the place where you can pull request and put up issues about the subreddit.

  • Everything that I change and put into action will be put on the git.

  • Anything that you want can be requested via a issue report on the git

#The moderation system of /r/voat

  • There will be one "main" and one "apprentince" mod for all the actions that one can do as a mod
  1. policy

  2. sidebar

  3. automod

  4. bots

  5. css

  6. flairs

  7. modmail

  8. deleting comments/posts

  9. report/unmod queue

  10. wiki

  11. misc mod actions

  12. ban/unbans

  13. speech/post writing

##Good subverses


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