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Created May 19, 2017 13:23
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Created using browser-solidity: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
pragma solidity ^0.4.8;
//© copyright 2017 - Catallax Bank and Rivvir Consulting
// Developed by Austin Fatheree
// @hypercatallax
// All rights reserved.
contract DecayToken {
struct Rate {
uint256 nextblock;
uint256 rate;
bool initialized;
uint256 public totalSupply;
uint256 public startBlock; //holds the generation block for the contract so that we know where to start our linked list for decay rates
uint256 public demurrageHold;
uint256 public rateBase;
uint256 public maxCatchUpBlock;
mapping(address => uint256) balance;
mapping(address => uint256) catchUpBlock;
mapping(uint256 => Rate) rateMap;
string public name; //fancy name: eg Simon Bucks
uint8 public decimals; //How many decimals to show. ie. There could 1000 base units with 3 decimals. Meaning 0.980 SBX = 980 base units. It's like comparing 1 wei to 1 ether.
string public symbol; //An identifier: eg SBX
string public version = 'H0.1'; //human 0.1 standard. Just an arbitrary versioning scheme.
function () {
//if ether is sent to this address, send it back.
function DecayToken(
uint256 _initialAmount,
string _tokenName,
uint8 _decimalUnits,
string _tokenSymbol
balance[msg.sender] = _initialAmount; // Give the creator all initial tokens
totalSupply = _initialAmount; // Update total supply
name = _tokenName; // Set the name for display purposes
decimals = _decimalUnits; // Amount of decimals for display purposes
symbol = _tokenSymbol; // Set the symbol for display purposes
//record the startblock that the currency came online -- used for cycling through rates
startBlock = block.number;
//create the first rate that goes from block 0 to the start block
rateMap[0].initialized = true;
rateMap[0].rate = 0;
rateMap[0].nextblock = startBlock;
//init the next rate
rateMap[startBlock].initialized = true;
//set the max catchup to the current block
maxCatchUpBlock = block.number;
rateBase = 10000000; //base used for rates.
//erc20 interface
function balanceOf( address who ) constant returns (uint value){
//todo: check validity
return balance[who];
function transfer( address to, uint value) returns (bool ok){
if(value == 0) throw;
//test catch up
if(catchUpBlock[msg.sender] < maxCatchUpBlock) throw;
//make sure balance is positive
if(balance[msg.sender] < value) throw;
//update balances
balance[msg.sender] = balance[msg.sender] - value;
balance[to] = balance[to] + value;
Transfer(msg.sender, to, value);
return true;
function addRate(uint _startBlock, uint _endBlock, uint amount) returns (bool ok){
if(rateMap[_startBlock].initialized == false) throw; //a rate doesnt exist for this startblock
if(rateMap[_endBlock].initialized != false) throw; //we cant correct rates here only append
//set the new rate
rateMap[_startBlock].nextblock = _endBlock;
rateMap[_startBlock].rate = amount;
rateMap[_endBlock].initialized = true;
//update the maxCatchUpBlock for everyoune
maxCatchUpBlock = _endBlock;
return true;
function getRate(uint _startBlock) constant returns(uint _TheRate, uint _EndBlock){
_TheRate = rateMap[_startBlock].rate;
_EndBlock = rateMap[_startBlock].nextblock;
function catchup(address account) returns (bool ok){
//todo: issuer can force catchup
if(msg.sender != account) throw;
uint transferAmount = 0; //the amount that will decay
uint nextblock = catchUpBlock[account]; //lookup the current catchup block for this account
uint startBalance = balance[account]; //lookup the current balance of an account
//loop through each rate from the last catch up to maxCatchUpBlock and decay the cash
while(nextblock < maxCatchUpBlock){
Rate thisrate = rateMap[nextblock]; //what was the rate during this period?
uint removeAmount = (startBalance * thisrate.rate)/rateBase; //calculate the amount
transferAmount = transferAmount + removeAmount; //store the amount
startBalance = startBalance - removeAmount; //adjust balance used in calc so we don't go below 0
nextblock = thisrate.nextblock; // update nextblock to advance loop
//todo: scheme to check remaining gas and bail if gas gets too low
balance[account] = balance[account] - transferAmount; //update the balance
demurrageHold = demurrageHold + transferAmount; //put the decayed amount into a place for everyone to see
catchUpBlock[account] = maxCatchUpBlock; //update the catchup block allowing the account to spend
CatchUp(account, maxCatchUpBlock, transferAmount); //broadcast catchup so issuer can act
return true;
event CatchUp(address indexed from, uint newMaxBlock, uint value);
event Transfer( address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value);
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