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/ Secret

Created March 10, 2016 15:47
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import os
import logging
import salt.utils
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def ext_pillar( minion_id, pillar, ca_name, **kwargs ):
alt_names = []
domain = ".".join(minion_id.split(".")[1:])
# add VRRP names as alt names
if 'cluster' in pillar and len(pillar['cluster']['dns']) > 0:
cluster_dns = pillar['cluster']['dns']
alt_names.append("DNS:%s" % minion_id) # CN is ignored when alt_names is present so add minion_id here as well
alt_names.append("DNS:%s" % cluster_dns)
alt_names.append("DNS:%s.%s" % (cluster_dns, domain) )
except KeyError:
# not a cluster
# add pillar dns:alt as alt names
if 'dns' in pillar and len(pillar['dns']['alt']) > 0:
alt_dns = pillar['dns']['alt']
alt_names.append("DNS:%s" % minion_id) # CN is ignored when alt_names is present so add minion_id here as well
alt_names.append("DNS:%s" % alt_dns)
# if it's just an extra hostname instead of an FQDN,
# make sure to add it scoped to the local domain as well
if not '.' in alt_dns:
alt_names.append("DNS:%s.%s" % (alt_dns, domain) )
except KeyError:
# no alt dns name defined for minion
# CN is ignored if subjectAltName is supplied,
# so we need to set it to none if there are no
# alt names
# if no alt names, set to none
if not alt_names:
alt_names = None
ca_pillar = {}
ca_pillar['ca'] = {}
ca_pillar['ca']['certs'] = {}
ca_pillar['ca']['certs'][minion_id] = {}
ca_file = "/etc/pki/%(ca_name)s/%(ca_name)s_ca_cert.crt" % { 'ca_name': ca_name }
pem_file = "/etc/pki/%(ca_name)s/certs/%(minion_id)s.crt" % { 'ca_name': ca_name, 'minion_id': minion_id }
key_file = "/etc/pki/%(ca_name)s/certs/%(minion_id)s.key" % { 'ca_name': ca_name, 'minion_id': minion_id }
# Check if the CA exists
if not os.path.exists(ca_file):
days=3650, CN='PRIVATE CA',
C='country', ST='province', L='city', O='company',
OU='organization', emailAddress='')
# Check if we have to create a new certificate for this minion
if not os.path.exists(key_file): # or reissue:
__salt__['tls.create_csr'](ca_name, CN=minion_id, C='country', ST='province', L='city', O='company', OU='organization', emailAddress='', subjectAltName=alt_names)
if not os.path.exists(pem_file): # or reissue:
__salt__['tls.create_ca_signed_cert'](ca_name, minion_id, days=3650)
with salt.utils.fopen(pem_file, "r") as ifile:
ca_pillar['ca']['certs'][minion_id]['pem'] =
with salt.utils.fopen(key_file, "r") as ifile:
ca_pillar['ca']['certs'][minion_id]['key'] =
with salt.utils.fopen(ca_file, "r") as ifile:
ca_pillar['ca']['%s.pem' % ca_name] =
return ca_pillar
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