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Created January 11, 2014 00:04
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import math
import random
import uuid
from collections import deque
from copy import deepcopy
def score(assignments):
def num_letters(word):
return len([c for c in word if str.isalpha(c)])
def num_vowels(word):
vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'y']
return len([c for c in word if c in vowels])
def num_consonants(word):
return num_letters(word) - num_vowels(word)
def gcd(a, b):
while b:
a, b = b, a % b
combined_score, i = 0, 0
for pair in assignments:
customer, offer = pair[0], pair[1]
ss = 0.0
if num_letters(offer) % 2 == 0:
ss += num_vowels(customer) * 1.5
ss += num_consonants(customer)
if gcd(num_letters(customer), num_letters(offer)) > 1:
ss *= 1.5
combined_score += ss
i += 1
return combined_score
def generate_neighbor(assignments, delta_factor=.01):
assignments = [
['john smith', 'half gallon milk'],
[sarah jane', 'colt ma124'],
['bob dylan', 'tesla motors model s']]
num_swaps = math.ceil(delta_factor * len(assignments))
num_swaps = int(num_swaps) if num_swaps >= 1 else 1
for _ in xrange(num_swaps):
first_index, second_index = 0, 0
# the probability that this conditional
# will evaluate to false approaches 1.0 wrt time
while first_index == second_index:
first_index = random.randrange(0, len(assignments))
second_index = random.randrange(0, len(assignments))
buff = assignments[first_index][1]
assignments[first_index][1] = assignments[second_index][1]
assignments[second_index][1] = buff
return assignments
def randomize(customers, offers):
randomized = []
c, o = 0, 0
while c < len(customers) and o < len(offers):
randomized.append([customers[c], offers[o]])
c, o = c+1, o+1
return randomized
def gaussian(x, variance=500):
variance = math.sqrt(math.e / 2.0 * math.pow(variance, 2))
return 1.0 - math.e * (math.pow(x,2.0) / (2.0*math.pow(variance, 2.0)))
def run_simulation(customers, offers, num_iters=10):
top = deque(maxlen = 4)
top.append(randomize(customers, offers))
proposed = deepcopy(top[-1])
for iteration in xrange(num_iters):
cycle = 0
while gaussian(cycle) > 0 and len(top) > 0:
proposed = generate_neighbor(proposed)
if score(proposed) > score(top[-1]):
highest_scoring = proposed
rand_prob = random.uniform(0, 1)
if iteration >= math.floor(.9 * num_iters) and len(top) > 0:
proposed = top.pop()
elif gaussian(cycle) > rand_prob:
proposed = randomize(customers, offers)
cycle += 1
return highest_scoring
def perform_tests(num_inputs=40, num_runs=100):
customers = []
offers = []
def run_test(in_func, verbose=True):
scores = []
for i in xrange(num_runs):
scores.append(score(in_func(customers, offers)))
if verbose:
print "Test cycle: ", i+1
return scores
for i in xrange(num_inputs):
customer = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '')
offer = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '')
# generate varying string lengths for
# greater score distribution
j = random.randrange(0, len(customer))
k = random.randrange(0, len(offer))
print "Running simulations..."
simres = run_test(run_simulation)
print "Getting randomized scores..."
randres = run_test(randomize)
return simres, randres
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