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Created February 14, 2018 15:18
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var ResourceTracker = ResourceTracker || (function () {
'use strict';
function ch(c) {
var entities = {
'<' : 'lt',
'>' : 'gt',
"'" : '#39',
'@' : '#64',
'{' : '#123',
'|' : '#124',
'}' : '#125',
'[' : '#91',
']' : '#93',
'"' : 'quot',
'-' : 'mdash',
' ' : 'nbsp'
if(_.has(entities,c) ){
return ('&'+entities[c]+';');
return '';
function sendWhisper(who, message) {
sendChat("Resource Tracker", '/w "' + who + '" ' + message);
function findAttribute(character, name) {
var resourceName = name;
var attribute = findObjs({ type:'attribute',, name: name}, {caseInsensitive: true})[0];
if (attribute) {
resourceName = getAttrByName(, attribute.get("name") + "_name");
else {
var resources = filterObjs(function(obj) {
if(obj.get("type") === "attribute" && obj.get("characterid") === && (obj.get("current") + "").toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase() && obj.get("name").indexOf("resource") > -1) return true;
else return false;
if (resources[0]) {
var resname = resources[0].get("name").replace("_name","");
var ammoid = findObjs({type: 'attribute', characterid:, name: resname}, {caseInsensitive: true})[0].id;
attribute = findObjs({type: 'attribute', characterid:, id: ammoid}, {caseInsensitive: true})[0];
return [ resourceName, attribute ];
function handleAdjustment(character, attribute, adjustment) {
var rtn = parseInt(attribute.get("current")) + adjustment;
attribute.set({current: rtn});
var resourceItemId = getAttrByName(, attribute.get("name") + "_itemid");
if (resourceItemId) {
var resourceItem = findObjs({type: 'attribute', characterid:, name: "repeating_inventory_" + resourceItemId + "_itemcount"}, {caseInsensitive: true})[0];
if (resourceItem) {
resourceItem.setWithWorker({current: rtn});
return rtn;
function processInlinerolls(msg) {
if (_.has(msg, 'inlinerolls')) {
return _.chain(msg.inlinerolls)
.reduce(function(previous, current, index) {
previous['$[[' + index + ']]'] = || 0;
return previous;
.reduce(function(previous, current, index) {
return previous.replace(index, current);
}, msg.content)
} else {
return msg.content;
function handleChat(msg) {
if (msg.type === "api") {
var content = processInlinerolls(msg);
var params = content.substring(1).splitArgs(" ");
var command = params[0].toLowerCase();
if (command === "resource") {
// should be !resouce name modifier
if (params.length === 4) {
var characters = findObjs({ type: 'character', name: params[1]});
if (characters && characters.length > 0) {
if (characters.length == 1)
var character = characters[0];
if (playerIsGM(msg.playerid) || _.contains(character.get('controlledby').split(','), msg.playerid) || _.contains(character.get('controlledby').split(','),'all') ) {
var [name, attribute] = findAttribute(character, params[2]);
if (attribute) {
var adjustment = parseInt(params[3]);
if (adjustment) {
var newValue = handleAdjustment(character, attribute, adjustment);
if(newValue < 0) {
if(getAttrByName(, "wtype") === "") {
sendChat(msg.who, "<div class='sheet-rolltemplate-simple' style='margin-top:-7px;'><div class='sheet-container' style='border-radius: 0px;'><div class='sheet-label' style='margin-top:5px;'><span style='display:block; color:red;'>OUT OF RESOURCE: " + name + "</span></div></div></div>");
else {
sendChat(msg.who, "/w gm <div class='sheet-rolltemplate-desc'><div class='sheet-desc' style='border-radius: 0px;'><div class='sheet-label' style='margin-top:5px;'><span style='display:block; color:red;'>OUT OF RESOURCEL :" + name + "</span></div></div></div>");
else if(state.FifthEditionOGLbyRoll20.ammotracking != "quiet") {
if(getAttrByName(, "wtype") === "") {
sendChat(msg.who, "<div class='sheet-rolltemplate-simple' style='margin-top:-7px;'><div class='sheet-container' style='border-radius: 0px;'><div class='sheet-label' style='margin-top:5px;'><span style='display:block;'>" + name + ": " + newValue + " LEFT</span></div></div></div>");
else {
sendChat(msg.who, "/w gm <div class='sheet-rolltemplate-desc'><div class='sheet-desc' style='border-radius: 0px;'><div class='sheet-label' style='margin-top:5px;'><span style='display:block;'>" + name + ": " + newValue + " LEFT</span></div></div></div>");
else {
sendWhisper(msg.who, "Invalid adjustment value: " + params[3]);
else {
sendWhisper(msg.who, "Could not find attribute: " + params[2]);
else {
sendWhisper(msg.who, "You do not control the specified character: " + params[1]);
else {
sendWhisper(msg.who, "Found more than one character that matches " + params[1]);
else {
sendWhisper(msg.who, "Could not find character " + params[1]);
else {
sendWhisper(msg.who, "Usage: !resource "+ch('<')+"character name"+ch('>')+" "+ch('<')+"resouce name"+ch('>')+" "+ch('<')+"modifier"+ch('>')+". ie: !resource Ki -2");
function RegisterEventHandlers() {
on('chat:message', handleChat);
return {
RegisterEventHandlers: RegisterEventHandlers
'use strict';
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