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Created January 22, 2014 03:36
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In the aftermath of the great War, 5 heroes join forces to keep the peace! Can they survive an onslaught of Bug-Men?
KriegsaffeNo9 It is a cold night, and you meet in dreams--in the Dark Place. It is redolent with the sent of smoke and fine liquor, the light is dim--like starlight--and somewhere a band plays.
17:39 KriegsaffeNo9 You are each arrayed at a low table. There are drinks to your liking before you. You don't recall a meeting being scheduled for tonight...
17:40 KriegsaffeNo9 Your fellows share this table with you. Even Seseth is seated amongst you, a rarity. What do you do, O dreamers?
17:40 Alex 's teeth are chattering, and his leather armor's useless for keeping the cold out. The young warrior's rubbing his arms for warmth, and trying to sneeze silently.
17:40 Alex "Abyone hab tissue?"
17:41 Desmond looks around to make sure his dog is here as well. He'd be lost without Miruna...
17:41 Yuni stands up, and respectfully bows. "H-Hello everyone! I apologize for asking, but does anyone know what we're doing here?"
17:42 Josef shakes his head at her, fishing a handkerchief out of this breast pocket and passing it over to the shota.
17:44 Desmond 's eyes are darting around looking for any sign of his dog. He let's out a low whistle.
17:45 KriegsaffeNo9 Desmond: Your dog pads out of the darkness. He was evidently in the midst of a dog-dream and doesn't seem too fond of being drawn out... but still, he takes his master's side.
17:46 Seseth "I don't, unfortunately. This meeting was as much of a surprise to me as to all of you. I had big plans for today, too."
17:46 Yuni nervously sits back down. She takes small sips from her drink as her eyes shift around, looking for any answers at all. She's still getting used to all this...dream-walking. The outside world is full of many strange and mysterious wonders indeed...
17:46 Alex "Nghhh. This suuuuucks."
17:47 Josef "Tell me about it."
17:47 Desmond lets out a sigh of immense relief, he runs his fingers through Miruna's short fluff and tries to calm himself enough to pay attention to his companions.
17:47 Seseth "Today..." she stands up and poses. "I was finally going to catch a sunbeam under my paw!"
17:48 Desmond smiles at Seseth. Her excitement about the natural world is endearing.
17:49 KriegsaffeNo9 A small but clear "hem!" sounds from the darkness. A woman's voice. The sound of stiff-heeled shoes /click/ing across smooth floor...
17:50 KriegsaffeNo9 She is closer--you can sense her warmth seeming to radiate out of the darkness--but she is no brighter, no clearer. The Dark Lady of the Dark Place has arrived, stars braided in her hair, faint moonlight caught on her lips.
17:50 KriegsaffeNo9 "Good evening," she says. Softly. Always softly.
17:51 Alex pauses his nose blowing. And /shakes in fear./
17:51 Desmond gazes slack-jawed at this lovely Dark Lady.
17:52 Yuni quickly stands up, and respectfully bows, trembling all the while. "Apologies-I mean-Morning! I mean, good evening!" She bows again. "Apologies!"
17:52 Josef dips his head toward her, maintaining a respectful expression.
17:53 Seseth perks her whiskers forward, the most respectful a cat will ever be of an authority figure without food.
17:53 KriegsaffeNo9 Those lips show a faint smile.
17:53 KriegsaffeNo9 (theme song: )
17:53 KriegsaffeNo9 "I apologize for the lack of notice. But there has been... misfortune."
KriegsaffeNo9 "In Ectdysozoa, in the farmlands theirof, small communities have been--vanishing. One, a few months ago; the second, two weeks ago. And now, a third, within the hour."
17:56 KriegsaffeNo9 "We know this through fortunate coincidence. A radio enthusiast attempted communication with his fellow in the farming village of Cilia, only to find sounds of--indeterminate struggle--in response."
17:57 Seseth immediately looks serious. "Have thee been any clues left as to what might have befallen them besides this?"
17:57 Desmond mutters under his breath, "No manner of natural beast could do such a thing.."
17:57 Alex "Um... more importantly, is this a rescue mission, or - just a scouting thing?"
17:57 KriegsaffeNo9 "Perilously little. Strands of silk, stains of some vile fluid... but these are common in Ectdysozoa." You all know the place as the breeding-ground of vast insects and arachnids.
17:58 KriegsaffeNo9 "We hope that rescue is possible, Alex. For now, we will send you to assess the situation and, hopefully, save who you can."
18:00 KriegsaffeNo9 Motion in the darkness--her hand is near her lip. "I understand this is short-notice. But this is the consequence of working for the greater good."
18:00 KriegsaffeNo9 There is light at your backs... a doorway has carved itself out of the darkness, its threshold brilliant with daylight.
18:00 Josef nods. "Anything--on any notice--for the peace of the realm."
18:01 KriegsaffeNo9 "Your favored arms and armaments are with you, and will be with you, as you find. Prepare yourself as you need, and step through the door." With a pause, her invisible gaze shifts to Seseth: "That goes for you as well."
18:01 Alex "Uhm...before we go." Alex stands up, cradling his sword in his arms. "Is my sister okay?"
18:01 Alex "I haven't heard from her in a while."
18:01 KriegsaffeNo9 "Your sister is as always in exemplary condition. She is merely--enmeshed--as many of our agents are."
18:02 Alex "Al...alright, then. Thank you for watching after the both of us."
18:02 KriegsaffeNo9 Is she smiling? "She asked the same of you, you know."
18:03 Alex Whether she is or not, it definitely brings a smile to /his./
18:03 Alex "Ahh - Miss Yuni, Miss Cat, let's go!"
18:03 Yuni stands up, and bows respectfully. "On my honor, I swear to help carry out this mission to the best of my ability! Apologies in advance for any incompetence on my end!"
18:04 KriegsaffeNo9 "I trust you will do your best... as will you all."
18:04 Desmond only nods at the Dark Lady. His dog huffs and lies down at his feet.
18:04 KriegsaffeNo9 "Remember: we will be watching." The Dark Lady steps back... and for now, you are alone, but for the company of each other and the door.
18:04 Josef stands as well, nodidng toward where the woman once stood.
18:05 Alex To the door of tomorrow!
18:05 Seseth stands up, stretches out perfunctorily, and heads off with the rest of the party.
18:05 KriegsaffeNo9 Alex: do you wish to invoke a Quest, or will you save that for later?
18:06 Yuni is fidgeting. Hopefully, the Dark Lady did not think her foolish..."W-Well...ready when you guys are..." She looks over her shoulder, staring at the bright doorway behind her.
18:07 Alex "Ah - I'm sorry, let me just prepare a bit!"
18:07 Desmond and his dog head through the doorway without hesitation.
18:07 Alex sits crosslegged, laying his sword on his lap.
18:08 KriegsaffeNo9 The door remains open after Desmond steps through, although it is far too bright to see from the perspective of the dream. We shall catch up with him once the others have stepped through...
18:08 Josef turns and pads through it, motioning for the others to follow.
18:08 KriegsaffeNo9 Alex: How do you prepare for your quest?
18:08 Yuni waits for Alex to finish his rituals.
18:09 Alex It always hurts, so I don't like going on Quests often. But this time seems... important.
18:09 Seseth looks at the door, stops, then curls up to nap - erm, meditate - for a bit.
18:09 Alex Slowly and carefully, I begin to unsheathe my sword. And.
18:09 Seseth (She gains 3 focus.)
18:09 Alex And I let it glide across my palm, cutting it open and cleansing the blade with my blood.
18:10 Alex "May this sword..." I hiss out, "be used with solemn sincerity."
18:10 KriegsaffeNo9 Your prayer is accepted. (Shall I suggest a quest, or do you have choices in mind from the move?)
18:10 Alex I will Defend Ectdysozoa from the iniquities that beset them.
18:11 Seseth then stands up again, with an odd light in her eyes - like the reflection of a torch, but independent of the low illumination of the room.
18:11 Alex I must be ever vigilant - sleep, hunger, and thirst will not touch me.
18:11 KriegsaffeNo9 Do you wish to take a second boon?
18:11 Alex I will stay stalwart - no poisons shall fell me.
18:12 KriegsaffeNo9 Very well. The gods speak their turn: these blessings are yours to take. But in response they ask for this:
18:12 Seseth passes through the doorway.
18:13 KriegsaffeNo9 To visit Hospitality on those in need, no matter who they are; and to observe Temperance, for as you are free of need from food, drink, or sleep, so too shall you not wantonly indulge.
18:13 Alex I am Justice itself - these acts are as breathing to me.
18:14 Alex I am also terribly embarrassed when I realize I'm the last person through the door.
18:14 Alex WHOOPS.
18:14 KriegsaffeNo9 Go, thou, the gods say; for you walk with us.
18:15 KriegsaffeNo9 The door closes behind you, Alex.
18:15 KriegsaffeNo9 And here is where you are:
18:15 Alex Oh wait no Yuni.
18:15 KriegsaffeNo9 (One moment as I pull up proper mood music!)
18:15 Alex \She waited for me!
18:15 KriegsaffeNo9 (Right, after Yuni.)
18:15 Alex Whooooops.
18:15 Yuni leaves through the doorway, following Alex from behind.
18:16 Yuni (We could make it so Yuni gets locked in.Awkward xD)
18:16 KriegsaffeNo9 (Sure thing.)
18:16 KriegsaffeNo9 Alex: you step out into ... daylight. Warm daylight, at that.
18:16 Yuni ..However, the door closes before she can step through it.
18:17 Yuni blinks. "...Eh?"
18:17 KriegsaffeNo9 The door closes behind you, before falling off its hinges. It appears you--the lot of you--have stepped through a battered, badly-damaged house, a one-story affair of fine old wood.
18:17 KriegsaffeNo9 After a few moments, a house next door has /its/ door fling open. Through this Yumi may finally stumble through.
18:18 Yuni jumps through the opening while she can.
18:18 KriegsaffeNo9 (Mood music: )
18:18 KriegsaffeNo9 And now the door closes again, and the lot of you can center yourselves.
18:19 KriegsaffeNo9 It is early morning, and the smell of burning bread and--something chemical and pungent--wafts on the gentle breeze. You stand amidst low, well-made, lovingly-decorated houses, most of which are damaged in some way, ranging from a spattering of bullet holes to whole walls knocked away.
18:19 Yuni pouts as she gets up and straightens herself up. She just wanted to watch Alex finish his prayers...
18:20 KriegsaffeNo9 You appear to be in a marketplace, stalls ripped through or overturned, cook-fires smoldering. A player piano, still cranked somewhere, plinks away at a slow tune.
18:20 Seseth looks around, orienting herself with senses both physical and non-physical.
18:20 Desmond commands Miruna to guard the party with a curt, "Garda."
18:21 Seseth (Discerning realities.)
18:21 KriegsaffeNo9 Seseth: it is warm here, and... solid. This is not land sculpted by memory and impulse, but by physics and time.
18:21 Seseth roll 2d6+2
18:21 Seseth Chanserv: roll 2d6
18:21 GameServ 3, 1 == 4
18:21 Seseth (Even with a +2, that's still not enough.)
18:21 KriegsaffeNo9 Your dream-honed senses, however, inform you of something else...
18:21 Yuni observes the surrounding area. (discerning realities +1)
18:22 Alex "Ahhh - Miss Cat, let me..."
18:22 KriegsaffeNo9 Seseth: You are briefly overwhelmed with a crawling, itching sensation. It is not quite formication...
18:22 Alex roll 2d6+1
18:22 KriegsaffeNo9 Because it feels as if you and some titanic insect were occupying /the same space./
18:22 Yuni Chanserv: roll 2d6
18:22 GameServ 2, 4 == 6
18:22 Alex (What the heck.)
18:22 KriegsaffeNo9 (Weird.
18:22 Alex (Oh okay.)
18:22 Yuni (6+1 = 7)
18:22 Alex Chanserv: roll 2d6+1
18:22 GameServ (6, 4) + 1 == 11
18:22 KriegsaffeNo9 (Ah!)
18:23 Seseth "The - what is this?" I can peer through the veil; can I see what this is?
18:23 KriegsaffeNo9 Yuni, ask a single question from Discern Realities. Seseth: Alex lends assistance, knocking you from your pained reverie! Your senses clear enough to ask a question.
18:23 KriegsaffeNo9 (That was what you perceived Beyond The Veil--emotions and dire portents.)
18:25 Desmond looks around for anything he can climb up so he can get a better view of their surroundings.
18:25 Seseth (Argh, site's refusing to load. What are the questions?)
18:26 Yuni freezes, and loudly whispers, "Everyone! Quiet!"
18:27 KriegsaffeNo9 Desmond: there's a ladder lying against a small building--perhaps a schoolhouse--alongside a knocked-over can of whitewash. Though Yuni appears to have something in mind...
18:27 Seseth I'll ask "What here is not what it appears to be?" I'll then spend a focus and ask "What is about to happen?" unless someone already asked that.
18:27 Yuni She looks to the ceiling, listening closely..."Do you hear that? From above?"
18:28 KriegsaffeNo9 Yuni: You don't see anything running along the rooftops just yet. But you swear you heard something.
18:28 Desmond looks up and strains to hear it as well.
18:28 KriegsaffeNo9 Seseth: You have a strong intuition that there's someone else here. You can smell it. And: you have an impression of looming violence. There is something waiting for you.
18:28 Yuni (Yup, just listening for it again)
18:29 Josef listens quietly too, blinking curiously.
18:29 KriegsaffeNo9 It is silent once more... all too silent.
18:29 Seseth "There's violence in the air. Something's coming."
18:30 KriegsaffeNo9 Yuni: You may Defy Danger to locate what you heard before it takes action against you.
18:30 Yuni holds her breath, and listens closely for the looming presence.
18:31 Yuni Chanserv: Roll 2d6 +1
18:31 GameServ 2, 5 == 7
18:31 KriegsaffeNo9 Until the situation changes, there simply isn't enough new information to go on before Discerning Realities.
18:31 KriegsaffeNo9 Speaking of...
18:31 Desmond Sensing the tension Miruna growls, she is ready to defend her master and his friends!
18:31 KriegsaffeNo9 You quietly scan the rooftops until you see it--
18:31 KriegsaffeNo9 The glint of light off of--a scope, maybe--
18:32 Yuni widens her eyes. "Everyone, duck!"
18:32 KriegsaffeNo9 That was your choice, as it happens: warn the others, or get out of the way yourself.
18:32 KriegsaffeNo9 With a sudden /crack/ a gunshot splits the stillness!
18:33 KriegsaffeNo9 !1d8
18:33 Desmond tries to tackle his animal out of the line of fire.
18:33 Josef 's own eyes widen. He brings his weapon up, looking for the shooter.
18:33 KriegsaffeNo9 Chanserv: Roll 1d8
18:33 GameServ 6 == 6
18:33 KriegsaffeNo9 Yumi: a rifle bullet rips through your shoulder, dealing 6 damage minus whatever armor you may be wearing.
18:33 KriegsaffeNo9 Josef: you see them as they rise from their sniping position.
18:34 KriegsaffeNo9 ...That's not a scope. The right side of the shooter's face is a glob of tiny green mirrors... like the eye of a vastly-overgrown fly.
18:34 KriegsaffeNo9 Volley to make your attack, he's within range!
18:34 Yuni clasps her shoulder and winces in pain as blood gushes into her hand. "Aaaack!"
18:35 Yuni (5 damage)
18:35 Seseth saw the insect-thing as well, and launches her own attack, a slice with near-invisible claws of force.
18:35 KriegsaffeNo9 Seseth: Telekinetic Strike as you may!
18:36 Seseth Chanserv: roll 2d6+2
18:36 GameServ (2, 2) + 2 == 6
18:36 Seseth D:
18:36 Desmond Once his dog is safely out of the way Desmond pulls out his rifle and takes aim at the attackers.
18:37 Josef Chanserv: roll 2d6+2
18:37 GameServ (2, 1) + 2 == 5
18:37 Josef lifts his carbine, unsafes it, and fires.
18:37 Yuni takes a step back, and fades into the shadows. She silently makes her way closer to the assailants location, sticking close to the shadows cast by the walls of the ruined buildings.
18:37 KriegsaffeNo9 Seseth: this is the first time you've used telekinesis outside of the Dream, and your aim is... imperfect. You instead blast a corner of the building the bug-eyed sniper is firing from, raising a blast of debris.
18:37 KriegsaffeNo9 This /likewise/ throws off Josef's aim for a clean miss.
18:37 KriegsaffeNo9 You both miss--but you also both gain 1 xp for the miss.
18:37 Desmond Chanserv: Roll 2d6 +2
18:37 GameServ 5, 5 == 10
18:38 KriegsaffeNo9 With a deeply unpleasant /bzzzzz/ the thing--takes into the air on great vibrating wings. It sounds an awful call--
18:38 KriegsaffeNo9 Desmond: your faithful hound is ready to defend as the fly-beast's companions rip free of their hiding places!
18:39 Desmond shoots at the fly beast's compound eyes!
18:39 KriegsaffeNo9 They are--human--or used to be--but each of them is lopsided and ungainly, their body parts exchanged with those of oversized insects and arachnids. Three of them bear the features of beetles; splinters of broken door catch on fine hairs between cracks in their natural armor, massive cacking jaws snapping rhythmically, giant blunt instruments in their claws.
18:41 *** Alex quit (Ping timeout)
18:41 KriegsaffeNo9 Two of the are more like ants--low to the ground, their whole heads replaced with the mutely-staring heads of soldier ants, their bodies broken into painful-looking segments.
18:41 KriegsaffeNo9 And there is the fly. Desmond, make your volley.
18:42 Desmond (I thought I did...rolled a 10)
18:42 KriegsaffeNo9 (Ah, whoops.)
18:42 KriegsaffeNo9 It's a clean shot. You hit.
18:42 KriegsaffeNo9 Roll damage.
18:42 Desmond Chanserv: Roll 1d8
18:42 GameServ 6 == 6
18:43 *** Alex joined #dw
18:43 Alex (Sorry, got pulled away. What did I miss?)
18:43 KriegsaffeNo9 With a soft /click/ you send a carbine round straight through the fly's chest, carving out a fat, blood-and-clear-fluid-spewing hole.
18:43 KriegsaffeNo9 (What was the last thing you saw?)
18:44 KriegsaffeNo9 Horribly, the fly /lives,/ though it is now flying in a dizzying, pained arc.
18:45 KriegsaffeNo9 Alex: as the other bug-men emerge, the ground near you erupts in a shower of cobblestone and dirt. Two pairs of long, spine-covered legs, spiders' legs, grasp at you!
18:46 KriegsaffeNo9 What shall you do? Defy danger to escape? Or meet the thing with your sword?
18:46 Alex Spiders are EVIL and must be SQUASHED.
18:47 KriegsaffeNo9 Right then--roll to Hack and Slash!
18:47 Alex I'll use all my mighty twelve year old bulk and jump on 'em!
18:47 Alex Chanserv: Roll 2d6+1
18:47 GameServ (1, 1) + 1 == 3
18:47 Alex ...I forget, sometimes, that I'm /twelve./
18:47 Desmond readies his gun for another shot.
18:48 Alex "OH GOD NO DON'T SHOOT."
18:49 KriegsaffeNo9 Alex: the beast has you and drags you back into its hole!
18:49 KriegsaffeNo9 No damage just yet, but it's got a hold of you in some tight spaces. (+1 XP for the failed roll.)
18:49 Seseth Can I use my telekinesis to try and rip off a claw?
18:50 KriegsaffeNo9 Desmond, Seseth, Josef: Alex has been grabbed by a spider, and a bunch of horrible bug monsters are closing in on you.
18:50 KriegsaffeNo9 ...But Yuni has a hiding space.
18:50 KriegsaffeNo9 And yes, Seseth, though be wary, because on a miss you may wound your poor friend. Your telekinetic strike /is/ messy.
18:51 Desmond fires at one of the monsters not attacking Alex.
18:51 Desmond Chanserv: Roll 2d6 +2
18:51 GameServ 1, 1 == 2
18:51 Desmond (ouch T_T some exp for me)
18:51 KriegsaffeNo9 Let's all one of the antfolk. They're furthest. The beetles are within your range.
18:51 Josef [I can't figure out the init order but when it's my turn, I want to shoot one of the ones that isn't holding our shota hostage.]
18:51 KriegsaffeNo9 Desmond: it's a miss.
18:51 KriegsaffeNo9 (Initiative is literally "seize the initiative." Once per exchange whenever you have the opening)
18:51 Alex (There is no Init Order, Josef. You just /do/ things when it feels right.)
18:52 Yuni (OH! There's a turn order!)
18:52 Yuni (Oh...there isn't a turn order..)
18:52 Josef (Oop.)
18:52 KriegsaffeNo9 (Yep.)
18:52 KriegsaffeNo9 (You can occasionally act twice in a row when it would be logically appropriate!)
18:52 Seseth Chanserv: roll 2d6+2
18:52 GameServ (4, 2) + 2 == 8
18:52 Yuni (Oh! There /is/ a turn order?)
18:52 KriegsaffeNo9 Desmond: not only do you miss, one of the beetles closes the distance and locks you in a grapple.
18:52 KriegsaffeNo9 (Not a turn order.)
18:52 Josef re-aims accordingly, and fires at one of the things that does not have Schrodinger in its clutches.
18:52 Yuni (Oh. Kk, now i know xD )
18:52 Josef Chanserv: roll 2d6+2
18:52 GameServ (5, 1) + 2 == 8
18:53 Seseth I'm striking at the one that grabbed Alex, and I'm going to expose myself to danger.
18:53 Seseth Chanserv: roll 1d6
18:53 GameServ 3 == 3
18:53 Seseth 3 damage.
18:53 Alex I'm underground though.
18:53 KriegsaffeNo9 Alright--Josef, you score a hit on the ant Desmond missed. Choose between doing less damage, exposing yourself to danger, or spending a point of ammo.
18:53 KriegsaffeNo9 Alex: you're still visible, you're just in a tight space.
18:53 Alex Oh okay.
18:54 Yuni Yuni sneaks up, and jumps at the beetle attacking Desmond, both blades in hand, ready to strike at its critical points!
18:54 KriegsaffeNo9 Seseth successfully /yanks/--not one of those grasping limbs, unfortunately, but a hideous fang from the man-spider-hybrid's shoulder.
18:54 Josef I do so love exposing myself...
18:54 KriegsaffeNo9 Yuni: you can choose to do your damage or roll+Dex to make a Backstab!
18:54 Desmond struggles to escape it's grasp, trying to rifle-butt it in the eyes, he frantically calls for help from his dog shouting, "Mira!!" (Roll for defy danger?)
18:55 Yuni (I choose to backstab using my dex modifier!)
18:55 KriegsaffeNo9 (One sec, everybody, I'm adjucating rolls!)
18:55 Yuni Chanserv: Roll 2d6+2
18:55 GameServ (6, 2) + 2 == 10
18:55 Yuni (WOOOO)
18:55 KriegsaffeNo9 Yuni: Choose two options from the Backstab menu!
18:55 Yuni (I choose, I deal my damage + 1d6, and I don't get into melee with them, hopefully allowing me to fade back into the shadows!)
18:56 KriegsaffeNo9 Alright, roll 1d8+1d6 for damage as your blades pierce the beetleoid's hide!
18:56 KriegsaffeNo9 Josef: Do your damage to the antoid as the other beetleoid closes in!
18:56 KriegsaffeNo9 And Seseth: one of the ants lunges, locking your leg in its jaws!
18:56 KriegsaffeNo9 Chanserv: Roll 1d6
18:56 GameServ 3 == 3
18:57 KriegsaffeNo9 Seseth: Take 3 damage as its chelicerae clamp on your leg!
18:57 Yuni unsheathes her short blade, and slashes at Desmond's assailant from behind!
18:57 Yuni Chanserv: roll 1d8
18:57 GameServ 7 == 7
18:57 Yuni Chanserv: Roll 1d6
18:57 GameServ 2 == 2
18:57 Yuni (9!)
18:57 Seseth (2 damage after armor.) Seseth shrieks as she feels pain in the real world for the first time! "Aaah! Get off me!" She lashes out with her mind in a blind fury.
18:58 KriegsaffeNo9 Yuni: you strike the thing straight through the back of the skull. With a shudder, it simply falls to the ground, still.
18:58 Alex Quick question - how am I grasped, exactly?
18:58 Alex Like, are my arms and stuff free, or is it a total bind.
18:59 KriegsaffeNo9 You've got one arm free, but it's not your sword-arm. Your sword-arm is locked against your side, and there's no room to get it free with two spider-legs and a regular pair of human arms around you.
18:59 Josef Chanserv: Roll 1d10+1
18:59 GameServ (6) + 1 == 7
18:59 Seseth Chanserv: roll 2d6+2
18:59 GameServ (4, 2) + 2 == 8
19:00 KriegsaffeNo9 Josef: with a calm breath and great concentration you send a bullet straight through the ant's eye!
19:00 KriegsaffeNo9 It spasms on the ground briefly, but it's down and out.
19:00 Alex Okay, so I'm useless at the moment.
19:00 Yuni She takes the sword out of the insectoid's skull, and quickly backsteps once more into the shadows, preparing herself for another strike!
19:00 Josef breathes a small sigh of relief and looks around for another safe target.
19:00 Seseth No, you just need to see about breaking free.
19:01 Seseth Chanserv: roll 1d6
19:01 GameServ 1 == 1
19:01 KriegsaffeNo9 There's one beetle--going for Josef--left, the ant gnawing on Seseth's leg, and the fly, still alive, though in extreme pain.
19:01 Seseth I'm going to destroy something near me with that hit.
19:01 KriegsaffeNo9 Seseth: you close your eyes and focus on blowing something up!
19:02 KriegsaffeNo9 You /snap/ an antenna off the ant, which seems to find that very displeasing... but to no real damage. (Armor 1.)
19:02 KriegsaffeNo9 Alex, the spider's attempting to bite you with its remaining jaw. Defy Danger to keep yourself unbitten and, just maybe, get out of its grasp!
19:02 Seseth "Why is the real world so terrible!" she shrieks.
19:03 Alex Actually.
19:03 Alex I'm going to take the damage.
19:04 Alex Time to see if these things are poisonous or not.
19:04 KriegsaffeNo9 Chanserv: Roll 1d6-2
19:04 GameServ 6 == 6
19:04 Desmond tries to look for the Alex the armored child. He draws his short blade and rushes to save the lad!
19:04 KriegsaffeNo9 The spider bites down for 4 damage, minus your armor!
19:04 KriegsaffeNo9 Cold poison seeps into your veins... and just as swiftly dissipates in a warm glow.
19:05 Josef looks between the three things and tries to get a hit in on the ant--near the thorax if possible.
19:05 KriegsaffeNo9 The spider seems to know this, and is none too pleased. Its human face screeches at you in despair.
19:05 Alex "Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!"
19:05 Josef Chanserv: roll 2d6+2
19:05 GameServ (2, 3) + 2 == 7
19:05 KriegsaffeNo9 Josef: you've got a choice.
19:05 Josef Lay it on me, broheim.
19:06 KriegsaffeNo9 Deal -1d6 damage on your attack, or take a hit from the beetle.
19:06 Josef ....first explain the concept of negative damage, would that actually heal the thing?
19:06 Seseth Hmm, Kriegs. Can I try and establish meaningful telepathic contact with this creature? I'm arguably in skin-to-skin contact with it...
19:06 KriegsaffeNo9 First you roll damage, then you roll the minus. It can't bring damage into the negatives, lucky for you.
19:07 KriegsaffeNo9 The question is: do you feel lucky, and if so, which can you afford to lose more of?
19:07 Josef ...probably me.
19:08 Josef So do I got ahead and roll or do I just miss and get bitten?
19:08 KriegsaffeNo9 Go ahead and roll damage.
19:08 KriegsaffeNo9 You're forsaking personal safety for a clear shot.
19:08 Josef Okay.
19:08 Josef Damage as normal?
19:08 KriegsaffeNo9 As normal, 1d10+1!
19:08 Josef Chanserv: Roll 1d10+1
19:08 GameServ (8) + 1 == 9
19:08 KriegsaffeNo9 Seseth: not while in battle with it.
19:09 Seseth Well, she's going to try and smack it off her leg with her mind.
19:09 KriegsaffeNo9 --and Josef's carbine bullet rips through its thin neck. The head's still clamped on, but for reasons which should be obvious the beast attached is no longer a threat.
19:09 KriegsaffeNo9 Chanserv: Roll 1d8
19:09 GameServ 5 == 5
19:09 Yuni continues to sift through the shadows, trying to get an angle on one of the assailants.
19:09 Seseth Or was that the one that was grabing me?
19:09 KriegsaffeNo9 Josef: The beast swipes at you with an oversized talon, dealing 5 damage minus your armor!
19:09 Desmond and his dog try to stab the spider thing that has Alex in its grasp.
19:09 KriegsaffeNo9 That was the one grabbing you. There's one that just smacked Josef, though, and the spider.
19:10 KriegsaffeNo9 Desmond: Hack and Slash, you'll have to deal with the thing's legs. But you've got your faithful hound helping!
19:10 Seseth Well, she needs to help her friend, then. She tries to tear the spider in half.
19:10 Seseth chanserv: roll 2d6+2
19:10 GameServ (4, 5) + 2 == 11
19:10 Seseth chanserv: roll 1d6~
19:10 GameServ 6 == 6
19:11 Desmond Chanserv: Roll 2d6+1
19:11 GameServ (5, 5) + 1 == 11
19:11 Yuni (Yo seseth, that was pretty hax yo xD )
19:11 KriegsaffeNo9 Oh dear.
19:11 Desmond (yes!!!!)
19:11 KriegsaffeNo9 It's a one-two punch.
19:11 Yuni (Kudoes to desmond also)
19:11 KriegsaffeNo9 Desmond: your hound grabs the spider by one of its legs and /yanks/ it back above ground.
19:11 KriegsaffeNo9 With surgical precision and practice the two of you proceed to butcher the thing, freeing Alex in the doing.
19:13 KriegsaffeNo9 There are two enemies still alive... the beetle that just hit Josef, and the fly, which is circling overhead and lining up a shot at--Desmond!
19:13 Alex Oh /screw that./
19:13 Alex I got my swordarm back and I NEED TO USE IT.
19:13 KriegsaffeNo9 Oh ho!
19:13 KriegsaffeNo9 Alex, what do~?
19:14 Alex With a ferocious roar, I charge my magic into my blade, which glows with a brilliant light!
19:14 KriegsaffeNo9 Oh ho~! Bringing on the heat!
19:14 Alex Chanserv: Roll 2d6+1
19:14 GameServ (5, 6) + 1 == 12
19:14 KriegsaffeNo9 As perfect a hit as can be scored.
19:15 Alex And as I swing my sword, a bolt from the heavens blasts into the damned fly!
19:15 KriegsaffeNo9 No need to roll damage--it was already on its last legs.
19:15 Alex Chanserv: roll 1d10
19:15 GameServ 5 == 5
19:15 KriegsaffeNo9 Although, with that...
19:15 Alex Ahh, okay.
19:15 Yuni (it splodes! xD)
19:15 KriegsaffeNo9 Not only does the fly burst into flame, the ammo in its rifle cooks off.
19:15 KriegsaffeNo9 It bursts into mercifully dry chunks and splinters of gun.
19:15 KriegsaffeNo9 And then there was one.
19:16 KriegsaffeNo9 The beetle bellows a challenge!
19:16 KriegsaffeNo9 Who among you will dare meet it?
19:16 Desmond charges towards the remaining foe! His dog at his heels!
19:16 KriegsaffeNo9 The beetle shoves aside Josef (rudely) and rushes to meet Desmond--
19:16 Desmond Chanserv: Roll 2d6+1
19:16 GameServ (2, 3) + 1 == 6
19:17 Desmond (welp I'm dead lol)
19:17 Yuni 's eyes flare open! Nows her chance!
19:17 KriegsaffeNo9 Desmond, alas, the gigantic beast gets the better of you, bringing down a heavily-armored arm onto your chest!
19:17 KriegsaffeNo9 Chanserv: Roll 1d8
19:17 GameServ 8 == 8
19:17 Desmond (eeeeepp)
19:17 KriegsaffeNo9 It's a devastating blow, 8 damage minus your armor. Your ribs /crack/ at the strike.
19:18 KriegsaffeNo9 Yuni, now would be a good time to send it back to its maker.
19:18 Yuni She jumps into action, flies towards the assailant, Short sword in hand! She goes in for the strike!
19:18 KriegsaffeNo9 Do your damage, or roll+Dex for a backstab.
19:18 Yuni (I'll roll for backstab again, I'mfeeling lucky)
19:19 Yuni Chanserv: Roll 2d6+2
19:19 GameServ (2, 5) + 2 == 9
19:19 Alex While Yuni is providing cover, I'm going to rush to Desmond's aid!
19:19 KriegsaffeNo9 Choose one from the list o' options!
19:19 Alex I place my hands upon his wounded body, and Wish for his mending!
19:19 KriegsaffeNo9 Roll 'em!
19:19 Yuni "Die foul beast!"
19:20 Alex Chanserv: roll 2d6+2
19:20 GameServ (2, 5) + 2 == 9
19:20 Alex ...Ohh this is gonna suck.
19:20 Yuni Chanserv: Roll 1d8+1d6
19:20 GameServ (7) + 1 == 8
19:20 Yuni Chanserv: Roll 1d6
19:20 Desmond groans in agony.
19:20 GameServ 1 == 1
19:20 Alex Chanserv: roll 1d8
19:20 GameServ 4 == 4
19:20 KriegsaffeNo9 1d8, actually.
19:20 Alex Wait, which one's which.
19:20 KriegsaffeNo9 Oh wait.
19:20 KriegsaffeNo9 Right.
19:20 Yuni (9 damage!)
19:20 KriegsaffeNo9 Yuni's was first, Alex's was next.
19:21 KriegsaffeNo9 Yuni: with a furious swing, you neatly remove the beetle's head! Its momentum sends it spiraling to the ground.
19:21 KriegsaffeNo9 Alex: Desmond's wounds are soothed, but you feel your own rib take a hairline fracture in response.
19:21 KriegsaffeNo9 And with that, silence is restored.
19:22 Yuni collapses, clasping on to her still bleeding shoulder.
19:22 Yuni "Is...Is it over...?"
19:22 Alex (So thats 9 damage on me so far.)
19:22 KriegsaffeNo9 (Good thing you're a paladin.)
19:22 Desmond (I only took 6 damage actually because of my armor and my dog.)
19:22 Alex "Not yet. I - I need to patch you up first." I'll hobble over to Yuni, and prepare my magic hands~
19:23 Alex Chanserv: Roll 2d6+2
19:23 GameServ (6, 5) + 2 == 13
19:23 KriegsaffeNo9 Seseth: The sensation of ultra-formication has faded.
19:23 Desmond crawls to Yuni's side.
19:23 Josef comes back to the rest of the group. "I think it's over," he nods.
19:23 KriegsaffeNo9 Alex: Perfect serenity settles over you. You may heal Yuni's wounds without fear of backlash!
19:23 Seseth collapses and starts sobbing. Her pain is insignificant physically, but she's heard so much about how wonderful and interesting the eal world was, and to find out the reality of it like this...
19:23 Alex The magic pours over from my hands into the ninja's shoulder, without fear of owchies!
19:23 KriegsaffeNo9 The ant's head is still on your leg, by the by, feebly gnawing.
19:23 KriegsaffeNo9 (That's to the catgirl.)
19:24 Alex (Then Desmond, you're healed fully. I still have 9 damage.)
19:24 Seseth Can I see if it still thinks enough to discern anything from?
19:24 Desmond (really, that bites.)
19:24 KriegsaffeNo9 Sure thing, Seseth.
19:24 Josef doesn't understand in the least that she isn't terribly injured. He pads over to her since the others seem far beyond his training to help. "Miss... miss? What is the matter?"
19:25 Seseth Spending 1 focus on it.
19:25 Desmond whispers a "Thank you" to Yuni then slowly stands up and examines his dog.
19:25 Yuni taps her shoulder. It feels good as new. She smiles at Alex. "Thank you! Apologies for my incompetence!"
19:25 Yuni turns to Desmond. "It's nothing. I'm sure you would've done the same."
19:26 KriegsaffeNo9 Desmond: he's hopped up on energy and sneezing urticating hairs, but otherwise fine.
19:26 Seseth Do I manage to get anything?
19:26 Desmond He nods grimly in response to her, and gives Miruna a hearty pat.
19:26 Alex Chanserv: 1d8 Heal
19:27 KriegsaffeNo9 Seseth: You receive a bundle of pained messages. Nothing in language--sensations of confusion, pain, terror, and... relief.
19:27 Alex Chanserv: 1d8
19:27 Alex Oh derp.
19:27 KriegsaffeNo9 It knows it's dying, and it's glad to be so.
19:27 Alex Chanserv: roll 1d8 Heal
19:27 GameServ 5 == 5
19:27 Alex "There we go."
19:27 Josef notices the head-leg situation. "--oh, here, we should get that off of you..." he says, getting closer and crouching down for a better look.
19:27 Alex (5 HP healed, Yuni.)
19:27 Alex "Is - is anybody else hurt?"
19:27 Yuni (Yay! That's how much i got hurt!)
19:27 KriegsaffeNo9 The jaws are no longer clamping shut. It seems that it's finally departing this mortal plane.
19:28 Seseth "It's... it's glad to be dying. It's glad it died."
19:28 Seseth "How can that be? Why is this world so messed up?"
19:28 Yuni stands up. She looks at the corpses of their former attackers. "...Why...they look almost human! What is this?"
19:29 KriegsaffeNo9 There's a soft /cough/ from under a pile of debris. "H-hey... don't knock it. You just got a reeeal weird first impression..."
19:29 KriegsaffeNo9 A woman's voice!
19:29 KriegsaffeNo9 "...Sorry I couldn't help. I was... kinda asleep... and then... well, it all happened too fast... and I'm a bit stuck..."
19:29 Seseth She looks over!
19:29 Yuni rushes to the woman's aid, trying to pull the debris off of her.
19:29 KriegsaffeNo9 It's a pile of planks from some knocked-over stall or the other. It's moving a bit, though not too far.
19:29 Yuni "A-Apologies!"
19:30 Seseth tries to help, but is not very strong at all.
19:30 Alex "Uhm - are you hurt anywhere, Miss? Or just tired?"
19:30 Desmond cannot hide the suspicion from his gaze as he looks over the newcomer.
19:30 KriegsaffeNo9 The debris surrenders with much effort, as the woman appears to be stuck in a thick glob of glue. The chemical smell becomes /quite/ potent. Judging from her terribly sodden robes and pointed hat, she's a witch. She looks at you with a nervous smile.
19:30 KriegsaffeNo9 "Sorry, they, uh. Snuck up on me."
19:31 KriegsaffeNo9 "Don't suppose any of you brought... solvent... of some kind..."
19:31 KriegsaffeNo9 And on that mysterious note, this week's session ends.
19:31 Desmond (Fun!!! )
19:31 Yuni (Bravo! Bravissimo!)
19:31 Yuni (Clap Clap Clap Clap)
19:32 Josef (Nice game Kriegs~)
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