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Created January 22, 2014 04:26
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x5 Blend Shader (packaged with VPaint)
Shader "VPaint/Lit/Blend 5 Bumped Textures" {
Properties {
_BaseTexture ("Base Texture (RGB: Diffuse) (A: Spec)", 2D) = "white" {}
_BaseTextureBump ("Base Texture Bump", 2D) = "bump" {}
_Texture1 ("Texture 1 (RGB: Red Channel) (A: Spec)", 2D) = "white" {}
_Texture1Bump ("Texture 1 Bump", 2D) = "bump" {}
_Texture2 ("Texture 2 (RGB: Blue Channel) (A: Spec)", 2D) = "white" {}
_Texture2Bump ("Texture 2 Bump", 2D) = "bump" {}
_Texture3 ("Texture 3 (RGB: Green Channel) (A: Spec)", 2D) = "white" {}
_Texture3Bump ("Texture 3 Bump", 2D) = "bump" {}
_Texture4 ("Texture 4 (RGB: Alpha Channel) (A: Spec)", 2D) = "white" {}
_Texture4Bump ("Texture 4 Bump", 2D) = "bump" {}
SubShader {
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" }
LOD 200
#pragma surface surf BlinnPhong
#pragma target 3.0
sampler2D _BaseTexture;
sampler2D _BaseTextureBump;
sampler2D _Texture1;
sampler2D _Texture1Bump;
sampler2D _Texture2;
sampler2D _Texture2Bump;
sampler2D _Texture3;
sampler2D _Texture3Bump;
sampler2D _Texture4;
sampler2D _Texture4Bump;
struct Input {
half2 uv_BaseTexture;
half2 uv_Texture1;
half2 uv_Texture2;
half2 uv_Texture3;
half2 uv_Texture4;
float4 color : COLOR;
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
float4 color = IN.color;
half4 t0 = tex2D (_BaseTexture, IN.uv_BaseTexture);
half4 t0b = tex2D (_BaseTextureBump, IN.uv_BaseTexture);
half4 t1 = tex2D (_Texture1, IN.uv_Texture1);
half4 t2 = tex2D (_Texture2, IN.uv_Texture2);
half4 t3 = tex2D (_Texture3, IN.uv_Texture3);
half4 t4 = tex2D (_Texture4, IN.uv_Texture4);
half4 t1b = tex2D (_Texture1Bump, IN.uv_Texture1);
half4 t2b = tex2D (_Texture2Bump, IN.uv_Texture2);
half4 t3b = tex2D (_Texture3Bump, IN.uv_Texture3);
half4 t4b = tex2D (_Texture4Bump, IN.uv_Texture4);
half4 cum = t1 * color.r + t2 * color.g + t3 * color.b + t4 * color.a;
half4 nrm = t1b * color.r + t2b * color.g + t3b * color.b + t4b * color.a;
fixed fac = color.r + color.g + color.b + color.a;
if(fac != 0)
cum /= fac;
nrm /= fac;
cum = lerp(t0, cum, saturate(fac));
o.Albedo = cum.rgb;
o.Specular = cum.a;
o.Normal = lerp(UnpackNormal(t0b), UnpackNormal(nrm), fac);
FallBack "Diffuse"
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