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Created June 4, 2015 19:04
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  • Save anonymous/85efce69325f2ea487a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save anonymous/85efce69325f2ea487a7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
04/06/2015 20:20:40.000 kernel[0]: AppleBCM5701Ethernet [en0]: Link down (womp disabled, proxy 165)
04/06/2015 20:20:40.455 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: notification observer: notification: __CFNotification 0x7fa063b22950 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbDisabledNotification}
04/06/2015 20:20:40.455 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: notification observer: notification: __CFNotification 0x7fbffae34490 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbDisabledNotification}
04/06/2015 20:20:40.718 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Failed to enable multicast listener sending for V4 socket en0, 49
04/06/2015 20:20:40.925 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Failed to enable multicast listener sending for V4 socket en0, 49
04/06/2015 20:20:41.100 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Failed to enable multicast listener sending for V4 socket en0, 49
04/06/2015 20:20:41.358 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Failed to enable multicast listener sending for V4 socket en0, 49
04/06/2015 20:20:41.358 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Failed to enable multicast listener sending for V4 socket en0, 49
04/06/2015 20:20:41.456 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Failed to enable multicast listener sending for V4 socket en0, 49
04/06/2015 20:20:41.951 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Failed to enable multicast listener sending for V4 socket en0, 49
04/06/2015 20:20:43.009 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour,Warn Failed to enable multicast listener sending for V4 socket en0, 49
04/06/2015 20:20:43.000 kernel[0]: Ethernet [AppleBCM5701Ethernet]: Link up on en0, 100-Megabit, Full-duplex, No flow-control, Debug [796d,2301,01e1,0300,41e1,0000]
04/06/2015 20:20:43.454[68]: Attempt to use XPC with a MachService that has HideUntilCheckIn set. This will result in unpredictable behavior:
04/06/2015 20:20:43.460 networkd[160]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
04/06/2015 20:20:43.464 netbiosd[404]: network_reachability_changed : network is not reachable, netbiosd is shutting down
04/06/2015 20:20:43.475 discoveryd[78]: Basic WABServer NetResolverEvent no resolvers, resetting domains
04/06/2015 20:20:43.476 configd[50]: network changed: v4(en0-: DNS- Proxy-
04/06/2015 20:20:43.496 discoveryd[78]: Basic Warn DD_Warn: Corrupt NSEC RDATA size
04/06/2015 20:20:43.501 networkd[160]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
04/06/2015 20:20:43.545 configd[50]: network changed: v4(en0+: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
04/06/2015 20:20:43.585 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: NC Disabled: NO
04/06/2015 20:20:43.585 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: NC Disabled: NO
04/06/2015 20:20:43.601 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: DND Enabled: NO
04/06/2015 20:20:43.601 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: DND Enabled: NO
04/06/2015 20:20:43.601 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: Updating enabled: YES (Topics: (
04/06/2015 20:20:43.601 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: Updating enabled: YES (Topics: (
04/06/2015 20:20:44.255 nbagent[834]: XPC Activity invoked with state=0
04/06/2015 20:20:44.255 nbagent[834]: XPC Activity invoked with state=2
04/06/2015 20:20:44.320 storeaccountd[295]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7faa61e14700> connection from pid 834 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7faa61e190d0> (PID 834)
04/06/2015 20:20:44.764 mapspushd[364]: 2015-06-04 19:20:44.764, 364, 83e2b890, [MapsAnnouncements]: server returned error: 404 for URL,2&lang=en-GB&os=osx&os_build=14D136&os_version=10.10.3
04/06/2015 20:20:44.787 mapspushd[364]: 2015-06-04 19:20:44.787, 364, 83e2b890, [MapsAnnouncements]: Failed to load announcements document: Error Domain=GEOErrorDomain Code=-601 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (GEOErrorDomain error -601.)" UserInfo=0x7f85852037d0 {NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=,2&lang=en-GB&os=osx&os_build=14D136&os_version=10.10.3, HTTP Status Code=404}
04/06/2015 20:20:45.026 CalendarAgent[258]: [] [Refusing to parse response to PROPPATCH because of content-type: [text/html; charset=UTF-8].]
04/06/2015 20:20:45.119 CalendarAgent[258]: [] [Refusing to parse response to PROPPATCH because of content-type: [text/html; charset=UTF-8].]
04/06/2015 20:20:45.274 storeaccountd[295]: ADI: {
"Accept-Ranges" = bytes;
"Cache-Control" = "max-age=14400";
Connection = "Keep-Alive";
"Content-Encoding" = gzip;
"Content-Language" = "en-us";
"Content-Length" = 793;
"Content-Type" = "application/x-apple-plist";
Date = "Thu, 04 Jun 2015 18:20:45 GMT";
Etag = "\"e20-5071070ddab80\"";
Expires = "Thu, 04 Jun 2015 22:20:45 GMT";
"Keep-Alive" = "timeout=15, max=427";
"Last-Modified" = "Tue, 04 Nov 2014 23:01:18 GMT";
Server = Apache;
04/06/2015 20:20:46.004 sandboxd[169]: ([843]) nbstated(843) deny ipc-posix-shm-read-data
04/06/2015 20:20:47.301 revisiond[94]: fcntl("/.DocumentRevisions-V100/PerUID/501/5b/", MAKECOMPRESSED, 2) failed; error 16 (Resource busy)
04/06/2015 20:20:47.320 revisiond[94]: sqlite3_step returned: 101 (unknown error), listToken: 1207
04/06/2015 20:20:48.306 CalendarAgent[258]: [] [Failed to refresh <CalManagedSubscriptionInfo: 0x7fcced6b11a0> (entity: SubscriptionInfo; id: 0x4000eb <x-coredata://E60F0498-E09D-4832-BD9F-172C3EE5F78E/SubscriptionInfo/p1> ; data: {
calendar = "0x140006b <x-coredata://E60F0498-E09D-4832-BD9F-172C3EE5F78E/CalDAVSubscribedCalendar/p5>";
hasAlarmFilter = 1;
hasAttachmentFilter = 1;
hasTaskFilter = 1;
isAutoProvisioned = 0;
isAutoRefreshed = 1;
languageCode = nil;
lastError = "0x7b80016b <x-coredata://E60F0498-E09D-4832-BD9F-172C3EE5F78E/SubscriptionError/p494>";
locationCode = nil;
needsRefresh = 0;
refreshDate = "2014-04-08 17:47:08 +0000";
refreshInterval = 604800;
subscriptionID = nil;
subscriptionNotes = nil;
subscriptionTitle = "KS Master Campaign";
subscriptionURL = "(...not nil..)";
subscriptionURLString = "webcal://";
}) with error Error Domain=CalSubscriptionErrorDomain Code=-1004 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (CalSubscriptionErrorDomain error -1004.)"]
04/06/2015 20:20:48.382 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNSServer:: PowerState is FullWake
04/06/2015 20:20:48.395 watchdogd[183]: [watchdog_daemon] @( pm_callback) - ref=0x0 msg_type=0xe0000300 msg=0x0
04/06/2015 20:20:48.397 coreaudiod[237]: 2015-06-04 07:20:48.396970 PM [AirPlay] Power: SystemHasPoweredOn
04/06/2015 20:20:48.397 coreaudiod[237]: 2015-06-04 07:20:48.397269 PM [AirPlay] BTLE client starting to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
04/06/2015 20:20:48.396 sharingd[260]: 19:20:48.395 : Starting AirDrop server for user 501 on wake
04/06/2015 20:20:48.400 coreaudiod[237]: 2015-06-04 07:20:48.400411 PM [AirPlay] BTLE client stopping to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
04/06/2015 20:20:48.401 coreaudiod[237]: 2015-06-04 07:20:48.400713 PM [AirPlay] BTLE client starting to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
04/06/2015 20:20:48.402 coreaudiod[237]: 2015-06-04 07:20:48.401514 PM [AirPlay] BTLE client stopped to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
04/06/2015 20:20:48.402 coreaudiod[237]: 2015-06-04 07:20:48.401892 PM [AirPlay] BTLE client started to browse for AirPlay Solo Target Presence.
04/06/2015 20:20:48.465 discoveryd[78]: None ClientIPC DNSServiceRemoveRecord: registrationId is 0 Client[netbiosd(404)]
04/06/2015 20:20:48.465 discoveryd[78]: None ClientIPC DNSServiceRemoveRecord: registrationId is 0 Client[netbiosd(404)]
04/06/2015 20:20:50.624 ntpd[190]: wake time set +0.602522 s
04/06/2015 20:20:50.647 apsd[79]: Illegal subject name missing '' ( ({
label = "";
"localized label" = "";
type = string;
value = US;
}, {
label = "";
"localized label" = "";
type = string;
value = California;
}, {
label = "";
"localized label" = "";
type = string;
value = Cupertino;
}, {
label = "";
"localized label" = "";
type = string;
value = "Apple Inc.";
}, {
label = "";
"localized label" = "";
type = string;
value = "";
04/06/2015 20:20:53.882[1]: ( The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
04/06/2015 20:20:53.908[1]: ( The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
04/06/2015 20:20:55.818 AddressBookSourceSync[830]: [CardDAVPlugin-ERROR] -getHomeInfo:[_controller containersAtURLs:{(
)}] Error Domain=CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain Code=401 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (CoreDAVHTTPStatusErrorDomain error 401.)" UserInfo=0x7fc52a7732a0 {CoreDAVHTTPHeaders=<CFBasicHash 0x7fc52a76e9f0 [0x7fff768f8ed0]>{type = immutable dict, count = 8,
entries =>
2 : X-Apple-Request-UUID = <CFString 0x7fc52c043f90 [0x7fff768f8ed0]>{contents = "6a951bed-8bdd-d942-5087-232fc4af8484"}
3 : apple-tk = false
5 : X-Responding-Instance = <CFString 0x7fc52c069080 [0x7fff768f8ed0]>{contents = "carddav:20300801:nk11p03me-carddav008:8001:15CPlus26:170763"}
6 : Date = <CFString 0x7fc52c07e530 [0x7fff768f8ed0]>{contents = "Thu, 04 Jun 2015 18:20:55 GMT"}
9 : X-Apple-Jingle-Correlation-Key = <CFString 0x7fc52c0870e0 [0x7fff768f8ed0]>{contents = "NKKRX3ML3XMUEUEHEMX4JL4EQQ"}
10 : Www-Authenticate = <CFString 0x7fc52c04ba10 [0x7fff768f8ed0]>{contents = "X-MobileMe-AuthToken realm="Newcastle", Basic realm="Newcastle""}
11 : apple-seq = 0
12 : Content-Length = 0
04/06/2015 20:21:06.000 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Recovery HD on device disk0s3
04/06/2015 20:21:06.734 mds[57]: (Volume.Normal:2464) volume:0x7fcaf200a000 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/Recovery HD
04/06/2015 20:21:06.777 fseventsd[44]: Logging disabled completely for device:1: /Volumes/Recovery HD
04/06/2015 20:21:06.799 mdworker[602]: (ImportBailout.Error:1325) Asked to exit for Diskarb
04/06/2015 20:21:06.799 mdworker[603]: (ImportBailout.Error:1325) Asked to exit for Diskarb
04/06/2015 20:21:06.801 mdworker[600]: (ImportBailout.Error:1325) Asked to exit for Diskarb
04/06/2015 20:21:06.804 mdworker[652]: (ImportBailout.Error:1325) Asked to exit for Diskarb
04/06/2015 20:21:06.804 mdworker[601]: (ImportBailout.Error:1325) Asked to exit for Diskarb
04/06/2015 20:21:06.804 mdworker32[764]: (ImportBailout.Error:1325) Asked to exit for Diskarb
04/06/2015 20:21:07.000 kernel[0]: hfs: unmount initiated on Recovery HD on device disk0s3
04/06/2015 20:21:31.172[1]: ( The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
04/06/2015 20:23:46.215 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour set up wake on resolve to a8:96:8a:cf:3b:37 on interface 1
04/06/2015 20:23:46.215 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour set up wake on resolve to a8:96:8a:cf:3b:37 on interface 2
04/06/2015 20:23:46.215 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour set up wake on resolve to a8:96:8a:cf:3b:37 on interface 3
04/06/2015 20:23:46.215 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour set up wake on resolve to a8:96:8a:cf:3b:37 on interface 4
04/06/2015 20:23:46.216 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour set up wake on resolve to a8:96:8a:cf:3b:37 on interface 5
04/06/2015 20:23:46.216 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour set up wake on resolve to a8:96:8a:cf:3b:37 on interface 6
04/06/2015 20:23:46.216 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour set up wake on resolve to a8:96:8a:cf:3b:37 on interface 7
04/06/2015 20:23:46.216 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour set up wake on resolve to a8:96:8a:cf:3b:37 on interface 8
04/06/2015 20:23:46.217 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour set up wake on resolve to a8:96:8a:cf:3b:37 on interface 9
04/06/2015 20:23:47.483[1]: ( Path not allowed in target domain: type = pid, path = /Library/Frameworks/iTunesLibrary.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/ error = 147: The specified service did not ship in the requestor's bundle, origin = /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BookKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
04/06/2015 20:23:47.485[1]: ( Path not allowed in target domain: type = pid, path = /Library/Frameworks/iTunesLibrary.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/ error = 147: The specified service did not ship in the requestor's bundle, origin = /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/BookKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/
04/06/2015 20:23:47.657 storedownloadd[401]: DownloadServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fb02b406a00> connection from pid 871 with interface <DownloadServiceInterface: 0x7fb02b407fb0> (PID 871)
04/06/2015 20:23:48.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff802fa71690) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff802fa71690, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:23:48.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff802fdae870) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff802fdae870, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:23:49.297[82]: LOCKDOWN_V2_BONJOUR_SERVICE_NAME is _apple-mobdev2._tcp,97220830
04/06/2015 20:23:49.735[1]: ( The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
04/06/2015 20:23:57.489 iTunes[871]: ApplePushService: APSConnection being used without a delegate queue
04/06/2015 20:28:40.000 kernel[0]: en1: setting diversity to: -1
04/06/2015 20:28:40.000 kernel[0]: en1: Error configuring antenna diversity (index = -1).
04/06/2015 20:28:40.000 kernel[0]: en1: setting tx antenna: -1
04/06/2015 20:28:40.000 kernel[0]: en1: Error configuring transmit antenna (index = -1).
04/06/2015 20:28:40.000 kernel[0]: en1: channel changed to 1
04/06/2015 20:28:40.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) (2 SSIDs, 0 BSSIDs).
04/06/2015 20:28:40.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:28:40.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::scanDone: Scheduling cache purge timer in 30 seconds.
04/06/2015 20:28:40.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: en1: Terminating supplicant.
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: RSNSupplicant: Releasing authenticator for b8:26:6c:45:fc:b4
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: parseRSNIE: groupCipherType = 3 pairwiseCipherType = 5 authSel = 2
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: initWithInterfaceAndIE: _myMacAddress 68:a8:6d:1b:15:be
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: setPMK: PMK SET!
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en1 Auth result for: b8:26:6c:45:fc:b4 MAC AUTH succeeded
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to b8:26:6c:45:fc:b4
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: en1: channel changed to 11
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: en1: Received EAPOL packet (length = 113)
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: inputEAPOLFrame: 0 extra bytes present in EAPOL frame.
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: inputEAPOLFrame: Received message 1 of 4
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: FULL RSN IE FOUND: 30 18 01 00 00 0f ac 02 02 00 00 0f ac 04 00 0f ac 02 01 00 00 0f ac 02 0c 00
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: storeFullRSNIE: getAP_IE_LIST returned 0
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: PMK: e3 30 24 f5 e9 43 4a 81 c7 96 c2 43 3e 3d d2 70 4d 73 42 51 44 a4 5e 3c e1 3e de 94 ec 58 37 6b
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: TPTK: 7b 1c 03 9d 18 e2 84 22 00 54 ad 81 d6 e8 89 79 49 18 91 b2 c2 9a 39 fa 00 52 03 9a 32 57 93 a1 a4 3c 54 32 15 64 d0 f6 eb d4 b5 de ba cb 04 ab 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: KEY MIC: d7 bb 2a c0 b3 69 30 d7 3b 51 1b c1 d6 b0 16 89
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: process1of4: sending replyPacket 135 bytes
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: en1: Received EAPOL packet (length = 217)
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: inputEAPOLFrame: 0 extra bytes present in EAPOL frame.
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: inputEAPOLFrame: decrypting key data
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: inputEAPOLFrame: Received message 3 of 4
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: process3of4: Performing IE check.
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: process3of4: sending replyPacket ( len = 113 ).
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: process3of4: received pairwise GTK
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: ptkThread: Sleeping!
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: ptkThread: Sleeping!
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: ptkThread: Installing PTK!
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: PTK: a4 3c 54 32 15 64 d0 f6 eb d4 b5 de ba cb 04 ab
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: ptkThread: Installing GTK!
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: installGTK: setting cipher key (flags = 0x0)
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: GTK-RSC: bc 03 00 00 00 00
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: GTK: 7b c5 8a cf 94 ed bc 54 fe 09 d6 12 07 6c cc de e6 2a 22 0e 2e 9a f3 1d d2 51 56 9d fd d7 68 2d
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: installGTK: GTK installed
04/06/2015 20:28:41.181 networkd[160]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
04/06/2015 20:28:41.183 UserEventAgent[40]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1709] en1: SSID 'Livebox-FCB4' making interface primary (cache indicates network not captive)
04/06/2015 20:28:41.183 configd[50]: network changed: v4(en0: DNS* Proxy SMB
04/06/2015 20:28:41.183 UserEventAgent[40]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Evaluating
04/06/2015 20:28:41.184 UserEventAgent[40]: Captive: en1: Not probing 'Livebox-FCB4' (cache indicates not captive)
04/06/2015 20:28:41.188 UserEventAgent[40]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Authenticated
04/06/2015 20:28:41.190 configd[50]: network changed: v4(en0:, en1!: DNS Proxy SMB
04/06/2015 20:28:41.197 networkd[160]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to b8:26:6c:45:fc:b4
04/06/2015 20:28:41.000 kernel[0]: en1: channel changed to 11
04/06/2015 20:28:45.000 kernel[0]: AppleBCM5701Ethernet [en0]: Link down (womp disabled, proxy idle)
04/06/2015 20:28:45.388 networkd[160]: +[NETLedBelly stopFastFail] Clearing ledbelly failure cache
04/06/2015 20:28:45.389 discoveryd[78]: Basic Bonjour stop listening on en0
04/06/2015 20:28:45.389 configd[50]: network changed: v4(en1:, en0-: DNS! Proxy! SMB
04/06/2015 20:28:45.414 configd[50]: setting hostname to "macbookpro0327383882155820880905.home"
04/06/2015 20:28:45.934 apsd[79]: Illegal subject name missing '' ( ({
label = "";
"localized label" = "";
type = string;
value = US;
}, {
label = "";
"localized label" = "";
type = string;
value = California;
}, {
label = "";
"localized label" = "";
type = string;
value = Cupertino;
}, {
label = "";
"localized label" = "";
type = string;
value = "Apple Inc.";
}, {
label = "";
"localized label" = "";
type = string;
value = "";
04/06/2015 20:28:46.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Broadcast scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) ().
04/06/2015 20:28:46.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:28:47.108 CalendarAgent[258]: [] [Failed to refresh <CalManagedSubscriptionInfo: 0x7fcce85831d0> (entity: SubscriptionInfo; id: 0x4000eb <x-coredata://E60F0498-E09D-4832-BD9F-172C3EE5F78E/SubscriptionInfo/p1> ; data: {
calendar = "0x140006b <x-coredata://E60F0498-E09D-4832-BD9F-172C3EE5F78E/CalDAVSubscribedCalendar/p5>";
hasAlarmFilter = 1;
hasAttachmentFilter = 1;
hasTaskFilter = 1;
isAutoProvisioned = 0;
isAutoRefreshed = 1;
languageCode = nil;
lastError = "0x7b80016b <x-coredata://E60F0498-E09D-4832-BD9F-172C3EE5F78E/SubscriptionError/p494>";
locationCode = nil;
needsRefresh = 0;
refreshDate = "2014-04-08 17:47:08 +0000";
refreshInterval = 604800;
subscriptionID = nil;
subscriptionNotes = nil;
subscriptionTitle = "KS Master Campaign";
subscriptionURL = "(...not nil..)";
subscriptionURLString = "webcal://";
}) with error Error Domain=CalSubscriptionErrorDomain Code=-1004 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (CalSubscriptionErrorDomain error -1004.)"]
04/06/2015 20:28:47.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff803ae4c5a0) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff803ae4c5a0, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:28:47.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff8043434690) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff8043434690, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:28:50.873 CalendarAgent[258]: [] [Failed to refresh <CalManagedSubscriptionInfo: 0x7fccea123aa0> (entity: SubscriptionInfo; id: 0x4000eb <x-coredata://E60F0498-E09D-4832-BD9F-172C3EE5F78E/SubscriptionInfo/p1> ; data: {
calendar = "0x140006b <x-coredata://E60F0498-E09D-4832-BD9F-172C3EE5F78E/CalDAVSubscribedCalendar/p5>";
hasAlarmFilter = 1;
hasAttachmentFilter = 1;
hasTaskFilter = 1;
isAutoProvisioned = 0;
isAutoRefreshed = 1;
languageCode = nil;
lastError = "0x7b80016b <x-coredata://E60F0498-E09D-4832-BD9F-172C3EE5F78E/SubscriptionError/p494>";
locationCode = nil;
needsRefresh = 0;
refreshDate = "2014-04-08 17:47:08 +0000";
refreshInterval = 604800;
subscriptionID = nil;
subscriptionNotes = nil;
subscriptionTitle = "KS Master Campaign";
subscriptionURL = "(...not nil..)";
subscriptionURLString = "webcal://";
}) with error Error Domain=CalSubscriptionErrorDomain Code=-1004 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (CalSubscriptionErrorDomain error -1004.)"]
04/06/2015 20:28:52.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Broadcast scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) ().
04/06/2015 20:28:52.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:28:52.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:28:52.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Broadcast scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) ().
04/06/2015 20:28:52.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:28:53.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:28:53.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Broadcast scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) ().
04/06/2015 20:28:53.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:28:53.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:28:53.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Broadcast scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) ().
04/06/2015 20:28:53.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:28:54.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:28:54.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Broadcast scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) ().
04/06/2015 20:28:54.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:28:55.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:28:55.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Broadcast scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) ().
04/06/2015 20:28:55.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:28:55.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:28:56.919[1]: ( The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
04/06/2015 20:28:58.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Broadcast scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) ().
04/06/2015 20:28:58.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) (2 SSIDs, 0 BSSIDs).
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) (2 SSIDs, 0 BSSIDs).
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) (2 SSIDs, 0 BSSIDs).
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) (2 SSIDs, 0 BSSIDs).
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) (2 SSIDs, 0 BSSIDs).
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) (2 SSIDs, 0 BSSIDs).
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) (2 SSIDs, 0 BSSIDs).
04/06/2015 20:29:01.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:29:02.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:29:02.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) (2 SSIDs, 0 BSSIDs).
04/06/2015 20:29:02.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:29:02.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:29:02.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) (2 SSIDs, 0 BSSIDs).
04/06/2015 20:29:02.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:29:03.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:29:03.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) (2 SSIDs, 0 BSSIDs).
04/06/2015 20:29:03.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:29:03.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:29:03.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) (2 SSIDs, 0 BSSIDs).
04/06/2015 20:29:03.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScanMultiple: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 20:29:03.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:29:03.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Broadcast scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) ().
04/06/2015 20:29:03.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:29:06.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Broadcast scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) ().
04/06/2015 20:29:06.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:29:10.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::cachePurge: clearEntries[0] Firing!
04/06/2015 20:29:10.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::cachePurge: Rescheduling in 21 seconds.
04/06/2015 20:29:15.566 airportd[54]: -[CWXPCConnection performScanWithChannels:ssidList:legacyScanSSID:includeHiddenNetworks:mergeScanResults:maxAge:maxMissCount:maxWakeCount:maxAutoJoinCount:interfaceName:waitForWiFi:waitForBluetooth:token:priority:reply:]: !!! SCAN request received 0.0200 seconds after previous scan request from 901 (Wireless Diagnostics)
04/06/2015 20:29:15.601 airportd[54]: -[CWXPCConnection performScanWithChannels:ssidList:legacyScanSSID:includeHiddenNetworks:mergeScanResults:maxAge:maxMissCount:maxWakeCount:maxAutoJoinCount:interfaceName:waitForWiFi:waitForBluetooth:token:priority:reply:]: !!! SCAN request received 0.0349 seconds after previous scan request from 901 (Wireless Diagnostics)
04/06/2015 20:29:15.614 airportd[54]: -[CWXPCConnection performScanWithChannels:ssidList:legacyScanSSID:includeHiddenNetworks:mergeScanResults:maxAge:maxMissCount:maxWakeCount:maxAutoJoinCount:interfaceName:waitForWiFi:waitForBluetooth:token:priority:reply:]: !!! SCAN request received 0.0129 seconds after previous scan request from 901 (Wireless Diagnostics)
04/06/2015 20:29:29.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff803ae4c5a0) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff803ae4c5a0, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:29:29.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff802fbc1c30) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff802fbc1c30, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:29:31.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::cachePurge: clearEntries[0] Firing!
04/06/2015 20:29:31.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::cachePurge: Rescheduling in 2 seconds.
04/06/2015 20:29:33.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::cachePurge: clearEntries[0] Firing!
04/06/2015 20:29:33.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::cachePurge: NOT Rescheduling.
04/06/2015 20:29:56.540 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: notification observer: notification: __CFNotification 0x7fbffcb1daa0 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbEnabledNotification}
04/06/2015 20:29:56.540 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: notification observer: notification: __CFNotification 0x7fa063a03ba0 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbEnabledNotification}
04/06/2015 20:29:56.566 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: NC Disabled: NO
04/06/2015 20:29:56.566 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: NC Disabled: NO
04/06/2015 20:29:56.579 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: DND Enabled: YES
04/06/2015 20:29:56.579 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: DND Enabled: YES
04/06/2015 20:29:56.579 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: Updating enabled: NO (Topics: (
04/06/2015 20:29:56.579 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: Updating enabled: NO (Topics: (
04/06/2015 20:31:26.106 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: notification observer: notification: __CFNotification 0x7fbffac14800 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbDisabledNotification}
04/06/2015 20:31:26.106 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: notification observer: notification: __CFNotification 0x7fa061726100 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbDisabledNotification}
04/06/2015 20:31:26.126 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: NC Disabled: NO
04/06/2015 20:31:26.126 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: NC Disabled: NO
04/06/2015 20:31:26.135 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: DND Enabled: NO
04/06/2015 20:31:26.136 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: DND Enabled: NO
04/06/2015 20:31:26.136 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: Updating enabled: YES (Topics: (
04/06/2015 20:31:26.136 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: Updating enabled: YES (Topics: (
04/06/2015 20:31:32.737 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: notification observer: notification: __CFNotification 0x7fa063b200a0 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbEnabledNotification}
04/06/2015 20:31:32.737 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: notification observer: notification: __CFNotification 0x7fbffae44b70 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbEnabledNotification}
04/06/2015 20:31:32.755 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: NC Disabled: NO
04/06/2015 20:31:32.755 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: NC Disabled: NO
04/06/2015 20:31:32.765 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: DND Enabled: YES
04/06/2015 20:31:32.765 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: DND Enabled: YES
04/06/2015 20:31:32.765 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: Updating enabled: NO (Topics: (
04/06/2015 20:31:32.765 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: Updating enabled: NO (Topics: (
04/06/2015 20:32:21.699 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: notification observer: notification: __CFNotification 0x7fbffac0d9c0 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbDisabledNotification}
04/06/2015 20:32:21.699 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: notification observer: notification: __CFNotification 0x7fa063809d50 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbDisabledNotification}
04/06/2015 20:32:21.718 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: NC Disabled: NO
04/06/2015 20:32:21.718 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: NC Disabled: NO
04/06/2015 20:32:21.727 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: DND Enabled: NO
04/06/2015 20:32:21.727 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: DND Enabled: NO
04/06/2015 20:32:21.727 imagent[324]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fbffae14490>: Updating enabled: YES (Topics: (
04/06/2015 20:32:21.727 identityservicesd[310]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fa061629bf0>: Updating enabled: YES (Topics: (
04/06/2015 20:32:23.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff803ae4c4b0) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff803ae4c4b0, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:32:24.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff803ae4cd20) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff803ae4cd20, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:32:38.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff803ae4c5a0) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff803ae4c5a0, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:32:44.000 kernel[0]: process Google Chrome He[925] caught causing excessive wakeups. Observed wakeups rate (per sec): 231; Maximum permitted wakeups rate (per sec): 150; Observation period: 300 seconds; Task lifetime number of wakeups: 45010
04/06/2015 20:35:06.711 QuickLookUIHelper[639]: NSFileSandboxingRequestRelatedItemExtension: an error was received from pboxd instead of a token. Domain: NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code: 1
04/06/2015 20:35:06.711 QuickLookUIHelper[639]: +[NSFileCoordinator addFilePresenter:] could not get a sandbox extension. primaryPresentedItemURL: file:///Users/matt/Dropbox/Media/Video/Home%20Movies/The%20Lads%20-%20This%20is%20Why%20We%20Love%20Them.mp4, presentedItemURL: file:///Users/matt/Dropbox/Media/Video/Home%20Movies/The%20Lads%20-%20This%20is%20Why%20We%20Love%20Them.AAE
04/06/2015 20:35:48.000 kernel[0]: nspace-handler-set-snapshot-time: 1433442950
04/06/2015 20:35:48.085[47]: Set snapshot time: 2015-06-04 19:35:50 +0100 (current time: 2015-06-04 19:35:48 +0100)
04/06/2015 20:36:58.332[1]: (com.citrixonline.GoToMeeting.G2MUpdate[1101]) Service could not initialize: 14D136: xpcproxy + 13421 [1402][E34BADE4-4125-3886-AA5B-08E47BD0E884]: 0x2
04/06/2015 20:37:58.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff8037fe4c30) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff8037fe4c30, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:38:05.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff803ae4c4b0) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff803ae4c4b0, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:38:54.000 kernel[0]: process Google Chrome[226] caught causing excessive wakeups. Observed wakeups rate (per sec): 187; Maximum permitted wakeups rate (per sec): 150; Observation period: 300 seconds; Task lifetime number of wakeups: 80861
04/06/2015 20:40:20.027 ntpd[190]: drift PPM:-31.816 -> -77.507
04/06/2015 20:41:26.767 Pages[229]: Layout still needs update after calling -[NSScrollView layout]. NSScrollView or one of its superclasses may have overridden -layout without calling super. Or, something may have dirtied layout in the middle of updating it. Both are programming errors in Cocoa Autolayout. The former is pretty likely to arise if some pre-Cocoa Autolayout class had a method called layout, but it should be fixed.
04/06/2015 20:41:50.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff803ae4c690) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff803ae4c690, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:42:03.890 CalendarAgent[258]: [] [Refusing to parse response to PROPPATCH because of content-type: [text/html; charset=UTF-8].]
04/06/2015 20:42:04.283 CalendarAgent[258]: [] [Refusing to parse response to PROPPATCH because of content-type: [text/html; charset=UTF-8].]
04/06/2015 20:49:06.000 kernel[0]: en1: Received EAPOL packet (length = 161)
04/06/2015 20:49:06.000 kernel[0]: inputEAPOLFrame: 0 extra bytes present in EAPOL frame.
04/06/2015 20:49:06.000 kernel[0]: inputEAPOLFrame: decrypting key data
04/06/2015 20:49:06.000 kernel[0]: inputEAPOLFrame: Received message 1 of 2
04/06/2015 20:49:06.000 kernel[0]: installGTK: setting cipher key (flags = 0x0)
04/06/2015 20:49:06.000 kernel[0]: GTK-RSC: 00 00 00 00 00 00
04/06/2015 20:49:06.000 kernel[0]: GTK: d7 02 f0 ed 73 03 fe 76 75 01 ad fd f9 0e 0a 69 28 58 e5 0a 31 4b 17 cc d2 4f 64 ab 5c 36 e8 02
04/06/2015 20:49:06.000 kernel[0]: installGTK: GTK installed
04/06/2015 20:54:14.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::scanDone: Scheduling cache purge timer in 30 seconds.
04/06/2015 20:54:19.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Broadcast scan request received from 'airportd' (pid 54) ().
04/06/2015 20:54:19.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::getScanResult: All scan results returned for 'airportd' (pid 54).
04/06/2015 20:54:44.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::cachePurge: clearEntries[0] Firing!
04/06/2015 20:54:44.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::cachePurge: NOT Rescheduling.
04/06/2015 20:54:54.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff8037fe4c30) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff8037fe4c30, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:55:43.774 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 59, ErrLogCount 1 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:43.970 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 58, ErrLogCount 2 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:44.482 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 60, ErrLogCount 3 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:44.867 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 58, ErrLogCount 4 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:45.064 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 58, ErrLogCount 5 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:45.354 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 58, ErrLogCount 6 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:45.575 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 58, ErrLogCount 7 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:45.955 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 58, ErrLogCount 8 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:46.064 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 58, ErrLogCount 9 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:46.453 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 58, ErrLogCount 10 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:46.673 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 58, ErrLogCount 11 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:47.053 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 58, ErrLogCount 12 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:47.160 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 58, ErrLogCount 13 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:47.448 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 58, ErrLogCount 14 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:47.454 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 58, ErrLogCount 15 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:47.773 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 58, ErrLogCount 16 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:48.042 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 17 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:48.145 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 18 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:48.258 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 19 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:48.546 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 20 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:48.546 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 21 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:48.868 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 22 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:49.143 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 23 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:49.243 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 24 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:49.353 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 25 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:49.547 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 26 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:49.645 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 27 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:49.963 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 28 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:50.238 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 29 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:50.336 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 30 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:50.342 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 31 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:50.452 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 32 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:50.640 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 33 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:50.646 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 34 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:51.059 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 35 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:51.336 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 36 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:51.428 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 37 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:51.429 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 38 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:51.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff8043434b40) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff8043434b40, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:55:51.546 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 39 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:51.738 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 40 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:51.739 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 41 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:52.157 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 42 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:52.433 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 43 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:52.434 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 44 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:52.434 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 45 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:52.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff803ae4c690) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff803ae4c690, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:55:52.644 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 46 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:52.738 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 47 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:52.827 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 48 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:53.250 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 49 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:55:53.526 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver UDNS Send(): UDP Sendto() failed to DNSNameServer Port 53 errno 64, fd 57, ErrLogCount 50 ResolverIntf:6
04/06/2015 20:56:14.309[1]: (org.ntp.ntpd) Unknown key for Boolean: ForceEnableHack
04/06/2015 20:56:22.943[1570]: Failed to connect (worldMap) outlet from (GEOCityPickerViewPrivController) to (GEOWorldTimeZoneView): missing setter or instance variable
04/06/2015 20:56:24.067[1]: (org.ntp.ntpd) Unknown key for Boolean: ForceEnableHack
04/06/2015 20:56:26.273[1]: ( The _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
04/06/2015 20:56:32.912 WindowServer[146]: WSGetSurfaceInWindow : Invalid surface 1163205134 for window 341
04/06/2015 20:56:32.912 WindowServer[146]: WSGetSurfaceInWindow : Invalid surface 1163205134 for window 341
04/06/2015 20:56:32.912 WindowServer[146]: WSGetSurfaceInWindow : Invalid surface 1163205134 for window 341
04/06/2015 20:56:33.028[1]: ([1570]) Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9
04/06/2015 20:56:34.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff8043434b40) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff8043434b40, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:56:35.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff803ae4c000) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff803ae4c000, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:56:54.240 matt[1584]: Unable to resolve hostname(s)
04/06/2015 20:57:00.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff8037fe4b40) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff8037fe4b40, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:57:24.423 ntpd[1575]: drift PPM:0.000 -> -31.816
04/06/2015 20:57:44.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff8037fe4c30) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff8037fe4c30, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:57:44.000 kernel[0]: Google Chrome He (map: 0xffffff8037fe4b40) triggered DYLD shared region unnest for map: 0xffffff8037fe4b40, region 0x7fff93c00000->0x7fff93e00000. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
04/06/2015 20:57:49.883[1]: ([1589]) Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in():
04/06/2015 20:57:50.340 Console[1590]: Failed to connect (_consoleX) outlet from (NSApplication) to (ConsoleX): missing setter or instance variable
04/06/2015 20:57:57.913 SpotlightNetHelper[289]: [SLSUGGESTIONS] PRSSearchSession received an error (-1001) while searching
04/06/2015 20:57:57.913 SpotlightNetHelper[289]: [SLSUGGESTIONS] PRSSearchSession received an error (-1001) while searching
04/06/2015 20:57:57.914 SpotlightNetHelper[289]: [SLSUGGESTIONS] PRSSearchSession received an error (-1001) while searching
04/06/2015 20:57:57.914 SpotlightNetHelper[289]: [SLSUGGESTIONS] PRSSearchSession received an error (-1001) while searching
04/06/2015 20:59:35.825 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver Re-Binding to random udp port 59149
04/06/2015 20:59:55.235 discoveryd[78]: Basic DNSResolver Re-Binding to random udp port 53536
04/06/2015 21:02:36.000[1]: ([1631]) Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in():
04/06/2015 21:02:41.948 sandboxd[169]: ([1638]) fontworker(1638) deny file-read-data /Library/Fonts/Serifa/Serifa Black/Serifa Blk BT/..namedfork/rsrc
04/06/2015 21:02:42.018 sandboxd[169]: ([1638]) fontworker(1638) deny file-read-data /Library/Fonts/Serifa/Serifa/Serifa/..namedfork/rsrc
04/06/2015 21:02:42.230 sandboxd[169]: ([1638]) fontworker(1638) deny file-read-data /Library/Fonts/Serifa/Serifa Bold Condensed/Serifa BdCn BT/..namedfork/rsrc
04/06/2015 21:02:42.343 sandboxd[169]: ([1638]) fontworker(1638) deny file-read-data /Library/Fonts/Serifa/Serifa Th BT/Serifa Th BT/..namedfork/rsrc
04/06/2015 21:02:42.571 sandboxd[169]: ([1638]) fontworker(1638) deny file-read-data /Library/Fonts/Serifa/Serifa Lt BT/Serifa Lt BT/..namedfork/rsrc
04/06/2015 21:02:42.761 sandboxd[169]: ([1638]) fontworker(1638) deny file-read-data /Library/Fonts/Serifa/Serifa Rm:Bd BT/Serifa Rm:Bd BT/..namedfork/rsrc
04/06/2015 21:02:50.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Broadcast scan request received from 'system_profiler' (pid 1673) ().
04/06/2015 21:02:50.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Initiating scan.
04/06/2015 21:02:50.000 kernel[0]: IO80211ScanManager::startScan: Scan request failed (82)!
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