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Created June 8, 2017 09:06
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(defn api-call-with-cb [api-call cb]
(go (let [resp (<! (api-call))]
(if (= 200 (:status resp))
(cb (:body resp))
(treat-error resp)))))
(defn api-fetch
([api-call cb] (api-call-with-cb api-call cb))
([api-call] (api-call-without-cb api-call)))
(prn "Items " @items) ;; prints items collection with data in it
(doseq [item @items]
(prn "this is t " item) ;; prints a map (one item of @items collection)
(<! (api-fetch #(get-stuff (:_id item)) ;; chrome dev tools show the request made with :_id param read correctly
(fn [aux]
;; this prints 30, when built with: lein do clean, uberjar
;; print a map item of @item in develpment mode
;; what, how and why is this happening??
(prn "Item in this fn" item)
(reset! rez aux))))))
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