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Created May 6, 2011 15:01
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Multiple cell selection model for the Ext JS grid component.
* Original version by harley.333
* Updated 5/6/2011 by taylorbarstow
* @class Ext.ux.MultiCellSelectionModel
* @extends Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel
* Supports multiple selections and keyboard selection/navigation.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} config
Ext.ux.MultiCellSelectionModel = function(config){
Ext.apply(this, config);
this.selections = [];
this.last = false;
this.lastActive = false;
* @event selectionchange
* Fires when the selection changes
* @param {SelectionModel} this
* @param {Array} selections A multi-dimensional array containing the indices of all selected cells ([[0,0],[1,1]])
* @event beforecellselect
* Fires when a cell is being selected, return false to cancel.
* @param {Ext.ux.MultiCellSelectionModel} this
* @param {Array} cellInfo An array of cell indices ([rowIndex, columnIndex])
* @param {Boolean} keepExisting False if other selections will be cleared
* @event cellselect
* Fires when a cell is selected.
* @param {Ext.ux.MultiCellSelectionModel} this
* @param {Array} cellInfo An array of cell indices ([rowIndex, columnIndex])
* @event celldeselect
* Fires when a cell is deselected.
* @param {Ext.ux.MultiCellSelectionModel} this
* @param {Array} cellInfo An array of cell indices ([rowIndex, columnIndex])
Ext.extend(Ext.ux.MultiCellSelectionModel, Ext.grid.AbstractSelectionModel, {
* @cfg {Boolean} singleSelect
* True to allow selection of only one cell at a time (defaults to false)
singleSelect : false,
* @cfg {Boolean} moveEditorOnEnter
* False to turn off moving the editor to the next cell when the enter key is pressed
// private
initEvents : function(){
if(!this.grid.enableDragDrop && !this.grid.enableDrag){
this.grid.on("cellmousedown", this.handleMouseDown, this);
}else{ // allow click to work like normal
this.grid.on("cellclick", function(grid, rowIndex, columnIndex, e) {
if(e.button === 0 && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey) {
this.selectCell([rowIndex, columnIndex], false);
grid.view.focusCell(rowIndex, columnIndex);
}, this);
this.rowNav = new Ext.KeyNav(this.grid.getGridEl(), {
"up" : function(e) {
if (this.last == false) {
this.selectCell([0, 0]);
} else if (this.lastActive[0] == 0) {
if (!e.shiftKey) {
var row = this.lastActive[0], col = this.lastActive[1];
this.selectCell([row, col]);
this.grid.getView().focusCell(row, col);
} else {
var row, col;
row = this.lastActive[0] - 1;
col = this.lastActive[1];
if (!e.shiftKey) {
this.selectCell([row, col]);
} else {
var last = this.last
this.selectRange(this.last, [row, col]);
this.last = last;
this.grid.getView().focusCell(row, col);
this.lastActive = [row, col];
"down" : function(e) {
if (this.last == false) {
this.selectCell([0, 0]);
} else if (this.lastActive[0] == this.grid.getStore().getCount() - 1) {
if (!e.shiftKey) {
var row = this.lastActive[0], col = this.lastActive[1];
this.selectCell([row, col]);
this.grid.getView().focusCell(row, col);
} else {
var row, col;
row = this.lastActive[0] + 1;
col = this.lastActive[1];
if (!e.shiftKey) {
this.selectCell([row, col]);
} else {
var last = this.last
this.selectRange(this.last, [row, col]);
this.last = last;
this.grid.getView().focusCell(row, col);
this.lastActive = [row, col];
"left" : function(e) {
if (this.last == false) {
this.selectCell([0, 0]);
} else if (this.lastActive[1] == 0) {
if (!e.shiftKey) {
var row = this.lastActive[0], col = this.lastActive[1];
this.selectCell([row, col]);
this.grid.getView().focusCell(row, col);
} else {
var row, col;
row = this.lastActive[0];
col = this.lastActive[1] - 1;
if (!e.shiftKey) {
this.selectCell([row, col]);
} else {
var last = this.last
this.selectRange(this.last, [row, col]);
this.last = last;
this.grid.getView().focusCell(row, col);
this.lastActive = [row, col];
"right" : function(e) {
if (this.last == false) {
this.selectCell([0, 0]);
} else if (this.lastActive[1] == this.grid.getColumnModel().getColumnCount() - 1) {
if (!e.shiftKey) {
var row = this.lastActive[0], col = this.lastActive[1];
this.selectCell([row, col]);
this.grid.getView().focusCell(row, col);
} else {
var row, col;
row = this.lastActive[0];
col = this.lastActive[1] + 1;
if (!e.shiftKey) {
this.selectCell([row, col]);
} else {
var last = this.last
this.selectRange(this.last, [row, col]);
this.last = last;
this.grid.getView().focusCell(row, col);
this.lastActive = [row, col];
scope: this
var view = this.grid.view;
view.on("refresh", this.onRefresh, this);
view.on("rowremoved", this.onRemove, this);
// private
onRefresh : function(){
// private
onRemove : function(v, index, r){
this.deselectRange([index, 0], [index, this.grid.getColumnModel().getColumnCount()]);
* Gets the number of selected cells.
* @return {Number}
getCount : function(){
return this.selections.length;
* Selects the cell to the right of the last selected cell.
* @param {Boolean} keepExisting (optional) True to keep existing selections
* @return {Boolean} True if selection is successful, else false
selectRight : function(keepExisting){
var row, col = this.last[1];
if (col == this.grid.getColumnModel().getColumnCount() - 1) {
row = this.last[0] + 1;
col = 0;
} else {
row = this.last[0];
col += 1;
this.selectCell([row, col], keepExisting);
this.grid.getView().focusCell(this.last[0], this.last[1]);
return true;
return false;
* Selects the cell underneath the last selected cell.
* @param {Boolean} keepExisting (optional) True to keep existing selections
* @return {Boolean} True if selection is successful, else false
selectDown : function(keepExisting) {
var r, cols = this.grid.getColumnModel().getColumnCount();
for (var i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
r = this.selectRight(keepExisting);
if (!r) break;
return r;
* Selects the cell above the last selected cell.
* @param {Boolean} keepExisting (optional) True to keep existing selections
* @return {Boolean} True if selection is successful, else false
selectUp : function(keepExisting) {
var r, cols = this.grid.getColumnModel().getColumnCount();
for (var i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
r = this.selectLeft(keepExisting);
if (!r) break;
return r;
* Selects the cell to the left of the last selected cell.
* @param {Boolean} keepExisting (optional) True to keep existing selections
* @return {Boolean} True if selection is successful, else false
selectLeft : function(keepExisting) {
if (this.hasPrevious()) {
var row, col = this.last[1];
if (col == 0) {
row = this.last[0] - 1;
col = this.grid.getColumnModel().getColumnCount() - 1;
} else {
row = this.last[0];
col -= 1;
this.selectCell([row, col], keepExisting);
this.grid.getView().focusCell(this.last[0], this.last[1]);
return true;
return false;
* Returns true if there is a next cell to select
* @return {Boolean}
hasNext : function() {
return this.last !== false && ((this.last[0] + 1) < || (this.last[1] + 1) < this.grid.getColumnModel().getColumnCount());
* Returns true if there is a previous cell to select
* @return {Boolean}
hasPrevious : function(){
return this.last !== false && (this.last[0] != 0 || this.last[1] != 0);
* Returns the selected cell indices
* @return {Array} Array of cell indices ([rowIndex, columnIndex])
getSelections : function() {
return [].concat(this.selections);
* Returns the first selected cell index.
* @return {Array} An array containing the row and column indexes of the first selected cell, or null if none selected.
getSelectedCell : function() {
return this.selections.length > 0 ? [].concat(this.selections[0]) : null;
* Calls the passed function with each selection. If the function returns false, iteration is
* stopped and this function returns false. Otherwise it returns true.
* @param {Function} fn
* @param {Object} scope (optional)
* @return {Boolean} true if all selections were iterated
each : function(fn, scope) {
var s = this.getSelections();
for (var i = 0, len = s.length; i < len; i++) {
if ( || this, s[i], i) === false) {
return false;
return true;
* Clears all selections.
clearSelections : function(){
if(this.locked) return;
for (var i = this.selections.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
this.selections = [];
this.last = false;
* Selects all cells.
selectAll : function(){
if(this.locked) return;
this.selections = [];
var row, col;
var rowCount = this.grid.GetStore().getCount()
var colCount = this.grid.GetColumnModel().getColumnCount()
for(row = 0; row < rowCount; row++){
for(col = 0; col < colCount; col++){
this.selectCell([row, cell], true);
* Returns True if there is a selection.
* @return {Boolean}
hasSelection : function(){
return this.selections.length > 0;
* Returns True if the specified cell is selected.
* @param {Array/Record} record The cell-index ([rowIndex, columnIndex]) to check
* @return {Boolean}
isSelected : function(index){
var s = this.selections;
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (s[i][0] == index[0] && s[i][1] == index[1]) {
return true;
return false;
// private
handleMouseDown : function(g, rowIndex, columnIndex, e){
if(e.button !== 0 || this.isLocked()){
var view = this.grid.getView();
if(e.shiftKey && this.last !== false){
var last = this.last;
this.selectRange(last, [rowIndex, columnIndex], e.ctrlKey);
this.last = last; // reset the last
this.lastActive = [rowIndex, columnIndex];
view.focusCell(rowIndex, columnIndex);
var isSelected = this.isSelected([rowIndex, columnIndex]);
if(e.ctrlKey && isSelected){
this.deselectCell([rowIndex, columnIndex]);
}else if(!isSelected || this.getCount() > 1){
this.selectCell([rowIndex, columnIndex], e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey);
view.focusCell(rowIndex, columnIndex);
* Selects multiple cells.
* @param {Array} cells Array of the indices ([rowIndex, columnIndex]) of the cells to select
* @param {Boolean} keepExisting (optional) True to keep existing selections (defaults to false)
selectCells : function(cells, keepExisting){
for(var i = 0, len = cells.length; i < len; i++){
this.selectCell(cells[i], true);
* Selects a range of cells. All cells in between startCell and endCell are also selected.
* @param {Array} startCell The index of the first cell ([rowIndex, columnIndex]) in the range
* @param {Array} endCell The index of the last cell ([rowIndex, columnIndex]) in the range
* @param {Boolean} keepExisting (optional) True to retain existing selections
selectRange : function(startCell, endCell, keepExisting){
if(this.locked) return;
var row, col, colCount;
var startRow = startCell[0];
var startCol = startCell[1];
var endRow = endCell[0];
var endCol = endCell[1];
if (endRow < startRow) {
// flip 'em
row = endRow;
endRow = startRow;
startRow = row;
if (endCol < startCol) {
// flip 'em
col = endCol;
endCol = startCol;
startCol = col;
for (row = startRow; row <= endRow; row++) {
for (col = startCol; col <= endCol; col++) {
this.selectCell([row, col], true);
* Deselects a range of cells. All cells in between startCell and endCell are also deselected.
* @param {Array} startCell The index of the first cell ([rowIndex, columnIndex]) in the range
* @param {Array} endCell The index of the last cell ([rowIndex, columnIndex]) in the range
deselectRange : function(startCell, endCell, preventViewNotify) {
if(this.locked) return;
var row, col, colCount;
var startRow = startCell[0];
var startCol = startCell[1];
var endRow = endCell[0];
var endCol = endCell[1];
if (endRow < startRow) {
// flip 'em
row = endRow;
endRow = startRow;
startRow = row;
if (endCol < startCol) {
// flip 'em
col = endCol;
endCol = startCol;
startCol = col;
for (row = startRow; row <= endRow; row++) {
for (col = startCol; col <= endCol; col++) {
this.deselectCell([row, col], preventViewNotify);
* Selects a cell.
* @param {Array} cell The index of the cell ([rowIndex, columnIndex]) to select
* @param {Boolean} keepExisting (optional) True to keep existing selections
selectCell : function(index, keepExisting, preventViewNotify){
if (this.locked) return;
if (this.isSelected(index)) return;
var row = index[0];
var col = index[1];
if (row < 0 || row >= return;
if (col < 0 || col >= this.grid.getColumnModel().getColumnCount()) return;
if (this.fireEvent("beforecellselect", this, index, keepExisting) !== false) {
if (!keepExisting || this.singleSelect) {
this.last = this.lastActive = index;
if(!preventViewNotify) {
this.grid.getView().onCellSelect(row, col);
this.fireEvent("cellselect", this, index);
this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this, [].concat(this.selections));
* Deselects a cell.
* @param {Array} cell The index of the cell ([rowIndex, columnIndex]) to deselect
deselectCell : function(index, preventViewNotify){
if (this.locked) return;
if (this.last[0] == index[0] && this.last[1] == index[1]) {
this.last = false;
if (this.lastActive[0] == index[0] && this.lastActive[1] == index[1]) {
this.lastActive = false;
var s = this.selections;
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (s[i][0] == index[0] && s[i][1] == index[1]) {
if (!preventViewNotify) {
this.grid.getView().onCellDeselect(index[0], index[1]);
this.fireEvent("celldeselect", this, index);
this.fireEvent("selectionchange", [].concat(this.selections));
// private
acceptsNav : function(row, col, cm){
return !cm.isHidden(col) && cm.isCellEditable(col, row);
// private
onEditorKey : function(field, e){
var k = e.getKey(), newCell, g = this.grid, ed = g.activeEditor;
var shift = e.shiftKey;
if (k == e.TAB || k == e.ENTER) {
var row, col, delta = shift ? -1 : 1;
if (k == e.TAB) {
newCell = g.walkCells(ed.row, ed.col+delta, delta, this.acceptsNav, this);
} else {
newCell = g.walkCells(ed.row+delta, ed.col, delta, this.acceptsNav, this);
if (newCell) {
g.startEditing(newCell[0], newCell[1]);
} else {
this.selectCell([ed.row, ed.col]);
g.getView().focusCell(ed.row, ed.col);
} else if (k == e.ESC) {
this.selectCell([ed.row, ed.col]);
g.getView().focusCell(ed.row, ed.col);
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