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Created May 19, 2011 11:13
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namespace Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument,
use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\Executor\ORMExecutor;
use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\Purger\ORMPurger;
use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\Loader as DataFixturesLoader;
use InvalidArgumentException;
class DataFixturesCommand extends Console\Command\Command
* @see Console\Command\Command
protected function configure()
->setDescription('Load data fixtures to your database.')
->addOption('fixtures', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL | InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'The directory or file to load data fixtures from.')
->addOption('append', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Append the data fixtures instead of flushing the database first.')
->addOption('em', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The entity manager to use for this command.')
The <info>doctrine:fixtures:load</info> command loads data fixtures from your bundles:
<info>./app/console doctrine:fixtures:load</info>
You can also optionally specify the path to fixtures with the <info>--fixtures</info> option:
<info>./app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --fixtures=/path/to/fixtures1 --fixtures=/path/to/fixtures2</info>
If you want to append the fixtures instead of flushing the database first you can use the <info>--append</info> option:
<info>./app/console doctrine:fixtures:load --append</info>
* @see Console\Command\Command
protected function execute(Console\Input\InputInterface $input, Console\Output\OutputInterface $output)
$em = $this->getHelper('em')->getEntityManager();
$dirOrFile = $input->getOption('fixtures');
if ($dirOrFile) {
$paths = is_array($dirOrFile) ? $dirOrFile : array($dirOrFile);
if (!$paths) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf('You must specify fixtures path')
$loader = new DataFixturesLoader($this->container);
foreach ($paths as $path) {
if (is_dir($path)) {
$fixtures = $loader->getFixtures();
if (!$fixtures) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
sprintf('Could not find any fixtures to load in: %s', "\n\n- ".implode("\n- ", $paths))
$purger = new ORMPurger($em);
$executor = new ORMExecutor($em, $purger);
$executor->setLogger(function($message) use ($output) {
$output->writeln(sprintf(' <comment>></comment> <info>%s</info>', $message));
$executor->execute($fixtures, $input->getOption('append'));
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