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Created March 29, 2014 12:13
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%Start, font settings, packages
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\usepackage[top=3cm, bottom=3.5cm, outer=4cm, inner=4cm, marginparsep=0.7cm, marginparwidth=1.5cm]{geometry}
\setmathrm{Times New Roman}
\setmathsf{Times New Roman}
\setmathtt{Times New Roman}
\setboldmathrm[BoldFont={Optima ExtraBlack}]{Optima Bold}
\setromanfont{Times New Roman}
\setsansfont{Times New Roman}
\newfontfamily{\mapu}{Arial Unicode MS}
\newfontfamily{\Ar}{Geeza Pro}
\newfontfamily{\Ja}{MS Mincho}
\newfontfamily{\Ru}{Times New Roman}
\newfontfamily{\Gr}{Times New Roman}
\newfontfamily{\He}{Times New Roman}
\newfontfamily{\Ind}{Devanagari MT}
\newfontfamily{\Mal}{Malayalam MN}
\newfontfamily{\Sinh}{Free Sans}
\newfontfamily{\Thai}{Free Serif}
\newcommand{\€}{\Gr{ }}
%All-notes commands
%%Greek letters
\newcommand{\luneps}{\epsilon}%Apparently there is no difference between varepsilon and epsilon which IS strange as I had seen it before.
%A good scaling for Greek CAPS is 0.96.
%%Mathbb letters
\newcommand{\A}{\mathbb A}
\let\stroke\B %
\renewcommand{\B}{\mathbb B}
\let\undefined\C %
\renewcommand{\C}{\mathbb C}
\newcommand{\D}{\mathbb D}
\newcommand{\E}{\mathbb E}
\newcommand{\F}{\mathbb F}
\let\dgrave\G %
\renewcommand{\G}{\mathbb G}
\let\dacute\H %
\renewcommand{\H}{\mathbb H}
\newcommand{\I}{\mathbb I}
\newcommand{\J}{\mathbb J}
\newcommand{\K}{\mathbb K}
\let\strL\L %
\renewcommand{\L}{\mathbb L}
\let\ogon\M %
\renewcommand{\M}{\mathbb M}
\newcommand{\N}{\mathbb N}
\let\barO\O %
\renewcommand{\O}{\mathbb O}
\let\lfchar\P %
\renewcommand{\P}{\mathbb P}
\newcommand{\Q}{\mathbb Q}
\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}
\let\parmark\S %
\renewcommand{\S}{\mathbb S}
\let\txtilde\~ %
\newcommand{\tildehook}[1]{\txtilde{\m{#1}}} % the old value of \T is \~{\m, where \~ was formerly a tilde (whence the \let above) and \m is a hook. Of course, \let\tildehook\T won't work as I subsequently rename \~ to be \sim, making \T invalid in both text and math mode, being \m invalid in math mode and \~ (\sim) invalid in text mode. This explains the \newcommand here instead of \let.
\renewcommand{\T}{\mathbb T} %
\let\dvertabove\U %
\renewcommand{\U}{\mathbb U}
\newcommand{\V}{\mathbb V}
\newcommand{\W}{\mathbb W}
\newcommand{\X}{\mathbb X}
\newcommand{\Y}{\mathbb Y}
\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb Z}
%%Set theory
\newcommand{\nin}{\!\not \in\!}
\newcommand{\nni}{\!\not \ni\!}
%%General Maths
%%%[Fractions and similar
\newcommand{\Der}[2][]{\fr{\dd #1}{\dd #2}}
\newcommand{\pDer}[2][]{\fr{\pd #1}{\pd #2}}
%%%[Relational Operators and other undeclared Operators
\newcommand{\xlim}[1]{\underset{\mcl{\dsi{\ssst #1}}}{\lim}}
\newcommand{\xsup}[1]{\underset{\mcl{\dsi{\ssst #1}}}{\sup}}
\newcommand{\xinf}[1]{\underset{\mcl{\dsi{\ssst #1}}}{\inf}}
\LetLtxMacro{\oldsqrt}{\sqrt} % makes all sqrts closed
\renewcommand{\sqrt}[1][\ ]{%
\setbox2=\hbox{\vrule height\ht0 depth -\dimen0}%
%%%[Arrows above, below and beside
%%%[Logical symbols and quantifiers
\newcommand{\cl}[2]{[ #1 ]_#2}
%%%[Display modifiers
%%%[Accents and dots
\scb{10}[1]{$\mat{cccc}#1&#2&#3&#4\\\emat$} \\%
\scb{10}[1]{$\mat{l}#5\\#6\\#7\\\emat$}\scb{10}[1]{\hsp{0.3cm}} & \scb{0.625}[0.0625]{$\mat{l}\\\scalebox{48}[48]{$^{#8}$\hsp{0.2cm}}\\\emat$}\\%
\emat$}} %Makes a block matrix much like the A at the beginning of page 62, with parameters #1 through #4 in the line vector which is the first line of the matrix, parameters #5 through #7 in the column vector which contains the three v^i in that A, and parameter #8 in the place of the maxi R of that A. It is advisable to use parameters similar to that of the A matrix above mentioned, because using parameters wider that those of that matrix may cause decentering and an ugly resulting output of the matrix.
%%Footnotes and associated
%%Text sectioning, lists
{\left \lbrace \begin{array}{@{}l@{}}}%l
\newtheorem{esecasa}{Esercizio svolto da me}[chapter]
\newtheorem{esecasab}{Esercizio svolto da me}[section]
\newtheorem{eseese}{Esercizio Masieriano}[section]% to be adapted to the notes' subject, naturally
%%Graphic scalings
\newcommand{\ta}[2]{\scbtt{$\left.\begin{array}{c} \scbt{$#1$} \\ \scbt{$#2$} \\ \end{array}\right.$}}
%%Text positioning
\newcommand{\bk}{\Gr{ }}
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