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/Main.cpp Secret

Created July 22, 2015 19:25
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#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <thread>
#include <conio.h>
class Map
void Draw()
std::stringstream frame;
for (int y = 0; y < 16; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x)
frame << map[x][y];
frame << "\n";
std::cout << frame.str();
char GetBlock(int x, int y)
return map[x][y];
void SetBlock(char character, int x, int y)
map[x][y] = character;
void Reset()
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
map[x].fill(' ');
std::array<std::array<char, 16>, 16> map;
class Player
int GetPositionX()
return position[0];
void SetPositionX(int newPosition)
position[0] = newPosition;
int GetPositionY()
return position[1];
void SetPositionY(int newPosition)
position[1] = newPosition;
int GetHealth()
return health;
void SetHealth(int newHealth)
health = newHealth;
int GetMetadata()
return metadata;
void SetMetadata(int newMetadata)
metadata = newMetadata;
int position[2] = {0, 2};
int health = 100;
int metadata = 0;
bool HandlePlayerMovements(Map& map, Player& player)
if (kbhit())
char key = getch();
if (key == 'w')
if (player.GetPositionY() > 2)
if (map.GetBlock(player.GetPositionX(), player.GetPositionY() + 1) != ' ')
if (map.GetBlock(player.GetPositionX(), (player.GetPositionY() - 1)) == ' ' && map.GetBlock(player.GetPositionX(), (player.GetPositionY() - 2)) == ' ')
player.SetPositionY((player.GetPositionY() - 2));
if (key == 'a')
if (player.GetPositionX() > 0)
player.SetPositionX((player.GetPositionX() - 1));
if (key == 's')
if (player.GetPositionY() < 15)
player.SetPositionY((player.GetPositionY() + 1));
if (key == 'd')
if (player.GetPositionX() < 15)
player.SetPositionX((player.GetPositionX() + 1));
if (key == 'q') // Sneaking in that close key
return true;
return false;
void Gravity(Map& map, Player& player)
if (player.GetPositionY() < 15)
if (map.GetBlock(player.GetPositionX(), (player.GetPositionY() + 1)) == ' ')
player.SetPositionY(player.GetPositionY() + 1);
void Loop()
while (true)
static Map map;
static Player player;
static long int refreshRate = 100;
static int frameCount = 0;
if (frameCount % 2 == 0)
Gravity(map, player);
map.SetBlock('X', player.GetPositionX(), player.GetPositionY());
map.SetBlock('=', 4, 13); map.SetBlock('=', 5, 13); map.SetBlock('=', 6, 13); map.SetBlock('=', 7, 13); map.SetBlock('=', 8, 13); map.SetBlock('=', 10, 14); map.SetBlock('=', 11, 14);
// Look at that fancy hardcoded map ^
std::cout << "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" << std::endl; // Photo-realistic spikes, I know.
std::cout << "\nUse WASD for movement\nPress Q to quit" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\nX: " << player.GetPositionX() << " " << "Y: " << (-(player.GetPositionY()) + 15) << std::endl;
std::cout << "\nWatch out for the spikes below!" << std::endl;
if (HandlePlayerMovements(map, player))
if (player.GetPositionY() > 14)
std::cout << "You fell to your death. Game over!" << std::endl;
int main()
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