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Created July 9, 2017 23:12
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Searchscope subtree power shell

File: Download Searchscope subtree power shell

powershell search active directory for user
powershell ldap bind
get-aduser searchscope
powershell query ldap server
powershell active directory commands
powershell ldap query user attributes
powershell directorysearcher
powershell get ad user attributes



I have a powershell script that searches an OU structure in Active like this: Get-ADComputer –SearchBase $OU –SearchScope SubTree – 24 Feb 2012 This is the default – also known as a SubTree search i.e. it searches all children Get-ADUser -ResultSetSize 3000 -SearchBase $ou -SearchScope Base -Filter * | This entry was posted in PowerShell and Active Directory. I'm looking for a powershell script that will get me: 1) the name of the OU's, and .. get-aduser -filter * -SearchBase $ou -SearchScope Subtree. The Filter parameter uses the PowerShell Expression Language to write query . -LDAPFilter "(name=sara*)" -SearchScope Subtree -SearchBase "DC=NA By the way, setting the SearchScope to Subtree is half the equation for searching only an OU and its child OUs; the other half is to create a DirectoryEntry object [blockquote]Get-ADUser -SearchScope Base -SearchBase OneLevel should look in the Sub-OUs of Test, SubTree digs all the way down. If I understand you correctly, you need to use -SearchBase: Get-ADUser in accounts? powershell active-directory -SearchScope Subtree. If you want to search a specific OU, you can set it as the root of your searcher object: SearchScope = "SubTree". Unless you override the Syntax Get-ADUser -Filter string [-ResultPageSize int] [-ResultSetSize int32] [-SearchBase string] [-SearchScope {Base | OneLevel | Subtree}] [-SearchScope

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