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Created March 18, 2018 16:45
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// MissionHack_2018 Contract
contract Colonizer {
enum HabitantState { offline, online, archieved }
enum AssetType { Residential, Industrial, Agricultural, Community, Other }
struct Habitant {
string fullName;
string username;
HabitantState status;
bytes32 passwordhash;
uint256 penaltyScore;
string colony;
address[] relatives;
struct Asset {
address owner;
uint256 value;
bool valid;
bool onSale;
AssetType assetType;
string description;
string longitude;
string latitude;
struct ColonyLaw {
bool valid;
uint256 vote;
string title;
string description;
string colony;
uint256 public assetCount;
uint256 public habitantCount;
uint256 public colonyLawCount;
bytes32[] colonyLawKeys;
bytes32[] assetKeys;
address[] habitantKeys;
// Mapping Storage
mapping (bytes32 => ColonyLaw) colonylawStorage; //
mapping (bytes32 => Asset) assetsStorage; // store assetsStorage registered
mapping (address => Habitant) habitantsStorage; // store user by address
// Events
event ProposalEvent(bytes32 id, string title, string proposal);
// Function Modifiers
modifier habitantOnline() { require(habitantsStorage[msg.sender].status ==;_; }
modifier assetValid(bytes32 _id) { require(assetsStorage[_id].valid);_; }
modifier isAssetOwner(bytes32 _id) { require(assetsStorage[_id].owner == msg.sender);_; }
modifier isProposalValid(bytes32 _id) { require(colonylawStorage[_id].valid);_; }
function broadcastProposal(string _title, string _proposal) public {
bytes32 _key = keccak256(_title, _proposal);
Habitant memory caller = habitantsStorage[msg.sender];
colonylawStorage[_key] = ColonyLaw(true, 0, _title, _proposal, caller.colony);
ProposalEvent(_key, _title, _proposal);
function callVote(bytes32 _proposalId, bool vote) public isProposalValid(_proposalId) {
if (vote) { colonylawStorage[_proposalId].vote++; }
else { colonylawStorage[_proposalId].vote++; }
function getProposalByID(bytes32 _id) public view isProposalValid(_id) returns(uint256 vote, string title) {
return(colonylawStorage[_id].vote, colonylawStorage[_id].title);
function getMyDetails() public view habitantOnline
returns(string fullName, string username, uint256 penaltyScore, string colony)
Habitant memory habitant = habitantsStorage[msg.sender];
return(habitant.fullName, habitant.username, habitant.penaltyScore, habitant.colony);
function registerHabitant (string fullname, string username, string password, string colony) public {
bytes32 passwordhash = keccak256(username, password);
habitantsStorage[msg.sender] = Habitant(fullname, username,, passwordhash, 0, colony, new address[](0));
function deRegister (string username, string password) public {
bytes32 passwordhash = keccak256(username, password);
Habitant storage habitant = habitantsStorage[msg.sender];
if (habitant.passwordhash == passwordhash) {
habitant.status = HabitantState.archieved;
function getHabitantByIndex(uint256 _index) public view returns(string fullname, uint256 penaltyScore, string colony) {
require(_index >= 0 && _index < habitantKeys.length);
address _key = habitantKeys[_index];
Habitant memory habitant = habitantsStorage[_key];
return(habitant.fullName, habitant.penaltyScore, habitant.colony);
function getCurrentState () public view returns (HabitantState) {
return habitantsStorage[msg.sender].status;
//-- Private Helper Functions for Asset -- //
function getAssetTypeFromIndex(uint256 _index) pure private returns (AssetType) {
if (_index == 0) { return AssetType.Residential; }
else if (_index == 1) { return AssetType.Industrial; }
else if (_index == 2) { return AssetType.Agricultural; }
else if (_index == 3) { return AssetType.Community; }
else { return AssetType.Other; }
function convertAssetTypeToString(AssetType _type) pure private returns (string) {
if (_type == AssetType.Residential) return('Residential');
else if (_type == AssetType.Industrial) return('Industrial');
else if (_type == AssetType.Agricultural) return('Agricultural');
else if (_type == AssetType.Community) return('Community');
else return('Other');
//-- end --//
function registerAsset(uint256 _value, string _description, uint256 _assetType, string _longitude, string _latitude)
public habitantOnline {
var assetId = keccak256(_assetType, _longitude, _latitude);
AssetType assetType = getAssetTypeFromIndex(_assetType);
assetsStorage[assetId] = Asset({
owner: msg.sender,
value: _value,
valid: true,
onSale: false,
description: _description,
assetType: assetType,
longitude: _longitude,
latitude: _latitude
function buyAsset(bytes32 _assetId) public payable assetValid(_assetId) {
Asset storage currentAsset = assetsStorage[_assetId];
require(currentAsset.owner != msg.sender);
require(msg.value >= currentAsset.value);
currentAsset.owner = msg.sender;
currentAsset.onSale = false;
function sellAsset(bytes32 _assetId, uint256 _value) public assetValid(_assetId) isAssetOwner(_assetId) {
Asset storage currentAsset = assetsStorage[_assetId];
require(currentAsset.owner == msg.sender);
currentAsset.onSale = true;
currentAsset.value = _value;
function delistAsset(bytes32 _assetId) public assetValid(_assetId) isAssetOwner(_assetId) {
assetsStorage[_assetId].onSale = false;
function getAssetByIndex(uint256 _index) public view returns(
bytes32 assetId, string ownerUsername, string colony, uint256 value, bool onSale,
string assetType, string description, string longitude, string latitude
require(_index >= 0 && _index < assetKeys.length);
bytes32 _key = assetKeys[_index];
Asset memory asset = assetsStorage[_key];
Habitant memory owner = habitantsStorage[asset.owner];
_key, owner.username, owner.colony, asset.value, asset.onSale,
convertAssetTypeToString(asset.assetType), asset.description, asset.longitude, asset.latitude
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