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Responsive Grid Layout With Famous-Angular
<body ng-app="App">
<fa-app class="full-screen" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<fa-scroll-view fa-pipe-from="scrollHandler">
<fa-modifier fa-size="getScrollerSize()">
<fa-container-surface fa-pipe-to="scrollHandler">
<fa-grid-layout fa-options="getGridOptions()">
<fa-view ng-repeat="brick in bricks">
<fa-modifier fa-size="getBrickSize()" fa-origin="[.5, .5]" fa-align="[.5, .5]">
<fa-surface fa-background-color="brick.color">

Responsive Grid Layout With Famous-Angular ('-' * 42) An example shows how to implement responsive grid layout by built-in fa-grid-layout with famous-angular.

A Pen by Johnson Chou on CodePen.


var app = angular.module('App', ['famous.angular']);
app.controller('MainCtrl', [
function ($scope, $famous, $window) {
var Engine = $famous['famous/core/Engine'];
var EventHandler = $famous['famous/core/EventHandler'];
var _brickNum = 100;
var _dimensions = _calcDims($window.innerWidth);
var _brickSize = [250, 250];
$scope.scrollHandler = new EventHandler();
Engine.on('resize', function () {
_dimensions = _calcDims($window.innerWidth)
function _calcColNum(width) {
if (width < 768)
return 1;
else if (width > 769 && width < 1023)
return 3;
return 4;
function _calcDims(width) {
var _colNum = _calcColNum(width);
var _rowNum = _brickNum / _colNum;
return [_colNum, _rowNum];
$scope.bricks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < _brickNum; i++) {
$scope.bricks[i] = {
color: 'hsl(' + (i * 40) + ', 60%, 50%)'
$scope.getBrickSize = function () {
return _brickSize;
$scope.getGridOptions = function () {
return {
dimensions: _dimensions
$scope.getScrollerSize = function () {
var _height = (_brickSize[1] + 50) * _dimensions[1];
return [undefined, _height];
.full-screen {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
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