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Created April 30, 2017 16:56
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# set directory
### load the data for pressure, humidity, solar radiation, temperature, wind direction, wind speed
barpres <- read.table("barometric pressure.csv", header=FALSE,sep=",")
hum = read.table("humidity.csv", header=FALSE,sep=",")
solra= read.table("solar radiation.csv", header=FALSE,sep=",")
temp = read.table("temperature.csv", header=FALSE,sep=",")
winddir = read.table("wind direction in degrees.csv", header=FALSE,sep=",")
windspeed = read.table("wind speed.csv", header=FALSE,sep=",")
sunrise = read.table("sunrise.csv", header=FALSE,sep=",")
sunset = read.table("sunset.csv", header=FALSE,sep=",")
# create a data frame of the data with common unixtime, date, local time
dfmain = data.frame(barpres[,1:5], hum[,5],solra[,5], temp[,5],winddir[,5],windspeed[,5])
dfmain = dfmain[,2:10]
dfsuntimes = data.frame(sunrise[,2:5],sunset[,5])
# create the column names for our data
colnames(dfmain) = c("unixtime", "date", "localtime", "bar. pressure", "humidity","sol. radiation","temperature","wind direction", "wind speed")
colnames(dfsuntimes) = c("unixtime", "date", "localtime","sunrise","sunset")
### find the number of observations per day
# u finds the unique dates in the column called date
u = unique(dfmain[,2])
#dim(dfmain[dfmain$date == "2016-09-29",])[1]
# calculating the daily energy outcome by finding unique days
for (dt in u)
x = dfmain[dfmain$date == dt,]
avrt = 0
for( i in 1:(dim(x)[1]-1))
delt = 72*x[i,6] * (x[i+1,1] - x[i,1])/(3600)
tot[1] = (tot[1] + delt*0.1)
tot[2] = (tot[2] + delt*0.08)
tot[3] = (tot[3] + delt*0.12)
dfdays=(rbind(dfdays, c(dt,tot[1],tot[2],tot[3])))
# extract the first row of zeros
dfdays = dfdays[-1,]
#plot the daily energy outcome
plot(dfdays[,2],type = "b", xlab = "Index", ylab = "Daily total energy / J", cex.lab = 1.25, col = "darkblue",bg = "lightblue", pch = 21)
#### do EVT in the minima (which we have negated to have as maxima)
# turn the energy values into numeric
dat = as.numeric(dfdays[,2])
dfweek = rep(0, floor(length(dat)/7))
#block the data into weeks and extract the weekly maxima
for(j in 1:floor(length(dat)/7))
wk = dat[(7*(j-1)):(7*j)]
dfweek[j] = max(wk);
# plot maxima per week
plot(dfweek,type = "b", xlab = "Week", ylab = "Maximum daily total energy / J", cex.lab = 1.25, col = "darkblue",bg = "lightblue", pch = 21)
# perform the EVT analysis using package ismev
A =
#diagnostic plots
# perform EVT analysis using package extremes
fitweeks = fevd(dfweek,units = "joules")
# diagnostic plots
# Plots of the likelihood and its gradient for each parameter (holding the other parameters fixed
# ath their MLE estimates)
# parameter estimates and their CIs
ci(fitweeks,type = "parameter")
## the two-year return level corresponds to the median of the GEV
# return levels and their CIs
return.level(fitweeks, = TRUE)
# return levels and their CIs for a given period of 2,3,4,5 years
ci(fitweeks,return.period = c(2,3,4,5))
#There are two ways we can test about the Gumbel hypothesis. The easiest is to use
# the following line of code which gives CI for each parameter estimate (default used below gives the 95% CI) which
#reveals that we reject the null hypothesis of a light tailed df in favour of the upper bounded type.
# our previous shape estimate is too close to zero so fit Gumbel and then compare models.
fitweeksgumb= fevd(dfweek,type= "Gumbel", units = "joules")
#summary of model
#diagnostic plots
# trace from model
#return levels for Gumbel model
#return levels for Gumbel model and their CIs
return.level(fitweeksgumb, = TRUE)
#parameter estimates for Gumbel model and their CIs
ci(fitweeksgumb,type = "parameter")
#return levels for Gumbel model for given periods of time
ci(fitweeksgumb,return.period = c(2,3,4,5))
## use likel. test to find which of the two models is favoured.Since p>a then do not reject the null (Gumbel)
# The results of the test provide do not support for rejecting the null hypothesis
# of the Gumbel.
lr.test(fitweeksgumb, fitweeks)
# calculate the probabilities of having energies less
pextRemes(fitweeksgumb, q = c(-10000,0), lower.tail = FALSE)
############################## TRYING WITH EXCESSES
# turn days into numerical
days = as.numeric(dfdays[,2])
#choose threshold for our excesses
# confirm the above chosen threshold
threshrange.plot(days, r = c(-60000,-20000), nint = 50)
# fit a generalised Pareto distribution on the excesses
fitD = fevd(days, threshold = -35000, type = "GP", time.units = "days")
ci(fitD,type = "parameter")
ci(fitD,return.period = c(2,3,4,5))
fitexp = fevd(days,threshold = -35000, type = "Exponential", time.units = "days", verbose = TRUE)
#fit it with package ismev
test=,threshold=-35000, npy = 120, show=TRUE)
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