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Created January 4, 2013 18:59
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Activate STM framework nested entity list problem.
package net.fwbrasil.activate.entity
import org.specs2.mutable._
import org.junit.runner._
import org.specs2.runner._
import net.fwbrasil.activate.ActivateTest
import net.fwbrasil.activate.ActivateContext
class NestedEntitySpecs extends ActivateTest {
object Context extends ActivateContext {
val storage = new TransientMemoryStorage
import Context._
// Embedded entities:
class Box(var contains: List[Num] = Nil) extends Entity {
def add(n: Int) { contains = new Num(this, n) :: contains }
class Num(
val container: Box,
var num: Int
) extends Entity
// Embedded IDs:
class IdBox(var containsIds: List[String] = Nil) extends Entity {
def contains = containsIds.foldLeft(List[IdNum]())((acc,id) => byId[IdNum](id) match {
case Some(s) => s :: acc
case None => acc
def add(n: Int) = {
val newNum = new IdNum(, n)
containsIds = :: containsIds
class IdNum(
val containerId: String,
var num: Int
) extends Entity {
def container = byId[IdBox](containerId).get
"Nested entities" should {
"Not break when nesting IDs" in transactional {
val box = new IdBox
val nums = (1 to 10).map(box.add(_))
box.contains === nums.reverse
"Not break when nesting entities" in transactional {
val box = new Box
val nums = (1 to 10).map(box.add(_))
// These each throw a different exception:
box.contains === nums.reverse
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